post switch ports you want
Post switch ports you want
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*eats shit and sips s o y*
I have a feeling this will happen someday
The Banjo duology. That could totally happen right? At the very least it's more plausible than a full fledged sequel. Or maybe one could lead to the other?
I have no desire to play the same games I've already played, again.
ports.... i'm dying....please....p-pleas....n-no buyers remorse g-go away..... I want... I want games... please...... give
What episode of Spongebob is that from?
when did nincels overtake PCfags as the kings of portbegging?
How the fuck does a Tendie not know what first party is?
Dragon Age Origins and Awakening pls
When they realized that the Switch is 2 years old and has like 5 good games.
probably some old ps1 jrpgs like xenogears, legend of dragoon, legend of legaia or vagrant story that i cant get my hands on anywhere
>be me
>see the Joker reveal
>get interested in the game
>wait for the announcement of P5R and P5S
>mfw PS4 exclusive updated version and shitty musou
>already have a PS4 but can’t play P5 on it because it’s a long-ass game
I will be eternally butthurt until they’ll announce The Royal on Switch
TheHunter Call of the Wild, but really Dream Tank Match has already been ported to the Switch and Cyber Sleuth's acomin', which will be somewhat better than playing it on the Vita, however as a WiiU owner, I'm sick of ports as far as playing games is concerned.
Call of Duty
Nice try but every Nintendo fag I've ever known IRL had down syndrome or some shit
That A Hat In Time port is going to get a release date any day now...
Any day...
when did you realize that switch is an hybrid console and people can play in portable mode??
ITT: Buyer's remorse
Game is shit. Buy a Vita and play a real Persona game you fucking retard
>people can play in portable mode
This. On New Year’s Eve I went out with all my co workers after our shift, we went to a bar and I brought my switch cause I thought it would be fun for them to watch me play and I could maybe teach them the basics and then they could get their own switches and we could all play together sometime but nobody seemed interested they all wanted to drink and dance and flirt or whatever I even took the switch on the dance floor and did a little dance while playing smash to show them they could still play smash and do other things because the switch is portable! One girl was actually mean about it and said “put away your game boy and try to act like an adult” and then when I explained to her how the game boy was a very different and much older system and while it has some good old games it would never be able to run smash she just ignored me for the rest of the night until they all went home.
Mate, for me it's the same with you snoyfags. No job, no friends, just sitting in there mom's beysment, asking for more ps+
>2 years
>5 good games
Excellent, already beaten ps4 (5 years, 1 good game) and xbox (no good games).
Based adrianposter
Yeah, like I’ll trust Yea Forums’s opinions
I just want Xenoblade X for fucks sake
>DUDE, [Insert game that wouldn't actually be perfect on Switch, but also probably shit on it] WOULD BE PERFECT ON THE SWITCH!
What's the worst one you've heard of Yea Forums? I remember some faggot journo saying Saints Row 3 would be perfect
opposite day
You already know this will never happen.
My dad works at Nintendo and he says Gravity Rush 1+2 Definitive Collection to be announced in the next direct right after Kat is announced for the 5th DLC newcomer
persona 5.
KAAAAT in SMAAAASH.... Omigoid
So... Never?
Back in April they announced a port along with the DLC. Still waiting
Shitch has no games.
Fuck off sonyfag.
First 2 Paper Marios
Ori & the blind forest
The new Earthworm Jim
Guilty Gear Xrd
Devil Third
Wonderful 101
Dragon's Crown
The Last Story
Saints Row 2
>mfw I saw SR3 in the eshop
why is her hair falling downwards if she's floating on the ceiling, does her floatyness not extend to her hair but it does to everything else?
When joker was revealed everyone wondered why and some people threw around the idea of a port. Didn't get very far but unfortunately the usual shitposters noticed it and tried to force a narrative of begging which lead to persona threads being spammed with a copypasta about Nintendo when no one mentioned it.
correct, her hair points towards "true" down to help with orientation, and it's floatier in lunar gravity mode
I would post a pic but jannies have rangebanned my IP from uploading images
Nintendo already has a shitty Gravity Rush clone. Why don't you fags ever beg for your own first party?
Literally what
The fuck are you talking about?
Persona 4 Golden >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Persona 5
>I would post a pic but jannies have rangebanned my IP from uploading images
Must suck to share an IP with people who post cp or Eric.
Sony owns the IP, so it will never happen.
I think it's just a serial shitposter. Last week a Yea Forums ban from 2013 complaining about the jannies popped up, so he's been at it a while. I didn't even live here in 2013 for reference
You know, you Switch owners constantly asking for ports isn't helping the "Switch is just a port machine" arguments.
>knowing what Sony owns
They still don't know that Sony owns Detroit.
It was actually an intentional game mechanic so people could tell where the ground was at all times
It's not first party, but it's still shit.
If their intention was to rip off GR, they really missed the mark
Are you retarded?
One, that's not on Switch.
Two, it's not a GR clone.
Three, no one even wants GR ported.
Many people would be happy with a port. Stop being a console war asshole
You do realise Rodea predates GR by like a year, right?
I think the most funny and baffling thing about this board is Switch fanboys thinking that everyone doesn't look down on them like retarded manchildren.
It's why most Switch fanboys look like walking abortions.
>and has like 5 good games.
lmao no
>Many people would be happy with a port
Yeah except literally no one wants it on Switch and its hilarious you're accusing anyone else off perpetuating console wars when you've been forcing this begging narrative.
Fuck off already Eric. We all know it's been you posting this shit since online went down. Hell this thead is littered with your spongebob edits and wojaks.
Why am I not surprised that Yuji Naka had a hand in Rodea. No wonder it looks and plays like shit.
Which version did you play
>being this mad because it actually happened to him
holy shit user thats sad
>keep begging for agony games
>somehow sony guys are starving
it's time.
I wish. Gravity Rush deserves more exposure
Some more classic style JRPGs would be nice. You know, Chrono Trigger, Lost Odyssey, that sort of thing. Not that it'll ever happen
Switch port WHEN?
I still have my Gamecube copy, I just want more people to play it. If Suda's serious about making an expanded "complete" version, that would be amazing, but I'm doubtful it'll happen.
A game that would benefit from a port would be Starfox Zero.
Basically redo the controls from scratch, modify the other bits people didn't like and you'd at least have a game people can actually play then.
I hope they SEGA leaker wasn't full of shit
>wanting NEW BAD games instead of OLD GOOD games
It's not like they'd run well on the Switch anyways, I'd be happy with a dedicated retro gaymin' tablet
Sony doesn't even care for Gravity Rush, they probably forgot about it's existence after shutting down the online functions of GR2.
That means we can expect a remake or reboot in 8 years.
Phyto-estrogens replace the bodies natural estrogen, and it can't do anything in mammals.
This means it pushes out the estrogen your body CAN USE for some it cannot, making your testosterone more effective.
My nigger
Nintendo owns Project Zero so I want all Fatal frame games on the Stitch (including Maiden of Black Water)
All the sonyfags I know are Chris Chan tier autists
That's wrong
>her thick pubes are pointing towards the ground in that pic
That's hot.
the wii version of rodea is kino. get better taste.
They feel right on Switch.
Literally worse than Vita.
Muramasa was literally a Wii game, so of course it does.
I dont understand why Yea Forums makes fun of the switch getting ports. isnt that a good thing? The dreamcast died because it didnt have 3rd party support for example, and now its a bad thing that nintendo is getting a lot of it? Plus its portable.
It's mostly Sony fanboys seething cause they own a 400 bucks paperweight with absolutely nothing on the horizon.
>bigger screen
>better controls
>no intrusive gimmicks like the wanking mechanic on the Vita
>it actually has games other than weeb garbage
I don't think so.
It's been out for 6 years, of course things are dying down. And we still have TLOU2, Death Stranding, Dreams, Concrete Genie, and Ghost of Tsushima to cap things out
At least it didn't die within 2 years like Nintendo's previous attempt at a console, it's funny you guys don't talk about that...
>Console war shit
lmao nerds
Does Shitch have EDF? Didn't think so. Checkmate, fagtheists.
Because Nintendofags used to say the Vita getting ports was a bad thing, ports = bad.
The Wii U had a much better catalogue at the time anyway.
Sure if you count mickey mouse 4 hour long flash platformers as "games".
>I dont understand why Yea Forums makes fun of the switch getting ports. isnt that a good thing?
not when they're always the worst versions of the games, always overpriced, and the switch doesn't get enough new games to make up for it.
>The dreamcast died because it didnt have 3rd party support for example
no, the dreamcast had plenty of third-party support. it died because of all the retarded decisions soj made before it even came out.
>Plus its portable.
before the switch, "muh portability" used to mean getting different, cheaper versions of games that were tailored to the handheld experience. there used to be really impressive shit like metal gear solid gbc and max payne advance.
now it means paying full price for the same game, but at the worst possible resolution and framerate.
And now switch is surviving hard with Vita ports.
>n-none of all those amazing games count!
Sure sounds like seething over there.
Switch beggars are so pathetic.
>amazing games
If I’m going to just fantasize and ignore realistic expectations:
Dragons crown
Rare replay
Street fighter V
It's developed in-house by Sony. They may not want to do anything with the IP anymore, but they're not giving it up to one of their competitiors. Who do you think they are, Microsoft?
I’m so hyped to see this game flop. Nowadays, it only gets brought up for Switch shitposting. Nobody talks about P5 as a game anymore, and the hype for Royale is dead.
Pikmin 1-3, a remaster collectiom
Wonderful 101
DK country returns
An unfucked Star Fox Zero
>buying the handheld equivalent of a WII U to play ebin Scooby Doo Persona
Vanillaware won't able to make lewd characters on Sony consoles anymore meaning their games no longer have future there
Seriously, what are they waiting for?
Nintendo owners don't buy those kinds of games, sorry.
Director said he wants to wait until PS5 is released before doing 3.
vita owner here, you don't actually want this game
Neither do Snoys.
I don't want a Switch port, I want Nintendo to be allowed to make a Gravity Rush game.
It has such a fun gameplay mechanic at its core, and it's completely squandered with shitty unfitting mission after shitty unfitting mission and one of the crappiest rushed plots in gaming history.
Squeenix plz
Why? Gravity Rush being cell-shaded and all It doesn't need the power, unless they're changing the direction of their art style.
>wanting = expecting to happen
How the fuck does a snoydrone not know how to read? Did your corporate overlord not enable subtitles for your movies in fear that written words might scare you off so you never learned?
It’ll probably get a new DQM game with Erik from DQXI instead. They released art of kid Erik saying that he’ll be in a new game.
I don’t even need to cope. Releasing a PS4 exclusive is a death wish for publishers. This is the best timeline.
I'd be fine with a new entry, I just want it westward again god damn
spoiler alert: it's going to be another huge success for atlus, and then persona 6 will be an even bigger success.
smashfags, switchfags, westaboos, mainline-only fags, and p3 zoomers are just going to have to cope.
Uh... sure thing bro.
So sad
Just port the rest of the first party Wii U titles and late Wii releases. And develop a Strikers 3, enough with the Tennis
How about Switchcucks get FUCKED and Nintendo stops treating Wii U owners like the plague.
Imagine not having skipped the Wii U but getting a Switch.
Sounds fucking terrible.
No. We don’t need those titles ported. In the case of TP, re-ported.
So ports you want that you know will never happen?
imagine pretending you didn't buy and shill the wii u on here so you can count ports as new games.
Imagine not owning a hacked Wii U with the entire NES, SNES, N64, GB, GBC, GBA & DS library to emulate plus native support for Gamecube, Wii & Wii U games.
Imagine not having bought a NES classic controller and a Super Famicon Club Nintendo Japan controller to plug into your Wii U remote.
Imagine being this much of a pathetic pleb, how sad.
How many NES games are you getting next mom kiddo? 2? maybe 1? lmao
The Switch has sold 3 times as much as the Wii U has at this point. A pretty big majority of Switch owners didn't have a Wii U
It's still likely to happen depending on when the BOTW sequel is released, though
If it's 2021 I can see them doing it next year to hold fans over, and if not then I can see it happening later on, possibly as a huge 3D Zelda collection
I'd love a jet set radio hd collection with the original and jsrf with redone textures, hell even the GBA game would be a cool bonus.
I own both, dingus. The Wii U had some gems but sold no where near as well as the Switch, porting over more games people may have missed out on is good for business
It Persona 5, so that is a table full of shit. Check my 5
This, I actually decided to pick up some games on Switch that I didn't get on Wii U
sure, but on Yea Forums, the majority of nintendofags bought a wii u.
this is the board that sent a thank-you card to treehouse during the wii u era for showing advertisements at e3, that spammed "why haven't you bought a wii u yet?" threads every day for years, and convinced themselves that nintendo was going to overclock the wii u with a patch to "unleash its hidden power."
>sent a thank-you card to treehouse
Not wanting a port of F-zero gx at least it could possibly happen.
Wouldn't mind this and Off the Record once Capcom's done with DMC
>Who do you think they are, Microsoft?
Of course not. Microsoft is actually for the players, unlike Sony.
>at least it could possibly happen.
>at least it could possibly happen.
>at least it could possibly happen.
>at least it could possibly happen.
It's actually worse than that.
>Send this cringe card
>Almost immediately after, Treehouse SJW'ed Fire Emblem Fate's localization and butchered Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
So it's not only cringe, but cuckoldry too.
>Thank you for advertising products and censoring them.
P5R has zero hype.
so sad switchbro. maybe you can get a chance at TGS.
Wait wait... this... i've seen this before... was it... yes... yes! it... it was just like this... when... Monster Hunter World released... exclusively not on a Nintendo platform... and... hmm... and.... yes... it became the best selling Capcom game of all time....
Hmm..... yes.... yes indeed, quite pungent my dear.
That said, I wouldn't mind NMH, Shadows of the Damned, and FSR coming over
jesus I normally love nomura's art but that arm is disgusting
No! That never happened! Monster Hunter belongs to Nintendo!!
it was also after treehouse had already censored bravely default.
>mfw I can cuck snoybois in their own homes with portable mode
>Of course not. Microsoft is actually for the players, unlike Sony.
So Nintendo would put Breath of the Wild and Mario Galaxy on PC, Xbox and PS4?
I guess Nintendo isn't for the players either.
Oh no no no
A decent battery.
Nope, only the Xbox is truly for the players.
No but they want to try new ideas and GR needs better draw distance. Pop in is disgusting in 2 .
Xbox is for cuckolds who like their exclusives going to other platforms for nothing in return.
What makes me a cuck for wanting to play a game at a resolution and framerate that doesn't suck dicks?
why can't nintendofags buy other games unless they put le epic bing bing wahoo references in them?
God you consoleniggers are dumb.
You do realize s o y occurs naturally and everything from apples to steak contains trace amounts of s o y
Truth is the game was rigged from the start
Kill la kill is literally Aniplex IE Sony and it got a Switch game
>Even Sony makes Nintendo Switch games
Stop with the söy meme already. It contains phytoestrogen, which is active on plants, not humans. If it did, i'd just buy fucking tofu instead of estradiol and save cash.
I want a wind waker BOTW
2/3 of Switch owners never owned a wiiu to begin with
>the state of Sóypisstendotrannies
That's true, I only played the beginning of 2 and barely recall it but 1 had a cool solution for the draw-distance with the silhouettes or whatever.
Day 1 buy for me.
They announced the port last fucking September as "coming soon". I loved HiT and was really looking forward to playing it again on the Switch but the devs attitude toward Switch owners and their clear incompetence at getting this ported infuriates me
>Thinking Sony means the same thing as PlayStation
Fate Grand Order is a Sony game and that's not even on console
Same, i don't know why they haven't released any gamecube titles. The switch can run gamecube games close to fullspeed when using dolphin under GNU/linux, so if games are playable on an emulator for on an OS not designed with switch hardware in mind, imagine whata nintendo developed gamecube emulator for the switch could do.
At least switch is getting the DLC, unlike PS4. Fuck GFB
And if past unreal engine 3 ports like paragon, smite and the outlast games are anything to go by, it should run pretty well too.
LittleBigPlanet. It hurts that 1&2 will forever be stuck on PS3 until the end of time.
sony music != sony playstation
Sony music used to publish the motion gravure series on ps2 you won't expect censorship from them. Their subsidiary is publishing a card/broom racer next for switch exclusively.
PCSX3 is progressing rapidly, so ps3 emulation on PC will be the best way to play these games in a year or so.
Jesus Christ, Toyama...
Muramasa sold good on Wii.
Tell that to Dragon´s Crown. The hardened/collector edition is like 10 bucks right now.
I'd hope it includes the same miiverse feature. That shit was great for the photo hunt.
1st party IP, not happening