Make a decently challenging SRPG with really fun char growth

>Make a decently challenging SRPG with really fun char growth
>Btw 5 mins in here's aggrias she's better than almost all jobs you can work towards and has 100% accuracy, status effecting, near instakilling, height ignoring, long-ranged specials she just gets for free
>She's not even that special among the uniques either
>Enjoy never having to use strategy again as we drown you in dudes who ignore all limitations

Attached: sa.jpg (240x234, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tactics is either headache-inducing frustration or piss-easy.

Glitchy, unbalanced, poorly designed mess

Attached: 7678E3CD-EF7E-4B0E-BE1E-D2229FE7623E.jpg (753x1024, 79K)

>playing old games without mods


FFT works much better as a character builder than a strategy game. The fun is the various ways you can break it. A generic Wizard with Math Skill can wipe out the entire board in 1 turn.

Just wish there were some stupidly hard hidden dungeons or something. The multiplayer ones in WotL were pretty good for that, shame you need 2 PSPs to do them though

planescape was great
the others i agree though

>better than Orlandu

Attached: orlandu.gif (216x216, 857K)

>planescape was great

Metroid Prime is nowhere near as unbalanced as Deus Ex, Super Metroid is overrated though

>Post 1 specifically says she's not even one of the stronger special chars
are you retarded
And take his sword and give it to anyone with sword techs and they're just as strong as him, including aggrias. Its the sword that makes him so strong.

The extra characters are there in case you fuck up and get someone killed

Can Agrias even use shellbust or night sword?

By the time I get agrias she's one of my weakest units and I don't even grind lol. The extra time you have with your generics means they're way better by the time you get unique characters unless you actually sink the time into grinding the unique ones.

Missing OoT

>ever getting anyone killed when half your squad ignores all limits and just instant dabs on anyone with free 100% accuracy super moves

She can equip his actual sword, ie the wep, and use basically any move she has to 1 shot every enemy in the game that's not a boss or super tanky monster.

but without the broken skill that make him so broken, what's the point? Sounds like a case of sheer waifuism to me.

If anything, it's underrated. This becomes quite obvious when you compare it to other games with a similar premise.

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>It's overrated because I say so
Shit opinions

>he plays vanilla FFT
>he doesn't custom mod it to his taste

Explained by a fanboy
Explained by a hater
Gee, no wonder it sounds great then, us based whiteys amrite?

>Make a decently challenging SRPG with really fun char growth

>fun char growth
>instead of making choices about classes and customization like a proper rpg, you just mindlessly grind job after job and ability after ability, which all serve as prerequisites of the next job or ability. there is no decision making here: its all busy work
>equipping new weapon and armor might as well be automated because of how badly it's handled. you fight a few battles, and the shop will now sell slightly stronger weapons and armor, fight a few more battles, and slightly stronger weapons and armor become available, rinse and repeat for the entire game

Attached: 19812821.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Agrias can equip acessory that makes immortal or something IIRC, Orlandu may have HP and MP drain together with Meliadoul's skills, but he can't be broken to that regard

Yes, its fun

So it's like virtually every other JRPG in the PSX era

What skill do you mean? All of the sword techs are broken. Every char, male or female, who has those and the sword orlando comes with can 1 shot shit just as well as he can and outrange enemies just as well.
There's no functional dif because nothing in the game is hard enough for it to matter

> Give everyone high move shoes
> Ignore Height
> Change class to Ninja
> End every mission in two rounds because I'm playing Naruto Fantasy Tactics now
Did we play the same game? There's way more broken shit than the unique characters. If you want a challenge there's mods for that too.

>Almost all classes
You never need to make ninjas or calculators because the special classes are stronger than the game ever asks you to be


Hey, I just started playing this last night on my phone. Thanks for the thread.

>Hey, I just started playing this last night
That's cool ma-
>on my phone

Attached: Disgust.jpg (594x594, 40K)

The mobile version's touchscreen controls actually make it the suprior version. FFT's original interface is atrocious.

Attached: 19219219921.jpg (1000x876, 212K)

>touchscreen controls
What the fuck am I reading?

Attached: 1499549350574.png (125x125, 30K)

Haha, no. Vandal Hearts is difficult as fuck while also being immensely more entertaining.

pc port hwen

I live in a small London flat and I can't stay up too late if my gf wants to sleep. Touchscreen shit solves the issue of noise & it's pretty good controls.

Too bad it was utterly ruined by the second game, just like how FFT was.

Pirate the game and give it a go. It's nothing like the fellas picture is implying. Instead of pressing down a few times, you just drag your finger across one side of the screen to choose an option.

It might sound fucked, but it works really well.

>Haha, no. Vandal Hearts is difficult as fuck
It's very easy. Pretty early on you get access to an aoe spell that literally hits half the map, with no friendly fire.

For as bad as the story and characters were, A2 had some good gameplay.

>corpses don't stay in the map
I've never dropped a game that fast.

That a cool spell and levels Zohar pretty quickly but it gets outpaced fast. Actually playing to the encounters is much more effective.

>I've never dropped a game that fast.
They disappear in FFT after a few turns as well though?

>He found it easy
>You found it hard
>Somehow you think you can tell him what's effective

The point is that they completely ditched the dying mechanic.

hope you get a bloodclot

>That a cool spell and levels Zohar pretty quickly but it gets outpaced fast

Not in my expeerience. Vandal Hearts is a game where eneemies retaliate after attack. Having a spell that can potentially hit a dozen enemies without fear of retaliation completely breaks the game.

Have we played the same game?
You only get the first special job on chapter 2, after completing a fourth of the game. Agrias isn't even stronger than a high faith Summoner with Swiftness, which you can have pretty early in chapter 1. Mustadio is generic as fuck and only useful for petrifying undead. Heaven and Hell Knight are RNG garbage. Divine Knight is just a worse Holy Knight because any character with gear worth breaking in the main story has Safeguard equipped. Cid is literally a Holy Knight with Dusk/Shadowblade and different base stats, as the aforementioned Divine Knight abilities are trash. The only reason people think he's OP is because he starts with a fucking Excalibur which has nearly 50% more damage than the best sword you can buy late game. Yeah no shit, any job is broken with knight swords.
Ramza is also trash until Chapter 4, and then it becomes only pretty fucking average. Before that all it's good for is using Tailwind on your Summoner. Accumulate and Shout are waste of turns that could be used using Iaido.
Also reminder to not fall for evasionfags lies because Concentrate exists.

Man, Agrias is the coolest female knight/warrior in vidya.

>chapter 2 is a 4th of the game
Chapter 1 is a fucking tutorial with very few fights, 2 is the longest in the game

>using the special snowflake characters
It's way more fun to just roll with a crew of generics that you can customize to your whims

>Ramza, whos entire role in the story is being a slightly better average man, isn't super strong
no shit brainlet

I'm not the one claiming special jobs are OP, shitlet.

>He thinks that includes Ramza when Agrias is specifically noted as the first you get of any note
Are you retarded

Who needs special characters when you can have an army of archer girls, monsters, and one monk guy as my self insert?

Except she's not, that's the whole fucking point.
Casters are infinitely better until you can get your hands on a knight sword. By then you already have a squad of casters on steroids coupled with a samurai or two. The only way you could think Agrias is relevant at all is if you're playing the whole game with only retarded jobs like Knight, Archer and Thief, or you don't know how faith and zodiac compatibility work. She's a good waifu and the abilities are visually impressive, but that's about it.

She is though. Casters use mp, have meaningful range limits, do less damage, don't get free status effects, etc. She's better than them unless you grind them. Which you don't need to do. Because she, and by extension all the better uniques, are too strong for the game

Fight me.

Tactics is babby's first SRPG and there's nothing difficult about it at all. It benefited from the late 90s Square bonus among reviewers.

I’m pretty sure 4 is the longest chapter by far it just flies by because you’re so OP by then.

That doesn't make it any less fun to play

>Glitchy, unbalanced, poorly designed mess
Unbalanced? Yes, but it's good enough. Too much balance makes a game feel bland and pointless.
Glitchy? Blade Grasp is the only serious one.

Meanwhile, precious few other TRPGs have ever even tried to match the excellent combat system and rich 3 dimensional maps featured by FF Tactics, where all the various movement abilities can really make a big difference.

>muh Tactics Ogre:LUCT
Sure let's have a pointless bitchfest over which one is better
>but Disgaea
Not bad but still uses phases instead of per-unit turn order, which is far more elegant for a RPG-style tactical combat.
fine if you're a toddler and like furries and maximum Nomura faggotry.

Attached: fft-poeskas-lake.gif (424x358, 52K)

you don't get Agrias until chapter 2
She's really rather mediocre at first until you build her up. Sure swordskill is rather OP, but she has kind of shit stats. I didn't even use her (or any of the uniques) in my first playthrough. I was having too much fun with the generics.

But then it's fun as hell to play a second time where you make Agrias a Ninja with a mainhand flail and offhand sword, who can basically move all over the map and attack anything from anywhere.

Nothing but her sword skill matters brainlet. You out ranges most of the enemies, never misses and inflicts powerful status for free. Why the fuck would she care if her normal attacks are weak or she's not super tanky. She has no reason to ever not just spam sword at range.

>And take his sword and give it to anyone with sword techs and they're just as strong as him, including aggrias. Its the sword that makes him so strong.
No actually it's not.
(a) Orlandu is a male and Agrias is female meaning his ATK power his higher.
With any equivalent sword and ability, Orlandu will one-shot things that take Agrias multiple hits.
(b) Orlandu's special class has top-tier stat growths making him better than Agrias at literally everything. Eventually he'll even be a better caster.

All irrelevant, any damage above 1 shotting does not matter brainlet

jesus you actually play the game this way?
what a faggot
By that logic you don't need anything but a couple of monks anyway.

>admits I'm right
thanks bro

Agrias doesn't one-shot everything like Orlandu. Did you even play this game?

She does with his sword. Their stats ain't that far apart, Orlando's stats ain't very special once you take his sword.

The game would a bit more challenging if Elmdor and the rest of the templars shared his class.

you're not, but getting into an actual discussion about it, which would require bringing up various details about the actual game, is pointless because I can tell you're a complete retard who is just generalizing about everything.

So you admit you have no argument and are arguing on the basis you specifically don't use aggrias at her best then try to act like your opinion matters.
Thanks bro

if you're over-leveled in story battles then everyone can get one-hit kills.
If you're actually facing enemies that are worth worrying about, Agrias won't be one-shotting them even with Excalibur. Orlandu can one-shot fucking Tiamats. Agrias can't.

>Being overleveled when using story chars
No, that'd be you tards who actually stop to grind, ever

Agrias is at her best as a fucking ninja, until you get knight swords which is late game.

Is it worthwhile capturing monsters? Or can you ignore them if you are still learning how to play?

Wrong. Aggrias at her best is the default since then she's not making you waste time grinding like a tosser.

kiting is not possible or the best tactic on every map and against every enemy.
There. Your argument is nullified.

Then just point blank sword magic them retard

If you care that much about going fast just unlock math skill with Ramza and nuke everything with flare.
And who says you have to grind? All you need to do is switch Agias to different classes as you go. Her sword skill doesn't always make a huge difference which you'd know if you'd actually played the game more than once.

You need one extra game for it to be a cross. Or just rotate it and use the other definition of cross. Either way that shape isn''t one and it bothers me. Surely you can find one more game you hate.

>grind for math skill
>going fast

You clearly don't understand the mechanics in this game.

>Casters have meaningful range limits, do less damage
t: fag that never used summoner.

can you beat weigraf without any grinding? i suppose if you got lucky with enough random battles or with meticulous JP osmosis from a unit of diverse classes you might be able to unlock what you need to stand alone.

its handy to keep a black chocobo around in case you want to get someone into a good position to start a battle, or like a pawn in chess to block passage.

Tell me how my 100% accuracy, high damage, stopping special move suddenly becomes not good enough to deal with the trash enemies this game throws at you because oh no it stood next to me the horror

>class you need to grind for
And because of that, inferior to story chars

The mobile version is unironically the definitive one atm. It has all the features from the PSP remake but with touched up sprites, fixed audio and that goddamn framerate bug removed

Yes, you just buff spam in ramzas default class even if you haven't gained 1 exp prior to this, everyone knows this stupid question

Divine Knight is fixed in the PSP version.

"buff spam"?

wow he doesnt know what spam is bravo

Summoner can be grabbed in chapter 1 with no grinding whatsoever you dumb faggot.

forgetting how op the gunner was, literally hits you across the map for good damage, some of the pistols had effects as well


Yes. You can breed them and poach the rarer ones for powerful equipment, alot of it exclusively from poaching.

Mindflares are also needed if you want to levelup/down to boost your stats

im too much of a pleb for this
the english is so weird i straight up couldnt understand what the plot is and the early missions were so fucking hard i never went anywhere
those fucking chocobos are so tough
i like srpgs and this seems like a super good one but its fucked me

are you mad at me for talking with you?

i'm also not sure what kiting means


>Is it worthwhile capturing monsters?
Black and Red Chocobos are nice, everything else pretty much sucks. The main reason to capture monsters is to breed rare ones for poaching.

Its only hard at the beginning, it slowly gets easier once the game goes on. The special characters and lategame cross class abuse turns it into a cakewalk

>he can't get 600 JP in chapter 1

>the english is so weird i straight up couldnt understand what the plot is
dumb brainlet who fell the war of the lions meme
just play the ps1 version next time

I first played FFT on the PSP and I thought the slowdown was just an design choice to make spells feel impactful. It doesn't help that the spells and summons genuinely look impactful.

Felt weird seeing footage of FFT on the PS1 and everything runs so fucking smooth. I can't believe they fucked up WOTL on the PSP so much.

fucking casual

>he used normal classes instead of using story chars because ''they get better later''


You don't even have access to them until midway through chapter 2. If you haven't unlocked summoner by then you're doing something wrong.

>i'm also not sure what kiting means
Kiting means attacking and moving out of range so that you can deal damage without being attacked at all.

oh okay lol

The guys at FFHacktics managed to patch out the framerate bug. Apparantly it was just one line of code that a developer forgot to remove or something stupid. Still amazes me that the Vita version didn't have it patched out

>level down
teleport skill and level trap in the canyon in zeklaus desert is really good for this too. just try moving 10 spaces further than your movement and the teleport is a 100% fail. you'll "leave" the spot and reappear, triggering the trap again. and besides, you can bring another character and not waste the spot on the squid man

gotcha thanks. in the example you gave, i feel like "out of range" means distance, but it seems "out of reach" probably fits the strategy as well. teleport/fly/ignore height/b.chocobo and things like that were always helpful to me for moving a small distance that makes a big difference.

mobile version's translation sucks. Sure the original was also low-quality on a technical level, but the biggest issues are all low-priority text anyway. Shit like "Dycedarg's elder brother" was redundant (the sprite you need to kill flashes), and the "job report" text doesn't matter.
But the original at least is concise and raw. The revised version fucks up the tone and pacing of the story and makes everyone sound retard.

And worst of all, the names for all the abilities and items changed so now you have shit like people calling Yell "Tailwind" and Blade Grasp is pointlessly changed to romanji (Shirahadori).

Will we ever get another Tactics/Advance or are the series dead sinxe XIV took over the Ivalice setting?

no lol
shit series stays dead

The creator has said he should do another before he dies

Never knew that teleport trick to do that, i'd always move them on the trap while using a mindflare. This is even faster, thanks.

nearest is FF Brave Exvius: War of the Visions on mobile

>The revised version fucks up the tone and pacing of the story and makes everyone sound retard.
No it doesn't.

>those fucking chocobos are so tough
let them come to you and surround them.

yep it does
it's literal shit: tryhard shakespeare
sorry you have no taste user.

probably my biggest criticism of FFT is the magic knights and their gayass broken anime shit

fft is in my top 10, though, I love it anyway

Attached: over9000hours.png (376x664, 275K)

he think holy knights are brokne
just lol

This is the optimal way to beat wyfgragf

Nah that's usual Monk/Ninja combo.

>Grinding to beat a guy you can just run from and 1 shot

>deep dungon doesn't exist
though i think you're still right, everything down there would get booty blasted by a wizard with math
it can still be tough though

What's with you retards constantly bringing up grinding?

What's with you retards grinding?

ok anons thanks for chatting
have a good day and i hope you have fun next time you play tactics. hopefully comes to pass someday.

Attached: blocks your path..png (557x451, 394K)

Unlocking Ninja requires, at most, 1100 JP. That's nothing by the time you get to the end of chapter 3.

modded psx iso on phone > phone version

Modded PSP version is still the best version by far.

Unlocking story chars requires 0 jp

Not with that butchered audio.

>lets dumb down the dialogue for the burger normies; they need that, right?
>let's make everybody sound like a shakespearan larper

story characters don't have the good abilities unlocked. how is grinding them any different from a generic you've had for much longer with a wider array of abilities unlocked?

I wish japs would write "serious" stories for their rpgs again. I can't fucking stand School-like settings and Atelier-like-cute-girls settings anymore.

I liked Brigandine a little more

None of which you can use during the duel with Wiegraf.

Yeah, that's why you mod it.
The game is set in fucking medieval fantasy. I'd rather have them sound like shakespearan larper than like dumb burgers larpers.

By the time I've gotten Agrias every other generic unit in my party outclassed her. The only special unit I bothered using was Orlandu, because everyone else was garbage.

They're not really comparable Brigandine is closer to fire emblems than fft

Good 4 u grindy bo dindy

I mean its still a SRPG right

I'm pretty sure you can unlock concentrate and Ninja by Weigraf without special grinding, you just need to know ahead of time that you'll want them.

There's no fix for the audio problems.

I would but I'd feel bad about hitting a mentally disabled person.

Obviously. Realistically it'll only take around 80 actions or so before unlocking all the required jobs.
Who the fuck would believe an average player is going to get to the end of chapter 3 while performing less than 80 actions with Ramza?

what the fuck is an SRPG?

Ramza killed Weigraf's sister, am i remembering it correctly?

Strategy rpg

dumb bitch killed herself

I liked FFTA, but the grand story and characters is what made FFT so special.

remember to play The Knight Of Lodis if you still haven't.

Attached: tkol.jpg (640x400, 243K)

Agrias can equip those bullshit perfumes

The game has some fucking insane difficulty spikes on a first time playthrough, like the Dorter Slums, but if you know what you're doing Auto-Potion, Draw Out Wizards and Martial Arts Ninjas the game gets trivialized within a few hours of play. Final Fantasy's hugely variable health and damage values mean it's almost never challenging without being frustrating. Compare that to strategy games like the nu-XCOMS, where damage and health values stay small. Long-term planning and managing actions is much easier than trying to do the mental math as to whether or not your Knight will actually kill that guy in one attack once you commit to the move.

It's also unbelievably, unbearably, pointlessly slow. Just real fucking slow. Everything feels like it takes twice as long as it needs to, and that's being generous. God help you if your Calculator casts Holy on the whole map.

All that being said building your team is still really interesting and some of the classes are extremely fun to play with. There are so many ways to completely shatter the game like glass. On my last playthrough I mixed it up and tried running Dancer/Bard as my secondary job on almost all of my units, and the stupid gimmicky setup was pretty decent for quickly building speed differences.

Attached: STARS....png (632x469, 339K)

>"Surrender and you'll be treated fairly."
>"no fuck u i'm running"
>"Get out of our way we have to rescue someone."
They're both inbred and retarded.

>20 jobs
>literally one (1) useful one
japanese """"""balancing""""""

Attached: 1303.png (1200x1950, 14K)

That's obviously a holy pentateuch

>Not using *teleports behind u* wizards who unleash the power of their most honourable ancestors by unsheathing their katanas

Attached: fun fact you're gay.jpg (326x326, 41K)

I want to lick her armpits.

>Dual Wield

alternate name for TRPG from people who don't know what strategy means.
Most any game that isn't 100% linear involves some level of strategy, and even linear games can involve some strategy. But to actually be a "Strategy Game" the game should emphasize it in some way. RTS games, 4X games, those are strategy games.

Maybe there are actual "Strategyy" RPGs that exist but I haven't played any. Anything I see called "SRPG" is usually a Tactical RPG. (Which winds up being redundant anyway for WRPGs, at least older ones, which are all tactical RPGs)

>not using Geomancer and dual wielding runeblades to make Iaido strong as fuck

Attached: c80b2a66bb2317aece40ed4fbfd6455c.jpg (1000x559, 242K)

>Unsheathes sword

Attached: wiegraf.png (400x592, 260K)

Still won't compare to Wizards natural MA for most of the game.

I'd get tactical with her, if you know what I mean.

>"Tactical" RPG
>Battles consist of ganging up on one enemy until they die, then repeating the process until your units become strong enough to one shot everything.

>dragons can only unlock jump in specific heights and length
Was this a poor attempt at balancing?

>blocks your path

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 34K)

>tfw I grinded for days to unlock Dark Knight in the remake
>its skills are still weaker than Holy Sword techs and have worse range on top of that

Attached: 1441973332134.png (268x240, 56K)

If you don't use Rad in every single fight you're a fucking faggot.

i thought the larger jumps included the lower jumps....

>bitching about agrias when you can have 5 mimes and a dancer in a corner

they do

Replace either Metroid game with Chrono Trigger or Persona 5

It's not comparable to Shakespeare in the slightest but thanks for outing yourself as a retard who gets scared of anything that isn't basic English.

I've never unlocked Mime and probably never will. Rarely get Bard and Dancer too.

>Battles consist of ganging up on one enemy until they die
This complaint makes no sense. Target selection is key to playing any tactical game well. It gives you a numbers advantage, which basically guarantees an action economy advantage.

Attached: what is this.png (378x592, 295K)

mime is fun to use but you can't equip items on it so it's inevitably shit

Have you never consumed any piece of media with even slightly dated English? I'm not even talking videogames here. Books, movies, anything.

>INSANE difficulty :3

Fuck that

The remake of Antipyretic in Dissidia was sick.

i remember FFTA had a similar problem, Montblanc is your black mage but you get a Nu Mou white mage who gets Turbo MP. you just change him to a black mage and he'll outdamage Montblanc hands down.

Daily reminder that the only people who shit on the new translation are actual retards, ESLs and people with nostalgia for the original (understandable)

I'm still pissed that they made Ramza a girl. And gave him a nose. They should've kept his gorilla armed Yoshida proportions.

worth a playthrough if youve never tried it, makes FFT so much more fun

I still use the names from the original translation while realizing that it was largely a piece of shit.

FFT is the only Final Fantasy game that has implied rape right?

6 and 7 do.

terra gets actually raped in 6

All of them featuring maboros imply it.


> Final Fantasy's hugely variable health and damage values mean it's almost never challenging without being frustrating. Compare that to strategy games like the nu-XCOMS, where damage and health values stay small. Long-term planning and managing actions is much easier than trying to do the mental math as to whether or not your Knight will actually kill that guy in one attack once you commit to the move.

You see this right here Yea Forums? This is it: The one near universal flaw in all JRPGs. Every single one have digits in the thousands, not counting those that are extra absurd and are in the millions. It always adds an extra bit of annoyance to actually playing the game, because not only can you not tell how many hits an enemy can take, but it ends up drawing out big bosses to be nearly an hour long.

You're an idiot.

dragoon can fuck him up easy

Yes, you are very cool and smart user.