I’m calling it now, Valstrax is in.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne
Other urls found in this thread:
>Zinogre's probably a lock
>Lagiacrus is almost certainly not happening
>Seregios is in limbo, I would've expected them to reveal him earlier if he were in but I don't really see any reason for him not to be in either
>Fatalis is almost definitely going to be a big title update, or maybe base game (possibly a new variant)
>Gore/Shagaru and Valstrax could possibly be title updates too
how do i ancient leshen
cheese it to farm its shit
then never do it again
3pc vaal or witchfags set to counter crowshittery some wide to keep retarded pubs alive and divine protection 3 so the grab tentacle penetrator has a chance to not instantly kill you if the pubs are literal downers.
Fire weapons with health augment. Potions, lots of potions. Lifepowder and enough to make more on the fly.
When should Igni be casted other than when someone gets the root? Seeing that the cooldown does last a fair bit.
If you aren't using intensify from the witchers set then you have to chain the hunters igni to remove AT leshen's crows. If a publet uses it for no reason then just run up and do the same. You can flashbomb leshen to drop allies out of the pin so keep the fire for the treeman himself.
Reposting from last thread because it got archived moments later
>See AT Nergi quest with two HR 999 players, join because it's my favorite fight and I think it will go well
>Fourth player joins, it's a low level Greatsword guy
>Think the high levels will kick him in an instant, but they show mercy
>A little into the fight I see "good luck guys" in the chat
>He actually ran away to Kushala's nest and is waiting there for us to clear the quest for him
>Justice is served, he gets kicked
What are your online horror stories? What's the worst random you've ever seen?
It’s so nice having zero obligation to do ats or grind jagras/lavasioth since Iceborne will just shit over them and introduce better deco farming methods and armors.
Actual legit cheaters. Some nigger was doing the TCS from a draw attack in a behe run over and over (which we then cleared in 6 minutes), then a couple of quests later some other faggot was spamming 4-5 SAED's in a row without reloading or charging more phials at all.
Apart from that it's the usual 'join->cart once->leave' retards and trannymog hackers hiding clownsuits and waving their dps chart LS epeens around. Those types usually get the boot.
No matter how cool Valstrax is, he can't fix Monster Hunter World.
>AT kirin
>2 chinks name faggot join
>decide to wait out in the camp
>A LS faggot join, cart once, leave.
>Open mic and said fuck you chink, taiwan namba wan
>reset quest
I've accepted that I'm never getting any handi gems and just making a bunch of weapons to play with now
rule of cool
cool of rule prove me wrong
I can't get a fucking Ironwall gem. I have every other gem and I can't get Ironwall.
Greatest jag gave me my 4th handi gem yesterday but i've never seen a crit draw deco even after 800 hours, and it's the deco I want for meme sets without having to rely on odoslut gear.
It's just RNG sadly.
Use a bulky defensive build and bring tons of flashbombs. As long as everyone does decent damage and doesn’t mess up too badly you’ll be okay.
The problem is that the randoms need to free the trapped player with the flashbombs. When you're doing Behemoth they fear for their own life, so they're more likely to do the mechanics correctly in order to survive. But with Leshen they don't notice / care that someone else is getting killed.
I’ve had the occasional shitter that dies twice in 2 minutes and then abandons quest/gets kicked and a few guys who just kinda dick around during ATKT hunts but nothing out of the ordinary.
I’m the opposite, at least 5 crit draws but not a single handicraft.
Who cares if he's in.
and it makes me upset.
his theme is just bargain bin Ace combat music, the fuck you on about?
Maybe i’m really lucky but my experiences have been pretty positive. Most quests i’ve done had everyone spamming flashbombs the second Leshen tried to do anything.
At least the handicraft charm is real fucking good. That and a piece of kush and you're set, basically.
White Fatalis is not very dangerous when he crouches, but he can still do his Snap n Drag!
That’s true but i’ve had a couple of situations where i wanted to make a 100% affinity masters touch infinite white sharpness build that didn’t really give me the flexibility to dedicate one armor piece to set getting that one bit of extra sharpness. At least not without abandoning great skills like crit boost.
His theme is good I guess but nothing special.
Valstrax? More like the gal’s stacked, cause I’d FUCK her!
>Pick a monster
>Come up with a new Master Rank attack/ability for it
I'll start
>Vaal Hazak can now summon Effluvium-afflicted Great Girros along with the regular Girros, and performs unique "bond" attacks with them
What are your thoughts on capcom reusing old designs for G-rank, things that make you clap when you recognize them, instead of creating a whole new design for the NEW World?
Jet fuel may not melt steel beams, but they can melt my heart.
I really like seeing the old designs on better resolutions, so clap.
If only they did the same for the weapons...
Actually they change it to make it more slutty
Old gen armor had chain mail and pant, while this is has more pit's and thighs.
meh, just hack them out, if you still can idk
Stop spamming your threads, Capcom shills.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? How can you defend MHW? Don't you see how all the new monsters are just generic trash they probably let MH4U apprentices design for 1/3 the pay? There is no more precision or finesse demanded of you, you're just whacking a pinata.
The hitzones are dumb, the movesets are dumb, the animations are dumb.
He is literally just hitting it without any sense of particularity, doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when.
AT Xeno as well; you just hit his feet until he's dead. And it's not only the Jagras skeleton. Just look at Vaal.
Meanwhile you had to be a god to achieve good times in old games:
The old monsters are still god, but all the new monsters are a DISGRACE.
>it’s not a hate thread so it’s a shill thread
the only acceptable mods on PC are transmogs, fuck trainers and fuck UIs
>it's not a shill thread and actually discusses technicalities, so it's a hate thread
Mentally ill newfag.
Have fun walking to the lift after every quest and through the whole town for every NPC.
PC Lobby, anything goes.
>and performs unique "bond" attacks with them
What if Vaal suddenly starts chucking regular Girros at you and they explode into effluvium like a bunch of gas grenades?
>they explode into effluvium like a bunch of gas grenades
Dude just buy a pc or a ps4 and stop playing with the kiddies toys
Imagine a Bazelgeuse subspecies that drops Effluvium bombs to halve your HP, and after they detonate they leave a mist that saps health like Vaal Hazak’s mist.
any bets whether tomorrows glavenus stream will have any reveals?
Maybe, probably only one monster if anything. Big reveals with multiple monsters probably won’t be done over streams.
Vaal doing just about anything with its Effluvium control aside from the ol' suck 'n' blow would be nice.
If they gonna reveal something other than PV it would be one of 3 sub-species that previously teased.
Ancient Leshen is the monster that made me try Dual Blades for the first time in my life. I just built a fire element set with high affinity in order to get some quick hits in and then retreat when the crows come up.
I gave up after he one shot me with roots from behind a tree.
What else could he actually do with it, though?
Something like Uragaan's and Bazel's bombs, maybe?
Uragaan spindash
>Can now pick up and use other Deviljhos as weapons
I was thinking maybe when he starts sucking stuff up it also pulls you in and then unleashes a tornado around itself doing an instant effluvium debuff if you get hit
>new monsters require no precision, you just whack them like a pinata (Vaal, Xeno, Kulve, Jagras [every hitzone is a weakspot]), a disgrace compared to old monsters like Zinogre or Diablos before they turned his whole head into a giant weakspot in World
>menus have way more delay
>Charge Blade and especially Bow are easy yet overpowered
>SOS system siphons from the lobby system and there's only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests while hundreds are hidden (at times can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live)
>Capcom doesn't want to add more skeletons because it's too much work for them
>challenging quests are time-gated
>yinstantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies all difficulty
>crammed and visually busy while monsters clip and can even shoot through all the trees in the forest
>can't skip cutscenes because Capcom wants you to watch their "beautiful work"
>quests still randomly select zones for you to spawn in
>some of the worst monsters in the franchise, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset
>Palicos instantly heal/revive
>bad hitboxes
>paid DLC
>Nargacuga and others got neutered (more openings)
>neck-snapping camera
>Capcom is too greedy to bring more skeletons and monsters are too rehashed
>NPCs are all scattered across the hub and you have to run to the lift after every abandoned quest
>mantles are a thing
>can't see previews in the crafting menu
>likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in some menus and the way decos are sorted is random
>invasions are more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung and that can track you
>so much walking
>access to your box any time
>most of the weapons are reskins
>95% of armors are useless
>automatic animations such as sliding or taking off mantles after sheathing can himper your gameplay
>can't pause
>can't see other posted quests
>random MVP cards
>worse roars and tremors
ITT: Post your most wanted monsters
I feel like he deserves more spots
I think going further with the zombification/necromancer theme would be cool. As it stands the Raphinos and Girros he infects just attack on their own and there’s no synergy between them. Giving Vaal some tag team attacks with his zombies would be a good start. There’s a Frontier Elder Dragon called Guanzorumu who commands a pack of small Flying Wyverns called Egyurasu, and he can make them do swoops and grab the hunters and shit, plus when you reach his second phase he snatches one out of the sky and eats it, sending him into like a blood frenzy or some shit. That’d be a cool mechanic to give Vaal and make his gimmick an integral part of the fight.
Rip in pieces Espenis
I already got my wish famiglia
Val kinda already does that, in his lair.
But i agree they need to integrated it more like Leshen and Jagras
Big angry lightning wolf.
Guanzorumu’s transformation is metal as fuck. If Vaal ate a Raphinos or something to power up would be cool.
Forgotten by everyone
What stream?
I just want more armadillos man
Hong Kong games show or something like that. They're going to livestream a Glavenus hunt.
I can already see it
>based Ryozo going full GRUG and sometimes catching pets because he's a chad
>nerd Fujioka has to carry him while calling him a shitter
Thanks anons
I think it's just gonna be Glavenus, but will be happy to be surprised with new reveals out the ass
>Barioth reveal in Game Informer
>Acidic reveal in SDCC
>Glavenus gameplay for HK game show
>Khezu reveal at the end
>people defend this
>newfags don't even know what it is about
first, your thread died. That's embarrassing. Second, they added a new skeletion just for a collab (Leshen). Third, get the fuck outta here, nobody wants to talk to you
Stop replying to listfag. Report and filter as usual, he just found new toys to spam until mods take it away from him
You should never bring up Leshen when trying to argue in favor of MHW ever again. Oh boy...
What's wrong with the list? Isn't most of it true? Sorry, just started the game and I already don't like some things(but I like it on the whole)
spammed constantly even after people already argued and discussed about it. Derailed threads for ages until weeks ago when mods outed him as a samefagging console-warring shitposter
since the third beta of world had nergigante, they'll probably make us fight velkhana in the next beta right? unless they're not doing another beta
I legitimately don't know how to Kulve and worried i'll be a deadweight
gib tips please
i've never encountered anyone noticeably terrible except for one recently, I joined an SOS for the twin bazelgeuse quest with only the host there, the host carted soon after I joined (first cart btw) and immediately left and i had to finish it with one other person who joined.
aside from that, fuck the niggers who use ballistae on special arena and fuck the niggers who keep trying to fight monsters in tiny corridors.
bring thunder weapons to fight her in gold form. When she's naked, bring ice weapons. First room you use cannons for the most part, second room you smash as much parts as possible (first runs usually end here). Third room you try to undress her from the gold. Use the pillars on the ceiling to bash her down. Fourth and final room you break her horns. With AT Kulve, she has a new phase that does insane AOE attacks so be ready to run when she rises
Bring fire mantle and use it on the 4th room
I'm thinking that they'll maybe show off one subspecies if we're lucky. They seem to be reserving reveals for the actual trailers (with the exception of Barioth).
But I hope that I'm wrong and they show us a few of the new monsters.
Hit the thing
God bless PC modding
>a few
that's trailer material
I'm hoping for a sub reveal but that's alil optimistic for such a small convention
Can someone do one with A. Leshen
Stop spreading misinformation Listfag, they said no new skeletons for just a single monster. New skeletons added in future will mean they’re adding at least two monsters that use it. Of course you know that but you’re here to shitpost.
The crystal Kulu from the FF quest killing 3 randoms with one hit while he was limping.
I like doing that quest in SOS because it's fun, but my God the amount of people struggling with an oversized chicken is depressing.
so why did you reply to him?
m8 i'd be having a laugh if i were you
Crystal Kulu was a great addition just for the fact he hits like a truck compared to his size, massively catching unprepared shitters offguard
They'll be pissing off 90% of the community if it's Velkhana instead of Glavenus or Barioth
Combatting misinformation so people who don’t know about listfag don’t fall for his shit.
Him being entirely immune to any sort of cc effect is a bit of a surprise especially with how much damage he does and the hitboxes that come along with enlarge chicken status.
Nargacuga was a rare spawn in one of the betas right? I know Elder Dragons don’t appear on maps when normal monsters do except under very specific circumstances, but maybe they’ll make Velkhana a rare spawn in a Barioth focused beta hunt?
Why can't we have a regular raptor designed for endgame?
dude, i know you mean well but you just legitimize him
we've had a good flow of great threads these past weeks because one based user compiled his shenanigans neatly and from then on people just laugh or ignore him, completely defanging the sole goal of a shitpost: garner attention
just talk about any MH as per usual
because bird wyverns are designed for suffering
except motherfucking garuga
An Elder Dragon using the raptor skeleton would be cool.
メビウス バルファルク
ラーズグリズ バルファルク
ガルム バルファルク
ガルーダ バルファルク
トリガー バルファルク
グリファス バルファルク
CB axe moves are really under appreciated, those vertical swings are perfect for cutting tails or hitting high weakpoints like anjas head
I don't mean bird wyverns, I mean raptor-ish monster.
Like Kulu, Great Jaggi/Baggi/Maccao.
Why can't we have a monster like those but designed for endgame or at least 5*?
I thought those were bird wyverns
Because the monster hunter design team is full of retards that stumble into half of their good decisions through pure happenstance. See shit like the way the elemental damage works and it being straight up to inferior to raw on 70% of weapons.
why are Pclets such mouthbreathers?
Iswear to god, I did like 3 full runs with this guy. Running support HH build the whole time and even told the lobby I got widerange and will supp. This retarded motherfucker still dies 2 times because he's chugging a Demondrug AFTER I USED MEGA.
Noone collecting tracks just UNGA BUNGA ME WANT PART BREAK. Idiots with builds they saw online going fucking ham on decloaked KT's body. Attacking Horns after chip in area 2 and generally not giving a fuck and later complaining about shit rewards.
Yeah, no shit you low IQ Krautfag?
They also come out decently quick and do alright damage, but SAED is so retardedly overtuned that nobody messes with anything else on the weapon.
The person posting the list spammed it every thread and argued with himself long enough to derail the entire discussion. He was also responsible for spamming the "I don't think about you at all" collage.
Yeah, I love the series but they use their resources in a terrible way.
And it's not about MHW, it's about all MH games.
>Kirin skeleton, existing since gen 1, never used for anything else
>Piscine wyverns are relegated to low-mid tier, despite the fact you could easily do some more difficult monsters
>again, no high tier raptors even if they could be really unique and faster fights
>no scorpions/lobsters monsters using the crab skeleton, which existed since gen2
At least the Frontier team used every skeleton to the mex potential
>installed high res texture pack
>cpu temp hit 98C
imagine being this salty over a game you can't play on your switch
MHGU encourages you to use more of CB's axe mode for faster clear times. In fact, the morph in/out ED2 combo does more damage than a single AED, and is optimal for artless playstyles.
Nigga he posts the Nintendo shitposting images too. This guy just wants (You)s
>Running support HH build the whole time and even told the lobby I got widerange and will supp.
You're just as much of a dead weight as the other randoms.
Same can be said for MHW but just like GU they just spam what makes most DEEPS. Same reason why people just stab and slam with Gunlance instead of actually having fun exploding shit
>AT Xeno
>posts a video of regular Xeno
at least i'm not fucking carting
how to beat AT xeno? i either triple cart or i don't cart and run out of time.
I have 5 or 6 attack gems and still have yet to get an iron wall gem. At this point, I wonder if the drop table for me is glitched and it’s impossible for me to get one.
when it does its flame powerup hit it in the chest, keep staggering it until it dies
Emet looks like the guy to like Magalas
Run either Spread or Pierce HBG set. Melee is just headache-inducing. Keep shooting the chest when its enraged to stunlock it to death
Bring heat guard charm and impact mantle. Boom, 15 minute hunts
They could very easily make an armadillo monster that uses Great Jagras’s skeleton
I'm not the kind of retard thinking MHW is realistic, but how will they fit Valstrax in MHW? Unless they're expanding the old maps or the new map has enough space for a jet fighter monster
I'm fine if they don't add him, my boy Brachy is already in
there's plenty of open space on some maps, the wildspire wastes has plenty of open spots
also don't know what the rest of the hoarfrost area looks like
bring back the tower
>inb4 depths of Reach is a Structure
The tight spaces actually work for Valstrax because you can catch up whenever he starts boosting.
>Beat Velkhana
>Some of the ice and snow around the Reach melts as a result
>What seemed to be a weird mountain in the distance was actually some ruins
It’s easy to ignore him, but thinking about how I felt in these threads before we found out all the shitposting was one guy... I don’t want any other anons to miss out on comfy MH threads like the rest us were deprived of for so long. It’s hard ignoring him when you get that in your head.
>Möbius Valstrax
Does he join his wings together into a Möbius strip and blast dragon energy to create perpetual motion or a black hole or something?
He'll make a sky eye out of his wings
Those are Bird Wyverns too, there’s two kinds; raptor Bird Wyverns that use the Brute Wyvern skeleton, and winged Bird Wyverns that use the bipedal Flying Wyvern skeleton. Imagine if we get Bird Wyverns that use the quadrupedal Flying Wyvern skeleton some day.
well just ignore him. People stopped giving a shit about him. Just look at how many people replied to him in this thread. Barely any compared to a fuckton back then
You're me before i made the collage
We're all gonna make it brah
With the way Iceborne is shaping up the guy's a non issue with the 5 week event too
>Basarios is just a young Gravios
>Black Gravios, but no Black Basarios
>Ruby Basarios, but not Ruby Gravios
This pisses me off to this very day
There’s plenty of open airspace in World. The only maps where he wouldn’t work in at least a couple areas are Ancient Forest and Rotten Vale. In Ancient Forest he has the big coastal area and the high area where Kushala nests, and that’s it. Rotten Vale is entirely subterranean so that’s a solid no. Wildspire Waste and Elder’s Recess he’d be able to use like half of each map, and Coral Highlands some of the upper areas would work too. Dunno about Hoarfrost Reach, they say it’s far bigger than the rest of the maps and we haven’t seen all that much of it. It’s supposedly bigger than Wildspire Waste and Elder’s Recess put together so there very well could be some open areas where Valstrax would work.
Played MHW for the first time in a long time yesterday
What skills/how much armor should you have to reliably do AT hunts? And I know yadda yadda just dont get hit but I just want to not instantly die whenever I do get hit.
ATKT legs for heatguard, lets you not fuck around with his bullshit.
Ancient Forest and Rotten Vale are a big no.
Wildspire Waste has a lot of open space, Elder Recess too.
Hoarfrost Reach is really open too, and we haven't seen the peak zone yet.
Also they'll probably make an arena for Alatreon and other big monsters, and those are always open.
Wildspire and Elder's Recess are pretty damn open
Room is pretty much abandoned with one AFK guy.
>It’s supposedly bigger than Wildspire Waste and Elder’s Recess put together so there very well could be some open areas where Valstrax would work.
Maybe they'll toss the leviathans in there, considering their main issue was the skeleton's long neck clashing with the cramped forest.
Health boost and get elemental resistance specially if you are doing lunastra kirin or teostra
All the blocked off areas suggest the remaining areas being at higher levels but I was hoping there would be a massive cave network below that they'll reveal as the story moves along. It can also help to house more cave-dewlling monsters
Health Boost +3 is practically required, as is fully upgraded and augmented armour sets. In the long run you’ll wanna focus on damage skills. If you’re REALLY struggling then some elemental defense wouldn’t go amiss. There’s a couple of specific requirements for specific ATs too. For AT Lunastra you’ll want Wind Resist so you don’t get stunned by her supernova, and plenty of Farcasters to evade it. It’s absolutely not worth trying to survive the nova traditionally, just Farcaster back to camp as soon as it starts. I’ve only managed to survive that attack normally with 40 fire defense plus the Fire Mantle and while chugging potions. For AT Xeno, Heat Guard is essential too because he leaves a fuck ton of long lasting lava everywhere which kills you pretty quick. And for AT Vaal Hazak you’ll need maximum Effluvium Resist. Normally you’d just eat a Nulberry to cute it but the gas AT Vaal leaks everywhere is separate from Effluvium and drains health FAST, so if you get inflicted with Effluvium you’re basically dead within seconds. You’ll need a reliable form of health regen for him. The rest don’t require too much specialisation to beat, just skill and raw stats.
holy fuck boys big chungus dropped a minds eye deco for me. I had pretty much given up on getting that. Now the only deco I lack is a forceshot gem.
He gave my Mind’s Eye gem back when he first released. Greatest Jackass is a good friend.
Is greatest jagras that reliable for decos? it mostly drops lvl 1 decos for me
>Cracom is lazy
Who could have known?
He’s for lower level decorations, but he gives a better rate of higher level ones than any non event quest does. The Tempered Lavasioth in ‘The Name’s Lavasioth’ has the best drop rate for Warped Feystones in the entire game, so he’s typically the one people Farm for the hyper rare decos.
When does he come? I'll just farm him for that since I already have like 10 atk decos and all other small decos
>listfag dead
>cuteposter dead
>bowfag dead
Could the mods get anymore based for making these threads great again?
Not sure. The way they worked when released was that we got Greatest Jagras for the first two weeks of the event and TLavasioth for the last two weeks, but this event is repeating all five over five weeks so I’ve got no clue how they’re handling it this time.
>cuteposters dead
How is that a good thing?
Where do augments come from? I'm told I need them for progressions. T2 investigations?
It starts August 8th and lasts til the 29th.
cuteposter is fine IMO because atleast its something nice and not shitposting
bowfag can fuck off
Cuteposter spammed the same images every thread and ran up the post count. Spam.
Rarely from t2, sometimes form t3, quite often from AT's and tempered deviljho.
>they think that they'd bring back the tower for Valfalk
>with all the grandpa love Iceborne has been doing
lol if they bring back the tower it's because of White Fatalis
What's the quickest cheesiest way to kill a monster without any terrain fuckery? HBG Shotgun spam?
Bow in general. Fucks everything up. Iceborne's nerfing it hard so in a long run its HBG Spread
any specifics for Nerg?
I heard he's the most fun, but I really only play MHW now to do ATKT sieges, which I never really have problems in
Who else likes big, strong, muscular monsters?
I don't know why but I can't output nearly as much damage with my bow as I can with HBG. I'm picking the right elements and doing the dash dancing charge and everything, but I just can't outdo spamming B to win. Maybe it's because I lucked out and got a Glutton and there's nothing as blatantly S-tier on the bow side of things.
>paws on wings
This fucking hurts me
I don't like bara.
That Teo a cute, though. But give me Mizu and Sissy Zinogre.
What skills do I run with glutton? I dont really read up on those because i can't really use HBG well
>aerial GS has half the damage modifier in Iceborne
Why the fuck are the ruining the only fun way to play GS in World?
AT Nerg doesn't need any specific skills besides Health Boost 3 and your usual damage loadout. Just learn to not overcommit and don't let him get to his den if you can help it (use crystalburst when he's limping). Like with regular Nerg you can break his spikes while they're white but here it's really important, both to keep them from hardening and to knock him down so you can go to town on him for a bit. He's a lot of fun but some of hit attacks can seem cheap while you're learning to fight him because they come so fast and can 1 shot you.
>you wirr rike takering and true chargeru
I want to poke Nerg's paws
I have a modded save with every Deco and endgame gear on PC, but if Iceborne is going to make them useless by adding better ones I am thinking of making a fresh save because I feel no attachment to this character like I do with my bro on PS4.
Can I start fresh and still be ready for Iceborne when it comes out or will that take some poopsocking
unironically have sex
>Release Jewel
Maybe someday I'll make this set
Iceborne is released September 6th, you have time.
I'm pretty sure they gave one out for free a while back, did you miss out on it?
Wait what, are you shitting me? I thought they gave an Attack jewel and that was it. What even was the occasion?
New years maybe? I could be talking out of my ass and just forgot when I got mine.
Female or Male Hunter or MHW bros?
He's baiting you so he can wank in your face about his rare drop. All too common here unfortunately.
Male if you want to look badass, female if you want to look slutty
Understandable to think the worst of people on here, but honest to god thought they gave one out before.
So is there another monster that will use the Leshen skeleton?
>Black Diablos
>Now says the n word, if you're in range you are killed in one shot
>still no iceborne pc date
>spend last few weeks constantly grinding out decos for iceborne
>vision is now very blurry even after sleep and no electronics
Guys did I make myself contract glaucoma?
I didn't know what Glaucoma was before you posted this but my vision has gotten shit in the last 3 years or so, I used to have perfect vision and now it's blurry / hard to focus with one of my eyes, I really hope I do not have it...
You issue is staring at black loading screen too long. Might I suggest purchasing an ssd?
>Black Diablos
epic, will cart from laughing alone.
So how can the new gear even hope to compete with Drachen/Gacha dragon shit?
Underrated post
by being MR
Ryozo was visibly disgusted watching aerial GS gameplay at E3
male 100%, female armors are all bikinis, all of them
>300 hours
>still only one Artillery deco
I had so many I melded some. I think I had like 7. 343 hours. 6 attack decos too. But Ironwall? 0.
>1100 hours
>only one handicraft jewel
>only one ironwall jewel which was the one they have out a while ago
>no mind's eye jewel
Seregios and gore
Do you guys use Overlays for World or are these way too try hard?
Problem is that defense doesn't matter since the monsters one shot you anyways and Drachen has nearly perfect skills and really good set bonus. Only way they can do it is by power creeping the set by adding skills/slots to already insanely powerful set.
GL is in this weird spot where sometimes I feel fucking invincible, stepping past attacks like a pro and punish mercilessly, and at other times I'm stuck guarding like a moron for 15 minutes.
overlays for what
hit the monster and not thinking about DPS is part of the charm my dude
Based blindposters.
If there was a MH anime which weapon would the main protagonist use?
What would the Gary Oak rival use?
What would the childhood friend love interest use?
What would best friend of protag use?
What would best girl who won't win use?
What would the main villian use?
That oversized chicken is a 1 hit stun goddammit
>killed nearly 100 of these fuckers to get both gold crowns
>still go back and bully him occasionally because its fun
Based lightning horse
>LS / SnS / CB
>LS / SA / DB
>HH or whichever the protagonist didn't chosen
>IG or Bow
>GL or Lance for the asshole secondary villain because MH main antagonists are always Elders anyway
>Long Sword
>Charge Blade
Also add in a healslut girl that uses SnS. An old, sagely man who uses HH and gives out supporting advice. A cowardly Frenchman who insists on playing with Baguette Glaive and always gets in the way. Tryhard top ranked guy who uses a HBG, and his thirsty bitch partner who supports with an LBG. Local Older Bro who uses a Switch Axe.
>Great Sword
>Dual Blades
>Hammer/Hunting Horn
>Insect Glaive
>Long Sword
>cuteposter dead
I am trying to tone down the cuteposting tho
No more cuteposting
No more listfags
No more bowfags
I wished they decided to adapt the MH novels instead of making a Stories anime. It would be episodic and would flesh out the world and various character stories.
>no Law of the Jungle
>no Diamond Dust
>no Barroth bros
>no Black Cat
It hurts
Someone make the astera music stop
I can't beat behemoth with randoms, I just can't
I hate Luna so much
Fuck you Capcom, make a GOOD fight
You could go beg /mhg/, they have some prime 500+ HR autists returning to the game in preparation for iceborne.
>wanting to listen to the default hub music instead of the FF song
But why?
>hammer's fun but I suck at using it
how do hamrer?
Because it's so bombastic and fast compared to the default.
I don't like it
1. Find a slope
2. Slide down the slope while charging
3. Spin to win
You're alright, cuteposter
Just unga bunga at a monster's head, it's pretty simple
He's not.
I haven't played for a long time but a lot of people recommend Augments as mandatory for AT Elders or Behemoth.
Problem is, I never did get many streamstones or whatever to actually GET augments. Is there now a good event quest available that gives more of them or am I stuck farming tempered Elders?
If you want to be really good with the hammer you need to learn how the monster move their heads and then predict the head movement so your slow swings hit the head.
He's a whole lot better than barafags and console-warring shitposter
I got the game from the summer sale, just got into HR(and missing out on all the festival shit). what's the music thing that people talk about?
You can do most of the ATs without augments.
If you start the Behemoth quest line your viilage music changes to Final Fantays music until you finish the quest line.
>finally beat behemoth from SOS
>music didn't stop
>turns out I have to host it
Big fat hunter titties
Depends on if you're playing singleplayer or multiplayer.
You exist to hit heads. Get flinch free in multiplayer or else naruto-runners and nothing personnels will trip you out of a combo once a monster goes down.
Easiest thing to do is to find a slope and spin like a retarded beyblade.
In multiplayer, only aim for one knockout, maybetwo if you have another stun-damage dealer hitting the head. The multiplayer stun values are fucked, it's not worth trying to put yourself in danger to stack stun without letting it decay more than once.
Only big bang when you get to a downed monsters head early, cause it is loong. R1 into Y combo is your alternative when you can't big bang, it does solid damage and is a short combo.
You can also not hit the head when all you need to do is damage, just hit the other critical parts.
>Fire an SOS flare because grinding alone is boring as shit
>President Trump has joined
>Little chuckle, play on farming Nergi
>Another guy joins
>He doesn't show up 3 quarters of the way into the fight
>Gets on mic, says he refuses to help unless trump is kicked
>We clear anyway and Trump sends me his guild card
Never had a problem after that.
How are you supossed to fight AT Kushala without a ranged weapon.
The wind keeps pushing me INTO FREEEE
Holy fuck I should do this lmao
It wasn't anyone's fault, but the most mad I've ever been at MHW is when I finally reached the final phase of Extreme Behemoth for the first time with a group of randoms and the quest timed out right as it began to cast Meteor for the final time. I didn't even know the thing had a 30 min timer until that happened. I was so confused. Thankfully I've been able to do it once since then.
Post sluts
>fully charged running uppercut the head
>repeat until KO
>big bang the head and get interrupted halfway through by another player because you were too dumb to have flinch free
there's your hammer 101
I know
Well, I'm glad you said sluts, because you're definitely not playing Fashion Hunter World like the rest of us.
>use dual blades
>everyone immediately assumes you're a shitter
I promise not to use the demon dance like a moron.
You are a hit and run weapon. Get to know monster's heads a lot.
Level 2 charge is your second best move, use it to close gaps and startt combos.
Not into DB myself but isnt demon dance the only way to do proper damage with those?
How do I not suck against AT Nerg and Vaal?
"like a moron" was the key part. Most of DB retards spend 90% of their time swinging at air.
If you want to trip people and get locked in a flailing retard animation. The real way is to use your spinny slash to get in, do some triangle combos for damage, then avoid damage. You're only really supposed to use demon dance if the monster is tripped/trapped/stunned.
Vaal is easy, just use a weapon with health augment (a fast one is better) and a couple recovery up decos. Just keep mashing at him and you wont be missing life
AT Nergi fight is broken once he goes apeshit midfight. He just keeps spamming his jumps and after beating him half a dozen times I keep dying to them.
Can't wait for Lagi nayasayers to be btfo, they shouldn't even be allowed to play the game anymore
What weapon are you using against AT Nergi? He hits like a truck and has a new move, he floats up and slams down and it takes like less than a second to execute. You need to be very careful about not overextending, people usually say you have to play aggressie but I'd always err on the side of caution in that fight.
Level 4 slots exist in Iceborne
That already makes Drachen obsolete
>trannymog hackers hiding clownsuits and waving their dps chart LS epeens around. Those types usually get the boot.
W-Wait a minute, you fucking boot people running optimal DPS sets if they are using layered armor to hide it? What the fuck is wrong with you? or is it only people that are using the cheats to use layered armor they can't get?
Either way, why the FUCK would you boot people who are playing optimally?
What do you get from completing all the side quests? Rainbow dye?
Found the tranny! Back to /mhg/, it's time to dilate and post more pictures of the character you wish you were.
>tfw murder the shit out of AT Teostra easily
>at least got some kills off of AT Nerg
>can't beat Kushala even with his armor set
I know you're supposed to beat the shit out of his head to repeatedly knock him down but even then I fuck up at doing that
>Guild Cross Layered never ever
Can I get a summaries of the stories?
>posting bikecuck memes
You don't deserve the armor. Use a HBG or shut up.
I should probably switch off of GS, then.
AT Nerg was actually going surprisingly well the first time I fought him, got him down to limping health before he sperged out and triple-carted me back to back with those quick-slams and me fucking up the timing on dodging one of the big ones.
Been using GS primarily recently, just because I've gotten really used to it in world and like big meaty hits. Might switch off to SA or Hammer to see if I can pull anything off with those, maybe even CB once I re-learn it.
I know, I just beat him with my dumb CB because every other guy in the party was using ranged.
All I could do is wait for him being knocked out to discharge on his silly head. What a stupid fight
Monster Hunter World haters are fucking pathetic.
Anyone who is an actual Monster Hunter fan likes the classic games and World for different reasons.
You're not EPIC HARDCORE for preferring the old games, the old games aren't even that fucking difficult. Every Monster Hunter has had cheese strategies that make the game a joke. You're an idiot.
>kushala fucking daora
LITERALLY just a genwun shitmon that's an ache in the balls to fight and a completely bland design besides. WHY is he still around
>no one
>absolutely no one says anything
>AT Nergi fight is broken once he goes apeshit midfight. He just keeps spamming his jumps and after beating him half a dozen times I keep dying to them.
I play Lance, SnS, CB and Longsword. I cannot use the last two against him at all. With Lance I just block everything and counter, with SnS I abuse the mobility and roll around like it's Dark Souls. But with CB and LS, if you're committing to some slower attack (slower as in less than instant) it's RNG to see if he decides to float up and slam you down for 90% of your HP. Even with Lance if you're doing pokes and you poke at the same time as he's starting to float up he can slam you before the recovery of the poke ends. It's ridiculous. So forget about SAEDs and things like that unless he's tripped or very clearly hitting someone else in multiplayer (and even that is risky). The slam itself has a small hitbox so you can dodge it pretty easily, the problem is its absurd speed.
Because you're a retard that doesn't know the difference between monster hunter generations.
People on Yea Forums just hate things when they are even a LITTLE bit different. Hence why arena shooters are dead because fans of that genre are autistic
I dont think he's baiting purposely but yeah it's out of left field
Tell me, why would you use anything else besides HBG that trivializes the game even without OP decos?
Because bow trivializes it even more.
Because it gets boring?
>use GS for entirety of MH
>switch to dual blades
>basically just spamming buttons and doing free millions of damage
>already doing more damage than my GS build
What the fuck?
I realized the person shit posting was just an insane man same fag stiring up shit for no reason, so I've deleted the post. It's obvious real fans like Monster Hunter World but know there are flaws.
I fucking hate arena shooter fags so fucking much. They THINK they want arena shooters, but they don't, because when a new one comes out, they don't play it.
Tell me, why would trivializing a game be a good thing?
>You won't believe how many decorations you'll get!
I cannot think of any situation where my DB did more damage than when i use hammer, LS and GS
Are you sure you're doing GS justice?
I have no idea why they advertise decos in that quest description, it's only good for badnit mantle shenanigans
Desu i only run that quest for the almost 100k zenny gains with CB unga attackstack+bandit mantle
>Starting to make a DB set
>Can't wait to sperg out like a retarded Naruto
Gonna feel good man
Agitator worth it y/n?
>not spinning down the monster's back like attack on titan
user, you gotta get with normie tastes if you're going to be a true sperg.
I’m not sure if I’m doing more damage, but I definitely can spam a lot more and get away with it.
>This post
I didn't know that such a level of autism existed
neck yourself
>mfw maining dual blades and long sword
>"I kinda want to use a gun for once"
>Have to make ammo on the fly
Never mind.
I'm Naruto by day and Levi by night
I am the edge
just use the Radial Menu.
You're born to naruto
I'm of the opinion Demondancing takes way more commitment with no defensive option than GS's TCS which can be tackle chained
Now go download the survey corps armor and weapon texture replacer.
VERY good shit
Basically the OG remade.
These armors are shaping up to be incredible.
Will they let us transmog?
So, anybody wanna make a room?
Way more details too, more Los plate/scales on the gauntlets than the portable version
But i'm pretty sure there's another set with the wingfins sticking out, not what you posted
>Open helm
Fuck this meme forever.
Very based
>Plays female
>Surprised when he gets shittier sets
yeah I was supposed to post that, notmy bad
That set is already in the game. It’s the actual master rank one like here
imagine. cutscene with nergigante. it's injured, you don't know why. it lurches towards you but before it can reach you, a loud boom is heard and something red crashes to the ground, tackling nergigante
>Can see the eyes from the helm
So close to be perfect
Waiting on the best set to be remade
I'm much more interested to see how the master rank weapons look like.3
>two brothers compete to slay a Barroth, but only succeeding when they work together
>a hunter goes one-on-one with Barioth, was going to kill himself because his wife and child were killed in a village attack, only deciding to finish the quest to protect the smile of a young girl
>newbie qt girl joins a pair of elderly hunters who have been protecting a village from an old Diablos for 50 years
>proud hunter gets trucked by a Tigrex, realizes he's not that strong, the Tigrex gets killed by a Rajang, he learns to git gud and tracks the Rajang down
>two crazy hunters take down a Plesioth to save Moga
>hunter supposed to leave Yukumo, but is such a hunt maniac he stays to discover new monsters
Most of these stories are seen or narrates from the perspective of the Argosy Captain, who travels the seas so he sees a lot of this stuff. It's pretty interesting, but this was a decade ago.
they actually changed the design for master rank female
which is kinda... bad
>"Punishment" DB
what the fuck are you talking about, it's the same as G-rank FU Los armor
No they didn't retard look at
>tried to play World for the first time in over a year
>every character wanted to talk to me
>lots of unnecessary dialogue
>Witcher mission takes forever to get to the actual hunting
>ancient leshen is a shit fight that Capcom would never have allowed in a game like FU
This game is a bit more rough than I remember
If you hate swimming you hate lagi. Bring back swimming
>Second Fleet Master is gen 2
>just recreates Gen 2 designs for Master rank
Actually based
The last quest that you get by finishing all the others has a ticket required for Luna weapons and some charms
kek, imagine being such a weakling you need help with any of those monsters. Why are the mainline game hunters so goddamn swole?
>Open helm
>Exposed thighs
>Every times
>they removed the black sleeves so armpits can be seen
>they also removed the hip slits
Hm I dont know what to feel
>content gated behind rank grind
fucking inhumane japs
It's really ironic how the two hardest monsters in this game aren't monster hunter monsters
we have too many hipsluts
Hairy or Shaved?
Why? Maybe they just don't turn black/ruby until they get bigger.
No rule saying you can't enjoy one without the other
Every killscreen of mine (PS4) is a mess, you can barely tell what blob is the monster in between all the motion blur. Is there a way to fix this?
I mean, Black Gravios might only evolve from Gravios, but it's true it sucks there isnt a ruby gravios with full jewel armor
Fucking BASED.
I want a life-size plushie of Dodocutie!
Holy shit people weren't joking when they said Greatest Jagras handed out decos like free candy.
Is the Lavasioth deco event not up?
Nobody's mention any fucking but you, weirdo
What makes you think I want to fuck them? I just love this artists monsters.
No, Greatest Jagras is around for the first half of the mega-festival and Lavasioth is up for the second half (~two weeks from now)
Holy fuck user calm down
Lagi but I'm not getting my hopes up
you think maybe I could get release and mind's eye from it? Literally the only 2 decos I'm missing and I have 900 hours
Oh, gotcha. Thanks.
No reason you shouldn't be able to
Calm down man they’re just monster pics.
It's your best bet besides scalping the elder melder. Lavasioth drops more warped feystones, but Greatest Jagras still gives you a better chance than you have normally.
I love you cuteposter, please stay. Those monsties are adorable.
>complaining about cuteposter
He can repost them all he wants, I don't care since it hurts nobody. It's not bara nor shitposting so what's the problem?
Someone with 3700x please test MH4U on citra, or are all of you ps4lets?
What that user doesn't know is that multiple people post these and that they've been posted on MH threads for years now.
Because listfag hates and doesn't realize cuteposting is a decade old tradition that has been perfected since cuteposting became easier to share.
I'd be your Luna. Anyways I must sleep now, good "nights" cuteposter & thread. I can't believe how comfy all these latter threads have been.
Sleep well friend.
Sleep well user
>Another attack deco from extremoth
I dont need more of them! Enough!
I wish there was a control option that let you use the radial menu but also maintain control of the camera with the d-pad. I’ve been stubbornly using the old controls, but I want to try gunning more and I feel like I really ought to start using the radial at least for quick crafting. But I am so set in my ways.
Should I get this on PC? I never beat it but got pretty far on ps4 and idk about starting over even if i last played a year ago
>"man I need those atk decos, please help me god"
>now have 12
>but no Mind's Eye
PC is worth it for QoL mods, better loading times and framerates and overall better visuals.
If you don't feel like starting over then modify your save to keep it similar to your PS4 save
What kinda mods exist exactly?
>Got Mind's Eye and Non-Elemental Boost pretty early on
>Every single deco since then has been garbage
Goddamnit I hate you fucking cuteposters so much. Every thread it's spamming the same motherfucking chibi diarrhea, and your stupid fucking "monsties" that are gross and exaggerated versions of the real thing. And before you say it, no one gives half a fuck about Stories. Just once I thought we'd have some serious goddamn discussion about the games, but it all devolves into posting chibi monsters and talking about feelings and about how much of faggots you are. Talking about how comfy things are with your stupid little fag monsters, true comfy is a winter night and the Pokke Village theme. Not chibi monsters. Enjoy your devolving furry shithole reposting the same images by a guy who makes fucking plane hentai.
PC is better for all the reasons said, but if you want to play Iceborne ASAP it comes to consoles months sooner. Though if you're still beating the game, maybe you'd want the extra time
God, I need Draw and Sheath Decos. Why. Why won't they drop. Fucking throw them up already Chungus.
I just hope iceborne fixes the garbage endgame
Last I remember I was at the first like big right on that wall where you eventually fight on the big monster and stuff
You're barely at the halfway point then, you can easily rush that if you decide to start again.
Jesus really? I had a lot of time in, I guess it was mostly being a gear autist. Its $23 at gamebillet atm, lowest its ever been. I guess Ill pick it up. Iceborne looks cool but I also have kept from watching a lot of it. Just see the images
For your information I routinely partake in discussion of the game. With and without cuteposting attached. But sperging out about it and going on these tirades is deeply ironic as you’re contributing even less to MH as a topic than fan art does.
Take a chill pill my man.
the entire campaign is just a tutorial, no joke
>talks about pokke village
>when Capcom was officially cute posting with merchandise during 2Gs heyday in Japan
>including posting cute palico, cute tigrex, cute guild girls, cute granny, cute kut ku, etc.
What did anti-cute poster mean by this?
Ah, well, I’m sorry to hear that. I would offer to help but I’m without internet right now.
Looks like KT katana and full nergi armor? Probably not running any specific build there
Stop yelling at cute tigrexes and channel your rage into that huge purple nigger instead. Grab some cluster for EZ mode solo or spread and a billion defenses for ez mode multiplayer as you tank that faggot. Or just meme him around with mountspam or flashpods as your team cart to victory once every 5 hunts.
Remember to use status on that cow, specially on the last area.
Why do the ranged weapons feel weaker in comparison to melee weapons? Is it just my imagination? Is it because I'm used to seeing higher damage numbers in a shorter amount of time? I was using the Nergi HBG with Spread and I don't know, maybe I'm just not used to guns.
Ranged is actually a lot stronger than melee. Beat on Jagras to see your kill times. They'll be a lot shorter just hammering Spread 3 into their face than probably even your best melee weapon.
no hitstop
Will all the monsters in Iceborne be on the AT level? I mean, will they 2 shot everything? Also are there any catchup mechanics introduced for low HR?
It starts at post xeno difficulty and ramps up past AT
G-ranks in general are pretty much that, but with new moves and much faster
>Will they 2 shot everything?
If you get the corresponding G-rank/Master Rank gear then no, but if you try to keep your HR gear into mid-Master Rank then probably.
i want to fuck monsters
ded thred
Better dead than shitposted
It had a good run.
Is this game any good? I've played a shitton of Portable 3rd back in the day but this one never appealed to me.
Calm down nerd
If you want Portable 3rd just more frustrating. Otherwise play GU or something.
I've only ever played Hammer/GS/Bow, what do I play now? Is SnS FUN?
Tigrex in the demo 2 shot with his charge at 600 def.
Nargacuga tail slam one shot 2 randoms at once. It's fair to say the base monsters are going to be at the same level or stronger than AT elders
>Is this game any good?
Not if you don't have nostalgia for it.
Is there any way to transfer a ps4 save to pc or am I doomed to slow loading times even with an ssd
I'm pretty sure the only method involves having a jailbroken PS4
>shot through the heart
Mobile fag. I cant do this
We didn't even hit bump limit you retard
Just wait a bit until this thread dies man.
We don't want to be exiled to /vg/ like other fanbases are.
can anyone tell me whats the best monhun wiki? i hate fextralife and fandom/wikia
It's going really slow however, usually at this time here a new thread is made so it's not stuck eternally on page million
Kiranico is probably the best for game data, although even that's started to fall off after World.
>join Luna fight
>Charge with lance at her
>never fought her before, have no clue what's happening
>jump into the air from charge to hit her
>die instantly to a nova
>died 1 minute into the fight
it was pretty embarrassing.
Apart from the usual Kiranico, for MHGU Ping's MHXX Dex and MHGUDB(on Android) have been a great help. There's a MHWDB as well, though I haven't really used resources like this on my World playthrough so I can't speak for it's quality.
>STILL can't use any armor as layered in Iceborne
Fuck off, Capcom.
Where's your source assfaggot?
They allow you to craft your own
Any guess to why no leaks yet? Usually reviews copies are sent out around now and that how we got leaked last time. Most of us are gonna but iceborne regardless if the roster is shit or not, but I’m just curious and wanna know what I’m in for
There was the Zinogre icon leak 2 weeks ago but yeah, i'm surprised by the lack of actual leaks.
Health Boost 3 is mandatory.
Once you have WEX and Critical Boost you honestly don't need any more damage unless you're sure you can get reliable CC out of it. Attack Boost and Critical Eye is good and all but it's not that efficient. If you're struggling at all, then start slotting in defensive stuff gets the job done.
You generally want Negate Wind Pressure for Kushala and Lunastra, and Elemental Resists where necessary (i.e. Kirin and the -Ostras). If you're against AT Nerg then consider skills like Divine Blessing and Earplugs since they make him way less stressful.
Stomp the ground and make gas geysers? Terrain hazards are always a good fuck you.
Capcom is probably being tighter about it this time. I mean, the entire roster plus DLC leaked last time in a fucking pastebin post before TGS. Then that one frog played the entire game on stream.
They've also been quieter on monsters all around while still maintaining that IB will either match or rival base World content.
>MR Vaal gets Shagaru's mines
Not him but what pieces would you recommend to supplant with the Kushala set for an AT Kushala fight?
Yea I saw that on here and the cookie leak confirmed it. Like zignore was a given since Glavenous got it .
I want like a real roster leak, I was into the series before world so I wasn’t able to get in on the hype and wondering what the hell a kut Ku is before release. If we do get a legit leak or not I hope we get at leak one entirely new monster that’s the spex of hoarfrost
Aren't they showing Glavenus footage in some event in a few hours?
I hope they’re tight lipped because not wanting a repeat rather than the possible reality of the “content rivals world” isn’t more monsters and the roster is small
I think it's mostly to not have a repeat of the entire roster just being out there.
Hong Kong games show. They're livestreaming a Glavenus hunt. It'll probably be in the Wildspire.
Don't expect much though. Usually this is just recap stuff. Expect Tigrex to show up at one point for a turf war with Glav or something while someone shouts "Chotto, chotto! Eh? EH? KITAAAA!!! Tigarekkusu!!"
AT Kushala is the possibly the most atrocious fight in the entire game so it really depends on your level of patience.
Assuming you're melee then yeah, you need three pieces of the original, prioritise whatever gives you Handicraft and then I guess Evade skills for whatever's left over. Each ticket you get then lets you supplant an old Kushala piece for the new Gamma piece - the plus side of AT Kush is that his armor is super good against AT Lunastra, so it is worth it.
I would honestly recommend putting in Level 5 Earplugs because besides being a windy cunt that never lands and deflects your attacks, he also likes to roar for no fucking reason all the time. So basically Bazel, and some other AT pieces provide it. In the end I just put in Earplugs to spare my sanity, at the cost of fights taking a little longer. Your goal against Kush is to have a weapon that can reach his head, then just hit his head over and over again, so it's a battle of attrition regardless.
Other pieces/skills don't really matter, it's the standard stuff like Weakness Exploit, Critical Boost, Crit Eye etc. So Drachen or some AT Teostra pieces. If you're lucky enough to have a Mind's Eye deco then you should use it, you shouldn't hit its body but it can happen accidentally so it's nice to not bounce off when it does.
Alright, thanks for the tips.
I forgot to mention you should also bring a ton of Adamant/Might Pills and Demon/Armor powders.
Don't use them before the fight, instead have them on your wheel ready to go mid-fight.
This gives you something useful to do whilst he wastes your time doing flying around and doing literally nothing. You might also consider Speed Sharpening for the same reason, but not if it means losing a better damage skill.
This is the fight to use Megadrugs too, pull out all the stops. If you can tackle the fight without too much grief then you can take anything on including AT Nerg.
>If there was a MH anime which weapon would the main protagonist use?
SnS, it's the basic bitch all-rounder
>What would the Gary Oak rival use?
Charge Blade; it's a bigger flashier SnS allowing the rival to wave his dick around
>What would the childhood friend love interest use?
Bow; she's the childhood friend love interest
>What would best friend of protag use?
Lance; he's the "lancer" after all
>What would best girl who won't win use?
>What would the main villian use?
Longsword; he's an edgelord obviously
What's the most underrated monster?
You realize that there hasn't been a single cover where the main hunter has used SnS right? GS has shown up on more covers as the main weapon than any other weapon. After that is LS.
Last night I dreamed that Lagi appeared in a cave connected to the ocean in the Hoarfrost Reach, I have a good feeling about this bros
Great Girros, I haven’t played other mon hunter titles but from looking at a few past gameplay he’s the only great that actually works with his minions to fight you, plus he has rad armor and and a cool design. He’s not even anyone’s bitch in the vale because him and odo tie I believe. He’s a neat mom, but sadly even I forget he exist sometimes
1 month for the release of iceborne, tick tock listfag
I like Girros a lot too, hopefully his Master Rank version is good.
Kinda like Great Baggi in 3U
Told you I never played other titles, jaggie does look neat I’ll give you that.... great girros is cooler thoug...
The most persecuted monster in monster hunter
best theme
capcom use him again please
His, odo, and tobi’s roars are so cool too, especially his because his gills just out while he does sometimes. I wish he was as getting a new sub. I’m afraid he’ll be lest behind in 5th gen though because the SDCC panel showed the devs 5 fav new world mons that get subs and will probably become semi staples to the series
>Complaining about hitting only the feet
>Gogmazios, Lao and Fatalis among others are the exact same thing
I love bringing the hammer down so to speak when it comes to the CB.
Just cleared my first tempered vaal hazak, I don't think theres much difference from the normal one I guess? Are all the tempered and arch tempered just monsters with boosted stats? I'm kinda only interested in farming behemoth now, and since leshen was fucking terrible I don't think I'm gonna even attempt ancient leshen.
Tempereds are only damage boosts i think, Arch Tempereds have new moves and tricks up their sleeves on top of dealing bigger damage and having higher HP
Temp monsters just have boosted damage and enrage more often.
Tempered have boosted damage and can become immune to flashes
Arch-temped have more health and do more damage have new moves and different AI
Stop shilling this dead game Capcom
Why you so mean?
I will describe my experience when it comes to hunting AT Nergi/AT Luna
>Join SOS of some 200+ HR LS user with a jap name
>Fight goes well up until first nova/second area
>As soon as any trouble starts LS users cart
>Then cart
>Then cart again
That has been my experience hunting AT Nergi and Lunastra, thank you.
50-90k players 24-hour peak isn't dead. GU is like a decimal in comparison
Shit game with like 7 different monsters and they’re all lizards. Fuck this game
Kush is Gen 2. There's a pretty substantial difference between Gen 1 and Gen 2 shitmons.
Particularly how they walk in place and cancel their attacks and animations (Gen 1). Kush is just a shit gimmick, but outside of that gimmick he's fairly 'polished' in comparison to your Gen 1 shitmons.
That’s because they lost all of their buffs, temporal, and rocksteady. Happens every time.
I really hope gore, steve and valstrax are in
if they can bring in lagiacrus, we can also get mizu and amatsu
I’m not a Capcom insider but I’ll tell you they’re in to give you false hope
it's okay, I don't have much hope
I just stare longingly at the MH15 render and think of the possibilities
At the very least I’m sure steve is in bud, don’t be too sad
What's the best LBG set/build for Pierce? and what's the best build/set for LBG in general? That and IG are the only weapons left unused in my guild card
MHGU is on sale on the e-shop right now
Im a world babby, should I buy?
just emulate it instead, honestly
yeah its great. it'll feel clunkier but its great.
Or emulate it cause its locked on 30fps
Is it better to solo or group up for AT Kushala?
personally i find it easier solo and you're less likely to fail from your teammates carting.
>which weapon would the main protagonist use?
Either great sword or long sword, you know it's true.
>What would the Gary Oak rival use?
That kind of rival is a try hard, so charge blade.
>What would the childhood friend love interest use?
>What would best friend of protag use?
lance, and they'd act like tanking is really a thing in the show so he could be a bro.
>What would best girl who won't win use?
Either great sword or long sword, whichever the protagonist isn't using.
>What would the main villian use?
Hammer, except being the villain, he would inexplicably dual wield two giant hammers.
>go to monsterhunterfanon.fandom.com
>find the most autistic/worst monster page you can
>post results