Monster Shitter World thread

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? How can you defend MHW? Don't you see how all the new monsters are just generic trash they probably let MH4U apprentices design for 1/3 the pay? There is no more precision or finesse demanded of you, you're just whacking a pinata.

The hitzones are dumb, the movesets are dumb, the animations are dumb.
He is literally just hitting it without any sense of particularity, doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when.

AT Xeno as well; you just hit his feet until he's dead. And it's not only the Jagras skeleton. Just look at Vaal.

Meanwhile you had to be a god to achieve good times in old games:

The old monsters are still god, but all the new monsters are a DISGRACE.

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cry more noob lol

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Kind of irrelevant without HP values.

2/10, made me reply

>"old games"
>Posts MH4U


No, not really.

What is your point? There is literally an endgame elder dragon in the picture with a body that's almost entirely a weakness.

>defense most noob friendly game in the series
>calls others noob

Which are even lower in World than in other high rank games.


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Man Velkhana is fucking ugly

>Compares Kulve Taroth and Xeno'Jiiva with fucking Zinogre
Excellently baited my dude

What's wrong with you nigger? How can you be so upset over video games?

Never noticed it much.
Anyway it's not as if that changes anything.
If you're not doing naked double tigrex with budget weapon your achievement is worthless anyway.
Equip a shittier weapon, I don't see the problem.

>Comparing a base game easy version elder dragon to a G-rank sub species endgame version.

I agree i too think playing Devil may cry on human difficulty is much easier than playing on dfante must die.
Also the sky is blue.

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>AT Kulve is an easy base game monster and ATs are not at al inspired by GQs and deviants
>completely ignores this

>menus have way more delay
>Charge Blade and especially Bow are easy yet overpowered
>SOS system siphons from the lobby system and there's only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests while hundreds are hidden (at times can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live)
>Capcom doesn't want to add more skeletons because it's too much work for them
>challenging quests are time-gated
>yinstantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies all difficulty
>crammed and visually busy while monsters clip and can even shoot through all the trees in the forest
>can't skip cutscenes because Capcom wants you to watch their "beautiful work"
>quests still randomly select zones for you to spawn in
>some of the worst monsters in the franchise, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset
>Palicos instantly heal/revive
>bad hitboxes
>paid DLC
>Nargacuga and others got neutered (more openings)
>neck-snapping camera
>Capcom is too greedy to bring more skeletons and monsters are too rehashed
>NPCs are all scattered across the hub and you have to run to the lift after every abandoned quest
>mantles are a thing
>can't see previews in the crafting menu
>likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in some menus and the way decos are sorted is random
>invasions are more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung and that can track you
>so much walking
>access to your box any time
>most of the weapons are reskins
>95% of armors are useless
>automatic animations such as sliding or taking off mantles after sheathing can himper your gameplay
>can't pause
>can't see other quests when you're already a host, even though you could do it in past games
>random cards after quest
>roars and tremors even more pervasive

Isn't it sad that Zinogre requires more precision and skill?

>completely ignores autistic cherrypicking

Just a Kushala with a beak. Most rehashed MH there is so far.

>Isn't it sad that Nargacuga requires more precision and skill than Lao Shan Lung?
Yeah dude what a real tragedy

And motion values, combined with the raw attack values of the weapons you're expected to have when encountering those monsters for the first time. It's a completely worthless picture.

do not humour the mentally ill listfag

>literally comparing Diablos with Diablos is autistic cherrypicking
Based retard.

I actually see a pattern with MHW apologists and low IQ.

>13 million

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How mad have you been not being able to post in MH threads?

Considering the picture is supposed to show weaknesses, i.e. the zones you are supposed to go for, all those things you mentioned don't even matter at all and the picture does exactly what it wants to do; show that monster weaknesses are contributed across the whole body in World to make sure every noob at least hits some good spot, no matter what he does, especially when doing your long GS TCS combo, whereas in old games you had to hit the right spots, especially against Apex monsters or deviants.

Don't care. Old MH games were boring, clunky, tedious had the absolute worst combat in any game I'd EVER played.
Glad MHW fixed stuff and made the series playable, better looking and more fun.

>literally comparing Ivory Lagiacrus with Vaal Hazak
>literally mentioning Royal Ludroth and Great Jagras as though anybody anywhere gives even half of a fuck about their hitzones
Yep, it's autistic. To say nothing of the fact that hitzones by themselves tells you nothing about how combat plays out, or even expected hunt time from one game to the next. You'd need to also compare raw weapon attack values, motion values, buffs, the whole works.

>>literally mentioning Royal Ludroth and Great Jagras as though anybody anywhere gives even half of a fuck about their hitzones
OK, then what else? Odogaron? His body is also one entire weakspot with the only exception being his back, i.e. a hitzone you don't even hit.



>never noticed it much
>never noticed the stunlocks by hitting the head without optimal builds and buffs

So you came into World expecting sub 5 minute kill times for high tier monsters?

MHW is made for casual Skyrim/PS4 crowd, of course they would do this.

>literally 100% affinity for free
>every monster is a walking hitzone

This game, kek

Lao doesn't fight you, Kulve does

Luna is bullshit and I hate her

I'm sorry that arguments anger you so much. But thank you for proving the part of my statement where I called you autistic.

You haven't made a single one and now you're ignoring Odogaron whose fucking legs are a weakspot while you bounced off of Nargacuga's all the time.

>a MH thread? I guess it's starting with the Reddit tier joke of starting with bait
>look for the Monster Hunter thread
>there's none and this is just a genuine shitposting thread

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>actually talking abotu technicalities
That you just want your braindead hugbox shill threads doesn't make this here a shitpost thread, newfag.

Ok retard

Glad you agree

The video the guy posted is the base gold KT not AT PlatinumKT.

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