Does literally all the heavy lifting

>does literally all the heavy lifting
>helps everyone in camp
>has to follow some faggot that doesn’t do shit all day long
Artie deserved better

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he didn’t have leadership skills

>killed hundreds of people
>beat dying man for muh munny

he is a piece of shit and deserved it

he should have protected hosea

>thinks all debts are erased if you get sick
are you a communist

>borrow money and refuse to give it back
>go around being some self righteous faggot
he had it coming

>be asshole
>get told you!re gonna die
>realize you're said asshole
>try to actually help people in your last days
nobody said he become saint, just less of an asshole
howewer fuck him for going apeshit at Strauss, he might have been jew incarnate, but at least he didn't kill anyone or forced anyone to take his money, not to mention he didn't snitch on gang even after he was kicked out

>tuberculosis absolves crime
Then Arthur is innocent as well.

When will video games stop glorifying murderers?

>that side mission where Arthur goes to an old slave owners home and feels disgusted

He should have left the fucking gang. The fact he didn't take this agency shows that he is an awful piece of shit. I'm tired of people being so sentimental about this shitty character


yeah arthur should have gone to mexico.
If he didn't get TB he probably would have left and not try to stay and fix everything.

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>routinely beat up black workers at the saint denis stables
>arthurs suddenly disgusted by racism

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based retard
but im pretty sure you're the same user that's been spamming that exact same post for 2 weeks straight now. i dont know why you keep doing it.

I'm pretty sure he goes ham on Strauss because he can't help but blame him for his tb.

No he didn't, he was a dumb violent goon for a lunatic. Arthur was lucky to get any redemption at all.

I never saw arthur as a asshole, Dutch on the other hand...

Anyone who didnt let arthurs beard grow out max towards the end is wrong

>wanting to hide that manly jaw

Letting him look like a hobo doesn’t fit the narrative, he didn’t go to die innawoods he kept on fighting