Why didn't you buy it Yea Forums? Explain yourself

Why didn't you buy it Yea Forums? Explain yourself.

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I don't like pseudo-RPG bullshit in my FPS.

>health bars in the FPS games
>loot boxes
>shitty RPG elements that shouldn't be there

Literally going to be $5 on black friday

>female protagonists

mom said i didnt have enough good buy points. also i never buy games at full price. also i havent looked up any gameplay videos or reviews.

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I seen first 15 minutes of game. I will rather second copy of Old Blood.

im not a tranny or swede

Series has always been shit

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all the heavy-handed political themes are cringeworthy to the max. Have you seen that Trump reference? They just couldn't help themselves. If I want to see and hear liberals complaining about Trump i'll turn on CNN, i don't need it in my videogames. hard pass.

there it is.

imagine actually buying this game literally so obviously directed by a woman or a tranny

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I don't buy shit games.

Cope, tranny

I loved The Old Blood and the first game.
Two I never bought because it turned from EVIL NAZIS! to POLITICAL UNDERTONES! and the gameplay took a step back.

I was hoping that this one wouldn't make the same mistakes, but it looks like the politics got even worse and so did the gameplay.

I'm liberal in a lot of regards, but listening to all the Trump is Our Generation's Hitler bullshit is just exhausting.

Whassup YoungBloooood

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can't play as the good guy

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why would a tranny have a problem with trump bashing? you people talk like bots, responding to key phrases in preset ways regardless of context.

I miss him

What he said

>when you portray Nazis as rational and democratic to just own Trump

You play as the good girls instead :^)

You're retarded, never fucking talk to me again.

fuck you nigger

Who are the two ugly hippy faggots with honeycomb armor?

I bought it but returned it because I did not expect the RPG mechanics or my AI companion to be stupid enough to fuck up my sneaking.

>>health bars in the FPS games
This is a good thing tho.
This is actually funny.

>Game is more like Division where you have to log in and do missions every day than a single-player/co-op story.
It's a NO from me!

I hate women and niggers *dabs*

I'm reactionary and don't want to be lectured by a video game developer.

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I don't believe you, screenshot your library.

>I'm reactionary
Kill yourself, commie

Nah, I don't give a fuck about your shit opinion.

If I wanted to play Half Life Decay, I'd play that.

>Trump is a nazi, stupid and irrational
>Nazi reject Trump
>Therefore Nazi are rational and smart
Left can't write a good joke for shit.

have sex with some monkeys in detroit my bethesda wagey

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Wrong position, negro.

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Sure thing, commie.

so randumb XD
gas yourself you fucking retard

Crap game(hatchet in ass kills) + crap female totally forgettable leads with antifa type humor and screaming in cutscenes. Your base is literally only females and nignogs.

When games like RTCW were so good this is just a disgrace to human intelligence.

If a game came out with good humor and you would be killing jews and americans and nignogs it would be more popular than this garbage.

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>w-w-w-well you told me to have sex, and my mommy wont buy me more chicken tendies...so i had to get a job and a gf.
but now that i got money i prefer to spend them on other games not made by feminists.

do you have an email address where i can send you my 300 words essay on why i am a bad white male that didnt buy your game?
or an adress so i can come acid your writing team in the face?

i work in an office with like 300 women.
all of them who sit on their chairs all day have way more sexier bodies than the main characters of this game.

how did the feminists manage to shit up a female body to make them look so shitty?

Excuse me chum, but might you have a license for that acid?

It's another episode of a retarded pol-fag raging about minorities in a fucking video game.

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Anything past the first half of 7th gen gaming is automatically shit

Because I'm going to pirate it as soon as it becomes available. Loved TNC, the best fps game of all time.

Nice deflection, player of shit games.

The gameplay is shit and it doesn't feel like a Wolfenstein game, even if the coop initially sounded interesting.

>looking at girls lustfully at work like a creeper

Literally a rapist

Even ign called the main characters gender swapped frat boys..... what was the point of making them female in the first place.

do those two girls need to be that ugly?

Because I think that Hitler did nothing wrong.

Because I'm not willing to pay money for "ORANGE MAN BAD" propaganda.

I don't even get the point of it. What was the last game you played where main characters were: male, obnoxious dickheads (not funny) and you liked them?
Closest I can think of is Duke Nukem and that was the entire joke. Plus it was funny.
Shit, even Nathan Drake, as vanilla as he is, is considered too bro for some. What were they thinking?

everyone says that I am a Nazi. So i dont buy it.

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I'm not American. Why would I want to play some shitty game full of all that bullshit.

neither are the devs but they are as obsessed with the US as much as yuroreddits here

based retard

Bethesda just gave me a review copy for the Switch version. I am going to have a blast comparing it to other hardware, kek.

Because my face is tired

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Because it's shit

I tried new order and it sucked

is it worth it getting this game for the cute brown-haired girl?

This is my first fps in years, and i'm already getting my ass fucked in the first fucking level. Fucking mech nazi, keeps putting me and my whore sister in incapacitated state in mere seconds. Fuck this game.

it's asset flip shovelware like a ubi game

Because I'm afraid I'll start sympathizing with the Nazis if I have to play as those atrocious little cunts.

Because it's a co-op game. I'll wait for a 50% sale.

I don't support Bethesda.


>constant female validation: the game

have sex

Black people, also known as niggers, belong in Africa, not in video games.

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>no argument
I live for this


>Wolfenstein name on it
>twin girls in 80s nu-France because the 80s is popular these days
Fuck what MachineGames did to this franchise.

What's next for the series after this? You can't get much more diverse than mutt women killing nazis.

>more buzzwords instead of arguments
my ego goes

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a black transman forcing nazi sympathizers into a concentration camp

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recently arkane is pandering to SJW
Niggers, female empowerment. And boring stories
Dead studio

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I thought she was pretending to suck a dick in the first scene.

This game seems like it's lowkey trying to make you root for the nazis. The good guys are so obnoxious and self righteous.

Fuck off with your retarded shill threads your game is a disgrace to the name you piece of shit swede cuck intern.

>The good guys are so obnoxious and self righteous.
That's how the "good guys" are in real life too, or at least they see themselves as the "good guys"

The writing makes it seem like the authors think that the allied soldiers in ww2 were high fiving all over tha place and had an all around good time, because killing nazis is such SO MUCH FUN!

TnO had a lot of soul and the conflict was BJ's own battlefield full of hatred and trauma.
When you fetishize killing nazis to this extend your characters just seem like insane cunts. "We were born to kill nazis!" ... you know who wasn't? BJ Blazkowitz. I fucking hate nu-wolf so much, it turned into a literal antifa murder fantasy where the lines of contemporary politics and historical satire melt together into an upper class wanna be fash-bashing "gutmensch's" fever dream. Bethesda should just kill the franchise as is and give the ip back to iD.

seriously, try having some sex

Spamming threads with ironic anti shilling is still shilling, machine games.

Isn't that what she's doing? What else is it then?


Looks like she's doing the saxophone joke from Bruce Almighty.

So what's the synopsis? What's the ending? Is BJ getting replaced?

I didn't even notice the middle finger she's giving. I think she's just blowing her hand to inflate her finger.

Its faggot shit

>The writing makes it seem like the authors think that the allied soldiers in ww2 were high fiving all over tha place and had an all around good time, because killing nazis is such SO MUCH FUN!
>TnO had a lot of soul and the conflict was BJ's own battlefield full of hatred and trauma.

I thought it was good (vidya) wrting how TnO ends and then fucked up that the series just kept going. BJ kills Deathshead at incredible cost and should've been 200% dead, nuked into rubble. He goes through a lot of pain just to get that far. Everything has the feeling of a guaranteed suicide mission. Even before the last level like on the ruined train bridge BJ and his allies are lamenting that he's not good for much more than vengeance driven rampage killings and is pretty much insane. Even as contemptible as the Nazis are there's just this feeling of inevitability, that BJ was gone too long and he can't actually defeat them because they own the entire world.

Then things had to get extra woke.

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>Antifa's wet dream
Why should i, Faggot?

She's coughing

oh please you were exaggarating, even if it was 5% of them look passable it mean 15 bangable chicks and couple true hotties out 300.



I don't play FPS games

I haven't played through the other Wolfenstein games in the new series yet. I'm enjoying New Order well enough right now.

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Do you hate deus ex?


Did Deus Ex take an existing franchise that was a pure FPS and turn it into this crap? No? Then shut up with your false equivalence.

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I didn't even know they were making another Wolfenstein game as I thought the last one flopped.

They're actually saying Trump is worse than the Nazis

picked this up yesterday and here are my thoughts.

>decent intro, until you get to the catacombs

>Forced CO-OP for LITERALLY everything. Wanna open a box? Need the other player. Wanna open a fucking door? Need the other player
>Graphical glitching and lagging out the ass even on decent systems
>Bullshit RPG "Mechanics" and soft locking. Nobody asked for this
>need a weapon to get through here? too bad, go spend time "grinding" missions until you get it
>Story is forgetable as fuck
>cringe shit from the main characters
>AI is bullet spongey as fuck
>Dumb revive system, even if you "revive" it uses this stupid "shared revive point or whatever which means absolutely 0
>enemies are the same and 0 variety
>SJW Bullshit and forced modern politics out the ass

IMO its a 6/10 at BEST and nothing like the originals in the reboot series. Worth picking up on a sale for the story if you are a die hard fan but other than that not worth it.

I'm a swede and I'm not buying it either

I don't think anyone on this planet thinks the Nazis were stupid, no matter how much they might dislike them. No stupid person could accomplish even 10% of what they achieved, given with what they started with.

Just play next Old Blood and forget about everything that comes after.


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>"lol, his only weapon is throwing buzzwords"

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I just don't like rpg elements in shooters. Including shit like grinding dailies etc.

What's the ending? Did they finally beat the nazis?

Why I can't kill kikes, niggers, and so?

why's her hair so ugly

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>He gave them money
>Your fucking brain

I'm not motivated by politics so I can look at this objectively. I like dumb shooters but this game looks terrible. It's sole selling point is to kill an unpopular demographic. No substance or soul, so who cares.

Fucking hell what have we done to have such a Kino FPS series turn into a pure pile of shit like this

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This game is retarded, but Mack is a big faggot after MWO.

For religious reasons

>Those faces

It's not enough to not have any form of female skin whatsoever, you even gotta deliberately make the females fucking ugly just to show how goddamn woke you are?

The ouroboros that is feminism can't die soon enough.

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I did buy it, then I refunded it. To be hinest i enjoyed the shooty bits but not the forced coop. I would have kept it apart from that,a lthough I think it might have not much length from what people are saying.

Sweden is neck deep in feminism to the point that what men find attractive is sexist.

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

such a beautiful game

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