why are people willing to play games in poor quality just because it's portable?
Why are people willing to play games in poor quality just because it's portable?
because they prefer having a game system whereever they go over having a game with the best graphics
Because nothing beats lying down on your bed, completely naked, playing vidya and letting your electric fan blow air directly all over your junk and asshole, while you sip ice cold tea.
However that being said, don't buy games that clearly don't fit the system.
Stick with indies, first party and more modest AA ports.
because it is fucking portable
and playing an rpg in bed is the comfiest thing in the world
>because they prefer having a game system whereever they go
are you in high-school or something? how much free time out of the house do you even have?
why are people willing to watch cinematic experiences with no gameplay just because it's on the ps4?
Even in the comfort of home, playing in bed beats most setups out there.
1.5h daily on commuting by train.
No I’m home I just don’t want to lace my bed
Bed’s warm dude
I can drag that little fucking thing anywhere I want in my house.
Who said anything about carrying it outside?
It perfectly complements the NEET lifestyle, just like any previous handheld did.
if you're already at home what the fuck does portability matter, retard
Shouldn't use a game nobody played as an argument. David cage games would've been a better choice.
Because i want to walk around my house while playing games.
I want to play games in bed, especially.
How miserable do you have to be to specifically "allocate time" to playing video games, as in you gotta sit on a couch, or on a chair and then start up your PC and do what you need to do?
Fuck that, i'm always playing games.
I'm playing games right now, as i'm browsing Yea Forums.
Because portability is worth it to a lot of people.
I myself hate wires and accept the loss of quality and increase in price to buy wireless things, like wireless headphones and a wireless mouse. Wireless freedom is worth it to me, and to a lot of other people as well.
Can't wait for a 100% wireless future lads.
I can take it with me to the bathroom, I can take it to the kitchen to get a drink, if I get tired of sitting in my chair I can take it with me to my bed. But hell, even the portability itself isn't that huge to me personally, it's the other quality of life features that come from it being portable. Namely, I can just press the power button whenever the fuck I want and stop playing, and then with a single press I can turn it back on later and resume from exactly where I was, no need for actually quitting out or saving my game or anything. Shit is comfy as fuck for rpgs and such. That said, I wouldn't get something like The Witcher on it.
what a chad
David cage games are multiplatform, nothing to do with Sony.
This man has the right idea
Plus I always preferred portable games since the my 1st Classic Gameboy that used 4 AA batteries
and PS4 is selling better than Xbox One beside Xbox have superrior performance
I won't buy it but not having to buy a tv which i never use besides videogames or a screen is one of the reasons. Then my laptop can't play it properly too so I understand when some people are hyped for the switch version. I would honestly be more hyped for witcher 1. Loved that dicepoker game
ps4 is a bloodborne machine, xbox is fucking useless
Why do you care about how someone else experience a game?
Don’t these retards know
Convenience trumps all
People will pay more for slightly lower quality if it means it’s much more convenient
Bottled water is an 8 billion dollar industry for this 1 simple fact
>I want to play games in bed
Do you not have a TV in your bedroom? This can be accomplished with any console or PC
Ps4 won't even be that come feb. Lmao
>nintendo fuckheads taking muh couch to the next level
Get a fucking laptop you poorfags
What's happening in February?
We know.
>2020: PS4 portable comes out
Never go full retard unless your using it for business stuff. They suck for gaming and will throttle themselves if they get too hot.
540p on such a small screen isn't an issue though.
the number of people buying these versions is greatly exaggerated
Mmm, can I join?
This is the top thing I never understood
Why do you care how I’m playing a game?
I have a extra beefy computer with a GTX 1080 ti yet I use it to play Princess Maker 2 a pc game from ‘88
how to spot an obsessed snoy nigg 101
I can’t lay flat on my back and use a PC the ergonomics are all weird
You just answered your own question
>because it's portable
that's the fucking selling point of the console, no one bought a Switch because they want a budget PC.
>wow the shitcher is the best RPG EVER
>what? I don't have grass this time? the game is ruine and unplayable!
what did the customers of that shit ever did with that game?
>reply to a post that says they play in bed
>you need to have your system wherever you go?
>do you have a lot of free time out of the house?
Why are the people that argue against portability always so goddamned autistic? You bring up the same "take it out in public" argument every time even when the post you reply to says the opposite. It's like you literally can't comprehend the concept of taking the game away from the dedicated game space and that the only alternative is playing outdoors.
>OP: why do people like things I don't like?
umm just use streaming if you're only using it in your house, retard.
720p on screen is more than I was expecting desu
i'm getting it because I've always wanted to play this game, don't have a proper pc/any other console so it's a nice convenience.
As an adult when I'm outdoors I prefer to enjoy the sincerity and beauty of nature, not play Mario on my neon tablet like a manchild.
Rent free
Or do whatever you want. Retard.
>completely missing the point of his post
I'm inclined to believe you're not actually an adult if your reading comprehension is this bad.
Can literally do this with a console and controller, you point seems retarded
As an adult who clearly has no reading ability, maybe
>misses the point AGAIN
>fucking DOUBLES DOWN on the playing outside bit
Thanks for letting me know you do it on purpose. Here's a (You) for the road.
Frankly if Sony can make a PS4 portable I'd honestly buy it.
So it can appeal to manchildren and actual children. Most adults don't take a Switch with them wherever they go.
When you work an adult job, having something to do on your breaks besides listening to middle-aged Stacys complain about their husbands not being "emotionally available" is a godsend.
Because the screen is that resolution
>Y-yeah well that's shit!
At that size, that's more than fine.
>B-but my phone!
Phones don't even need half the resolution they have for their screen size. It's a fucking waste.
nigga you play your games with a tv on your stomach? Based
As opposed to the mature adults who play mature games on their PS4, right?
Sounds like you lead a pathetic life my dude.
based retard
I always wonder if the spammers ever tried playing in bed or on the toilet, it's a level of comfort that can't be beaten.
Why would children and manchildren play Witcher 3?
Does that mean that it's a game for manchildren?
Nintentoddlers are such despicable insects
I never said anything about the ps4 but okay. Rent free
>They suck for gaming and will throttle themselves if they get too hot.
>but this trashcan pseudo tablet that plays the game at 540p is A-OK :)
t. jobless NEET
>on the toilet
I'm done shitting in one minute. Wanna know how I know you're an unhealthy lardass?
user didn't say it was in their house. Could be in a cottage somewhere far off. Seeth harder
>Why would children play Witcher 3
You tell me?
Have fun playing with your switch on break virgin. One day the "stacies" will notice you.
Pretty sure just about everyone knows Nintendo's online is shit, including the fans. Nobody's defending it.
Fuck off hater
Nice try, I'm really skinny. If we're assuming things, how often do you take it up the ass to just spray shit everywhere?
>Nobody's defending it.
I've seen people defend it on this very board.
So they won't buy it. Then I guess Switch owners don't play inferior versions of multiplat games? Cool.
>Have to connect the switch to a power source every 1.40 hours because the battery is shit
>The system itself is so big and awkward it's barely portable
Nice "portable" system you got there
>expensive, large bulky laptop
>cheap handheld
Who the fuck carries a laptop with them when making short travels?
I've seen people defend Epic on this board, doesn't mean it's a reasonable position.
>So they won't buy it. Then I guess Switch owners don't play inferior versions of multiplat games? Cool.
If you say so sperg. Have no idea what you're on about
>I'm really skinny
Do you think that automatically makes you healthy or something? Are you American by chance?
Based, truly #4thePlayers
>goalpost moving
Keep going, there's a lot of countries.
What is this thread about?
>barely portable
Are you short or something?
Isn't Yakuza 0 a ps3 port?
How does even make any sense
This. I feel like the people complaining about the Switch's ergonomics are manlets. If you have proper man-sized hands, the Switch is actually relatively comfy.
Dunno, you seem to think the Switch is super huge or something.
Looking for a opportunity to post this
The kickstand is shit and makes the switch fall everytime, and if you want to hold it instead then the system is too big and bulky for a portable ( the perfect size was the 3ds ).
This. I tried bringing my switch to the toilet but I never came any further than home screen before I started wiping. Now I just browse my phone for the 3 min I'm in there.
the majority of Yea Forums still can't run witcher 1 on PC much less 3.
too many brazillians with their garbage hardware that's weaker than 6th gen consoles.
>the system is too big and bulky for a portable
Living the dream.
And it's still a better experience than owning a shitch thanks to all the old games + ez emulation available on PC.
why are the enemies not doing anything
You wanna know how I know you're 19 years old?
Ever heard of this little thing called price?
A high quality laptop will easily cost you 3 times the price of a switch plus game
I can handle a graphic reduction if it means I’m not shelling out 900$
because while high fps and resolution do make a game more enjoyable they aren’t a necessary prerequisite, no matter how much totalbiscuit told us otherwise. For some people’s lifestyles playing on a desktop or home console is just not feasible and with a portable they can get a lot more playtime. My friend for example barely gets any time on his Xbox during uni, but still has a shit ton of free time to do literally nothing while hanging out on campus in between classes.
Not an argument, the system still is shit compared to the perfect size/weight ratio of the 3ds. Nobody is nostalgic for the fucking game gear.
Spregs wondering why people prefer Nintendo games over movies
>perfect size/weight ratio of the 3ds
But you're an adult (I hope). The 3DS was designed with kids' hands in mind. The game gear way bulkier than the Switch.
That's what yakuza games are like
What im more worried is about the frame rate. It has its choppy moments on other systems, can't imagine how much worst it will be on this one
Because I'm not nostalgic for a shit company shitting on the community for decades? Sorry nigger, I had some tastes back in 90 and got myself a ps1 so I don't feel any kind of love for shitendo.
Let's forget the fact that a good laptop costed me 3 more times than it will cost an user to get brand new switch retard
I like to bring my switch when I go to places I know I'll spend time on my phone for long periods of time. I'm currently visiting my parents five hours away and it's nice to be able to scratch the itch for gaming on the go when I get the opportunity.
>not very fond of staring at my phone for five hours on the train
>reading is excellent but can be tiring for the same duration
>playing games for a change is nice
Not to mention all my friends have a switch so it's pretty dank when it comes to local
>ahaha dude portability
>play FE
>2 hours of battery
>ahaha just buy a powerbank to carry around
>ahaha just buy the new switch
The switch sucks shit as a portable
Your cringe levels are off the fucking charts. You're trying way too hard to fit in.
Don't compare your shitbrick to a $900 computer. If you want a laptop that'll run the game at a similar resolution then you don't need to spend anything close to $900.
>You're an adult so it means you must like our giant brick OR ELSE YOU'RE A MANLET!
gtfo shill, I already bought a shitch anyway and I only hate Nintendo more than ever now.
>just because it's portable?
You answered your own question.
I have a big gaming rig on a 4k tv, a desktop pc, and a switch as my primary gaming systems.
Gaming rig I play the big games that are console-like but with jacked up graphics, sitting on a couch, controller in hand
office desktop I play things that require precision and keyboard playing
Switch I love to play with my big screen playing a show in the background, or on my couch somewhere else.
I also often carpool with my friends, and on times when we aren't talking (rarely), I like to pull it out, because the other passengers also play portable games
>this company hurt my feelings
>giant brick
Maybe when it's you holding it, manlytears.
>unable to play games at native resolution
ps vita flashbacks
go back to redd*t
my ass is portable
I'm not the same guy retard.
The same reason why'd you want to play on a console which can't play 60fps at 4k.
I'm not trying to fit in it's the truth, Nintendo wasn't even popular in Europe. It's a console only loved by brainwashed amerimutts.
Imagine missing out mgs1, Gran Turismo, silent hill, ff7-8-9, Spyro/crash, and oddworld only to play Mario.
Can't you read you idiot?
I said a GOOD laptop
If I only cared about portability I would have bought a switch
Nintendo is anti-consumers, has the highest rate of accessories breaking or malfunctioning, has the highest prices on the market, the shittiest hardware, the weakest online experience, but heh...
Enjoy your bing bing.
>Don't compare your shitbrick to a $900 computer.
But that's what you do everyday with the turdstation 4 sonybro
Imagine not having friends or family to visit that had the other consoles and games.
Imagine being a consolewar shitter past the age of 17.
Imagine being an adult and shitposting about what console is superior in Yea Forums.
I don't think so, user.
3, 4 and 5 are for PS3.
>Imagine having actual arguments instead of resorting to moving the goalpost
>This entire thread
It's a trash fucking port and a horrible idea. What's there even to defend?
Nintendo fans are a special kind of retarded.
They want third party games so badly, they'll play them in any state.
The only ones that aren't defective, shit-eating autists are the ones that decided to also invest in a PC.
what is this 2017
>calls other people retarded when all you care about is statistics instead of whether the game is good or not
It takes one to know one, I guess.
why are people willing to play games in poor quality just because it's a console?
Stop being poor and build a gaming PC
What are you a pedophile? Obsessed with toddlers?
Last (You) from me Ninten tard, don't spend it all in one place.
It's not the same retard. You obviusly have no idea what you're talking about since you're a poorfag who likely only owns a ps4. Once you're decked out with a 5000 dollar PC and every console like me you can join in on the conversation. Until then, stay quiet third world brown "boy".
Yeah the hardware is shit, but you shouldn't go full sperglord just because someone decided to get the port, user.
>japanese bamham
Another kiddie baffled by the success of the Switch.
I bet condoms are confusing for you too
>w-w-why would adults want to play with balloons?
>m-muh success
Isn't an argument, especially when it isn't even true.
Because there's a Nintendo logo on the console.
because the only time you actually really notice the poor quality is when people post comparison bullshots
>[Nintendo] has the highest rate of accessories breaking or malfunctioning
Source on that? I mean, it would make sense, seeing as nobody is taking their PS4 or Xbone on the bus, but it also seems like your an asshurt fanboy who spouts nonsense to provoke the console wars.
Sad really. Honestly pathetic. I could laugh you away with facts and figures but you're far too traumatised to accept reality.
But everyday you wake in a world where:
Nintendo are the most celebrated name in gaming history
Nintendo have sold more consoles than anyone else
Nintendo hardware innovations are visible in every rival system
Nintendo games DOMINATE every GOAT list ever published
The Switch is one of the most successful systems ever released and home to some of the most acclaimed video games ever made.
All you can ever do is continue to waste your sad pathetic life crying about Nintendo and achieving nothing while everyone laughs at you.
Enjoy your weekend. It feels good knowing you'll be right here - where you always are - seething and obsessed with Nintendo.
>If you have proper man-sized hands, the Switch is actually relatively comfy.
Maybe with a controller.
Damn bro. Thats brutal.
Not an argument :)
>Uncomfortable and anti-ergonomic
>Poorly lit, sun-reflecting screen that is impossible to be used outside
>Huge piece of shit that can't fiot in any pocket whatsoever
>Terrible performance with every single game that isn't a Wii U port
B-b-b-but it's ok because Ninty made it!!!!!!!!!
Feels good being a Switchad.
Double based.
Why do you think people are willing? The game isn't out yet so we don't know if people are going to even buy it.
If a developer announced their switch game is 140p it doesn't mean people are going to buy it.