>Samurai Showdown
>Nioh 2
>Ghost of Tsushima
Truly the year of Feudal Japan. Are you enjoying it all user?
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I haven't played a single one lol
Commit seppuku you peasant
Well, so far half of those are dogshit.
Sekiro was amazing
arigatou gozaimasu
nah :^)
Nioh 2 will be out this year?
>forgot Onimusha
Why did it have to sell like shit? We will never get a new one now.
You should do these pics but with your cock
Is nioh 1 super hard compared to something like sekiro?
>nigger has the ps4 version
who would've thought
totally different games. if you want to compare, do so with dark souls. I found it to be way easier than ds. it's got an action arcade feel to it.
>checkered floor
are you in a masonic lodge?
it is very very grindy, and incredibly long if you wanna 100% the game
a lot of bosses downright 1 hit you in the later parts (i have 115 hours with a friend and we're only about halfway)
that being said, there some really overpowered spells and abilities that make a lot of fights trivial
fun game tho, i recommend
It's probably a bit easier overall, but it seems to have more challenge modes. If you get stuck just spam Living Weapon and you're usually alright. Never got around to finishing it though because I fucking despise Diablo-style looting, it probably gets harder later.
>Samurai Shodown
>Feudal Japan
Begone fake weeb
Needs onimusha 2,3 and DoD to be remastered for me to fully enjoy it.
Together, not as seperate shit, fucking hell capcom
Shamefuru Disupuray
alright thanks bros
should be a safe purchase then
you are going to pay for each separately and you are gong to rike it. ok buddy.
You forgot
What are the GOAT samurai games?
Shogun 2 Total War, Nioh and Way of the Samurai 4 are my top 3 off the top of my head.
Earlier WotS games are better imo
Samurai Western by the same dev is also pretty good
Sengoku Basara
Bushido Blade
Samurai Shodown
Sword of the Samurai
No because Ubisoft is still too stupid to release an AC game with a setting that makes sense. That being feudal japan with ninjas. At this point I'd not even buy cause they'd stuff it with microtransactions and political messages I don't give a shit about.
what kind of political messages would they put in a feudal japan setting?
Anything that is completely irrelevant to the time period, so you name it. I just feel they would to spite anyone who wants the japan setting.
blind nigga samurai game WHEN?
>giving peasents the death of a samurai
I think you should be hanged like a criminal for enabling such acts
>Ghost of Tsushima
>this year
somehow i find feudal japan aesthetically bland and uninspiring
>sekiro only okay
>samurai showdown some anime shit?
>nioh 2 if no improvement from the @demo i‘m not buying
>ghost not interested for one bit
I mean its just not what you like then. I'm sure a different place in a different period does it for you better.
how are you black
Wasn't Ubisoft state themselves that they will never make AC in Feudal Japan?
Onimusha was technically last year wasn't it? Man it really did fail miserably. Should have been the complete collection, that would have spurred more interest.
>>Ghost of Tsushima
>rerelease first Onimusha
>choose to port Warlords over Genma