Have you ever stolen a videogame?

have you ever stolen a videogame?

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No, I only pirate games.

No but I stole some feed and seed


No, but stole money from the arcade to play in the arcade

Yes but actually no.

I would say that I steal cd-key giveaways on forums but they were giving it away anyways.


Stole Pokemon Fire Red from my neighbor, stole Sonic Advance 3 from my cousin. I regret it and I believe both had distanced themselves from me because they know I stole from them. I didn't like either game either.

Yes, along with digital piracy (which actually gave me a large load of friends back then) I also had a sneaky trick with physical games

>just got ps2 chipped
>was downloading games to burn
>sadly internet back then had a 20gb limit and was slow as fuck
>realized local eb games had a 7 day return policy
>would walk into multiple eb games and buy heaps of ps2 games to bring home and burn them
>would always return EVERY game within 7 days back to my local store
>only one worker got pissed off by my constant returns of 20 games a week to which I would reply "I'm very indecisive" which I was because alot of the games I copied were games I was simply curious about but never fully liked like predator concrete jungle
>kept doing this until they stopped stocking ps2 games

Still got the ps2 and those games, but it's a shame snesorama went down as they had games I never thought I would obtain physically like JP imports, but now I got the income to support such things if I so desire

I stole some gucci loafers, hotwired a fancy german car broke into some city slicker's apartmet, even as a kid stole gummi bears from the seed store we lived near

but never have i sneeded to steal a video game

No one here has actually stolen anything for real, just take a game at a mall and leave?

these days a store would be stupid to leave the game in its case on the shelf, why all of the ones in my country remove the games from the cases and lock up the disc/cartridges, long ago though some would leave them in but then lock them in plastic security boxes which could be smashed open with excessive force so MOST stopped that, found one that still does that but no one buys games from there because fuck all range and prices are eye gougingly expensive

Maybe some older posters may have stolen a cart if they are still around?

that episode always gave me such anxiety as a kid for some reason

flea markets and conventions my friend
the really expensive rare ones tend to be behind glass but others you can swipe easily

>flea markets
Last one I went too had bootleg games exposed, shit ones at that
there would be alot of people at anime or gaming ones, could be easy or difficult depending on sneaking difficulty, but for the price of admission why even bother, it cost as much as a game to get into the damn place, just saying

autistic redditors get out

Yeah, one of my sisters dipshit bfs left a copy of San Andreas over. I never gave it back. Was one of the original ones too before they briefly changed it to AO

Why do I keep seeing this man all of a sudden? Who is Don Ramon? Is that even his name?

Y-yeah, sorry.

I've borrowed without asking a couple of games from work. Had them with me for years, but I returned them.
Didn't even play them.

I worked at Best Buy as a side job for extra cash and I stole Disgaea 5 for the Switch cause my weeb coworker said it was good and I didn't wanna spend money on it. he was wrong.

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Maskposting is the hot new teevee meme, get with the times sneedgramps

I guess I technichally stole my friend/neighbor’s pokemon colossuem bonus disk (the one with jirachi).
It was borrowed then we grew distant and I just never gave it back.

I'd only pirate shit I already had a physical copy of it if I wated to emulate it otherwise I pay up.
Except for the like 3 smut games i've ever played, which I all stole.

Closest I ever got was buying a gameboy color and games from some shady kid at school.

this but unironically

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I stole a gameboy color from a bully who used to beat us up all the time. I had the b/w one. oh I also stole medievil 2 from him.

seu madruga

no, I'm white

Mario Kart Wii from a blockbuster.
>rent Mario kart wii when I was in grade school
>blockbuster goes outta business
>I just keep the fucking disc


they would have tried to sell it off for a buck anyway


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I stole my friends psp back in the day. Gave it back tho and got my own

Sort of I guess.
Some kid at my secondary school left a copy of pokemon diamond just laying out on the gravel. I took it, and tried to return it, but he said it wasn't his. I insisted it was, he insisted it wasn't. I even made him boot it up and he insisted the character with his name wasn't actually his.

So I took it home and played it. I always felt bad about it, I wonder if I unintentionally intimidated him or something.

i stole some shity SEGA game from some kid i didnt even know. this was in 2004 or something.

Yes, one time I was at a 24/7 Walmart with some friends so I unpackaged Brütal Legend, put the disc in my waistband and walked out

what the..

Legally, no. Philosophically, yeah.

formerly normal 4channers


there was this stuck up kid at the after school program that my school had
i stole his gameboy advance link cable because his dad bought him everything he'd ever need for games and his dad had money
its not like it would have cost his dad shit to replace it and i had desperately needed a link cable for a long time at that point and my parents would jew the fuck out of me any time i tried to get them to buy me anything video games or hobby related
i did borrow some games from a buddy and forgot to tell him until like a year later. they were on an old system he never played and i knew he wouldnt have a problem with it (nor were they rare games). for whatever reason i let someone else borrow one of those games and they proceeded to trade it in at gamestop 2 weeks later. i learned to damn near never let anyone borrow games that day

I always wondered how people had such shitty friends. My friends never traded in games unless they were their own, and we even coordinated to make sure we got something everyone would enjoy if we were getting a new game and didn't REALLY want something in particular.

You can still make amends, user. Return SA3 to your cousin.

most shitty friends i had, i quit hanging out with
this guy was one rare exception that i hung out with because one of my better friends at the time started hanging out with him a lot (and by extension, i did too)
i really stopped talking to him after he traded in the game i was borrowing. told the friend i borrowed from that i'd give him money if i forgot to return those games to him at some point.

>I always wondered how people had such shitty friends.
Everyone I've met who grew up with asshat friends came from tiny towns where you could either be friends with the dude who is an asshole or be a loner. And loners in small towns often get more ridicule because its more obvious you're solitary. People either start looking for guns, a noose, drugs, or all three.

yeah, im the guy he was replying to in and this was the case. eventually i just gave up and went full loner mode

I am amazed to see people on the net, most of whom work in software, actually defending copyright violators. Don't you have any interest in your own welfare?

Nobody know how much microcomputer software is stolen by people who "just copy it", but I would expect that conservatively one copy is stolen for each legitimate copy sold. Microcomputer software is
a billion dollar industry (at least, probably more), so we are talking about probable billions in theft. Billions that were stolen from US.
If people paid for the software they steal, I know I would be a great deal richer and so would many of you. Either salaries would be higher or prices of software would be lower due to the increased volume.

We must work very hard to combat this attitude. As we enter the so-called
"information age", information will become a very important form of property, and thieves will sap our money even more so than they do now.
It applies to music, too. How many of you have played thief by taping a record just to save $6 to $10? I admit I used to, but haven't in many years.

The other day I met a kid (about 17) in a computer store:
Kid: You have a computer
Me: Yes, I have several (After all, it's how I make my living)
Kid: Do you have a PC?
Me: Yes, I have one of those
Kid: Got any games for it?
Me: I have written some games, yes.
Kid: Wanna trade?
Me: For what?
Kid: I have [some game]
Me: Did you write that?
Kid: No, I just got it.
Me: You mean you stole it?
Kid: No, I copied it. (And he really thought there was a difference)
Me: Is it for sale.
Kid: No. Well, in the stores I guess..
Me: So you are a thief.
Kid: Everybody does it...
Me: and that makes theft OK?
Kid: Everybody does it.

You've seen this kid yourself, I am sure, for he's everywhere. One little copy doesn't hurt the author, just like one little beer can doesn't ruin the park....

I'm sure this is copypasta but god damn.

>calling piracy theft
didn't read lol, I don't care about any moral arguments but piracy is called piracy because it's piracy, not theft. If it was theft then it would be called theft. Words have meanings so stop using them wrong


I used to borrow games from friends, then say I lost them. Fuck those rich spoiled brats they could just ask their parents to buy another game for them.

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I copied my friends Star Control 2 and Might and Magic worlds of xeen discs back in high school but then i felt bad about it and bought them anyways.

I intentionally borrowed a whole bunch of games from some kiss-ass kid that used to orbit me and my friend group just before I moved house. Pretty decent haul desu.

is this the begining of a creppypasta?

i never sneed video games, i only chuck them

have sex

>9th grade
>Early in the school year I start to sit down with the guys who played yugioh in the cafeteria
>one dude brings a binder with a bunch of GBA games
>be me poor, only get 1 or 2 games a year from parents
>sit down and chit chat for a bit, then sneak megaman battle network 2 and go to class
>spend the next couple of weeks play its fucking awesome
>get stuck in the airport section
>no internet at home no way to google the solution
>sit down with the guys at the cafeteria and casually mention that I'm playing through MMBN2 to the guy who I stole from
>"...its great but I'm stuck at this one part. Do you by chance know what I'm supposed to do in this section?"
>he helps me out
>not sure if he's beta or if he just hasn't noticed he's missing the game

Still feel bad about it. Sorry guy.

>hack 3ds
>go to gamestop
>ask if I can try out some games in my 3ds
>they let me
>dump the game right there in the store
>give them back the game and leave like nothing ever happened

>Supposed to be loss prevention at work on top of a million other duties
>Apparently the policy is now if we see someone take something we need to maintain eye contact with them every single second until after checkout and if we lose sight at anytime we can't do anything
>This is in a big store

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well, theft and burglary are technically different crimes

get aids

Yeah, from a really deeply spoiled friend. Only game ever, was metroid zero mission. Like when i say spoiled, i mean this kid got a weekly $100 dollar allowance, and usually a $3 grand or so xmas. That kinda spoiled.

>be over at his house
>actually had just returned the game to him because i borrowed it
>decide on this day in particular..."fuck em"
>hatch plan
>when i returned it i placed it right on his dresser where he SAW me put it
>know for a fact that hes always losing shit off of it because the dumb stoned faggot cant keep track of shit.
>wait for him to use bathroom or raid his juicebox collection
>he gets up and walks out for a second, without missing a beat i grab that shit and pocket it
>we're both in the kitchen now
>grab juicebox with him because he doesnt give a fuck (ectocooler, shit was so cash)
>he turns around, i place it on top of his fridge and go back
>playing games, 30 mins later he notices its gone, starts freaking out, and rummages through his rats nest of a room
>i feign ignorance and help him look
here's the kicker
>turns and accuses me, i empty my pockets. kid is fuckin dumbfounded
>even checked my damn shoes
>he rages a bit, settles down 20 mins later and we go back to playing w/e normie shooter we were playing
>go to leave later, grab it from the fridge and walk home with my new game

master thief ladies and gentleman.