>If you move your entire army West then there will be nobody to hold the East.
>Oh wow, how have I never thought of that before? *leaves*
Obsidian fags unironically call this good writing.
If you move your entire army West then there will be nobody to hold the East
Other urls found in this thread:
Abortion of science
Despite not having to build an engine or most of the assets (i.e more than 50% of the work) Obsidian still failed to make a good game. Bethesda was kind enough to do most of the work for them but Obsidiots are ungrateful bitches.
[Barter 100) 2 + 2 = 4
>Runs away
>ITT: Bethniggers
[Speech 100] Lmao kill urself president my man
>>If you move your entire army West then there will be nobody to hold the East
>not going for the yolo strats
Do you even strategy games?
Is there a game where an NPC uses a skill check on YOU? Combat excluded.
wow fallout games have garbage writing. who would have guessed?
NVfags are so delusional, they enjoy a game that looks and plays exactly like a Bethesda game and then call everyone who says it's shit a Bethesda fag.
This. NV is practically a mod
Fallout 3 and NV are practically the same game, and anyone that shits on one while praising the other is an absolute retard
>good writing
That's subjective.
But you know what's an objective fact? It's better than pic related.
the barter check is actually good
you convince him the urban centers in the West are too reliant on the trade connections within the NCR to properly function under Legion rule and the communities under the NCR are not self-sufficient tribes so they cannot be integrated into the Legion at the same speed the Eastern tribes were
it wasn't a properly designed ending, they just glued it on with next to 0 effort for the sake of having a "pacifist" route
that being said it's still better writing than 90% of anything bethesda has crapped out
Yes, it's what happens when you fail yours.
So, uh, new vegas thread?
I started playing hardcore mode after watching this lady playing NV blind youtube.com
I took up a notch and disabled fast travel. Wish me luck.
[Perception] Oh my god you're all incels!
Nice blog, faggot. Have you tried playing the good Fallouts? (1/2)
>roman cosplayers
>elvis cosplayers
>mongol cosplayers
>jailbird cosplayers
>WW2 cosplayers
[Confirmed Bachelor] Dilate
I played Fallout 2 to death when I was in college.
That's not quite what you say. You say that the west is vast enough that deploying forces to take and hold it would weaken their grip on the east (there are many tribes hostile to CL), causing undue risk to the stability of CL for little potential gain while stretching supply lines.
That's Obisidan mocking Bethesda speech checks. Genius.
>we're just pretending to be retarded in our game!
it's funny and not unintentionally
It's not great writing persay, but it's true, and being able to persuade out the final boss by pointing out the holes in their logic is a fallout tradition.
Previously the Legion had gained strength by conquering an area and enslaving and absorbing it's people. But that wouldn't have been possible without Vegas for a variety of reasons. The Hoover Dam was a hook that promised to bleed out whoever took a bite at it. This was always Caesars intention though. He meant for the Legion to break itself on the Dam and the NCR, and reforge itself into something new via syncretism with more civilized elements.
[Speech 0] You are a faggot retard
the bad writing is the fact that Caesar and this nigger couldn't think of it themselves
>He meant for the Legion to break itself on the Dam and the NCR
No he didn't. Why does this KEEP coming up?
Like I said, Caesar knew and expected it. The Legate does as Caesar commands, it wouldn't occur to them to question his strategy. Especially not with what he does to people who question him.
Caesar wanted to break the Legion on the Hoover because he knew it wasn't suited for long term stability
[Intelligence 10] How smart of you to reduce a long conversation to a single summary.
[Perception 6] Dumb Bethdrone nigger.
itt: bethesda fans shitting on NV, while proudly displaying their retardation by grasping at straws.
they helped them so much that they forced them to relese an unfinished game
Being contrarian against contrarians doesn’t make you some badass living on the edge, it just makes you a nornalfag.
>NVfags think that Bethesda made FO1 and 2
>NVfags keep shitting on Bethesda while praising a game with Bethesda engine, graphics and gameplay
Can't make this up
Caesar is too busy living out his "crossing the Rubicon" fantasy to care and Lanius is too obsessed with his reputation as the general that has never lost a battle to think about how you can win a battle but lose a war
an RPG lives or dies on its writing
building a good engine is not building a good game
Good thing that's not how it's written you fucking nigger.
>still pulling straws
This is just pathetic.
You do realise that half of the shit NV gets is because of issues that stem from it using same engine as F3?
That's exactly how it's written you double nigger.
NV is bad. Not because of the gameplay or plot but because it's literally 100% brown and bloom. I don't know how anyone not colorblind can stand that garbage.
yeah lol what kind of real life empire would ever overextend
>Makes a better game in months than bethesda could in 4 years
Stay mad Todd.
It's literally a desert, what did you expect?
The Legate isn't exactly an intellectual powerhouse.
It isn't though, invest in an education mein negro.
>the entirety of nevada is desert
Oh of course not, but the section NV is is in, the MOJAVE FUCKING DESERT is a desert.
t. Somalian IQ
Ignoring that this isn't the Mojave, are you aware that the Fallout franchise takes place after a nuclear war?
>Muh grafix
Go back to your fallout 4 thread retard
Are you aware that Chernobyl was exponentially more devastating to the long term environment than a nuclear bomb, and less than 5 years later it was flourishing with wildlife?
Are you aware that chernobyl is in eastern europe and isn't a desert, like the mojave desert?
Because the alternative is suiciding on the NCR and even the most ardent legionfag knows that's a bad idea
>a nuclear bomb
A single nuclear bomb and not, say, thousands of them dropped on every part of California, Nevada and Arizona except for the small part in the middle called the Mojave? Wow, who would've guessed one bomb is not equal to the apocalypse
game is objectively the most objective game in the objectively best series in the objective genre. objectively.
>nevada is 100% desert!
>no it isn't, look at this picture
>w-well a nuclear apocalypse would make it so!
>no it wouldn't, chernobyl was worse and is still fine
>nevada is 100% desert!
No one said that
mentally disabled frognigger
Learn to read nigger.
maybe you should learn to read, because they obviously said the area NV takes place in IS entirely desert, even though nevada isn't
Show me where it says Nevada is 100% desert in that post
It's okay if you don't because it doesn't
No, YOU learn to read, idiot. I meant that NV is a fucking desert. I NEVER said Nevada is all desert.
Nuclear bombs scorch and flatten everything within they're blast radius. Radiation doesn't.
This is embarrassing.
Literally means wholely, entirely, and 100%.
actually it's
>[Speech 61%] Kill urself my man
>[Speech 61%] Kill urself my man
>[Speech 61%] Kill urself my man
>k lol
Meanwhile in Underrail (the superior RPG) you either have the skill to pass a check or you don't. Reloading doesn't effect it. Checkmate zoomer niggers.
It was the exact same way in 1 and 2 once you knew what the speech checks were, all Bethesda did was label them as such and display the %
>the Mojave Desert, the setting of the game, is literally a desert
Yes, yes it is
Are you going anywhere with this you ESL fuck?
Underrail is barely an RPG
>if you spend your entire army budget on the mid-east then there will be nobody to protect the south-west border
>Oh wow, are you some kind of anti-semitist? *increases foreign aid to israel*
Republicans unironically call this good governance.
No it wasn't.
If you had the required speech the option would show up/be successful but otherwise it wouldn't be there or it'd just piss the person off because you said it like a moron.
That guy can give you special weapons in his store when you talk about it with him he asks you "do you work for any of the casinos "
Your answers are:
yes, but he doesn't want to sell you crap if you choose that
No (but said in a convincing matter for him to believe you ) and he shows you his special items, if you fail then he doesn't believes you and tells you to fuck off
>>nevada is 100% desert!
Only thing is, nobody said that though - I think you should work on your reading comprehension. Someone (not me) said
>It's (the setting for the game Fallout: New Vegas) literally a desert, what did you expect?
Which, the Mojave (the setting for the game Fallout: New Vegas) actually is, making you a complete fucking retard, but lets roll with it for a little while longer for shits and giggles;
>no it isn't, look at this picture
Brilliant, so it doesn't include the entire state of Nevada, before 50 nukes were dropped onto it. Awful I know, but why stop there? Why not include the whole of America? Why not include the whole world? Why not have a space exploration program built into the game? Because it's fucking stupid and not the focus of the game, the game is set in the Mojave desert; have you been to Las Vegas? It's a desert mate, go check it out on google maps, what is the confusion here?
>>no it wouldn't, chernobyl was worse and is still fine
Chernobyl was absolutely not worse than the fictional nuclear war that led to the Fallout setting. I strongly feel that you are so far below average intelligence that you should probably find the person who looks after you and request to legally pursue the right to die a painless, dignified and peaceful death.
>Speech checks are done with a skill roll or checking against a threshold (only the former are generally called "Speech checks"). Rolls are virtually ubiquitous in Fallout while the latter are more prevalent in Fallout 2.
Guess again, Skippy
That is actually fucking genius
So I was thinking of 2, whatever.
>stem from it using same engine as F3
it's not the engine's fault obshits are hacks who can't do basic scripting
This. You can tell this place is full of autists because barley anyone recognises the subtext in things.
>desert is brown
>big ass plain of dirt and sand with a few trees and shit scattered around
>not brown
>still at it
>doesnt even know what the fuck he is on about
>.t never seen a desert
>It's better for animals to have exploded nuke plant around than humans.
Fucking virus species.
Does anyone unironically listen to all the voice lines in full in games like this instead of just reading the subtitles before they're finished talking?
Wasn't this from Fallout 2? God, I should replay it sometime. A slaver char sounds fun as fuck.
Those images are posted in bad faith with the intention to create a fight and to fool those who didn't play the game into thinking it's bad
I play with Japanese VO and subtitles like God intended
pretty sure the fallout universe use salted bomb and it's an alternate universe so they probably manage to make them more radioactive that ours
I had to disable them because I was roughly 3 times faster than their spoken dialogue.
dead money was a mistake.
Post your top 5 songs
1. I'm Movin Out
2. Big Iron
3. Lone Star
4. Stars of the Midnight Range
5. Let's Ride Into The Sunset Together
1. Johnny Guitar
2. Johnny Guitar
3. Johnny Guitar
4. Johnny Guitar
5. Johnny Guitar
bad song bad taste
You do know that there are various kinds of radiation, and salted nuclear bombs hit way harder and longer than a power plant explosion?
No, you don't, nigger.