This is user’s room, he is quite fond of video games

This is user’s room, he is quite fond of video games...

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come on in

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How the fuck can you live like this? The stale cigarette smell would kill me.

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Is this as bad as it look?

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Two minutes of conversation and then they leave.
>pic related

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these people stopped living a long time ago

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smokefags have no sense of smell and live in blissful ignorance of how much their stink brings tears to the eyes of everyone around them.

I love video games my nigga lets play some marvel

Attached: 37463782161187.jpg (1440x1080, 557K)

I've never seen a bedroom door that opened outward.

>No Madden
confirmed for 6 coats of spray-tan

Come on in!

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Attached: dad-walks-in.webm (1280x720, 1.27M)

imagine the smell

kill yourself

Redpill me on yellow kangaroo mon

>at white friends house
>bang his sister
>then his mom
>taken picture of games
>reparation them

Not now mom, I'm busy!

Attached: 30621328_p0.jpg (900x1295, 590K)