Is this the greatest game of all time?

Is this the greatest game of all time?

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (580x724, 73K)

*blocks your path*

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no :)

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Is OP the most autistic retard of all time?


Dark Souls 1 (One) is.

2 edgy 4 me

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IS it possible to play this on pc yet?

not even the best in the Soulsborne series, but it's a solid game

It could be, if it didn't run like shit on its own system

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PS Now.

Yeah bro,just pay for possibly the worst subscription service.

or emulate

Possibly. Solid 9/10 for sure. Pretty weak replay value because of limited builds. But gameplay and exploration was 10/10 for me and the soundtrack was off the charts amazing for its setting.

the game is overall solid, not the framerate
also the difficulty curve is all over the place, even in the DLC

>even reaches 26 and 30
Give it credit, that's probably the best running game on the PS4. Most don't even reach 24 or so

Dark Souls 3 has a better comunity and more content.

>Dark souls 3
yikes user, i hope ur joking

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Pretty much. Still have more of an attachment to Morrowind and Planescape because of how they shaped my taste in media in general but Bloodborne was a mystical experience and pretty much perfect for me.

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>what is d44m


maybe the greatest slideshow of all time

Can emulate this? Tought it was in the early stages.


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