>Mixed (1,332)
Whose mothers did Wolfenstein: Youngblood kick in the nuts?
How do we save Wolfenstein: Youngblood from the pissbabies?
>Mixed (1,332)
Whose mothers did Wolfenstein: Youngblood kick in the nuts?
How do we save Wolfenstein: Youngblood from the pissbabies?
Why is it only mixed instead of mostly negative?
representative of the protagonists' heritage
I would rather play RTCW.
>Muuh goofy nazis and shitty antifa humor and crap gunplay.
>Hatchet everyones ass to 1 hit. Wtf is this garbage.
So much wrong with these games.
the game might be gay and all but god damn this guy is assblasted the whole time
Oh god not you again
The game is good btw
i went to the store page and saw an option to "buy gold bars" what is that for?
>TNO and TOB are great games
>Sequel and spin off by the same company is not
How? What was the problem? Was it really hard just make those two games again, but with new weapons, maps and NPCs?
>reminder bj has been at this for SIXTY YEARS and still hasn't won
le sigh
because he's completely blacklisted from the video tranny industry, he has to beg for keys off GMG and im pretty sure the only devs/publisher that gave him a key was for Yakuza Kiwami 2. If reviewers weren't bias shills they would be an angry boomer like him to.
It's a very controversial feature which lets you buy gold bullion from within the game and have it shipped directly to your home. This is illegal in some countries, so check the laws in your area before using it.
Especially the bulletsponge enemies and microtransactions.
Buy your gold from the Bethesda shop now!
Mixed, just like the mulatto sister.
he's literally so mad online that he complains that the robot suits break the immersion
Different director. The earlier games were co-directed now it's only turbofag at the wheel.
It's true though. Wolfenstein is dieselpunk at it's core. The suit badly clashes with the aesthetic of the entire series.
why is one of them niggress?
The game is being review bombed by man-children. No different to Far Cry New Dawn. This is going to happen repeatedly in the future. People always say, "Oh, it's okay to change the gameplay if you do it in a spinoff", but it turns out that autists rage all the same.
maybe they shouldn't have made it look so boring
It's not a fucking spin-off if it's a direct fucking sequel to TNO. People already hated TNO for it's shit level design and considering who is at the wheel I wouldn't be surprised if it's still fucked.
There are some serious issues with the game but I still havent heard anyone talk about those here. For a game that has barely any story and is mostly just gameplay you fags seem really focused on the story part.
Anyway, comparing to the other games the more open ended levels made the encounters feel less specific, like you end up getting mostly a bunch of dudes spread out around the area then a tightly designed encounter.
Plus, Paris does look the same from stsrt to finish.
Im liking it so far but I feel that after a certain point you lose the sense of progress and just do the same again and again, it doesnt evolve as smoothly as the other games, in 3 minutes I got the weapons that I have been using for the last 3 hours, still havent got anything new.
Cosmetics only
>It's not a fucking spin-off if it's a direct fucking sequel to TNO.
No it isn't.
TOB > TNO > TNC > Wolfenstein 3 > Youngblood. It's a low budget experimental co-op game.
Do you also consider Half-Life Decay to be a direct sequel to Half-Life?
If you do the missions in order you wont encounter bulletsponges enemies
>People already hated TNO for it's shit level design and considering who is at the wheel I wouldn't be surprised if it's still fucked.
TNO's level design was highly praised. Mechanically, Wolfenstein is borderline identical to Syndicate 2012. It's the level design and stealth that makes it stand out. Then came TOB, which was good. Then came TNC, which had some structural issues.
Youngblood is a collaboration between Machinesgames and Arkane, so the level design is more vertical and open-ended. I can't help noticing that it basically uses the Cysis 2 approach to verticality where you have Underground > Street Level > Above Street Level.
I'm not playing another game where the developer forces his politics down your throat.
TNO was enough of a shitshow. I dont' care if you're ancap, socialist, corporatist, conservative or communist, I don't give a shit about politics and I don't want it in the games I play. ESPECIALLY modern day politics, holy fuck take a hint.
>playing sjw shit
you had this coming
Sorry bruh I meant TNC. That game was so shit I couldn't remember it's name right. Sorry I made you type all that shit for nothing.
You get a kraftwerk for every completed tower and you can get a perk to pocket the huge guns.
Honestly, the arsenal is pretty huge, but you need either one thin-armor weapon less or one big-armor weapon more, since i always run out of ammo for the sturm-whatever gun.
Wolf 3 is going to be set after Youngblood, come on.
You have to stop mecha-Hitler and set-up the hell dimension stuff.
>got this game with my new video card, played it with a friend all night, ended up being pretty fun
who else STIER CORE?
I'm going to post these every thread because they're still funny.
Im getting Half Life Decay vibes from this and I really enjoyed that game.
>2500 gold bars
Come on now.
Why are you such a shitposting brainlet?
I can't even watch this abomination without laughing my ass off
all came with the rtx 2080, i dont even know what to spend this jew gold on, the 19080 cybord suit is about as perfect as a uniform as i want
>shit talking stalin without even realising
oh wow, i did not expect them to pack their premium-jew currency with it.
Yeah, the suit skins and helmets are probably the only thing to spend gold bars on. Props to them, even boosters are bought with in-game currency.
>Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
yeah, im kinda glad they didn't make it so i couldnt just go into the first level with my MP1980 or w/e fully upgraded and just kill everything on uber. it's fun shekel hoarding(since your girl is a literal jew to buy parts for your gun. it feels like whoever did the upgrades played a did or Tarkov the last couple years with making each weapon have 5 parts and each part having 3 types of that part.
why do they keep making these games?
Who keeps buying them?
>mixed, just like op
when was the last time you saw your nigga father?
that's the Outsider rune from Dishonored
why the fuck are they reusing Arkane's assets? I thought they just were helping out with the engine
Its just another proof that no matter who you pander to, nazis, commies, incels, feminists, you still have to make a good game.
jesus fucking christ the dialogue in this game is unbearable to listen to
But the game IS good. The people leaving negative reviews have 0.2hrs of gameplay logged. They buy games just to leave a negative review due to conflivting political beliefs and then refund the games.
nooooo how couldn they bash on le epic president meme man i love him so much im crying and shitting and cumming
man, when Trump wins 2020 it's going to be absolutely amazing
Yea SO good. Playing the same corridors with the same enemies over and over while having two antifa members screaming in every cutscene.
Throwing hatchets in legs insta killing yea man this game IS good.
What went wrong? Was The New Order ever as cucked full of sjw shit as the ones that came afterwards?
Every time. EVERY. TIME. Every time you people just focus on the "ohohohh you don't like it because it has women I get it you're a bigot jeeez" no fuck. I was hyped all the way from the trailers. I didn't care you played as women. No. But I do care that the game has a forced coop in a semi-open world world that is all located in one city and you do warframe styled missions and your skills are put behind progression and everything has levels and numbers including your enemies and how you progress the game is that you just increase your number and then go to the mission that required that number and now game is based on 80s instead of 60s because hey fuck why not and I didnt even care to format my text in any way or shape because nobody defending this game wouldnt read it anyway.
>The game is being review bombed by man-children
Didn't steam change their system so you have to own the game to post a review
>some structural issues
That's putting it very lightly
>huge wall made of concrete
Wait, are they criticizing Israel?
>The suit badly clashes with the aesthetic of the entire series.
That was kind of the point in TNO. Everything else in the game world was very industrial whereas the suit, which had a completely different origin than nearly every other piece of technology in the game, was pure science-fantasy. It taking such a prominent role in the sequels without a plethora of other secret Jewish science was a stylistic fuckup.
is2.Yea Forums.org/v/1564225685088.jpg
It's called an easter egg, my dude.
>worth a boomer
he was funny before he went balls deep into being butthurt about politics he disagrees with.
This is just sad.
>But the game IS good
Ideological bullshit aside, most people (myself included) seem to think the gameplay changes were unnecessary and made the game worse.
then how about you focus on the rest too and not the politics??
BREAKING NEWS! UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SCRAMBLING AS 45TH PRESIDENT VANISHES FROM EXISTENCE! In unrelated news, clothing stores report mass shortage of assless chaps.
I wish Bethesda's marketers would stop trying to make Yea Forums likes this shit game and instead focus on drumming up hype for DOOM Eternal. Nothing can save Wolfenstein anymore, the series needs a reboot again. Just move on and try convincing Yea Forums to buy nu DOOM, it's actually worth something unlike the new Wolfensteins
DOOM is still atleast being developed by a lot of ID people so it has hope. DOOM 2016 was a very good game when compared to the rest of the AAA industry and you shouldn't be so assblasted about it and instead cherish those values that are still left.
Is it true there's a leveling system and you can't kill enemies that are too high level?
See, marketing speak like that and making connections to developers people actually like, that's a better strategy than "HURR WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT MIXED REVIEWS". I'm proud of you, keep it up and you'll deserve the job
>retarded contrarians pretend to like this game because they think itll piss off that "alt-right" boogeyman.
I never played warframe so this whole crazy action and progression with verticality and special moves is new to me. I'm really digging it.
Still not playing Warframe though.
>anally anihilated
I wish I was capable to create a video game only for him to tear it apart. I'd give him a copy first minute. What a legend.
Protip: companies take advantage of outrage culture and review bombing to delegitimize user reviews so they can go back to buying high scores from 'reputable sources'.
There's a leveling system, but in theory you can kill anything. In practice though if the enemy level is high enough, you will get one-shot and you will have to cheese the encounter like a motherfuck. That only happens very rarely, however. Usually enemies hover 1-2 levels below or above you.
And they are right. Like it takes much to make you fags mad.
Or maybe it's fucking fun. Do I need to make a gameplay video?
Spot on. Supposedly red pilled /pol/ is doing free advertisement with every rage thread to any media they cry about again. Glorious to see all the butthurt.
>It's a review about game turns into a star wars rant episode
I don't even have to look at the reviews to know what they say.
>lets shoehorn leveling and half assed rpg elements into the game
ahhhh yes, the western design recipe to make the game feel deep and complex, very fitting
>extended magazine
well they got that shit right at least
I see. Still seems a bit weird for every single game to have shoe-horned RPG elements now.
*Sponsored Commenter*
The game is actually really fun! Give it a go guys and gals!
thanks. it aint much but its honest work.
Comments on said thread like an absolute retard
I played wolfenstein 2009, are the newer games as good?
Absolutely based boomer
How asshurt are the trannies going to be when Trump gets a second term? Are we going to see full on nuclear meltdowns or will they finally accept it and move on with their lives?
sure bro lets see how "fun" you can make it look
When will bethesda execs realize that roasties and liberals are destroying their comapny and kick them out?
>inb4 commie bash the freemarket for allowing racists to not buy video games
The new order and old blood are pretty okay.
Avoid New colossus and this turd like the plague though.
>sturmgewehr gun
No, god fucking no.
You forgot non-binary pals user! How silly of you!
New Order is pretty good. Level design isn't completely fucked yet.
If I would own it I would downvote it simply for this.
Oh no, he might have to BUY games
No it wasn't.
why buy when he can refund?
>new colossus has you have a communist and a racist anti-white black hag in your group
>youngblood let's you play as 2010s feminist bitches and the game is even worse on top of having microtransactions and forcing you to use the bethesda launcher
>trash game can't be trash
Your taste is garbage, you fucking tranny. End yourself.
Perfectly functional game is still functional
based and frankly redpilled.
It's not too dissimlar to this, man.
>Wolfenstein games made after the election are full of sjw shit
Makes me think. Did ((They)) make this happen?
Implying Swedes didn’t do it to themselves
Why refund when he can pirate and literally no one would notice.
Eat shit leftard
why do all the trash games have denuvo lmao.
No, stay with the old ones and pretend the new ones dont exist.
If the game in anything like the last game I'll just skip it since they took a massive shit on both gunplay, variety and level design in TNC. Not only that but the story is cringy as fuck and the entire game feels padded to all hell with shit enemy encounters/design that just drags out each encounter. That and the ''looter'shooter'' genre always falls flat on its face thanks to the pacing being complete shit. I hate bulletsponge enemies in shooters and ''looter'shooters'' are always filled to the brim with them.
TNO was linear as fuck and had most of the same problems but atleast it had some good setpieces/enemy encounters to make it feel a lot more open ended and action packed than it really was.
>waaah waaah sjw waaah
If you thought the last one was cringe with all the communist and racist shit in it, this one is 10x worse, its like a feminist power fantasy
lole okay homo
In what world is this game not sjw? Its like sjw cordial, concentrated leftist cringe
I think the new order was alright, it wasn't like tnc. It was like, I dunno, as if Doom game received more plot or some shit; think about Doom 2016, whereas Doom 1/2/TNT/Whatever were simple shooters with some really basic plot, Doom 2016 got some lore.
They fucked everything up with TNC tho, it was pure commie bullshit and the gameplay wasn't as fun as in TNO.
>requires 3rd party account
now thats a level of obnoxiousness i could never support
New Order was ok
Honestly Return to Castle Wolfenstein is still the best
TNC is a downgrade from TNO in almost every way, less weapon variety, less enemy variety, long cutscenes in the middle of gameplay, 2 bosses only, map layout is mostly worse.
The courtroom map was based though, best part of the game
I was really an amazing game, an way ahead of its time in multiplayer. Calling in air strikes as the Lt., volumetric flamethrowers....goddamn what a game.
>PC Gamer posts an utterly quality article saying players have already figured out how to give themselves infinite coins
>the method is using fucking cheat engine
>the article's author, resident cuck Andy Chalk, says you shouldn't do it because it breaks the game's EULA
Does anyone else feel weird when hearing the devs repeat stuff like "REMEMBER SHOOT STAB AND KILL NAZIS" over and over and over again
It's like some kind of subliminal messaging
Shit makes me uncomfortable
heh yeah. but RTCW and TFC along with command and conquer is how I liked to spend my free time. Sadly i never got to play rtcw or tfc on broadband i was a 52.6k ( my friends though i was godly having that kinda connection) shitter trying to play shooter games. rts wasn't as bad.
How absolutely expected
God I cant wait until its open season on these fuckers
>the article's author, resident cuck Andy Chalk, says you shouldn't do it because it breaks the game's EULA
>Stop having fun in a video game, guys, thats against the law! You should grind ingame-currency by repeating same areas over and over again, thats the correct way to play the game!
It's funny how a parody has now become real life.
Seek mental help autism lord.
I've never understood how breaking a game giving yourself unlimited everything and removing any and all challenge is fun. For me the moment he challenge disappears the game is boring as fuck and not worth playing anymore.
They're swedish devs, what did you expect? They don't make games for actual audience anymore, they make games for their wive's boyfriends.
Yeah, it is weird, and I dont like it, it makes zero sense for bullets to make no damage because of skill. Still, it really isnt that present in the game, only if you go to the clearly higher level missions, something that is easy not to do.
And the enemies do wear more visible armor the stronger they are, so it isnt as outlandish as other games.
Grinding is not fun. I used cheats in GTA games to unlock all weapons, trigger an instant 5-star police force, and see how long I would survive. The challenge is still there, just without the grind to get the fun gameplay part.
From what little I played of the game, the coins are spent on weapon/character upgrades and cosmetics. It's not necessarily anything gamebreaking. But the devs are kikes for putting microtransactions in a singleplayer/coop game
I dont really understand sorry
I just feel like after about the year 2000 people suddenly stopped treating WW2 with any semblance of respect and its become this highly politicized shitfest of sides attacking each other
I grew up watching movies like The Eagle Has Landed, Battle of Britain, The Great Escape, etc. and I always felt these movies were respectful to the Germans. Throwing in a bit of banter here and there is to be expected, making fun of the losers in war is as old as war its self, Napoleon and the French would know.
But then something changed and people started expressing this visceral hatred for the Nazi's more than ever before, like the Nazi's had returned or something. I dont get it. The war ended almost 80 years ago.
Shit like Inglorious Basterds and these new Wolfenstein games aren't fun at all they just make me feel uncomfortable.
I agree, but in this case its the only real way to enjoy the game since the rpg elements put a brake on the progress far too often and force you to grind same areas with same enemy placements. If you're going to introduce Arpg-style grinding to your shooter, then you have to make sure you keep things refreshing somehow. The reason why you didnt get the same weariness in Borderlands 2 was because that game drowned you in optional missions that helped you grind and didnt force you to redo old areas (for a few notably boring exceptions).
Its either that or you go the Path of Exile route of introducing so many random gameplay elements and encounters that the same area feels drastically different even if you would do it again immediatly.
Why? What does someone accomplish by spamming this shit?
Why would the hatred against an army of violent, genocidal thugs make you uncomfortable? Unless...
Self-reassurance that they aren't completely insane
It's significantly better than New Colossus since you can shoot things for more than 5mins at a time. Characters are cringe but nowhere near as bad as TNO.
My apologies.
Because they were not an army of violent genocidal thugs, they were brave people fighting for their country just like every other army.
What you're referring to is a few people at the top who did terrible things in secret, and those people were all executed or put in prison for life. Even people who didn't do anything but were related to it were imprisoned for war crimes.
The actual troops had no idea what was going on in the camps or behind the scenes until Germany had fallen and the truth was outed.
We used to treat the Germans with the respect one would give to people who saw their entire country torn apart.
But of course you know this, you're just a piece of shit.
>all anime avatars
Maybe anime was a fucking mistake after all.
>It's ok if the game has bullshit in it user
>Just grind for tod and you'll be fine.
Fuck off, unless there's something worthwhile under the combat that's all just a killing point.
Why are game devs so obssessed with blompht?
It's sincerely cringy.
>le evil old white british wall man
Damn that guy sounds completely butthurt.
I haven't even watched it but isn't this the fag with his dumbass bell? Fuck off with this faggot.
Different directors.
Also, I've heard that a lot of people who worked in TNO and TOB left the company
This shouldnt be allowed!
We need the ADL on this immediately!
Where's Wolfenstein 3D and RtCW in all this? Were they retconned?
>It's ok that it's ugly and out of place for lore reasons.
They made the story, they could have come up with a different answer.
>Yea Forums hates the game
>loves Tarantino movies
Love the double standards this board has.
No it wasn't.
TNO was based as fuck.
Those main bosses were so damn well made that made you boil in rage when you see them
Who the fuck are you quoting? Fuck Tarantino
TNO is good. TOB is a mix of the old games (Wolf 2009, RTCW) and TNO. It's quite short tho
I don't get this pic. Seems like the ones on the left are being cringy as fuck and the right ones are mocking them for it. Yet it keeps being posted as an example of the bad writing of the game.
It might be bad, but i only get self-deprecating vibes from it.
>Yea Forums loves older wolfenstein games
>Yea Forums hates new wolfenstein games
>you kill nazis in both
it's almost like the game sucks because it's not fun to play and not some nazi conspiration
Based boomer Mack ranting about shit nugames.
With good reason. Honestly dude ran one of the biggest Mafia 1 fan sites and was a decently proficient map maker for, if I recall correctly, Quake 2 (I think his shit got into one of those PC gaming mags with CDs filled with custom maps). That's a lot more than can be said for 95% of nu/v/, who probably wasn't even born when Mafia 1 came out and whose top 5 contains Overwatch, Skyrim, and Portal.
>they hate Trump
Fucking bas-
>for gay lefty reasons
Oh. Oh well
Show me the Tarantino movie which involves audience being forced to see the same scene over and over again for minutes at a time.
Grinding is shit, and only in your game if it's intrinsically flawed, or trying to drag out playtimes.
That's the autist who also derails Obsidian threads with gay fish, shills that Duke Nukem 3D mod as well as his badly written MK futa fanfics. He's legit mentally ill.
Get off the internet, Thew
Remember when this was the worst Wolfenstein game? Now in comparison to the new ones, its actually pretty good. Flamethrower in particular is fun as fuck to use. And Cthulhu-world with cyborg nazis was a neat concept.
Lol okay retard
>you can shoot things for more than 5mins at a time.
I heard the enemy's were bullet sponges but this is ridiculous
>they were brave people fighting for their country just like every other army.
Yeah, no. The Wehrmacht committed their share of war crimes, particularly in the East. It's not nearly as simple as you describe it.
This reads like "how do you do fellow kids?"
And what exactly are trying to prove with this?
That you should go back to whatever mentally ill, kiddie-fiddling tranny discord you crawled out from.
Damn you're more retarded than I thought
You could've just said "I'm a retard without any arguments"
It's kiddy diddling you bigot.
to be honest it's kinda hard to take the nazis as the bad guys when they are advancing humanity beyond space colonization while the jews where purposely keeping secret knowledge for themselves instead of the bettering of mankind
Name a military in the last century that that hasn't committed a war crime.
translation: if you grind the same levels over and over to do all the sidequest bullshit, then you'll rarely encounter them
It's a shitshow, user.
Employees giving it good reviews
>committed their share of war crimes
You naive soul
But I do not want to save it.
Why did both ubisoft and bethesda decide to fuck up far cry and wolfenstein in exactly the same way?
>implying the fanfic reboot games are canon
Dilate. I already posted my arguments in a screenshot.
Oh God not you again
No it isn't btw
New Order is cool. Old blood is fine. Rest is meh
The Jews literally had everything they needed to stop them but didn't because I guess a 1935-1946 isn't enough time for super scientists to organize a response. That twist was the most retarded thing about TNO.
Welcome to WW2 where eastern front was a horror nightmare for everyone involved and the supposed heroes tortured and had concentration camps of their own. The only thing that elevated Nazis as the ultimate bad guys was them industrializing genocide which is a whole new level of evil to the otherwise traditional genocide.
This, it made sense during the war but after the time skip you are objectively the bad guy of the series
You sound like those assassin's creed odyssey apologists
>Yea Forums wants to save Wolfenstein
And here I thought Yea Forums was /pol/-light that wanted to boycott the first two games.
Yes, their share same as anyone else. They did evil under the belief that they were doing good, such is the road to damnation, but everyone has stepped on it at some point.
almost level 25 can't wait to get all tier 2 stier master race upgrade on the STG
Reminder that Youngblood is canon.
People will look back to this decade and cringe at all the out of place Trump references in movies, games and tv shows.
>Comments are filled with Trump drones
You'd think Yea Forums would love this guy.
The more I look at this the more I'm asking myself, what in all that is unholy were they thinking? We all saw the SJW things a mile away, what I'm asking is about everything else. Does everyone still remember Shadow Warrior 2? And how less good it felt compared to 1? This feels like that, but worse in every possible way times 10. They turned an FPS into a lootershooter without the loot, it's like borderlands but it takes itself seriously and worse in every possible way.
Sorry user. 50% of people will and 50% of people will see it as their generation's Woodstock.
TNC was already fucking terrible so I had no hope for this.
I fucking hate this new trend where they put 0 thought into the level design in shooters and try to cover it up with garbage cutscenes and RPG mechanics
I actually liked wolf 2009. The guns felt weird to shoot tho.
I was happy that one of the characters appeared in TNO.
Also, it's quite interesting how they implied that TNO is a somewhat sequel of RTCW and Wolf2009 but also that those events didn't happened
First game was always decent, nothing new or mind blowing but still decent. Old blood seems to be a favorite as well but I didn't like it, specially the final boss.
2 was straight up trash.
Its really amazing that people like you are allowed to walk around in public
>hates x
>loves y
What the fuck
The levels were so fucking boring too visually, the only decent one was gas station level but it's so short because you go into that generic underground bunker
>3 hours played
Besides the woman part, you're 100% dead on.
Holy fucking SHIT MY DICK
Fuck nazis and fuck white people.
No you didn't you fucking moron
Fuck you too
People that uses the term "sjw" unironically are retarded
because you hate being called out?
Have sex incel
gonna just wait for doom eternal, looks better then this ever could.
This kind of comments always makes me laugh. Keep rising up brave gaymer
Imagine still playing western SJW games.
Imagine being this guy lol
Imagine not keeping up with the latest happenings and staying uninformed.
>booohoooo moooam there are women and minorities in my video game
Yeah new doom eternal info came out recently.
Cringe as fuck
>> 471920689
Are you okay there bud?
He's partially right. I didn't ask for minorities in a game focusing on Aryan people.
You'd think after the fourth game they would've made a better game than doom 2016.
Oh my little baby played a game with minorities, let me play a sad song on world's smallest violin for you
What if that user is a minority?
>that reddit fag that keeps replying to every post itt trying to convince you to love "minorities"
>Plays like Borderlands
>But remove the loot and up the SJW antics to eleven
What in the fuck? How could they mess up gameplay too? Why can´t they just give people Wolfenstein but Co-op and be happy? They just have to tack on meme gameplay.
Stier is the official /k/ approved attachment brand for all your STG needs.
i think im just gonna dump points in the laser now
How can anyone not like a game where you kill NAZIS the most evil people on the planet? Surely you can't dislike a game that allows you to do good???
And we're back to to retard network again
yikes, those characters are turbo cringe
how could someone look at this and decide "yep that looks good lets put it in our game"
that's always been the case, dumbass
I never played the new Wolfenstein, but, aren't you playing as the bad guy ? If the nazis won the war, and brought order to the world, what is the point of fighting ? You are killing innocent people, with family and friends, simply because they wear a different flag ? Doesn't that make you equal to a WW2 nazi ?
>But they are doing evil experiment on people
Like US, USRR and China post WW2 ?
no one cares, fuck off.
>mfw people think any german soldier was a nazi who deserves torture.
Really that's my only peev when people bring up bashing nazis. The newfags larping as the saviors of the white race are also cringe. If they just made their own term to describe themselves instead of going full retard.
most of the soldiers you kill aren't even ww2 nazis anymore, so many years have passed they would have been born after the war
"Nazi" here, Glad this game is flopping, No one is buying your cringy propaganda anymore. Cope~
I too would like a chorent response to this.
kiss my ass, im gonna make the best of this free game i got with my video card. it's fun to get drunk and coop with a friend.
Ok 90% McDonalds grease
Did they copy paste the assets from Dishonored?
It makes sense for Blazkowicz and Deathshead because for him it would be personal and not about right/wrong.
It becomes retarded when they try to make it about morality later.
So basically it would have been an actual interesting plot twist with BJ going 'But wait comrades, are we the bad guys now?'
>blowing a guy's head off and then dancing in the in the blood while cheering
That's kind of fucked up.
i want to play as a nazi in a wolfenstein game
this game literally has daily and weekly missions that give you currency
Mixed. just like the people who made that game's races are
>SJWfags complaining about game reviews being fake and pushing an agenda
I'm sure some faggot will say that 'b-but wouldn't you love to do that to someone???' Personally, there is people I'd love to kill, and woulld be damn proud to pull it offf. When the deeds done, I'll move o. Not teabag and sodomize the body like some fucked up pyschopath.
I always liked 2009. RIP Raven.
cringe game for (((sjws)))
BJ and his allies pretty much admit in the last few levels of TNO that BJ isn't much more than a rampage killer who is indistinguishable from an insane man and that the world has moved too far past him. Even their victory is one location, against one man, while the rest of the world and even worlds in space are under Nazi control. There was an air of inevitability that made TNO end on a really sad but good writing note imo. Why his story continues past killing Deathshead is a mystery.
Any game with microtransactions deserves to get shit on, cosmetic or not.
>doom ethernal
>makes fun of SJW's on the fucking TRAILER
>sells like fucking HOTCAKES
>2 wolfenstein games pander to SJW's
>BOTH are massive fucking failures
well maybe when they make wolfesntein 3 full of SJW shit and it bombs again they will learn right
third time is a charm
Different timeline I think. The only retconned one was the 2009 game.
gotta suport a fellow pedo
it's not out yet dumbass
this game is so irrelevant that i didnt even added it to me generic FPS games list
>funny picture he took with his close ones
>omg controversy
Yeah I bet you never did something silly in your life either.
where did i imply that is a bad thing?
i too like sucking little girls feet
I like how this completely omits the fact that the formula used to determine height also varies based on race. They also fail to take into account the leg is coming in at an angle.
>Be german
>lose war
>be forced to watch your grandfathers get maimed and killed in different comical ways with new guns for eternity
>can't say anything about it
>even IGN didn't like it
God I fucking love Sucy so much..
>doom eternal
>game about a huge space marine ripping literal demons guts out
>mirrors edge andromeda
>Wolfenstein 2
>wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch dogs 2
any other SJW games that bombed and i forgot?
Because the comedic timing is off due to repetition.
Second because Wolfenstein is as a series, campy, but not B action movie. So that scene both falls flat due to overusing the word Nazi, which breaks flow, but also because that style of writing stands at odds with past Wolfenstein games. TOB and TNO really nailed their writing flow. TNC and TYB are both just.... yeeeeeeeeaarghhhhh.........
The MP was actually fun but they still keep missing the mark on what people loved about the old BF series. I don't understand it.
>TNC has a giant wall of concrete
>this exists
Do they just not even read their own plots?
nobody gives a fuck
>Dragon Age Inquisition
t. triggered wehraboo
>haha oh my little baby let me play a sad song sweety :)))
Thankfully Ubisoft said they're done making video games and going all in on live service garbage so Uplay requirements can be ignored.
This. I really really liked New Order. The whole asylum scene/section was fucking great and there's nothing that comes even close in the sequels.
*sad song starts playing*
short hair brunette is cute, SFM when ?
based boomer calling out and destroying left wing nuts making "games"
Stay mad pissbaby
Maybe one day you incels will work up the courage to talk to a woman and realize that they're people just like you and deserve to have their own role models in games
DmC was shit but nothing about it was sjw, it was just bad and cringy, nothing political really unless you think "They Live" is politically charged.
This guy is one sad faggot
Probably never. Nobody bought or played this trash.
>reviewer complains about some deus ex machina
naw shit dood
This site never stops amaze me with its users retardation
I've seen porn of more obscure shit
didnt inquisition sold pretty well?
you are thinking mass effect 4
Why does Yea Forums always pretend to defend SJW shit to start shit, it ceased being funny a week in and it has been years now
all of them sold pretty well besides DmC, and mafia 3
it's all nazis fault
wolfenstein 2 had shit gameplay and it's the same here
wolfenstain 2 sold less than 1m copies and so did battlefield vagina
Because it's fun to see you tards go "reeeeee sjw reeeee"
>Nazis are objectively (and I mean objectively) bad
>You kill the objective bad
>Yea Forums thinks game is bad
Is this the blood of the contrarian soul?
good one
List So far
>mirrors edge catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch dogs 2
>mass effect andromeda
>Mortal kombat 11
Battlefield v sold bad because it's gameplay was weak compared to the older entries not because "muh wahmen"
Imagine unironically believing this game received bad selling because they were sjw also imagine unironically using the term sjw , that's so sad
Suprised they actually showed a swastika. America is getting bold!
same with wolfenstein 2 the gameplay was shit and didn't have a final boss
They are pretending too though. It's dull overdone larping shit
All talk, no bite. My family killed your Hook nosed relatives and i yearn to do it myself.
Come and get us, loser.
You know I put Mack's videos on the background sometimes and sort of enjoy them but he's such an unironic boomer he's hard to sit through a lot of the time.
What? I knew dmcfags were retards, but jesus christ.
Sold bad because people just got a world war shooter and v didn't excite anyone
>mirrors see catalyst
They took what made the game great, the great map design and interactive maps they also removed guns, story was also shit
>lats two wolfenstein games
Sold bad because uninspired level designs, bad jokes that didn't land and uninteresting story
>mafia 3
It was unfinished garbage
>watch Dogs 2
It was good way better than first one it's just first one disappointed people so much they didn't cared about a sequel
>mass effect Andromeda
It was just bad both story and gameplay wise
It just entered hero shooter marked way too late, it had a good gameplay but map designs and that anti gravity thing was shit
Conclusion : you're a retard
I honestly forgot this game even existed. Feels like there was no presence for it at all until it suddenly released.
Go dilate
>original wolfenstein's classification for nazi
>member of the ss of their personal guard
>wolfensoy's classification for nazi
>white and male
Gee, I wonder where the problem could lie.
i honestly liked watch dogs 2
you okay, pajeet?
It's not a good game, it's insane how faggots here act like these cash grabs have to be loved by everyone or it's a conspiracy.
Going by the images posted, it seems they're just hopping on the Republicans are bad bandwagon.
Both sides are controlled by the same people.
Which people?
>make two extremely unlikeable characters
>they are the protagonists
what's the point? Same with that shitty indie game that came out earlier this year. Yiik. Noboldy wants to play as an obnoxious character, the whole "it's ironic" doesn't work when you have to spend hours tolerating these pieces of shit.
Watch dogs 2 was pretty tame with the sjw shit.
Lmao it's not good, it's a shitty fps with lazily slapped on rpg elements, a shit story and lame ass gameplay.
Yes it sure tiring correcting you deluded retards but I'm good
They wouldn't do that if the game was good.
>Sjw's cant make good games
>Some how this means putting them in charge of your games wont ruin them
Baka tranny
Yiik is even worse than this character wise lol
Why this board never can post something that's not retarded?
Watch dogs 2 was better than the first but still had a lot of the same boring ass gameplay and the writing was pretty bad. I actually liked the main character but everyone else was obnoxious as hell.
>worth a buy
>the same review that said ds1 was a bad game because he had to play it with a controller
Well at least it wasn't just gta witch hacking. Watch dogs 2 at least let you choose between being a gangster and hacker
Because they didnt want to waste advertising money on this piece of shit lol.
should we men just start dying our hair and pretend that we are women so we can design games too? but secretly design good games and just pretend to be retarded? sounds like a plan honestly
I read this whole thing and I don't understand what the hell they are talking about. Can anyone explain?
>Not liking Inglorious Basterds
You may be retarded user.
Yeah, I'll give it credit there. I think it would be a better game if the protagonist wasnt the only character who seemed to take shit seriously, everyone else acts like children.at one point he has to take his crew to a fucking festival just so they dont give up half way through the game. I did like that the game criticized tech tyrants like zuckerberg and domestic spying.
It's where discord tranny comes from. These people hide in discord and organize raids to promote not working, masturbation, pedophilia, homosexuality, bestiality etc etc etc.And this picture shows them virtue signalling about being homosexual faggots that nobody likes "it's a good thing."
Inglorious bastards isnt that Goodman Christoph waltz performance is pretty much the best thing about the film. Same with hateful 8, jennifer Jason leigh carries that film.
bro, you just described the future
why enemies have levels? this isn't destiny
99% of posts made on Yea Forums are post-ironic ungenuine falseflags.
almost nothing here is sincere
get dabbed on freak, boomer pride world wide
It is. They're fags
>99% of posts made on Yea Forums are post-ironic ungenuine falseflags.
50 bucks the people spamming pro sjw shit actually like it. You vastly underestimate the autism levels of canadians and europoors
that's just the thing, the developers don't realize their characters are obnoxious. they think they are well written because they self-insert.
Probs the calmest Mack has been in a negative review for some time.
really makes you wonder how the world would have been if Nazis won the war, its not like this is just pure fiction either. Germany was the most advanced nation in the 30s and 40s on its own merit, thats why depict sucessful Nazi germany as futuristic and extremely technologically advanced and architecture is aesthetic as fuck
>the games sold bad becasue they are uninspired garbage
>the games are garbage becasue sjws who made them are all incompetent retards who can't produce anything worthwhile
How isn't this SJWs fault again?
Woldenstein is more normie than Halo now
>i can't believe our socialist progressive bullshit is being... REJECTED??? how can people NOT want to endlessly and indifferently mow down cartoonish exaggerations of nazis AGAIN for the sixtieth time?? We put WOMEN in it!! Don't you guys like WOMEN????? We put the WOMEN in MECH SUITS NOW! That makes them COOL!!!!
Every day I die a little more inside knowing Bethesda owns Doom
Guys, ask me how I know this guy drink söylent
DSP likes it, Yea Forums btfo
>I already posted my arguments in a screenshot.
What argument? Is that image supposed to represent everyone left of you?
japan had better planes
russia had better tanks
america had better boats
>army of violent, genocidal thugs
You're american who learned history though hollywood movies arent you?
ideally, after germany counquered the world hitler would've died of old age and we'd all live under one flag
russia had one(1) good tank that was spammed to fuck
The gunplay in TNC is great. The rest is worse for wear, I'll agree.
Hey faggot I got spoilers for you, there are no good guys in war
Keep in mind they were only advancing so fast because they were willing to be unethical, conducting extremely fucked up experiments and killing people. You can advance really fast if you apply "Survival of the smartest and fittest" as your government's philosophy, but you trade your humanity in the process because human experimentation is needed for a lot of those breakthroughs
you're a fucking retard making shit up and talking out of his ass
Post citation of disappear from my screen faggot
>giving a single shit about nu-ID story
Bethesda keeps ruining everything i see.
Not for long, because the next game will probably be another reboot of the franchise
>advancement in jets were due to tearing civilians limb by limb and making them into lamps
>germany counquered the world
But, Germany didnt want to conquer the world, they just wanted to get rid of socities parasites and bank elites from Germany and reinstate parts that were lost to Poland from Versailles treaty back to germany. They didnt even want to go to war, it was the british that declared war, it was the brits that started WWII
Now go read a book because clearly you're an american who watched hollywood movies.
Anyways, consider that
Mmmmm i wonder who worked on this.
Oh right, no fucking wonder its so shit.
IGN gave it a 6.5, if even they don't like it it's just not gonna be good
The games godamn fucking shit but so is this video.
hold on, remind me again who dropped 2 test experiment nukes?
Were those nazis?
>The game is being review bombed by man-children
Even the fucking system of Steam doesn't lable it as review bomb, you fuckwit .
I think even the total owners of this game right now are not enough to make review bomb even if they want to.
been watching mack for years
still the same. bless this boomer
>games made by SJWs are bad
>reinstate parts that were lost to Poland
explain generalplan ost.
Did he say it was a bad game or a bad port? Because the PC version was a fucking mess.
what did he mean with this?
Could be worse, I could be a tranny.
>IGN gave it a 6.5, if even they don't like it it's just not gonna be good
game journo scores are based on what people want to hear
Game journo scores haven't mattered for over a decade
Sorry, but when we have a sitting President saying shit like "The Nazis were very fine people" then of course a game about fighting Nazis made during this period is going to reference that.
epic bait, NPCs will fall for it
>Wolfenstein set in paris
>You play as BJ's spunky twin daughters
>Co-Op fps
that's rare, good idea
And they fucked it up. The blueprint for a good gane is here and they took a wrong turn at every single opportunity. The plot is atrocious, the player characters are insufferable retards and the gameplay is uninspiriert dogshit.
>NPCs will fall for it
It's just going to be him samefagging
How is it bait? It's just common sense.
If Obama had praised Nazis then games like this would be just as critical of him, but he knew better than to do that. Pretty much everyone knows better except for the current US President.
bless this man. I don't get why Yea Forums hates him, he's BoomerKino
But seriously, hate trump for whatever reason, but he's not a racist. He's in bed with Epstein and the upper echelon of US sodomites, that's a reason to hate him, but trying to prove he's a nazi is a fight against windmills.
>muh immersion
>muh immersion
how to tell that guy is a massive retard
WW2 Nazis have to be white and male (if soldiers) given the time period (no women in army), the nation (Germany is almost purely white), the party (Aryan race btw), etc.
Have you been living under a rock or something? Go look up Trump's statements on Charlottesville.
I wouldn't call him a Nazi, no Nazi would ever put on a jew hat and go to the wailing wall respectfully even if they were trying to hide that they were a Nazi, but dude is racist.
>WW2 Nazis have to be white and male
he puts zoomers, weebs and trannies in the same basket and they seethe
because the developers arent confident in the quality of the product.
that's not his point faggot
also women were also nazis faggot
New Order and Old Blood were actually pretty good
> not bullet spongy
> first level with friend
> ten niggas taking shotgun shells like a tank
>game is good ok
nah that guy is just a retard like you
it gets better after 10 hours
Its very simple. If you're not buying this game to support social justice faggotry then there is absolutely no reason to buy it because that's all wolfenstein is now. A cash cow to milk money from retards with very little effort.
Literally today he said some racist shit. As he does most days. But sure, a billionaire shitting in a gold toilet that sells us to Russia is great.
I'm going to say that "This game isn't for you." in the least SJW way possible.
Yeah, it sucks dick, but they made it with college girls clearly in mind. I doubt Wolfenstein fans outside of NU-apologists would look at this and go like "Fuck yeah, I can't wait to play this white girl power fantasy"
>Germany was the most advanced nation in the 30s and 40s on its own merit
Nazi tank commanders admitted their tanks were generally inferior compare to T-38 and KT1 duirng the begining Operation Barbarossa, you need to try harder.
Nazi's technological advancements were rather partial and often greatly exaggerated.
>I don't get why Yea Forums hates him
His editing is shit. He only shows the game and doesn't have a face cam. Zoomers can't cope.
>they made it with college girls clearly in mind.
What? Unsure of the future and having no moral compass?
why, is the game done by then ? or are you done killing that few enemies that you shooting at a million times
>but dude is racist
Clearly, that's why he can't stop talking about how much he loves niggers and spics at his rallies, and never even mentions white people. Literally Hitler.
damn wolfenstein shills and libtards seething
I remember a ton of you faggots seething back when that other wolfenstein game went on sale after a single week
>Nazi's technological advancements were rather partial and often greatly exaggerated.
Nearly all of their weapons were adopted in some form or fashion
Anime is fine, these fuckers have just latched onto it while also complaining about how racist it is.
well that's just exactly their core audience
Not him but I didn't encounter this bullet spongyness, I played it up to the catacombs like 2 hours or so. Some enemies seemed a bit toughr but I think there was some turoial tip that said something about enemies having different armor against different weapons. Any enemy that wasn't droppnigi easily, I just switched weapon to something else and it seemed to be OK. What I didn't like was having to have to AI partner when I just wanted to play it solo.
Yeah and how he lovingly told minorities to "go back to your own country", how can anyone think that's racist?
But the Soviets won, user.
Basically, yeah.
The myth of German technological advancement is a myth. Germany had a really shitty socialist economy which was collapsing, hence why Germany went to war when it did. Most of the technological advancements of the war were made by Britain and the US. Every jet engine today is based on the British Whittle design for example; the German one was shit.
>The plot is atrocious
It's your average Tarantino flick.
>the player characters are insufferable retards
Here we go again. You didn't even say why you think they're insufferable retards.
>and the gameplay is uninspiriert dogshit
It's more dynamic and deeper than the previous games.
I've read a bunch of memoirs by British officers and most of them had a professional respect for their German counterparts in the Wehrmacht and on the few occasions they got to speak to each other the Germans seemed to behave the same way towards the British. SS niggers were universally hated however, for very obvious reasons.
He didn't; he told people who criticise the US politically as the raison d'etre for them being in politics despite having had lives they never could have elsewhere thanks to the US system to go back to their homelands, fix them using the wonderful socialism they advocate, and then come back. The fact that you think he was being racist was calculated and part of driving the Gang of Four to become the defacto face of the democratic party, thus ensuring he's elected in 2020. You got played.
No he told a bunch of dumb fuckin thots to go back to their own country. Trust me guy, I wish trump was a racist but unfortunately he's not. He's a typical boomer white guy.
Stop being mean to Tarintino you asshole.
Funny how there were Jew Nazis.
>Having this shit tier of movie taste
Sad user. Sad.
Not who you are talking to but
Yeah which is a great fucking idea. Quantity has a quality all of it's own. Nazi Supertanks aren't worth shit if you can't produce lots of them quickly.
if there is profit there is a jew
German industry was also remarkably inefficient and they didn't put their country in total war mode until halfway through the war, in contrast with Britain that put their country into total war almost as soon as the Battle of France was over. Unfortunately for Germany their realisation that they needed to streamline everything and start truly mass production coincided with RAF Bomber Command figuring out how to hit German industry where it really hurt (which took dragging Bomber Harris kicking and screaming away from his obsession with bombing German cities) so massive increases in industrial efficiency only resulted in very small increases in materiel output. By the end of the war Britain had actually managed to out-produce Germany in most areas because of it.
That's what I was thinking, how long did it take the first jew to condemn their brothers to rube goldberg machine style torture
Trump won the elections and SJWs are still in meltdown mode.
Probably because the game runs just fine.
And black Nazis. I think people forget Hitler was in the middle of a war against the entire planet (besides Japan). The Jews in work camps starved to death along with German soldiers because the USA cut off their food supply.
Not for mos of their naval weapons and aerial weapons. Some concepts of their weapons and tactics such as assault rifle, long range rocket/missile, jet fighter...etc were rather advanced and widely adopted after the war, but not necessarily the techs themelves. In fact, many crucial techs they hold were gradually lost behind to ally forces during last years of the war such as sonar, radar, conventional aircrafts, bombers, even their famous tanks, and of course, atomic bombs. The designs of Nazi tanks were often quite sophistcated but also too complicated and counter-productive as industrial products.
>Germany just kind of walks into places and sits there in the Wolfenstein Universe.
>Sometimes they take Slavs and put them in death camps.
>Don't use the mass man power of conquered territories because that would make too much sense.
>France has been occupied by the Germans for 40 years, yet it still feels like 1940s France.
>No French Auxiliary units even though they had French soldiers shooting at French resistance during the fucking war.
>Apparently no American Auxiliary units either.
>Or from any occupied territory for that matter since the Germans apparently have cloning facilities or godlike baby batter.
>Resistance in America involves an old commie and le angry black lady.
>Even with the millions of Burgerclaps that are armed.
>or contingents of the US military that created pocket cells of resistance across the states.
So everyone is just stupid, right?
Bomber Harris was trying to win the future, not the war. How can Germany ruin europe again if there is no Germany?
Assault rifles (ak 47), pistols, bolt actions, machine guns, submachine guns etc etc etc
>pistols, bolt actions, machine guns, submachine guns
Those are not first invented nor created by Nazi Germany.
You realize the entire reason anyone gets into politics is because they're criticizing the US politically and claim to be able to fix it, right?
Are you retarded? Many of the german service weapons were either copied verbatim or their technologies are still used today.
Have you never even looked at the Second World War?
61 and 39.
Yes, but when you try to make it seem like your nation is a fascist hellhole and you're advocating a failed destructive ideology that is worse than practically anything else that could be put in place, it is perfectly fine for someone to tell them that they're full of shit, which they are.
The only case where I can think of this being the case if the MG-42. None others are.
Well thanks for admitting that you're ignorant.
I agree but the same is true of "unironicaly."
This can't be happening. Gamers, what are we gonna do?
I'm laughing too.
Inb4 samefag and assumptions and tranny tranny.
And most of those weapons are still not first invented nor created by Nazi Germany. Are you retarded?
Some of Browning's light weapons are as durable and long lasting as those Nazi guns.
I didn‘t like The New Order at all. How‘s The Old Blood?
I think most "socialists" are actually just people who want us to be like Canada
>I don't know how guns work
>I will now attempt to tell you you're wrong about guns
Fuck off tinkerbell
despite the hateboner, these games seem so weirdly complimentary of nazis. super advanced future tech in 1980 thanks to nazis, and implying the nazis wouldn't be dumb enough to elect trump.
do they realize what message they're sending?
Not too mention every one that isnt a soldier in Paris still speaks French. Didn't the Nazis want to kill them all and replace them with Germans again? Instead of actually making the Germans the bad guys by doing actual genocide and showing that its just: "Nazi's bad, they did this in an audio transcript and they've made robots with evil eyes!"
based RTCW Chad
>I don't know how guns work
Thans for admitting it, you obviously don't know them, and their history.
You just obessed with Nazi Germany.
liked and subscribed. Or I would if I had a google account.
That's the deal soldiers user. They die in war. You must be the biggest retard at the retard ball.
DSfix completely fixes it. Aside from rare glitches that can happen if you unlock the frame rate.
which is funny because their entire perception of canada comes from television
It's pretty obvious you're trying to shitpost with absolutely no knowledge on the subject. Here's a tip, have wikipedia open next time you massive faggot, if you don't already.
>I don't know how guns work
Thanks for admitting it, idiot, you obviously don't know them, and their history.
You're just obsessed with Nazi Germany.
Its stupid we all know.
>1980 Nazi's
>Walking robots able to do complex tasks and manual labour
>Normal 2019
>Our robots can barely walk
>1980's Nazi's
>Able to entirely re-construct Paris into architecture completely different from 1940's Paris
>Normal 2019
>Cant add bike lanes to London
While it has problems I think from everything I've heard and read about most Canadians have a generally positive view of their healthcare system.
>a shitposter falseslaggin about other shitposts
This is how I know you have no valid arguments and are desperate.
What's the last Bethesda game to not bomb?
And so do Brits with our NHS, its great, only problem is that its overclogged with Poles, And that depends where you are in the country, Americans are really missing out. And missing their money.
Wolfenstein isn't bethesda, it's Swedish
It's published under them/Zenimax. Their publishing has been comedically incompetent for years now so Doom is the last positive release I can think of from them., maybe The Evil Within 2.
Steam reviews are toxic because it's only incels who are actually autistic enough to rant like this
The Evil Within
Not invented by Nazi Germany, checked.
>bolt actions
Not invented by Nazi Germany, checked.
>machine guns
Not invented by Nazi Germany, checked.
>submachine guns
Not invented by Nazi Germany, checked.
>Assault rifle
Invented by Nazi Germany, but not ak47, you retard.
Who cares who published it? They didn't make they game
But Merca IS a hellhole under unpresident Tantrump
Hopefully we'll get a likeable protag for the next game.
why is it always them when you are overflowing with niggers and arabs?
Dude, it's a $30 co-op wolfenstein game where you don't play or BJ and there is no local split-screen. It's shit without even getting into "politics."
Eh, I don't like the guy but without a source of what poll is being used this is Boomer Facebook tier shit.
>Local split screen
It's a feature that should be in but don't act like you have friends
He's been spamming it for a couple days now
crack when
It's just zoomer outrage, they complain about everything, nothing new to see here.
Probably never, unless somebody pays a cracker
He's absolutely right, liked and subbed
>to START shit
The confederacy really is brainless.
less players then a 10 year old shooter with no support
Even ignoring the "orange man bad" tier joke this is so poorly written, holy shit.
>"There are too many inconsistencies in your writing"
>Letter begins as boilerplateish rejection letter and ends as a very impolite "fuck you and don't call us back"
t. some third world nigger
Why are they making fun of Israel and their giant concrete border wall. I though this game was anti Nazi not Antisemitic.
Hitler Manga?
kys jew swede sjw faggot you are subhuman dont have human rights
It's Gallup, you uneducated Louisiana 39%er.
Truth examiner doesn't even exist
it's both, remember the only reason the nazis won the war in this timeline is because they found the unfathomable technology jewish wizards hoarded in vaults they let deathshead find. jews unironically caused everything.
Confederates' favorite passtime is looking like asses making assumptions.
Quit being so scared.
>are we out of touch?
>No its the gamers who are wrong
JEWISH WIZARD TECHNOLOGY, what they learned about interest rates?
It's ok, the nazis just stole their ultra advanced tech from the jews, who hoarded all their knowledge instead of sharing it with the goyim because reasons
someone for the long of god screen cap this and send it to Todd
>because the USA cut off their food supply
When your rethoric is a 1:1 match with ones from commies who are apologists for south american and soviet regimes
Runs fine, looks fine, competent shooting mechanics. Main problem are the protagonists (entirely unlikable and out of place in the story/setting) and the shitty looter-shooter mechanics.
>that let you explore
>survivor horror game
>lets your dismember
>on a distance
kys ESL.
>people don't starve when you cut off all supply
You probably don't know the germans did the blitz on crystal meth. They were like chaos marines.
Shit tastefags love RPG coop shooters
i saw a few reviews, things like the guardian, kotaku, etc gave it all above an 8 or 8.5 while real game reviewers all gave it 5-6-7s
So did the US and UK. The US only stopped giving amphetamines to pilots in 2017