Going into this game for the first time. Any intricacies of the job system I should know beforehand, potential fuckup decisions? Is Ramza as much of a bitch as his FF14 incarnation?
Going into this game for the first time. Any intricacies of the job system I should know beforehand...
Get a Ninja. That's pretty much it. Ramza is a bitch for like 1/3rd the game and then he turns into "well guess I'll kill you then" after being burned in life so badly.
>Any intricacies of the job system I should know beforehand, potential fuckup decisions?
Not really no. Master the base jobs (Squire and Chemist) as early as possible as the stat growth for those jobs will make your overall character levels shit if you don't change out. The one exception is Ramza's Squire, which is a 10/10 job for him because it gives him good stats. The broken jobs are Ninja and Black Mage wth Arithmeticks (the Arithmetician job skill). If you recruit a story character, they'll usually have their own unique job tied to their character that's broken as shit (like Ramza's Squire or Cid's Sword Saint).
>Is Ramza as much of a bitch as his FF14 incarnation?
Nah, he actually has a great character arc.
Also, make sure you're playing the WoL release or at least a PS1 version with a patched translation. The original English translation was horseshit and baely comprehensible in a lot of places.
Also, one gotcha I always forget - the samurai's shirahadori/blade grasp is bugged and hasn't been fixed in any version. The description says it doesn't work on ranged attacks, but it does. It's worth putting time into samurai for this ability alone, as it essentially makes you immune to any non-magical attack.
The WoL translation is even worse in most places, moving further away from the original script. They also didn't bother to translate the dozens of ability quotes and instead just disabled them.
Just learn japanese if you want to play JRPGs.
weeaboo FUD
Keep several save files, if you build Ramza like shit you can be fucked with no possibility of going back.
Grind early on till everyone in your party masters auto-potion
I'm tired of shitters perpetuating this bullshit.
Keeping multiple save files is always good advice, but how would you 'build Ramza wrong?' It's not a problem I've ever run into during my dozens of playthroughs. The only way you could possibly mess up his stat growth is by trying to shoehorn him into faith-based roles, but the game makes it pretty obvious that he should be specced for physical attack.
draw your sword, motherfucker
Magic Ramza does just fine.
I've never tried it.
Learn Yell on the lead character. It'll potentially save your ass on any boss you can't beat.
it's possible for everyone to win THAT fight with ramza alone, some way harder than others. for first time casuals they'll likely get their asses kicked and be required to think for once.
the faith system is retarded and once you understand it the game EXPECTS you to abuse it.
Well yeah, but insisting that the game can become unwinnable through casual play is just nonsense.
>>it's possible for everyone to win THAT fight with ramza alone
No, it's otally soft-lockable. Look it up on YT
No it isn't. You'd have to deliberately go out of your way to make it happen, and someone playing it for the first time isn't going to do that.
>Draw your sword Ramza
unless you include people who literally learn nothing on ramza and run into the fight naked, then yes it is soft lockable. but for everyone else who learned abilities that far into the game, no they won't lose unless they're retarded.
yell/accumulate is by far the easiest to implement strategy to beat his ass.