For me it's RE6 Sherry Birkin. I bet she had a cute bush.
How did a potato butterface girl grow up to be so cute?
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>How did a potato butterface girl grow up to be so cute?
She wasn't face scanned and rendered in the shitty RE engine.
At least post the original re2 sherry render and not face scan trash
That normally happens in real life.
God imagine bathing Sherry... Imagine running your slippery fingers all over her tiny slender body... dont touch her no no zones... Or at least dont let her tell...
Steady diet of dick
can't believe that she was a 26 year old virgin in re6, what a loser
Look at how the potato girl from The Adventures of Baron Munchausen turned out. Thats how.
go jerk off
How you think face-scanned adult Sherry is going to look?
heather mason
I will never be not angry to what they did to Chris
>Fucked up his face
>No more bara Chris
>Different VA
they always do
>Leon's buddy cop ends up being Sherry and he becomes the most awkward dorky bumbling father figure
>Asked if he could help her find her mother
>Hesitantly accepts but actually kinda glad that for once, he actually felt like a police officer helping someone out on his horrible first day. Even if it was something as cliche as lost children looking for their parents
>Has to choose between trusting in his superior or sticking with his own sense of justice and defying the police chief to protect Sherry
>“Sir, consider this my resignation.”
>Sherry gets infected with G-virus and abandoned by Annette
>"Wh-why are you doing this?"
>"Because I... because I'm an officer Sherry, helping people is what we do. Now lets get you treated, I'm no good without my partner backing me up, right?"
>>By the end she idolizes Leon and says to him she'll become a police officer and protect people just like he did when she's older
With RE6 Capcom hadn't yet switched to lazy face-scans, and actually modeled the faces. By REmake 2 they had started just face-scanning actors without applying corrections in post.
this just makes me want the swapped supporting character RE1 even more
>chris and barry buddy cop movie
>jill and rebecca girls night adventure feat. giant fly monsters created through t-virus in a pregnant woman's womb
Because all these games were made years apart? This is what Sherry looked like, the truest canon
That's quite a rack for a 12 year old.
>left hole
>right tighter hole
This absolute state of this retarded post
Its not like it doesn't happen
how has no one done this with loli sherry?
Is this the russian version?
>chris and barry buddy cop movie
That was what RE5 was supposed to be originally.
we don't talk about .5s because they're always cooler than the finished product
Man, Jake was so fuckin laaaame.
>cool merc dude who don't care about nothing
>meets chris redfield
because she isn't a loli
It probably wouldn't have changed much, since Sheva doesn't really have much agency in RE5 anyways. Just take the motivations that are currently all with Chris and give half of it to Barry instead. Barry himself would want to save Jill too anyways.
Gameplay-wise it wouldn't change either, we already know how Barry plays in RE5, having him as the partner would just mean that the combo attack is 100% more manly punching.
she's 12, user
she's a loli
the story was gonna be quite a bit different, and there was gonna be a big BSAA fight against a bunch of el gigantes but instead we got that really awful boss fight on the humvee
>she's 12, user she's a loli
This is retarded logic, she also has big tits and is clearly a good 2-3 years into bush
she has 12 year old tits
and most 12 year olds have a bush
she's still a loli
I still dont understand
She wasn't a potato in MGS4 though you faggot
Are you blind ? Have you never seen a normal human being ?
Normal human being aren't so retarded that they think that you put a space before punctuation.
I prefer the less asian(right).
For me? It’s Jill Valentine.
You see, user. Even if you slap dinosaur tits on a child that hasn't even entered her teens, she's still a loli because she's still a child. A deformed one, but a child nonetheless.
That's real life for you dear user
Because RE2 use soulless actors instead of being designed from scratch like a proper videogame
Fuck photogrametry
Capcom seems to have the weird idea that son will automatically be that passionate for their deadbeat dad that they've never met or really knew much about(also seen in DMC5)
>Tranny Jill
Fucking based. She grew up good.
Why did she have boobs at age 10?
chicken hormones
sphere hunter is trans?
He's an ugly tranny porn star with disgusting bolted on tits.
You didn't know?
different universe.
are you jealous of him or something
realistic as fuck
hot fuh days
needs a bulge
l love Claire.
We've fallen so far
Are you in love with him or something?
Yeah google Sue Lightning.
I've never seen real pictures of her and to me the voice doesn't sound like a man turned woman either
>calling a little girl "butterface"
She isn't 10 you tard?
Yeah we need some sexy ass mods for her
Doesn't look like a man either. Relatively slender physique and facial features aside from somewhat wide eyes
His fucking expression
No, cutie.
there's literally videos of zhe getting fucked in the ass while xer tranny dick flops around
get with the program dude
Yeah, RCS was such a perfect fit for Chris' voice. Weathered, but sweet like honey.
please link
Do you not know what puberty is?
shame she got blacked
Something that has already occured?
W-which Sherry are you alking about?
>Fuck you God, I'm suing you for $10 million!
My wife Sue Valentine is the best RE girl and youtuber
It's Saturday and you incels are having discussion about pixels.
How about go out and have sex.
remember fellow gamers not to tell your little sister alone with a pc gamer, these guys are fucked in the head
Pedoes should be gassed
Ironically these two look more alike than original Sherry looked like her older self.
Yanks say anyone up to 17 years 364 days old is no different that a newborn in diapers when it comes to classifying them. Most are just too dumb and lazy to say that re2 Sherry is a hebe, not a loli.
Jake is pretty much forgotten at this point. In RE8 we will definitely see the return of Wesker, mark my words.
I think shooting them is sufficient and more efficient desu
Such pathetic and sad bait. The REengine is a masterpiece and literally one of the best engines in gaming atm. They look gorgeous and run flawlessy. Sure some of the face scans look uncanny, but Leon, Nero, etc. All look good.
Ashley graham, Sherry Birken (re6) and Moira Burton best RE girls.
Claire is lovely
At least post the real Sherry OP
for me it's sherry
That's what G was always meant to do.
Fountain of youth and regeneration while reducing degenerative traits.
I love Claire.
Where is the loli nude mods?
i dont know but i have this casual one
I want to spend the rest of my life with Claire
Gotta say, that is a really nice tummy
It was a mod but the author didn't share it
Search for Sue Lightning
I think you too should suck each other off
she looks like pic related
>want to be a girl
>doesn't even deep throat cock
What a half assed tranny.
If Suzie/Sphere really is trans, my fucking god she managed to entirely erase the manness from her voice.
if you ever see the picture of her "breasts" there will never be any doubt. it's like zhe made a slit in xir skin and pushed in a couple of tennisballs under there and then sew it back together.
Capcom hired some western chara designer probably. DMCV characters look like ass too.
these are all the RE lolis, and one of them isn't even a loli
>In RE8 we will definitely see the return of Wesker
Will he be sufficiently saturated tho?
Completely and globally.
no we should build gas chambers with wooden doors for 2000 people at a time. we could remove millions of pedos and leave no trace
Fuck that's hot
Not the same continuity you fucking autistic piece of shit
The real redpill is to realize that the new reverse/timeline is
REmake>REmake 2>RE7
that is all