Fuck that lesbo shit.
Yeah I know the game is about time travelling lesbians, but my Max was a straight woman. Why? Because of Warren.
I was a Warren in high school and dammit my Max was going to ride Warren's underaged cock. Fuck Chloe. I killed her both in the alternate timeline and in the ending. Jesus Christ at the end when Max gave Warren a kiss on the cheek it like goddamn justice. Warren4Life.
Fuck that lesbo shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>time traveling lesbian
What game is this anyways?
Only a lesbian on the shitty forgettable comics.
Final Fantasy 7
>Warren is a beta male
>Gets an Asian gf
This is some quality cringe
Stop being a loser OP and have sex
>I was a Warren in high school
LMAO, kys beta phag
the lesbo thing is blown out of proportion by a factor of 5 cubed because incel gays infront of a computer project their insecurities on this fantasy world
>I was a Warren in high school
Yikes. OK dude...
The Asian girl he hooks up with is cuter than Max anyway.
Same here OP. As much as these faggots on Yea Forums wanna larp and say they were cooler, the majority of them probably were a Warren back then. They just hate themselves now. So they're just a suicidal Warren now.
Onto the topic at hand, we have to accept that Warren wasn't the canonical choice. ND wanted their carpet munching protags to have a strongly implicated romantic relationship, so they did.
It's true, the game plays like a Sunday School PSA about the dangers of bullying and how habeebing in yourself can save your friends, but that didn't stop them from shoehorning in some hawt whore-on-femcel action.
Honestly, if you didn't just sit back and go with it on your second playthrough at least, I'd have to call you out for being a fag.
In my utopia only teenage lesbians exist, so I greatly enjoyed this game.
I did the same thing. I'm sure a lot of us chose Max to be straight.
I vaguely remember mention of a comic coming out. How did they ruin things now?
>I was a Warren in high school and dammit my Max was going to ride Warren's underaged cock
proof that warrenfags are literally all losers.
max coming to terms with her feelings for chloe is quite literally one of the major plot points in the game. warren was shoehorned as a love interest at the last minute to appeal to thirsty virgins and you can tell it was last minute by how rush, boring, and minimal his lines and time with max is.
Also, he is canonically a creepy stalker as outlined here
Hey guys look, it's one of the two women who plays this game!
Seriously though, why didn't they make Warren's stalkerish parts more apparent? Looking at that info dump on the Steam board, it seems to be a pretty cool Easter Egg but they could have done more to flesh out his near-rapist tendencies.
So my question is, why didn't they? It would have made his drunken conversation towards the end of the game and during that freaky shadow-realm sequence more believable. As it came off, without looking actively for these clues, it just seems like Warren was made into a freaky voice in that place for almost no reason.
She is bi at the most.
max fucked victoria, user
The only creepy thing here is the window. The rest is just OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE A GUY WANTS TO BANG A GIRL?
You see how he acts? There was no way he was getting a girl in HS if it were real life.
>time travelling lesbians
This sounds like a terrible game. What are they going to do? Shop at stores that aren't open anymore? I can't picture women doing anything remotely interesting or creative if they had access to a time machine. They'd probably just go back in time to kill that bitch that stole their scrunchy in the 8th grade than buy a bunch of retro merchandise to bring back to modern day and take pictures of themselves with it to put on Twitter
>I was a Warren in high school
I wanna know who the top is in their relationship
did victoria make the first move after chloe deservedly ate shit? or did max immediately move on and eat victoria's ass as a way to cope?
I wish I liked Life is Strange. I should like it, I love dumb indie folk singer-songwriter stuff and I loved the soundtrack. I love stuff about highschoolers and the drama associated. I even liked the premise of a CYOA walking-sim where you could rewind time to alter your choices. However, I didn't like it- I'm not sure if it was the memes, Chloe, the limited choices where you're forced to pick between extremes instead of what you would actually do, maybe it was plot taking a hard left and veering off away from the stuff that could've been interesting. I wish it was better I suppose.
Also the comics are blocked in Russia so technically her homosexuality is void where prohibited
Literally this. There was only one thing in the game that was presented to the player that actually made Warren even remotely seem like a stalker. How it actually plays out in-game, Warren is literally portrayed as a stalker near the end when everything leading up to that simply portrays him as any other dorky man that's interested in a girl.
Not to mention, nothing Warren actually does or wants to do with Max is as socially destructive or as risky as what Chloe does with her, to the point Chloe's even pissy if Max doesn't want to go along with her destructive tendencies.
Honestly the entirety of Life is Strange and viewing the game as lesbian romance highlights one of the core issues with homosexual narratives, they focus on rebellion to the point it leads to self-destruction. Not a healthy or reasonable way to pursue living, nor good for long-term relationships.
Still, better written than the sequel series.
there's been literally no story development since the game came out, just small tales that don't tie in into anything, like "tracer spends christmas with her girlfriend" or "soldier is very depressed (and gay)"
Literally the only time they'll release a comic is when they want to make someone gay to try and divert attention from their newest fuckup
Dicking a lesbian straight is the patrician's fetish.
That's not really the issue here. The issue is that homosexual relationships continue to be used as props. the guy is bad so she's a lesbian but if he's not bad she's straight.
By reading the OP you can deduce they gamified a cathartic revenge fantasy against gay people, intentional or not, just be making it a choice. Ultimately the portrayal is destructive for different reasons. It would be great if devs quit using homosexual characters to appeal to a segment of straight players. Homosexuality in this game is then cast as either good or bad, destructive or self-sacrificing, it's a fucked up kind of dichotomy for something that should be incidental yet immutable.
If you're still in doubt then ask yourself if the game would have been as popular if the characters were homosexual adult men. That's certainly not because there are less gay men than women in the world.
what if it's a girl dicking the lesbian
>anime poster calling people losers
nice try
Are you a boomer or something? Anime is completely mainstream and accepted now
The dyke shit is overplayed and left there as an ambiguous possibility and because the demographic likes that shit. What the game really is about is a bond of deep comradery and friendship, like one traditionally we'd think of between soldiers at war. It's about the inevitability of the loss and breaking of that bond while doing anything to keep it, to the point of letting thousands of people die. Of course tranny weirdos would latch on and fetishize the sexuality of these barely legal teen girls who look like they're 15.
I see normies with dragon ball z shit, but never slice of life garbage
You've posted gabriel dropout and now you're posting watamote, two things that are literally reserved for the bottom feeders even among ironic weebs.
As if a shit taste faggot like you would know what's a good anime
Honestly a game about Warren becoming less of an incel and getting Max could be good if you cool it on the social justice.
Keep your frustration to your dedicated cuck shed board, sister.
lmao are you a legit tranny?
Says a CGDCT shit eater.
Never watched this movie, but I love all the webms of those lesbo girls getting dicked together
OP didn't pay attention. Warren was fucking the fat girl and the asian girl at the same time. He just throws them to the curb if Max goes out with him. He's actually a Chad pretending to be a beta.
>the majority of them probably were a Warren back then
i'm glad i grew up before soiboys
granted i'm a neckbeard instead but that's nothing a shave and gym card can't fix, guys like warren are fucked in the core
Is this game worth playing? Is it at least better than Gone Home, the other lesbo game?
Fuck Warren Fuck Chloe Fuck Max. Best girl coming through
>being nice guy oneitis Warren
I bet she fucked max
I bet she fucked max hard
I love Tracer.
You really are not helping your case nigga
Warren is boring af, but Chole is outright toxic.
If I were Max I'd just go femcel.
>I was a Warren in high school
I'm sorry.
A million times better.
It's like a Telltale game but with heart.
It's shit.