>game's protagonits' plan is beyond stupid but no one points it out
Game's protagonits' plan is beyond stupid but no one points it out
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What is Alan's Wake.
>villain's plan is nonsensical
what is the protagonists plan in alan wake, pray tell?
To act like absolute drooling mongoloid apparently. Including getting drunk when you are surrounded by monsters, and literally walking into a betrayal that is not only fucking obviously signposted that even a child would see through it, and more importantly, that he EXPLICITLY was told would happen.
you know, mine was a trick question, because he does not even have any plan until the ending cutscene, he simply reacts to the situations at hand.
your answer is so generic and devoid of any points to actually debate that it leads me to believe that you probably did not even play it, but certainly did not finish.
You are right that I did not finish it: the game was so fucking attrocious in every respect that I would be crazy to push through to the end.
That said: the fact that everybody points out what is wrong with the game does not actually invalidate the point. Are you seriously trying to defend the fucking idiotic decisions that Alan does in this game? Are you seriously going to say that waitress scene was not some of the dumbest shit EVER commited to a video game?
Doesn't Alan Wake pretty much just do what he does out of necessity?
like he knows it's a bad idea but there is no alternative
Alan did dumb shit because he has the adhere to horror genre conventions for his author powers to take.
Ignoring that the story is absolute nonsense to begin with, hinging LITERALLY on the Darkness trying to kill the sole guy it NEEDS TO LIVE because otherwise there would not be enemies to be bored to the death with: No. Nothing ever forces him to go to that waitress. Nothing ever forces him to get drunk with the world worst commical relief fatso ever. ยจ
Those - much like everything else there - is there solely because the author is a hack that REALLY likes his movies, but does not cut it as a director, so he just recreate his favorite movies in poorly excused game form.
>game protagonist's plan is beyond stupid, but it worked flawlessly anyway due to sheer luck
Was being caught part of your plan?
>With no survives
>Have we started the fire?
>because the author is a hack that REALLY likes his movies, but does not cut it as a director, so he just recreate his favorite movies in poorly excused game form
Didn't know Alan Wake was made by Hideous Kojima.
Kojima is a briliant and mature writer compared to Sam Lake.
a lot of Yakuza games, 4 especially comes to mind
Taimanins are a scam to produce strong demon breeding factories.
They're all half demon, and the amount of births they give more than make up for the weak demons they kill. When they birth a human, it's a daughter and the taimanins raise her to be a taimanin and say that her mom died in the line of duty. Then the cycle repeats.
Taimanin Yukikaze.
>rinko goes with yukiko because she can teleport
>when they are stuck and have to sign a contract that basically fucks them over yukiko doesnt teleport
Uncensored vanilla Taimanin game when
>Taimanins are a scam
Like every other gacha, lol
You guys realize that in Taimanin canon they just abort the mission and later kill the guys responsable in Y2, right? Both Rinko and Yukikaze are still virgins in the second game and MC takes Rinko's virginity in it.
> I'm gonna beat up every single man in that building.
And it works every time.
Rinko > Yukikaze
Wait this got an anime?
Isnt second game happened all inside simulator?
>plot has weird turns throughout as a result of content cutting or late-sta ge plot changes
>Bravely Default
It's shit
This is my wife Sakura Igawa.
Say something nice about her.
Second episode was great though.
She takes orc dick like a champ. Also cute.
Fucking Heavy Rain
She wakes me up with morning blowjobs!
uncrop this
So basically what you're saying is they trained them wrong on purpose, as a joke?
>level has a secret hidden area
I don't remember the waitress bit but the part where he got drunk was infuriating.
>Character's plan relies on luck and is absolute genius at the same time
Stream that movie if you're so great.
Why is Nagito the best?
That it hasn't been picked up yet says that they don't want to work with gaijin.
The waitress was by far the worst of what I suffered through in the game. It was the scene where Alan get's a phone call from the over-zealous fanboy waitress he talked to in the opening diner scene, and she could NOT FUCKING BE MORE OBVIOUSLY FUCKING POSSESSED. He ends up driving over, to her darkened trailer where she acts like an absolute zombie, and end ups drinking a fucking roofied tea. It's... absolutely amazing.
>level has only one secret hidden area
my internet connection is too shit to stream, sadly, or I totally would
Based. All gaijin need to die.
Let's mosey
There's a joke to make here.
Taimanin stuff needs more ntr.
That rabbit girl has a massive dick. Just go look up Sponty.
That ninja ass is too fat.
only if it gets more bdsm
Give me a quick rundown about this series.
too soon
What site is that?
It's all in the past now.....
where the fuck am i supposed to get my porn now