Well Yea Forums?
Obvious signs that this game was made in America
Other urls found in this thread:
It sucks.
Best game ever made
Or worst game ever made
Trannie devs
It has unresponsive controls and you can never do a no damage run because all the mechanics are too janky to work consistently.
it makes eurocucks seethe
So Bayonetta is an American game?
Strong """women"""
Interracial couples (black male, white/Asian female) and strong political themes.
It’s an FPS or TPS, because that’s all they know how to make.
No planes crashing into buildings.
>ugly females
Blood and explosions, but no nipples.
It’s shit.
The characters are ugly.
It plays more like a movie than a game.
The voice acting sounds like crap.
It’s not from Japan.
Whites shouldn’t make games. Western people shouldn’t make games.
It causes everyone in this thread to seethe beyond belief.
Literally no top games were made by mutts
Name a top game made by literally anyone else bro
Are you retarded on purpose?
Japs dominate the list. The only entries mutts can hope to cite are shitty sports games and retarded p&c shit because nobody else is dumb enough to make them,
>drugs good
>violence good
>guns good
>gore good
>obesity / ugliness good
>greed good
>chinese, russian or middle-eastern enemies good
>woman protag good
>woman enemy bad
>revealing clothing bad
>white men bad
>movie game
It has platforming elements but no platforming mechanics. No physics, just context.
black man paired with white woman
Not a single game named, as expected
Witcher 2&3, BotW, Persona 4. Easy.
Modern political propaganda shoved in everywhere it can be for no reason
All overrated trash
24+ replies and no burger references. Yea Forums used to be fun, briefly
Yea Forums has always sucked
>Cops good
>Guns good
>Soldiers REALLY good
>Revolutions bad
Post your list then.
America, Fuck Yeah!
Yeah, Fuck America!
Epic sarcastic "badass" characters with a lot of quips. Realism up the ass and dull colour design because anything else makes the normalfags uncomfortable.
Elder Scrolls
Call of Duty
Literally all the best franchises of all time
Fuck off weebs the only game japs have made that is worth playing is mario
Every character who isnt a nigger is a fat mutt
It is true. Americans made the ">game gets good in x hours" meme because they literally cannot sit through a slow buildup of mechanics, characters and story.
400 replies and 67 images, click to view
Everyone claps when the plane lands.
No nudity
You mean no cringe fanservice and waifupandering, which is a good thing.
>Go to NPC vendor
>99 coins for whatever
>120 are coins gone
>sales tax and tips
Why do Americans do THIS?!
whats with the heroine been a gorilla thing?
It's piss easy unless at max difficulty and/or it's a movie.
>play 15 minutes
>"you are the chosen one! from the prophecy!"
Americans can't enjoy anything without feeling special.
It tries to be funny with varying results.
>go to burgerland
>see thing at good price
>go pay for it
>cashier asks me for more than the displayed price
>call his bullshit
>he tells me the displayed price doesn't include taxes
What the fuck? Why do burgers do this?
>unironically using word cringe
you have to go back
Have you played jrpgs or seen anime? The main character is always born with special powers. Besides, most cliches like prophecies come from european mythology. Imagine knowing less about your own culture than a fucking retarded american lol
I don't know you tell me.
deus ex
>defend burger town
>this is the best bait mutts can come up with
No wonder your games are shit
Why do Europeans hate Americans so much?
Cars (video game) - underrated AF kids game, had no right being so good
Command & Conquer
Crash Bandicoot
Dead Space
Duke Nukem
Forza Motorsport
Gears of War
Ghost Recon
Guitar Hero
Need me to keep going through the alphabet, weeb?
they hate us cuz they ain't us
It's WWII and you play as a good goy.
All shit
ive noticed a fair few american games have a segment where the player is drugged out or something and the level is now some trippy platforming segment where ghosts say shit to the player. examples are when you're going to kill vaas in far cry 3, the part where scorpion stings you in spiderman, and when you are about to turn later on in dying light
I'm seeing lots of 4/5 and 3/5 stuff there, but no masterpieces.
Ugly women and sheboons.
More a movie than a game.
Terrible writing and/or frequent references to memes that will age like milk.
Name a 5/5
your taste is deficient you weeaboo fucktard
>any of those
>best games
lmao I bet you think ford and dodge make good cars and Burger King is a good restaurant holy shit
Shitty and forgetful character designs.
Cringey dialogues, forced SJW politics, over the top gore and violence, White man bad, naked men and covered females, Rap music
What's a 5/5 game for you I'm waiting buddy
sounds like cyberpunk 2077
>women look like ghouls who haven't washed in months
>"fuck fuck shit shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck shit"
>"morality" system
>enemy is a dictatorship
>unskippable cutscenes
>animators and writers jerking themselves off in cutscenes
>ankle deep political commentary
>you play as the "rebels" or the "alliance"
>gun worship
>family member gets killed
That's all I have.
>Quake isn't a good game
opinion discarded
When the devs look like this
Buying a single health potion bankrupts you.
male orcs look gorilla women orc look bimbo prostitute
Ameri-speak, i.e. talking in a patronizing manner 100% of the time, snark, generally treating each other like shit. Remember: if you treat people with a bare modicum of respect it means you're gay and not cool. Case in point: GTA V. Ameri-speak applies more to more recent games
Protagonist is not a 50000 year old loli witch wielding a lance cannon 6 times her size
man can you stop being such a weeb
>a lance cannon 6 times her size
My dick is not THAT big.
30 fps
And it's all your fault
Keep going. Your hatred only makes us stronger.
That's a very short list of bad cringe anime games weeb
Are we sure these devs aren't all living in a time warp in East Germany circa 1985?
I don’t understand the web argument, mutts are not the best in any genre.
Japs beat you in action games, horror, dungeon crawlers, srpgs, rhythm games.
Germs beat you in sims, RPGs.
Canucks beat you in RPGs.
Slavs beat you in RPGs, puzzle games and shooters.
Frogs beat you in rpgs, horror, puzzle games.
Brits beat you in RPGs.
Literally everyone does movie games better than you.
What are supposedly the best at, exactly?
>Ford, Dodge, Burger King
>Really that bad
lmao I bet you have an A800 poster, don't drive and eat microwave packet ramen all day holy shit
why do you think im a merifat? I dont have to be from america to call someone who is trying his best to say ,,everything not jp bad'' a weeb
Which other nation in the world has produced more iconic video game series than the USA? I'll wait
it has a nigress with a huge afro who ain't afraid of no man
>yearly shootbang or sportsball cashgrab
Seems like a guy living on the edge. Is he ok?
Dude, I dislike modern Murican games, but Doom is fucking great.
Stop baiting so hard. Every country makes shitty games, but Murica has started embracing PC(Not Computer)-culture and lootbox shit more than nippon.
Did you even read the post chain you replied to, retard?
it has a budget
>doesn't make a point
Who's that handsome black man in the middle top?
You fight the russians
lol i dont read weebshit
name one good game made by burgers this year
>doom is great
So is pong in its own time frame, that doesn’t mean it stacks up to any modern game, let alone ranks among the best in history
a combination of these stereotypes:
Terrible writing -- especially dialogue
Action oriented
Overemphasized diversity
Left-leaning political message
Overzealous use of cutscenes
Casual gameplay
Safe design; appeals to the widest demographic
delusional weeb detected
Thats like.. just your cringe opinion weebshit
What iconic series are you even talking about?
The only thing that comes to mind is blizzard, all of which is trash now.
Pick one
Call of Duty
Command & Conquer
Crash Bandicoot
Dead Space
Duke Nukem
Elder Scrolls
Forza Motorsport
Gears of War
Ghost Recon
Guitar Hero
Jak and Daxter
Left 4 Dead
Lego everything
Lord of the Rings
Marvel vs Capcom
Max Payne
Medal of Honor
Metroid Prime
Midnight Club
Mortal Kombat
Orcs Must Die
Prince of Persia
Rainbow Six
Ratchet & Clank
Red Orchestra
Rock Band
Rocket League
Saints Row
Sly Cooper
Star Wars
Street Fighter
Team Fortress
Tony Hawk
Amerilards on suicide watch
no boss fights
hes just gonna say hur but those are all trash
What chinkpan made good besides mario and metal gear solid? Cringe kiddy games like kingdom farts?
dont forget the epic pokemons manchildren still buy each year
Anyone who says they don't like a single installment on that list is a liar
Honestly why does everyone have to be seething at my country all the time? I don't even care, shut the fuck up please and talk about games.
First fucking entry on the list and it’s already codeveloped in ausfailia, on top of being shit
Seethe harder
I'd be surprised if the people arguing American games are all shit are anything other than USA-based weebs
Butthurt detected. Not that modern america is great but thats just cringe hating amazing video games because they come from different country you wish. Japan's not a paraside kiddo. Fuck off
Shoehorned leftist politics instead of gameplay
A fucking huge american flag flapping in the background and frequent reminders about "freedom" and misguided patriotism
>quake is a good game
Lmao nostalgia blind retard
realistically, did the us actually release a good game this year? or are we gonna have to wait for doom eternal?
>American iconic series
>a single game developed by Brits
did you read the comment you replied to?
A lot of those are not even mutt series, wtf is this list?
Yes. I did. What about that?
>The protagonist is an old man.
Yes, because teenagers saving the world is so much more sensible.
A list of American-developed videogames I ripped from Wikipedia and deleted a bunch of games I didn't like off
>Literally no top games were made by mutts
Imagine being this retarded. Also Command & Conquer
Heroes of Might and Magic
all western games are shite though
Off the top of my head, goldeneye, Max Payne, street fighter are not american.
Dungeon Siege
Remember when Europe was relevant? I sure don't.
I never seen a cringier reply on this board. Thats a achievment
Legacy of Kain
The developers are located in America
>Call of Duty
They're shit though.
>people like dungeon siege
Leafs killed the game the same year it came out with a vastly better game.
Detroid become Human
now dont go they are shit because we all know full and well that they are not
>Brits beat you in RPGs
I'm English and I can assure you that's in no way true.
World of warcraft
>essential NPC
>illusion of choice making
>forced good ending
t. loser who couldn't finish E1M1
Depends on a game in the series. Some of them are great while other garbage
you couldve just said bethesda story telling sucks
Some in the series are developed multinational and change between USA, some Europe, some Canada, and so on.
No idea why Goldeneye was on the list though.
Everyone knows even the US has made good games.
They just make a lot of shit games as well. Which makes all the shitposting easier.
>dying light
It's a Metroid Prime game that's actually good.
>show, don't tell in tutorials
so is that c unt the person to blame where every tutorial has the character do the fucking action before you can do the action? Cause I want him to be forced to play this shit.
Do ubisoft games count as european
All Metroid Prime games have been made by Americans or Canadians.
>open game
>get shot
Why wouldn't they?
He said “made in”, not “published by a company in”, we’re looking at developers.
>elder scrolls
>Shit-tier graphics
>No female characters that can be considered "waifu-material"
>60% of the game is locked behind purchasable DLC
>Game is popular with normies and normie kids
>Political agenda shoehorned in
>"dverse" studio devs
>strong female protagonist devoid of any personality
>black, sassy female characters with big afros and a bigger attitude
>checkmark objectives
>climbing towers unlocks part of the map
>RPG elements in an otherwise unrelated genre
>"if you dont like our game, you're sexist/racist"
Thief: The Dark Project
ITT misogynist euros mad because the shitty games they like are not being made and America has finally started making good games like young blood
are mutts really this retarded?
Are we continuing the 'you have been kicked' thread mutt shitposting?
The girl from BGaE2 looks cute
shooting/killing is the main/mandatory mechanic
>tfw user just outed jrpgs as american jew propaganda
that'll be 5.99 plus tip
saints row 3 and i think 4 has the same shit. now that you mention it, a lot of games do it. what the fuck
Unfortunately we're not required to include the tax in the advertised price.
>The game is dogshit in every single fucking way
>Articles complaining that gamers are immature
>Sony exclusive
>Looking-Glass is American
Weird, I always thought they were british for some reason.
Unattractive females and way too many niggers.
Black female lead.
Brits come up with Zniggy. Get the fuck out of here limeyshit.
Everything in this world belongs to america
fps game
russians or chinese are the enemies
quick time events
4 hours to complete
It has freedom.
It's funny how there are never any Americans in these American obsession threads.
Never Played
uhh ok buddy
>DRM included
>DLC locked behind paywall and a preorder bonus for only certain versions of the game
>Generic bald male gruff beard character design
>Horrible female character designs that avoids any ideas of sexualization in fear of SJW retaliation
>Zombies in the year 2019
>Godtier first game but garbage sequel with half baked ideas
>Visual glitches up the ass
>Sports sports sports
>The most generic film score soundtrack of all time with like one good song
>”Muh indie game inspired by _______”
>Philosophical writing that’s just pretentious and misses all subtlety within the narrative
>Celebrity cameo the budget went towards
>Development hell with no updates in like 10 years
That enough OP?
That just gaming in general, even the japs are producing more turds than usual.
its probably 80% american shitposters desu
fps game
rated m
microtransactions in a full price game
more effort put into graphics than the actual gameplay
boring and empty open world
All of the men have mutilated genitals.
An epic score instead of a proper soundtrack
he said American games. only euros and jews get cut
>euros get cut
Completely untrue, not to mention fucking half of the american population are god damn kikes
lmao what alternate reality are you from faggot. Studies done by euros themselves have shown 68% of euros are cut. meanwhile americas jewish population is 30% of what eurolands is. read a fucking book before posting stupid
Non-existent boss fights or rival fights
terrible bait, Euros respect human rights
why would you even joke about infant genital mutilation
The flag for the English language setting isnt the English flag.
Microtransactions were popularized by Fifa fags
This is the soundtrack
Literally every fucking game has to be a 40hr movie with 20hrs of repeating the same 2hrs worth of content
Extremely long, unskippable cutscenes for company logos at startup .
Before or after they started 2 world wars?
The other two Wolfenstein games are fine. This one is just full of bad writing and dull environments.
Figures the japs can give you yellow fever and brown fever at the same time. The bitches on the right are why real black women can't even have 30% of them in marriages anymore. Pure cancer.
A good indicator is the size of the women. American women are huge. And I don't mean fat at the moment.. I mean they are taller and have bigger frames than most places in the world - particularly those known for creating lots of games. You see this reflected in video games. How America thinks any girl shorter than 5'7" is pedo-bait. For example, in WoW, a human's waist is twice as thick, and they're about 1' taller than Blood Elves.
Fat or chubby characters are "normal"
Josie a cute
Fucking retard
You can tell a game is made in America if it's a sequel and it completely destroys what made the first game good.
It's because the cretins who cry the most about diversity are the least diverse.
It's these basedboys who are the real racists for assuming that anyone "of color" or "of gender" needs "help" and "to be heard" when it's actually the socio-economic divide that we really should work on fixing. Hey, remember when those Panama papers leaked and nothing happened? Remember Operation Wall Street? Or perhaps you remember that time they made a movie with 4 female ghostbusters, because that's the REAL important shit, right?
Ultima 5-7
I'm willing to throw mvc as half American due to marvel watching over the project
*chuckles to myself* hehe. now listen here brainletian. I'll let you know that
Valve games in general
No cute loli characters
Listen up, when we start listing good American games how come none are recent?
I'm not any of the guys that said none exist so don't say I'm moving goalposts. I'd just like to address how America's designers are particularly poor now a days. How can this problem be addressed?
>inb4 some nonamerican starts shitposting b/c they hate america
not what this is about, I want ideas as to how american design can be bettered
You've never played doom or quake zoomer faggot
>Metroid Prime 1, 2, and 3
>Donkey Kong Kong Country Returns, and Tropical Freeze
All done by one studio in Texas.
Jak and Daxter
>jewish progressive libtard message
>black people
Never played
Never played
So, Swedish games?
>I want ideas as to how american design can be bettered
Not going to happen. US base operations have realized they can pump out low quality shit and foreigners will eat it up. Blame EU and Mexico and to a lesser extent south america. They're still buying games from 10 years ago because they're so far behind.
Two top selling games that are considered the best game of all time by its generations, what are you going to do now you dirty burger
It has a great story and doesnt market to pedos
This but with more war, gun, blood, gore, alien, zombie and killing
No nipple and porn because america have thelephobia and erotophobia or something
lootboxes everywhere
men looking like women
women looking like men
basically plays itself
"cinematic experience"
no replayability
terrible predictable story
zombies somewhere
It has "realistic" graphic
>men looking like women
Canada and france
It's the only way to put good ol' abstract platforming into "realistic" game.
Isn't it a swedish game
Don't forget terrible mullets, undercuts and "alternative" people.
>black women
>all loke like this
>it works flawlessly, all the mechanics are nicely polished.
> its forgettable trash tho.
after cideogames got popularized the industry in america got filled with higly skilled professionals with no umagination or passion, strictly there to make money
Wasn't she meant to be a burly war veteran until señor jew decided to swap to a female for absolutely no reason other than the fact his balls itched that way one morning?