Why did all hype die out as soon as people saw the effect of layering in the beta?
Why did all hype die out as soon as people saw the effect of layering in the beta?
Activision, please post attractive images of female characters if you wish to advertise here. It will work better. Good luck selling your game!
It didn't and your just another blunderfag.
faggots only want to play it cuz of the nostalgia. The game is utter shit and will be dead in 1-2 months. They think they want it but they really don't.
I'm still just as hyped but all the streamer memes make me just not want to talk about it anymore
Fuck streamers and fuck niggers
No, just the streamer shitposters coming in at a time when there wasn't anything new to talk about making threads redundant.
This, talking isn't gonna get us anywhere. We're just piling up the hype for when we actually get to play.
Because people are already burnt out from playing p-servers.
is this shit still using the new engine? only time i was exctied to play was when i saw some dwarf rogue ganking streamers
yeah i still have it, feels good tbqh
Classic doesn't even feel like vanilla. It feels like some modern remake of the game with retail changes added to it.
Layering/sharding, cataclysm water, retail UI and menus, advanced addons with no limit, modern graphics, unnatural and maxed out foliage to the old zones, layerhopping to your friends on battlenet, list goes on.
It sounds unimportant, but i personally wanted an authentic vanilla experience, not this ''improved'' version.
Letting people stream the beta was a mistake, the magic is gone for many already. The only ones who benefitted are the streamers themselves.
Its not gonna be like your 80 IQ imagination
>The magic is gone bacause of some streamer
J Allen was right
>cataclysm water, modern graphics, unnatural and maxed out foliage to the old zones
Fucking retard, there's a vanilla visual option
Why add layering if they're trying to get the authentic classic experience?
Because people want to play the game and not being stuck in the starting zone for +2 weeks because they have to fight over a single mob with +1000 other people?
I’m going to play a hunter and steal all your loot, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Except Vendorstrike. You can keep that one.
Competition is part of the game. How about you group up and kill higher level mobs with friends instead?
The authentic experience didn't involve 300 autistic min-maxers killing wolves in Elwynn
Hype died on Yea Forums when the mods kicked everyone who was hyped and talking about classic over to /vg/ to make room for more smash rosterfaggotry and /pol/ bait
I had trouble downing Queen Azshara because I was too busy jacking off to her squid tits.
My hype died when they announced that it'd release at the end of summer. I had an immensely stressful six months and living a bit of nostalgia during it, or directly after it, would have been great. But that passed and the game was nowhere in sight, leaving me to sober up and think clearly again. There's so much stuff to do and so many games to play, I'm not going to waste my time on a game that I already played for hundreds of hours one and a half decades ago.
Blizzards incompetence saved me fifteen bucks and a wasted month.
I honestly just want a sp rpg from bliz. Overwatch engine, round based or not don‘t care, new lore new shit.
I would agree with you, but Blizz's writing quality has gone done the shitter pretty badly over the last several years. Of course, maybe that's because they're just piling stuff onto stale old properties instead of something new.
Back to private servers nothing to see here
stfu bitch ass nigga
Ah its vanilla but remixed with cataclysm thank you guys.
Blizzard is retarded
stfu guys vanilla had layering too
No it didn't and neither did it have resilience on gear cuz it looks like PvP is way toned down. Guys last way to long
Thanks blizzard representative for lying to us
Servers are cheaper that way and Blizzard knows the majority of players will quit after 2 weeks.
I know Nost have something similar, zoom zoom, but, unlike you, we don't count pservers as vanilla.
Shit died when they decided to release it after summer.
No way I'm playing classic with work and everything bogging me down.
I have to say, this left me breathless too. I would've said July at the latest. But August? Who fucking releases a game in August?
Because there will be more people trying to play simultainiously than the busiest days vanilla ever had and the game is functionally not designed for that kind of flooding of players or dropped resources.
now show a video of clsssic wow after 2 months of is release. Also
>comments disabled
There are other better and relevant MMORPGs that follow the same principle as Vanilla WoW. Why are Vanillafags not playing them?
The hype hasn't slowed down one bit. Even here on Yea Forums there is a Home thread up nearly 24/7.
The difference is that since Shadowbringers came out, seething FFXIV trannies are spamming the threads. My guess of why is that they fear being replaced and forgotten very soon.
>I know Nost have something similar
>I know Nost have
>I know
i dont think you know anything because nostalrius hasnt been around for a very long time lmao
>it's dead because e-celebs ruined it
god just play the fucking game and pick another server without streamers and you'll be fine.
Because layering is cancer. But the thing that killed classic wasn't layering, it was """"content creators""".
They are just coping. If vanilla were actually good people would play it despise of streamers, late release or layering.
I mean, "despite". What a weird Freudian slip.
people started wising up to how shit Blizzard has become and there's no faith, as well as streamers being a further smear and stain on the old game.
A game which people are realizing is dated because the fights are boringly simplistic and the grind to get anything is all there is beside that. It doesn't have those fresh experiences, it doesn't have that sense of wonder, it will however have shit tons of people playing warriors and rogues and mages because they are so strong, expect them all to min-max and the WoW community to be as shit as always.
That's why hype is dead.
It died because beta was limited by number of players and lvl 40 being max level.
The launch will still be a strong one but it will die with time, with maybe some bursts of popularity once new content patches are out.
Also layering will be only in the game for a week or two after launch. It won't be a thing when players will be more spread out.
They should add servers where you lose everything if you die(save for stuff in bank), and must always be in pvp mode. That would be fun
the hype REALLY died for this huh
Even I was hype for it, now I just don't really care
The >INVITE TO ASMON layer meme is so fucking true
Warlock main here. I shit on warriors, rogues and mages. :)
>Also layering will be only in the game for a week or two after launch
Even if that were true, it's still going to destroy the economy in that time
After the initial record breaking player numbers the playerbase will dwindle to I guess 10-40k players. Those hardcore Classic players who have been playing on private servers for all these years.
Zoomers who pretend they played classic will be out after a month. Most casuals will probably be gone after 2 months as their rose tinted glasses have worn off.
So in the end you will have all the true classic players left.
It's gonna do well, but nowehere amazing like 1 mil active players.
The grind is a good thing. Look at OSRS. People play that instead of RS3 because you actually have to work to get shit.Thats part of the reason why it feels so good to get said things. It mimicks real life in that way
The economy hasn't even begun forming in a month's time, lol.
WoW can easily crack down and ban people for spamming this shit
So true. Now streamers will be bored on release, and the people who watched em too.
No actually the main reason why people went away from RS3 is mtx.
They promised to change and in the end did nothing but continuously adding shit micro transactions and not updating the game.
Let gamemodes die and lock costumes ect. behind mtx.
Don't get me wrong, but RS3 would actually be a pretty decent mmorpg if not for the mtx p2w cancer.
Tbh I might play it just to gank randoms for fun like the good old days, spawn camping streamers would definitely make it more enjoyable.
>human rogue or kick
>dwarf priest or kick
>gnome mage or kick
>"we're casual guild"
GL killing them with the raid group of austimos following them around.
funny how everyone of those people is the exact copy of the one prior and coming up
literal npcs
>so crazy
>the hype is dead because nobody watches people play the beta anymore
ok zoomie
Fair point but I don't think its very different than stealthing into Orgrimmar and ganking kids outside the auction house lol. Vanilla rogue 100-0 in 6 seconds, it would be a fun challenge maybe.
Working towards your rewards is a good thing aye, but it's all there is. The grind in vanilla people are not prepared for, with nothing much beside that to switch it up or keep it interesting.
That's not even mentioning simplistic rotations, boss-fights that are laughably easy compared to what people are used to nowadays, etc. All the dungeons and raids that were or are hyped to be 'super tough' are not so tough at all because people aren't as bad or newbie as back then.
Then there's the botting/china problem, which is going to ruin the economy anyway, or alternatively if you're on one of the servers that has a streamer enjoy knowing that literally everything revolves around that streamer and there will be a massive faction imbalance and they will get everything handed to them, including the stuff required for that big questline of AQ.
Why the fuck would I want to talk about something I'm interested in with people like you? There's nothing to discuss, you are eager to shitpost and I'm patiently waiting.
Think Brack was right all along. only people really excited are zoomers.
My hype has diminished because I've been playing some retail and realized I don't want raiding to be the only route to gear. Even bc had arenas.
You're the whale, you know that right?
PvP gear is still really good until like tier 2 content.
Pretty much this desu
I will still be there day one.
What's the reason for layering? Is the engine just so old it can't handle open worlds anymore with all the additional expansion content?
Yeah, and some cunts will have entire bank alts full of thorium and black lotus
pretty much this home threads were fun before shitposter ruined them now every classic thread is aids it's always the same cycle here
>comfy thread everybody is friendly and we have fun
>shit poster come and all threads are shit
I've never enjoyed leveling and I played the last year of vanilla. Some people just enjoy endgame, shockingly.
>10k is totally ok
fuck off nostfag
The hype hasn't even begun yet...
No I'm genuinely asking why.
Microtransactions make it impossible to get satisfaction from hard work, when every joe jerkoff has better stuff than you just by buying it with real life money. Exactly my point
>No way I'm playing classic with work and everything bogging me down
Man so many college kids getting into work for the first time are going to realize there is way more time to do shit at night than they think.
They hyped too early desu. Especially with false promises like summer 2019. Apparently 5 days counts as summer now.
>gorillion of players on every server on start
>overcrowded zones
>shitton of them drops the game after hitting 30
>now we have gorillion dead servers
Layers are nothing but virtual servers.
Do you take 3 months of work during summer or something? If you are a wagie, then it doesn't matter when they release it. And if you are not, then fuck off underage.
>not being a NEET
Opposite here. It's fucking fantastic that it comes out when wagies and kids can't bother me. Those few hours when they're on and taking up space and resources, I'll be sleeping. When they sleep and sweat and suffer, I'll be immersed, comfy and way ahead.
Feels goooood.
Then why does it matter when they release it if you are a NEET? Unless you are actually in school, it doesn't matter if it is summer or winter, you still have the same amount of free time as the rest of the year.
From the anecdotal evidence, it would seem that the majority of people going to play classic are either students going back to school (college or high school) or Teachers/ Professors ending there summer vacation. Once school starts they then will have no life and only study.
It made people finally realize that you can't actually go home.
There was a survey after last Blizzcon and majority of people are 25-34. Take a look if you want to.
>There was a survey after last Blizzcon and majority of people are 25-34. Take a look if you want to.
And yet i have seen more than a few people complain about the fact that Summer is ending. Though for people with a job the idea of a "Summer Break" isnt something that really happens to them, short Euro mandatory vacation time.
Yeah, no shit people who aren't happy are voicing their concerns while those who are okay with it remain silent. That's how we got retail.
It'll still be there next summer. In fact it'll be ramping up even more by then.
The game is good. The only reason the "hype" died is because 80% of you faggots just follow streamers, and streamers aren't going to play the same repetitive shit (unless it's Hearthstone) because they want to give fresh content to viewers.
Classic is unironically designed for casuals, so I don't know why you retards keep spouting the same bullshit about boring grinding.
>june 2019
>gnome screaming inv asmon layer
How is end of summer a concern? Assuming you have a full time job, how does summer differ from any other time of the year outside holiday season?
If the end of summer is a concern you are probably still in school or have a job that gives you time off over the summer and never again.
If you dont have a job then summer winter spring fall doesnt matter to you. If you are suddenly getting a job when the game comes out, You are just going to play less than 18 hours a day instead only playing like 12 hours a day.
So what concern exactly is there for "End of Summer" or is actually just a bunch of College kids complaining that they cant no life this game for 3 months.?
Sorry guys but I'll be skipping Classic for Blue Protocol.
Playing during the massive rush is unironically fun though
That's not even a mmo user...
However, I'm looking forward to it very much.
I played original vanilla then played on private servers. I've moved on and now play the weeb MMO. I've had my fill with wow.
Buying into hype is just going to lead to disappointment.
What are you? A virgin on welfare?
It's not layering, it's retarded idea to let streamers play it for a month.
Once people saw that there is literally nothing to do in this game besides mindless grinding to max level, zoomers got bored and got back to fortnite.
Because of streamers I probably wont play.
Lost virginity like 7 years ago.
Just a regular NEET. Every hour of every day is mine.
Retards never heard of cherishing a memory and letting things go with grace.
Fucking cock fiends.
it's the old code plugged in to a heavily modified fork of the current engine, it has all the old graphics and animations
>It feels like some modern remake of the game with retail changes added to it.
I wish. Classic feels as cheap cash grab. "Just spent as less resources as possible and sell the result as faithful recreation".
Modern remake of vanilla could have been successful. Classic on the other hand will be ghost town in a few months.
My Hype died when I leveld till level 10 on a privat server, realised how bad the game actually was (poor quest design, outdated mechanics, slow af but not in a good way, more in a waste of time timesink way).
I started playing FF14 and while I'm not too much of a fan of the tranny and weeb part of the community, dislike one or another thing, I do enjoy it much more.
Also: way play a game you allready played to death instead of something new and exiting.
Also: Acitvision Blizzard doesnt deserve my money anymore
Layering is specifically for the beta you cuck
>on a privat server
Stopped reading there
1.12 on p-server isnt that muchdifferent than classic. Maybe some changed rates to handle higher playerbase better but else... At least no sharding :^)
its for the first weeks to handle the expected masses of players in the zones.
People thought they did, but they didn't.
Why tell such an audience lie?
>1.12 on p-server isnt that muchdifferent than classic.
Except for the whole notoriously bugged to hell and back part because private servers are absolute dogshit. Even Nostalrius as praised as it was, was filled to the brim with bugs.
Reminder that summer ends the second-to- last week of September.
I didn't think I did but I actually did.
The first 3 of that photo are sad :(
reminds me of this
This is pretty sad and weird
I was pretty hyped and was gonna quit my job and no life for a bit but now I got offered to do half my work at the same amount I make now so that kinda went out the window. Will still play but easy money beats out a 15 year old game, even if it's one of the best
Maybe 5% of you will hit max level and do a little end game and get bored. The rest are gonna hit 30 and be bored. Wow was never good, and you are all ignoring how mundane vanilla was. You are all socially inept and won't talk with anyone in game like you did when you were 12. Just a bunch of folk soloing content until they release they've wasted their neetbucks on a wow sub.
I'll be raiding comfortably on my based human warlock.
I unironically find more joy in mashing Shadowbolt and being given loot, over stepping sideways and following DBM which automates every fight anyway.
wut? been working many years now.
I teach.
project more nerd, i'm a based undead rogue and i'm gonna camp ppl like you, the bigger reaction the better
>Mfw the game dies in less than a year after launch and then the servers are shut down with an event where everyone is attacked by Infernals except they are all renamed "You thought you did, but you didn't"