Worth it for 10 bucks? How much worse is it from NV?
/Fallout4 goty/
For 10, it's worth it just for mods
Which would you recommend?
it's not worth fucking anything. not even worth a download.
That bad?
Yes and don't fall for the new vegas meme because this game is alot better than that overrated trash.
Fallout 4 Mod List and Load Order Guide (BiRaitBec Modlist)
i got the vanilla for a fiver and man it's so fucking dull and shit
i got it just as a timesink shit game like any open woirld bethesda game but fuck it's still so boring
yeah it wort it, its a fun game to explore. 90% of quests are shit tho.
>not rating new vegas
The only only one worth a damn after FO2. Tactics was shit as well.
Fallout 4 has:
>Better gameplay
>Better animations
>Better graphics
>Better voice acting
The gameplay in New Vegas is absolutely awful.
New Vegas doesn't even have fucking diagonal running animations. Low-budget games from the 90s had these.
New Vegas is the definition of brown&bloom cancer that plagued the industry for a decade. Never mind the muddy textures, horrific faces and terrible LOD.
Only if you are blessed with sandbox autism you will enjoy bethesda games
Well. Fallout 4 is fun FPS. It is worth for that price. If you like building settlements and farming tatoes, buy it. You have to fix game yourself by mods. Don't play it on survival difficulty. Enemies would not respawn.
Didnt they have a year or so to make it
The game and all dlc for $10? That's a great deal. Story is a bit worse than NV but Fallout was never known for it's great writing anyways. Combat is great. Pipe weapons were a mistake.
Uninstalled the game a few minutes after I left the vault.
Does anyone know of any good expanded settlement mods? Skyrim and Oblivion had loads.
i do admit the gunplay animations and graphics are better, which is why im glad someone is remaking new vegas (along a fuckton of cut content) with the fallout 4 engine.
It's worth it for $10 sure, you'll get about 20 hours out of it before you realise it's shit but at that price who cares
>its a fun game to explore.
wrong, if you've played any other of their games first.
That robot is cute
>Muh grafix!
Kill yourself zoomer
Isnt that project dead?
If we ignore the fact that graphics do matter, can you refute his other points? (hint: the answer is "no")
It's absolutely worth $10.
Gameplay is a little smoother and waaay les buggy, but if you liked the sidequests in NV you're gonna be pretty heavily disappointed. Also lost a lot of the RPG elements that IMO made earlier fallout games better.
If you were playing 3 or NV without using any of those elements anyway though, I imagine the game would feel the same.
>season pass costs more than the GOTY edition
Based Todd dabbing on the people who bought the game on release.
fuck, really? i hope not
It's a mildly entertaining non-linear looter shooter with leveling. You'll play it for anything between 10 and 50 hours before you get bored.
Graphics aren't irrelevant but they are of lesser importance than gameplay, level design, world design, story and even music IMO. NV is better at those first four.
why did you post an unrelated eceleb?
>shitty dialogue system
>hardly any unique loot
>awful quests
That's not better gameplay
Its not an RPG like NV though, its a shooter.
even with nanako mods made me try the game again this game still bores me, i can`t finish this game in my lifetime
>Fallout 4 has:
>>Better gameplay
>how much is it worse from NV?
The best word to describe this game is the word: Stupid.
You make a game to appeal the current craze (which was survival-craft at that time), now people praise you for this. Then people realize what you get is a borderlands esqual memegun faggotry, where every gun looks like homemade. Now this all seems cool as hell on paper, but here comes your bethesda fuckery where things are not as simple.
Now take this for instance: The game has this "hardcore" mode where you must eat and drink. Now if you must drink the logical thing is a bottle or cup or a container, and you put water in it. But again: this is a bethesda game, where "mods will fix it". You legit cannot reuse a plastic bottle, or a fucking glass of empty nuka cola. Its things like this: the game is full of illogical things, same goes for disabling the fast travel and saves. Again this is a bethesda game it WILL crash. Then comes the radiation which comes to paint your HP bar red? Then comes the environment which is so fucking full of bloom, like the nuke never happened in the first place. Then comes the infamous 4-option dialog of being Yes, longer Yes, sarcastic Yes, and No (Yes). Oh and the writing, holy shit, and the characters. This game is made with one thing in mind: Stupid game for stupid people. The game is legit insulting to everyone who is over 90 IQ. Then comes the obvious technical problems and bugs.
Even if I try my best to enjoy it there is not a single part of the game which doesn't reek.
Nope it doesn't even worth for looking at it and wasting the energy to click on it. I'm not even memeing right now its a really bad game, and no amount of added content can fix the horrendous shit that is Fagout 4. I didn't played it but probably your best bet is that complete overhaul mod Frost. Like I said before I didn't played it, but knowing bethesda it can be only better, and that its worth 10 bucks for you its your choice really.
Fuck the whole survivalcraft aspect of the game. As if FO4 wasnt bad enough on its own.
It's the best Fallout game if you just want to shoot and explore.
Fallout 3 has much better exploration than Fallout 4. Fallout 4 has a boring map with shitty quests.
No, Fallout 3 is garbage in literally everything. Reinstall it right now and try not to puke.
they tried to do too many things in fo4, in the end not a single thing in this game was exceptional
Good thing they bounced back with 76
The gunplay is fundamentally better in F4 than in NV or F3.
Dialogue, quests, and loot are irrelevant when the core gameply mechanic of shooting guns feels terrible.
fuck anything to help me finish fo4, i can finish 3 and nv looking forward to 4 back in 2014, its 2019 now i still can`t finish this game
Yes, I admit the gunplay is better but the game as an RPG is infinitely worse.
1. Start the game
2. Finish the game
The main quest is short as my dick, you can complete it in 1 evening.
>Being a casual and only using Guns
Also, you must be pretty dumb to say that the only gameplay aspect of the game is only to kill people and monsters
Just play a fucking shooter then retard. Fallout's strength was never it's combat, and in Fallout 4 it still doesn't compare to actual FPS games. The race to the bottom has robbed Fallout of all it's differentiating qualities.
I pirated it, played it once all the way through and regretted wasting my time on it.
Mods might make it better, but I just went back to NV.
Fallout is (supposed to be) an RPG first and foremost.
Based Velites-chan poster is correct.
The gunplay in NV and 3 is a serviceable vehicle to get you between the quests, and for exploring, user. THOSE are the point of the games, not shooting. If you want to shoot, play CoD
>Fallout 4 has:
>Better gameplay
Only as FPS.
But it sucks as FPS.
What I'm seeing here is that the gameplay of New Vegas is worse than the gameplay of Fallout 4.
If a game has bad gameplay then it has fundamentally failed as a game and is as such a fundamentally bad game.
Secondary and tertiary elements such as dialogue, story and exploration don't matter if a game has bad gameplay.
The dialogue, story, and exploration are the gameplay, you dumb nigger.
If you liked the autopilot stretches of gameplay from New Vegas, then you'll like Fallout 4. It's fun to run around listening to the radio while you shoot dudes and loot stuff, but there's nothing of value to it beyond that. You might find a few interesting NPCs or quests along the way, but they are far from common.
Oh yes i didn't even mentioned: You are a war vet who wants to find his baby. And that's it. Which later comes to the conclusion of the infamous:
>why you did this fambalam?
>urgh well... uuu... you wouldn't understand.
Before that comes BoS with a fucking airplane army and megaphones. That was the point where I just laughed my ass off and alt+f4'd. Its a very bad meme taking itself seriously. Its the same exact case with the child fortress in Fallout 3. The very moment you start even remotely think about it, you realize its just hilariously stupid, but not in a fun way. The worst part: it takes itself seriously.
I can legit say: There is not a SINGLE FUCKING MOMENT in this Goddamned game which doesn't either shit on your braincell or the franchise, or both.
From the power armor to the faction, to the scrap collecting, the enclave, the guns, the characters, the morality system, the dialogues and the list goes on, with game itself being a buggy mess too. Its a game made for the Skyrim generation: Don't ask questions just consume product, then get excited for the next product.
Its not really about me playing this old ass guy who knows a lot of shit about games, but things could be so much more and now what you have is just this meme culture around bethesda.
>Lmao we know our games suck right? XD
>right but we'll buy it anyway lmao
>our next game sucks too and it has a fuckton of redflags
>We know still lol, but we'll still buy it Todd :D
Go stick your rivet guns up your ass while you collect junk.
I'm trying to play through it at the moment but the more I play it the more it makes me just want to play new Vegas again.
>dialogue, story and exploration
>Secondary and tertiary elements
holy shit dude you're retarded
Fuck off troll
>good gameplay
Only in certain mechanics
>world design
Fuck no, if there's something Bethesda's can do right it's world design
>level design
That's also a no nv world was worse than 3
Better than 3 and 4 yea but worse than 1 and 2.
Not as bad as people say, it's got some fun world building.
For ten bucks go for it.
Yes, but as others have already said, be prepared for it to be more of an "open world shooter" and less of an RPG. The RPG mechanics are toned down, the quests are simplified, and it has the least amount of plot of any Fallout game so far
Both Fallout 3 and NV had good world design, but they aimed for different things. NV was better for classic roleplaying, 3 was better for pure exploration.
FO died after NV
>le Bethesda does good world design meme
Amazing people still suck Todd's dick for that even though Fallout 3 has a dogshit map with hardly anything worth visiting outside the DC ruins and this godawful metro navigation system.
The current Skyrim SE + F4 GOTY is a pretty deal if you've got the computer for it. You're essentially getting 2 GOTY games for $11 & change (your country may vary).
I played New Vegas for hundreds of hours, with and without mods, and played it so much that I have completely exhausted my will to play it ever again.
The week it came out, I downloaded some necessary mods at the time before playing Fallout 4 and still couldn't make it but about halfway through the main quest. Did it ever get any better? Did mods ever effectively "fix" Fallout 4? I can't imagine that's even possible. It's so fundamentally fucked.
>collecting trash
>better than New Vegas
Dumb nigger.
You have no idea why people ever played Fallout games. It wasn't so they could run around a dead, empty word with no meaningful discoveries to be made, use overemphasized, mediocre FPS mechanics to meet to boring characters and talk to them with a dialogue system that forces you to make the same choices in four different flavors. New Vegas is missing a lot of polish, but it's gold anywhere it counts.
Dialog and story have nothing to do with gameplay.
Fallout 4 is not an RPG but an open world shooter. That's how you enjoy the game rather than comparing it to actual RPGs.
Still better than Fallout 3
just realized that I don't actually have fallout 3 on steam or GOG
and that I bought it when PC standalone releases were still a thing
>throws RPG elements out the window
>gets id to make the gunplay marginally less wonky than usual
>Todd makes mountains of cash
>throws RPG elements out the window
This is a good thing and all of them related to combat should have been dropped the moment the series stopped being turn based.
Same here. It was my last physical game purchase
I want to buy just the far harbor, but it costs almost as much as the entire pack of everything
I have the base game, and want just this one dlc, but Todd says i have to buy everything again
fucking retarded
Good old times
Gameplay is the interactive means through which you connect with and progress through the game world. In a Fallout game, the way you interact with the narrative and shape the world is the primary gameplay. Shooting stuff is secondary. I'm pretty sure you can get through New Vegas without even attacking anybody. Fallout 4 has an inferior narrative, inferior world, and a dramatically inferior means of meaningfully interacting with that narrative/world. The fact that your gun aims smoother is not a meaningful change.
wouldn't touch that shit even if they paid me.
Sure. Get a few mods and it can pretty entertaining for 10 bucks.
Shooters are more popular than RPGs, who could have guessed?
>fallout 4
What the fuck. Did it win a single award from any magazine or site?
I think publishers just use GOTY for gold editions (base game + all avaialble dlc)
doesn't GOG have a thing where you can activate old keys ?
Yeah, that bad.
>Tactics was shit
Ill fight you scrub.
Im glad bethesda's new FO games flopped
There's no point to even complete it though. Such a fucking non-ending.
I got the game for the sole purpose of modding it into porn. Not going to bother playing the story or doing quests. The mods and options seem like shit though. I think I might refund this.
Pirated it before release and it was okay at best.
Tried it on a couple of free weekends on Steam for a few hours. Wouldn't bother going back to it again.
game sucks ass but I still got my money's worth jerking off to Curie mods
wish I knew which Skyrim mods replicate the same experience
>then makes 76
>gets shit on
>makes millions
your asking Yea Forums to compare the game its sucks off constantly against anything else?
yeah its worth it for 10 if you mod the shit out of it.
the fucks wrong with liking better graphics you stupid cunt? its not mutually exclusive with bad game design you dumb shit
Most of the time people see graphics as the most important aspect of the game, nobody says you shouldn't like it, they just say that a game isn't only about the graphics
>better graphics
still looks like shit though
>trash dialog
>trash choices
>one whole clan is pink haired sjws
>other 3 clans are trash too
>quite a boring story
>exploration is fun
>trash performance
Performance still shit?
it was shit 2 years after release when i played it.
Its a Bethesda game.
do people really need that pointed out to them? should be fucking obvious
but FO4 didnt make GOTY...
it sucks
please see
>For 10, it's worth it just for mods
Yeah, pretty much.
>How much worse is it from NV?
Is just horrible. Is not really a good game, desu.
The core gameplay only has two good things, gunplay and power armour.
Guns are fun. They feel responsive and accurate, you can mod them.
Power armours are fun too. Again, you can mod them, paint them. You feel like you are controlling a mini-tank.
Sadly, the game is aware of it and they just blow it during the first 10 minutes of the game. Right after starting the game, you get on a power armour and mow down a deathclaw/end game level monster with a minigun.
And that's it. The map is boring and empty, with 30% of it being just water, the characters and writing are Bethesda memes tier, crafting is boring, despite gunplay being fun there's only like 6 different guns and 80% of the enemies use pipe guns, which are absolute shit...
Same with the DLC's. 3 are for crafting, fucking useless. Robot one is like 3 dungeons. Customising robots is cool, until you realise is tied to crafting/gathering materials, which is boooooooooooring.
Far Harbour is pretty atmospheric and has some nice quests, like the one with the murder in a vault. Interesting enemies too. They will surprise you the first time you play. Sadly, is over in a couple hours.
Last one is imo the final nail in the coffin for Fallout. Absolute trash, shitting on everything and everyone. FO76 is a continuation of the Nuka Cola DLC. Nothing matters, fuck logic, just have fun shooting at people.
If that's what you like about Fallout, then you are in luck tho.
Buy it like a real man
Don't feel like making a new thread so might as well post here. I wanna play the first Fallout game, do I need any community fixes or can I just go and play it straight out of the box? (I have the steam version)
Works straight out of the box. At least it did a couple of years back.
should I use fixt or is it not advisable?
How is there a GOTY edition when it never made GOTY?
there is no official GOTY award, it's just a bunch of publications throwing their ''weight'' around and publishers using them for marketing
all meaningless shit
Only relevant answer ITT, the rest can be safely discarded
wtf it costs 22 AUD even after 75% discount. Fuck bethesda I hope the greedy sons of bitches choke on penises.
It can be good, but you have to play it in a different sort of way than NV because it is a different sort of game.
If you are willing to learn how to mod, there are some mods on the Nexus that can provide an excellent illusion that you are playing a better game.
>bought fallout 4 on sale after upgrading pc
>played through it
>decent gameplay
>shit story
>uninteresting sidequests
>mediocre/non-existent rpg mechanics
>reminisce about new vegas
>get some essential mods while keeping the vanilla experience
>cant get out of doc mitchell's house
>do a reinstall without as many mods
>works fine
>want a few more mods
>cant get out of doc mitchell's house again
i guess i shouldnt taint the memories i got.
At that price for everything, yes it is. Everyone's opinion on it is irrelevant for that cheap
I don't understand why do people defend F4's gunplay.
>Guns are fun. They feel responsive and accurate, you can mod them.
Hell fucking no. Unimpressing, floaty and non impactful shitty ass pipe crap. It seems people have really low standards when the developers go to FPS route when PS2 era games did this better. Don't give me the war vet bullshit either your character is superb with most guns (same applies for the female) and your LOL PERKS do not compensate for it. Its a very bad damage control at best to slap a little to no RP elements on a below mediocre game stitched up by people who didn't excel at any part in what they did.
Everything is so painfully bad or below average and these elements are stitched together into a game then people wonder why it doesn't work. The praised graphics are not amazing by far either, they look like your typical straight out from a play-doh unreal-like crap container with a fuckton of bloom and eyesores, wtih the DUDE 60'S LMAO dressing on it.
>b-but mods
my man if you have to put in THAT much effort into this game you might as well buy and play a good one, and not bother putting lipstick on a pig.
mod it until it crashes
yeah but its not worth your time
I didn't. Had no issues
It's a better fps but much, much worse rpg.
Issue (well, one of many) is there are a ton of better fps but a smaller pool of better rpgs (particularly first person like this).
Ignore samefag contrarion new vegas troll
>Secondary and tertiary elements such as dialogue, story and exploration don't matter
Nigger, fallout new vegas does have shitty gunplay(yet bearable) but the dialogue and RPG elements are the most satisfying of any game I've ever played
>I don't understand why do people defend F4's gunplay.
Is not the gunplay itself, we are comparing it with FO3 and NV.
I agree with everything else.
Writing quality is garbage and full of inconsistencies that they never fixed, people who like Fallout 4 are either people who shut down any sort of critical thinking in order to get themselves to enjoy the game or hopeless casuals who never played anything other than Skyrim and modern shooters
>level-locked behind plenty of features such as lockpicking, hacking, and the new crafting system the game boasts about
>at about level 30 the game's strongest power armor starts dropping
>get a ton of fusion cores with little to no effort just by playing the game
>difficulty is nothing more than how much damage enemies and how big of a bullet sponge they are
>story is so inconherently shit it will likely make you quit the game on the spot if you already know how it ends
>almost every single side-quest includes hostile enemies at some point that you have to kill because this is the most advanced thing Bethesda could do for its writing
Even the gunplay is surprisingly shit. Better than the predecessors but somehow still sub-par compared to modern (2015) examples. That lever action rifle you load up in Far Harbor is always loaded 5 bullets regardless of ammo count
I'd say it's worth it for the non-main quest explorstion elements, at that price, anyways, and maybe modding. It's a shit story but the side elements (tapes and computer logs of things going to shit) if you enjoy reading/discovering them, are still fun. That, farharbor, and gun play being better, is about all they got right.
The game is like 90 GB or some other crazy high number so keep that in mind
Get it just for when Fallout 4: New Vegas is finally finished in 2030.
You think you need to win some award to be able to slap that on your game box? You think Borderlands actually won a GOTY?
Should have just noclipped out my dude.
“Yeah, very cool game. You should buy it. Don’t forget to buy Fallout 76 and grab some extra atoms!”
Do I have to lose any companions, or is there a based radical centrist route?
Steam now knocks down the price for every item you own in a bundle. Try adding the GOTY edition to your cart and seeing what price you end up with.
>its better than NV and FO3
Is this supposed to be something to applaud? I mean FO3's engine by default was crap to begin with. At least obsidian gets a free pass since they at least tried to play around the shit engine and made a right step to the good direction. I remember still when FO3 came out and the massive as fuck hype around it, and when you finally got it (and got it running because that was a magical feat by itself) you got a mediocre as fuck weird shooter-hybrid half assed RPG thing which is more of a map with random assets made in gamebryo, than an actual finished game, with a truckload of problems, but hey you got a green tint over it so I guess its now "atmospheric". Fallout 3 never had any potential to begin with, it was a shit game by default, there is nothing else to say. Then comes New Vegas, which is made by people who actually know how to make video games limited by that absolute dogshit engine, nobody expect anything big, yet they made it. Then comes FO4 with another massive hype, and when I play the so called DUDE CUSTOMIZABLE GUNS ARE AWESOME, its basically the same ass shit while collect random junk, pour it into a workbench and repeat. The survival mode, where the game supposed to give you a challenge shits on the collection/craft aspect too and the two mechanics completely cross each other instead of cooperating.
You got D- over F, wew that's a lot of accomplishment.
Just play it like an exploration looter shooter and you’ll have fun
Don’t do a single quest, they’re all shit
FO3 had the worst kind of cancer, GFW Live. Literally unplayable now if you bought that "physical release".
basically just install FROST and play
A mod that ports New Vegas to Fallout 4 is in production.
>played vanilla to give it a chance
>enjoyed it but not in a fallout sense
>didn’t touch it for 2 years
>finally install it again
>mod the shit out of it
>pretty entertaining on survival mode with a m16, 1911, homemade explosives, and a phat assed curie in SG1 outfit
It's 10/10 across the board except the main story. And the bugs. But that's not as big of a deal on PC. Anyone that says otherwise is contrarian.
If you're bored in Fallout 4 then you just lack attention span or creativity. The base-building alone is worth 12+ hours for a single base.
Never ever.
they arent even comparable. one game is a fallout game with the classic SPECIAL, Skills, Perks, and Traits. the other has SPECIAL and Perks.
>The base-building alone is worth 12+ hours for a single base.
Yeah, but why? If I wanted to build cities, I'd be playing an entirely different game.
All of them! Mod the shit out of it!
are there any good mods that would either transform my fo4 into porn game or 40k shooter?