Why is this mission such a popular meme? Was it meant to have special psychological effect on player or something? I've beaten it when I was 11 on 4th attempt, it wasn't that hard or anything.
Why is this mission such a popular meme? Was it meant to have special psychological effect on player or something...
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just Casuals complaining about the first Casual filter of SA
It's almost the same with Warhammer 40k, a bunch of kids see their favorite youtuber play it, they hear him making references and suddenly they copy him and start going on about the damn train too. It was a stupid mission if anything because smoke is such a lousy shot...
It was hard because the nigger shoots like he's blind
Because Smoke can't shoot for shit meaning the train usually ends up leaving before he kill the guys
the game does a bad job of explaining the rules
the guys on top of the train are invincible, and will only be damaged by smoke
so trying to kill them yourself which is what most people do is a bad idea
when you realize the mission is just a race track you follow it's super easy and braindead
>the guys on top of the train are invincible, and will only be damaged by smoke
>he doesn't know
People keep driving to damn close, Smokes bullets hit the side to show he's aiming RIGHT at the center. Meaning you need to space, most normies are in clipping range of the damn thing.
internally, Smoke has like, a 30% chance of hitting the enemies on the train.
>he didnt use the ramp to land on the train and kill the guys himself
get on my level
>the guys on top of the train are invincible, and will only be damaged by smoke
Are you retarded? The speedrunning strats literally have you kill these guys yourself.
On console versions of the game you could actually lock-on to enemies and things while riding on motorbike. But on PC you can only shoot forwards or sideways.
Though it's been a while since I played a console version of San Andreas, so I'm not sure if you can lock on to dudes on the train.
This. I realised this the second time I tried this mission as a kid. Come on guys.
I must've failed the mission at least 5 times.
Do San Andreas mission hold up? I'm thinking about replaying the game.
I haven't played it since '05
you cant lock on to people in a vehicle on console
that was the only way to finish this mission really
Smoke has near perfect accuracy, you fucking retards. He's issing because your grinding up against the train and blocking his line of fire.
I absolutely hate this board. None of you know a fucking thing about SA despite it being one of the most popular games of all time. It's all "BEEG SMOK XDD" and "DAMN TRAEN XDD" memes with you mongs. Last thread we had some chucklefuck emulate the PS2 version on his computer asking why the colour pallete was wrong., and another saying he couldn't figure out how to drag & drop silentpatch.
You autist, it's because its a fairly difficult mission, and the game kicks you in the balls while you're down with Big Smoke's line.
I can smell your dirty fatass from here Smoke, you ain't playing tricks on me
Jason from the movie Friday the 13th Part 3 in the woods ft. (Music Trance - 009 Sound System Dreamscape)
Yeah they do. Get HD mods.
Not even the hardest mission involving trains in the series
>Smoke has near perfect accuracy
No he fucking doesn't, have you played SA lately?
I know infinitely more about SA than you do.
Fuck off brazillian. Nobody wants your MODIFICADO DESCARGAR PARA ANDROID oversaturated colour filters.
>click video
>retard is grinding up against the train and drives into an oncoming train instead of taking the path to the right
>retard even got that far along the tracks in the first place
but hur dur it wasnt CJ's fault !!!!!
mindless contrarianism, fuck off faggot I know way more than you about GTA SA
>hurrdurr why don't you remember shit from a game everyone played 10+ years ago
found the pleb
>playing games when they release makes you a pleb
Retard logic
Because a lot of people try to jump on the train and if you fall off and don't get back on the bike fast enough you're fucked big time
>I only watched the intro
based retard
>no u
face it faggot, I know way more than you about GTA SA and you picked it up as a little fad
I don't blame anyone for not knowing shit about SA. I blame people for not knowing shit about SA and then talking about it online as if they do.
SA is one of the most well documented videogames of all time, there's no excuse to not know such basic shit about it like how one of the earliest missions in the game works.
No, I'm not watching your shitty video. If you have something to say then say it here
I appreciate your presence but stop LARPing as me, lad.
This is the hardest mission in the game
>opening is literally just for laughs
fucking idiot. go kill yourself
>smoke has 100% accuracy
>no he doesn't, here's some proof
>n-no I'm not watching your video
>Please spoon feed me
Don't think so you lazy mutt nigger.
For me, it's the one where you have to parallel park with a hand brake turn. I can first try nearly everything else in the entire game, missions, schools, etc., but that hand brake parallel park one is impossible for me to get in under 50 tries I might be retarded.
dunno never heard about this "meme" of yours. beat the game when it came out. don't remember there being anything hard on story missions
>I might be retarded.
that fucking mission
I though San Andreas was way harder when I was a young'un but I played it recently and did this mission first time. The driving and flight schools were worst.
What were they thinking?
Just don't crash, it is simple.
i booted up sa and recorded this first try
even if you crash into the exploding car you're done before you can even come out the other end of the tunnel
if you can't beat this mission even after like 15 years the game has been out maybe videogames are not for you
You type like a zoomer.
Turn the framerate limiter on.
literally don't stick too close to the train, it's this simple
You gotta stop in the middle of the circle completely straight and hope that your car doesn't kiss the pavement for a whopping -1% damage penalty, fuck that shit man.
I can get silver consistently but gold is pure luck
The hardest one is the RC plane mission for Zero where you have no fuel.
In your own video is showing that smoke does not have full accuracy.
It isn't even hard, if you play around with posititioning you'll realise quite quickly that you're supposed to keep a slight distance from the train which causes Smoke to have perfect accuracy and shoot most of the guys dead, the difficult part is then to get closer to the remaining guys and avoid obstacles, but that's it. The hardest mission in the game is Zero's RC Mission, not Big Smoke's train mission. The train mission is probably one of the easiest once you figure out you're not supposed to drive too close to the train
Aliens in Area 51 unironically.
Picture a pink golf ball
>Those textures
First off, kill yourself.
>That music
Second off, kill yourself again. Finally,
>I still haven't watched the video
Since its in the hands of Smoke's AI it can sometimes go very well (as is what happened for you) or very poorly and the entire thing can be drug out. That JewTuber made a point of this.
Driving school is only hard if you want to go for gold, getting silver is pretty easy
Why do you dress your CJ as if you are a brazilian favela dweller?
News flash: you sucked at video games when you were a kid
do you mean turn the framelimiter off to increase smoke's rate of fire? that's cheating. you're supposed to play at 30fps.
you type like a faggot
and even then you're done before you can make it out of the tunnel.
it's not my save it's just a running dog save from gtasnp
>n-no u haha...
Zoom zoom.
I misread your post. Framelimiter on is best.
Because you have to try over and over again because the smallest failure costs you the mission.
Else the game is easy af. Even the "Cappucino 2 go" mission in III is a walk in the park since the timer doesn't trigger if you don't attack, so you can just drive around the city until all cappucino stores show up and just shoot them down.
Same as Demolition Man in VC, I guess it's hard on a keyboard, but with a controller it's the easiest mission in the game.
But this follow the train mission is really hard, that and the first mission for Leone in SA with the "fly behind the plane".
>Since its in the hands of Smoke's AI it can sometimes go very well (as is what happened for you) or very poorly and the entire thing can be drug out. That JewTuber made a point of this.
I watched your faggot eceleb video and you can see here that this retard is failing the mission half the time because he's too close to the train, and passing others because he isn't. His faggot ass "maths" have nothing to do with it.
Of course you're the type to rely on some shitty zoomer youtube video for information instead of actually playing the game yourself.
It was just a fun chase scene with an angry loud black guy yelling the entire time.
This user can't accept that sometimes the so misses shots
based retard
Smoke shoots the fuck out of the people on top of the train but for some reason they each take like 15 shots to kill
Still a better mission than anything in V
Especially that mission where you walk around the docks for an hour as Trevor. That mission has killed all of my replays. It's the point where I realise just how boring the game is.
>Smoke killing nigs
Just fucking kill them yourself, holy shit, you are on a bike, just shoot straight
The bike is on the gound and the guys are on the top of the train. You can't shoot them yourself.
there are like 4 different ramps you can use to get on top of the train
it's like nobody did that shit for fun off-mission
Am I the only one who would drive way ahead of the train, jump off the bike and shoot them myself?
I just slid off the train when I tried doing that.
I do not even have any memories about the train mission so I probably beat on on first try. I remember the driving school having few hard ones to 100% but other than that it was an easy game.
The mission where you steal the minisub is worse.
Last thread we had some chucklefuck emulate the PS2 version on his computer asking why the colour pallete was wrong.
This was easy
Fuck the toy plane mission though
>why is this a meme? i'm now going to directly reference why it's a meme
nothing ironic about you being a massive failure
I read that if you buy that submarine property as Micheal and you want to find all the sub collectibles in one go, you need to spend something like 4 hours circling around the whole island in that slow ass sub.
remember when GTA collectibles were actually worth finding
that sounds more like a chore than enjoyment
>remember when GTA collectibles were actually worth finding
i remember vice city, yes
9 year old me was truly inspired by driving school. Now have my car. And tried to do some maneuvers from gta like drifting around a corner at night and fucked my wheel up. Was worth it.
If you could drive like gta irl without dying id never leave my car again. Maybe full VR with a simulated car seat would work.
I'm not even the guy you think I am but holy shit imagine getting this angry about being this bad at a videogame and not understanding simple physics
>Now have my car. And tried to do some maneuvers from gta like drifting around a corner at night and fucked my wheel up. Was worth it.
Are you for real? SA has completely arcade driving physics. You can approach corners at max speed, activate the handbrake and change your direction by 90 degrees in an instant. It's nothing like real life.
Imagine caring about how hard people think a video game is, loser.
You are a legitimate danger to everyone on the road. Get rid of your driver's licence.
Danger on a completely empty road at 5am in my small town? Nigga i guarantee my driving is more legal and by the book than yours when traffic is actually on the road. Currently have 0 incidents or traffic penalties for the entire 4 years i had my car. Only thing was doing the drift and curbing my wheel. What kind of pussy doesn't try to push a car at some point in their life?
It's your mindset more than anything else.
>muh thoughtcrimes
Go work for the British government you'd be perfect.
Barrel roll? This one was fun as shit
The only legit complaint is doing driver school on gold. Zero's missions are easy, the last one is just simply too slow and tedious. The train mission is nothing special. Flying school takes some practice but it is easier to do on gold than driving.
>thought crimes
Never said that, you stupid cunt.
You're the one who wants GTA driving in real life. That alone is a genuinely dangerous mindset. No fucking wonder you got inspired by it when you were immature as fuck - you clearly still have the mental capacity of a 9 year old.
If you didnt die then sure i want it. You missed that part you stupid cunt. But i can differentiate fantasies from reality so unsurprisingly i drive every day without killing anything. I bet you dont even drive you stupid faggot.
>Danger on a completely empty road at 5am in my small town?
Why yes. You're already assuming there's a 0% chance that someone will be there like the retard you are. The day someone will be there you won't expect it because of that idiotic assumption and therefore whatever could go wrong will go wrong.
That's how accidents happen. Retards try to be smart and take risks when they assume they can afford to, and then it turns out they're wrong and it causes tragedies to happen.
Shut up smoke