When did it jump the shark?

When did it jump the shark?

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When they added xp and the hunder system

When it became less about creativity and exploration, and more about grinding and action, this has never been a game for realism, focusing on villagers, quests and mobs is just useless

Attached: file.png (1317x168, 51K)

when they turned creative sandbox with infinite abilities into standart "survival" game.

nice bait

It didn't, it's one of the most sold games.

when jeb took over

when they added horses

i would like to see some actual critisism instead of "reeee they added an update after i started playing, therefore everything that came after that must be bad"

1.7.3 was the last good Minecraft version. all it needed from there was more generated structures, more ores, and machinery.

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And by 1.7 I hope you mean 1.7 BETA

they've reached 1.7.3 in new minecraft already?

I wish there were more sky island shit. It's cool and I want to build shit up there.

not back then though since in beta 1.7.3 the sky limit was much MUCH closer to the ground.

when notch stopped listing to our mean and harsh, yet truthful critic and went to reddit to get his dick sucked 24/7 and then went on vacation every two weeks or so

there... there are quests??
I still play from time to time, but I never really fucked with the villagers, I just focus on making cool bases in survival mode.

Never. No realistic sharks

when all the anti-hunger anti-exp and anti-fun fags forgot that creative mode existed.


apparently people prefer the old terrain generator or something. I remember playing the game in alpha so I definitely played that one but I couldn't tell you if I liked it better.
can anyone inform me of when the terrain generator got updated so I can try the old game?
also everyone generally has a distaste for hunger and xp.
I kind of like hunger, xp not so much.

1.73, FLAOT, muh anarchy, >vanillafags, hunger, notch fat rich, Mojang, modding

1.7.3 beta was the last classic iteration of the terrain generator.

always good to see thoughtful contributions to threads I'm in.

thank you, helpful user.
I do remember seeing that number now that you told me it.

there are mods for 1.12,1.7 and maybe even for 1.14 that bring back the old terrain generation, or you could try amplified if your pc can handle it

thank you, that is also good to know

"one point fourteen" in fact.

Never, you can not use the new shit if you don't care about it
Stop being an autist

The new terrain generator. I remember you had sheer cliffs and interesting landscapes, people would share crazy seeds and make challenges around them.
Now every location looks the same, it's extremely boring and samey. Ravines will never be as cool as stumbling across a narrow deep pit into the depths in the middle of nowhere.
I wish I could find the file for my first world, I remember absolutely everything about it despite it being close to ten years ago.

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i don't like being all like "xddd look at me, i think popular thing bad.! im so cool xdd" but the new terrain gen is just really uninspiring 97% of the time. maybe sometimes you see a cool hill next to a mountain with nice surroundings, but that's it, and rare

Plus what the fuck is up with the lag these days? It's unoptimized plain and simple, they need to hire the optifine team already

this is definitely the worst part about nu minecraft

1.7.3 was the beginning of the end but 1.9 was when they just went full retard and added shit that served no useful function for either survival or building. Beetroots have no reason to be in the game and I wouldn't even be surprised if it's some in-joke they added for the lulz.

When you grew up.

Jeb is a hack
And faggot too

I'm not gonna talk about Hunger, some people prefer it and some people don't, but how the fuck does XP/enchanting detract from the game in literally any way?
Nevermind the fact that unlike Hunger you can easily just ignore it, it objectively improves the game by rewarding you for killing enemies. It's a purely unintrusive element that exclusively adds to the game.
>less about creativity and exploration and more about grinding and action
You're retarded if you think new things to do means you can't still focus on creativity and exploration. There's more things to explore now than ever before too; exploring has exclusively gotten better.
>this has never been a game for realism
You're speaking nonsense if you think new additions have been for realism.
You can just ignore them.
I'm not even sure what you're referring to. I assume achievements? Again, ignore them.
If mobs bother you, you can just turn on peaceful.
I fail to see how more mob variety is a downside.

Worldgen like that still exists. It never went away. You just stopped playing.

Attached: 2019-04-24_04.02.33.png (1366x745, 810K)

When eye of the spider wasn't in the soundtrack

They went full retard and decided that instead of using numeric IDs to represent tiles in a chunk, they'll give each one a full fucking text name. A tooltip wasn't enough, they wanted to make sure on every level you can tell what's what. It was a move to teach children about programming, but it represents the way zero other games are programmed.
What I want to know is how the old way tiles were handled was determined to be bad education. It was the only efficient choice Notch made in his entire time working on the game.

See Terrain has only gotten better and more varied, it's just that faggots like you only like Minecraft for its nostalgia and stopped playing the game. I always see huge exaggerated terrain like this when I go exploring; it's not EVERYWHERE, but it never was.

You can't lie like that. The generation is so rare now, and buried in an ocean of shitty biomes.

If you actually played the game you'd know that stuff like this was always rare. It hasn't gotten any less rare whatsoever. You fags just wanna complain about literally everything without actually giving the game a chance and seeing for yourselves.

>I'm playing minecraft just like pewdiepie!!!

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all these boomers are crying about muh oldgen because they still have the same pc from 10 years ago, which cant run the amplified generation

When it stopped being wildly updated. Like, it's still updating, but it's not like in the year before Notch went on vacation.

my problem is the amount of biomes seems so high now and certain biomes are ludicrously rare (rainforest, badlands)

i had a seed with no rainforest in a 100,000 square block area which is fucking stupid and ofc you could say just use a new seed but it would be nice to have the option to explore the same world and see both biomes

>I posted a wojak! That'll show the people who like what I don't like!

Attached: the snake eats its own tail.gif (680x315, 120K)

Categorically false.
Interesting terrain only appears in the new generation in specific biomes, and it's still fairly gimped because the biomes are often too small to allow big interesting formations to generate. It only works well if you make a world with big biomes but then you have to spend hours actually finding one of these cool formations because 99.999% of the world is boring variations of flatlands and rolling hills

Not true, go install an old version and see how wrong you are

>unnecessarily high sky limit
>can still dig straight down and reach bedrock in two minutes

Dude, we've been spamming grotesque Steve models for a year now. If anything Pewdiepie playing Minecraft just like Yea Forums.

I don't mind hunger, I just wish it was better.
Right now you stop regenerating after you lose just 1.5 hunger points.
It makes other 8.5 pointless, because nobody is going to wait until they are gone.
They should make regeneration stop after all hunger points are gone, so it will make more sense.

the moment you joined

Is this game supposed to be playing alone?

The game is called MINEcraft and there is still absolutely nothing to do underground and the cavegen sucks ass.

it didnt

this this this, cave update fucking when. Terraria fucking blows minecraft out the water with its underground shit. Actually Terraria blows it out the water with everything

It's good though. I recently came back to it and the changes they clumsily tried to implement earlier are now polished. They improved everything although the terrain generation is still not as fun as it was in the beta.

>If I say it is false, it is false
>interesting terrain only appears in the new generation in specific biomes
True, but I don't see the issue in looking for specific biomes. Aren't you nostalgiafags always talking about how old Minecraft used to be about exploration? Isn't exploring your world to find a specific biome exploration?
>and it's still fairly gimped because biomes are often too small to allow big interesting formations to generate
No? Biomes are plenty big enough to allow huge formations like the one shown in that picture. Biomes are hardly "too small" now, if anything I notice they tend to go on and on a bit too long.
>99.999% of the world is boring variations of flatlands and rolling hills
Again, that's just flat-out wrong.
I'm literally going to go install 1.7.3 right now and show you faggots how wrong you are.

Agreed, They're doing nothing interesting with caves. Mainly I wish they did huge empty clearings that would look epic and be full of monsters but where you could build underground structures if you secured the area. Canyons are memes.

beds are the first instance of a bad mechanic making it's way to the game because it entirely removed the danger of night with an easily accessible tool. the first bad update overall though was obviously the adventure update. which was rushed out with a shit ton of "features" that did nothing such as villages, experience and many more. it marked the point where notch urgently wanted the game to be officially released so he could sell it off to someone else.

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Fuck that guy. When notch gave his employees money when he left that cunt was the first one to complain. Notch didn't even have to give them anything

acceptable features for a survival game. just poor execution. basically everything in minecraft

>glacier seed
my based nigga

WOAH! Look at all of this wild and varied generation! Definitely not boring rolling hills like in the new generation!

Attached: unknown.png (888x500, 440K)

pewdiepie plays minecraft now? i better uninstall. what will be Yea Forumsedditor friends think of me?

>When did it jump the shark?
When they added the fucking drowned. The Ocean biomes would be fucking amazing to swim through and build in if it weren't for does goddammed Zombie reskins appearing out of nowhere and attacking you every five seconds!
>But muh Conduit!
Only gives you small amount of aqua-mob free space. Not enough to build an underwater castle. It's more like a complicated bomb you make for raiding Ocean Temples.


turn on better lighting that looks like shit

Not a nostalgiafag but I wish interesting terrain was a bit more common, I've explored my last 2 worlds so much yet found no interesting terrain which was really sad.
Also mountain forests other than Taiga when? I want a birch forest mountain right now! Birch hills doesn't count!

Minecraft will always be fucking trash until they add a thousand or so more blocks of depth.

I became bored with it with 1.8 beta when they changed the core gameplay with hunger and shit up the worldgen
I also fucking hate villagers, I loved the feeling of being absolutely alone, the only remaining human in the world (except for multiplayer of course) and I wish they implemented Pigmen instead - not sure why they didn't, seeing how they had a Pigman skin already in the files plus Zombie versions of them in the Nether.

>get bored of looking for any example of "muh epic old worldgen" and make a new world
>start on another fucking snowbeach with another flat plane of ice surrounding me
The fact that people consider this to be an improvement is enough evidence to prove that nostalgiafags are purely just whining for the sake of whining and don't actually play the game.

Shit bait

Beta 1.8
It never felt the same since then, though i still like it.

As the guy defending new-Minecraft, I do agree that drowned are fucking lame and I will be eternally mad that instead of an actual underwater mob we got the fucking phantoms which add absolutely nothing to the game. Also Conduits really need to have a MUCH wider range, it should be big enough to at LEAST cover the underwater temple with how much of a pain it is to craft and how you need to find an underwater temple in the first place for it to even function.
The Conduit and the Beacon are both good ideas at their core- buildings with valuable resources that provide an AoE effect- but they're not even remotely effective enough to be worthwhile whatsoever.

Minecraft shouldn't be a survival game.

it has been a survival game since 2009


Hunger wasn't introduced until 2011. Babysitting meters is the defining feature of a survival game.

How many people who say "1.8 killed minecraft" would actually still be playing Minecraft if they didn't add hunger or change the worldgen?
It's fine to admit that you outgrew the game. It always just sounds like people don't want to admit they're no longer interested in it; it's not like you're no longer allowed to build anything because of the changes that've been made.
At the very least, you can use a valid complaint like the multiplayer community for the game being absolute dogshit, and not "I'm no longer capable of enjoying building and exploring because sometimes I have to eat food and I'm too stubborn to just disable it".

I bought this during beta because of all the threads on Yea Forums, this game was hype central and supposed to be the greatest cavern exploration game made.

They somehow haven't underground exploration improved since then. Fuck you Notch and Microshit.

like i said, it's not a bad idea, was done poorly in minecraft. the game has always been refered to as a survival game. you can play the browser classic mode if you'd like to pretend otherwise

Villagers don't help with "alone" depressing atmosphere.
They are so dumb and useless, I can't see them as anything other than a type of animals.
They also tend to die/vanish every time you visit the village, so you end up with depressing abandoned villages.

>the game has always been referred to as a survival game
Don't lie, you stupid nigger.

>supposed to be the greatest cavern exploration game made.
No one ever said that.
Minecraft has absolute dogshit cave systems and as much as I actually enjoy the new content it's baffling that they've literally just ignored the underground and the only additions that've ever been made were mineshafts and ravines.

Terracotta blocks, coral blocks, and all the other useless shit they added.
Mojang should have focused on giving the existing mechanics some kind of depth instead of just throwing more shit at the wall with the depth of a puddle.

Here are 10 updates that would have massively improved Minecraft over anything else introduced in the last 10 years:
>Stamina bar (that is actually used in combat, to give depth and strategy to guarding and swinging in combat)
>Cave biomes
>Deeper depth limit
>Better ore generation (e.g. spawn ores in cave walls above their normal level, so spelunking is actually viable over strip mining)
>Biome unique monsters that aren't just reskinned zombies
>Quest giving villagers (quests could range from "build us a new farm" to "there's a rival village at x,y go fuck them up")
>Supernatural biomes (e.g. a biome where the nether is spilling into the overworld)
>Make redstone placable on walls and ceilings if you combine it with slime, and make some structures in the world spawn with redstone powered traps/mechanisms so people can learn how to use redstone from the game instead of from an autist on youtube
>Overhaul terrain generation so that topography, temperature, weather, etc are all seperate and aren't defined by pre-set biomes. Which flora & fauna generate in a given location is defined by the local conditions
>Introduce an actual ecology simulation, herbivores eat plants, predators hunt them, the players actions indirectly effect the simulation e.g. killing all the herbivores makes the predator population collapse

Notch quickly realised that he was out of ideas so he just jumped ship.

i am one of the people who think it was a poor update. i played it for at least a year after the update and revisited it for shits and giggles every now and then for a couple years after that. have recently been playing again and i am enjoying the game but i really can't believe how little the game has grown since i started playing in 2010

I keep coming back to Minecraft and the hunger meter is the most consistent annoyance I have with each version I've played. Until very recently I'd never even touched multiplayer. It's not even a game breaking mechanic; it's just annoying and worsens the experience.

The Youtubers/Community killed any enjoyment I might have for Minecraft, knowing that this game is a literal toy for babbies makes me guilty about any time I might waste playing.

>Quest giving villagers
Do you want Mincraft to become Skyrim? Also we kind of do get little quests to do in the forms of maps you get from trading with certain villagers. Also, the illagers are the pretty close to rival villages.

>Stamina bar

Attached: idiot.png (499x338, 38K)

Thoughts on my first home?

Attached: 1.png (2560x1440, 881K)

>Terracotta blocks, coral blocks, and all the other useless shit they added.
>Adding more building materials in a game primarily about building is useless
Also all of your suggestions aside from obvious things like "make caves better" and "more enemy variety" are awful. Especially a stamina bar, who the fuck likes stamina bars? You think with how people react to the hunger bar that a stamina bar would be a good idea?

>there's a rival village at x,y go fuck them up
this made me laugh for some reason

>You can just ignore them.
The feeling of being alone and isolated is gone though. If villagers were rare, that would be fine. But they are fairly common now.
>There's more things to explore now than ever before too; exploring has exclusively gotten better.
When you plant something EVERYWHERE, it loses all meaning.

nice door
clean up your hotbar

may 16th 2009 was the day the first minecraft version was publicly released. classic mode was a testing mode. you are welcome to pretend that you played minecraft before indev existed if you'd like but the reality is that it was always intended to be a survival game. link to pic related minecraft.gamepedia.com/Survival

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I honestly don't understand how it effects people this badly, it's not hard if you just learn ways to get food.
Hell, if it's that hard for you you can just spawn with a bonus chest so you can have some bread and fish handed to you.

Depends. Are you using a bed or are a no bed guy?

but user minecraft is made by only a small indie studio! it's to hard to do basic things like that

I don't even know how to create one

I didn't want to write an essay but obviously it would be implemented in a way that makes sense in Minecraft. Even if it's just to give the player motivation or inspiration to do something like a quest to build something

The game already has the gay little cooldown meter on sword swinging, it's just another paper thin pseudo-mechanic right now, if instead there was actual stamina you used when swinging/blocking it would massively improve the game's combat
Can you give a reason why it wouldn't improve the game other than "I'm an autist who doesn't like change"?

>When you plant something EVERYWHERE, it loses all meaning
This is pretty much the opposite of "new worldgen is boring and empty" which nostalgiafags always say which I find comical.
>the feeling of being alone and isolated is gone though
I mean, I guess, but you have to understand that that's a pretty specific complaint to have, that your immersion to Minecraft is incomplete because of some brainless NPCs. I can't really say you're wrong but it also isn't really an issue for most people.

fill up that hole above the door. spiders can get you

Can you explain why "oh I can't swing anymore, my swing-bar is empty! I better wait around until I can swing again!" would improve the game?

Spiders can climb in, shit home

>Notch says he was considering Survival as a possible additional game mode
Is your reading comprehension really that bad? Fucking idiot.

>if instead there was actual stamina you used when swinging/blocking it would massively improve the game's combat
no it would make it even more slow and tedious you absolute mongoloid
they're already planning to update combat to make it faster and simpler like it used to be

I'm probably a bit retarded but I've developed a habit of keeping my hunger meter at full, even when I'm at full health just to keep up the health regen when I take accidental fall damage. It's a much less fun way to play but I'm compelled.

I'm not even sure when I started doing this, because it wasn't when the feature was implemented.

Ah so you're just a retard who doesn't understand how a proper stamina mechanic works
Here I'll spoonfeed it into your drooling mouth:
>Swinging and blocking use stamina
>If you spam attack and use your stamina you now can't block leaving you vunerable
Even a system as bare bones as that is a hundredfold improvement over minecraft's current combat

if hunger was going to be a mechanic it should've been done better. cookies were only found in dungeons at one point making them pretty rare. now they can be crafted by getting coco plants in jungles. but what is the point of that? jungle biomes seem to be not very common anymore and cookies barely restore any hunger compared to other easily accessible edibles like meat. i propose that cookies should've been kept to dungeons like before but also make the player get a buff from eating them. such as a "sugar rush" making you be able to move faster, swing sword and mine faster for a small amount of time

Attached: cookie.png (150x150, 4K)

you better not got that green top

The point is the focus is wrong, and that's when the game became fucking downhill and started stagnating

Hunger system is way better than back in the day you fucking nostalgia dumbasses. It's shit updates like villages, enchantments etc. but mostly it's because you can't bring back old days when life used to be careless and you actually enjoyed playing video games

Pretty sure Phantoms only purpose is to fuck over the no-bed Bros and provide matieral for Electrya repair.

Its possible to have a stamina system that doesn't slow combat, its purpose is to punish players that just spam click and give some actual depth and strategy to blocking and attacking.
I don't know why I'm even bothering responding since you have no argument but ad homenim

>notch gets idea for a game
>says he would like it to be a survival game
>start developing survival game for 2 months


No, he had an idea for a game mode, you mouth breathing retard.

>you can't bring back old days when life used to be careless and you actually enjoyed playing video games
Mojang, Hire This Man.

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My main problem with them is that they're ugly as all fucking hell. They were supposed to be placeholders, but I guess Mojang was too lazy.

also cakes are pretty useless outside of being decoration. since they are a essentially a block as well as a food item, it could've been placed down and eaten from (one slice per occasion out of 8) and the player who has eaten from it gets healed if close for a while. this could work well in a potential "village raid" or "house raid" from enemy mobs. also gives dispensers more use if raids where a thing

Attached: cake.png (150x150, 6K)

Your newness is showing
Minecraft started as a lego block game

Survival was added as a game mode later and only became the focus after its popularity exploded


my first 'big build'
i yoinked circus design from some guy and plan to make interior like nether
rate no hate please

Attached: 2019-07-27_13.23.36.png (1255x726, 715K)

the game was always meant to be a survival game. keep living in denial if you want. go play classic mode on browser if it makes you feel any better

>its purpose is to punish players that just spam click and give some actual depth and strategy to blocking and attacking.
that is literally the purpose of the "gay little cooldown meter" that's already in the game. You can't spam click for shit. And there's already a penalty where you can't use a shield for like half a second after you switch to it
the question is why is this a good thing? what does this add to the game?
when I reach a certain point in progression why should a basic Zombie that stands absolutely no chance of killing me require any significant time or attention for me to deal with?
if you want more challenging combat why don't you want more somewhat interesting boss fights instead of making playing the game a chore?
why do you want a game played by 100 million people to try to be a shitty Soulsborne knockoff?

>when I reach a certain point in progression why should a basic Zombie that stands absolutely no chance of killing me require any significant time or attention for me to deal with?
By that point you probably have an enchanted weapon that can 1 hit a basic mob

Why do you automatically think of dark souls when somebody mentions stamina?
Like I said, it would improve and flesh out the paper thin swing cooldown mechanic by punishing players that don't use it correctly, and it would improve the blocking mechanic because it would no longer be just a "right click to not take damage" button without any risk and needs thought

Just regularly check 9x9 weath field and you will be drowning in bread.
And they going to nerf this meter into the ground in 1.15 (see reddit combat test).

>interior like nether
better yet you could simulate void in the end with black concrete and make small island out of end stone.

>play minecraft
>have fun

villager update.

adventure update


The constant fucking with mob AI and spawn mechanics

>tfw played on 1.3 beta all the way to 2015 because i got a pirated copy on a usb from my friend in 2011 and never bothered to download a newer version

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is it just me or is minecraft not dark anymore? i swear it used to be pitch black in caves like it should be, now i dont even need torches to explore. light is literally only used to prevent mobs from spawning

>>Stamina bar
I personally prefer the weapon cooldown as it is right now. Shame they are reducing that cooldown in 1.15
>>Cave biomes
>>Deeper depth limit
>>Better ore generation
>>Biome unique monsters that aren't just reskinned zombies
Obviously good things
>>Quest giving villagers
>>Supernatural biomes (e.g. a biome where the nether is spilling into the overworld)
Interesting ideas
>>Make redstone placable on walls and ceilings if you combine it with slime
Don't know why but I never liked the idea of redstone being placed on walls despite knowing it's gonna be better like that.
>>make some structures in the world spawn with redstone powered traps/mechanism
Isn't that the jungle temple?
>>Overhaul terrain generation so that topography, temperature, weather, etc are all seperate and aren't defined by pre-set biomes. Which flora & fauna generate in a given location is defined by the local conditions
I honestly don't understand what you were meaning by this
>>Introduce an actual ecology simulation, herbivores eat plants, predators hunt them, the players actions indirectly effect the simulation e.g. killing all the herbivores makes the predator population collapse
I really thought about such an idea and really like it but I'm not sure it's really such a good idea. It's still an interesting one.

i would put a wall in front of the opening and just so you cant see inside the circus from a distance like that, like how the starting zone in wow had those double walls

>phantoms bad
The only new mob thats terrible are the trident zombie fucks,you can atleast avoid phantoms at maximum 3 days before going to bed while trident fuckers WILL appear near you in the ocean,their damage is absolute overpowered horseshit and bows are useless when he is underwater


New updates are pretty good, I like that now I don't have to fill villages with endless doors

Attached: village.png (1920x1017, 2.7M)

You can bring down the brightness slider to make it as dark as in beta.
Or at least I think, I don't remember how dark it was back then.

I like both Phantoms and Trident niggers
Speaking of, why isn't there sharks in the game yet? I WANT SHARKS DAMN IT!

I'm playing this save for 3 months and this is the first time I actually found something interesting

Attached: 2019-07-27_08.04.13.png (1920x1018, 1.27M)

Is cavegen still huge? Got a mod to make them smaller because huge interconnected caves were so common.

>I honestly don't understand what you were meaning by this
I'll try to explain better what I meant
Right now a Minecraft world is a jigsaw of biomes where in each biome the terrain and flora parameters are pre set, meaning every biome of the same type looks pretty much the same and there's obvious borders between biomes where the generation changes.

What would be much better is if the terrain generation and biome placement weren't hard-linked together, so the world map would be generated without biomes at first and then they would be placed on after. For example you could get a forest spawning on top of any terrain type or overlapping between different terrain types. Some biomes wouldn't exist any more as they'd emerge naturally (e.g. plains would just be where a grassland biome happens to be on flattish land). There would be much more variation and biomes would much more smoothly mesh together, plus you could get real elevation changes whereas right now every biome of the same type is always at the same height level.
There could be even more depth by defining temperature and weather parameters which link into which biomes spawn. Hot & wet areas spawn rainforests, hot & dry spawns deserts, cold and wet spawns glaciers and cold & dry spawns taiga, with temperate biomes in the middle and everything in-between.

I'd stop short of doing a full world simulation like dwarf fort because realistic doesn't automatically mean more fun. A system like above would allow for crazy shit like rainforests on mountain peaks

That sounds really cool, I like it.

tested it out in ceative and it looks pretty cool. how do i stop mobs from spawning tho?


tested it out in ceative and it looks pretty cool. how do i stop mobs from spawning tho?

yeah, i was thinking on some kind of gate but don't know what to do about entrance yet

use all the tricks that minecraft offers like hide light where you can, use slabs, carpets etc. Mobs can spawn only on non opque full blocks in light level 7 and below. I'm sure there's plenty of videos on this subject.

Should I buy minecraft for the ps4? I'm a brainlet so I can't install mods on pc so that argument is invalid for me

before you were born

only if you can't run it on PC

I can definitely run it but is the difference between the pc and the console edition that bad? I'm used to the controls of the console since i played it years ago at my friend's house

PS4 has a max world size of 5000x5000 and doesn't have crossplay with the other versions because Microsoft won't support a version of their game on their biggest competitor's console

The hunger bar is basically a stamina bar anyway.
The more you move and strain yourself, the faster it goes down.

>durr hburr hunger bad
Peaceful doesnt drain hunger if it makes you guys so pissmad

Oh yeah I forgot about the map size. That alone is a reason to get it on pc. Thanks for reminding me that

Literally sony is the only person preventing cross play

>durr hburr hunger good

Sony is the one that prevents crossplay. Microsoft have had to become the "good guys" because of how poorly Xbox One performed so they're bending over backwards for gamers.

>found out a battle pass i bought for realm royale on xbox would work on steam and switch copies of the same game but not on ps4
>Literally just because sony is fucking retarded and only made an exception for fortnite
Fuck sony

PS4 is the worst current version of the game. Every other console uses Bedrock Edition, which maintains parity with Java Edition, minus mod support. PS4 still uses the shitty console edition which has limitations like limited world size

Hunger wouldn't be so bad if it didn't drain so fast.
As it stands its a fucking pointless mechanic. Food already served a purpose when it restored health. No one wants to fucking babysit a meter for the first few hours.

The gamel literally just need more automation content in its standard version like satisfactory

Wow, never seen this opinion before

what does xp do?

What version should I play

1.7.10 or 1.12.2 ?

Any recommended mods?

There's still no reason PS4 can't have infinite world size like every other version


zombies can break wooden doors in hard difficulty, remember to place a block or something for extra security

For me it was when they took out the old boosters.
Notch took out something that was genuinely interesting and challenging to make and replaced it with a redstone torch and some gold investment. O even liked that they broke down sometimes, giving the world a feeling of being alive, that you had to go into that complex machinery and fix what could break down every now and then.

Hello plebbit

Anybody who defends the hunger system is a child who didn't play the game before, and only got the game because it was popular, not because of the promise it had. Kill yourself dumb trendchasers.

turning off NPC villages is literally one of the custom world generation options. So yes, you can just ignore them.

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played since alpha, hunger system is shit but better than back then.
>defending wasting like 10 inventory spaces just to carry around healing
oh boy, that was so much fun

Sorry guys, nothing will ever bring back that sense of wonder you had playing the game for the first time and finding a cave in the hidey hole you made to escape zombies while iron slowly smelts in a corner.

I think hunger wouldn't have been nearly as bad if they had more food to eat.
As it stands, you have to walk miles to find livestock sometimes.
You can't eat any common plants.
There's no small animals running around that you can eat.
I think of it like if there was an abundance of these like I'm Breath of the Wild then it would actually be more fun.

>hate hunger
>turn on peaceful mode
>now mobs dont spawn either
>might as well play creative
Based retars

Based retardbro.
But unfortunately for your argument, mobs still spawn in peaceful, just not hostile mobs.

The new terrain generation is kind of boring, yes, but most terrain generation mods blow the old one out of the fucking water


minecraft has been alive in /vg/ all along. whether some e-celeb plays it or not is irrelevant, why would you possibly care about that?

Beta 1.8 ruined it for me.

why do zombies exist in minecraft what's the lore behind them

The same reason why there are dungeons with monster spawners in them despite the fact monsters just spawn in unlit areas.

they are all clones of dead players trapped in cloning machines (mob spawners)

When Notch went on vacation.

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I just started playing and am trying to build a castle-like thing in between adventures. I've basically finished the thing outside of the watchtower and below ground levels but then realized that the first level was stupidly thin and I needed to increase the perimeter. I've been sitting at this fucking stone maker for a fucking hour and still have to go get a fuck ton of coal every now and then. How do I do this shit faster?
Also how do I go about using enchanted books, do I enchant the item normally first then use the book? I have an infinity book and really don't want it going to waste.
I also have really strange random frame drops, how do I fix this shit

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Anyone mess with the new float options ? Trying to figure out a good biome to select. Mineshafts are fuck as you can see.

Either way this game needs more literal depth.

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make more furnaces and run them simultaneously

I've been doing that, I got 4.

Golden carrots you fuckknuckle. Install a mod that shows your saturation and you'll see why it drains so fast

Gotta get that silk touch pickaxe if you want stone

The other bedrock versions don't have infinite world size. Java wins again baby


What the fuck is this?

The minute it was released with that "lol this game looks like shit on purpose" look

Go to the nether with a shit load of buckets and start using lava as fuel. Or make an automatic kelp farm and use dry kelp blocks as fuel.

>Minecraft shouldn't be a survival game.

then play creative mode, nerd

When we found out terraria is better

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The 1.7.10 Pack in the Technic Launcher is pretty good despite the load times taking forever depending on your PC.

>playing 1.7.10 premade packs
Literally obsolete with the Roguelike adventures and dungeons modpack now

>you now remember

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When they kept adding new biomes and surface structures while leaving the undergound basically the same for over a decade. Mining is boring. They should take some ideas from terraria.

Where can I get a cheaper java edition? running pirate version right now and I actually want to buy this game but $30 is too much.

Get a job

Never, it's a great game and only gets better.

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This but unironically

World type buffet customized to floating.

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Hmmm this is new to me, thanks user

is this in the latest version?

Grotesque Steve texture pack when?

Fuck you snow worlds were absurdly comfy

>texture pack
heck off w10 cuck

What's the console command to fix tree growth?
On SkyBlock time and ticks are frozen.
I could reset the sun movement but the timer for trees growing and stuff is still stuck.

Yeah im on 1.14.3 (for shaders mostly). I recommend biomes labeled 'hill' so far, gives a better shape variety.
Oceans and rivers and such end up giving an endless 2 high ocean with no islands so dont bother.
Hopefully they update this and make it with more than one biome options. The max depth ive found is 15 so diamonds might not be much of an option. Structures do generate though, just in a fucked up way most of the time.

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Grotesque Steve skin when?

>make big wooden thing on a friend's server
>before we leave the server to play modded, we decide to burn it
>make a small raised platform for a better view
>stupid fucking phantoms kept knocking us off to our deaths and ruined the whole thing


What? I recall them being called texture packs since alpha.

just sleep

The adventure update

Thanks for the tip, it just sucks that you can only pick 1 biome

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Share funky seeds, anons

which shaderpack is this

Tekkit and technic were some of the most fun I've had in this game. Me and my friends would get a server and play on it for a while, with it eventually ending in an arms race with us nuking each other

How do I repair a bow and keep the enchantments? wiki says nothing on this

This one, just turned off stuff like bloom / blur / dof

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With anvil combining with another although it cost experience and with each repair it will cost more so try looking for mending enchantment if this bow has all enchantments that you need.

It is possible to make all biomes spawn in buffet mode. The only problem is that the only way to enable it is by editing the leve dat file in a nbt editing program. You can also turn off structures entirely with a setting, but you can’t have some on and others off. It’s either all structures or none. This also affects other dimensions.

can you toss me the high and extreme ones? when I visit the official site for them the download links have trojan warnings

I played Minecraft with Yea Forums there at the very beginning. I bought into the Alpha and spent two weeks making bases and things with people. I felt like I did everything and got burnt out on it and never touched it again.

I don't understand the lasting appeal. Games like Terraria have way more content than Minecraft.

Lets you make better enchantments I think

I see, well thats a bummer but at least something, hopefully they update it.

Sure, there are no viruses though. Its just adfly is pretty stupid and most antiviruses have it blocked by default.


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if everything looked stunning then it would lose its effect pretty quickly

thanks user

Food being stackable makes cookies and cakes completely and utterly pointless

That image is extremely soulful, made me remember my little cave house that i made in alpha when beds didn't even exist yet

No problem, also the texture pack im using is planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/mizunos-16-craft/ just incase you are curious

Change minecraft:fixed to minecraft:vanilla_layered and delete the biome entries. Then you only have to delete the region folder in your save file to make the overworld regenerate.

Attached: Need some help with customizing the Buffet world type to have multiple biomes (with NBT editor).png (618x515, 35K)

Hmmm righto, will give it a shot later on, thanks for the help user.

>Attack cooldow

lol no

404 challenge never forget

Minetest is what Minecraft should've been

The two most recent updates have been the biggest in the history of the game, and came withen a year of each other, and given the game just became trendy again, I'd say it's at a highpoint.

How do you think the game would look like if Notch never left?
Nostalgiatards, what do you wish b1.8 added instead of what it actually added?

I have really strange frame drops and freezes when I play this game. I should be able to run it completely fine at 60 fps, and I do, but it randomly drops to like .1 fps every ten minutes. The longer I leave it on, the more it happens, it's it's becoming unplayable. I see that it's only using 2gb from debug menu. Is there a fix for this?

Oof, sounds like a memory leak. As far as I know, the only solution for that is to restart the game every so often.

>Still no glass doors, slabs, stairs, sideways slabs / stairs of any material, or slabs and stairs in wool, terracotta and concrete
Add some actually useful shit for once, Mojang.

Doing deep ocean seems to give you regular hills, but with ocean monuments and shipwreck spawns littered throughout. With that you could actually get diamonds from shipwrecks

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I destroyed my mud house so I can build a new one!

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i can choose from win10 version for 3$ (30days trial) or the cracked version from java. which should i play


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bedrock edition needs you to use a fucking xbox account

wew this guy was what made me get minecraft, picked it up when it was temporarily free when the servers on notch's site didn't work and then bought it before the nether came out.
Thought this guys buildings were cool as fuck but looking back they're really basic.

When Notch ditched lanterns and kept torches are permanent light sources

The new climate biome system
Gee I sure love endless savannas and deserts which all blur together
I can spend an hour running around the world looking for somewhere interesting to set up my base at and it all just feels the same.

Unironically this. Climate biomes bricked world gen

>fill up hunger bar
>it goes down in like 2 seconds and heals like 3 hearts
Sick of stupid fucking shit that makes you wait around and have to check shit every 2 seconds in order to not get fucked over. This shit isn't comfy, its fucking obnoxious. Fucking swing a sword and it takes like fucking 10 years for the cooldown to go down, meanwhile im getting assraped by like 30 zombies and skeletons running away from me while doing a bunch of damage knocking me around. Before i just bam bam they're dead i didn't have to WASTE MY FUCKING TIME doing something that could be done in an instant. Shields are amazing though and dual wielding is sweet, but it feels like they made it all slow for no reason.

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Minecraft hasn't been a survival game since beds

>set up nether portal at base
>set up a second nether portal in a village so I can travel between them quickly
>for some reason now entering any portal in the nether brings me back to base and I can't return to the village
God fucking damn it, I literally had all the emeralds I traded for there. What can I do to fix this?

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I had the same problem with a couple portals in my world. Manually place a portal in the nether where the village portal is supposed to be.
nether coordinates = normal world X/8, Y, Z/8

You set the portals too close together so it just sees them as 1 portal.
1 portal per "chunk" I think.

>minecraft's slapped together ray tracing looks better than games built to use ray tracing


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Removal of waterfall elevators, infinite speed minecart glitch, and the addition of nethers

There are literal 7 year olds making mods for this game. If you have any issues just mod them out. If you'd like anything new, just mod it in. The simplicity of the game makes it easy to create mods.

I prefer making games not mere childplay mods

The nether gave us the ghast and the ghast is cute, but did they really remove waterfall elevators? I thought those were still in the game, why remove them anyways?

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Why does every opinion have to be unique?

You keep saying every fucking thread and you are absolutely correct every single time. The underground needs more. Minerals, igneous blocks, whatever else. Why are there only a handful of gemstones? Terraria got it right with how you can find a lot of gems in varying areas and even different types of dirt and soil. How is there not a mud block yet?

Attached: 2018-12-25_12.33.56.png (1366x705, 360K)

With the ending of Beta

Use fucking gold carrots you tard

So, no server?

After Notch left (and just before, really)

Shit used to be weird and unnerving at times, now its all goofy and quirky (Villagers, Illagers, the stupid fucking cow villager hippo things)

Phantoms suck dick. Why the ever loving fuck would you FORCE people to avoid nightime? Yea I can fight them but they're obnoxious to fight and even if you ignore them they just screech constantly.

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but user what contrive small thing would he bitched about then to feel superior to the pleb kids that joined years later

Terraria showed how much better this piece of abandonware crap could have been.

Terraria is unfun dogshit though

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When you grew up and lost your creativity.

Amplified nigga

Retards, fuck this dumb site
The issue is how it was implemented, not it just existing.

Technically they spawn 16 and lower so they might just be super rare. I remember getting them on the original wide map of float (which is about equiv to this). Havent seen any yet here.

Would a server with these settings be fun, or just a cluster fuck?

Mining in MINEcraft was always fucking grinding, you braindead faggot.

It had a purpose besides potions and enchanting bullshit

Is that what this shit is? Holy Christ, I get 200 ping online multiplayer levels of lag trying to play in single player after the recent update. It's not super bad but every once in a while the game just shits the bed. It's never been a problem for me until 1.14.4. Fuck Mojang. Why are they so incompetent?

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I stopped playing mineycrafta back in the day right after the adventure update. I just wanted a cool block building game, not this retarded faux-RPG shit

At least he has fun

>stuff like this was always rare
nigga we've been playing the game for years you can't bullshit us on something like that

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Clay is the mud block my dude

Minecraft servers dont allow for multiple cores. Its fuckin retarded

How do I change my skin on a pirated copy? This is driving me insane.

You can't. Get a job

>Aren't you nostalgiafags always talking about how old Minecraft used to be about exploration? Isn't exploring your world to find a specific biome exploration?
I think they're talking about exploring the places with interesting formations. Running through the same land with different trees and grass textures is kind of boring in comparison.

>Again, that's just flat-out wrong.
It's an obvious hyperbole, but he's not wrong on much of the land feeling the same.

I am not giving my money to them.

When Redditfags started praising it

Stay skinless then tard. Don't bitch cause you can't do shit you didnt pay for

i like my survival city. shame about the aquatic update being so good i had to leave it....

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Why are you defending a multinational multi billion company this vehemently? I am just one person.

Because he likes the taste of boot

Is what he said true then? Nothing has worked for me, it always resets to the default skin.

I get the feel that Mojang just changes shit that shouldn't be changed to make it look like they're working. Kind of reminds me how the game has no real direction as well. What do the employees do all day?

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No idea, unfortunately.

increase ground level to bedrock to 512, not just 64 like it usually is

Anyone else think that it'd be cool if the ground depth was extended and different layers underground (like 64 blocks on the Y axis) acted like different biomes for caves instead of an update being relegated to the biome above?

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You either have to change the default player textures in the files, or use a mod like offline skins (forgot full name). Mojang has skins tied to accounts which sort of prevents pirates from being able to access them.

>mod like offline skins
That must be it, I already tried modifying the files but the game updates every time you try to open it so you can't.
Will check that out, thanks user.

>If you actually played the game you'd know that stuff like this was always rare
Demonstrable untrue you fucking fag.

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b1.7.3 is /comfy/

use a texture/resource pack which only replaces the player character

Adding a Run.

>And so am I

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And what if I want to fight monsters?

>pre hunger
>generate a world, walk around for miles until I find a nice place to build
>post hunger
>generate a world
>unacceptable spawn area
>can't go wandering because I need food
>generate new world
>repeat until I find a nice spawn area
>no animals nearby
>sit there and stare at wheat for 10 minutes

I'm tempted to re-download 1.7.3 beta and mod it with shit like EE and IC2.

This. I still remember my first two worlds, everything after the change is a blur.

real niggas remember gargamel


Come join us at /int/craft

Sorry last invite didnt work

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but they still don't add the sharks

No thanks.

cut down trees, get apples
make a fishing rod
eat zombie flesh
make food out of seaweed

>2020 - 1
>still no proper apple tree

does anyone what texture pack this is or where these windows are from?.

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The awful new combat system.

>hunger system
Literally how hard is it to just walk a few steps from the spawn area, find the closest animals and kill them? You don't even need to cook the damn meat you can literally survive with it raw until you found a nice place to make a home and if you really want to cook it just make a campfire, they are super cheap and can cook you 4 pieces at the same time.

This. Seriously, what the fuck are they thinking reducing the weapon cooldown so much as it might as well not exist?
I'm definitely not gonna play 1.15 unless it has some cool shit just because of that.

I don't think it has yet
It jumped into the same body of water the shark is in, but jumping the shark implies it did something impressive and fell from grace

Minecraft is still barely a game. None of the features are fleshed out enough. it still has a long way to go, but keeps making awkward attempts to push in all directions and shrinking back immediately.

it's too big now to make any hard choices. I can only hope other games following in it's path start with a stronger final goal in mind and strive to reach it

>Small animals
They’re rabbits, but they’re a pain in the ass (especially if you’re too hungry to sprint) and I get what you’re saying. More edible plants would be nice. Nicer if they actually restored hunger worth a damn.

If you place a magma block beneath a stack of water source blocks you get a very fast water elevator

>bedrock maintains parity with java
PS4 is actually closer to java, bedrock goes off at a 90 degree angle with features and changes.

Here's to hoping Hytale accomplishes what Minecraft didn't.

Might be a joke, but soulsand sends you up, magma drags you down. I don't think that magma drags you down faster than you can descend in water normally though.

I have tenative but high hopes for Hytale.
If it can be 3d terraria, even with 1/4th of the content, I'll be happy to finally move on from MC.

Play on minefag.boner.be lmao

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I've had world gens happen that didn't have a single animal for miles around me.
Seems to happen more than not.

this looks like johnsmith but johnsmith is 32x and that pic looks 16x

I really wish they would un-fuck the terrain generation. Only the rare shattered savanna gets close to that. The worst part is, they removed the custom world option and replaced it with the shitty "Buffet" option, which only lets you select a SINGLE biome for the entire world.

I'm making a custom Skyblock map for 1.14.4 in an emptied out completely basic Superflat world.
I changed the biomes to pic related in World Painter. Is this enough to generate Woodland Mansion, Ocean Monument and Witch Hut spawning areas? The structures don't actually need to generate, I only need their specialised spawning areas for dedicated mob spawners. Would this even work?
The Nether is a normal Nether so far. I have no idea how to empty it. The fill command is limited unfortunately.
Also thoughts on the sand island loot? Isn't it too generous so early on? And did I miss anything crucial that still can't be obtained in any other way?

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i haven't played it in years but i downloaded it just to have. i think when they added hunger into the game, notch sold the game.

I played a lot of minecraft post b1.8 and nothing similar to this ever happened to me. I would always get myself enough food to last a decade in the first 2 minutes of gameplay. I guess you are just unlucky with your seeds.

could be. I never leave the seed blank and always put some stupid stuff in there just to see what happens.
Potato best seed.

Original halloween update

also fishing farms are super fucking easy to build

Is there any way to get iron or a bucket for lava to get some cobble gen going?

Just make a goddam server already u damm fags

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The bucket of lava and a block of ice is on the first island, like in the classic Skyblock. I didn't feel the need to show that.

What version?

Notch intentionally made the villages ugly and dumb so you wouldn't want to interact with them and therefore he didn't have to code any interaction with them

Why don't you make it yourself?

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it would be nice to have little untameable birds fly from leaf block to leaf block too - mods do it but vanilla really needs it. had a great first step with the aquatic update cause the ocean was ugly as hell until then

Download a data pack that disables phantoms.

Don't remember whose videos got me into Minecraft but it was something like this

Just a guy recording his playthrough of vanilla Mince raft, it looked like the coolest shit ever

>digging for diamonds
>ambient cave noises play
The new ones just sound like they're trying too hard to be spooky

Good. Spook is good.

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It needs to be more plentiful, let is show up underground. It actually has a purpose unlike fucking granite or whatever the fuck

Don't know the guy, but this reminded me of the "beaches" which were actually just deserts falsely generated at the edge of a forest biom. Everybody loved them, because even though deserts werent supposed to work that way it still made sense. And the fuckers still removed it. All my worlds would start with me building a wooden house at a beach. God damnit.

After using brightest level for years since it was introduced, turning it back ot "moody" really changes how everything looks. Dark might be still seeable with max brightness, but moody makes even a room filled with torches look nasty as all fuck. Pic related. I can see this looking better for caves and stuff, but with all the bitching the community does with how to light up their builds, it's no wonder why Mojang made the change. I think it was added for the YTers that LP Minecraft and complained it was too dark for people to see what was going on.

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Every time they fuck over the modding community.

Are mods even a thing anymore after 1.7.10?
Last time I checked they refused to remake their mods at literally every single snapshot beyond that point.

The mod scene moves on, my dude, last I was playing mc, 1.12 had a pretty decent spread of mods going, if your comp could handle it.

>I also fucking hate villagers, I loved the feeling of being absolutely alone, the only remaining human in the world
jews arent human

You are right, the name was changed to resource packs in java a few years ago in java. In w10, or bedrock, aka cancer version they are called texture packs. Have played the game since alpha, theres a reason why there was a button with text "Texture Packs and Mods" in the main menu.

Same for me lol

do you guys like my survival world

Attached: file.png (1200x636, 1.09M)


It's very pretty user. Keep up the work.

do you play mc with friends?
Post screen caps

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>overworld gets new (and often pointless) content every update
>but Mojang has refused to touch caves for the last several updates
this is why I've stopped playing for now, the overworld changes don't mean shit when the underground is the same as it was a few years ago

Stop eating at one HP of health idiot.

I had a server which used to be somewhat active but now its pretty dead

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What is this? I need it.

>Doesn't slow you down
>You don't sink it in it

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As a casual player, I get bored easily with MC. What's the point of food variety if all I ever need is chicken? What do I do once I have built an aesthetically pleasing and safe house? Mine for gold? Do I have to reach the nether world thing? What for? I'd rather have more options up in the surface.

That isn't the server

So... soulsand?

You dense...

>What's the point of food variety if all I ever need is chicken?
Roleplaying, lore in roleplaying, challenge runs, etc. Spergy reasons.
>What do I do once I have built an aesthetically pleasing and safe house? Mine for gold?
You travel to different dimensions and fight shit.
>Do I have to reach the nether world thing? What for?
You'll only make brief visits there. You'll still spend most of the game on the "surface" (the Overworld).
>I'd rather have more options up in the surface.
The Overworld has the most variety in the game.

minecraft is unironically a good game.

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>best selling game of all time
It better be at least a 7/10 for that alone.

>Roleplaying, challenge runs
That's good. I guess I just got tired of it
>Travel to different dimensions
Never actually did that but is it like a proper RPG? With bosses and all? I just bought the 19.99 java version for windows
>Overworld variety
Yeah, I had fun finding maps and treasures and finding temples, villages and shit. Again, I think I just got tired of it

I guess it was a decent experience. I enjoyed building shit but my autism ran out

Hey fuckfaces, I need some help, I had a minecraft server with my friends going on and one day to another it just stopped working, I tried portforward and everything again and I am the only one that can enter, pls help

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>is it like a proper RPG?
Kinda, but you can only level gear and you have to organise everything meticulously otherwise you'll get lost in you own inventory.
If you've ever played it you know how it goes. You organise everything in chests and you can barely carry anything.

can someone post some mods to fix this fucking lag

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Yeah, yeah I know. I don't know, the game is good for days and nights of autism, but I just can't get hooked on it. Maybe it's me, maybe i'm just unmotivated. I'll give it another go and try to kill monsters and shit, but only cause of this convo

i think it's beyond the lands or something like that

Most people get hooked on it through streamers and wacky/impressive build videos on YouTube.
But if you don't feel like playing it don't get peer presured into joining in on the latest hype.


They just kept adding new type of stuff, but no reason every to use it outside of the novelty. Why would I waste my time trying to find half the biomes, or use horses, llamas? If you already have diamond everything and built shit there is no advancement. They needed to add more progression in the game not just more variety of stuff.

And The Simpsons is one of the most watched animated sitcoms.

any advice to how to build and underwater base?

just play subnautica

What is this meme? The hunger bar depletes extremely slowly and food is easy to find in huge amounts. Is it literally just NEW THING BAD ADULTHOOD BAD THING BETTER WHEN ME SMALLER?

Attached: 1562184740236.png (514x352, 32K)

Use dirt/cobble to fill in an area, such as a cube or sphere, that represents the inside space for your base, then put glass (or whatever the walls will be) around the dirt.
You can either attach a dirt tower/glass tube that leads to the surface/into the ground etc, or leave a hole in the glass at the bottom, that allows you to remove the dirt and hollow it out without water spilling in.
You can use doors, fences or signs to create air pockets.

hello I'm very new to the game but what is the point of mining beyond getting stones, iron ore, gold ore and diamond ore.

I have a server running, you can build on the island just don't be cocknugget to other people here, anywhere else be my guest if you want to be edgy and shit.


Attached: 2019-07-23_15.12.58.png (1920x1017, 3.33M)

*Doors and signs could be used to make entrances the water can't get through.
Also be careful of creating currents, you'll want to plan ahead.

If you're re-imagining sky-block a bit you could quality of life it a bit and make the start island slightly bigger so the tree isn't hanging off the edge and so the player has some more dirt

pirate friendly?

negative not yet but in a min

does it have a nether highway?

wow thats nice

Pirate Friendly now
Join up 1.14.4!!

I just started it so no

Attached: 2019-07-18_16.04.17.png (1920x1017, 3.68M)

add me

It's still good

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

Ok not pirate friendly fuck. I can't get certain plugins to work with it

Attached: 2019-07-10_15.37.09.png (1920x1017, 3.47M)

Still going hop in


Attached: 2019-07-18_15.57.24.png (1920x1017, 3.88M)

Formerly The Simpfathers


Retard you've got the wrong server, nice try.

Yes, everyone does. That's what Terraria does and it's great.

Attached: P4j2s[1].jpg (3192x912, 670K)

did it? i haven't touched it since alpha.
whats the bad parts now?


but terraria is sinfully ugly and unoptimized

So is minecraft

>OP asks a question
>somebody answers