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They overtune the final boss to prolong the life of the world first circus, keeping eyes on the game.

Probably because all the hardcore raiders quit at the beginning of BFA. They jumped ship the moment they heard the rumors of no tier gear and personalized loot only.


What's she looking at?

>Probably because all the hardcore raiders quit at the beginning of BFA.
Except all the ones competing for world first are the same as last expansion.

On what difficulty?
Or it's an actual hard fight, both options are possible.
Your worthless dick, no in fact she is looking at the waste of flesh that is you.

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Euro Autism hits hard and lingers for life

>On what difficulty?
Mythic of course

My problem with it wasn't that it was too casual, but rather it has become too stale.

BFA was the last expansion I'll ever purchase for it.
There's nothing that they could do to WoW to make it interesting enough to come back to without making it an entirely new game.
Legion held my attention for like 4 months.
I'm not even sure I played BFA for an entire month after its release.

This is probably the case. Shit has been going on since vanilla, see C'thun who was considered to be impossible until he was nerfed.

>we're finally getting an Old Gods/Void Lords focused expansion
Fucking finally (unless they just relegate N'Zoth to just be the final raid boss of the endgame zone in which case fuck everything)

No relevant players remain since MoP

classic is more casual and a better game :)

C'thun legit was, it was the same shit as pre nerf Fetid in Uldir. They just fucked the numbers so hard the fight was numerically unwinnable.

Cost free marketing.

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Some examples would be good

The fact this is newsworthy shows how casual it is. This should be just tuesdays.

>queue lfr
>kill her
>watch cinematic
why even bother doing anything else?

Raids, objectively, have become more complex over time.
Class gameplay tends to have as well
The only "casualisation" is how rewards are handed over to the player, and how leveling has become very trivial.

Because you are reading articles made by casuals

They’re hotfixing the part everyone is stuck on so expect a kill soon.


Artificial difficulty

this is the real answer
get rid of that shit blizz

blizzard fags were ALWAYS casuals.

Ensidia, Paragon.
Just method being on the top shows how dead the game is, the always eternal 3rd placers remained on a competitively dead game just so they could take the "glory" and lick some blizzard boots.
The best guild you can think of right now has no chance against the good old players.

the reward system is also the most important part of an mmorpg so there ya go

Paragon stopped playing not because of the game, but because of their ""rules"" that you had to be from Finland to be part of their guild.
Not sure about Ensidia.
Method always being on top just means they're just that good. Just last tier they lost world first to Pieces. They also almost lost the first tier of BFA.

Hey I don't disagree with the general statement of "it's become casualized" but it's not black and white

For the challenge
It's not artificial if the tanks are idiots

But the second best guild is American.

fetid wasn't unkillable though, he just wasn't easy to kill first week when no one had mythic gear. He never should have been nerfed.

There is very little incentive to actually do the higher difficulties now that you will get better gear next tier anyway.

>but because of their ""rules"" that you had to be from Finland to be part of their guild.
THat's a fucking stupid rule

>make the entire game braindead easy except for the hardest difficulty on raids, and even then overtune the fuck out of the final boss every single time to prolong the world first race

All WoW players should be euthanized

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its based and nationalitypilled. Fuck immigrants.

>Method always being on top just means they're just that good.
Listen, I assume you didn't play back then and if you did you weren't elite, method, specially Sco, always was the laughing stock of the elite community, they put in more hours than anybody, had the most retarded rules and used its players like cattle. They still always lost, sometimes making it even to 5th place.
Ensidia disbanded when dragon soul released because anyone with a sliver of intelligence realized the game was dead, raiding wasn't for the hardcore raiders anymore, so they all quit, except method who finally saw a way to not be laughed at and make some money.

>sliver of intelligence realized the game was dead, raiding wasn't for the hardcore raiders anymore
That's why Kungen came back and tried again

>"good" wow players

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When you have nothing else in life, it's only natural that you come back.

It's always been like that, there was no reason to do Molten Core after Zul'gurub, there was no reason to do Zul'gurub after AQ, there was no point in doing AQ when Naxxramas came out.

I hope they'll ban everyone who bought bfa from classic.

I hope they ban anyone who plays Classic

The game is unironically too hard. I can't be arsed to put in two months of raiding to clear some shitty raid just to get gear that won't matter in the game's world because everything scales.
All you get is some title on top of all the 200 titles you have and maybe a mount that might or might not be a reskin. Add in the fact that it takes more time to prepare for raids than ever before in the game's history. AP grind, world quests, m+, pvp etc.

Great for the method boys to get a challenge but when a mini raid last boss takes 500 pulls to kill, it's too much for the crowd that is semi-hardcore. They should appeal to that group, since apparently only 41 alliance guilds killed that said boss.

The game's difficulty should've peaked at fights like Yogg+0 and LK 25hc, latter having 50 weekly tries and a stat buff that increased every week to some certain amount I can't remember.

That's a fucking great rule perkele torille :DDD

But OP, it's a casual collectathon for all but a shrinking number of autistic minmaxxers and speedrunners.

>some certain amount I can't remember.
Pretty sure it capped at 30%

meddl loide

>no reason to do Molten Core after Zul'gurub
bindings and rag loot
>no reason to do Zul'gurub after AQ
materials for zg crafted gear, rep for recipes, mounts, hakkar heart for buff

Cthun was straight overturned though. Mathematically impossible with BIS from AQ and BWL prenerf.

>sco was the problem
Still salty, Slootbag? Imagine leaving a guild to make your own "elite" guild only to lose to Sco's brilliant leadership turning a semi-hardcore guild into world first material.

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You couldn't hit numbers benchmarks for AQ20 without at least ZG gear. ZG was actually tough as fuck with preraid from a #s standpoint.

also forgot majordomo chest that has the priest staff quest item and leaf for hunters

You can't just start in AQ on a freshly dinged character unless you're getting carried. You had guilds that would be on different tiers of progress depending on how hardcore they were. You can never have that now because when a new raid comes out the old one becomes obsolete instantly.

They're hotfixing it so it's a confirmed bug

>1% of the game is hard
>that means that 100% of the game is hard!!!

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Its for your own sanity.

Bruh I just solo'd C'thun last night wtf u talkin bout

Imagine if Assmonger gets banned.

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>All meme guilds still stuck at Azshara despite Daddy NuBlizz nerfing the raid

Because it isn't something like 75-era FFXI or other "Pre-WoW" MMOs.

Remember, if it has QoLs and a easy to learn and use interface it is casual by default. And WoW casualized basically the whole MMO genr because it introduced and standardized slews of both QoL like Dungeon Finders and interfacing methodologies. Casual does not mean you can't enjoy it though, you just have to acknowledge it was designed for a "broader audience" to be able to enjoy.

Blizz will never ban him, the only reason WoW still gets new players is because his fanboys want to meet him in game and give him all their gold.

They already begun tuning it down by increasing the enrage timer from 2 to 3 minutes

>People who only did MC are saying that vanilla was casual

does she have sfm already?

Reminder if the devs can't beat it with relative consistency it shouldn't be released.

>for the challenge
>spend weeks upon weeks, playing 10+ hours a day, constantly wiping, waiting for other players, while having to listen to annjoying dumbfucks on discord
>meanwhile you are constantly stressing yourself to not fuck up, because if you do then god have mercy on your soul
>if others fuck up, then its your turn to get angry at them
>eventually defeat azshara
>get no loot because rng, only some achievements
sounds fun

Asking the only question that matters

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on every classic private server for the last decade or longer, even the most casual guilds on those servers have been able to fully clear content as long as they have a consistent 35+ raid roster to engage in that content with.
it might take them longer than "the best guilds" by a week (bwl) or a month (naxx) but a guild with a consistent raid force has always been able to clear content in full, even the super shitter-tier russian community guild on the last server i played a year ago

you can play classic warcraft in a hardcore fashion with super optimized best in slot gear and constant consumable use and dark rune farming and having your entire raid force go engineering for goblin sappers etc., but none of it is actually necessary outside of pointless "server first" races

i wish you were right - i wish every nostalgia-gushing faggot was right about classic being uber hardcore, but it just isn't. you can just throw geared players at anything and kill it, even naxxramas. the game is just too solved, every aspect of every classic raid can be performed perfectly even by the most 'low skill' player due to how much is known about the game

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t.buys store mounts

This. Your mythic gear will immedietly become redundant as soon as the next patch releases and everything scales to your level so you barely get any stronger

WoW is for faggots

i only buy wow tokens in the store

meanwhile ff14 cleared in 1 day. rekt?

If you're part of a good guild with people who are good at the game and good company, this doesn't happen.

That's because people nowadays know how the game works and there's a guide for literally anything.
Back in the day setting foot into naxx wasn't something the average player would even think of.

suppose i misread the post, oops
'original' vanilla was definitely a kick in the nuts for casual guilds due to most raid information being tightly guarded by top guilds and drip-fed to the rest of the community through collective trial & error, that is definitely true

>Normal raid
>not cleared in 1 day

>everyone are new to the game
>lot of people are new to mmos in general
>the internet is still in it's infancy
>there are barely any guides, nobody knows anything
>people have shitty PCs and shitty internet that can barely handle wow let alone 40+ players in one place without lagging
>blizzard's servers are also garbage and can't handle the load
>communications are not very good since voice chat programs were not that widespread and a lot of people didnt have mics, etc...
>no ingame calendar so can't even make proper scheduling and such
>now try and get 40+ people together into a raid and effectively organize it

These are the only reasons why vanilla was considered to be hard.


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Oh, i also forgot about the lack of addons that are pretty much mandatory today.

>THat's a fucking stupid rule
they spoke finnish you retard

> a stat buff that increased every week to some certain amount I can't remember

lmao, i stopped playing wow in early MoP because it was too shit by then, and now it has Echo? ayyyy

>On what difficulty?
Take a guess.


Raid gets cleared early
Raid doesn't get cleared early

>endgame raiding is all this game has to offer

Extreme cope off the first post

Most MMOs don't even have endgame.

>game doesn't tell me what to do, so it doesn't have "endgame"
Based zoomer.

>Implying mmos have anything else to offer besides raiding

Some MMOs are actally great with outfit/armor options visually, so they actually offer quite substantial value if you like "Paperdolls", Hence why "Transmog/Glamour Hunters" are a thing.

It hasn't even been longer than Jaina took yet, has it?

This is what you get when people like Tigole end up doing game development.

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>Thinking people who make threads on Yea Forums actually know anything about the game they're talking about
You must be new

how do you even shit into a sock?

I dont know man, but some humans managed to pioneer that.

Every mmo is just as "hard" as a dev wants it to be.

It's extremely easy to create an unbeatable encounter to prolongue the "world first" streamer meme. The raid will get nerfed after the fake hype is over.

>everything scales

Nah, you'll be destroying people in the world, and it'll give you an advantage in arenas too. It's just reduced in effectiveness somewhat.

So what's the secret phase going to be? We already have rotating beams and enrages.

I wanna breed octomommy.

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>Ruins Everquest
>Ruins WoW
>Ruins Overwatch from the start because he's the lead

He can't keep getting away with it

How does one tame a Night Elf?

Attached: maiev.jpg (780x1024, 78K)

Elves were designed in every facet of their existence to be bred for human dick. Its like going to a grocery store just pick what you want and breed it daily.

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Guilds might be the same, but the player base is very different.

Most the players between Method level and casual don't touch the game anymore (aka, the people who usually play Heroic).

If you're a middle of the range guild chances are your best players stopped playing, then the people they were carrying stopped because they don't make progress anymore. Not long after Uldir half the guilds on my server died at about the same time i stopped playing.

Ghostcrawler is worse.

Technically he ruined Overwatch twice, once when it was an MMO and then again when the MMO failed before launch and had to be resurrected as a meme shooter.

Only N'zoth is allowed in there

>Press F6 to submit a bug for this Spell
Imagine being so absolutely god damn fucking awful at programming with bugs being so common that you allow people to instantly report a bug with a button press. The reason WoW raids take long to clear is because they are a buggy mess and overtuned as fuck

And how is that not retarded? If they transitioned into English and let other people in, they would get much better players.

WoW raids have always been harder than XIV by lightyears. They will never admit it though.

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I raid in FFXIV and I can tell you that FFXIV raids are harder just because WoW allows 24 people which means that each player has very little responsibility. A friend who used to raid on WoW showed me a video of him clearing a raid and it was him literally just standing still in the same spot for 20 minutes pressing buttons

There hasn't been a fight in XIV more diffuclt than Zero Light Yogg. Sorry user.

Why don't you try to explain why you think that anonymous

>I raid in FFXIV and I can tell you that FFXIV raids are harder just because WoW allows 24 people which means that each player has very little responsibility.
I wish, 10 man was much easier. There is tons of personal responsability and one person is going to fuck your try, it's pretty much impossible to find 20 skilled players for mythic nowadays.
This is why I switch to XIV with my friends some time after killing 10man, sorry user WoW raids are much harder.

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*Gets 10+ rezes per fight*

Yeah man, harder.

>tweak a number too high so it's next to impossible to beat
>game is now hardcore

Besides gear is scarce and not easily available to buy week 1 like XIV and you have really tight dps/healing checks unlike XIV so one shitter is going to fuck you over.

>Standing still, pressing the buttons the super based addon tells you to press is so much harder than having to organize with the team with everybody getting hammered by mechanics tailored for their role
don't think so

This guy is right. I do lots of PvP and arena and you REALLY feel ilvl. I can tell if someone is more geared then me after a couple of hits.it's just not like the old days where overheated people would 1 or 2 shot scrubs the same level. For the longest time people kept telling me ilvl doesn't matter in PvP

Try getting 10 resses and not wiping to enrage retard. expert roulette heroes need to shut the fuck up

you are full of shit
dont get me wrong, wow is complete dogshit at the moment but you are just retarded
wow mythic raids are 20man locked
the only 'hard' content in are uwu and ucob which are both completly easy compared to mythic raids, the thing why ffxiv raids are perceived so hard is that most raiders just suck, its that simple.
ffxiv is just a bunch of tryhards copying a certain meta but all of ffixivs boss encounters are just scriped encounters why play out always the same. 0 variations.

Of course why make a fight with mechanics that you have to execute flawlessly while also doing your rotation when you can just give the boss 200% more hp loool that'll show them raiders!

user do you actually want a serious discussion or are just going to bait? addons are useless for most things since most fights have RNG involved and personal responsability (a lot more than XIV), some addon telling you to stand in this marker is useless if you don't know how to handle each raid cooldown or adapt to mechanics.
By giving boss real dps checks makes you need to actually need to flawless and never mess your positioning and rotation.


>FFXIV will NEVER have a boss like this because shitters would cry

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>Imagine being so absolutely god damn fucking awful at programming with bugs being so common that you allow people to instantly report a bug with a button press.
pretty sure that's from a test server

everyone who has ever raided knows this
it's just overtuned heal and damage checks, same shit happened with jaina

>He can't keep getting away with it
All it would take to ruin him is a recording of him 'Behind the scenes' while he's either ranting or saying some SJW shit. It's not hard destroy his career, since he has a massive history of shitslinging like a 12 year old

What are you talking about. This guy was one of the easiest boesses back then,

you got it wrong, they tame you

>You need items in a rpg to kill a boss!
You know this would never be a problem if it wasn't for retarded speed runner right? these bosses are designed for normal people with months of progression and items.

>personal responsability (a lot more than XIV)

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lmao you never played wow or you never raided above lfr/normal mode.
there are plenty of mechanics in wow that have to be executed otherwise its a full raidwipe.
im a ffxiv player myself but people like you are just an embarassment
mechanically ex-primals and normal mode raids are on par with wow lfr raids, savage is where shit gets a bit harder but if you have a functioning brain its not that hard either
ultimates are the only fights that are hard
also if they ever add hard fights into ffxiv you get a pepsiman situation where half if the raidplayerbase just quits instead of improving.

Try telling that to Tomb of Sargeras. Practically every boss had at least one mechanic that if any of the 20 people failed would instantly wipe the whole raid.
Peak raid design.

>addons are useless for most things since most fights have RNG involved and personal responsability (a lot more than XIV)
DBM has literally indicators telling you what to do.
RNG doesn't mean a shit if the addon is going to solve the mechanic for you everytime.
>By giving boss real dps checks makes you need to actually need to flawless and never mess your positioning and rotation.
WoW boss DPS checks are hard only if
1) you're undergeared (and all WoW bosses are gated heavily behind gear
2) you're a shitter, since WoW rotations are absolutely easier. Quickier, but easier. If you're not doing DPS it means you're not pressing the buttons that get highlighted or are missing uptime on the boss, or are an actual retard that is not pressing buttons at all.
Ultimate on the other hand is not made easier by gear, since you're item level synched.

blizz overtuned the boss to prolong the race and guilds can't just say "it's shit, we're stopping the race" because sponsor money is on the line.

However blizz being shit company that it is, fuck itself once again because viewership is dropping and random normies give less and less shit about the race.

Horse shit. Even the best guilds are like this. This is SOP. I was in the top 3 raiding guilds on the server during WoLK before I stopped playing and I remember we had like 5 people that couldn't see ... something. I forgot the whole fucking fight. But there was one aspect of LK fight that involved having to watch out for something coming and all the sudden we had these guys playing like girls with no situational awareness. And these same guys - 3 of them - all got poached by the 1st and 2nd tier guilds later on.

everyone benefits from mmo being made for broader audiences. though theres diminishing returns when you start implementing enough quality of life features to enable antisocial playstyles. kinda like the state of current wow. It's made for lots of players who arent expected to interact with each others. what a joke.

Which part exactly would make people cry? FFXIV already had a boss where there's something that goes around and will kill you and most likely wipe the group if you get hit by it and people didn't complain.


Blizzard cant balance for shit. Things are either to hard or too easy. Overall its better to make them just a few points harder than they should be and bring it down than make shit a joke and patch it up. Same idea when they do class balance.

>people still care about WoWs gameplay and mechanics
Just post art and porn already. Only thing its ever had going for it the past decade.

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Nice excuse

I would have jumped ship over the idea of "tier gear". Treadmills are fucking retarded and there should be more meaningful rewards.
Imagine if instead of gear, you raided for unique abilities? Sure that would probably be a nightmare to balance but by god at least you'd get a power upgrade that would stand the test of time.

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>mechanically ex-primals and normal mode raids are on par with wow lfr raids,
Must have been a while you haven't played WoW because you have no fucking clue.
>savage is where shit gets a bit harder but if you have a functioning brain its not that hard either
Savage last floors are way harder than WoW heroic mode. I fucking hated raiding with absolutely shitters on WoW 'cause mechanics in Heroic are literally "bring this puddle here" or "stack" or do some fucking stupid ass mechanic that DBM will explain for you. and yet those shitters couldn't do them anyway
>also if they ever add hard fights into ffxiv you get a pepsiman situation where half if the raidplayerbase just quits instead of improving.
Pepsiman was the perfect example of this current race: gated massively behind gear with an absolutely retarded DPS check.
It's not that it was difficult, it was absolutely retarded. Also people quit because the game was shit at that time mostly, and not only because of Savage.

>Let me post this funny reaction image it will surely make my argument look good
Discussing with retards is truly useless, anyway.
Did you read anything else besides this part? some addon poiting out he's going to explode and leave fire on the ground is useless he knows what is the best place for room management. Besides addons are needed since WoW has no in game way to tell this stuff like markers.

This. It's not overtuned, it's that modern fags can't comprehend having to grind mythic for a couple of weeks before the guild gears up to deal with it.

Everyone gets at least one piece of gear now

yeah, and that has nothing to do with difficulty is the point

There's no incentive to do higher difficulty tiers when you can get even better gear through world quests and M+. The reward system for doing high end raiding is completely broken at the moment.

... jaina died in the first ID
it was perfectly tuned

Sargeras wants her back. The whole story is about a cosmic love triangle.


I know people love to talk about how every mmo is just dodge stuff which isn't necessarily wrong but these things are definetely hard for the average players.
Even with easy as shit rotations finding good dps players is really hard and finding good healers is even harder, of course most fights are easy for a geared out method but that's not true for everyone.
Bosses like this are hell for an average guild, some fuck up is going to take a tentacle in the wrong place while in another realm and wipe everyone and addons won't help you with that.
People really have to stop thinking something is easy just because it's easy for method.

>cleared by one guild the day before reset after a week of literal poopsocking and 2 emergency patches by the best players in the world is perfectly tuned

Besides even for decently tuned bosses who get killed in week 1 because they don't have hard gear checks they still usually take 300 tries which takes age for any normal guild to do since they can't just poopsock for weeks.

are you incapable of following a conversation or did you just look at my post and went on a spiel without even checking the context?

With how nu-Blizzard is, you'd see Ninja (Insert streamer name) with the best abilities within the first three days of streaming. Meanwhile, everyone stays benched due to the crappy abilities they get.

Even that has died off

blizzard somehow managed to kill that too by threatening to sue porn creators

Just search for overlook on r34.

Wow was never hard, just full of content locked behind hours of mindless grinding. Not hard, just tedious.

It is.
For anyone NOT the best players in the world, you're not supposed to kill it in the first ID. You're not supposed to raid 14 hours every day.

You're supposed to raid a couple of evenings, get gear from the previous bosses for a couple of weeks as you slowly progress, and then get to the final boss with more appropriate gear.

Killing it in the first ID should be almost impossible. That's perfect tuning.

I'm expanding my point I just didn't want to reply to my own comment, now fuck off

Doesn't matter when the core of the game is so busted up that even casuals leave in disgust. What the fuck is this shit with everyone and their mother already having mythic raid level gear from the same exact 5-man shit that decked people out last patch? How is this seen as proper game design?

And? First of all data mining cancer will always be cancer. Second, competitive PVE is fucking retarded.


Post Cutting Edge: The Black Gate achievement. If you've never raided don't post.

Hard is a relative, subjective term

>You can't have other ways of progressing besides raiding hurr
There's literally nothing wrong with having end game 5 man stuff

True. We live in a world where people consider game like Dark Souls hard.

that's not even the worst part, raiding is at an all time low because all retarded zoomers care about is the gear which you can get easily in m+
nobody gives a shit about the prestige aspect of m raiding

which is timegating via the awful titanforging system

Not the first time Blizzard overtuned a raid in order to shit on poopsockers. Remember AQ? C'thun was mathematically impossible to beat at release even if everyone in the raid had best in slot gear, you simply couldn't do enough numbers to kill him. Raiders did the math and called out Blizzard on the forums and they swiftly patched it once they got caught.

I miss how simple wow used to be in terms of story.

>xivtrannies seriously think their game holds a candle to WoW raiding
holy shit the absolute delusion.


Would they? Would they really?

The prestige died back in Wrath when they added split difficulties. Its completely different saying "I killed Kiljaden" and "I killed Kiljaden but on X difficulty". Allowing trash players to kill named NPCs on retard mode difficulty was a mistake. Gear held up raiding for a while but between m+, retarded amounts of catchup gear (also thanks wrath) every patch and titanforging thats gone to. There is 0 prestige outside of full clearing the tier and 0 reward so middle tier mythic guilds have completely folded and its simply the worst return for time invested in the game

Why do WoWfags need add-ons to tell them what to do in Mythic raids? Are they that casual or is Blizzard that bad at designing good boss mechanics?

Attached: yoshi_p_tanks.png (927x522, 561K)

hope someone told her those are screwdriver heads.

some people prefer to not have dogshit UI because console players control their game.

That doesn't answer the question. Are WoW raiders so bad that they need sound add-ons, unit frame add-ons, and text add-ons to handhold them through the Mythic raid encounter? Or is Blizzard's visual design language for mechanics that fucking terrible and whoever is in charge of it should be fired?

Attached: tmp_130961501641574266680815667.png (329x298, 174K)

People have and will always users timers in all mmos.
All addons do is replace the stopwatch on your desk.

Even FFXIV players who do Ultimate encounters use addons you braindead zoomer

Me too. I missed the times before my character was Grand Hero of the [FactionHere]. It was nicer when I was just some lowly adventurer who happened to be at all the right places at all the right times...

The base UI is bad, yes. Similar to XIVs utter trash UI, except that WoW players are allowed to fix it. Small debuff displays are fucking trash to deal with on the base UI, garbage default nameplates and unitframes overload you on information you dont need, clutter the screen and don't offer you the ability to properly prioritize what youre trying to pay attention to.

Being able to actually see buffs/debuffs/castbars properly isnt handholding anything as the raids are still miles harder than XIV with properly information

This post is autism.

Its funny cause Ulduar was the best way to handle Hard mode fights and they just flung it out the window.
Even then the idea of 10 man not being its own mid tier raid was such a waste.

Muh nigger.

>literally every single streamer has to use that addon that plays the game for them
Does any other fanbase depend on such a handicap?

DBM doesn't exist for ultimate. Also WoWfags are so casual that they use DBM on day 1 thanks to the PTR datamining the mechanics.

So Blizzard's visual design language for mythic mechanics suck and they need add-ons to make the raid beatable. Sounds like an absolute failure in game design, don't you agree?

Why would they ever do that? Don't they realize that the porn is free marketing?

Blizzard needs to kill WeakAuras so that they don't have to design boss encounters to be such clusterfucks.

A DPS meter and that's it. Meanwhile WoW players have at least 20 different add-ons going on.

No it wasn't. In Ulduar, the rewards for a lot of hardmodes weren't substantially better than normal mode. You still had actual retards rolling through 4 lights 10m Yogg with the only difference to 0 lights 25m yogg being a mount drop, meaning anything in between got cucked. Even within Ulduar they repeated the hardmode triggers multiple times. Freya is essentially the same thing as Flame Leviathan and Obsidian Sanctum drakes.

There isn't a single pug that clears current mythic raid. Can you say the same tranny?
Oh wait, not only do all your raids get pugged, you don't even need mic so you don't have to embarass yourself with your tranny manvoice.

>ffxiv ui is trash
Have you ever played the game? It has insane flexibility with customizing the interface, what's the problem?

Honestly surprised there are enough people playing BFA to even fill a raid group.

Attached: nutkicker.jpg (701x718, 65K)

No, because theyve allowed players to fix it.
Meanwhile XIV has subhuman UI and players have to use overlays to deal with it.

For parsing yes everything else no. Like DBM will literally count down to mechanical and flash warning text on the screen, with alarm bells, for the retards playing

jesus, i haven't played wow in 11 years and I know this

Attached: 1497595364762.png (667x663, 418K)

at least I fucked Naguura, fagboy

Hard mode was locked behind fight mechanics though with your actions turning it on. Instead or choosing from menu

Raiding was always for faggots

>fix it
you mean bandaid it.

Why should there be a FIX in the first place when this issue could be solved if Blizzard had a fucking clue at designing mechanics from a visual perspective instead of clusterfucking everything on screen? Aren't they a billion dollars company with the best MMO talent in the world? This is the best they can do?

Yeah bros, XIV surely has no addons

Attached: noaddons.png (987x592, 208K)

Its fake. There's actually a sad story that happened because people hunted down the actual lady whose picture they used and harassed her.


can't even kill her on LFR yet.

>everyone in raid has a tranny avatar
like pottery

Anybody who uses that shit would be laughed out of any semi-decent static lel. Add ons are truly tranny tier.

Fucking this. The whole reason frost mages were so OP in vanilla and TBC is because this retard played one.

>Look for ultimate bahamut kill on youtube
>First video I click

>anime is tranny
I hate nu-Yea Forums

>it has insane flexibility
no it fucking doesn't. Multiple things are innately coupled together such that I can only move them in premade blocks. With WoW I can delete the entire base UI and remake anything using Weak Auras, one buff/debuff/cd tracker at a time as I wish. XIV UI is miles behind WoW

Because true customization is better than aiming for a one size fits all that doesn't truly satisfy everybody.

I have never thought raiding in WoW was casual. Every single other thing in the game is super casual though. Aside from mythic raiding WoW is a cell phone game.

I’m the only one here who has poopsocked in WoW and FFXIV, lel. The japs do PVE better, amerifats do PVP better.

Attached: 94C59B41-D75E-493C-8DD9-D0F81C16E6CC.jpg (1080x1329, 188K)

I have genuinely never used an add on other than DPS meters.

Mamut vittuun saatana

oh nonnonononono trannies explain?

Never played wow here, why are people slurping over the fact that they overtuned shit and hailed it as a feature? They're basically letting the autists grind shit that are mathematically very inplausible to accomplish until they finish making new content, then patch the raid down to a reasonable level so people can start clearing it.

because the only redeeming quality of any MMO on the market right now is the 30 seconds of euphoria after a progression kill in WoW.

>not calculating numbers from a streaming combat log

>It has insane flexibility with customizing the interface

>you can move things around and scale them through like 5 whole different sizes
>you can choose between like 2 different appearances for your job bar

They're currently doing this on purpose for sponsors/viewers on twitch and shit.
But even without this it's not unusual for developers to mess up, since they're fucking retards and they've been like this for almost a decade.

Voice triggers are baby shit compared to the stuff WoW players use.

Attached: i need all these addons to win.jpg (1277x651, 275K)

Clearing a boss after struggling for weeks feels good, same reason people love DS3 bosses.

And that's all that is needed.
If you spend 30 hours making an UI on WoW you're a fucking tranny that likes dressing up

>mechanics are spoonfed to players on a timer
>they still can't beat it

Attached: dbm.jpg (211x130, 14K)

The wow fanbase is mentally retarded and can't even understand your post

BFAChads look like THAT?

What is overtune

What else do you want? Being genuine here. If you can choose where the graphics are and how big they are, what is left?

Y'all slackin

Attached: 1562704854917.png (822x758, 740K)

most of these are just unit frames and raid information though

first post best post.

Blizzard is known to overtune shit at first to extend the life of their meager content.

>Threat metter
>Dps and healing metters
>CD tracker
That guy in the video I send had a voice trigger for CDs too besides that Sco has a really ugly UI jesus christ

>rebuilt his spell bar above unit frame to track his cooldowns
>moved one of his debuffs to the center of his UI to focus on it better
>enlarged key debuffs on Target of Target
>incoming/outgoing damage moved to scrolling bars instead of floating numbers
>tracks other player's debuffs numerically rather than trying to read tiny numbers off raid frames
whats the issue here? Why do XIVtrannies fear the ability to display existing information in readable formats?

It's pathetic how cucked you are that you think having less features is a good thing. Your UI is literally something only you will ever see. I don't know what kind of retarded mental gymnastics you need to go through to convince yourself that you'd rather not be able to have it exactly the way you want it.

>giant text flashing on the screen to tell you what to do
I thought that was a meme

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When in doubt, just give your boss all the mechanics.

That sounds more like a problem with 10m content than Raid content overall. The idea of the 10 man raid worked in TBC because it was a DIFFERENT raid but blizzard never figured it out. Instead just shoehorning them into regular raids.

25 Man Hard modes in ulduar were still not something your normal shitter was going to get through before some one carried them for the most part

No wonder they need addons to tell them what to do. You can't tell what the fuck is going on without it. Blizzard sucks at designing mechanics from a visual perspective.

Do you even know what release is? It's just to remind people to wait until the healer revives them instead of having to walk all the way back

>literally counting down to the moment a mechanic happens, fit with name, icon, and color coded
>when it happens the entire screen will flash with a sound byte and giant words will pop onto the screen to tell you what to do

Attached: 1548248390254.png (375x355, 194K)

>bringing up sound triggers like those aren't already baseline in both games
please dilate

They're all reliant on DBM/WeakAura these days, it's sad. None of the current world first raiders would be able to clear the hardest Wildstar content. Shame that game died.

"don't release" isn't a combat warning, it's there so you don't release and get respawned at the start of the dungeon, generally you have a crez or soulstone on a healer so they're just going to mass ress everyone right near the boss

accidently releasing out of habit is a big slowdown for the raid, so some people have these comically huge reminder to not release

I mean that seems worse, why do you need giant texts for something so simple?
>"Hey if you die don't release."
>"Got it."
Like who the fuck releases if they know not to?

addons were a mistake

Attached: wrath times.jpg (1214x985, 618K)

Ironically enough you need to release on that boss anyway. You cant post-combat ress as youre in a pit that pretty much just kills whoever resurrects down there anyway. He just didn't turn it off from the other bosses because it has no real impact on combat and only displays when he's dead

>please dilate
The fuck does this have to do with anything?

>all those cool abilities
WotLK was truly the peak of this game

>when they introduced knockbacks that could dismount people
I miss when new abilities in this game were fun

First post best post

>CD tracker
>Threat meter
>DPS/healing meters

The shit in the middle is just his class resource the same way XIV has the job meter. He doesn't even need the threat meter either but whatever. The CD tracker is because he's also raidleading and calling for CDs. It isn't necessary for other players.

Why does Blizzard keep creating fake buzz for their shit like nobody can tell?

They're raiding on 2-4 hours of sleep, sometimes you die and just click release out of frustration too since it doesn't have a cast time like XIV it just fucks everything.

why are they pushing women raid bosses so much this expansion? did they get sjws on the raid design team now like GW2?

Are you intentionally dense?
You have 20 people over hundreds of wipes and a single person releasing means everyone has to wait on him, why not have a big dumb reminder?

Because you need to run back if you release? If even a single player in out of 20 releases you're waiting for that run back before you can pull again.

Binding Coil of Bahamut Turn 5 says hello from 2013. Overturned and 1 mystery mechanic.

Remember C'thun

FFXIV trannies dont have to deal with 100s of pulls because their raids are piss easy thats made to be puggable. They're not even used to dying to bosses lol

That’s basic UI shit

I mean the devs saw the problem and made it so that you had to hold it down to release

it was a community of top finnish wow players. they said they entertained the thought of turning the guild into an international euro guild but would rather just let the old guild be laid to rest instead of cannibalizing it into something entirely else. there wouldnt be any differe ce between retiring and doing that anyway.

It's sad that this needs to be said in the first place. It's common sense

C'Thun wasn't overtuned, he was mathematically impossible to kill, which is different.

There is literally a fucking reminder in XIV baseline if you go to release that you will spawn at the start of an instance retard. Theres nothing wrong with an extra reminder

C'thun was improperly tuned to be unbeatable, thats not a fair comparison.

Have you never played a video game with respawn mechanics before? You’ve never rage clicked spawn even though it was a bad idea, not once a single time?


>Visual clarity of XIV
>Mechanics of WoW
>Addons only for UI
>Classes of Mist of pandaria + ninja from XIV
That's what I want desu

and it looks like garbage

Then what about Ragnaros?
It took 180+ days to kill. FFXIV has no boss that lasted that much.
Fuck off trannies

>do XIVtrannies fear the ability to display existing information
The devs that make their game don't "officially" even allow damage meters because hurt feelings so they have to run a third party one with an overlay while they play the game to even just see that. And because Squeenix can literally do no wrong to a XIVfag they try to twist their own logic that their game is better because "they don't NEED those things".


See the orbs on the left? See the fucking aura below them marking their aura?
Dont fucking step in it or you get mind controlled

How is that not clear?

>Classes of Mist of pandaria + ninja from XIV
Absolutely shit taste

Attached: 1476720269933.png (504x529, 216K)

it's impossible to beat azshara without addons holding your hand. sounds like blizzard failed at game design.

>280 posts
>14 tranny posts

>460 posts
>7 tranny posts

Attached: 1553979004638.jpg (183x183, 14K)

>way slower leveling
>required way more people to kill
>mmos were not popular back then so most players were trash and had no idea what they were even doing
But hey at least you provided a somewhat more fair comparison.

If FFXIV copied everything WoW has right now (raids, dungeons, M+ and legendaries from Legion) it would become the best MMO.

why does no one care about jap shit mmos?

Attached: japshit.png (364x305, 159K)

Literally doesn't matter it's fuckign pathetic and proves that gayzzard """"""""""""""""programmer's"""""""""""""""""""""""" are worthless failure's

No wonder WoW is dying

Attached: no king rules forever my son.png (727x510, 107K)

You mean the original Ragnaros? That took 154 days which was counted from the release date. That wasn't 154 days of raiding, that included all the leveling and gearing back when no one knew how to play.

>visual clarity of XIV
>random anime particle effect shit for everything
>hideous generic color markings for every ability
>MoP classes where everybody was grossly overpowered with homogenized toolkits

Wrath/Cata were peak classes. Deep and flavorful without just spoonfeeding raw powercreep at you

Blizzard always failed at game design
>in every single point of the game at least 1 class or spec is completely garbage and worthless
I can understand for PvP, since it's hard to balance it, but PvE??? it's just a matter of fucking numbers, and they can't fix them for shit ever. DPS classes that deal half the damage of another one. What the fuck are they smoking when they release stuff?

you should see gingi

>legendaries from Legion
XIV will literally never let players actually have any agency in the way their job plays. The closest was role actions and even that's been neutered.

Please understand.

I'm guessing you've never played wow and watched retards slowly burn to death because they didn't realize the burning circle of fiery lava was slowly killing them? They are literally brain dead and won't react unless they have an addon flash text on the screen telling them.
we all do

to be fair parse trannies are cancerous subhuman who need to fuck off from the community

>personalized loot only
Removal of master looter was the biggest "fuck you" to hardcore guilds blizzard has ever done.

>Legendaries from Legion
literally and unironically kill yourself zoomer

Anything with autogrouping isnt an MMO btw.

ffxiv actually plays their game

Legendaries were the best thing to ever happen to WoW. The hype from the launch of legion lasted 4 months because of legendaries. Don't even try to deny it unless you didn't play Legion.

you'd be screaming how every spec feels the same if they were actually balanced
some specs are better than others in the situations a specific encounter presents, deal with it

>Deep and flavorful without just spoonfeeding raw powercreep at you
Explain the cata prot paladin then lmao

More people are watching WoW streamers than playing WoW.

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ERPing in Ul'dah is not playing

>trash players are trash
wow what a shock, youre seriously coping if you pretend like people dont stand in shit in XIV too

I'd rather have one spec designed well than three trash specs

Attached: 1541962392136s.jpg (724x489, 50K)

>watch the video on youtube
why even play the game?

>not having 2 monitors
do both retard

I have played through most WoW content, and none of it compares to clearing TERA's Manaya's Core in Hard. This shit was so hard that I don't think a pub raid every cleared it; it got so bad that the teams that could clear this raid pretty much controlled the economy of the game for months.

TERA turned into shit after they made the game extremely easy after this. Props for Bluehole for not caving in during this update to casuals, and keeping the raid extremely hard during the 8 months it continued to be the hardest raid.

Attached: Manaya's_Core.png (885x401, 702K)


>muh community
If they remove party finder all I'd do is scream in the Zone chat "LFG X Dungeon", enter the party, write "hello", stay silent the entire time and then "thanks for party" while leaving. It doesn't matter a shit

Anti-group finder fags are absolutely the worst, fuck off from MMOs you stupid idiots, this is not 2003

>arcane mage
>arcane blast
>arcane missiles
>arcane barrage

>MoP classes where everybody was grossly overpowered with homogenized toolkits
Not really, I remember playing enhancement and being able to shit out insane amount of heals without losing any dps and everything was pretty fast and fluid. They started pruning stuff only in WOD.

Attached: stackmarker.jpg (1024x682, 346K)

>WoW thread on Yea Forums
>5 hours since OP created
>only 300 posts

>FFXIV thread on Yea Forums
>3 hours since OP created
>Already surpassed the bump limit

Is WoW that dead now?

Arcane mage is boring on paper and with shitty gear. I feel like they designed it for mythic raiders. Once you have a BiS arcane mage the 123 is super fun and fluid. You become a god.

>you'd be screaming how every spec feels the same if they were actually balanced
Better than having my favourite class unplayable

Attached: 1523826949919.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

I mean it's still only three spells

Wasn't that the fight where someone literally had to run in circles for the entire first phase to kite enemies, doing nothing else?


>of course I play WoW, how could you tell?
>final fantasy? isn't that some japanese child porn cartoon?

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>missiles and barrage
naw dude, as of BfA this guide is correct again.


what? Mythrax's arena doesn't kill you

Yeah, a lot of teams wiped there before the real fight with Shandra even started.

>nose and lip piercings

Balance is bad thing in MMO, it drives homogenization of classes and make devs take way fun abilities out of the game

I don't know why they bother having 100 servers on WoW if only 10 of them are populated.

>only level 54 on my black mage
>six spells for single target
>three more for aoe

>every class is OP as shit and has crazy stuff
>they're balanced
>they're fun
Stop talking about things you clearly don't know anything about.

>girl has lip and nose piercings
yeah that's a wow player alright

but not having balance also encourages the "bring the class and don't bring the skillful player" attitude. look at vanilla where some specs straight up couldn't get invited because they were that bad even though the player might have known the mechanics from top to bottom.

because of your garbage taste in games, like your garbage taste in women

big $ server transfers from boomers having their server communities die on them, and zoomers looking to transfer and mythic raid for the first time since they probably rolled on a dead realm as well.

I full cleared every raid on mythic while current in legion you actual shiteating retard.
Legenedaries were one of the single worst additions to the game
>launch legion they literally dropped more if you already had one
>multiple are complete garbage, prydaz and sephuz nonfunctional in raids, multiple class legenedaries just garbage like pre-buff fire mage belt
>others just random free orange parses if you got lucky opening your emissary like fire mage bracers
>after they finally fixed it so bad luck protection """worked""" they had a hidden softcap of 4 legenedaries that people with LITERALLY thousands of m+ runs had to show off before Blizzard admitted it and removed the softcap
>people literally fucking rerolling to get good legenedaries because they were so grossly imbalanced
>throw yourself at +2 keys all day because all that mattered was number of chances, doing harder content never worth it
>Pre-nerf Guarm, Pre-NH Helya, Pre-7.2 Star Auger and Gul'dan so tight you need good legenedaries that you could simply not have gotten by bad luck
>this ontop of mindlessly farming Maw keys for AP
>hope your spec didn't get nerfed or you can chase new legenedaries and grind a new 54 weapon
>7.2 rolls around
>broken shore vendors dont fix shit if you ever play more than 1 spec
>""bug"" where race made you more likely to get legendaries
>because of legendaries Blizzard introduced a 6th tier piece opening up 2/2/4 cancer
>the mere fact that a """""""""""""""""legenedary"""""""""""""""" could come out of a random rare mob
All legionbabies deserve to be hanged. Never ever defend that garbage again

>t. never played past satasha


>why yes, my bros and I meet every afternoon after a healthy gym session to raid World of Wacraft, was it obvious?

Attached: 1551676216904.jpg (1623x1080, 210K)

It was. A raid needed to have everyone be a leatherworker to use the drums to increase dps uptime.

all these complaints are about how legendaries were acquired, which was the big issue with them
the concept itself was awesome

>not a single person talking or complaining about Benthic gear, a literal welfare system that nets you BiS gear for that tier for simply doing world quests

Attached: 123112111.jpg (500x560, 42K)

has feral ever performed well in the past decade? i feel like it's always been crap outside of gimmicks like bearcat or broken ToT trinkets, like it didn't even have functional AoE

>Not playing the superior MMO

Attached: Qadim.png (1200x675, 1.19M)

Literally who? I guess all the actually important people like Morheim and Metzen have already left so they have to report on the actual nobodies for hateclicks now?

user, that's exactly why they were the best. A massive frenzy of people playing all day to gamble with leggos. That feeling of getting a good one that put you at the top was once in a lifetime feel. There was so much hype and RNG around them it was a love-hate relationship.

who cares lol
1 month until total MMO and gaming domination

Attached: 1482293204608.png (632x737, 49K)

the co-founder of the fucking company, it's a huge red flag

go fuck a pillow you 2d wanking shit

>pvp balancing is the same thing as pve balancing
Even if enhancement has a really strong healing besides dps people are still going to prefer bringing a mage with higher dps but yeah I agree with the video
That's true, sometimes I think having a diverse party should give some type of bonus but not being able to bring another hunter friend because you already have a hunter in your group would suck too.

*raids your server because a eceleb rolled on it*

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Attached: home.jpg (246x205, 7K)

>8 players vs 20-30 players
>if you actually look at the number of parses by class it paints the same picture

>only level 54 on my black mage
>six spells for single target
>three more for aoe
That's fucking pathetic

>retiring after almost 30 years is a huge red flag

Only LFR heroes who got lucky ever loved them. Don't post if you dont raid mythic
>bis items drop from world mobs is conceptually awesome
nah youre just a cockgobbling fag. Legenedaries were always a direct downgrade over the Glyph system which blizzard literally removed in Legion to replace with legendaries

>devilsaur leather gear in vanilla, a literal welfare system that nets you BiS gear for several classes for several raid tiers for simply crafting from world drops.

>he's still complaining about how they were acquired
we got it senpai
everyone agrees

Attached: brainlet.png (5000x5000, 518K)

Are you seriously comparing having the required crafting proficiency and gathering the materials to create gear to doing a "Kill 10 boars" quest and being handed stuff?

>only level 54 on my balance druid
>6 spells for single target
>3 for AoE

compared to?

Anyone that posts wojak or pepe is a zoomer now.

Acquisition is an inherent part of the experience of having a legendary. You would know this if you had ever gotten one pre-MoP
You also completely dodged how they were just worse glyphs once you had them. Locking up multiple gear slots permanently and introducing 2/2/4 is still trash


BLM has 9 spells by level fucking 12, XIV is so dumbed-down its sad

>oh no my orange text is inflated
grow up

BFA is such a trainwreck. How can Blizzard reasonably recover after this?

Attached: wow new allied race.png (1443x618, 671K)

it was a simple concept they managed to make feel awful and completely run balance

zoom zoom, not an argument.

>How classic launch will be like for most servers, since there wont be enough servers for people that don't want to deal with the spergs.

Attached: streamer INVITE spam wow classic beta.webm (429x155, 2.72M)

>Make fat people a difference racist instead of just making them a customization option for humans
Why blizzard is so racist

They will never recover, they will continue to sustain themselves on their cult like fanbase

Attached: 1559089274530.jpg (4744x2096, 2.44M)

the concept of legendaries for everybody and everything was bad at its core. Its implementation only made it that much worse

No, actually "they weren't like they previously were" is not an argument. Yes, Legion legendaires were different from other legendaires before, so what?

what a waste of development time
imagine the people working on this model, knowing 0.00000001% of the playerbase will even consider it

what a gigantic funking waste of man hours

raiding is for casuals
hardcore mmo players play capless infinite grinding games

I did Mythic when I played in Legion. I still think legendaries were the best thing added to the game. (I missed mythic NH and ToS because of school)

Attached: Capture.png (1914x306, 261K)

>Items that completely changed how your class play is a bad thing
They are fun and definetely not bad at its core

that shit was six months late as well. It was the diversity hires

Joke's on them: Hearing about shit like gated content just makes me want to look back into WoW less.

the concept was just "something exciting could drop at any time" and somehow this resulted in legion's legendaries that everyone said would be a disaster in beta but it went live anyway

XIV wasted time with hroghtar too desu instead of making Viera being able to wear fucking helmets

Why do you need to unlock this race anyways? Imagine buying FFXIV and you had to play for 200 hours before you can play as a Viera.

But I am.

Attached: 215280_screenshots_20190727084956_1.jpg (1920x1080, 740K)

technically you could just buy them off the AH for ~300 gold, 6 hours of gold farming.
6 hours of gold farming is nearly equivalent to the time needed to farm the 100 manapearls to upgrade your BiS bracers(which you would have spent countless more manapearls rerolling for)

TSW has the best questing in any MMO, but goddamn is the endgame content lacking

I got a free promotional boost for legion and used it on a death knight cause it sounded cool. Every single spec was under tuned garbage. The thought of having to level another class 120 fucking levels just to grind out artifact power and deal with the garrison time gate crap made me quit before the trial was up.

It's working though, they get more views on Twitch which apparently that's all that matters to Blizzard and their WoW players. I mean Yea Forums has gotten so low that people here actually judge a game's active playerbase by how many Twitch viewers are happening.

You are pathetic.

What did you need to do to unlock fat humans?

what's depressing is they still only do it with the final boss, instead of the whole raid.

the entire raid is made to look like a joke being cleared so fast except for the final boss that has obviously been overtuned to fuck because of how much it sticks out

>The thought of having to level another class 120 fucking levels just to grind out artifact power and deal with the garrison time gate crap made me quit before the trial was up.
and imagine the blizzard drones who do that for a dozen characters, wasting hundreds of hours of their life on shitty gameplay crap

I wish it would have stayed straight spoops as far as locations, Egypt is such a disconnect from the rest of the zones


Hrothgar I can understand having trouble with, but Viera is so baffling. It's not like they dont have Au Ra horns clip through helmets since HW, why not have Viera ears clip through as well?

>he posted CE Xavius to prove a point
holy shit user this is actually pathetic
>June Argus

>something exciting could drop at any time
which is bad. Slot machine gameplay to boost casuals is bad conceptually. Hidden softcaps and poor legendary balance is bad in implementation.

>they are fun
no they are not. Theyre either slapped on and totally forgotten about or youre ready to blow your brains out because you still havent gotten the ones your spec is balanced around. Very few even changed how your class played, just upped througput. More resources from doing the same thing, shorter cooldown to do the same thing. Healers constantly wearing prydaz was just fucking passive but it was a strong passive

>You must have the Battle for Azeroth expansion purchased.
>Proudmoore Admiralty: Exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty may take several weeks to obtain, as you can only earn a limited amount of reputation per time with World Quests and Emissaries. Reference the Proudmoore Admiralty Reputation Guide for details on how to obtain reputation.
>Tides of Vengeance: You will also need to finish the War Campaign--both the 8.0 and 8.1 components. The Battle of Dazar'alor raid is not required.
>A Nation United: Complete the major storylines in Kul Tiras zones -- Loremaster of Kul Tiras, The Pride of Kul Tiras, and A Nation United.
>After unlocking it, you must complete a questline that starts in the Stormwind Embassy to be able to create a character.

>gating a race behind exalted rep
imagine subbing to this fucking game

Yeah, Egypt was odd. All the other zones were great though.

>have to do 350 story quests for a class in XIV
>have to do 30 quests for a cosmetic change in WoW

They shouldn't have nerfed Azshara, no one develops strategies anymore like they did for Yogg 0/1 to beat "impossible fights"

The top guilds literally took a break for a day until Blizzard nerfed it, the meta is literally waiting for nerfs at this point


Call me when they run a 48 hour straight session with 100+ players rotating in and out and still fail. That's the real shit and WoW has never had anything like it.

FFXI did it right.

>not knowing you can do all the classes on one character

Eternal Palace was not a joke. Guilds spent significant amounts of time on Ashvane, Court and Zaqul.

That has absolutely nothing to do with slogging through MSQ to be able to play MCN, DRK or AST

No its not. The fight is just information and mechanics overload to the max and there is no reason not to have it all on your screen if you can fit it there and keeping track of it makes the fight easier.
You don't "need" to have a weakaura telling everyone how many stacks they need to soak and when, but if you had enough time to code one yourself (or just download what someone already coded for you) there is really no reason to not use one to clear up communication during the fight.
The fight is doable without anyone having any addons if everyone knows the mechanics inside and out and is able to perform their own roles perfectly, addons just make that easier by filtering out useless info and giving you what you need in a more suitable format.
Blizz has failed in both restraining addons and providing players the information they need themselfes. People use addons because they need to keep track of a billion buffs and procs, and the trackers blizz themselves are able to provide them suck dick or provide no info at all.

Yeah it's a shameless display of timegating at work to extend your paid subscription. Activision sucks.

Za'qul took a pretty long time to kill and is pretty hard besides dps checks

and then you can play the same shit you allready played again in a new skin. World of Timewaste

there's really nothing you can do but class stack

each faction has 4 allied races
2 for each faction are basically free unlocks if you played Legion, as the reputation you need at exalted comes from there, you just do their story mission that integrates them into the faction they join and your done, enjoy your new tabard and free thematic mount.

the other 2 for each faction are unlocked by playing BFA, the dark iron dwarves and maghar orcs are unlocked very easily because you need to exalt the reputation that deals with doing world quests on the other factions island, so you have 3 zones of worldquests to gain rep with, i got like 4 paragon chests out of this faction before exalting another.
the final race, the kul tirans and the zandalari trolls are locked behind their exalted rep, and the only way to farm the rep is to do world quests in a single zone which makes it super fucking slow, or spamming the shit out of island expeditions and farming doubloons and hoping the item drops for free, as every 100 doubloons lets you purchase an item you can hand in for 250 rep.

the reputations in BFA are like twice as slow as legions, the only aid you will find beyond this is inscription can craft contracts that are currently a 1week buff on your character and everytime you finish any worldquest, the contract gives you 10 rep (yes a whopping whole 10) to the faction you have the contract with.

guilds arent class stacking on aszhara

it did, but the entire raiding based endgame is suboptimal to infinite grind ladder

with raids you can finish and feel accomplished and rest, with infinite grind you are never satisfied, every day, every hour you are not grinding, you are falling behind

>still no sfm
why live


>FFXIV devs: "Unsub after you beat my game please, don't play too much as it is harmful for your health."

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>we literally cant make content but if we say we're not trying to do so our cocksuckers will defend it
lol ok

It's not the designer fault desu, the higher up wants more engagement and micro transaction money

>content update every 3 months
>cant make content
how long does it take blizzard to roll out new content? half a year? How long have you stuff to do with it, 2 weeks?

>WoW devs: "Here's all the content in one big patch" "AAHHH WHY WON'T YOU STAY SUBBED?!"
>XIV devs: "Here's dripfeed of content over several months" "AAAAAHHH WHY WON'T YOU UNSUB PRS!?"
Both are scummy.

Someone who still plays WoW please tell me if the encounters have actually been casualized or if it's just that everyone has gotten really good at the game since they've been playing for a decade. I watched a video on an encounter last expansion and it seemed really fucking complicated.

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is he trying to look like a yaoi fuccboi

Lasts longer than a few story quests that XIV gets.


So they either give up and leave or Blizzard has to make it even more casual friendly.

Depends on the difficulty. Mythic raids are insanely difficult, while something like LFR is a complete joke.

>pretending wow doesn't have year long content droughts

I think they're pretty complicated, if you want to look at some encounters from the latest raid

Mythic raiding is complex and challenging.
Every other facet of the game is mindless trash. But every facet of XIV is mindless trash so WoW still pulls ahead in the end.
I fucking hate the state of MMOs

it took them almost 7 months to release patch 8.2

XIV "content updates" last all of 6 hours and that's assuming you watch the cutscenes.

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Most of this stuff is just a re-package on existing WoW features. The boss/fight timers are the only real cancer here.

Jaina was a raid boss? What the fuck happened in BFA?

How comes Western devs always shit on their players while Japanese devs are always considerate to their players?

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>laughs at your advances
Damn, and I put on my A game this time
Fuck all woman, wizardry here I come

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didn't 8.2 last a fucking day?

High-end raids can be whatever, the rest of the game is trash and we need to literally go back to an earlier version of WoW in order to fix the fuck ups.

>come back to wow because of Classic hype
>level my guy to 120
>want to do pvp and mythics but have no friends
>decide to join a guild
>get told I should join the guild discord
>I guess they need a voice chat for raiding, that makes sense
>install that shit, make an account and join guild channel
>all conversations are dominated by faggot twinks posting selfies and calling each other cute
>they literally have a voice channel dedicated to ERP
>seems like all guilds are dominated by this discord cancer
No wonder they all suck, all the neckbeards quit. I just wanted to find a few autists to play wow with me, not join a discord tranny cult. This is fucking retarded

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Oh you're that au'ra from Crystal that only does casual content and plays like shit according to your logs.

Arcane isn't shit because it has a few abilities, it's shit because its designed by a healer designer who doesn't give a fuck about the spec and just throws random shit at the start of the expansion and all tuning is just % damage nerfs or buffs if the spec is looking too good or too bad based on current raid logs.
People who cry for more random ass skills to press didn't want to play arcane to begin with.

I like XIV story but I only play it 2 months at beginning and at end of each expansion, I don't get people who play it for years when it has nothing to do.

plenty of time to erp in Limsa then :3

>You think you do but you don't

Every fight in modern wow looks wildly overcomplicated out of context but if you're actually in game pulling it you very quickly learn that out of 10+ mechanics only 2-4 apply to you(based on role) and they're all just simple actions like stack up, stand alone, move here, stand here until this debuff expires, etc.

GW2 has good encounters, but the gameplay systems kind of downplay them a lot, since there's so much stuff that lets you simply ignore mechanics and it's all on fairly short cooldowns too.

Raid isnt cleared yet so no?

The raids are the only thing that has been consistently good even during the "bad" expansions. Sure you get some bullshit mythic endbosses like KJ but assuming you're progressing with a decent guild it's pretty challenging.

It lasted less than a day and stuff like the new zone was timegated content.

i don't get it

do you think discord made them gay or something?

>WoW: makes overtuned boss and nerfs it if guilds can't beat it
>FFXI: makes overtuned boss and buffs it every time players beat it because "NOOO YOU DIDN'T BEAT IT THE CORRECT WAY REEEE"

It's a fucking terrible boss that relies on stopping the fight multiple times for LOS mechanics on the boss and other raiders. No one is enjoying the fight whatsoever

is there anything else?

World first racers are not the entirety of "hardcore raiders"

You know they still haven't released all of 8.2's content yet. It's being timegated.

>(I missed mythic NH and ToS because of school)
Then don't fucking talk about legendaries if you did not play the first major patches.

Allied races and these Rep-Gates are literally the worst shit Blizzard has ever implemented.

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>Any class that relies on procs for whatever it is doing

Pure fucking cancer that should never exist in a good video game.

No why would I play an MMO for anything but group content

The guild names are the same but the rosters are always changing.

>*turns off the lights*
>*knocks you off the platform*
>*kills the Mythic raiding scene*

heh...nothing personnel, heroes

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I wouldn't call Azshara overtuned. It was entirely possible to beat it before they nerfed her yesterday, it just required near perfect execution during phase where you kill the shielded adds. Shortly before the nerf went through, Limit was able to get all three adds down and get into phase 4 for the first time

>numerically unkillable
Nah. If the system you use to evaluate a potential result is shit, the result ends up being shit as well. What made it unkillable was that tentacles would spawn in the stomach and outside the boss arena.

This is how shit was a long time ago in MMOs, and we never called it "overtuned" before. It was nearly impossible to finish the tier without gearing up within the same tier over some period of time.
Making a giant marathon out of world first is fucking cancerous and with the balance it just makes one half of the community bitch about overtuned content and the other half brag about how hardcore their tabtarget grindan game is.

>Implying Blizzard doesn't make her unkillable for some days so you and the comunity can make threads like these.

raidloggers are what killed MMOs. "fuck the world, let me just get in my timegated instance"

It's why I've been playing other shit. I love XIV to death, but you actively have to stop and take breaks from it or you'll burn through everything in a heartbeat.

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>Classic WoW is going to have a dogshit community that ruins the game
>Battle for Azeroth is everything wrong with modern Activision Blizzard
So what's left for WoW?

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Remember when raids were about doing the content and farming the gear and slowly getting to the end?

How the fuck are the guilds already strong enough to even face the last boss?

Not really, he wants group content so they need to start making more group content in the world to make people interested

World hasnt mattered since they made it easy to single player quest, which was over a decade ago.

Plus in xiv you've got things like crafting and professions to slowly grind out. Not to mention maxing all the jobs.

too many gear sources

>mechanics complex enough to force blizzard to change the addon API
KJ and Archi deserve trophies for bending raiders over a table

>Blizz blatantly overtunes the last boss just so people continue talking about it for more than a week
Along with this they also released benethicc gear which means that future bosses will always be overtuned to accommodate free high ilvl loot, assuming they don’t shelve it next tier

they throw out ilvl like candy.

eventually I can see WoW removing stats all together and all you see on your stat page is "item level".

the game chads have taken over. the incelnerds are crying in the corner (tranny couch of speedrunstream)

retail wow gives you a small chance to get a hilariously overpowered piece of gear. Titanforged or something. It can drop from anywhere so it makes players never want to stop doing content. You'd have top tier guilds doing LFR just for the stupidly small chance to get an overturned piece of gear. End result is the most autistic players are basically strong enough to stand toe to toe with the final boss when the raid is released

So what the hell is even going on in WoWs story? Why is Jaina a raid boss? Why are the Undead still friendly with the Horde after all the shit Sylvanas pulled? Why did Kael'Thas die in Tempest Keep only to come back as a drug addict in Magister's Terrace?

I doubt future benthic-type gear will have effects as strong as current benthic gear.

Jaina is only a raidboss to the Horde.

world first guilds are not typical

>Why is jaina raid boss
angry woman
>why are undead still friendly with the horde
killing elves is ethical

Fuck that fight.

Literally a shit show. It's basically middle school fanfiction at this point
>gather a bunch of artifacts to open a pillar to the big bad in legion
>artifacts are the "pillars of creation" and stupidly strong
>after opening the portal they are left UNGAURDED
>needless to say another big bad in bfa goes and takes one
>only one
>leaves the others there cause bad writing
>artifact lets her control the seas
>proceeds to open up a giant hole in the ocean to reveal her """"empire"""" instead of just tidal waving the alliance and the horde
>ends up revealing that she purposely didn't kill anyone so that we'd fight her and in doing so somehow unlock another big bad locked away
>jaina literally stares at aszhara as she's taken away and doesn't even cast a spell
>best part is no one knows where the fuck the tidestone is

I dont think anything had to change for KJ

I loved this merciless fuck and his whole raid.
>that tight as fuck dispel mechanic timing
>that dark phase that was either a wipe or the cleanest thing if the Illidan callout and DKs were on point

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Congratulations on both accepting and fellating the streamer-centric culture that has made blizzard media the trash heap that it is today, subhuman.

>>ends up revealing that she purposely didn't kill anyone so that we'd fight her and in doing so somehow unlock another big bad locked away
it gets better, she literally tries to kill us multiple times and if she succeeded all her plans would have been foiled. Also she could have instructed her men to use the tidestone right after she got what she wanted to obliterate the horde and alliance but just doesn't

Once upon a time mana was an actual mechanic and Arcane mages were an interesting spec to play despite being 2~3 buttons.

I've done that multiple times, it's not something you do because it's fun or engaging, it's something you do because you have literally nothing else left. Even stupid shit like relics are just time wasters for the next six hours of MSQ.

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Arcane is fine the way it is. I nuke trash mobs 100% of the time now with one volley of missiles, it’s fun. Fuck unnecessarily long and slow combat.

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I always find having human characters as raid bosses weird in WoW. They bloat their size to be 3x larger than regular characters and they can somehow take on a army of people all hitting them at once.

So much this.

Anything that tells you boss mechanics ruins the entire raid and it won't stop now.

>Don't learn anything yourself, have it appear in huge blinking red letters
>still takes weeks to beat it.

The absolute state of wowfags for the past 10 years.

how many times are you going to post your tranny character that plays on the tranny datacenter known as crystal

makes perfect sense in warhammer logic

I literally see 4 FFXIV raid fights right there.

So thats where the copied it from.

wow fags
also wow fags
>"lol we beat the entire raid and got the cinematic on the first day it released"

Yeah, they changed the API for Archimonde and then Gul'dan.
Sneaky ass Exorsus had their nameplates cheat hidden away to score the world first. They sold their private exorsus raid tools version to some guilds during NH progression even but it ended up leaking in some obscure forums when one guy uploaded his whole UI.

Imagine "competing" for world first in a dead game where the braindead masses in LFR are clearing the same content as you are.
There is literally no reason to raid a higher difficulty setting. Loot doesn't matter due to it being so ubiquitous and LFR raiders are titanforging better items, no one can visually look at your character and differentiate you from a lowbie, mounts and titles don't matter due to there being close to a thousand mounts and no one will even know where your "prestigious" mount comes from and nor will they care.

Nu-wow is absolutely terrible and you should be euthanized if you still play it.

Do WoW devs even playtest their hardest content with legit rules or do they go in with max ilvl and dev addons?

They've been designing raids around DBM for a while now. It would be hard as fuck to interpret some mechanics without it.
It's an unpopular opinion, but they should do to DBM what they did to Decursive back in the day.

aren't most of the changes just number tweaks?

>he doesn't know about the benthic lottery
I wish I could get good gear from doing raids

Miss him yet?

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They have an in-house raid testing team and then increase the numbers by like 10%.

It's absolutely hilarious how much of this is possible in XIV out of the box and wowfriends have to use mods for

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they get paid
Thought they broke it after Xavius as well with the blade targeting. Regardless I dont think anything changed f or KJ

>pretending like you can reposition singular specific debuffs in XIV baseline
>text based monitoring of party wide debuff stacks
youre absolutely lying

He did overall game design for WoW from TBC to MOP.

Fuck Vulpteras
Fuck LFD
Fuck Void Elves
Fuck Dark Iron Dwarves
Fuck HM Tauren
Fuck Nightborne
Fuck Kul Tiras Humans

I'm a semi-hardcore raider because it's fun.
And it's not about the gear or mounts or whatever, but pushing yourself and see how good you can be. The rewared is the world rank you achieve.

>makes a great game dogshit
>I'm supposed to miss him

I wonder if the next WoW expansion will have a lower metacritic score than BFA.

Just don't play on NA nerd

Current arcane is kept back by their initial decision to make the spec less punishing to play incorrectly by removing mark of aluneth entirely and turning missiles into a "I guess I pressing this for free is better than doing fucking nothing while I wait for a few % of mana to regenerate"
No shit some spastic thinks the spec is boring and has too few buttons when all the other ones got removed or tuned to deal next to no damage so the dps of players who don't know how to play the spec would feel better.

EU is going to be chink bot central though.

Casual = More Players
Sad fact is that it would already be dead if it didn't make one disgustingly casual change after another.
I still play.
Have one of every Plate and Leather Class at 120.
Am working on all the Mail and Cloth ones by doing 1 level a day on them.
Is pretty damn easy because I just wait for the Assault/Invasion timer which will start today in about 10 minutes.
I'll probably start the Nazjatar quests on my non-main 120s later so I can easily gear them with Benthic gear which is better than almost anything you can craft, easily upgradable and a whole hell of a lot easier to get.

I don't raid because it doesn't matter.
You hardly get anything and what you do get often becomes trash in a couple months.

Playing with people you know is fun.
It feels like they're started to drop off again and when that actually happens is my queue to do the same.

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>Wrath of the lich king - good
>Cata - bad
>Mop - good
>Wod - bad
>Legion - good
>BFA - bad

I bet they're going to revamp the world again

>this is what wrathbabies actually believe

Also, I fucking hope they don't because the last time they did it, they fucked up so much with cataclysm zones, and in retrospect, they agreed it was mostly a waste of time.

are these feet modded or default in the game

Are you retarded or just pretending

Their team is double the size it was in cata, it would be easier this time at least.

>So what the hell is even going on in WoWs story
Mary Sue self insert writers have taken over. That's what.
>Why is Jaina a raid boss?
Literally because the Horde demanded it.
>Why are the Undead still friendly with the Horde after all the shit Sylvanas pulled?
Sylvanas plot armor mind control, that's why.
>How can Blizzard reasonably recover after this?
Once they stop with the Horde Bias shit and actually put some effort into Alliance "content" instead of releasing half assed shit.

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>hardcore poopsoockers complaining about game requiring effort and time investment

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Imagine giving a shit about WoW lore.

It feels like there's hardly any new players in WoW. The only people left playing are the ones that have been playing for years or paid to boost to the current stuff.

Double the size but probably half as capable, if even that, of the team during that time.
