River City Girls Thread

Let's get hype gamers.

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>they have boyfriends
Enjoy being a cuck

They've always had boyfriends.

can't way for another boring game that Yea Forums will circlejerk over because IT HAS WAIFUS

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I thought this was made by sjw trannies.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

>he didn't play 新・熱血硬派くにおたちの挽歌
What's it like being an EOP?

any art of them getting fucked raw hahahaha

what's the best river city ransom game on the 3ds?

English is the only language that matters

>Let's get hype gamers.
Not with that shitty art.

I'd agree with you if they played it up like they do in Shantae, but in this one it looks like you're actually meant to play a game instead of jerking off.

The new game is made by EOPs, for EOPs, so you'll be right at home.

Pretty sure Wayforward is just localising/publishing for Arc.

Wayforward is doing the whole thing, hence the English voice acting and the fucking hideous comic cutscenes.

kill yourself shill.

Oh. In that case, how was Marvel Puzzle Quest?

>hyped for a shitty indie game because waifus

When did Yea Forums sink so low?

Literally everything about this game lists Wayforward as the developer.

But I'm a girl

I'm unironically hype because they showed aerial power bombs and I love beat-em-ups that look like they have polish.

I only watched the trailer.

Rival Showdown is a remake of the RCR we got on NES with multiple story routes and a facelift. Tokyo rumble is the sequel canon wise but came out first and is okay. The rpg game is ok.

So Rival Showdown is the better one?

yeah sorry meant to type that lol

I only watched the 2 seconds of gameplay, but it was very blatantly a western game from the first second of footage.

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

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Confirm Japanese voice acting then I will.

It's over a month left who cares

Honestly this
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>Dead Or School
>Azur Lane for importers
All come out this coming month

Man you seem to like a lot of submediocre garbage that sells itself mostly on fanservice.
Why don't you value good gameplay anymore?

>Submediocre garbage
How are these submediocre?
Explain without being a faggot about it and whining about boobs.
>Why don't you value good gameplay anymore
What? How the hell did you get that? OLL has mechanics that raise item appraisal chances and exp boosts through rubbing games, plus the flower garden sounds genuinely interesting and fun to play with. On top of that it's a roguelike so it's far more gameplay than story.
Dead or School is a fun 2d action game. Azur Lane is a unique Third Person Shooter+Danmaku hybrid that legitmately looks more interesting than any TPS I've seen in years.
I value good gameplay that's also interesting. The fanservice just happens to be what gives rise to these unique mechanics.

>what gives rise
Oh I know it will rise something for me IFYOUKNOWHWATIMEAN

Please tell me they're crossdressing boys too

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Have sex

Wayforward can't gameplay for shit. I don't think I'm gonna get memed into buying another one of their shovelware games with deceptively cute art. This one actually looks like it plays fun though, but I don't know how, but they're sure to fuck up

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You know the fucking rules user

Kyoko > Misako

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>Kunio and Riki have girlfriends
>Yea Forums: *crickets chirping*
>Girl!Kunio and Girl!Riki have boyfriends

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NTR is the patricians fetish

"So what's the deal with netorare? It's not neat, and it's not rare!"

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Apparently the girls have boyfriends. Why the fuck would I even play this then? Pass.