This one won't get deleted
Cortex Team Racing
I miss Clancy Brown.
We shall see
Nth for nitrous oxide, fastest racer in the galaxy
Holy piss I'm not dead
vote FAns of the crash Bandicoot videogame franchise.
what does the n
It will but it doesn't matter. I am happy to know that Crash made such a high caliber comeback that Yea Forums's nintendofaggot jannies went out of their way to stomp out discussion of Crash's superior games.
Moustache man, see you in Smash.
It’s just one mod who’s doing it because he wants to push his discord server
me too buddy
warp orbs shoudn't be allowed lap one, item balance in this game is fucking retarded
Waiting for my other favorite character to get in
Waiting for Willie Wumpa Cheeks.
Cortex original design was great
The N.sane trilogy one is horrible
Time relic challenges are broken in the remake. Don't try to go for platinum relics. They're impossible t.ctr veteran
But I already got them all
Impossible you're lying. I got plat in the original. Here i can't even get gold. Shitnox needs to fix this.
CTR is fastest selling Crash game. We will see another CTR in future.
Next time I'll beat YOU, primitive earthling
N.Sane trilogy amped up his cowering before Uka Uka into a full fledged character trait and just made him a massive unlikable wimp
The only two I've got left are N. Gin Labs and Blizzard Bluff but they werethe hardest in the original anyway.
t. bigger CTR veteran than you
Tell me about Nash. Why does he wear a mask?
Ah... 90's CG renders. Brings me back.
>have to wait until december for chad Velo
I hope they do him justice.
i did a TERRIBLE first try at the Slide Coliseum relic and still got a fucking platinum. they're not impossible, just all over the place.
t. bad at relic races
What do you think he would look like if Charles drew him?
Do you ever wonder which video game characters are uncircumcised?
no cause im not a faggot. back to crash please
These are taken from an old blogpost by Charles.
Unless you're just joking and I'm being retarded
What is the point of the kart sets category when nothing gets added to it and why couldn't they put retro karts in the body category?
he meant the fan character in his spoilered image inspired by the ingame character model glitch, he just worded it badly
OH, I see.
He would probably look pretty neat if drawn by Charles.
Coco is my wife
Coco is my love
I can't describe how much I love Coco
Coco is perfect
Coco is cute
Coco is nice
Coco is smart
Coco is hot
t. plays on easy
on hard they're broken. Patch when shitnox
I messed up
I just watched Redline and holy shit does it feels like CTR.
>homing missiles
>Yellow Fire
>Roboworld President looks and sounds like N Gin
>the Blue Fire/USF near the end
Reminder that every single crunch player without exception is a passive gay furry who desperately wishes for his asshole to be ripped apart by crunch's cock.
what is the fastest character
I thought all relic times are the same. Anyway you're a shitter regardless.
Get plat relics on hard then you can talk shit casual trash
The Greaser with the Johnny Bravo hair
HOW should I show off, without coming of as a tryhard?
i meant in ctr. i know who won redline
All Speed characters are equal. N. Tropy, Zem, Crunch, Tiny Tiger... They have the highest potential speed.
I can't find anything online that shows the relics having different times between difficulties.
Keep coping casual baby. I don't have time for scrub shitters who don't play on hard
Sounds to me like there's no difference and you're trying to cope with the fact you can't get all the platinum relics. I am playing on hard.
Oh it's time for daily bonus coins online
Time to pick Digital N.Tropy and DNF some Ami skunks while blasting Eurobeat and Touhou music
Also, why Nash players always ragequit after failing to get USF on Polar Pass?
Apparently in the Switch version getting the champion kart it's easier than the motorsport tawna skin
>5% of 208950 = 10447.5
There is a few hours until the grand prix end but still
I wonder if it's harder or even easier in the PS4 and XBone versions
I don't know why I put 208950 on my calculation if the number on the screenshot is 208254, I was tired to go down all the way to the rank 10000
But still, close enough
There's 5 times the players in PS4 version. You only need to be in the top 50,000. If you get Motorsports Tawna you've got it locked.
>5% of 208254 = 10412
You're just bad.
Slide Coliseum and Turbo Tracks platinum relics were almost as easy as getting a sapphire in any other track in the original. Beenox stayed faithful to it.
I know that there is more players on PS4, but I was thinking that maybe the PS4 players are more competitive?
I don't know
Nah there's hundreds of thousands of kids playing without access to online and it all adds up. It's easier than ever. I'm at rank 20,000 with 46,000 points.
I got all platinum relics twice, I did it on medium dificulty, than I realized that the relic races are identical in all dificulty modes and I wanted a hard mode save file with all platinum
It was muuuuch easier the second time for me
I'll probably do it AGAIN when the steam version comes out eventually
You guys think we are going to get any bonus stuff for being at the top 5% in both leaderboards?
Nth for Nitrous Oxide, fastest racer in the galaxy
What do you think these smell like?
I saw this promotion image for the grand prix a long time ago but there is NO paint job with these colors that tawna is using in that image in the game
Can someone tell me where is that paintjob is?
It's not in the game.
>than I realized that the relic races are identical in all dificulty modes
Easy difficulty is exception
>he isn't in the top 5%
oh no no no
is there a nipple version of this by bhance
Platinum relics are easier on easy mode?
I didn't knew that
>you wanna put your penis where?
I can't decide now. Should I move to easy mode and do them there or keep doing it on my old Hard Mode save file with gold and plat relics
I've looked around online and can't find anything more than hearsay to that claim, not being casual enough to pick easy myself to find out.
Stick with hard, don't be a casual.
To fuck big booty bitches. In the ASS!!
Just compare times in arcade mode. Did you get this game yesterday?
I got Platinum relics on easy. I want to get them on Medium and hard, but Coco Park hill jumps and Dragon Mines are frustrating
It's weird how on the arcade menu there is a hard mode for relic run, but in the adventure mode the hard mode relics are the same as medium dificulty, so...
What's the difference between medium and hard on arcade mode?
Don't arcade difficulties just choose between sapphire, gold and platinum times?
why you want to get on medium AND hard?
They are the same, just get it on hard mode
Why you want 3 save files taking up space anyway?
I only treasure 2 save files, my 101% hard run with all platinum relics and my 101% classic run, the other 2 is for replay
I still don't think easy mode makes a difference on the platinum relics but I'll test that later
>0:48 on easy for Sewers
>0:37 on normal and hard
Is it really fucking hard to test or believe? Jesus fucking christ
Woah take it easy man, I was just wondering if you just made an honest mistake, don't need to get salty about it
Do you even know what it means or just went with buzz word you heard on internet?
By getting 1st place. Anything else is tryhard faggotry
Seriously who the fuck drops $60 and can't even get in top 5%? Shit I expect most of Yea Forums to be top 1%
Any porn similar to this pic?
but, all the hard to get items look cool
Plat Paint
Tropy Blanco
Champ Kart
They all look so cool damnit
> I'm too dumb to check the plat times on different modes
>Champ cart
>Hard to get
dude, now you're salty because I used the word salty, just come down it's a fucking videogame board
Just search on Sad Panda for... oh... yeah..
God damnit user...
Then what kart should I use?
stop being salty, using salty in the not right way for salty mean, you salty fag
I'm lazy, I don't want to turn on my console just to see that...
also... Switch does take 20 years to load, I would still be checking out by this point
The champ cart you dumb nigger, it isn't hard to get just do your dailys & weeklys and you'd easily be top 5%
Too soon you heartless sob
Is switch really that slow & shitty?
meh whatever
I mean, it's better now, but it's like, 10 seconds more than the PS4 after the update to lo
All these flavors, and you choose to be salty one.
Fuck me that sucks
I mean, you are playing the game on a portable system, it used to be way worst before the update, now it's more okay
Exactly, it's the hardest kart to get, and it's the (objectively) coolest kart in the game
But if I use it, I'll look like a tryhard.
I'm playing on switch because I'm a Switch/PC boy, so, while the game is not out for PC I'll be unlocking stuff on the switch
That is kinda good for me because I don't need to force myself to unlock everything on 2 consoles at the same time, specially grand prix stuff
By the time the game is out on PC (wich wil propably be next year I believe) I'll have everything unlocked on the Switch version already
nah, that car doesn't look tryhard, Digital N. Tropy is THE tryhardy thing to use
If you play with tha champion car with anything that isn't N. Tropy you're good to go
I'm on my computer and the PS4 is currently not on and in a different room.
how does one make a game with netcode this ass
Why do fujos draw N.Gin as moderately attractive when he’s exclusively been shown as a bug eyed hunchbacked snaggletooth with an extreme underbite?
except Penta and Coco, they will also always be the tryhard choice for when you haven't earned the right to be one yet
Yes it is. It's the color you get with the Trikee
Oh, thank you, should I use the Plat paint or is that pushing it too far.
Because he looks just like a tumblr user.
Just like you just described
plat paint you can still get on easy so it's not too far, you can't prove online that you did it on regular dificulty
no dude, the trikee one is orange, that one is pink
Thank you
Trikee is reddish light orange and matte cyan, not hot pink and skyblue
Breeding Liz day and night.
>being 1% master race.
>Im in heat user
Then sit in the shade.
>implying Imperial isn't THE GOAT kart
Post yfw in just one day people will finally stop using Ami. I mean, surely people felt forced to use her for the nitro shekels, I sincerely hope there's no one who genuinely likes Ami.
lol I love Ami, she looks good with the brazilian paintjob I use
And she have the biggest boobs too
You were forced to ingest her braps from losing to her right? Its ok you dont have to hide it.
time to lock her up in the bathroom until she calms down
I like her but her motorsport skin is shit and everyone uses it
>Next GP everyone is gonna use Baby Coco exclusively because crash and cortex are balanced characters
Even the most hideous want to be loved.
Because tropy didn't exist huh?
Tropy is gonna be the final nitro points reward
Ami is still my favourite trophy girl but I exclusively use her default skin because the motorsport is garbage.
Nah, that's Baby T
>tfw 0.5%
I haven't touched the game since Monday and I'm still in the top 5% of both leaderboards, it's too easy.
Ami is worst girl and I look forward to seeing her becoming a rare sight on the tracks
I'd to have a chance to play with her vanilla and recolors, motorsports and their shitty hair can go fuck themselves
I don't know why, but i feel like I'm cursed when playing Dingodile. Something about him makes everyone ether target me for no apparent reason.
This doesn't happen with other characters like Oxide, N NOW YOUR ON MY TIME, or Ripper Roo. Only good boy Dingo.
It's ether placebo or i suck as speed characters, i can't tell.
I had a bone to pick with painter dingodile, i got humiliated every time i fought with these guys
Start beating Time Trials, so far so good.
Leaving Sewers, Oxide Station and Mines for the end.
I'd save the easiest for last if i were you
The only character I need left is n trance yet he never shows up on the pit stop. What gives?
Sorry crash, Yea Forums is a brotendo board. Get back to your containment board, youre taking up a spot for another smash thread.
WAHOO Ive reported this thread to mods already! Later losers
Crash Cove is one of the hardest. Oxide Station is easy if you play balanced. Just take the blue flame a good deal and you'll beat him by 10 seconds.
Oxide Station is a breeze if you can keep USF through the end section even a single time. Oxide fucks it up every single lap.
Reported for furry porn, just like every crash thread. Try my-- I mean, the CTR discord
not impossible but a fucking HORRIBLE experience
Already beat it
Probably because you're going slow, Blizzard Bluff is one of the easier tracks to complete
The ending sucks
i usually went slowish on the first lap to get all the annoying crates then went fast on the next 2 laps
At the moment, the leaderboards are clogged with people who purchased the game, played it for 10 hours and will never come back. Just playing 1 online race you are placed on the leader boards, as the Grand Prixs go on, it will become harder and harder to place in the top 5% as only the dedicated fans will continue to play. How much harder remains to be seen.
Charles Z Actually responded to my post.
Gonna ask if he can share any of the CNK concept art.
>put the game up for sale yesterday because matchmaking is still shit, game is still buggy, no proper ranked mode or ghost races and it's still missing a no items mode
somebody stop me
I can DNF entire lobbies, got my platinum paint and all that shit but when I get hit by a clock over a jump and the guy behind/barely ahead of me gets away scot-free I'm gonna lose my shit every time
pc when
It's your choice, man, I can't stop you...
Anyone has the twilight tour song pasta?
Dont forget Crunch
You know they can't give Roo a larger hitbox just because he has a higher jump animation, right?
the hitboxes in this game are trash stop making excuses
Default Crash/Default blue kart and wheels, no stickers.
Also come first.
The ending was exhilarating and great you retard.
crunch players are too shit to be called tryhards
Woah.. it's almost.. as if.. you didn't touch it, or something....
>not getting the first easiest letter right after the starting line on the first lap
you did this to yourself
How long until the next season? over 24 hours?
Be that as it may, in the case of Ripper Roo you've only got yourself to blame for jumping poorly and thinking you've got it because he's got an absurdly high jump animation. Race with someone like Crash and you'll see how you're actually jumping, which is poorly judging by all your videos.
Hopefully a week so I've got some downtime and can just race.
yeah im sure if i just missed a wall by the same amount i would still have all my speed lol
>nooooo..... stop criticising beenox!! the game is literally perfect you just have to play better!!!
More like retard struck, lol
Every time I see a Racer Crunch in the lobby I know he's going to use items in the most cuntish way and try his ass off
Who are you quoting?
*in the voice of someone who would never have seen a vagina if internet porn did not exist* well actually that jump is consistant, i spent my entire weekend practicing it and now i get it every time
Lmao every time
You sound like the typical digital tropy bitch ragequitter. Sell the game, we will be fine.
If you're going to try and make an argument about shitty hitboxes, at least provide adequate proof... It's not as if there's a shortage of potential examples...
>uhh,,,, maybe u should try jumping at a better time lol,, it's ur own fault
user, you're gonna get monkey paw'd. yeah, people will stop using Ami, but they'll jump ship to whoever is the speed character for the Out of Time GP
>Baby Coco is speed class
>DUH the games called CRASH bandicoot you're supposed to be crashing randomly
>Trophy Girls - Wrong Hole.webm
there's only tow ways i am able to make that fucking short cut. one is using accel characters and jumping at the absolute last possible moment without boost or as a speed class by making a huge ass jump, landing exactly in the middle of the sewer and them jumping again in the last possible moment, however this last one makes me float for a little while before the game decides to either let me trough the shortcut or bump me into the wall.
i lost my boost multiple times because i would always hit a pebble somewhere in the track.
Literally no one is arguing for the shitty hitboxes
people who disagree with me are gay and retarded
that does look like a genuine bug, but you're still a fag for playing handling
Everyone already knows the hitboxes are shitty in a load of places, no one is defending that, fuck off already
Why arent you fags breeding Bandicoot women yet
They don't exist.
He's autistic and thinks that because we called him a fag for thinking Ripper Roo's high jump should hit everything that therefore everyone in this thread is defending the numerous flaws in the game.
>character literally clips through the box
>"no it's not a hitbox issue beenox is perfect its your fault stop insulting beenox!!!"
what is the point in even arguing? there is no basis for arguing against ctrnf being a jank piece of shit, your completely unfounded and assanine "just jump better bro" shit makes it looks like there's two perspectives when there's only one
here's one of the best relic race players in the world making the same point, i'm guessing tiny is broken too. maybe if half the fucking roster can clip through boxes then it's the game's fault and not the players?
I hope his emperor version still has "ENJOY YOUR LEAD"
>"I-It only makes sense to give much larger characters a better advantage!!"
>"Because they're larger???"
>Actual kart gets nowhere near the box
smaller characters having more accurate hitboxes is an advantage for them since it makes them less prone to error though? i think all the dirt you've licked from beenox's boots has made your brain stop working so maybe take a break for a few threads
>what is the point in even arguing?
Not much considering your autistic ass blew everything out of proportion to the point you've spent the past 45 minutes posting webms trying to vindicate yourself. Ripper Roo's jump is obviously a visual flair and his triple height extension should not and does not change the kart hitbox every time he trick jumps. Nobody is defending Beenox's countless issues you faggot, but Ripper Roo's jump is not a bug, it is intentional.
Is it dingotard?
I would go out of my way to assume that everyone has the same hitbox and if your character model is smaller they're going to hit things it doesn't look like they hit and if your character model is larger then everything outside the hitbox doesn't count regardless of visuals. But you sound like the kind of guy that goes into those Street Fighter bait threads and complains about the shape of hitboxes.
You deserve that bonk for not taking the shortcut
>smaller characters having more accurate hitboxes is an advantage for them since it makes them less prone to error though?
That's just you having poor assumptive skills, user.
This sounds like your kind of thread.
>i'm not defending beenox i just resond to every criticism of beenox with a defense of beenox by blaming the player
Unlikely, his posts aren't as funny and dingotard probably wouldn't play turning. Probably an imposter or emulator
Who are you quoting?
Who are you quoting?
Who are you quoting?
That post wasn't quoting anyone.
>i just resond to every criticism of beenox with a defense of beenox by blaming the player
Nope, just you wanting unbalanced character hitboxes, faggot
I replied to the wrong post desu
Shows over folks. We've got an actual child here. How old are you, twelve? My brother used to do that when he was twelve.
you can stop replying if you dont have anything new to say
This thread needs more Bandicunny
You should've stopped posting an hour ago if that's the case.
I will never be good, I keep fucking up boosts, can't mantain blue fire because I can't control the fast and the moment I touch the sidewall even a pixel the reserves are gone, sometimes I don't turn before landing to start drifting and crash in the walls.
The sad thing is that still I'm the best between my friends.
Tawnas booty braps
Who are you quoting?
How about no. How about we some more N's.
Like Nina or N Brio.
>Mentally insane person's best stat is Turning
What did they mean by this?
So, tomorrow is the last day of the GP. You guys comfortably set on the 5% bracket to get the kart?
>tfw winning against Digital N.tropy's and speed characters as Cortex with 10 seconds in between
I don't think I'm big dick enough to try it with a turning character though.
So the strategy is to push people towards /vg/ generals where the server is being shilled?
Pretty pathetic that he'd go to such lengths to shill his community.
So its gonna be Baby N. Tropy time
You're just bad. Plenty of people have the platinum paint
>trannies are men turned into men with dresses, turning on their nature
it checks out
That Cloudy faggot is always in these discord drama shit. I remember him fro the MK8 threads
Discord was a mistake, truly.
>Still pushing this narrative
which discord server? because we have Yea Forums's discord server that has some decent fellow.
>pushing this narrative
>when there's evidence
Go back to your discord, shitter.
How can I farm coins to unlock stuff? The online bonus is gone after ~10 races.
I'm in 5% on both leaderboards, it's surprisingly easy if you just play the game regularly.
desu the champion kart doesn't look that great so I can't see myself using it often
One screencap of Cloudy's sarcasm and that unrelated screencap of some literally who's fake discord where he offers $10 to raid threads? Post more compelling evidence if you have it please
Farming doesn't really seem required if you play online during wumpa time + weekend bonus. Are you just trying to clear the pit stop?
>Post more compelling evidence if you have it please
how about talking about the game instead
Indeed, I don't think it's something I'll use either but having it unlocked sure beats having the little lock on the kart's icon. Bit of a dick move that everyone gets to see the kart icon even if they won't unlock it, to be honest.
Everyone was talking about the game until you retards started shitting your pants over a discord spook. Wow, isn't it shocking how that derails the thread? Who could have predicted this
But user, we have an actual tranny character skin, and another whose colors are the transgender + rainbow flags, and they’re Accel and Balanced, respectively.
Digital Tropys aren't even that great an indicator of a top tier player honestly, there's only 2 or 3 genuinely challenging Oxide trials so it's not even a major flex.
Last Digital Tropy I encountered finished in 6th after failing the Sewer Speedway shortcut.
balanced is honestly harder to win with than turning so well done
what, I thought Ami was the only trans character?
>an actual tranny character skin, and another whose colors are the transgender + rainbow flags
Mostly I want to unlock Megumi since today is the last day of GP but yeah I'm clearing the pit stop. I didn't play the whole week because of work.
Crash has a trans flag variant with rainbow socks
Is it possible to do so anymore? There's barely today and tomorrow left and I lack Liz, two flags and most of the twilight wheels.
No he doesn't, he only has Shiba, Hyena, Skunk and his Crash 3 outfits
He's talking about Ballerina N Gin, and nobody is trans you degenerate.
Fastest single player track to grind on is hyper spaceway as long as you can keep the blue flames the entire course it should only take 2 minutes.
Is it worth it since SP grinding doesn't get the x2 multiplier?
getting motorsport tawna is basically a guarantee, i'm at position 4000 odd just from playing an hour or so a day online
>lgbt skin
>on FAKE crash
based beenox
He's also referring to pink Fake Crash wearing rainbow pants.
Lobbies constantly disconnect for me, and it takes ages to get in one to begin with. So in my experience it's probably faster just to play singleplayer single race.
>how about talking about the game instead
>says the guy who started not talking about the game but instead brought discord drama into the thread.
how about you kill yourself.
The general is doing everything it can to not have the discord mentioned because discord ruins communities.
Whoops, I meant Fake Crash
i am getting disconected a lot as well recently
hi mod, still butthurt?
Does Platinum requires to hit every box or I'm good if I left one behind?
I beat lobbies with Liz so I can reward everyone with her cute butt
not everyone uses Speedcrutch classes
>tfw forgot I had to do sewer speedway oxide time
fucking kill me
I can't believe Liz is a alt right nazi
So salty. Are you an N. Tropy main by any chance?
the -10 second bonus is too great for you to miss out
I haven't touched CTR in a week and I'm still at the 5% in both leaderboards (and I'll be 5% at the end)
This is how easy is in PS4
Cloudy did nothing wrong.
The gods gave me a non-retarded missile for that asshole who placed a green beaker on the usf ramp, he ragequitted on lap 2.
Hitting every box isn't required but helps a lot by removing 10 seconds from your time.
as long as you meet the time requirement for the platinum relic the number of boxes you hit doesn't matter, hitting all boxes takes 10 seconds off your final time
you can just go fast and hit some boxes along the way for the time save or you can try and route out a way of hitting all boxes so you get the 10 seconds off your final time, whichever is easiest for getting the platinum time requirement
The playerbase on Switch is a sixth of the PS4, user. Even if you get people with 180k Nitro the vast majority won't get that far and it's very easy to end up in the top 5%.
>tfw consistently dabbing on penta/digital tropy shitters
Feels good partner
There are zem mains?
is this the same artist? if so they're very good at lighting
>Champ Kart
It looks like trash, all the karts modelled after karts look like compressed cartoon vehicles, making them awkward looking. And even if it wasn't the case, it's an ugly car to begin with.
What do you even see in it?
> that asshole who placed a green beaker on the usf ramp
that's not even a mean spot to put it. Sure you fall and lose time but you're placed behind the ramp and can start a drift and go off the edge so you have USF again.
The real mean spot is the drop afterward, since if you fall there, you fall back to an earlier part of the track.
How does the game feel so smooth despite being 30fps?
Coco is TOO cute in this game
What wheels are those? And what is with people using the Championship kart online? Is there some bug to use items you haven't unlocked?
Based mains
>Fake Crash
>Ripper Roo
>everyone else
they look like roadster wheels
Kisses for the hero.
Into the trash.
Probably nailed the motion blur
They're roadster wheels
I'll have to ask you to delete this.
What went right_?
Per-object motion blur and good animation
Lot more common than zam, velo and polar.
daily reminder that /u/niggers get the rope too
Coco is clearly hating it, dummy.
When are we getting that skirt + tank top combo that Coco wears on the Warped cover?
It's a joke over how you can play as Coco in Crash 1 but Tawna does that at the end to Crash.
>drifts directly into trap
>mad when hit by trap
>more than half of the Turning characters are incapable of speech
Really makes you think
>getting this triggered by something as harmless as yuri
You may as well be offended by puppies
You can't play as Coco in the boss battles though.
anyone have the drawings of the glitched racers, shit is fucking hilarious
>Lobby votes for Jungle Boogie instead of the two better tracks available
>Literally none of them use the shortcut near the end
Woah... so this is the true power of being a shitter...
>Being a yurifag and a furfag.
How to be a embarrassment.
Are you talking about through the tree? I never take it because it's jank as fuck and I regularly hit invisible walls there.
baby-shit gp when
I'm talking about the alternate upper pathway to the left of the main road. You know, the obvious faster path that every single person with a functioning brain should be using.
oh no
oh there's no excuse for that one
good job.
I wonder if the next Grand Prix will start as this one ends
>Host Tiny disconnects after I pass him
Damn. I was actually hoping for more good races against another Tiny.
How the fuck do I get the fucking Kamikaze challenge? I explode next to other racers and nothing happens to them.
>near the end
>is actually near the start
what did he mean by this?
Easiest way is to do it against a friend or use a second controller in battle mode
Otherwise you hope the latency allows it to happen
You have ti actually run into them, my dude.
I set Battle mode to max amount of AI on easy, dumped a TNT onto me and ran into one of them.
Zulkrax, dk imtrash, EQWatanuki, Ugogogo and Daniellife stay the fuck out of my lobbies you no-fun-allowed tryhards
Different user. Thanks to the ability to preview things you haven’t unlocked, I can attest that it looks much better with different paint jobs especially platinum
Still out of place with the other, more cartoonish carts, I agree. But I can see it going well with Cortex or Master Chief Crunch, maybe biker Crash.
>Zem player joins the lobby
>You know he's gonna win
Does anyone else have this experience?
Imagine posting something like this. Embarrassing.
No because I always win
Crash for Smash
She is going to break her pelvis one day
Mad cuz bad.
>Coolest kart in the game
>Nobody uses it
Care to explain Yea Forums?
>try adventure hard
>crash cove
>15 minutes later keep losing to Dingodile/Pura/Tiny
yeah fuck this shit
No because I'm always higher than him on the podium
I know they are Yea Forumsirgins because they posted screenshots with their name in these threads
Stop defending tryhards ruining the game for everyone
You must be in physical contact with another cart AND driving forward into them when it detonates. Some other anons have indicated that it must also be your own TNT box, which I can’t find anything to disprove.
Local multiplayer with a second control is the way to go.
Meant for
Too big, makes drifting feel awkward, annoying sound fx
>Lot more common than (...) polar
>Original CTR
>Most people play Polar instead of Pura
>Most people play Pura instead of Polar
What happened?
>can't use wheels both cosmetically and to for visual feedback when drifting
>not all of the exhaust pipes are used for fire
>engine sound effects aren't satisfying to hear
Crash Boom Bang Pura happened
>for visual feedback when drifting
You saying you're a shitter that uses Nitro Tires?
She is going to suffocate me one day.
Yes, because that's me.
will sewer speedway ever get patched?
Fixed it for you
Also expect something like "it's fine already"
It's a bit harder to tell when you're landing from a jump. That's enough to make me not want to use it.
Fuck you they look cool.
Don't stick your Bandipussy into a Potoroo
Gaming in the summer can be sweaty.
They better take a bath afterwards.
I think it's more that Polar is ugly in this game while Pura looks closer to the original design.
What are they trying hard? To win? It's a competitive game, I think we're all doing that.
>ruining the game for everyone
Who is this "everyone"? I'd love to play against competent players for once instead of constantly curb stomping shitters online. How exactly are they ruining the game?
Nobody feels like it’s special because you unlock it early by buying the Nitrous Oxide edition, so it loses all of its flex cred. Also, , , and are all considerations.
That said, I might start to use it occasionally to stave off burnout. Since we’re going to have baby characters in the next GP, I kinda want to use one of them with this mini UFO in amber (mustard?) color and a hazard sign to play as an amber alert/child abduction joke.
i hate relic races
user. tires leave skid marks on the ground. it's a very clear indicator that you're drifting or brakesliding
also the nitro tires are smarter implementation than the HUD they made because it helps you keep your eyes on the road instead of the corner of the screen. WHere the fuck is the CNK drift HUD?
Redline was extremely boring after the first few minutes. The Yellowline race was the only good part of the movie.
Trap didnt hit him tho
How do you play this game without being a tryhard? Serious question.
Since the next GP is Past related, do you think we will get a clown skin for ether Standard or Baby Cortex as a reference to his parents?
I'm stealing your idea.
I'm sorry Crashy boy, but Tawna belongs to me and no-one else.
thanks doc !
We already have the norms
We don't need more clowns
As mentioned in other threads plenty of us got the game this week or last week. I wasn't able to reach motorsport tawna or the tawna sticker but I'm still in the top 5% of the nitro leaderboard. This game must really screw over people without PS+ for it to be this easy to earn nitro online.
the norms are mimes
They should boost the amount of Nitro you get fro the last few days of the Grand Prix like fortnite.
Don’t rage quit and don’t spam items. Especially the later since it shows you have no skill and can’t beat someone without cheesing the system
I think I'm 0.3%, actually.
Ngl Your idea is cool
>Don't rage quit
>Don't use what the game gives you
Fuck off.
>and don’t spam items. Especially the later since it shows you have no skill and can’t beat someone without cheesing the system
They should have a skin contest where the top 3 designs get in so more characters have actual good or better alternative costume. Some of the ideas I had was a smin for tawna that makes her look a little more like Jessica rabbit, summer outfits for the nitro squad and a Hawaiian shirt papu papu
That last part makes you a tryhard
That's some "1v1 me" honor bullshit
I love honorfag tears so much, it's part of the reason I sometimes just target random players and follow behind them entire races with bombs and triple missiles
Basically if you have 3 missiles and you use them all at once you look desperate especially if you aren’t even battling for first everything else is fair game
If it works then it works. It doesn't matter what it "looks like".
The funny thing is, you sound more tryhard than the ones you're accusing of being tryhards. Tryhards are exactly the type of people who complain about items because they want to make every race an "honorable competition" with no RNG involved. I'm pretty sure that by "don't spam items" you actually mean "don't hit me with items". Listen buddy, we all get fucked by RNG, it's the name of the game. No matter how good you are, eventually you'll have bad luck in a game with this much RNG. You just have to deal with it or switch to some actual racing game if you don't want weapon spam.
tl;dr get over it and stop whining
reminder that Coco is still best grill even after Nitro Squad
Someone specifically asked how not to look like a tryhard. If it was advice on playing the game, yeah who cares. But if you're going out of your way not to look like a tryhard, not spamming is basically the only step involved.
Just don’t spam missiles like a nigger like 3 in a row isn’t gonna be different from just using one i don’t care about the other items
>caring about how you get the win
The first one can be blocked with an item. Using 2 at once is usually a good idea.
And then everything changed when the baby nation attacked.
Why is it such a big deal to you if someone uses three missiles in a row? What exactly are you sperging about if it makes no difference? Are you literally autistic?
Too bad she looks like a goblin in the remakes.
Anyone else experiencing a glitch online where the character models don't load but the karts do and the race doesn't start?
I get that every once in a while
>tnt getting stuck on your head for an entire race is still a thing
>Guy called DigitalNTropy in the same lobby
>He's using Tiny
I know you're here you cheeky fucker, show yourself
That happens when host is an asshole and quits before the countdown. Completely softlocked, because the game doesn't migrate hosts.
Literally obsessed
Is the Grand Prix Results screen not showing up for anyone else after a race? I just get the coin rewards like I would before the GP started.
>laugh at my brother after DNFing him
>he leaves the game and blocks me
am I a dick?
i wonder what theyll name their kid
>mfw it can’t speak because it’s actually crash’s son
Probably after you, because you're a cuck.
>Seething over some dumb video game banter
I miss when using Pinstripe didn't mean associating with NTRfags, sorry
She got canonically Potoroo’d very soon after her rescue though.
She got canonically retconned
NTRfags need to be given the rope. They were the original ponyfags.
>digital clockman
>glitched papu animation at the podium
I like it
N Sane isnt a retcon its a remake. Like how the Lion King movie got remade
>I have fallen in love with another
>can't even write his name properly
Some love that is.
thanks doc
I want to heeheehee Liz in her hoohaa
Thsi garbage should be deleted on sight
Image being a subhuman playing Mario cart for poor man
Did someone say NTR?
2/10 bait but Yea Forums will fall for it
You fell for it by replying. Well done idiot.
>replies anyway
>ok players which track do you want to play on this time?
>Inferno Island, Twilight Tour, or Turbo Track
>pick Twilight
>next race
>ok players which track do you want to play on this time?
>Inferno Island, Twilight To-
I didnt respond to it with rage. Therefore im gud
No one ever wants to play on turbo track
I want to see an intense drama where Pinstripe is struggling to maintain order in his mafia against rival gangs while being a good dad to his mute son, constantly questioning whether it is in fact his, and ending on a cliffhanger where his son takes down an enemy mobster and finally speaks his first word WOAH
If you give the baiter a (You), they have won. No exceptions. Whatever happened to "don't feed the troll"? That's like the oldest peace of advice on the internet, still as relevant as ever and people still cannot follow it. It's crazy.
Also, post WebM
>join lobby as nash
>based pinstripes switches to nash and we race
>after the race everyone is immediately booted out of the lobby
>never saw him again
Same shit happened when half the lobby switched to Penta
No wonder, that choke point it has sucks ass.
I hated it too until I learned of the wonders of u-turning.
>Not 'have sex'
Step it up tumblr
ive met that dude, he also used tiny
If Jak and Daxter gets added to Nitro Fueled I will lick my disc.
>giving a CUB short-shorts
Literally why Japan?
>I hated it too until I learned of the wonders of u-turning
>Learn webm related
>Turbo Track suddenly turns into an enjoyable track to race on
Never underestimate the power of gitting gud guys
It sure as hell is for poor men. Nintendo games cost like 70 dollars even after years and years pass.
CTR was released a month ago and it's 40 dollars. All the while having double the content compared to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Or maybe its baitception
>Uses Polar
Thats happened to me twice today.
Perfect reaction
What is that black skin called? i want it.
I got you
Oh the game decided to dick you too?
doing gods work
Cabrio is the best kart, prove me wrong.
>Basically if you have 3 missiles and you use them all at once you look desperate
No, you look like someone who knows that missiles are useless so you're trying to get rid of three useless items. Missiles are rubbish unless your opponent is 5 feet in front of you and driving straight ahead.
It was a speedfag lobby anyway
>Doctor N. Tropy, he is in first place
>"Put him on MY time"
N Trance truly is my spirit egg
Deadinator and Doom Buggy exist.
>fire one (1) missile
>enemy has a blue shield
>you don't stop them
>fire two (2) missiles
>enemy has a blue shield and a nitro crate
>you don't stop them
>fire three (3) missiles
>enemy can't block three unless they get a mask
I was waiting for you to use the Aku the entire time. What a letdown.
Bandibuggy, Team Oxide and Crikey all exist.
Ladies first. Go ahead user.
Seethe harder tumblr
>New thread long before bump limit
Do you WANT these threads to get deleted you fucking newfag?
>N Sane isnt a retcon its a remake
Doesn't matter because CTR was never canon anyway. Doctor Neo Cortex, Doctor Nefarious Tropy and Uka Uka are all still stuck in a time prison in the prehistoric age as babies.
Based Donad J Potoroo user
>go 4-5 races against some small norm in champion kart
>win all but 1 (only lost because he got triple missiles right before the end)
>later looking at the leaderboard
>he's top 10 on the championship leaderboard
Real talk. Are you gay or something?
Theyve been deleting or locking threads or moving them to vg for weeks now and before that too.
I used it at the end
I've seen a bunch of people use the kart too, how do they do it?
If its not canon why does Oxide appear in Twinsanity
He even appears fleeing to his home planet at the title screen of Wrath of Cortex. CTR is entirely canon.
Cabrio with Deadinator paint and wheels is the best combo.
Because Twinsanity isn't canon either none of the post 3 games are
>actually caring about the crash timeline and canon
You're LITERALLY gay
They contradict themselves often due to the amount of trash racing or handheld spinoffs they are but the ND quadrilogy, WOC and Twinsanity all fit in fine.
You can visit Papu's hut from the first game
I'm partial to the Cabrio with the Single Stripe, Ireland paint and Rocket wheels, myself. Would have gone with the Six Pipes wheels but they feel out of place.
I have a weakness for sports cars in racing green with white stripes, so this was an easy match.
Ive been 2-3,8% the whole event. Im fucking quitting if the next event is the same 1 month-with-one.setup-only
My friend already quit because of the time trials glitches because hes competent, idk as long as I have a choice doing the events
Green is a shit color
You're just green with envy.
Green is the color of turds.
user, I...
if your turds are green go check yourself out then. go to the doctor
Maybe that will be addressed as part of this next Grand Prix. Maybe it’s a retcon in progress.
U avin a giggle at me mum?
I'm pretty sure they aged him up, giving him short-shorts is still pretty fucking weird though. They even have cut-offs like a pair of daisy-dukes.
Looks like something you'd find on My Sims.
That's a game I haven't heard of in a decade...
That webm.
Draw some new ones already. We've seen these too much.
>My Sims
my nostalgia is hurting, damn
I'll do some new ones later, been busy atm.
I've been in the same lobby with the same 2 people for over an hour