why don't companies fire people and censor games because 4channel complains?
Why don't companies fire people and censor games because 4channel complains?
OneAngryFaggot is wrong here. Kirbopher literally admitted to abuse. This is completely reasonable, it's not even #MeToo shit.
it was because of an NDA breach
Looks like ResetEra wins again, BAY BAY!!!
>he thinks 4channel has any weight behind it
So it's a voice actor. What did he do
>OneAngryFaggot is wrong here
Business as usual, then
Only this isn't what happened, they removed two VAs for NDA breeches. This faggot is just giving credit to resetera for nothing.
>This faggot is just giving credit to resetera for nothing
He's doing it to fear monger about muh SJWs ruining muh hobby just like every other time people are crying about muh SJWs over petty shit. Classic /pol/-tier behavior.
>This faggot is just giving credit to resetera for nothing.
Attention. Based on the amount of shitposting on Yea Forums, attention is all you fucking need.
>Kirbopher literally admitted to abuse
did he criticize a female?
>some faggot does stupid shit any company would distance themselves from
>trannyera says yeh we dont like guy in game
how do these websites stay up no really who is actually reading this shit i dont get it
>Implying pol and not le youtube skeptics are SJW baiters
kys mentally ill freak
No you fucking mentally ill faggot he admitted to actual physical and sexual abuse
PLEASE have sex within the next week
The most trusted name in gaming news.
So basically retardera is taking credit for something they didn't even cause. They're really sinking into irrelevance.
So he said a mean word in the general direction of a female?
OP isn't from ResetEra, you stupid faggot.
i find great pleasure in the fact that your brain will constantly be tormented with feelings of outrage towards menial shit until you finally die a virgin
you're the one who got mad as fuck for no reason
its just the internet bro, chill out
thats clearly a seething roastie my dude
Good thing I pirated it.
>People get fired just because they raped some roastie
Society is so fucking pozzed... But SJWs are totally not taking away our games, you guise.
i fuckin hate reddit
please anhero in the next week
and never come here again
not him but the only one coping here is you, you seething ayy lmao
>spergs out for no reason
Thanks fort the laugh I guess.
Have secy
you're reddit
based and chadpilled
incel seethe
>i fuckin hate reddit
Then why don't you shut the fuck about it?
>Yea Forums has a problem with rapists being removed from video games
yeah that seems about right...
Who the fuck care about these faggots? Must be bait.
>playing Japanese games with English dubs
Have sex
how is he wrong?
So it's another Alison Rapp case where they fire her, and /pol/ thought it was cause they kept spamming Nintendo with shit about her being a pedo, and SJWs thought they fired her cause /pol/ REEEEEEed about a woman, but it turned out Nintendo just fired her for hooking on the side?
>Rustling Jimmies for years
>Hey fellow kids, see my funny maymay?
I truly hate this fag from the bottom of my heart, no better than his opposition.
How can you remove someone who already recorded lines on a game that's already published? Did they just patch his voice out?
the game has already shipped
they're going to release his new voice acting in a later patch
if you never download the patch or buy the game without going online you'll have the original VA
Who's the new VA?
No huge loss, his VA was a massive cunt anyway even during his shitty sprite comic days.
men have hobbies, women do not
He made Diesel Sweeties?
>nothing in life matters bro
>just have sex that is the only important thing in life
You are quite frankly a lost cause. Hope you repent in the afterlife and live more modestly in the next life with God in mind.
>Dumb fuck breaches his NDA with NINTENDO of all companies
>Other dumb fucks think it's because the SJWs complained and he admitted to the allegations made
Supposedly Christina Vee got the axe for the same reason.
>no better than his opposition.
>muh horseshoe
kys tranny
>muh trannies
rent free
His gf did a call out on twitter. As you know women are genetically incapable of lying.
Who was she voicing?
Edelgard, she tweeted about the role too soon, breaching NDA and getting replaced pretty early in.
People here don't try to pretend that they aren't unhinged pedophiles, unlike trannyera.
>Niosi has confessed to multiple incidents of abuse toward friends and loved ones, both physical and emotional, which caused a fan outcry when he was revealed as the voice actor by way of a datamine for Fire Emblem Heroes on Monday. One of the incidents described involved bragging to a victim about his role as Byleth, in violation of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) signed by all Three Houses voice actors that expired last week.
He wasn't even fired because of abuse, it's because he broke the NDA. What a fucking dumbass.
God wouldn't want you to care so much that a sex offender got axed from your children's game
So is she replaced for anyone she's voiced, or just Edelgard?
She's not in the game period.
I forgot 4channel wasn't a joke name.
sort of like how trannies cry about everything
Fucking rent free
Did she call him a bitch ass mother fucker?
I meant in general. Cause I know she also voiced others in previous games and their Heroes appearances, but I'm assuming someone new will have those gigs if they're brought back again.
Why couldn't both she and Niosi just keep their mouths shut? I love their roles, it sucks they were removed.
wasn't ResetEra the forum that had a ton of moderators exposed for being pedophiles?
So are you the guy sperging out about white people in the nostalgia thread or the one spamming cuckshit?
>Why couldn't both she and Niosi just keep their mouths shut?
They need their daily dose of attention or they'll die.
Hi Billy.
>onesoigamer even admits the guy broke NDA but still tries to make it one of his gay sjw fictional battles
Uh. What? So now the MC is unvoiced in Fire Emblem? What good does that do anyone?
*Nintendo of America, the Californian based localization and IP Rapist team of ResetEra users
Just to clear that up.
Learn jap if you care about FE.
They're replacing him you idiot.
seriously, what did he do?
i skimmed through the posts, he's admitting things like
>i didn't pay for the gas when you took me somewhere
>i didn't make you feel loved
>i offered to marry you for a green card, that was really disrespectful
even the woman who reacted to his apoligy only claims he was emotionally abusive
this sounds like a bunch of people bullying a literal autist and making him post apologies for nothing
Better than mainstream videogame urinalists anyway.
Gotta get the masses to rise up against SJW persecution, after all.
Do you guys remember about that Nintendo America chick who got exposed as an escort and had a cuck boyfriend in a polyamorous relationship?
literally who?
It's this all over again
He literally broke NDA
the original article with the same title comes from a nintendo blog called gonintendo.com, and they don't even mention the NDA breach
by contrast, the fatty at least brought your attention to it, even if he disputes it
i'm talking about the abuse
user said he
>literally admitted abuse
he didn't admit to shit
Hi Billy
Too soon is really pushing it, she basically confirmed it before anyone even asked.
o wait, this is not written by the quartering guy?
i thought they were the same
Not them, but you fags cry way fucking harder than any trannies on this site. Whiny bitches are whiny bitches, regardless of political affiliation or mental illness.
was that meant to be a gender neutral pronoun or what?
So all the people angry with him and out to get him are upset about an NDA?
Might as well be tbqh
If they said yes would that make you mad?
>regardless of political affiliation or mental illness
le centriste fagguete
Dont worry, I'm already mad.
Who cares about them I'm talking about the video game part dumdum