When will WoW catch up with XIV's endgame difficulty?

When will WoW catch up with XIV's endgame difficulty?

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You think running away from big telegram and memorization is difficult? Every boss in modern mmo's are basically shitty quizzes that you have to recite till you get the item you want. When will mmo's require actual skill? This telegraph meme is getting really stale.

Guys I thought the ninja DPS is bad thing was just a meme but hooly fukkk. I mean obviously the player was terrible but I just got out of a run of castrum abania - a lvl69 dungeon! - where the ninja did barely 1k dps. It was so bad I made the WAR my dance partner after the first pull and never looked back. I don't know if they even used trick attack either..

Reaction time and pattern recognition are both skills. Garbage like XIV aside, what kind of skill do you want in a boss fight exactly?

New deep dungeon when

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>using ACT
Fuck off, parsetranny

If I have my way, never.

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I wouldn't know, I never play the endgame

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Hopefully never.

He thinks Soulsborne bullshit could work, be difficult, and still be fun with 7+ other players

Any crafters here? Does anyone know where to find the leaked craftsmanship / control values for 5.05?

>mfw when its another "guy pulls the elite mark too early and half the people get no credit" episode.

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The Balance circlejerk

What's wrong with running with Trust? You don't have to wait for que times which is why everyone flocks to PoTD/HoH with Trust as well.

>Doing new content
>point out mechanics and ask if anyone has questions regarding the fight
>People get angry and say "they're learning"

But why get angry if I'm trying to help you. Why do people get mad if I tell them mechanics if we fail them every time.

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You have to level trusts.

Should I take a crafter to 80 first or level theme evenly? Do I do the crafting questlines?

You are vote kicking your healer casting zero damage gcds during dungeons for being afk, right user

>Should I take a crafter to 80 first or level theme evenly?

Take one to 80 first. One by one. Do the Mission Allowance daily quests.

>Do I do the crafting questlines?
Gee, you fucking think so?

and this is why pvp is always the true endgame

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Why are you spoiling the fight you dumb fucking nigger? Explain mechanics if you wipe to them, not before.

>spoiling a fight
What is it a fucking novel?

>Gee, you fucking think so?

I'm asking because the only thing you needed was Braygot's Blessing, but now everyone has it.

You need Piece by Piece too
Not sure why they didn't make that all jobs, it's more important than Blessing

Fuck off faggot and let people experience the fight blind.

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Don't all crafters need stuff from other crafters and gatherers? Wouldn't it be better to level them at the same time?

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Didn't Piece by Piece get nerfted?

>New mechanics
Pick one

Why is the XIV community so toxic as of late?!

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People think anything negative is toxic. Stupid meme word that is being used as a blanket word to mean anything they don't like.

What fight has the biggest BRAIN check in the game?

>random bitch feeds vodka to cat and throws it across the room
>police involved
>twitch doesn't move a finger
>scott reads his death threat on stream
>30 days ban
How about looking at the garbage twitch mod community instead of looking at XIV?

>play rpg
>friend looks up gamefaqs/or has beaten it and gives you all the easy overpowered strategies
>The game is too easy and all the fun is reduced to being too strong

shut up greylet

>*spoils you about Susano's sword clash*
>*spoils you about Exdeath phase transition*
>*spoils you about Gosetsu's arrival*
>*spoils you about Hades transition*
>"But think of how valuable MY time is!"
If you're doing old content, you let them do the fight once or twice, then explain if they fail to catch on, end of story.

Tranny death squad gon get you next xe're coming

Based on roulette experience? Unironically E2 for normal modes at least. It's literally a fucking jebait, just stay stacked and then spread the circle AOEs after the stack lands. It's super simple, yet somehow these shitters even when they've done it before can't keep track of two timers.

If we're talking big boy content then O3S was probably the last fight that genuinely felt big brain.

>scott reads his death threat on stream
You mean
>Scott doxxing someone who sent death threats instead of reporting them
The thot thing is bullshit, yes, but it's not Twitch's fault that Scott went full retard.

Pick none, because you're a faggot if you play MMOs to begin with.

Truly amazing story moments that blind parties will never reach because they all wipe for 30 minutes then disband, epic

And you think faggots like that deserve to experience the fight? Let them wallow in their own incompetence, hopefully they quit before reaching the endgame.

I only watched the clip of him reading the email. And how do you even doxx a throwaway email?

I know you're making a little memey wemey here but it's true, I've never seen a community with shittier players.
If they feel that they've been wronged they'll go out of their way and spend ridiculous amounts of their own time to try and ruin your experience instead of talking shit like a normal person.

>Just say the same person can't grab the sword twice or it's a wipe. So tanks rotate
>you(a faggot): "Waaaah user first time we can't all be orange parsing raiders. Thanks for spoiling!!"

Also no one is doing exdeath savage anymore and not aware of his phase transition. And if you are doing it unsynced and complaining about something like that spoiling you get fucked.

No, what I'm saying is that you don't infodump them at the beginning, or when they wipe to a mechanic before the cool shit happens. Let them wipe and struggle a bit, it's fun as a first timer. And clearly my examples were from the past, and yes I was spoiled about the phase transition because one faggot in our group didn't get the "we do this blind beginning to end" memo and was too preoccupied about getting his gay weapon and bragging rights ASAP, but that's a story for a different time.

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The video straight out contradicts what you just said.

I didn't watch it, I'm just speaking of my own experiences in the duty finder.
People are just incredibly fucking stupid and hateful.
It's always the mentors and players with 10+ max level classes too.
Most people I've seen admit that they're ex-WoW players listen to advice and don't start just throwing tantrums immediately.

>wowfugee comes to XIV
>why doesn't XIV does this like WoW
>why doesn't XIV does that like WoW
>this and that was better on WoW
>XIV community : Holy fuck, fuck off back to wow
>WoWfugees : wow, why is XIV community so toxic and act so nationalist and xenophonic
Literally this whole video.

Mentors are only mentors for the mount, they aren't there to help you or give a shit about you or any other player.

Tbh, they are both streamlined and casualized games aimed at the average joe.

>Mentors are only mentors for the mount
they're there for the burger crown. even retarded mentors are capable of realising that doing 2k (or is it 3k) mentor roulettes is a monstrously difficult task

i just got 3 comms in ridorana as a freestyle SAM because i don't know how the fuck to play SAM

>XIV raids
>fine tuned to be able to be cleared with gear released on day 1
>no gating
>mechanics are difficult and include variations

>WOW raids
>move out of aoe and clap

>Yfw the upcoming oblivion remix for the Shiva fight
Flex it on me daddy soken

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>Giving this uberfaggot clicks
Of all the XIV content creators, he's the most reprehensible one by far.

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>mfw Soken finally fixes Ifrit's theme with a remix

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Real talk, how do people feel about Blizzards more hands-on approach to their world first? This was the first time I actually decided to check what was up but they've had a couple of nerf patches and I didn't realise different regions had the raid tier released on different days.

I don't care about WoW, never did, I just want to talk about XIV tbqh

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>Get Omega in Raid roulette as a Healer
>GNB MT never uses any defense buffs for tankbuster
>SCH doesn't give any shields or healing at all
>Everyones ignoring the fists flying at us
>Nobody is dodging any mechanic
>Second Phase fucking WAR walks into the insta death wall
What the fuck even was that?

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I would too but I just got out of doing Lighthouse in raid roulette and need to mellow out before playing again.

Why would anyone release a raid that they know it can't be cleared before changes? It's clearly to keep publicity with the world first race.
The moment they get bored or start seeing publicity returns diminishing they nerf it so people can finally clear.

an above average pug

If only they were there just for the burger king crown, those fuckers are downright malicious.
They only use it as an excuse to act like bellends because clearly they're better than you and it's definitely your non crown wearing ass that's at fault when they repeatedly die for doing stupid shit and not listening.

Would you watch this

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FFXIV Tranny shill thread

>as of late
I have played since ARR and I'm getting called a "wowfugee" constantly.

The guy who got banned was literally kissing FFXIVs ass so hard you could smell yoshi Ps ass from his mouth. And then he dared to drop the ultimate bomb shell. "I'm not satisfied with eden". That's literally all it took for the community you are defending to send him death threats.

>That's literally all it took for the community you are defending to send him death threats.
It was only one guy and Scott was being an idiot.

Theres legit nothing wrong with primal judgement.

>And then he dared to drop the ultimate bomb shell. "I'm not satisfied with eden".
And most people told like they say on these threads, wait for savage. Just because one autist burned down kyoani it doesn't mean every single person who disliked moeshit wanted to burn the studio.

Plus, anyone could've sent him that, even a WoWfaggot who wanted to stir up shit to get him to play wow again.

> literally all it took for the community you are defending to send him death threats
You stupid nugger, merely existing is enough to get some in a community to send you "death threats".

This. Literally ANY online personality with a sizable enough audience can pull that card, it means absolutely nothing.

>"I'm not satisfied with eden".
He said that because he has literally never seen an expansion launch before.
Literally everyone uses this time to level their shit. Do a Savage and shit before 5.1 comes and we get the new MQS stuff, 2 new dungeons, 24 man, a new ex, new game plus if youre so inclined, the ishgard rebuilding thing and possibly this time a new relic quest.

Scottzone is just a fag and not used to FFXIV expansion launches.

>And most people told like they say on these threads, wait for savage.
This. If he didn't like Eden normal then that's fine, but he based his judgement on previous savage and ultimate fights he did not experience at their respective release. Not to mention he seems to have zero patience in general.

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Exactly 0 of the Soulsborne bosses have particularly interesting or new mechanics. They are all like the definition of "don't stand in shit".

More movement options pressing sprint and running in one direction isn't engaging. Now rolling, climbing, crouching, proning. If you designed bosses around this simple change you already have an infinitely more challenging and fun combat system. But, I do enjoy tab targeting more than action based mmo's. If there was a fusion of the two that'd be cool. Think of it like tab target parkour.

>throwaway garbled name email
oh no, are they gonna stalk [email protected] irl now?

the only other not dead mmo to do this is ff14 wdym.

>without mentioning weak auras made by the player themselves. which takes more brainpower than any avg player has.

It's not cool to dox seawolf roe players.

but the same person can grab the sword on normal

theres literally 0 reason to talk about anything when people see susano for the first time

>PvP not being a hive of wintraders who have been rigging it since 2.0
pick one or go back to your discord.

Alright guys I'm sure you've all seen this by now, and some of you may have seen this person's BLM parses where they pulled triple digits in E4
Well in a shocking update that doesn't surprise anyone at this same player is also a terrible tank, new picture to follow

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How is healing in this game? White mage, right? Is he good?

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this reminds me, today I ran holminster switch and the BLM had less DPS than the tank, and about half of what a BLM should do in that dungeon. Apparantly they did the proper rotation for the most part, but they did Blizz4 before using Blizz3 to go to Umbral Ice. It's crazy how just one regular fuck up like that can halve your deeps

jesus christ

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I need a chaos tank daddy these DPS queues are shit

Either a master class troll or mentally challenged. The retarded people tend to be the first ones to complain and think they're right though.

Both are fucking autismal, honestly. Giving someone shit over the way they tank in something like Ravel and the tank being triggered that people want him to do more damage when they actually died not to not dealing enough damage but because the tank couldn't dodge aoe.

jesus, rip them

i wonder how many whispers they get now

Holy fuck, I just looked at that BLM Titan parse. It's literally just Blizzard 3 -> Flare on repeat for the whole fight

Why do some people have to be this autistic? What's wrong with the old "Please don't pull big. I'm not very good at healing."?
Okay, this autismo really needs fuck off and look for a different game to play.

Treat DPS queues as an opportunity to explore what the game has to offer besides instances, like fishing or beast tribe quests

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Here's a sample of what they parse for anyone that hasn't seen it yet

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Meant to reply to


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How much money are we betting that this is a former WoW player? They certainly play BLM like a WoW class.

its an elezen wtf

why did i think it would be aura
am i ffxiv racist

Sounds like it considering the 2 decade thing.

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I never said I did an info dump at the beginning. I'll use E1 for instance, it took me 50 minutes to complete it because my OT was lazy and people liked to either stack up during aoe spam or stay in front of E. Prime.

It's your tranny detection. Some Au Ra trannies were Duskwights, others stayed that way.

This hurts.
It's like he understood that he can flare twice when under the effect of umbral hearts, but then proceeds to miss the point of the entire rest of the job.

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>endgame difficulty
Who fucking loves this touhou style "difficulty" anyway?
>dodge everything
>1 mistake can ruin literally everything
Wow, fun.

As a lvl70-79 DRK in levelling dungeons I feel like I can always pull wall to wall and TBN shines like no tomorrow. We all know how levelling healers can be, and the fact that you're not really outgearing a levelling dungeon and you're often even slightly under doesn't contribute either, but the TBN is just that good in dungeon.

This is my first tank though so I feel compelled to ask, can other tanks feel as secure and still wall to wall as reliably independent of the healer being on netflix or not? I've been looking at GNB for instance and I must say, heart of stone seems weaker in every way which sounds equal to being that more reliant on the healer doing their jobs and that doesn't always happen as well as it should.

Try playing TERA's old 5 man hard mode dungeons

>Wait for savage argument
>When he said more diversity would make the pacing of the raid better
XIV is full of retards

I did, those were fun.

It's pretty hard considering they use shit tick rates and you still might be hit even if you're out of something.

>touhou style "difficulty"
What did he mean by this

Because you're biased with the opinion of au ra = mentally damaged tranny and you're now realize mentally damaged people exist in every race, you just see more au ra and cats because they're the most popular races.


TBN is the worst CD for big pulls and DRK is the squishiest wall to wall tank unless we ignore PLD's Clemency, in which case it's a toss up between the two.

I hope we get concerts just with ShB music.

Yeah, GNB got stone. War health leech is great on mobs and PLD might as well be a second healer.


>avoid telegraphed spell
Embarassing, even vanilla had more creative mechanics.

imagine being this obsessed trying to force your meme of aura's being trannies. kill yourself.

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I don't understand why Wowgroids use "telegraphed" as an insult.
Do you want mechanics to just happen entirely randomly?

>I will not adapt, adjust or even try to do anything outside of the most boring shit
>if you boot me I'm telling on you
It's fine to be shit, but don't act like it's my fault. I always pull big without warning, and 90% of pugs keep me alive just fine so long as I keep the damage mitigation rotating.
It's a fucking game anyway. Even if I eat shit, who cares? Is this person even having fun anymore?

It's the truth though.

So where are all these toxic gamers at? Even when I'm doing my worst 99.9% of the people I play with are too much of a docile bitch to ever say anything.

>Watch some Ultimate bahamut kills
>People barely communicate
>Because you barely need to cooperate with each other and you spend most of your time spreading and stacking
Even if it's harder than WoW that shit is boring as fuck

WoW is far harder than XIV

I want mechanics to blend with the environment and the theme, not magical hard-edged polygons from heaven.

When will XIV catch up with WoW's subscription numbers?

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Been lvling sch so here's my two cents on running with the tanks
PLD and WAR are alright and have their own tools to help them keep going
DRKs always seem to fucking melt any time that TBN isn't active and GNBs aren't much better

>it's e-celeb, parse, and wowfugee shit again

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Have some RNG in your mechanics so you players actually need to communicate with each other

TBN is the best CD for big damage bursts, not so much for continued damage.

why do wow players have a tendency measure the simplest fights in xiv by the standards of the complex fights in wow?

as if wow doesnt have "dont stand in the fire" bosses

All the female auras I've met are women. I've even met and fucked with one and another webcammed on video for me riding a dildo. Most of my healers that play female aura or miqote have also been female as well.
>b-b-b-b-but tranny
dilate. This game is filled with disgusting fujoshit than trannies. Again, kill yourself.


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Command missions are the best way to get XP from like 20-50 and give a lot more XP with food buffs, FC buff, and Aetherite earrings compared to PoTD right? When does it stop becoming "good"? I heard working with them in Wanderer's Palace is a nightmare.

Did you finish reading the post? I addressed stone directly. It has a much longer cooldown meaning you'll use it that much less often during the same pack and the damage reduction is only 15%. You'd have to take like 200% of your hp in damage during those 7 seconds for it to result in higher mitigation than TBN, and if you're taking that much damage in 7 seconds chances are your healer will let you die before he pauses netflix.

You only need to communicate with others while learning the fight. After a kill you should know where to go straight away.

I remember coil and alexander raids too.

You associate a meme with reality. 90% of the players of any race are harmless, it's just the 10% that make you think the memes apply to every player of that race.

95% of the work you do in Ultimate is preparation, talking with the team before getting into the fight and repetition. You only communicate often when progging new stuff.

Our chatlogs for UwU and Bahamut are like. fucking novel-tier long.

why do you think that TBN is the worst for big pulls? have you done the math?

Why do you keep bullying this dude?

>needing to communicate still after wiping after 100 hours of prog after poopsocking the fight for 1 week minimum
wowfags are even more pathetic than I imagined.