
Does this actually increase their appeal for modern gamers?

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They look like they fuck black guys

shut the fuck up waifufags

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Only if you self insert as your favorite one's

it's meant to appeal to old kunio fans (ie me)

if Misako dumped Kunio or vice versa I'd be fuckin pissed

Kyoko is Riki's like, 3rd or 4th Girlfriend canonically so who cares but Misako and Kunio are precious

Its good to know that they are not LGBTQ atleast

thank god, so sick of disgusting tribal lesbian dyke bullshit.
i dont think lesbians are cute
theyre fucking gross.
And the only purpose they have in the world is to replace men.

BASED, yuritrannycucks on suicide watch BASED

also based

user, you're as mentally ill as a tranny

Good. Let the roasties fuck some black dudes and leave the cute whites for me.

so we can just look forward to this same fucking thread every day until a month after release?

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All white women fuck black guys, sorry user, it's just nature

>cuck city girls

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He's probably a tranny mad lesbians don't want his flesh cave

>From the creators of Silent Hill Book of Memories

That's a big yiik (pronounced yick) from be daddyo.

I'm talking about the cute white guys, user.

>shes ugly I swear!!

but user not all white women are single mothers


im straight male.
Lesbians contribute to the incel problem of america. The whole point of lesbians is making women more unattainable and devaluing the male body.
Id argue the rise of lesbians is the reason why its so hard for men to get dates on tinder and shit.
lesbians might be worst than girls that get blacked

nice cope c/u/cks



They want the cuck audience.

>write like a retarded ESL
like clockwork

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yuri fags are the cucks.
having boyfriends means you can self insert. youre supposed to feel like youre a guy who has a girl fighting a bunch of people to get to you.
write back with less buzzwords, and ill take what you say more seriously.

>cuck, cuck, cuck
like clockwork

>I shall protect thee, my queen. Leave these Yea Forums ruffians to me while you please Tyrone.

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>implying your initial post wasn't full of buzzwords

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

possibly, but i want pure maidens only

>yuri cucks seething this hard

No need to describe your posts

cause youll expose yourself? i understand

Imagine always needing to insert yourself into the situation. You're like the fat chicks who need all female characters to be as hideous as them.
You can enjoy characters without pretending they want to fuck you.

>he thinks im white

write back with less buzzwords, and ill take what you say more seriously.

Wait, wait, I keep seeing this thread, I didn't realise these bitches were the long time fucking partners of Kunio and Riki though.

How are you this butthurt about a basic fact that we've all known for, what, DECADES at this point? Did EOPs really not play the '94 SNES release?

It's a shitposting thread made to pretend you're butthurt

>copying my posts
the absolute state of yuri cucks.
be honest
how many yuri cucks here are discord trannies trying to promote GIRL POWER?

It's just such a bizarre aspect to fixate on, though. I get that maybe the guy is just trying to viral market a new Kunio-kun game, but is the cuck/anti-cuck userbase big enough to warrant this form of attack?

yeah by looking at /int/ archive, and comparing filenames, I discovered you are an american. Indeed you are not white

He's just a mentally ill retard don't bother

You mean let black guys fuck white women so more black girls for me.

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its really scary what yuri fags are doing.
How many classic straight females in vidya will be rewritten to be lesbians cause yuri fags need to fap?
i dont think all these guys that want women to be lesbians know what damage they are doing. Lesbians are 100% one sided; in that they only praise female and programs people minds (even girls) into believing that only females deserve attention and to be attractive.
Is it any coincedence, that as more and more yuri shows up in anime and art, that the incel crises rises?
Think about it. When did yuri and lesbo bullshit all come out? the 2000. And only became more extreme and autistic in the 2010s; the same time as incels became prevalent and male virginity risen.
We have never had an incel crisis like this, yet, it shows up right when lesbians are becoming mainstream.
Just someone fucking think and notice this.

The fact that a game developer will get flac for making canon straight females, straight like they were intended, is scary. I think we need to emphasize to people just how sick, demented, and damaging yuri fags really are.

lets face it the black girls who do look like that are so rare compared to the big fat ones. also those people in your pic are probably only in their 20s

Get some help, man. I've seen people who are a bit nuts before, but at least they can create logical arguments. Your post is literal gibberish, you need some fucking meds.

The idea of a "yuri conspiracy" is just madness.

At this point I wonder if it's not an actual yurifag falseflagging

Wow a different type of shitpost in a River City Girls thread, how about that.

yes you are supposed to care about their boyfriends female

but self inserting is also for cucks, not only are you using another man to fuck your waifu, but your also sharing that man with untold number of other guys meaning you are not only sharing your own body but sharing your waifu which is mega cucked

>lets face it the black girls who do look like that are so rare compared to the big fat ones
I guess i got lucky then with my girlfriend.

I'm still not feeling it.

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sorry youre too retarded to understand.
but i think its easy to see why yuri and lesbians are the ones that contribute to the incel crisis and khhv. If all guys (and girls) want to see in their shows and anime is yuri couples, and that yuri is the most sought after thing to see in a show, how does that contribute to real life? All the personality and quirks a guy has is not desirable to the public, hence why females get more attention online and have much easier time getting dates. In this day and age, the average girl will have more sexual experience with other girls than the average guy, and i say this looking at the sucess of lesbians on tinder.

What does it say about society, that there are this many people outraged over girls being straight? Why do i even have to come to this thread, and say all the yuri fags are retarded for being mad about canonically straight females being straight? People now want to rewrite actual straight females (like this game) and to make them lesbos? Why? Are straight females eternally flawed now? Should every guy in the world be celibate and only girls get to have sex with each other.

Why are there so many fucking females who love yuri but hate yaoi? But its not the other way around with guys?
Why are there so many fucking females who only fap to lesbian porn, but not gay porn at all?
im not saying guys should go gay. But that we should stop shoving yuri into everything. Cause now its normal for "straight" females to like yuri.
Has anyone ever thought, that the reason its so hard for men to get dates, is because women dont even look at men for their porn, and just look at other females?

I mean, i could go on and on, how lesbians warped society.
Just look at the 60s and 70s; the easiest time ever for a guy to get laid. And during this time, there were gay bars (gay men only) all over the place. Gay men were rampant, but lesbian bars not so much.

Yeah, i guess all the girls who were obsessed with Twilight back in the day, just had a cuckold fetish. They were not self inserting as the protagonist getting hit on by edward and jacob at all. No, they were all just there to watch another girl steal their husbandos.

>Should every guy in the world be celibate and only girls get to have sex with each other.
Of course not. Guys should make love to other guys.

>incel crisis
The term is "natural selection"

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not really, girls will not play this game

IDGAF about this whole argument, but girls aren't into guys who haven't fucked a few other girls before them.

Eric and Dylan were obsessed with the concept of natural selection. They forced into everything they talked about. They tried to justify robbing a mans car at night because of natural selection.

Just want you to consider that.

Here's what's really happening. I'm dead serious:
They're angling to make this appealing to girls. Girls want the cute boyfriends.
HOWEVER, girls are not their true target audience. Oh no no. This is actually targeted to all the neckbeards and basedboys who enjoy girly things. The men who watch sailor moon and K-On! and Magical Madoka, all those other """for girls""" shows.

Imagine taking the time to write this garbage

Ok, gonna give this a wide berth then. Thanks for the heads up.
I just want a good, non-VN yuri game. Guess that's too much to ask for.

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youre probably gonna call me a cuck larp, or cope or whatever.
but i knew a slutty female friend, offered to fuck me, and said she wanted to fuck a virgin. I felt offended, and said that i had actually lost it highschool, and she immediately turn me down and said she didnt want to fuck.
I of course, said i was just kidding, about the highschool thing, and proceed to fuck said female friend.

If you even watched the trailer it's pretty obvious that it's meant to appeal to beat 'em up fans. There's nothing particularly feminine about throwing bikes at people. There is no girly aspect to the gameplay.

how can one person lack so much self awarness, it must be a bot

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No I don't post those because I'm not a fucking moron.
Of course there are exceptions, I was making a generalization. And I'm guessing that girl also liked to fuck experienced dudes. Sounds like she fucked a bit of everything.

and then natural selection took care of them

>There is no girly aspect to the gameplay.
Boy are you dull.

>Does this actually increase their appeal for modern gamers?
No, but it doesn't reduce the appeal either.
I simply do not care.

everything seems like garbage at the first point.
In the 1800s, when people were writing about ending segregation and that all men, no matter the race, are created equal, that was seen as garbage.
the point is, is to get ideas across, and spread the word, influence people who can influence other people.

they made them look like corean fuckboys

Well I'm convinced.

>You don't like used goods? You must want lesbians!

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Lose weight fatass

You don't understand bro it's all a conspiracy from the secret dyke society

day of the rope soon

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Game made for literal cucks

vaginaboy detected

I'm not going to fall into this trap. I can sit here and explain all the girly aspects of it, but you'll just deny and feign ignorance. It's obvious to anyone who isn't trying to win a petty dispute. You either see it, or you're blind deff and dumb.

Anyway, all we can do, as actual straight males that dont want to be incels, is hope this game sells well, and it makes company produce more straight oriented games about females actually seeking out men.
But, we live in a world, where Lesbian K pop idols sell out concerts across the world. Ive been to K pop club at my school, and all there girls there could hardly give a fuck about boy bands, but went crazy over lesbian scenes in k pop videos.
And we wonder why theres an incel crises?

So, if this game fails, and yuri becomes more popular in games. i just, who even cares. the world is too far from fuck anyway.
but, this game gives me a bit of hope in humanity, not gonna lie.

You're obsessing about lesbians more than yurifags

>I'm not going to fall into the trap of making a sound argument

I'd rather have an Asian girl than her Jew looking ass.


"My favorite Militia are the boy scouts!!"

Is this how normalfags cope?

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