Switches to the winning team in the last minute

>Switches to the winning team in the last minute.
Why do people do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>including garanteed 500k sales from epic
Coffee stain turned into a laughing stock with their diva move.

El que hace trofeos de los hombres...

Has anyone even tried it?

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>doesn't actually know what that crap entailed
It had nothing to do with this dumb shit. They never bought their own keys from their own store, dumb ass. I don't even have the epic launcher installed and i know this much.

>shitstain studio

El mariposo...

>"boo fucking hoo we only sold nine copies of our shitty Factorio clone."
>haha, faget
>"A-actually we sold FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND copies! T-take that, pirates!"

Attached: 1548193281175.gif (275x200, 985K)

Pirated it but it wasn't worth the hard drive space.
Imagine Factorio but a thousand times more shallow and tedious.

It gets better lategame when you have more shit to do, but it will never come close to Factorio, it just simply can't. It's fun coop though.

Sounds bleek. I wish somebody more competent would just rip off their idea (which they probably took from factorio) and release a better game on steam before they do, just to fuck them over.
Can't we have a Tim Sweeny who rather than fucking up the consumer, develops recoates of games from other,s to put them on steam just before the money hungry fags could do. That would spice up the market.

>made goat simulator instead of Sanctum 3
>went to EGS and made Satisfactory instead of Sanctum 3
>sold 7374 copies but got 500,000 free because they finally realized they fucked up by not making Sanctum 3 and needed a bail out plan
Was it worth it, Creatura Stain Studios?
Would it have been that had to make Sanctum 3?

Did you seriously think they only sold 9 copies?

Have Steam drones ever been so BTFO?

You mean like Epic shills have? No.

Kek yeah sure, and Im certain the store that approached samsho was definitely nor epic, right?

Except that even if it was, Epic and their policy on copies sold is them saying they will cover the cost of revenue earned as if it cold x amount of units, because they make a deal with a company saying that "it will sell x units or we will cover the difference". They never said they bought their own copies from their store, you fucking idiot.

they're used to it by now

>We promise you that if you come to our store, we will give you a bag of money and promise you a minimum of 500,000 units will be sold!
>If not, we'll simply pay you the amount you would've made if you had sold 500k units!
>But oh no, we wont buy it from you! Even though if we did, we'd not only give you the money you wouldve gotten, but also fatten up your sales numbers!
Kek you have to be a Grade-A professional retard to not see this

Shopping cart
There, now you're btfo, epicfag

it will get it added soon. The focus right now is getting people to the store and create a large consumer base which is a smart decision by EPIC's part.

>The focus right now is getting people to the store and create a large consumer base
>MW5 dev had to beg people online to stop refunding after egs exclusive
Yep, can see the large dedicated consumerbase at work

>Sells significantly fewer copies than the game it's ripping off
Good job Tim you sure showed Gabe and the millions of copies Factorio sold on his store.

>500k copies bought by epic themselves
>7374 copies from actual people
So this is the power of EGS exclusives?

>I don't even have the epic launcher installed
How shameful, a product so shit even your paid shills don't use it.

>>MW5 dev had to beg people online to stop refunding after egs exclusive

You mean the consumer base that'll disappear the very nanosecond Tim stops buying exclusives?
Nobody is going to use the Epic store by choice if there's any other option. I'd rather use fucking Origin.

>next year

Did you seriously think they actually sold 500k copies?
>The focus right now is getting people to the store
You could do that by having better user features than steam, like a shopping cart.

It's very convenient that they can just pull any number out of their ass and we have no possible way to verify it because EGS doesn't have peak players numbers or any feature like it

Except that in your scenario epic wouldn't be buying it from the devs, they would be buying it from themselves, which makes no sense and there is no reason to think this is what they do when they never said or implied that they did. Your gay storefront wars show how fucking stupid all of you are, you're basically consolefags now. The only reasonmyou're truing to make this dumb fuck argument is because of the epic meme. You all just bicker over what shitty spyware app to use instead of optong out for drm free alternatives or just pirating. You're pots calling a kettle a nigger.

Even as someone who does nothing but pirate games, this shit is way too entertaining to watch from the sidelines. This is sony nigger tier coping. I thought you guys were above this kind of stuff?

>someone who does nothing but pirate games
I love how all posts that carry this disclaimer always shill for epic. Do you actually think you're fooling anybody?

>Chinkshill english starts breaking down
And I do opt for DRM free versions. Which is why I hate egs for removing Phoenix point from GOG

fuck off, dumb shit.

>It's fun coop though.
Literally anything can be fun in coop.

kind of interesting how literally nobody is playing the game despite those sales figures

>you didn't mention that you don't support epic? Shill!
>you mentioned that you pirate their games? Fucking shill!!!!
Is this what schizophrenics are like?

EGS games are DRM-free you drone.

>reading comprehension is shit
Like clockwork

Why do epic trolls keep spamming this? Are you really this insecure about your inferior platform choice?

Epic doesn't have DRM, which is why pirating games from it is so easy. There's nothing to crack, like GOG or Windows games. Only steam, origin, uplay, bethesda, and battlenet have built in drm.

>i swear we sold over half a million copies
>not a single thread actually discusing gameplay
>barely any stream
>no talks what so ever bout the game
who are they trying to convince?
only thing it did, telling us how many copies epic funds

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>Shopping ca-

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Gee I wonder

Bad goy, shopping cart good, so publisher can easily "offer" you to buy 9999 extra dlcs, be a good steam goy and stop questioning.

>only announces the sales figures after the sale started instead of like WWZ which announced the 250k one week into the release
Come on now

>EGS games are DRM-free
>But you must install EGS and download the game, because physical CDs dont have the game installer
Also if they're drm free, where are the GOG versions?

t. paid steam shill defending his jewish master
Go suck on gabens cock, faggot.

They've been btfo from the very beginning.

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>guys, see Im totally not a shill! I dont care which store sells what because I pirate everything anyway! oh and did you know steam is a monopoly and epic is the only true competition?
Every fucking time

>all the steamcel coping

Can't wait for Borderlands 3 to sold millions, then Yea Forums it's gonna be in full damage control

I don't know who this is. Reading the thread, I assume it's someone who went epic exclusive, and their game didn't sell well, so now that guarantee money is kicking in? Where's the controversy besides them being gay sellouts?

There are no garunteed copies, they just make up the difference In profits if you don't sell many.
Now Disney on the other hand

>There are no garunteed copies
You can vomit this shilling drivel all you want, doesnt make it any less false

Would you stop posting this gross fucking LGBT animal. It's not enough that he's an ugly disgusting retard, he's also super gay and uses his game's discord to tell literal children about how he prefers Black men, how gay fisting works and he BRAGS ABOUT HIS COCK RING collection to them. Cock rings he uses for uprotected sex with dudes who are the highest AIDS risk on the planet. He's a thoroughly gross fucking animal.

And reminder that this retard took ~4 months to make 1/3 of the sales that normal indies make in a matter of days on Steam. and only 1/6th of the sales that games of its type make in 4 months.

Thread hidden. Faggot.

>The first game that will come out of egs exclusivity
Cant wait for the millions of steam sales and all the damage control from egs shills

Dude sounds like a disgusting, reprehensible faggot

But so are Steam drones, and the fact that he triggers you guys makes him based

The most retarded thing about EGS is that its entirely ran by fortnite sales, if fortnite for whatever reason loses trend, it will kill the entire store which relies on loss of sales being remade by fortnite money.

Do all of you retards just enjoy being miserable shits? You fucks along with all the other shitposters ruined v. It was barely three years ago you could go to v and not have 95% of the board be shitposting for yous or useless arguments.


Well, that's the whole reason why Tim so desperate to build a user base. No one would switch to his shitty store under normal circumstances, so he's bribing insecure devs for exclusivity.

>What is unreal
>Why is almost every epic exclusive made in unreal
It's time to accept the truth

Attached: EpicGamesStore_InfoGraphic.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Steamcels getting booty blasted again

Yea Forums is already in full damage control. Steam drones cant realize they lost and EGS is here to stay and dethrone Steam eventually, and no amount of screeching on basket weaving forum or reddit will change that.

>all those discounts
>even then everybody released on steam
>every single egs exclusive went exclusive only when given a big sack of cash

DO you really think he could bribe devs to the level he is currently doing only with Unreal sales? If anything, Unreal sales is what he needs to pay his employees and while it's true there would be a lot of money left, I don't think it would be enough to call Gearbox and say "Hey, your game will sell 5 million copies on my platform and if it doesn't I will personally give whatever cash you need to reach the equivalent of 5 million copies sold"? That's a lot of money and is basically what he is saying to guarantee exclusivity.

>Barely 3 years ago
It's almost as if something happened in 2016 that brought in loads of newfags and lowered the level of discourse even further. But what could it be? What could have happened in 2016...

Oh this is just fucking sad

>It was barely three years ago you could go to v and not have 95% of the board be shitposting
You're full of shit.
Yea Forums was just as shitty as it was now back then, just a different kind of shitty.

>and if it doesn't I will personally buy whatever number of copies you need to reach the target of 5 million copies sold

EGS has DRM, I wasn't able to launch Tetris Effect after I refunded it. I needed to get a crack.

cope more

Epic Store was never about the revenue split, game publishers literally get monetary compensation by signing epic exclusive contract for selling less copies than they would they do if they sold on more platforms. The only way to stop Epic store exclusive deals would be for Steam to go full monopoly mode and start signing exclusive deals for all their games so that game publishers would be legally unable to switch in last minute to Epic Store.

>needed a crack
the DRM is literally it checking for the launcher
something you can VERY easily change by a FUCKING INI CHANGE you retard

>generic cope response
Next will be seethe harder steamdrone or dilate
Chinks really have no creativity, do they?
Also samefagging because nobody will bite your bait is just fucking sad, even for you

I mean, Subnautica Sub Zero has about 1k sold copies on EGS. Around 280k on Steam.

Are you retarded for real or just joking?

>game checks for the legit EGS launcher to run
Doesnt that make the EGS launcher a DRM then, you absolute fucking imbecile?

>two people agree on the subject
>i disagree with them
>therefore its the same person
You are mentally ill. Seek help.

>"Also smash capitalism comrades!"

>Subnautica Sub Zero has about 1k sold copies on EGS
Obviously no source, just regular steamdrone lies

Why exactly does Valve need to stop Epic? At the end of the day, they're giving safety nets to devs, who'll then make more games, who'll inevitably put their games on Steam as well because it's always good to double dip.

Pro-Epic bros already said it, "it's just another launcher." It literally doesn't matter what you install. That means Steam isn't really losing users, but sharing it with everybody else. So while Epic is giving money to devs to make better games, Valve will be busy trying to penetrate all those pirate-prolific markets to further expand potential digital storefront customers on the PC.

It's Win-Win for everybody and Gaben doesn't even need to give anyone exclusivity money.

What did I miss now

>literally one guy shitposting to cause a storm
>Aiyah! I'm totarri not dat gai! Steem monoporiii!
I wonder why the chinkshills are so uppity today?

>copies sold 7374

This. Tim is trying to be aggressive but he isn't seeing the bigger picture.
Phil Spencer sees it.

>oh no Subnautica sold way more on Epic!
I thought that game went free on EGS? So how many EGS players does it have? How many units did it sell? Come now epicshill, if the steamdrone is lying, surely you can prove it easily?


Laugh with me, my friend

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The deal is they buy X amount of copies upfront no matter how the game performs, but then you don't get any additional money until you have sold that same amount again. It's basically an advance payment that has nearly always resulted in a loss for Epic.

>expecting epicshills to understand logic
They think Sweeney is a big hero because he gives away free games on his store, on a platform where you can pirate literally anything BEFORE the game even officially releases

He talks about the expansion you retard. Original game was free, expansion wasnt. I have no idea how many copies did it sell, but im not spewing lies like braindead steam drones.

>that image
Don’t you get tired, Listfag?

>If I pull something out my asshole then try to deflect I'll get away with it
Honestly, Steam drones, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.

(Reminder Steam drones have never proven me wrong about this list and instead just say things like "NOBODY CARES ABOUT ARTIFACT!!!1")

Support for VR

>jump ship on the platform a majority of your customers want to use in favor of a publicly hated platform
>suddenly get worried when people jump ship

I guess they should've negotiated for more chink bux if they think refunds might actually hurt their perceived profit.

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Based epicchad purging some steamshills

Attached: EVERYDAY IM SHUFFLIN(1).png (680x352, 171K)

But what about GOG? Greedy publishers/devs still don't want to make their games DRM-free for some reason.

>Nuh uh it totally sold on Epic! It sold lots on Epic! I dont have proof but it sold LOTS ON EPIC!
keep going please. This is comedy gold
>this copypasta again
Kek good luck proving any of that garbage is true

>let me just not mention all the good things steam did and is still doing while turning every try into "you should have known!". Steam bad!!!!111
the absolute state of a malfunctioning npc.

Attached: who are you.png (471x560, 339K)

Another autistic Epic thread, another reminder that Epic shill shitposting is done by an INCREDIBLY mentally ill shitposter that only makes threads on Yea Forums to bait (You)s and shit up the board.
Here he fucks up during posting the shitpost copypasta for Monster Hunter World with a picture that he uses for Epic shill copypasta:
The mods have confirmed that this guy is a huge autist that uses proxies and creates endless shitty threads, because he has nothing better to do with his life.

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>everything release on steam
That's the biggest cope, back to reality my steamcell friend, your platform is dying

Attached: face of steam2.jpg (780x515, 417K)

>accuses the other guy of deflecting
>deflects the question with copypasta
How many copies of that subnautica expansion did egs manage to sell?

OK let me rephrase that
Epic sucks but there are no garunteed sales.

>deflection again
Every single EGS game was slated for a steam release and your delusional raving wont change that
The simplest proof of this statement is that all egs exclusives are timed, and after the time ends, will come to steam anyway. So much for steam being a dying platform huh, epicshill?

>we sold 50 bobillion copies
>what do you mean what's the player count?

1000 copies, steamdrone. Sales are very bad. Its okay. Now take your pills.

kek good one
>1k copies sold on egs
seriously, how many did egs actually sell?

>6 month old game release on a dead platform
Based and deadpilled

Factorio has sold over 2m on Steam, shit has probably doubled by now since most profiles are private by default now. But good for him for scraping the bottom of the barrel for profits lmao

Fucking my friend Pedro, sold half that much within a week of two of that game's launch.

based janny

>dead platform
are we talking about EGS?

So everyone is a shill? If I said I hat epic and like steam would you still screech about shills? You're fucking obsessed with epic, which is the funniest part. You see them even when people don't mention them.

DRM free doesn't mean it has to be on another launcher. Do you even know what DRM is?

>Face of steam
You realize steam store pages are different depending on set preferences and purchase history.

Hey check it out, the epicshill is back

Steamcells are mentally ill user

paid actor and will be forgotten.

So you don't know what DRM is?

the game literally had so few sales on release that they made a tweet crying about it, and not only that, i have not seen a single person even play or mention it, LOL. no, the game did not sell 500,000 copies without epic buying them.

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This sure looks like the forum of a game with 500k owners.

>in 2019

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