Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

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Other urls found in this thread:'t cash in on fads/type/op/

both because they keep normie faggots like yourself from good games OP

What in the fuck is going on?

Did someone from 2013 just wake up from his six year coma or something?

I don't know but I'm okay with it, I miss these LoL vs Dota shitflinging threads so much and this meme genre was so much more interesting than hero shooters and battle royales
I have an entire folderful of this stuff and it's fun to be able to use it again

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they stole a deviantart OC and made it a champion too, after that they banned the champ design team from the website and from fanfic

Man it is such a shame Cho'Gath has cool looking art work and concept (Eldritch abomination who is set out to eat literally everything in reality) but his in game model is TRASH.

Attached: Cho'gath.jpg (1215x683, 59K)

>they stole a deviantart OC and made it a champion too
What champion?

>no high-ground
>no micromanagement
>no verticality
>no denying
>no aghanim's scepter
>streamlined attack animations
>no animation cancelling
>streamlined stats
>no morphling
>no rubick
>no cliffs
>no mana-burn
>no night-time (night vision)
>no active items
>no blink dagger
>no shadow blade
>no tread switching
>no armlet toggling
>no stacking
>no wave-cutting
>no pulling
>visible health/mana of your opponents

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I prefer dota because it has managed to keep out the worst of the lolsorandomxD shit that is so prevelent in other assfaggots. It still has stupid sets but nothing as terrivle as janitor skeleton king or various beach themed skins.

Shota Invoker may be balancing on a very thin line though.


DOTA2 has the ugliest art direction I ever seen. It looks like classic WoW, but somehow uglier.

i like league because the queues aren't 5 minutes long

>both because they keep normie faggots like yourself from good games OP
what are some good games?

Female invoker would be infinitely better. Kid invoker is fucking retarded. Valve manage to get as close as possible to the line as they can. But other games release worse and worse skins each year so the line keeps moving forward. But these stupid skins must make a ton of money because normalfags don't care about art style.

Do you have the DA pic?

league of legends

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t. "ironic" weeb

they steal a ton of shit. new assassin lady is straight up tira from soul calibur

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Wrong, dota has a great and unique art style and every character has alot of personality, lol art style looks like some gacha shit outsourced to china

Shit like that has gone back to when LoL first started where some of the champs are ideas from the Playdota forums Pendragon managed.

>she has the same weapon so they stole it

I wish LoL would fucking slow down on all the new reworks and new champs. Jesus fuck they've all been fucking trash this past year.

yeah, i mean the game was started by a group of dota 1 fans. the first 3 or so seasons of that game were pretty fun, shit has just gone so downhill though. all of the cool and interesting characters have been changed into generic looking garbage just because the normalfags playing it think a kit can be "toxic" instead of learning how to play

that new assassin is the most generic and boring champion released in years. cant believe the concept of an elementalist was thrown away on an assassin more basic than talon

yuumi is good

>Not Dead
>Has actual players from your region that speak your language
>Only has mentally challenged third worlders that will not speak the language of the server they invaded
>Pay2Win Map Skins

I wonder.

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I get that and you can see that come through, but what really happened was that there were some champs that were taken from the playdota forums that were originally ideas for DOTA heroes before Pendragon turned the site into a literal advertisement for LoL, taking the hero ideas without permission and making some of them. I know the creator of Corki is still fucking bitter about that shit.


>dota has a great and unique art style and every character has alot of personality
Warcraft 3 did have a great art style and characters with a lot of personality, yeah.
DotA2 is literally just stolen characters.

>DotA2 is literally just stolen characters.
Ironic coming from a lolbab.

Ah yes, the deep characters of the nightcrawler neutral and rock giant. Timeless classics.

why are dotards so buttblasted about people prefering league over their shit game?

What happened to Skeleton King, buddy?
Did Valve bow to the chinks or are you gonna admit that they just lifted characters?
What about Drow and Axe? If the talentless hacks over at Riot could at least give these characters a make over to not make them fucking asset rips, why couldnt the gorillion dollar artists at Valve?

That has literally nothing to do with I said. I am saying it is pretty FUCKING ironic that a LoLbab is talking about "stolen characters".

>what is patent trolling

As if they didnt steal an exact copy mitsurugi before, except with a bow.

it takes 30 minutes to find na normal queue for dota
End of discussion.

What time during the day?

Only if your behavior score is below 5000

It's called Dota 2 buddy, as in a sequel to Dota. Of course they wanted to have the heroes be similar to the ones in WC Dota.

lmao what its like 5 minutes max

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No it doesn't, stop telling lies on the internet
Dota 2 is the top played game on Steam, calling it dead is absolutely pathetic straw grasping

5 minutes lmao
even league challenger queue are shorter

dota is more complex, there's a lot of usable itens that works just like a bonus skill, so you have to manage 6~8 skills sometimes

the micro is also much more complex in dota, i feel that league is just a simplified dota.

Dota 2 is called Dota 2 for a reason, it's a continuation of the same project. Dota's heroes were basic unit models that weren't actually characters, so Dota 2 created visually similar characters based on them for transitioning players. Blizzard doesn't own "rock giant," "frost archer," "red man with axe," etc.

Meanwhile LoL ACTUALLY fucking STEALS characters, see and LoLbabs are a fucking joke

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>People say that techies got "nerfed"
>Can become one of the best pushers in the game and has insane XP gain just because of red mines
I don't know about high tier pro games but I love how I can throw a green mine and stasis mine down in team fights because "lmao 300 AoE damage on 8 sec cooldown" and "lmao 5 second AoE root"

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Like 10 pst.
Cope harder. Game is dead as shit on na, only reason it has a high playercount is because of the ants in cn

>leaguebabs claim their game has so many players
>no verifiable stats that aren't several years old
>all these stats come from riot who are notorious for lying
>all third party stats show much smaller numbers but are supposedly not valid because reasons
>riot won't do compendiums because it's "begging"
>do it anyway and it bombs
>pads stream numbers with bots and embeded streams
>can't afford an english cast on site in last years world championship or whatever they call it
Doing better than ever and not dead btw

>Cope harder.
Ironic coming from you. The game isn't dead, there's nothing for you to argue here.

The new lol assassin WE WUZ KWEENS shit was pretty bad but Yuumi was pretty cool even if she was just a shittier Abathur/Io.

Now Mars however, for such a simple kit he's absolutely based.

T. Behaviour score sub 3k

>One is infested with subhuman russians
>the other 13 year olds
the answer is obvious

I would also like to interject and say while there are heroes a little bit too close to their Warcraft versions, there are others that are pretty fucking far from their old versions. I'm not talking about stuff like Legion, more like Bloodseeker and Bane.

He got so many buffs he will probably have >10 games at TI9.

>Simple kit
>Has tons of synegy with tons of other heroes
I love edgy Ares

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Show me a single "stolen" character in League that comes anywhere close to Drow being a complete rip of Sylvanas
>going after a game that literally ripped your characters
>"patent trolling"
Absolutely retarded
Its called DotA2, and guess what retard? They dont own those characters. They can be similar, sure. Look at what the competition did with Ashe and Darius compared to Axe and Drow. Complete fucking rips like Valve did are not the same though.
> it's a continuation of the same project.
Nope, its a talentless hack trying to continue the work that the other creators moved on from. The real talent from DotA, Guinsoo, went to work for Riot on League Of Legends.
>so Dota 2 created visually similar characters based on them for transitioning players
League created visually similar characters, Valve stole characters.
>Blizzard doesnt own Rock Giant, Frost Archer or Red Man with Axe
Considering they're very much identical clones to the characters in their game, they do. Why dont you think Blizzard went after Riot for Ashe or Darius?
>LoL ACTUALLY fucking STEALS characters
Except neither of the ones you've quoted come close to Drow literally being a copy of Sylvanas.

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>pads stream numbers with bots and embeded streams

>Show me a single "stolen" character in League that comes anywhere close to Drow being a complete rip of Sylvanas
That's not what I was referring to you double nigger, I'm talking about the playdota incidents.

Also fuck you, Guisnoo era DOTA may have been fun but it also had retarded shit like Riki with Death Ward and Invoker where the order of Quas, Wex and Exort changed what spell you get.

t. best friends of stream viewer 1637w8ruqi4hfu3

>all third party stats show much smaller numbers but are supposedly not valid because reasons
>pads stream numbers with bots and embeded streams
Think you've got it confused because thats actually what Valve does.

nice ganondorf ripoff

Yeah, they got me from 1-3k (Yes I know it's shit but I'm ok with that

I do miss old suicide tho, yeah it was objectively worse but goddamn that shit was fun early game

I hope they don't get any play at TI, I think they're in a perfect spot balance wise

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It's basically a soulless rendition of WC3. I didn't mind it so much at launch but I look at it nowadays and it strikes me as hideous. To be fair, League is pretty bad too, and HoN was vomit tier.

Drow isn't a ripoff of sylvanas, she IS sylvanas you dumb mutt.

The leaguebaby doesn't know that drow actually exist in dnd and not every blue archer is a rip off of sylvanas.

>make the characters as bland as possible to sell cosmetics
based volvo

>Show me a single "stolen" character in League that comes anywhere close to Drow being a complete rip of Sylvanas
I just showed you two. If you just ignore arguments then you're admitting you're wrong.
The only similarities between Drow and Sylvanas is that they're archers and have blue skin. Warcraft didn't even invent the Drow race. You are fucking stupid. Meanwhile, >going after a game that literally ripped your characters
>"patent trolling"
Blizzard doesn't own "skeleton who is also a king." That isn't a character, there's nothing to steal here.
It's patent trolling.

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One more time without the buzzword

Valve actually hired one of the artists responsible for the few good hero designs because he asked for a raise. At the most profitable company in the world. Valve are so cheap they literally couldn't hire real artists for Artifact and instead produced pure garbage by lifting random people from Artstation instead for cheap. I unironically want Valve to burn to the ground.

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kill yourself mindless drone
isn't there some ti pack you should be purchasing?

>more buzzwords

I will play devil's advocate and give the other poster some credit. Drows in Dota 2's universe are not the typical drow race, they are short, ugly and repulsive. Drow Ranger was adopted by them and thinks herself as ugly, because she doesn't fit the typical drow form, so you could make the argument her being a blue skinned archer is a bit of a cop out. However that doesn't mean that's the end of the argument, because you could then further argue the blue skin was her training in a cold condition to get frost arrows.

I meant FIRED*.

the only player stats we can see is the numbers of ranked players, which is not a good indication of the total playerbase because a lot of players dont play ranked me included

>stating that volvo lives off of superwhales that buy retarded boosters and losers like yourself that support them is buzzwords
literal drone

League is only fun when you play ARAM. Prove me wrong.

Change ARAM to dominion and you have me sold.

>literally cannot make a post that doesn't contain a buzzword

>get shit team composition
fuck aram

Remodeled drow has skin that is more or less pink anyway.

League of legends is not even worth playing.
Either way Dota 2 is the better game, and by far.
LOL numbers are propped up by koreans and by americans without steam accounts

>she is Sylvanas
Thank you for proving that Valve are talentless hacks and DotA2 does not have "characters with a lot of personality" as we had already seen these exact characters years ago.
>not every blue archer is a rip off of sylvanas.
Yeah, just Drow Ranger.
>i just showed you two
No, you didnt, because neither of them are anywhere close to Drow being a rip off of Sylvanas or Axe being a rip off of Grom.
>The only similarities between Drow and Sylvanas is that they're archers and have blue skin
Yes, the model is a complete rip thank you for noticing what the rest of the world did years ago.
The only "similarities" between Violator and Cho is the tusks and thats literally it, thats the best argument you've got? You're just going to ignore that Violator has a horn above his head? You're just gonna ignore that Violator is a small, lanky character with a small head where Cho'Gath is massive? Referencing outdated splash art is really the best argument you have?
>Blizzard doesn't own "skeleton who is also a king." That isn't a character, there's nothing to steal here.
So you're saying Valve is run by chinks and thats why they removed Skeleton King? Guess thats another reason why DotA2 is shit.

>doesn't have any defense against this shit company that hasn't made a game in 10 years and is a parasite on the industry waiting to burn
keep seething, artifact, underlords, now tf2 hats, i'm already enjoying my last laugh

>LOL numbers are propped up by koreans

How is drow a ripoff of sylvanas?

>No, you didnt, because neither of them are anywhere close to Drow being a rip off of Sylvanas or Axe being a rip off of Grom.
>The only "similarities" between Violator and Cho is the tusks and thats literally it
Be more subtle next time and you'll get more replies

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On the contrary, you are the on upset friend. You can hate dota all you want, but try do express yourself in a way that doesn't show how desperetely you're trying to fit in by using every popular buzzword you can think of.

See what? Trolls baiting for (you)s?
Only people that play lol are the ones that dont know other games exist and the koreans

ITT People who shit on MOBAs because they don't like semi-competitive fun.

DOTA 2 peaked at TI3, and that's that. Everything afterwards has been disappointing and boring. Absolutely nothing will compare to that Na'vi vs. Alliance finale - just the whole journey was unparalleled in the history of eSports.
Oh, and it doesn't help that Valve goes out of their way to monetize these events. Like you wanna follow a CSGO or League tournament? Go ahead, bro, best case scenario you'll get some Twitch drops. You wanna enjoy the International? Get ready to spend $300 minimum on leveling up your compendium to get everything you want, paypig.

I don't hate Dota at all you fucking mouthbreathing tool, I hate Valve. I've never played League in my life, and I will continue to play Dota long after Valve goes under and their greedy hands release the IP.

>implying TI9's redemption story for OG wasn't one of the greatest fucking things ever

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ITT: gabe cocksuckers trying to defend a game they don't even play

Because the Model is identical and thats all that DotA2 has because its characters are fucking two dimensional in story or "lore"
>no argument
As expected lmao
DotA2 has 14 chinks to every 1 non-chink. That trash is literally only played by mentally challenged third worlders compared to League that actually has players in the first world.

Not falling for your shit bait, sorry

*TI 8's

Thank you for admitting that you've got no argument. Glad you now agree that DotA2 is fucking garbage.

>slanty eyed chinks mad at Dota again
Fuck off Tencent shills.

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I would unironically buy an inv0kergirl invoker
TI3 has a special place in my heart, man. Everything was so crazy.

I never implied you played league. I don't know why you're that upset with valve, but still play the game.

>slanty eyed chinks mad at Dota again
Slanty eyed chinks are the only people retarded enough to enjoy DotA2 though, along with SEAMonkeys and Communists.
See: 14 chinks to every 1 non-chink
Also: agreed that Skeleton King was removed due to Valve bowing to the chinks since there was clearly "nothing to steal"

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Here's your real answer.
ASSFAGGOTS is a shit genre.
Dota 2 is probably the better game, but it also has god-awful art direction (characters just blend into the background), an awful intrusive UI, and turn speed.

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>Because the Model is identical
I don't remember Sylvanas looking like this. Show me a pic that looks like this.

Attached: Drow.png (449x630, 321K)

>but it also has god-awful art direction (characters just blend into the background), an awful intrusive UI, and turn speed.
this part is entirely wrong

>he thinks the chink viewer numbers are real for any game

>updated model
Took them what? 9 years?

Attached: SylvanasWar3UD.JPG.jpg (619x616, 30K)

Just because a feature exists, doesn't mean it's better. Would Chess be a better game if there were a built in cake-baking competition every 10 moves?
League removed some of the cruft, and it's a superior game. The market has spoken: It's more popular.

God damn she's hawt. Is this a fan made model? I don't remember her looking like that


Attached: Flash.png (266x230, 17K)

Probably an extreme poorfag playing on all low settings.

I guess the chinks, seamonkeys and russians that infect my games on US servers are also "not real" right?

> I don't know why you're that upset with valve, but still play the game.
Maybe because Valve didn't create Dota. Also, why I'm upset with Valve, is this a joke?
>trying to milk dota 2 at every opportunity
>lying repeatedly over the years from ep 3 to artifact
>literally the entirety of the artifact debacle
I don't care for writing 2k in greentext but Valve has been shit for well over a decade. When they sent out those 50 cent Roshans to people that spent hundreds on the compendiums is when I realized they don't even have a modicum of respect for their customers.

Eh some characters do on certain parts of the map. Mind you it isn't a constant problem but some do blend into Radiant's trees a little too much.

I'll even post the original model, why not. It still doesn't look like sylvanas other than arbitrary comparisons.

Model rework.

Attached: Drow 2.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

She got a visual update recently

>popular = good
I bet you think Infinity War is a maserclass in cinema.

They sent out new roshans and gave you a courier, but yeah they fucked up there. They never lied about ep3, unless you think every game that was never released was because the devs lied.

it wasnt bad...

It wasn't, but by the popularity argument would say it should be high class cinema instead of a good blockbuster.

>this part is entirely wrong
Doom, Shadow Fiend, Shadow Demon and Chaos Knight all blend into the Dire side, though. Tiny blends in to anywhere with decent lighting and actual paved ground.
This is all of course if you dont pay up, if you pay up you can get map skins that just happen to fix these issues :)
>It still doesn't look like sylvanas other than arbitrary comparisons.
Except its identical to Sylvanas despite the 11 year difference in model quality.

>there are people that prefer nigger drow

It wasn't
from TI4 onwards the meta changes so much it's just a fucking crapshoot who wins TI, it's not about finely honed skill over the course of years, it's about memepatches and memeteams winning memevictories

Maybe your monitor just doesn't support braille.

Dota 2.


why are dota 2 heroes so fucking soulless

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Nah, i just prefer to play shit that isnt intentionally fucking ugly.

>posts an undead creature

>He can't adapt
Git gud

that's just an anime girl with a bunny mask

>They sent out new roshans and gave you a courier
An underwhelming response to something shitty. They've still yet to do anything about Artifact.
>They never lied about ep3
When you repeatedly say a game is going to be released and then it's not, that's a lie. Even if you don't consider it a lie, it's certainly a grave offense towards all the people that bought the games. But they certainly OBJECTIVELY lied at other times
>said dota 2 wasn't going to be about hats like tf2
It's even worse.
>said dota 2 was going to be lore-items only
Broke that before release even with the shitty Ursa cowboy set that they shamefully released.
>said dota 2 was going to be about the lore and have a story competent
Made that one sniper thing or whatever it was and then just gave up.
Talking out of your ass is still lying.

So what do you prefer?

Actually hots heroes are soulless because Drow Ranger came first.

I'm not a TI player

There was already a China-friendly model for SK and all the other skeleton heroes. It's because Blizzard is asshurt that they let the Dota craze slip right under their noses so they're bullying Valve into changing things. You clearly know absolutely fucking nothing about how this shit works, Valve can't afford to fight Blizzard in court so they have to bow to basically everything they want. Blizzard doesn't actually have a case, but it's not worth Valve fighting it.

Fucking how does it look identical?
>Sylvanas has an overall drow elvish appearance down to the ears
>Drow is a blue/blueish-pink human
>Syvlanas has red menacing eyes
>Drow Ranger doesn't
>Sylvanas is mostly leatherbound with armoured shoulder pads
>Drow has front armour
>Sylavans' hair is tucked and hidden away
>Drow lets hers flow down to her face

>inb4 hurr arbitrary differences
Give me the similarities then nigger.

>the ripoff came first

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stop replying to shit bait

League, its objectively the better game.

Than why complain in the first place?

>They've still yet to do anything about Artifact.
There's nothing they can do
It's a game nobody wants

>>Has actual players from your region that speak your language
Care to explain why there are CHINKS

Because it's shit to watch

League looks worse than dota.

Cho and Kindred are way better than these pieces of shit. If you want to complain about champs complain about fucking Taliyah.
>name is literally hebrew
>designed by tranny jew
>said kike tranny tried to make taliyah trans but riot wouldnt allow
>got fired from riot after ranting about drumph and killing all white people on twitter

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it's objectively worse in literally every sense except for accessibility

They are not features they are game mechanics. It's like if you would remove check mating in Chess.

League is more casual and easy to get into = more immediate self gratification = more popular among most people
Dota is harder with a higher skill ceiling and very difficult to get into = less enjoyment in the beginning = less overall players
Its a very basic concept of game design here, but the league kids completely refuse to understand this, so they just shill league is more popular means it must be better.
I played both games for years and Dota allows much more freedom and fun, but it just requires much more dedication to get to a point where you understand the game enough to feel like you impact whether you win or lose.

LOL is banned in china for being corruptible to youth and being a shit pay to win game so the government just banned it. Just like fortnite.
Its why chink numbers are low for league. You stupid lol-playing animal.
But what can be expected from a company that bots their game's twitch viewership for free advertising in an attempt to stay relevant.
Unfortunately this only works on the feeble minded like yourself that cannot provide an argument on why League doesnt suck balls when compared to Dota.
Anyone casually browsing that sees this thread should be aware that the majority of posts against dota 2 are trolls doing it for the sake of trolling.

>they removed all this unfun rubbish and that's BAD!

Imagine being this wrong.

Attached: dota.webm (942x700, 2.88M)

>Dota allstars was developed before HOTS.
>Dota 2 was developed before HOTS
>B-But drow ranger was sylvanas in allstars!!!!
Yes so Dota 2's drow ranger was modeled to fit her animations so that old players can play something familliar.

imagine being this much of a casual normalfag child

that's a list of good features not unfun rubbish

>LOL is banned in china
No it's not.
Are you fucking retarded? Leeg has 110 million players in china.

>best players utilizing 450 BE champs all the time
>New accounts can get 3 expensive champions off the bat

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Git gud

Out of all the remodels Shadow Fiend go one of the best ones. Dog head was funny but it doesn't scream collector of Souls like the new one does.

League of Legends in China now has aged based player time limits that automatically long younger players out after a certain amount of time now but it isn't banned. They decided to do this because Chink kids literally play until they die.

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Witch Doctor is probably the comfiest hero/champ in any MOBA and I don't even like supporting at all.

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he wasn't nerfed he was literally ruined. His new skills are boring af and the mines aren't fun anyorre either

That's because they made a shit game people repeatedly warned them would be bad.
>There's nothing they can do
Then they should give people refunds or at the very least make it F2P so that new players can come in and keep it going for those that still want to play it. Instead they just said they're in it 'for the long haul' which basically means they aren't going to do shit. They are incompetent beyond words and prove that at every point. It's like watching some retarded fat kid with rich parents trying to play a game and still winning because he's decked out in P2W gear. Gaben has so much money he doesn't give a fuck about anything, and least of all the customers.

keeping 20 plates spinning isnt fun user

call the cops. removing those 'features' made the game 1000 times more accessible and fun. if you don't like that accessibility, then feel free to play the original with the 60 other people who still play it

>Valve can't afford to fight Blizzard in court
Valves last evaluation was US$2.5 billion in 2012, a year before DotA2 came out and probably before CS:GO launched. Skeleton King was removed in 2013, a year after DotA2 launched and a year after CS:GO had launched.
If you honestly think they didnt have the money to fight Blizzard in court, you're absolutely retarded. WoW was in a decline, they didn't have Overwatch, The Call of Duty of that year was Ghosts, Activision brought King in 2016 so they didn't have that income.
>literally just listing shit that comes down to the 11 year difference in model
Thats all you've got? Fucking hilarious
Absolutely incorrect, visual clarity and design quality is objectively better than model fidelity.
Wrong. Theres a reason why its still alive while DotA2 is dead anywhere that isnt China, Russia or the Philippines.
Thanks for proving me right and thanks for showing how fucking ugly these characters are.

Maledict has got to be one of the best bullying spells in the game.

Nigger the differences can apply to Drow's old model as well.

Why the fuck would you give people refunds for a shit game? Are you insane? You give people refunds if the game is actually broken

>keeping 20 plates spinning isnt fun user
yes it is, that's the basis of strategy games
not that dota is about keeping 20 plates spinning, you control a single fucking hero

>visual clarity
>when it's brimming with meme lolsorandom skins

Probably the resident anti-valve shitposter stirring shit up again.
There's another thread template he uses, same league vs dota crap

Are you gonna post any proof or what?
You are just as bad as the people you bitch and moan about if you just parrot accusations without checking sources.

Only asians play League of legends though?? And Dota 2 is the better game anyway? I don't see the dilemma

how else would you make money retard
gotta milk it as much as possible

So you think Gangnam Style is the best song ever composed?
And you think Mcdonalds is the best cuisine on planet Earth? They're the most popular ones, so they have to be the best!

Fucking retard

>Wrong. Theres a reason why its still alive while DotA2 is dead anywhere that isnt China, Russia or the Philippines.
Popularity =/= quality
Typically the popular things are the braindead streamlined garbage designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator of idiots and casuals. This goes for video games, music, television, everything.
Congratulations on falling into that bucket

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It isn't the same anti-valve guy if you are thinking about who you are talking about because there isn't anybody in this thread that replies without linking to the post or is linking to RPGcodex talking about the Talos principle.

>DotA2 is dead
yeah the most played game on steam is "dead"
it's only the 3-5th most popular game on the PC, dead game

>Only asians play League of legends though
Russians are asiatics

Proof of what you underage newfag simpleton? If you aren't I feel bad for you.
Go dive off a cliff, this is ancient stuff that is public knowledge

Excessive outlines, overdesigned characters, and murky backgrounds do NOT constitute 'visual clarity'.

Just keep making weebbait skins. That shit probably makes millions every time.

What about Ezalor?

Attached: 1235123.jpg (235x272, 26K)

yeah the codex guy is a different anti-valve guy
i'm thinking the guy who makes the same epic threads for example all the time
or this stuff't cash in on fads/type/op/

>Valves last evaluation was US$2.5 billion in 2012, a year before DotA2 came out and probably before CS:GO launched. Skeleton King was removed in 2013, a year after DotA2 launched and a year after CS:GO had launched.
>If you honestly think they didnt have the money to fight Blizzard in court, you're absolutely retarded.
So, no source. Got it!
Good job retard

>russians, europeans, canadians and south americans are asian
stop posting any time

russians are literally mongoloids mutts

Template threads are fucking cancer.

>Why the fuck would you give people refunds for a shit game? Are you insane?
Because it being shit is directly Valve's fault and it reflects on them. Also because they're so rich it would be a drop in the bucket. Either way, they should do something. Far poorer companies have done riskier things. Instead, in typical incompetent nu-Valve fashion, they did nothing, and just keep lying about how something will be done in the future. I can't wait for that fat fuck to die so maybe someone at this company takes the helm and redeems it, if that's even possible at this point.

Give me a LoL hero with a character as distinct as, say, Axe's. And no, overly bloated bios aren't 'character'.

Dotard Third Worlders are desperate for validation and constantly spam their shit on Yea Forums instead of playing their "superior" game

Valve wouldn't fight Blizzard in court
Blizzard let Valve make Dota2 which was obviously based off Blizzard characters in good faith
They requested that SK be removed because Skeleton King (the original, Leoric) was being added to Heroes of the Storm
Same with changing Windrunner to Windranger, Necrolyte to Necrophos, Wisp to Io

t. Butthurt Belt inhabitant

What's better, cancer or aids?

Name a single "lolsorandom" skin that completely fucks the design of the character and makes them harder to distinguish between another character.
Another one of you DotArds tried to claim that shit in a previous thread and fucking embarrassed yourself, so id like to see you try.
>hurr flies n shit
>its good because its not popular!
You know there are less vegans in the world then there are people with actual, functioning diets? There are also less people that believe in anti-vax shit then there are people who arent retarded.
>not being a straight rip from another companies game

>red orc
Is this bait? Literally any other Dota 2 character would've been a better example.

Skeleton king was changed due to copyright laws, what can you do about it

>russians are literally mongoloids mutts
Explains why its only them and chinks that play DotA2
>he completely forgot the "DotA" trademark battle

I'm talking about the skeleton king case you stupid fucking retard

No company gives everyone a refund because they made a shit game. That's totally ridiculous. They might give people refunds if the game is broken or it isn't what was promised, but it was just a shit game, and people make shit games all the time. What would giving everyone a refund accomplish? Restore faith in Valve? Valve as a game developer is a joke, what's the point

>waaah I got suckered into buying a bad product so I'm entitled
You ain't owed shit. If Valve gives a refund, it'll purely be out of their own largesse, NOT because they 'should'. You got exactly what you paid for.

yeah and they're mostly from the same guy.
for years the same shit

Attached: repost-kun.png (941x496, 156K)

>>he completely forgot the "DotA" trademark battle
Weird, I heard a Valve employee literally say they were on good terms with Blizzard

It was changed because it was clearly a lifted character, same with every other DotA2 hero because Valve is fucking talentless.
>I'm talking about the skeleton king case you stupid fucking retard

Blizzard let Valve have Dota, isn't that obvious? Either way it would be much harder to fight a legal battle - which neither company wanted - for an ambiguous mod name. as opposed to characters they actually do own.

Keep crying all you want, popularity does not equal quality. You are playing the lesser game made to appeal to a wider market.

Attached: 1549520921852.jpg (1595x1408, 573K)

Which game was that about originally?

So, still no source?
Thanks for admitting you're wrong!

>black orc
>red orc
>pink orc
>red orc
nice character design

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

pillars of eternity 2
try making an obsidian thread some time, if he's on he will post the same pics he always does

>lolsorandom skin
You mean all sports, pool, arcade, championships or job skin that destroys the artstyle and fantasy of the game.

Have you ever seen an Orc before?

better than dying in a shoe factory

Excuse me?

>It was changed because it was clearly a lifted character, same with every other DotA2 hero because Valve is fucking talentless.
It's a port of a game you ridiculous imbecile, they're supposed to lift the heroes and port them 1:1, any changes you see is blizzard being faggots

I like how you think a support player winning minor tournaments in Season 1 was ever an argument.
>link source
>n-n-no source
Yet none of them actually impact the visual clarity or design of the characters. Lollipoppy is still very clearly Poppy in game, Championship Zed is very clearly still Zed in game.

Attached: 1554615790403.gif (256x256, 374K)

>No company gives everyone a refund because they made a shit game.
Then they fix the game. Witcher 1 got an update that added models and tons of shit despite CDPR being a starter company. FF14 got redone because they knew they fucked up massively. No Man's Sky is still being updated to this day to try and fix their mistakes. Imperator Rome will probably get a similar treatment because it was a failure.
But no, Valve, the company with infinite funds, just does nothing and instead focuses on Underlords which karma bit them in the ass with because a total failure compared to TFT because they decided to rush it out instead of taking their time and getting proper feedbackdespite that being EXACTLY what killed Artifact. They just never, ever learn.
>What would giving everyone a refund accomplish? Restore faith in Valve? Valve as a game developer is a joke, what's the point
Show you that at least they can take responsibility, which they've been chronically incapable of for their entire history.

christ this skin is ugly as fuck

>those don't count
Every time

its not because gaben doesnt give you actual skins that aren't just metal plates you stick to your bland model that this is a bad thing

>completely stealing characters they dont have the rights to instead of coming up with visually similar but distinct characters
>b-b-blizzard are just faggots!
Imagine being this fucking retarded.
If Riot could create infinitely better characters that still fit their DotA counterparts, why couldnt Valve? Valve objectively had more money and time than Riot did.

>You got exactly what you paid for.
Objectively false. Valve promised that the game would come with a million dollar tournament and also stated many things about how the market would work that proved to be completely false. So, no, people didn't get what they paid for.

Yeah but they're fucking ugly ass skins.
The only skins in Dota that do this are Io arcana and the Warhammer skins (which still look amazing btw).

They dont, its that simple. Why didnt this no-name win Season 1 Worlds or a Major?

It's not their responsbility to give you a refund for a shit game. That's my point. That's absolutely insane. There's just nothing they can do to "fix" the game. It's not like oh it could have been good if only they did this or that. The game is fundamentally shit. It's a game nobody wanted, it's a game with no potential

Which Warcraft character does Bloodseeker look like?

Dota is literally nothing but plagiarism, half of the "heroes" still have the same names as their WC3 mobs

It's better than blink dagger by a long shot.

None of leagues chatacters are better than their dota counterparts in any way except fapbait if applicable.

its the old poppy model
looks like this now

Attached: Lollipoppy-Splash-Art-Update-HD-4k-Wallpaper-Background-Official-Art-Artwork-League-of-Legends-lol.j (4000x2360, 1.95M)

Why do dotards keep posting this same 7 year old image thinking it's relevant in anyway? Are they really that desperate?

How so? Blink Dagger is a 2200 gold item that gives no stats and gets disabled for three seconds if you get damaged.

reminder that a few years ago Warlock's Golems had more voice lines than any league character

>fucking ugly
>Job Skin
>Pool Party
Ashe is objectively better than Drow
Darius is objectively better than Darius
Master Yi is objectively better than Juggernaut

Wait guys I got it, Dota2 is the containment moba for retards. Don't help them.

>he doesn't like terrorblade and azwraith
It's better than Kol'Gosun, the demon of the 7 dark planes

Sorry that dota skins stick in art style. Yes they look similair to the base hero so that you can instantly identify that it is that hero.
And hell you go look at all the new skins and tell me that they don't look sweet.

>more voice lines = quality

>Darius is objectively better than Darius

>darius is better than darius
We finally agree

Yes those are all disgustingly ugly artstyle and fantasy destroying skins.

>It's not their responsbility to give you a refund for a shit game.
Shut the fuck up, retard. I know that the laws are shit when it comes to this, I never said they are OBLIGATED to do so by LAW. But yes, making a game that's a good game that's playable is absolutely their "responsibility" by definition.
>There's just nothing they can do to "fix" the game.
Stop being retarded, please. They can just rewrite the cards and give them real abilities, make them all available, and put the game into F2P. That alone would at least increase the playerbase to a healthy 20k or so. Which better than, you know, fucking 100. ANYTHING would be better than doing NOTHING. The assets are all there. They promised to put up a system for people to make their own modes from them if they wanted to, yet another thing they will fail to deliver on.

Nothing in DotA2 looks "sweet", the game looks like fucking trash.
>Having characters that are literally named "Shadow Demon"

>disgustingly ugly artstyle

I'm just glad we got shitposters for both sides even if we all know league is inferior in all aspects except maybe porn. So a sincere thank you to the anons playing devils shitposter today.

>3 basic ass humans are better than a red orc, a drow and a masked samurai.
Out of all of those faggots only Yi is good.
lol has too many big humans in armour for Darius to be good.
Ash is just a really boring design.

It's retarded to expect someone to give out a refund on their initiative for a shit game. Thousands of shit games have been made throughout history. Should all those companies send the money back to the players out of shame? What planet are you from? Making the game free to play would be irrelevant because the game sucks, nobody wants to play it anyway. How would you make the game good by redesigning the cards? Why do you think that's even possible?

Explains why one game is fucking dead and the other has topped charts since its launch.

>Nothing in DotA2 looks "sweet", the game looks like fucking trash.
Again, this is what happens when you just try to rip Warcraft 3. Dota 2 literally looks like what would happen if you gave a retarded kid WC3 concept art and asked him to copy it.
>mmm grayons

Imagine being a salty LoLnigger that can't accept Dota looks good if not decent.

Attached: Animal_Courier_(Radiant)_icon.png (86x64, 10K)

>doesn't even brake character

Leagues artstyle is allready neutred and basic but skins that completely destroy the lore/fantasy, colour pallets and add meaningless clutter to clear design are utterly disgusting.

>the better game isn't better dotards!


It doesnt, its that simple.
As expected from a mentally challenged third worlder.
I thought DotA2 players were supposed to have 4000IQ's, which is why they're all intelligent enough to enjoy this OFFICIAL Rick and Morty Announcer Microtransaction :)

Attached: Cosmetic_icon_Announcer_Rick_and_Morty.png (600x398, 257K)

Have another You lolcel troll )

Yes, you're right user, back to the show.

Dota 2 unironically looks better than leagues neutred basic baby artstyle. Hell old league looks better than new league.
Dota two has a clear artstyle that first old fantasy like DnD or Warhammer or you know Warcraft.
League is trying not to look as basic as possible to not scare anyone away.

No, it doesnt


>It's retarded to expect someone to give out a refund on their initiative for a shit game.
Not at all, and I never said that was the only option, but you conveniently leave out the fact that all those other games radically changed. Square Enix brought back a failed fucking MMO. Do you know how hard that is? What a gamble that is? And they did it. Because they aren't a bunch of cocksucking parasites whose only ability is to say "give me my cut" and wait for the government to make them implement decent customer service so they can parade that shit around as "our features!!!". Valve is disgusting. Actually vomit-inducing.
>Thousands of shit games have been made throughout history.
Yeah, except not by the most PROFITABLE company in history. Usually if you make a bad game that's IT. It's not a matter of you not wanting to fix it, it's not having the resources to do so. Valve has millions upon millions of dollars. None of which, might I add, are earned, lol. But they can't afford to make people work on salvaging the game that they fucking made?
>Should all those companies send the money back to the players out of shame?
If they're corporations worth millions that can afford it, absolutely. Player goodwill is worth far more than a million dollars, as CDPR have proven.
>Making the game free to play would be irrelevant because the game sucks
No, people would absolutely play it if all the cards were free and if the game would be too. Even abysmal F2P games are way more successful than Artifact.
>How would you make the game good by redesigning the cards?
Because the biggest fault of Artifact is being full of cards with no active abilities. It's just cards that add numbers and change direction. If you took every one of those cards and made it into an active ability you would already have a game that's infinitely more engaging.
>Why do you think that's even possible?
Because Hearthstone is a shittier game, yet has success even now precisely because of that.

dotards can never admit that their game is brimming full of artificial difficulty

hahaha... no.

>leaguebab too dumb to understand rupture or kunkka boat

Hearthstone has success because it cashes in on Warcraft lore. Nobody gives a shit about Dota lore. There's tons of completely dead free-to-play games, free-to-play is by no means a gaurantee of success. I'm sure more people would be playing it, but it would be totally insignificant and still completely dead in the water. It's totally unreasonable to expect everyone to try and "fix" a shit game. If it's a broken game with potential, maybe, but does Artifact have any potential? Is there any realm in which it would be a good game, worth playing over MTG or Hearthstone or whatever, or are you just saying this because you're entitled and mad at Valve and want them to dance for you? If anything you should complain that they haven't made HL3, not that they're not fixing a shit game nobody wanted

>Hearthstone has success because it cashes in on Warcraft lore.
Wow, wow, wow, like HotS? Please, what a shit argument. It's successful because it's fun.
>Nobody gives a shit about Dota lore.
So? People play Dota 2 and not HotS, this is a non-argument.
>There's tons of completely dead free-to-play games, free-to-play is by no means a gaurantee of success.>There's tons of completely dead free-to-play games, free-to-play is by no means a gaurantee of success.
Yet there are plenty of games that found success in F2P.
>It's totally unreasonable to expect everyone to try and "fix" a shit game.
Not at all. But it seems you've been taking so much corporate dick down your throat that just defending them must be getting you hard right now. Imagine applying this in any other industry.
>lol did you actually expect your car to work like BRUH
>>but does Artifact have any potential?
>Is there any realm in which it would be a good game?
>worth playing over MTG or Hearthstone or whatever
Neither of those are worth playing anyway, so Artifact would win out by default. MTG and HS are entirely P2W.
>or are you just saying this because you're entitled and mad at Valve and want them to dance for you?
I've been made at Valve long before Artifact, and would be long after even if they fixed it. They're just an awful company on every level.
>not that they're not fixing a shit game nobody wanted
Then I guess paying people back isn't a problem since only like a dozen people bought it, yeah?

>Has actual players from your region that speak your language
are you a chink?

Jup it does. League looks like it's drawn by a 16 year old on her deviant art. It's nice and basic, all characters are "pretty" with no visual personality. It even gets bonus points for token black and indian characters.
Meanwhile dota has fucking big ugly looking ogres and trolls that acutally look like ogres and trolls. Dotas monsters are weird looking like that of old RPG's, they are not the steamlined "slik" beasts of lol, dota's monsters are acutal rough monsters.
Dota has few humanoid characters and they all look distinct. There is only one of them that is just a guy in armor with a big weapon DK, to others either have weird ornate masks and clothing (just look at fucking Sven, dude is wearing a fucking sweater). 2/3'd of leagues rooster is humans who all look so basic and "pretty" that they lose all visual personality. Draven and Yi rise above a sea of basic looking humans and they are by far the most beloved league characters.

League is for kiddies who want everything to be pretty and streamlined, Dota is for men who love a rough artstyle of characters that are distinct. Even the new "disney" looking characters from Dota are brimming with visual personality.

Dota 2

Attached: dabs.jpg (678x894, 204K)

>implying shit like meepo, invoked ect aren't just completely manufactured difficulty

Better question:

Which game has a more deplorable playerbase?

>simon says
>manufactured difficulty

>Micro and ability management is "manufactured difficulty
God help your soul if you ever play an RTS.

I buy products that actually don't work all the time, and I don't get sent refunds unless I ask. Valve refunds Artifact if you ask, but expecting them to literally refund every customer is so ridiculous you sound like you're mentally ill. The game works, it does what it said it would do, it's just not a game people enjoy. I'm no card game expert but people enjoy these P2W card games. I paid ten bucks and made a top-tier deck in Artifact and I was bored of the game within 20 hours. The market for collectable card games seems very small, there's MTG and Hearthstone and that's basically it. If you know what makes a good game maybe you should make one, but Valve certainly doesn't, and I don't think simply giving the cards more active abilities would do it

Le ebin 5 characters is entirely artifical difficulty inside a moba setting

things like damage spread is artificial difficulty not micro you fucking mongoloid

yes your own comment proves my point

It really isn't if you aren't a dumb ass and set up control groups correctly. Most of the time you want your meepos to be in the same general vicinity in the middle of a fight except for shit like Lich.

>Pressing tab+w 5 times is hard

>mechanical skill is artificial difficulty!

Dota has dirty thirdies and allows near unmitigated shit talk, some furies as well. League is core gurl gamer territory, has kpop fags and tons of furfags and waifufags. I'd say league is worse but to each their own.

I don't think it's a fair comparison

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>Calculating averages is hard

Only in an engine that doesn't allow multiple unit selection

here's your (you)

I only imagine how much more of a nightmare Shaco would be if you could actually control his clone properly.

>Template response
>From the fan of a template game with a template artstyle

there's a reason 20x more people play LoL than Dota.

dota is just Warcraft 3 with somehow less visual clarity

Yeah, it's easy.

thank you

Yes. Because it basic and pretty, neat for all the kiddies who are turned of by an acutal artstyle and character mechanics that aren't just about reaction time.
>dota is just Warcraft 3
Yes because just like Warcraft 3 it's inspired by old gritty fantasy settings.
>With somehow less visual clarity
Learn to play faggot. It is really easy ones you know what's going on.
Git gud pleb

> I don't get sent refunds unless I ask.
Difference being that those products can't be fixed with low effort. If your phone breaks, them patching it won't fix a fucked component. Entire lines of cars are sent back all the time.
> so ridiculous you sound like you're mentally ill.
It's not ridiculous, and I already said that isn't the only solution. It seems you're such a cucked drone your only capable of strawmanning and ignoring everything that's being said. But that is to be expected from drones, yes.
>it does what it said it would do
Wrong. It does not.
>I'm no card game expert but people enjoy these P2W card games
Yeah and there are people that enjoy getting locked in chastity cages and locked up the ass, what kind of fucking argument is this? They're not enjoyed for esoteric reasons, you can recreate what makes them fun.
> I paid ten bucks and made a top-tier deck in Artifact and I was bored of the game within 20 hours.
Me too, but I can also see that it would be easy to fix the game with minimal effort when plenty of games have come back from way bigger challenges.
>The market for collectable card games seems very small, there's MTG and Hearthstone and that's basically it.
That's because there are no other games in general, except maybe Shadowverse.
>If you know what makes a good game maybe you should make one, but Valve certainly doesn't, and I don't think simply giving the cards more active abilities would do it
I guess you missed the part where Gaben said he wanted the community involved and wanted people to make their own modes. Again, this isn't being unfair, this isn't buying a game that did everything it said it did. They failed to deliver on countless things that Gaben pretended were done deals before launch. it. You don't have to agree with anything I say but saying Valve is right in doing NOTHING is a major cucked move. This isn't some fucking indie dev from Latvia or some shit, they're worth 2.5 BILLION. Yes, BILLION.

>massive wall of butthurt text
He could have just said " I don't like League of Legends"

>Learn to play faggot.
I'm not a third worlder

The thing is, he isn't wrong.

dotards seeth over league so much it's hilarious

>Literally admits to not knowing how the game works.
I bet you actually watch streams of other people playing games instead of playing them yourself.

>over 10 years later dotards can't get over the fact that pendragon used his website to advertise his game

Invoker isn't even difficult. It's because of the nature of the hero his entry level point is very high.

Attached: 6634732423.png (737x820, 1.02M)

While legally he is in the right to do so, it's still a fucking scummy thing to do, especially when one said advertisement is directly attacking the game the website was originally built around.

>nuke the main forum
>shill his game
>steal hero ideas
>why are dotards mad?

why then do dotards peddle him out when people rightfully make the observation that Dota is inherently less mechanical

flash is a really fun and interesting mechanic what the fuck are you on about


my fucking god user it was 10 fucking years ago get over it

>get out of jail free card on a 5 min cd
>fun and interesting
Then again lolbabs cheer for ward kills.

but it does something different to dota and I cannot comprehend that the games might be designed differently because my brain is completely smooth

When did I say Valve was right? You sound mentally disturbed. I said there was nothing they CAN do. I'm not an expert on designing card games but I see zero potential in the game. You're saying they should try hard to fix or send back everyones money which is so naiive and entitled it's ridiculous. I bought a garlic crusher that doesnt work yesterday, should the company refund me without me asking? The new Wolfenstein game sucks and didn't sell to well, should they refund everyone and promise to do a better job next time? That's not how the market works. There are literally thousands of CCGs out there, it's just that nobody cares about them, they all just play the big ones. That's how it works with all multiplayer games I guess, people only play the two big MOBAs too, unless you can make something really noteworthy and worth switching nobody is gonna bother.
Valve could try and do anything, but unfortunately even having unlimited money and hiring celebrity game designers doesn't mean you're going to have a good game, you need to actually have in-touch, motivated people in your business and Valve just sit around all day counting their Steam dollars and not caring about video games. Artifact was a game with zero passion behind it, it was like "Hearthstone was big, we have an IP, lets hire the designer from MTG, there's a formula for success" Too bad it's not that easy


Invoker not being difficult doesn't impact the mechanical skill he needs to be played at the most optimal level. You can play Invoker as Tornado -> EMP -> Deafening blast and still do well, but it's nothing compared to an Invoker who can do all the combos

>shittier uncounterable blink dagger
Such inovation

>summoner spells are supposed to be this cool idea were you pick two and make a cool stratedgy around them.
>Flash is by far the best, so fucking good that you might aswell leave the game if your ADC doesn't pick it
There is a reason why everyone loves blinkdagger but hates flash. They are both really good by blinkdagger actually forces you to sacrifice something by being an item with no stats or damage that you have to farm for. Meanwhile you can start with flash and has no oppertunity cost besides giving up an objectively WORSE summoners spell.

Do you have a single unbiased source to bacm that up

there's plenty of ways to still kill someone even if they flash
a flash has to be used correctly to be effective it's not always a 100% free out

the main reason why I don't play dota 2 is because it's full of russians thirdworlders who can't speak english

Let me guess, the counter to flash if using flash yourself.

Yes you can kill someone who uses flash over a wall by also using your flash over a wall.

Stop being retarded, flash isn't an option like the other summoner spells. It is manditory.

several champions don't take flash

How many blinks/dashes/etc. do these champs have?

A very VERY small minority of characters that allready have high mobility don't take it and it's still incredible on them because it dubbels their mobility.
That or tanks that can run farther with ghost instead.

riot themselves have admitted the game fucking sucks without flash and they can't remove it. no one cares about the exceptions.

nasus often doesn't take flash and he has none

Dota is a shitty garbage dead game infested with third world shitters, by default LoL is better. A reminder this is dota (((western))) team

Attached: dota 2 western finalist team.jpg (495x224, 23K)

>imports gooks at breakneck speeds

nasus is the chadest champion

Attached: 1563846838209.webm (912x568, 2.3M)

cope more, pajeet al mahmud

Attached: i wonder why hmmm.jpg (979x492, 128K)

why didnt he just dash

>implying league doesn't have just as many chinks/pooinloos/etc.

Ah yes, a tank that has enough HP that he can cover more distance without flash to get away with Ghost. The only league archetype in league that isn't outright forced to take flash. I've said it before but if some characters don't take flash it is an auto lose.

either retardation or it was on cd

>creeps in racecars with helmets
Jesus christ

not as much in dotashart

Attached: it smells like shit here.png (1434x773, 734K)

its the arcade event map and minions skin

never heard of ganking? if your jungler gets you opponent down to at least half HP they will most likely use their flash to get away, thus they won't have an escape card in the next encounter

>just gank them twice
>they won't play differently with their free escape on cd
>there won't be new wards
>he won't have help nearby the second time

I play dota every day but I fap to League characters
>"BASED" replied user, assuming I fap to some female with big boobies
No! I fap to Fizz

yeah we already know that faggots play dota

LoL players
pic related

Attached: delusional.jpg (462x101, 7K)

>just gank them twice
yes, this often happens even at the highest levels of play


Hell and that still doesn't change the fact that flash is manditory for basically every character.
If you don't pick flash you are forced to play so safe that you'll just give your opponent way more farm than you can ever recover from. Flash is so playstyle changingly powerfull that not picking it means you have to play passive and probably lose. The only characters that don't have to pick it are tanks, because they can probably survive bad encounters with their giant healthpool and ghost or characters that allready have insane mobility. And even on those characters it's still like the second best summoner spell to pick because of how much utillity it provides.

Flash is inexcusable. It ruins the idea of summoner spells by adding one that you have to allways pick.


Attached: Smite-Bellona-Recolor-PatchNotesSkin-588x664.jpg (588x664, 90K)