You're not toxic in online video games right?
You're not toxic in online video games right?
Lmao, faggots think this casual banter shit is toxic? fucking shitter trash, kys.
what is toxic about this? I don't actually play rocket champions or car champions or whatever the shit is called, that isn't even really spam if it's four times, "toxic" my ass
i called someone a fag because he was being a fag and i got a 24 hour ban
Fuck off bitch ass nigger femitranny.
Black CSI man told me not to.
it only shows the last 5 messages or so, he was probably doing it the whole match
Imagine being this much of a frail pussy that some words on a computer screen bother you. Weak ass faggots.
Still not toxic but spam is typically a ban, don't see the problem
No because I don't play online shit
Have sex.
baiting people into swearing in rocket league and then reporting them is a lot of fun
lonely fat men usually are the most toxic because haven't had sex yet and they have nothing going on in their lives so they vent and rage online to fill the void
Only when a get paired with le epic memer
fucking commit suicide you tranny trash
suck my ass, my dad works at Epic Games
This is like letting out a single, barely audible fart and moving on with your day, but little do you know some pathetic eggshell of a person 2600 miles away is genuinely losing sleep and sobbing profusely because of that one fart.
gold 2 trash
Yeah that's gonna be a cringe, cope, seethe, have sex, and dilate from me.
suckle penis, dick rider
>whatever you fucking eggroll eating bastard
Die late
Am I toxic?
>no mic
>never join voice chats
>only interact whit text mostly to organize boosting sessions
I was used to play with other people at local arcade. Fuck this gay planet we've become.
When I play an online video game and no one is being toxic I'm kind of disappointed desu. I don't understand why some people don't seem to enjoy it. Maybe they just like complaining for the attention even though it's annoying for everyone else.
kek god dam it i miss the 360 days online banter was godly
This. Shit talk is 95% of the fun in online games.
>"You should switch characters next round, he's not great for this map."
I do this all the time... what is toxic about having a little fun spamming commands?
I miss being called a "potato cheeser" and "BURGER FUCK GO MAKE ANOTHER BURGER YOU AMERICAN BURGER FUCK" over voice chat.
How old are you? I'm not shit talking I'm actually curious.
>Have sex
This is it. This is all anyone posts around here now. There's no actual discussion. Just a race to see who can spit out buzzwards the fastest and who can bait people for precious replies. What a fucking joke
more buzzwords next time brainlet
I'm a 9000 years old loli.
and this is why i quit overwatch
I thought he was on law and order.
>annoy someone until they call me a retard or something
>report them for toxicity
god i miss TF2 during this time. mic spam all day long.
I do it because the RL report system is broken
>play against my team the whole match
>the system detects I was playing so there's nothing wrong, sure, I scored 10 times in my own goal but that's how things go sometimes
>someone insults me on chat
>report them
>"We took action against someone you reported, thanks for helping the community"
>He says after posting this garbage.
Are you being toxic within the acceptable boundaries Yea Forums?
Play video games
What a save!
Yeah that’s gonna be a yikes from me. Oof, onionsboy living rent free. Unbased and bluepilled. Umad, zoomers and boomers?
When you start screaming "kill yourself" or spamming "nigger" in a video game, you might need to question why. It's not even banter at that point, its just you autistically screeching and revealing that you're a 10 year old squeeker.
>pick winston
>make gorilla noises in voice chat
>they tell me to shut the fuck up
>play support for a while, healing shit
>I switch to doomfist right before we win and proceed to make gorilla noises again until we lose
A good time was had
Cope Seethe Incel Have Sex Dilate Vibrate Light Bright Do the Macarena
>that last one
My sides
The current occupant of the white house totally said it so it's gotta be OK now.
imagine getting upset over the quick chat options. Imagine being that much of a little bitch
Maybe if people stopped being niggers and killed themselves once in a while I wouldn't have to say it.
>going too far
That's perfect trash talk for examples.
>tfw can't be as toxic as I used to because I fear of getting banned
jWhat is this the Christian Gamer Squad guidelines?
i hope you'll be pleased to know i've brought have sex and incelposting into online vidya. if i cant have my nigger and faggot then i'll bring the level of conversation down to such depths that you'll reconsider spending so much valuable time online
Wait a second, that pool...
isn't "potato" a slur anyways
Cope seethe oof rent free incel onions yikes cringe dilate have sex tranny cuck umad based and redpilled sneed
for self-conscious mick faggots maybe
>The current occupant of the white house
Did you mean the 45th democratically elected President of the United States Donald Trump? I mean he is currently occupying the White House, but that was just a strange way of saying it.
open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur
>no one even writes a full sentence anymore for bait
>just bring up your notepad of buzzwords and copy>paste
>still get 10 replies
i'm toxic by reporting every favella nigger, it doesn't matter what they do or say.
fuck brazil niggers and france.
Got banned in league of legends for 14 days for calling someone "major fag" yesteday
I fucking hate when people say "oof" its so god damn stupid and actually unironically is cringy.
>something happens
>random person who doesn't know what the fuck to say: oof!
its fucking gay
based to hell with them monkey freaks
what the fuck did france do to you????
I never found trash talking as "toxic", its usually just autistic shouting or banter. It doesn't effect your game unless you got a thin skin. Teamkilling or deliberating fucking up the game for everyone is toxic imo tho.
>the 45th democratically elected President of the United States Donald Trump
this but also fuck england, sweden, canada, russia, the USA and literally everything in south america
Extremely oofpilled post.
Cringe and oof
Not funny, didn't laugh
why do people keep trying to force "destroy" like its a normal thing to say? i keep noticing it in pg13 movies/tv shows, like they cant say "kill that guy" and instead say destroy. its really weird
Chat baiting then getting the easy report + chat ban is one of the most satisfying things to do
>>something happens
>>random person who doesn't know what the fuck to say: lol
this was in the 90s
>Not Australia
Literally the number one troublemaker and teamkillers in online gaming
Those wannabe djs oh god
Third worlders
you just named the best countries to live in
I think it started in cartoons. They didn't want kids to start saying that they would kill each others all the time so they made the characters say "destroy" instead and that's a pretty oof thing to say IRL so there's less death threats overall now.
Fight you? No I’m gonna destroy you!
>Totally expected from a
Potato is also a slur for the disabled which is how he used it in that context. Belittling the handicapped is ok though apparently
This. Shit works even here.
>call some oceanic BR a retard or something barely offensive
>they go on a 3 paragraph rant in both languages cursing you to hell and back until the instance disbands
why do they all act like this
They were destroyed!
Ok incel.
gib gold i report u
Fuck you dumb cunt
>all major publishers force insane chat moderation so they can sustain constant growth
>valve makes money off of shit talk
>everyone else that doesn't ban players for trivial shit is dragged through the mud by gaming bloggers
Remember when someone called you a faggot you would either ignore him or call him a faggot back? Now retards write whole novels over someone spamming chat/voice lines.
Word "fucking" is a bad word. I hope you reported him.
It's also a slur for Irish people.
that's what happens when you have too much sopa de macaco
>block people that post more than once
>block people who complain
>block people that ask for things
>block people who whisper me
>block people after I join their party
>block my guild members for being annoying
>block people who use english
anyone else?
fucking grow up
Ahem. Fuck the Irish. The great potato famine never happened but it should have.
Ok Reddit.
Half the fun of multiplayer games are yelling at strangers online. I don't want to live in a world where a friendly "niggerfaggot" gets you banned.
How am i supposed to shit on people if i block everyone?
Spamming shit like this is the equivalent of a 10 year old kicking your seat at the cinema and screaming.
I would suspect it's directed at someone attempting to save a shot on goal in Rocket League, failing miserably, and being mocked with the "What a save!" chat macro.
I almost enjoy being called a doublenigger but nothing infuriates me more than someone getting pissed at me over their own misunderstanding of the game and I still don't know how to deal with it
Bad language isn't the issue, it's when people are
>easily triggered so they tilt
>throw games over anything
>blame others for losses when they fuck up
>wasting time arguing over playing
That is why I don't play team based games anymore. Losing because your team behaves like immature children and you have to coddle your team to not make them throw is tiresome.
>why didn't you X
>your character couldn't do X for years
>disable all chats
>mute voice
>report everyone anytime it's possible regardless of their action
this is what all that "muh toxicity" brought forth, alienation from any kind of interaction you could have
I regularly RDC people on King and tell them to git gud when they start bitching at me over DMs about using throws.
So no.
Baltika is a shit beer, He has bad taste.
Think the last "toxic" thing I did (retarded term btw, stop perpetuating it) was /applaud a Troll Huntard who tagged a quest mob but didn't take into account the fact that he didn't have the health to fight it so I just stood there staring at him with my beady, soulless little orc eyes, applauding his death before tagging the mob for myself.
He should have misderected it to you or feigned death.
>aka retard in finnish
can't believe overwatch would allow such ableism
Too low level, I guess. This was on a vanilla server.
I'm an asshole, but not this """""toxic""""" thing
I go out of my way to cause other people suffering while being smug and superior to them
Only when I need to be.
on the contrary it's my normie friends with long lasting relationships that trash talk the most online. because their lives don't revolve around video games they don't care about people they've never met.
>good humoured, playful, typically spontaneous conversation
there's nothing good humoured or playful about spamming what a save if you're doing it to a team mate. now if it's the opponent that's failed, sure.
Honey, you stereotyping out here! It's 2019! Educate yourself or I have to call the progressive police!
Fucking this.
If potato is retard then is vodka retard juice?
champ here and I do the same thing :^)
Tilting people so they play like shit is a legitimate strategy :)
>people consider repeating voice lines as toxic
This has to be Overwatch, right?
When you post this fucking, shitposting garbage, it just encourages it. Mostly because they hate you. Stating something won't change something.
Probably. They also consider spoiling capeshit movies ban worthy.
Rocket league has a ranked system?
People actually care about it?
>teammate teamkilling or generally being a fucking moron
>me: hey try this instead, you're fucking it up for the rest of us
>idiot 1: stfu faggit
>me: no, play the game right
>suddenly idiot 2, 3, and 4: leave him alone, why are you so toxic
>suddenly vote to kick me
>you can report someone for swearing in an online game
What in the name of jesus fucking christ screaming in agony on the fucking cross is going on?
>democratically elected
>upset by words on a screen at all
cull yourself retarded ape
>"we need a HEALER!"
>so switch to healer
No, I'm not, and pic related was not toxic, it was just a firm statement.
Companies keep widening game appeal to easily butthurd retards because of money.
>I get shit on at work, someome calling me a faggot in game will make me kms
>ban them or I'm not buying your lootboxes
>because their lives don't revolve around video games they don't care about people they've never met.
that's a non-sequitor. psychopaths don't care about people.
kys fag new york and califaggotland aren't the entire US
kys triple nigger
Now this is a guy that knows trolling is a art
Go back to playing assfaggots you zoomer
Oh man I miss this shit so much, what happened?
Did you get reported? Shitwatch is especially prone to banning you for trivial shit.
Driving basedboys crazy with nothing but emotes is pretty great. You just know he's sitting there fuming that he can't report you.
Blame all the reddit and underage tourist that come here
>block people who use english
That is the only acceptable language to use online.
>mfw nobody cares if you call someone a stupid [insert slur here] for tking or generally being a retard in MordHau
>devs are adding client side filters for pussies, and have absolutely no intention of banning anyone for banter
Original and thought provoking.
Expire faggot.
And the gaming bloggers have already started their smear campaign
>nice to live in
أنا موافق
>democratically elected
fortunately they don't actually play it, so it's all good.
It has a high skill ceiling, PSG has a rocket league team
>nobody cares if you call someone a stupid [insert slur here] for tking or generally being a retard in MordHau
I've been vote-kicked twice for calling that out.
They somehow get people to make me the bad guy.
Fucking unbelievable.
>have fun playing the way you want to
>people report you for playing badly
unironically have sex
>أنا موافق
multiplayer games have been soulless for a long time now because it's all automated matchmaking shit
there's no freedom
you have to play exactly how everyone else plays
if you don't conform you get reported
>biz being that high up
They kicked you for bitching about shit talk and team killing? Good.
The way all its colors fade is kind of sad.
I've only ever seen people vote kicked for chat if they're spergs who don't shut up.
>giving this much of a shit about someone saying something you can mute them for
I know you're all concerned about being toxic, but how about not being retarded for 10 seconds and just mute the people you don't want to hear? You're fucking stupid if you don't.
Normally I wouldn't call it out this early, but have another (you), it's what you want.
Jacking off 8 times a day doesn't do it, and you gotta get that rush somehow, right?
id cry over a fart i could smell from 2600 miles away too. Can you imagine how concentrated it was at the epicenter to still have enough density to be detectable by human noses 2600 miles away. Shit you must have killed everything in a 200 mile radius around ground zero just from displacing the atmosphere with all that gas.
Have sex
Learn to read you massive faggot.
>not spamming emotes too
you fags are why we can't have nice things
Sad. Have another one.
>Autists care so much about e-sports that it's even in vroom vroom yahoo
>xbox live kiddos have grown up to miss their embarrassing childish behaviour online
the toxicity of our city
>The young of elephants, giant pandas, koalas and hippos eat the feces of their mothers or other animals in the herd, in order to obtain the bacteria required to properly digest vegetation found in their ecosystems. When such animals are born, their intestines are sterile and do not contain these bacteria.
>how dare they enjoy games
RL is a team game, muting the chat is counter-productive.
You just have to live with some edgy shitters every now and then.
That doesn't change the fact that they evolved to eat shit.
so mad
t. assblasted pussy who gets offended by online strangers
Spamming pre-set emotes isn't toxic it simply expresses 2 things:
You're a foreign cunt who needs to queue for his third world server.
You're a retard too stupid to articulate why he's shit at basic shit.
Now here are the actual facts
If you're below the redditfrog line you're cancer, pure and simple
That's Big Oof
if by toxic i call out players who suck ass at the game then yeah im toxic as fuck
7314 barneyfag posts on Yea Forums. I thought there'd be more.
So sad.
>Faggot netdecking me
>playing some poor mans shit deck
>laughs at people for getting butthurt at something as dumb as "what a save!"
>instantly seethes at something as dumb as "have sex"
You're a joke
>Yea Forums
>using a no-no word
Um sweety, that's a no-no word
I actually got my DJ job from that. Call me a fag but it was easy money through highschool.
That's a fully grown elephant though
Sorry are those your trigger words you fat fucking whale?
He's young at heart and/or into scat.
Hey , Get
i don't know about me but maybe you
You , why haven't you already [redacted] with an |undefined|
Or maybe most of us don't follow a religion masquerading as an ideology that condemns you for saying naughty words you fucking retard.
I'm already your [undefined] every [set your date and time settings], and [undefined] can't get enough of my large [redacted]
You rock!
Cancel that!
Good time
Nice shot!
I am Argentinian and I play outdated games with other Argentinians and brazilians, toxic behavior is the average behavior
>tryhard placement games on league
>get gold 1
>proceed to feed until games are unwinnable in a not obvious way
>once someone calls me out express in a polite way I'm doing my best and it's an unlucky game
>once they get mad proceed to tell them in a polite way I'm feeling harassed and I'm afraid I'll have to report them for breaking summoners code
>never warned or banned, get the "a summoner you reported has been punished" almost every day
>some of them lost it so hard they called me nigger, fag or told me to kys so know their ban is perma for sure
Shouldn't have made a system so easy to game
I consider abusing the word "toxic" is toxic.
In fact, I consider this fucking generic, ambiguous term can be an actual reason for banning peopel or describing peopel's behavior nowadays is extremely retarded and "toxic", really shows how "toxic" how Western society has become.
rocket league has the most retarded report system in place. I can't even fathom how people can get chat muted. I got muted once or twice and since I've discovered that reports are handled automatically by word filters I haven't been muted once.
You can call people literally anything, as long as you avoid typing out no no words.
Don't tell the other guy to "kys". Tell him, to go to the nearest forest to end his pathetic life. Don't tell him "fuck off, nigger". Tell him that darkies are subhuman trash, and should probably move back to liberia.
Don't tell him to "suck a dick, faggot" Tell him "fellate, you degenerate"
Lonely virgin old man here, i don't rage at strangers in vidyagames
He probably just got it for novelty
vulgar married sex addict here. What's it like to be castrated AND a cuck?
anyone who uses toxic unironically is likely some fagola who loves twitch and thinks games should be balanced for e-sports over the normal playerbase
who gives a shit about this when there are bigger problems and autistic shit like some subhuman, disabled, degenerate doxing or otherwise "hacking" someone because they got killed in a game? these people live in such obvious bubbles they don't even understand the fragility of them
most games work like that, I've called people on LoL descendant of african ethnicity brought to America for the purpose of working in the cotton industry for no remuneration before without being banned
my ancestors
sounds like autistic high schoolers insulting each other with low tier bants
Grow some thicker skin
Deactivate in game chat
Turn chat to team only
Mute the guy spamming
>Miss 90 MPH save
>"What a save"
>"What a save"
>"What a save"
>They miss a 20 MPH ground roller
>They rage quit
People that spam quick chat are the shittiest people in the game skill wise and social wise, and if they're winning and talking shit, they're getting carried by a stack, every single time
I don't talk in online games. Unless I'm playing with my friends, I just treat all other players as bots.
save hex
Are blizzdrones literally the most fragile gamers out there?
They got so triggered over sound clips in a fucking card game bliizard had to step in and protect them from people saying "good job" sarcastically.
I fucking adore this video
>hey gayboy r u sum kinda faggit er wut
Give birth.
a little bit, im just not a retard about it
works in r6s too
Im not. Used to be when i was young, but now im chill af.
No. I actually received an education. I reserve banter and mockery for people with which I have a certain degree of closeness.
>/pol/ is almost entirely frogs
Huh, the more you know.
No, because I'm good at them. That shit is childish and makes people not want to play with you. I don't report because that is also childish, but I've stopped playing with multiple people because they rage too hard, yell at team mates, or talk down like they are a pro IGL while making terrible brain dead plays.
>Potato is a slur for Irishman
>yes, but it's ALSO a slur for retard which obviously fits the context better
>yeah but it's also a slur for irishman
Yeah okay retard
If you don't trash talk in video games you are fucking wrong. Every single competition ever has trash talk. It's human nature to taunt your opponent and if you can't handle banter, get off the internet.
>if you can't handle banter, get off the internet.
or i just have you be removed from the internet
Based early 2000's online.
Why doesn't it add a mute player function? I never understood why games ban people rather than have that. Or games like R6trash will have both. You can mute other players, but you still get banned for no no words. Pathetic
>temporally removed
What a sAVE
He's not wrong though.
Not just blizzdrones but Ubisoft fags too, censored For Honor because people were using "Deus Vult" memes, get banned in Rainbow Six Siege for hurting someones feels.
People are fucking pussies these days lmfao
Hello, you've got a collect call from a Ms. Red D. It?
That pool...
I scream it specifically to piss off people like you because I don't like you and love to see you upset and leave the game.
>get banned in Rainbow Six Siege for hurting someones feels.
more like
>say name of weapon skin, get banned
>he doesn't know
the internet is getting sanitized. sadpanda was just the beginning, soon the government will start to work off the cyber bully list put together by all these companies. count your days, bully.
These results are wrong because you can’t account for cross board posters. Also how was IQ measured? What was the sample size? How in the world does a double blind component add anything of value to this kind of test?
My name was Pulse Nightclub for the longest time (only played Pulse) until some guy came in and said "My cousin died in pulse Nightclub, which I of course responded with "that's gay". Fucking banned :(
>they don't care about people they've never met
That's called being unempathetic. They are also probably life losers so the limited power they have in video games makes them drunk.
> "My cousin died in pulse Nightclub, which I of course responded with "that's gay". Fucking banned :(
top lel
I hope you enjoyed your run. It's the risk you take with edgy comedy.
That's just low tier kiddy bants
Based TFC servers
Can't mute my tips, faggot.
I baited someone into calling me a fag and they haven't been online for 24 hours.
It's a bait image you tool
Childish. But that is the mentality of most online ragers and trolls. They have no actual power IRL so they must act vicariously through video games, and most of the time its passive aggressive shit like "spam until they leave" or "go comms silent". For them a video game can't just be fun, certainly not for other people, it has to have all their baggage and expectations attached to it.
Me and my friends always did this shit but we also did it when we fucked up ourselves. Honestly if this kind of shit gets to you, maybe don't play. More often than not its a dude or group having stupid fun. People take shit in a game about remote control cars smacking around a high tech soccer ball way too seriously.
I used to play with this guy when I was like 10-11.
It's fun to call someone a nigger.
Imagine actually believing this lmao! No, most people spam or say nigger because they find it funny that it pisses you off. There is no ulterior motive that in the end makes you a superior person, it's just funny that you get upset fag :)
People can't even deal with banter. Imagine how they'd deal with enemy tanks and an occupying army.
>Thinking this shit is bad
Halo 3 was much MUCH worse, hell even in bo2 guys were booting you offline if you talked to much shit
But I don't get upset user. I feel bad for you. To think of the kind of person who actually entertains themselves by spamming nigger in a text chat makes me very sad; they must live such a dull, meaningless life for such mundanity to actually entertain them. Otherwise it doesn't effect me at all.
Halo 3 and Gears were up there in terms of bants.
Not him but I doubt your life has any kind of profundity to it that makes it any more meaningful than anyone else's life
Oh you totally get mad hahahahahahahahahaha. How much do you weigh user?
I'd imagine their assholes would be primed and ready from all of the trap porn they're alt tabbing to between matches.
Says the guy posting on Yea Forums lol!
Any tips for when to try and be creative with insults and when to bust out the tried and true niggerfaggot?
>vpns, proxys, fucking public wifis
good luck
I do this all the time in unranked, but my go-to spam is "whew." Watching someone slowly come unhinged in-game until they stop trying and just chase you around the field is quite a thrill
>I-im just pretending to be retarded
Yes tell yourself it was bait. Don't let yourself realize that most people find the nigger-spammer pathetic and annoying and just want the child to go back to the sandbox. Most people aren't actually offended, they just have limited time to play everyday and don't want to waste it on your little circle-jerk session. So they report and move on and never think about you again.
So how would your country be if every immigrant had a KD ratio over 1?
>I'm not mad y-you are just p-pathetic!1!
Already resorted to green text. Eat more fish, it will actually raise your IQ. Then maybe you can think of a novel insult deserving of attention.
Baited? Baited means you made me mad but I genuinely believe nobody's life in here or just about anywhere else has a profound meaning. We're all just trying to live.
If they get that triggered by it they should either mute chat or just stop playing. No one should even get that bothered by it. Even if they happen to be black. Its as pathetic as the spamming.
>It's been 25 years and people still can't comprehend "get on the fucking point"
>No one should even get that bothered by it
That's not for you to decide. I doubt you are over the age of 25, because you have a very childish mentality. And they do mute you most likely, they just also report you and get your account banned, as is their perogative. I don't think you realize that nobody on this planet has to willingly suffer you. There is no reason, and you are not special. Maybe your mother put up with your autistic fits in elementary school, but in the sea of humanity no one cares.
I in fact am 25. People need thicker skin. I never spammed nigger. I just did the what a shot or nice save and even when I fuck up. Can people not have stupid fun in a game about car soccer? Oh right fun isn't allowed anymore.
Looks like /fit/ does work out in the library
Oh my GOD, my dick is so fucking HARD RIGHT NOW GUYS!!!!
>you want to come to America and get shot?
>3 perma'd wow acounts, final warning on 4th
>2 perma'd overwatch accounts
>10+ perma'd league accounts, chat banned on both smurfs, honor ribbon on my main (?)
>you might need to question why
Because it makes fags like you mad and turn into passive aggressive victims. kys nigger
No, because I am clever about how I call you a nigger. Never been banned before nigger
>my dad works at Epic Games
being a hapa must be suffering
You have to be very high IQ to understand this post.
No one's saying you can;t have fun, it's when your fun comes at other's expense. Think of it empathetically for a second: most people play video games to unwind, not be called a nigger for flubbing a play after a 40-hour work week and getting yelled at by their wife.It's ok to be frustrated, but online interaction causes people to be bigger assholes then they ever would in real life; they are emboldened by the anonymity to spread their frustration like an illness unto others.. Would you be the same condescending person in a live game of soccer?
It's cuz your average person online now is legitimately the kind of socially awkward autistic retard that internet users were stereotyped as 20 years ago. They're just better at hiding it because they dress nice and shower.
That's what happens when you call original content "reddit" for 10 years
Hi-Rez embraces the VGS spam, they make shirts out of it. Or make skins with annoying as possible voicepacks so people will buy them and spam them.
an* art
have sex
Did I say I said nigger? No. And if I was aiming to have fun with the soccer game I might be sarcastic and throw comments, at others and myself. I don't give it unless I can take it, and its meant in good fun. If people get frustrated when I'm just having a good time that's their problem. It sounds like they take their frustration out in the game rather than actually relax and have fun. I'm just playing and having fun, they can do that too or they can get irrationally frustrated at nothing.
its a meme you dip
It is toxic because 9 times of 10 these lead to "you fucking suck, leave the game" type comments. So when people spam this at you, it immediately puts you on edge and more likely to make mistakes
I wonder what kind of crying people would do if a new AAA game was released with audio taunts like age of kings
Correct if im wrong, but didn't LOL launch the term "toxic" into the mainstream?
Nice doggie.
Maybe they shouldn't hold winning as the standard for fun in a video game with as silly an idea as Rocket League has.
>because he was being a fag
Was he hitting on you?
Or was he firewood?
Or a cigarette?
Explain further
>/k/ that high
They're full of newfag forty year olds, retarded teens and feds. Even as a "joke" no one would see /k/ as an intelligent board.
>lose pistol round in cs
>lose 2nd round cuz we're full saving
>one teammate starts shitting his pants about how we're going to lose and this is a waste of time
>it's been 5 minutes and the guy is ready to throw because someone didn't win 2v5
>10 minutes later we're up 7-3 all thanks to my friend who is way fucking better than me and smurfing from DMG to play with me in silver
>guy is still pissing and moaning every time he dies while randomly going AFK for entire rounds
>tell him to calm down cuz he's not even that good and he's silver anyway
>gets super defensive about not being silver, immediately starts threatening to hack me and murder me like it's 2003 again
>rattles off the default local IP address, 192.168.whatever.etc
>"That's your IP isn't it? I'm gonna find you, come to your house, and I'm gonna fucking kill you"
>report him for death threats and mute him and be kind of shitty about it
>"muted, angry baby :^)"
>win the match cuz my friend is going 40 and 7 or something
I had fun.
are they both high in this pic
there he is...
>4 gay coastal cities full of niggers and spics that only want more welfare should effortlessly win every election, ever
You don't know how the electoral college works, do you?
>playing online video games
wtf dont post this here
yes, everyone laughed at them when they did but it caught on outside videogames too
I just hear the roblox death sound and it makes me giggle. Retarded, yes but its funny
now thats a battlestation
Where would /r9k/ and /soc/ fall on this chart?
>t. noguns
>/o/'s >tfw no grom
Gets me every time.
Small arms are for tiny brains like you. I only discuss actual weapons.
my point has nothig to do with new york or california or any state or city
my point is that he did not win the election fairly and was every bit as corrupt as the other candidates, and not in the "all politicians are inherently corrupt" sense, something that the original poster actually knows, but lost on you
you are not very bright
>t. civvy
Jesus, I hate the people that give up. At least try dude. Or at least be funny or fun to be around.
It's lost on me because all you did was fucking greentext you retard, maybe next time try speaking like an actual person if you want people to understand your meaning rather than having to guess.
>my point is that he did not win the election fairly
Yes he did. And that makes you so mad.
>you said i sounded like i deepthroated a cow so i said i deepthroated your mom so your moms a cow
>I have 2 dads
Its called an alcoholic
Trannies, jannies, niggers, Jews and roasties.
no - only stupid brats with single parents who have never taught to behave (cuz mommy is busy earning for a living till 6AM) are
>getting upset over someone consuming a substance
You're gonna have a swath of retarded Russian shills defending the Electoral College by saying it gives corn-growing flyover states a voice and prevents Cali and NY from "dominating elections" without realizing how it actually works in practice, but yes going solely by semantics he was democratically elected.
fucking based
while i understand my posts could be somewhat cryptic and dislike people who do the same thing and understand your sentiment regarding younger people who are only capable of communicating through memes or netspeak, you asserted what you assumed was my meaning rather than simply ask or guess. it had nothing to do with the votes.
also the only one mad here is you. i successfully triggered you thrice so that's just a bad attempt at reversing the roles
based and alcoholicpilled
You talk like a fag.
a alcoholic*
He did win unfairly though, its been confirmed that Russia has hacked into voting machines in all 50 states. Do you pay attention to the news at all?
>Die late
But user, at least 40% of them don't. And That's a Good Thing
toxicity makes kids grow up and stop with their immature horeshit.
How can one post be so based?
Way to waste all those keystrokes on something you're so evidently "above".
you have no idea how many times i see somebody get BTFOd so hard they react like this and think they genuinely won somehow
just shut the fuck up autist, you blew it
seethe cope and have sex
*tips fedora*
>posts frogs
Ẏou are cancer is what you are.
Not him but, no one sane wanted hillary either. They just picked the one they knew would not try their hardest to fuck america. And the one they picked can't do any worse than the last one.
>Why yes, I am overly sensitive on anonymous websites, how could you tell?
>xXZoomyzoomzoomXx: HAHA u mad?!?!
>guy uses voice chat
now what?
Blizzard would still ban you for anything said in the top section.
Is this achievable natty?
>he thinks i spam nigger to make everyone else laugh
>isn't "potato" a slur anyways
it's "potato nigger"
I usually just keep my mouth shut and quiet anyone else's mic I find annoying. For the most part I like hearing the game itself and not the people talking unless I'm playing with friends or on a server I regularly visit.
>So they report
they mute the guy and move on.
yeah ok double down for a futile purpose that won't work anyway
yeah ok double down for a futile purpose that won't work anyway