>Heres your rpg bro

Attached: 1562796352216-2-1.jpg (3311x1709, 1.53M)

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>waah trans people exist
imagine being such a crybaby snowflake holy shit.

Imagine accepting these sick individuals into your media

Attached: 1559806161059_2.jpg (564x1023, 152K)

it better as sunny as advertised.

Attached: sunnypunk.jpg (450x437, 87K)

Also, didn't they say the game would have a multiplayer component?
I smell too many cooks in the kitchen with this game, its constantly shifting directions everytime something is shown

as long as its full of trannies everything will be fine.

>Imagine buying AAA after 2012
You deserved

Unironically this.
AA and indie are where the IQ moved, although there's a few pretentious games cutting into it as well.

I just wanted to be a cop...

Same bro, same

transgender as in... female with a robo dick? i'm down for that one

You could tell this would happen when they denounced the old witcher games as sexist.

I thought you loved fucking trannies op

Not sure if I'm even going to pirate this shit now

How is it not an RPG? Also, that image is dated since Nomads and Corps were confirmed to be starting options.

With body modification being common place in 2020 where original game was set, it makes all the more sense that society has developed in 50 years and some things have become more acceptable. And with dick-girls being normal enough to be in adverts, it only makes sense for player character to be able to be one as well.
You could make argument that they shouldn't have included trans-elements at all, but since the game is set in sleazy, sexual and degenerate future where popping on a cyberdong is as easy as getting your hair done, it really wouldn't be true to source material.

>implying classes will exist
>implying it wont just be a single branching perk tree

well hopefully this is the best """immersive sim""" ever made

They never promised all the pnp classes. Never.

if it manages to be a worse "immersive sim" than deus ex i'm gonna hav a chuckle m8

This is the No Man's Sky of 2019


he gets called the black molyneux for a reason

Why would u listen to this nigger? He doesn't understand anything.

>he gets called the black molyneux for a reason
by who? you?

Can we get an update on this?

Attached: 20190710_202647-1-1-1.jpg (1200x1486, 224K)

Eh... I don't care. It depends if the game is shit or not at launch. Like BFV. Did not care for thr controversy. But I did have a problem when 1/3 of the game was fucking missing. I was pissed. Didn't even buy it and cancelled the pre-order.

Hold on... no killable NPC's?.. What is this, a Quantic Dreams experience?

imagine being triggered over transsexuals in a cyberpunk future where gene and bodymodding is as common as dyed hair

No killable ESSENTIAL npcs

Imagine defending mental illness