Really? Are we really still not translating honorifics? Who thought this was okay?

Really? Are we really still not translating honorifics? Who thought this was okay?

Attached: Persona-5-Cover-PS4-full-size.jpg (1746x2147, 1.12M)

You know what you must do.

take your whitewashing somewhere else

Seethe & Dilate.

I'm sorry you fucking weeaboos know nothing about professional translation

It was pretty cringe, yeah. Good luck trying to get any of these waifufag incels to acknowledge how shitty that game is though.


Weebs, the main demographic outside of Japan, prefer it that way.
Though there is no good way to translate senpai into something that sounds natural.

I hate you ironic weebs.

What's wrong, user-kun?

My sister keeps calling me Todd-kun and I tell her it's supposed to be chan since we're related but then she puts me in a headlock and i always pass out. it pisses me off becau


For the last time I'm not buying your fucking game

>it pisses me off becau

When I played through P3 the honorifics were in the English version, did they change that for P5, I didn't play it.

Its just a culture thing. Ya know when shows are translated to japanese they add in honorifics right?

That makes perfect sense because honorifics exist in Japanese
Honorifics don't exist in English
If your translation is confusing to someone with a good grasp on the language without outside knowledge, it fails as a translation

honorifics are fucking stupid and im glad whenever they're removed in translations, fight me you faggots.

They're still in and it's still stupid


You don't necessarily have to call eachother -chan because you're related. If anything she should be calling you onii-san, onii-chan or aniki.

this was the best part of the localization
honorifics fucking ruined persona 4

We wouldn't have Kanji-coon without it

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They're not

Persona 4 is a 10/10 game. Nothing was ruined.

Persona 5 is a 3/10 game. Lots of things were ruined.

Persona 4 isn't even enough of a game to be called a game, fag. The dungeon crawling is abysmal and the battles may as well be slept through. It doesn't even gave fucking demons or negotiation. P5 is light years ahead of P4 in every capacity, you shitposting won't change it. P4 always has been and always will be the worst megaten game.

Persona 4 is like a 9/10
Persona 5 is probably a 7/10

user-Chan daisuki X3

>not translating honorifics