The Unusual Crash of 26/07/19, the 9/11 of the TF2 economy if you will...
>when your digital investment becomes worthless
The Unusual Crash of 26/07/19, the 9/11 of the TF2 economy if you will...
>when your digital investment becomes worthless
I am so glad I spent only 50 cents on that game
I had hoped all the economyfags left this game for greener pastures
i'm going to let out a hearty lol if they make all the new unusuals untradeable and shit.
They are untradeable and uncraftable already.
Valve lost nothing. Just made more money on people that would have never been able or willing to pay for an unusual and then more money on people who would have never paid for a fucking crate.
This just lasted a few hours and everyone is happy.
The end.
are you implying that the crash was an inside job?
Teaser for the heavy update by introducing communism to trader fags
So is it over, or can certain crates still be exploited?
Pick one you stupid fucking eurotard
imagine being this retarded
Autism is strong with you.
All my regular hats go together better and look better than my unusuals
Like what the fuck do you wear with a Bomber’s Bonnet?
yes imagine
Keep coping mutt with the fact you were late and asleep during this opportunity to make 100s.
They were always worthless. It's sad you needed a large-scale bug like this to realize it.
>people INVEST in pink confetti virtual hats
>reinstalled after more than half a decade of not playing because I was feeling nostalgic about tf2 from all the excitement about it
>check the server browser because fuck matchmaking
>the only fucking servers that are even remotely populated are trade servers and meme game modes
>filter for koth maps because I guess I felt like being depressed
>only like 4 or 5 servers running koth maps at all, none of which were populated
>join a casual queue (because for whatever absurd reason I don't meet the arbitrary requirements to join the comp queue). Game ends as soon as I get there, and immediately get shunted into a map I don't want to play. Play a bit, people taunting and not doing shit, people trying to trade, kids who sound like they are under 12 years old, the full fucking gambit of bullshit of modern tf2.
>uninstall tf2 again
I fucking miss it, bros. I miss tf2's golden age. I miss tf2 from before it was infested by f2p shitters, and I miss when valve was less jewish than they are now. I miss being able to go into the server browser, filter servers for an absurdly specific niche and being able to still find more than 20 servers fulfilling that exact niche at that exact moment. I didn't know how good I fucking had it, bros. Literally no game out there scratches that itch, and I have tried a bunch of them. I just want to play tf2 again without dealing with all the fucking cancer. I fucking miss it so much.
>tfw if we keep the unusuals tradeable I profit from extra hats too sell but if they stay but untradable I still massively profit because gen 1 and 3 effects tank either way and my slumbering starstorm law instantly becomes God tier and I can get about 10 times more worth out of that hat then it already was.
Lamb of city either way for me, i'my gonna go buy me a damn car with this hat based currency either way.
you're going to have matchmaking and you're going to like it goy
also you need to buy a $5 pass on comp even though the mode is literally dead and the games you do get wont fucking start because someone crashed on the loading screen or theres 6 aimbotters on the other team
even if they become untradeable, I am just happy I finally got unusuals for the classes that I play all the time
>because I was feeling nostalgic about tf2 from all the excitement about it
this is where the lies begin...
I guess I shouldn't open my #82 now?
Ahh... this feels just like the good ol' days right after 9/11
>The Unusual Crash of 26/07/19, the 9/11 of the TF2 economy if you will
I'm sorry, but what you are talking about is the Überdanoff update.
user if they hit market hats become cheap for everyone and you can walk in and not feel so bad, you want my jew ass too be able too sell my hats.
>no prize for being a good boy
>some people just got nice free unusuals
>the only punishment is that they are now untradable, but literally no one cares since they would be worthless anyway
>click join random
>steel cp
My unusual is still marketable, what the fuck
>didn't play TF2 in years
>sold some crates for 20 bucks
good outcome desu
>being this salty you didn't get too jew out with the rest of us
shouldve sold lmao
It's funny to laugh at traderfags who had been stockpilling all those unusuals to drive up the prices and likely spent more time trading that actually playing the game, but I do wonder if they were actually important to the TF2 economy, aka to how Valve profits off of TF2. It's like seeing real life billionares lose everything. It's funny but you have to wonder about the consequences that come from it.
yeah im fucking salty, i cleaned my phone 3 days ago and fucking steam guard locked the market, fuck this shit
>caring about richfags who got fucked for tryharding and ripping off people unboxing their first unusual for cheap as all hell
fuck traderfags, they are filthy greedy kikes that deserve their hats getting shit on.
yeah, when I returned home yesterday the whole market and item servers were just going down, tried to open it, but no luck
oh well, its not like I would start playing this game again just because of a free hat
For a while Valve paids jack shit to hatmakers and mostly get money from keys, MvM tickets and ConTrackers nowdays. Most tradefags dont buy hats from the comunity market
It was funny seeing tradeniggers relief and then sudden horror at unusuals being untradeable and unmarketable. Just the fact that everyone has an unusual hat and no longer requires the services of those kikes to obtain one brings me great glee.
unusuals are the new gibus.
i should get one of those unusual players killed parts, since there's a lot of shitters with unusuals now.
I agree, I always hated that shiny pixels were going by thousands of keys, it's absurd. But I wonder if traderfags actually were important to keeping TF2 alive. I honestly have no idea. Maybe this crash forces Valve to actually go back to giving TF2 some love it deserves.
Do people still make money off of making hats? I thought the creator only gets a percentage if it's bought off the MannCo store but they haven't updated the hats on there for a long time.
>Most tradefags dont buy hats from the comunity market
So from Valve's perspective, these people were actually abusing their system and taking away money that should be going to TF2? If so, I'll laugh even harder at them.
Yeah, I think they should be kept as they are right now but that pretty much means that a lot of people will never care about getting an unusual anymore, so traderfags get fucked anyways.
>straight up deleted all my old, not related to events crates
There go my $5-10 I guess.
>join a casual queue (because for whatever absurd reason I don't meet the arbitrary requirements to join the comp queue). [...] Play a bit, people taunting and not doing shit, people trying to trade, kids who sound like they are under 12 years old, the full fucking gambit of bullshit of modern tf2.
Never happened to me when I was playing casual. The worst thing about casual queue is people leaving because they are losing. The queue can't keep up and you are left with 12 players on the server for few minutes. Sometimes when you join, the game is already over but it's not a big deal to be honest. Cheaters appear rarely too.
>There go my $5-10 I guess.
I mean I sold 17 for a total of 48€
some sold for more than 10$ on their own
The unusuals being untradable is only a temporary solution to prevent sales.
If it becomes permanent, there goes a lot of people's money while the sellers go off scottfree with their games/real money. A lot of people will be pissed.
And Im not sure if Valve is going to risk supporting tradecucks anyway because the entire economy is based on breaking Valve's TOS by the use of thirdparty sites and real life money trades.
Reply to me with the amount of money you made
-20, I bought the unusual I wanted and am content
33 €
and wanted to sell the Unusual Gibus but the inventory was already down
But wouldn't it be a problem that the market is suddenly flooded with all those unusuals? In terms of what works better for Valve, they want people to buy keys, which they won't bother to do if they already have unusuals for cheap.
>join a casual queue (because for whatever absurd reason I don't meet the arbitrary requirements to join the comp queue). Game ends as soon as I get there, and immediately get shunted into a map I don't want to play. Play a bit, people taunting and not doing shit, people trying to trade, kids who sound like they are under 12 years old, the full fucking gambit of bullshit of modern tf2.
They have to juggle the risk of being sued. There are anti-consumer laws in some countries that don't care what a company's TOS states and could side with the consumer saying they lost the right to sell a good that initially had value.
Lmfao what the fuck happened?
If there was a hat dupe that's fuckin' hilarious because TF2 item hoarders are among some of the biggest spergs I've ever met on the internet.
>still caring about TF2
It should have died long ago
user lets setup a server
Good point. In the end, I just don't want this to be the thing that makes Valve actually lose interest in supporting the game.
It is thanks to not caring that I still had crates from years and years ago because I was too lazy/not bothered enough to sell them for pennies. Ended up selling them yesterday for a nice tidy sum.
Did something happen?
>fuck matchmaking
I doesn't fucking change anything
Some crates were giving out 100% chance for an unusual.
bout 6€
>post yfw you preordered orange box and got bored of TF2 right when market was introduced
Not even 5 bucks because I deleted most of my crates long ago, I regret that immensely now
About minus 2 dollars. Bought the wrong crate by accident and used a key I already had to open it. Had nothing else to sell to get a new crate and key.
1000 euros. Would've been more (1600) if my unusuals had sold before they disabled the market. I spent half of it on tf2 items and bought my friends a few games. Ah, what a great update.
Damn, did you have a lot of stuff to sell or were you just constantly buying and selling at a higher price?
how the fuck did you have that many old crates lying around
did you collect them or some shit?
Started like 2 hours after the summer update hit. I put up buy listings on the steam market and got crates for much cheaper, making sure that even the shittiest unusual gives me a few cents worth of profit. Ended up opening 95 crates in total, got 9 unusuals that'd be worth 100 - 400 keys (at least before this update), people bought them for like 100 - 200 euros in less than an hour.
Had none of those unusual crates in the first place, I just had to add some money to my steam wallet and buy the crates.
you bought crates & keys & unboxed and made 1000 euros?
200 rubles
Ehh, only had 1 bugged crate on me at the time
i wasted 7.50 on keys and 23.61 on crates
got around 2000$ in unusuals but because of inflation it was actually like 400$. still I sold most of it but still have one hat left for myself
spent $30 and made $500
I'm not telling it was an inside job, but Valve got a shitload of profit out of it.
Each transaction gets them a whopping 20%, which means everytime you buy and sell shit on the market 20% of steambucks stop being credit you have and turns into 100% profit for gabe, without them providing any actual service.
They don't really care for the economy and it's value, all they want is for the mtx to happen a lot
No shit and if they make all this shit untradeable or straight up delete shit they gonna get sued out the ass for literal theft and false advertising out the ass, we are talking billions of dollars, literally enough too sink even massive behemoths like valve.
>casual matchmaking
Knew it was going to be shit the moment it was announced, will never understand how valve managed to fuck a simple system as quickplay up so utterly.
do Gaben and/or Robin even know?
the way the twitter was worded, it sounds like whoever made the mistake fixed it and temporarily made stuff untradeable, but no permanent solution has been decided, probably because the "higher-ups" (I know valve is a flat company but we all know some people still hold more authority) don't even know shit yet because they're enjoying their weekend
>click join game
>play game just like before muh crates drama
I never gave one flying fuck about trading or the market.
They already lost interesting a long time ago, now it's just a cashcow they maintain by injecting it with new cosmetics every 3-6 months.
I'm guessing they heard about it yesterday, likely have some sort of meeting on monday to decide what happens next and the untradable thing was just to give them some time to think.
Don't know if Robin would even be involved in any decision though, is he even working on TF2 anymore?
no they won't you retard
valve could straight up wipe your inventory right now & there's nothing you could do
they have full jurisdiction over the items you have on steam
how many unusuals do you see now?
I'm wondering how widespread they are
45 rubles. For some reason haloween crate jumped up in price and i lado sold new summer crate.
After new update certain crates would give 100% unusuals.
More then usual so I'm actually fragging better now that more people have giant shoot this dumb fag signs floating above their head.
easier for them would be to just give you a vac ban and ban you from trading your inventory
and in court they'll just insist you were cheating, who are the judges gonna believe? some dude or a big company
What ever happened to wearing hats instead of selling them
>traderfaggots had their unusual price collapse and it will never recover because a ton more people have unusuals now
>they keep bitching and moaning about it after ruining trading and being despicable cunts, demands range from another wave of Cheater's Laments to maintain their special snowflake status, turning unusuals into normal hats, giving unusuals some mark of shame, and outright punishing people for unboxing during this time
>traderfaggots panic sold because of this fiasco and now unusual prices are bouncing back up
This was such a happy occasion
>everyone sells their crates and earns a lot of dosh
>a lot of people buy a lot of crates and finally earn their first unusuals
>traderfags who ruined the economy and made keys exorbitant in price on suicide watch, and their ranks include bronies and other stupid faggots
>The TF2 twitter has been used for the first time in 5 months, too bad it was to announce they're thinking of what to do with the uncrated unusuals
>pedo comic repository shut down hours prior but a lot of other okay things were lost too
This July was crazy, it started with tragedies like some crazy guy burning down an anime studio and killing dozens and the death of an actor then ended on a positive note with the TF2 market crash
Press G2 to schadenfreude traderfags
Same desu, I had to go search for my old huds and hitsounds for 45 mins and dropped the game in less than half an hour.
I still really want to play though.
There's still a few days left in July. Maybe a nuke will drop on the 30th.
pretty much every system has a clause they can ban you without giving a reason. This obviously doesn't mean they're going to randomly ban people because that's bad for business, however when there's this "BUT ACTUALLY I DIDN'T BREAK A RULE SO YOU CAN'T DO THAT" shit going on, that's their ace in the hole.
I still hope they fuck the people who unboxed even harder than just making them untradable because it'd be a delicious shitstorm
Not under european law they don't :)
>more than usual faggots wearing unusuals now
>locked down my unusual as non-tradeable and non-marketable
good luck proving I didn't obtain it legitimately through the 1% chance
but why? it's far more fun farming tradefags because they are disgusting vile creatures that deserve too be shit on.
they're harder to find
I'd rather piss off 50% of the population a little bit than piss off 1% of the population really badly
How do they prove that people knew they were abusing a bug? For all we know it was meant to be an ARG. They took like 12 hours before acknoledging what was happening. They could've said in the first five minutes "There's a problem, we're fixing it, anyone who unboxes might have consequences". But they didn't and people were simply playing the market that Valve implemented.
Yes but like the SJW'S and bronies they are, they are loud as fuck so it's easy spotting tradeshitters. They are the faggots reeing too kill the hats and perma banned everyone who had anything too do with it while begging for new cheaters laments.
obviously they won't ban people who only opened one crate if they banned anyone at all
I just want them to revert all the untraded unusuals back to a crate+key
when I checked reddit & twitter everyone seemed to be happy and in fact they were laughing at tradefags saying shit like "it won't get rolled back" "they won't get made untradable" "valve can't track the unusuals" etc.
just like here
Dont think Robin even works at Valve anymore.
he still does
he just sits around all day snorting cocaine off of gabe's ass instead of actually working on tf2
tradeshitters ruined the fucking economy when they started dictating prices on their party sites
the key pricing is just a result of the ever growing inflation because valve refuses to make keys craftable for obvious reasons
pretty much all series 1 unusuals unboxed in the time period are guaranteed to be glitched
its a bit harder to prove which series 3 unusuals are glitched
but series 2 unusuals unboxed in the period are safe
I think it'd be way too much of a shitshow for no real gain for Valve to revert things, assuming it's even possible considering all the market transactions and games bought from that.
Valve went from being this Mount Olympus for devs, where there's no deadlines and people can work with passion, to basically the retiring home for devs. Have one good idea, get hired by Valve, stick around collecting the paycheck until the end of time.
Pretty sure the "do whatever" thing is just a meme now, or was never anything but a PR move by Valve back in the day.
I heard the upper echelons passive aggressively forces you to work what they want.
They can't revert shit because of all the market transactions.
They can't punish the buyers, because it would hit innocent people who bought off the market but didnt abuse the glitch, while the sellers go scottfree.
Only reasonable move I would expect would be cheater's lament v2.0, but that would just result in another community backlash like the first one, probably on a bigger scale.
they can revert ez
the least intrusive is to only roll back untraded "fake" unusuals, as there's no victims then.
they could also roll back the traded "fake" unusuals but then you've got some trouble with people who bought them & weren't aware of it, but even then it falls under "if it's too good to be true it probably is"
they obviously can't revert market trades but they can revert the rest
>I heard the upper echelons passive aggressively forces you to work what they want.
I think what I heard is basically the only way to get "bonuses" is to work on VR shit or card games or whatever, basically whatever the higher-ups want
that's why you have so many people moving from TF2 to other shit, because that's where the money is
>I heard the upper echelons passive aggressively forces you to work what they want.
I think it's that it is a flat structure, not a PR meme, but the senior staff endorses projects like Artifact. The projects that don't get endorsed end up dying simply due to basically being forced to work alone. Going by Glassdoor, it seems they currently run on a high school drama level of cliques. The worst thing is how they give out bonuses. People will postpone stuff just to show it closer to bonus season. And it's only a bonus for having that idea and implementing it quickly, not for the actual manteniance of that idea. So it's like I get a bonus for implementing Jungle Inferno but I have no motivation to actually fix anything after that because there's no bonus.
>but that would just result in another community backlash like the first one, probably on a bigger scale.
I think so too but it's a small hit. Did anyone really give a shit about that? I didn't see anyone quitting the game just because they didn't get the good guy hat that no one even uses anymore.
>revert the rest
yeah, better piss off the entire fanbase by letting opportunistic tradecucks get off scottfree while punishing everyone else
Then you're punishing people who actually want to wear the hats and not the ones who were looking for a quick buck and might not even play TF2. Terrible idea.
>did anyone really give a shit about that?
people got instabanned on community servers if they owned a cheater's lament
Now, there's no community servers left, but I imagine a lot more people fell into this honeytrap this time around, and would gang up on anyone who didn't in a similar fashion on pub servers.
>ree those filthy tradecucks
>why would you let them get off scott free & punish people who abused a bug
you rn
you're not really punishing them, since they didn't lose anything they had before the bug
OSRS had a bug were tbows (at that time one of if not the most valuable item) were spawning every ahlf minute or so on every world on a specific square
they removed all of them again because obviously they couldn't let that just be a thing
>people got instabanned on community servers if they owned a cheater's lament
no they didn't you retard
>since they didn't lose anything they had before the bug
except their money since the key and crate sales went up a fuckton when the word spread
Maybe but the people who would be upset now own several unusuals. Why would they care about a hat that's likely not even going to be an unusual? If anything it'd just be a way to mock them
>He didn't get 10 unusuals when he had the change lol
>He actually thinks a halo is better than 400 dollars worth of unusuals lol
the tbows were free to be picked up, keys and crates arent
>you're not really punishing them, since they didn't lose anything they had before the bug
>OSRS had a bug were tbows (at that time one of if not the most valuable item) were spawning every ahlf minute or so on every world on a specific square
>they removed all of them again because obviously they couldn't let that just be a thing
see, the problem here is that TF2 has an official community market where you can buy stuff with real money
How many people had buy offers for a few bucks for an unusual they really wanted? they got their hats and paid real money for them. if you just delete the hat these people lost real money
so you're saying they purposely bought items that were more expensive all of a sudden
why would they do that if they didn't know about the bug
if they knew about the bug then your point kind of falls apart, since exploiters tend to get punished
If you had a key & chest and just randomly opened a chest that day, you'd be where you started off
People were buying keys and crates for absurd prices. They would be losing a lot.
Trader autists btfo
imagine having $500,000 in virtual currency become $5.00 overnight.
can trade with gift wrap
Wrong. Doesn't work anymore.
and you could get the keys & crates back
that's why I think they wouldn't revert traded ones (if they revert at all), since even though you could argue it's their own fault they still didn't really do anything wrong
They got rid of that method a long time ago
My investments were still worth lots because I didn't invest in RNG, I invested in buds, bills, BMOCs and some other stuff. That said I liquidated like two years ago because I stopped playing tf2, and the last few items I had I just sold yesterday for about $5 so that was cool.
>join a server
>crits desactivated
>join to another server
>crits desactived but also insta respawn
yeah i hate this shit and no more cp_dustbowl or custom cp_maps
didn't those all get duped to hell & back?
how much are buds nowadays? I remember them being like 20 & bill's being like 8
apparently they're like 2.5 now
What about the people who were just randomly opening crates? The original thread I saw only talked about 1-18, but then people kept finding more. Some of those people would've just been doing it without even aware of what was happening.
>furfags posting brainlet wojaks on tf2 twitter seething over not getting the halo hat
Yeah that's around when I got rid of them, I think I dumped 4 or 5 buds for 15-16 a piece, my bills I sold for 4 a pop so they were pretty bad, and then my BMOCs I don't remember but it was a lot. I ended up with somewhere around $400 when I got rid of all my shit.
they lose out on a bugged reward & instead get to open it legitimately again
lets go back to my tbow example
tbow is an item that is rarely dropped by Chambers of Xeric, which is a dungeon like activity. To complete this, it usually takes about 30 min
Imagine if during an update the drop rates got fucked up & gave guaranteed tbows upon every completion.
If they were to remove those tbows and replace them with some item that gave you another functioning roll, you wouldn't have lost anything, as you get the same outcome as if the bug had never happened
Dont think they got duped, its just that keys are worth an absurd amount of metal now
I remember arriving to Metal Gear Online on the PS3 too late for there to be any decent populated servers. I foolishly downloaded the DLC too thinking more serious players would be there. After an eternity of waiting, I got matched.
I arrived in to find a bunch of players in Deathmatch, standing in a circle and not killing one another so that they would all get experience points, which meant being able to buy new cosmetics.
I waited until the last second of the clock before headshotting someone and taking the points for myself, just to spite them.
A few month later, Konami closed MGO's severs and I lost my DLC money.
buds/bills/bmocs/houwars aren't tied to refined/key ratio as they're promotionals, aka limited items
I see your point but I still think that reverting it would be more trouble than its worth for Valve.
Some people were specifically buying the crates and keys because they had a guaranteed change for an unusual. Obviously, you can just say they were abusing a bug therefore don't deserve to be considered lightly. Issue is, Valve took like 20 hours before saying anything about it. Like I said before, some people might've not actually known it was a bug and just assumed it was some new thing Valve was doing and wanted to jump on it soon.
It'd be like if Artifact suddenly had an update that had formerly expensive cards going for cheap. Unless Valve quickly pulls the plug on it, you can't really blame people for simply assuming it's legit.
So the people who should theoricaly be punished, the ones who made out with hundreds of dollars and flooded the market, get away without a consequence while the ones who actually wanted to simply have an unusual for themselves get their items removed. Simply giving away in trade, for removing the unusual ,a crate and key, a crate that is now worthless, won't solve anything because those changes are back in the less than 1%.
reddit is that way
>Konami closed MGO's severs and I lost my DLC money.
I really hope that in the coming future, this shit gets fixed. Companies shouldn't have the power to so easily steal money away for something you paid for.
Is there a option without the beard patch? If so, I like it. If not, it's a meme cancer in the same level as the fucking banana.
Zo does this mean the game will get better now?
valve right now is currently thinking about how many people are going to not unbox now that there are so many untradable unusuals
>some people thought they were just handing out unusuals on every box
Not really. We're just gonna have a bunch more unusualfags now.
No. All this means is that trader autists got btfo and wasted years of their lives stockpiling hats.
It doesn't affect people that actually play the game, because Valve doesn't seem to care much about that part anymore.
No it got worse because everyone has a fancy glowing hat now, most of which look absolutely horrendous but WOW SO FLASHY I WANT
there's very few unusuals that look good
Hypothetical, imagine that Valve created a crate that always gave out an unusual. These crates would have 0.1% drop rate, only a few drop in the entire year, everyone knows about it, much like the Golden Frying Pans. Valve would obviously want people to put these crates on the market so that they get a percentage from the sale. Later that day Valve decides "nah, it's a terrible idea" and anyone who bought the crate and unboxed it gets their unusuals removed.
Then the person who actually sold the crate is rewarded since their market transaction isn't reverted while the person who actually paid for it gets punished.
Whatever Valve does next, they should focus on rebalancing the market and making sure that the people who actually want to play the game are kept happy, even if it means allowing this whole event to have gone without consequences. Plus, that's how Valve has always worked. Whenever those bugged sales happen, like Dark Souls 3 being sold for some cents, Valve honors the sale instead of removing the game from people's libraries and giving out a refund for those cents. They don't punish people for a mistake that Valve made.
Other than the artstyle taking an even bigger hit and maybe making it more difficult for medics to make an educated guess on who the best players are, not really.
Ups, meant for
but these were clearly old crates
plus if they released a guaranteed unusual crate it likely would be very clear
there's also a difference between game sales & unusuals being unboxed
game sales doesn't really impact anything other than valve, so they just take the damage & pay for it themselves, however all these unusuals fuck up the market, which is why they've already at least made them untradable (which means people who bought them are already fucked a little anyway)
>the market
which is built upon third-party sites, trading with real world money and bots, which are clearly against Valve's ToS
>unusual makes someone good
Before this, if someone was wearing an unusual, they were either
A) Above average
B) The worst player on the team
>tfw you're a fred
>picking sniper
gregor is the vanilla solider.
not all of it, plenty of people only do it in steam itself
sniping's a good job m8
but soldier is good too
gregor is any class though
Seilornad lads where you at?
Reportan. How do I aimed heads properly?
gregor picks whatever your team needs before the rest of your team even picks
What kind of human being would actually spend more than like 25 cents for a digital hat in a game that will probably be dead in a few years?
A lot of these people have been playing TF2 since the trading heyday of 2010-2013 and thus cannot get over the "glory years" and want to pretend this shit is worth the same as it was back when TF2 was the highest played game on steam.
It's the sunken cost and they're not willing to just sell their shiny shit for less than they paid and quit playing the game they clearly do not enjoy anymore
>people falling left and right for the steam marketplace jew
i don't think i'm any of these
>used to be really good at sniper for a while
>still competent but can't maintain the level i used to have unless i play him several hours every day, which i really don't have the time or the inclination to anymore
>routinely wrecked by even slightly better snipers
>which is why they've already at least made them untradable
I think they only did that for the sake of stopping it before it got too bad. This basically just gives them some time to consider the best course of action to both fix the market, which was already in need anyways, and what to do now that so many people have a bunch of unusuals.
Best case scenario, Valve realizes they actually need to give a shit about TF2 and go back to giving it support, instead of just using TF2 as the guinea pig for shit they want to do in Dota2.
I agree but it was some sort of indication, at least to how much that person might be aware of the several gameplay mechanics and likely some amount of spatial awareness.
I've been playing TF2 for about 8 years now. I don't have too much an issue in showing it some support after a few thousand hours of gameplay. Also, I think Valve is the one company that could actually find some way to keep the game alive, even after deciding not to support it anymore, unlike other companies who would likely just shut the whole game down and tell you to go fuck yourself if you complain.
how do i make a pimp loadout with this
If they make them tradable again, they're going to remove ALL support for TF2 as it's going to be give them 0 revenue at that point
I'm more of a Seilornad although I play TF2 because I honestly believe it's one of the best games of all time and just about everything in it could be studied on an academic level on good game design.
Also all the effects the game has nowadays actually slow some older computers.
I already sold some Halloween item for $200 before this happened. I don't need anymore Steam bucks.
I once thought of an event that Valve could do to somewhat rebalance the market. An obvious problem the TF2 economy has is that, unlike real life, currency isn't going out of circulation. Which is why a few refs can easily get you several hats on Valve could make an event where they "bought" ref or items from players just to destroy them. Not sure what the reward could be.
Another option I once saw on here would be a smelter hat. Basically a hat that you can put ref into. The more you put in, let's say 100 ref, you get an unusual effect. Another 100 ref and you get the chance to randomize the unusual. The hat itself would be untraddable and unmarketable, maybe subtle enough that it could be mixed with other items.
>0 revenue
please, tradefags are too hooked to liquidate their funds
people won't unbox anymore or buy shit off market since the market would be dead
Use the Dangeresque and either Dead of Night or Sub-Zero Suit
you greatly overestimate people's restraint and the sustained damage to the market
i was able to get my dream unusual for pennies on the dollar thanks to this glitch and even if the unusuals never become tradable again i couldn't care less because im no tradenigger
i made this but still idk
you could buy unusuals for 4€
now the cheapest unusuals are back to like 25€
Didn't this only affect specific items with specific unusuals? Why not lock those crates permanently? That way those specific unusuals can't flood the market anymore. People will still want different unusuals on different items, meaning those keep the same price.
I'm kinda sad I couldn't take advantage of it. Didn't have my credit card info on me so I couldn't buy anything.
You all should have cashed out like anyone with a brain did as soon as keys inflated in 2015. You're all fucking retarded.
Daniel Ricardo single handedly saving tf2. Thank you Daniel
>mrw I buy orange box on the 360, enjoy TF2 so much I buy the PC version only for them to start adding in the hatconomy bullshit
I'm surprised there still isn't a video of Soldier Ricardo dancing while in the background there's footage of the economy crashing.
would be okay if it only affected shit unusuals, but it specifically affected the good unusual effects like scorching/burning flames, miami nights, etc.
I think only good unusual effects that are safe are halloween unusuals
and even then all unusuals will drop in price significantly because there's now WAY MORE unusuals, even if they aren't the same, it's still an unusual
a lot of people don't care about if the effect is rare or not, only if it's good or not
Circling tf2 logo is the same rarity as burning flames as far as I know but are far less desirable because it looks like shit
>tfw have an unusual but uninstalled back in 2018
>tfw no longer have to worry about selling this shit since it's worthless now
Thank you based hackers for freeing me of this dilemma
Sub Zero Suit has a better pimp wool and makes you look like a nigga with a puffy jacket
or try the scotland cape
depends on the unusual bucko, it could still be worth a lot
god i miss metalocalypse, fuck you adult swim you fucking dildos
Hearts Executioner (all-class)
Is it fucked?
>but it specifically affected the good unusual effects like scorching/burning flames, miami nights, etc.
Yeah, forgot about that. Christ, some of the new unusuals really are shit. But anyways, wouldn't this be a positive? Some of those unusuals were completely beyond anyone's reach, costing like a thousand keys or something. It's not like Valve was even seeing most of that money anyways since few people actually both unusuals off the market.
a cloud 9 All-class hat?
I think that's worth quite a bit
>had 21 bugged out crates in backpack
>sold them all for ~10e each
>made over 200e in a hour
What cartes were they?
Yep. Crates 1-18 were bugged, which is the one that unusual comes from.
I think Cloud 9 was also affected.
Nah just regular circling hearts, got it back around 2013 or 2014.
Oh well
If you wait a while you can still make a nice profit if you want to sell it. It's not like they're going for pennies or something.
mostly 1-15 and 17-18 (I didn't have a single 16 crate) and then few 81 and 84 if I recall.
Here´s my fix.
>allow all unusuals to be marketed and traded
>mark older unusuals as authentic
>add series 4 unusual effects, 3 common, 3 rare, 3 super duper rare (65/33/2% chance of getting through series 4 drops)
>for 2 refined you get a crafting recipe
>3 unusuals for a random series 4 unusual
>upgrade recipe with an authentic, or 2 non authentic unusuals to see the result
>use 2 refineds to reroll result
woow, suddely there's a garbage can to get new hats
I don't know how much that would help. I don't think most people really care about what unusual they get, they just want a shiny thing over their head. But it's an interesting idea. They should update the crafting stuff to adjust it for the current market.
Make keys craftable
sorry user
I'll take it off your hands if you don't want it :)
fuck forgot image
If it makes ya feel any better, there is a revival project that brings back MGO1 and MGO2 called SaveMGO. It's pretty easy to get it working again.
I made $175 selling crates that I would have never used. This was the best update to ever happen
As a medic I don't like to admit it but I will judge based on your appearance in 2 seconds tops. It's like tinder for tf2. If I have the time I will check kills on stranges.
I do the same. I usually also try to look at the scoreboard before even picking medic just to have an idea. I'll also give preference to loadouts I find cool or funny.
>strange users
instant yikes for me
now vintage users, those guys get heals
Hmm the party van is up it seems
>Notice a Primeval Warrior badge
Not having one of those badges is my biggest regret. I bought orange box earlier but I didn't start playing until 2011. Now I feel like f2p trash.
we wuz kingz n shit nigguh