If the gaming industry thinks the ok sign isn't ok, what if we made lootboxes a symbol of hate and white supremacy? Like "lootboxes only favor the rich white elite"
If the gaming industry thinks the ok sign isn't ok, what if we made lootboxes a symbol of hate and white supremacy...
Fuck off retard
the video game industry needs a crash
Take it to /pol/, but really you are a brainlet. You should target diamonds since they are always used to represent premium currency in p2w games and they really literally are a symbol of the rich white class. Now fuck off, and good luck.
Lootboxes subsidize games for you poorfags. You’ll never see another game (indie games aren’t games) if lootboxes are banned.
we saw games before lootboxes. lootboxes subsidizes bad games. i don't want to see even more bad games.
>You’ll never see another game (indie games aren’t games) if lootboxes are banned.
>Lootboxes subsidize games for you poorfags
lmao are you talking about the devs? There's nothing more pathetic and miserable in this world than a game dev.
stop go back to r/eddit electionfag
How do you miss the point on so many levels.
Well, he's right about the OK sign being verboten in videogames now.
I can't believe they'd fall for /pol/'s shit THIS hard. Pretty soon everything we do that's fun is White Supremacy.
Besides, you're to talk. THat Green Frog you're using is "white Supremacy" to those guys.
But whites ARE superior. Literally prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.
/pol/ can turn almost anything into a white power symbol the media and left are that dumb
People are retarded it doesn't matter if they're left or right.
What if we make Ampharos a symbol of love and joy?
look at sweden and say that again
You know why this ain't gonna happen? Mr. Steinberg will not let it be widely accepted, because he will lose his shekels, unlike all the other "society changing" ideas you are playing with
and i'm not even from po
>All that reddit spacing
Have some gold, Faglord McNuggets!
>target diamonds
I like this one, could have some real potential here
maybe 'diamonds are a symbol of white purity and superiority' or something
the problem with this logic is that it assigns a greater signifier of meaning to that of the white supremacist, essentially subordinating your will to his. it operates off an immanent knowledge of intent, yet one cannot prove intent (by the very definition of proof) meaning you can at best make an educated guess.
take, for instance, white supremacists begin simply using the letter "N" in place of "nigger." no further context is needed, there exists no deeper meaning. so when someone might for instance make a tweet with simply the letter "N," you can reasonably guess their intentions. yet you cannot absolutely prove this intent as it would presuppose an ontologically racist implication behind the letter itself, which is simply illogical. you must either agree that intent cannot be proven, or the 14th letter of the alphabet is immanently racist.
this is precisely what was done with the ok symbol. now how would you treat the letter N, should it also be given similar circumstance? should the letter be banned from the english language? should we simply content with 25 letters? in its absence it could easily be replaced with M, but then how long would it take until white supremacists started calling people miggers? should we then reduce the alphabet even further? How long until we're reduced to communicating in clicks and grunts?
no, obviously it would be stupid to outright ban the letter N simply because of its duplicitous usage by internet trolls, because internet trolls don't own the english language. likewise they also don't own the ok symbol, or clowns, or milk or fucking whatever.
we should unironically do this, just to see if they remove diamonds from games, it might actually happen
They'll just change it to dildos or some other shit, problem solved
It's not even a joke or a meme, diamonds really are at the very least a symbol of slavery and exploitation of blacks. You just have to pitch it to Kotaku and make a couple of pepe pictures holding diamonds and every dev will have to change their premium currency to something more "politically correct".
we should do it anyway just to see if they fall for it
I must say I'm looking forward to living in a world where people propose with dildos
>when you're so obsessed over racism that your possessed braincage can't even conceive of any other meaning
>Yea Forums make up some bullshit about diamonds being a symbol of white supremacy
>/pol/ starts using it
>media starts covering it and claiming anyone that has something to do with diamonds is a Nazi
>demand for diamonds decrease
>diamond miners on africa go bankrupt and free their enslaved black kids
And then freed kids die from even more poverty
Weird liberatism but ok
You guys wish you had the social manipulation skills on the level of what the diamond industry has pulled. They took a bunch of worthless and abundant rocks and convinced most of the population that they have to mortgage their homes to buy not just one but two rocks lodged in an expensive metal if they want to start a family.
>You guys wish you had the social manipulation skills
You mean the money. And it's not a fair comparison anyway since Diamonds were already seen as valuable before the industry existed, they just didn't have a real monetary value. The scam started when they discovered the mines in Africa and realized they were actually common as fuck and worthless. De Beers then spent the WHOLE past century gaslighting the entire world through viral marketing and undisclosed sponsoring deals. Pretty much EVERYTHING that featured diamonds in any form of media during the past century was actually a paid advertisement. And I do mean EVERYTHING, from ads in a magazine to random scenes in classic movies.
I could do that too if I had that kind of money.
desu the shit de beers pulled to turn some worthless rocks into a multimillion dollar market was brilliant.
I'd love to try to tear it all down with some shitposts