For honor

For honor

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For Frodo

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Is there danger?


Nie trzeba mi się kłaniać

Służę światłości.

>Ah Highlord Uther welcome. I hope you're ready for an unforgettable evacuation
>By the light, the city is ruined!
>But what if I were to cull the population of Stratholme and pass it off as mercy?
>Oh how delightfully devilish Arthas
>Oh Highlord Uther, I was just uh guiding the citizens to safety. Doing the light's work indeed
>why is there smoke coming out of Stratholme Arthas?
>Smoke? Oh no that's the signal flares to guide the citizens to the evacuation point
>Well Uther I hope you're ready for a stunning culling
>I thought we were evacuating Stratholme
>Oh no I said Culling Stratholme, that's what I call mercy
>you call mercy Culling Stratholme
>yes its a regional dialect
>what region
>Eastern Kingdoms
>well I'm from Lorderaon and I've never heard the term culling associated with mercy
>oh no not in Lordearon, its an Arathian expression
>I see
>You know those citizens look an awful lot like they're dead
>Oh no patented light based healing, old Menethil technique
>for mercy
>And you call it mercy despite the fact that they're obviously dead
>Uh one thing I should, excuse me
>AAHHH well that was wonderful everyone escaped just fine, I'm pooped
>Goblin fireworks display
>G..Goblin fireworks display?!
>at this time of year
>at this time of day
>in this part of the kingdom
>localized entirely within the city walls
>may I see it?
>no jaina its just my right of succession
>well Arthas you might not be my king yet but I must say you cull a good stratholme

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Za mojego ojca króla!
arthas kopczynski >>>>>>>>>>>>>> angielska spedalona wersja

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por mi padre, el rey.

No, I'm pretty sure that's from Warcraft III.

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I really hope Blizzard makes a parody cartoon featuring Arthas, Jaina, and Uther


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fuck off this is not a russian board


Say the word

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Yes, obviously and neither are our posts. You nigger.


how the literal fuck do i beat conq with ken? kensei is my favorite character at rep 32 and im having so much trouble against my buddies conq, cant even get a round on him recently.

Fuck off.

no you fuck off

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Ah, Arthas, I'm glad I could make it

>glade you could bake it, uther

>Glad you could make it, virgin.

>You watch your tone with me, discord tranny. You may be living rent free but I’m still your superior as a shitposter.

>As if I could forget, listen virgin there’s something about Yea Forums that you should know...

>Oh no. We’re too late, these people have all been redpilled! They may look fine now but it’s only a matter of time before they turn into /pol/tards.


>This entire board must have sex.

>Are you mentally ill? Theres got to be some other way.

>Cope, incel. As your future gaming representation I order you to achieve intercourse.

>You are not in my vidya yet, tranny. Dilate.

>Then I must consider this an act of seething.

>Seething?! Have you closed your wound, tranny?

>Have I? Bigoted incel, by my right of transgender pride and the sovereignty of my vagina I hereby report your posts on Twitter, and suspend your rights as a human being.


>It’s done! For those of you who have the will to respect the rights of the LGBTQPYAIK+ community follow me, the rest of you? Go have sex.

>Not him, but one day we will exterminate your mentally ill kind, discord tranny.



pretty good/10

>I really hope modern blizzard has soul

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jesus this is the worst

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