What's the burger king of video games

what's the burger king of video games

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Russian roulette

As in, a place where you get junkfood? Playstation Store/Microsoft Store. Console games are by definition casual entertainment, that's how investment and ROE work.


Kingdom hearts.

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Used to be good, but degraded in quality over time. Has it moments every now and then (sonic mania = $1.50 nuggets).

sneak king was a great game

Any game from Bethesda.


syphon filter

burger king is practically extinct in the uk
what game is practically extinct in the uk
most of them if you don't own a tv license i expect

call of duty, you go back every now and then because of memories of it being good, but are disappointed every time you do

[Thing I don't like]

I don't know some chinese ripoff of a game

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The burger king promotional games.

Inferior to its major leading competitor in every way?



Burgen King has cookies?

They had to, since Wendys started doing it

Burger King seems to be more like an average AAA company that just copies whatever is currently selling well.
In fact, their old slogan "Have it your way" always reminded me of AAA 3rd person action adventure games with stealth elements that gloat about giving you multiple playstyles.

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burger king has the best fast food burgers desu but ONLY if you live in a white area. I've lived all over the US and while this rings true for every fast food establishment, it's especially the case for burger king. white employees = good fast food. colored (non-asian) employees = bad fast food. and I'm not even racist since most colored people would agree with me