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Other urls found in this thread:

Just fucking play GZDoom like everyone else you autists

>Provoking conflict, baiting, inciting, mocking, etc. is never acceptable in the official Bethesdanet forums. If you do not have something constructive or meaningful to add to a discussion, we strongly reccommend you refrain from posting in that thread. It is also not constructive or helpful to publicly call out others and accuse them of trolling, or call them a troll - please refrain from doing so. If you genuinely believe someone is trolling, please report the post or thread to the Bethesdanet, and leave it at that.

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What's with this trend of agreeing to policies before playing a single player game?

It's what I prefer but I wish Graf Zahl wasn't a prick. It's got potential to be the absolute end-all but he keeps rejecting all kinds of features that would be neat, like having the automap on a separate monitor. Also how the fuck do you release ZScript and not give anyone any form of fucking documentation for it?

Attached: graf zahl.png (600x512, 288K)

No idea but it's fucking annoying.

What happens if you buy a game with legal agreements when you boot up and you never agree to them? Could you sue for them not being upfront with a EULA before you buy the game and then withholding said game after you've bought it?
And why or why not?

>GZ "Give us your fucking information that we will keep for ourselves!" DOOM

Attached: gold_satan.jpg (751x1063, 42K)

>Not auditing the source code yourself if you don't trust it

what the fuck is happening help

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Guys, this just popped up on my NES...


No one here knows the answer to this user but someone will probably act like they do.

>muh privacy
Fuck off, neckbeard. I bet you still don't even use Windows 10.

No. Most have provisions that protect them regardless. You also can't legally pirate a game because you never read the copyright notice either. They usually reserve the right to change the agreement and suspend service on whim. You could try to fight it in court but anything that goes to court has to be argued though you have the chance the judge just throws out your case from the get go.

Only some specific rights can't be tampered with, depending on the jurisdiction. For example Steam tries to have customers waive various rights that can't be waived and so they get sued in countries that uphold those rights for their citizens. That's the only reason Steam has a refund at all for example.

I don't think anybody on earth will know the answer until somebody tries it. I guess I doubt it would work since there aren't really any damages but who knows.

Interestingly enough, signing into is not required with the Doom 3 port.

Isn't this kind of stuff written on the box or store page?

>giving people shit for not using win10

Attached: drew.gif (194x228, 809K)

i never understand the constant complaints about GZDoom updates, ive been using a version from early 2017 and I never have any issues with gameplay mods or megawads. it plays doom fine what else do you need?
plus having the automap on a separate monitor would be silly, you put yourself at risk checking the map/monster count and ive no problem with that

The complaints are mostly about Graf being a salty little bitch over pretty much everything. His meltdown over Lilith was fantastic however.

The much more frequent updating in recent years creates a more unstable platform for modders. On top of this, the notion of cutting off legacy hardware support for a goddamned Doom source port is ridiculous on top of how fairly demanding it is now today, and various additions or changes have pissed off players and modders alike. Graf simply doesn't take well to criticism either, and the overall direction he has taken with GZDoom can be seen as dubious or short-sighted. The man would get fired if he worked as a programmer.

>plus having the automap on a separate monitor would be silly, you put yourself at risk checking the map/monster count and ive no problem with that

It would be more for playing things like Hexen. Otherwise plenty of maps do give you downtime so it's not like you're going to get consistently killed because of it.

Attached: graf.png (640x1439, 438K)

>say word
>get banned from doom1
>money stolen

It looks like a cheesy shop someone would do in 2007.

>not playing chocolate doom

>You need Internet
>and a online account
>to play a 26 years old...
>...a FUCKING 26 YEARS OLD videogame

Attached: helper intelligent.png (612x491, 63K)

Chocolate/Crispy DOOM or bust
GZDoom doesn't even have a 320x240 resolution option.

>you put yourself at risk checking the map/monster count
There's a setting to have the monster count appear at all times, user.

Would calling them greedy Jewish bastards fall under "Legal discussions"?

Attached: b61.jpg (514x836, 424K)

The fucked up thing is that the original release of DOOM had online play
And the 360 version that this new port is directly based on also had online play
But the port itself doesn't
This game port that's offline-only has Always Online DRM.

Isn't it funny how Jewish is instantly capitalized but god or christianity isn't?
Oy vey.

Sometimes you find interesting things in EULA.
They can litterally kill you and get away with it. You know, you agreed to that by willing to play Crash Team Racing or something.

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Hate to say it, but the 360 Doom was hilariously fun. I swear they tweaked something to make it work so well with a controller and deathmatch was a blast. Maybe it's because I played with children and had 20 years of experience on them and was just destroying everyone, but I had fun.

EULA's are not legally binding documents. They can be thrown out in court.

Eulas are full of a bunch of made-up nonsense that is not legally binding, all they can do is operate within existent law, which doesn't matter if it's reiterated in Eula gibberish.
At the most all these stupid companies do is ban you in some form from the product.

Yeah, that's why when some chemical gives you cancer and you sue the people you worked for since it was their fault they didn't protect you it automatically gets thrown out of court and you never see multi-million dollar settlements or anything. Moron. The "terms of service" are never legally binding excepting in instances where you do something they don't like. If you get hurt using someone's product, you can certainly sue them. Doesn't matter at all what the contract states.
>If a contract is found to be illegal, it is unenforceable and as if it was never formed. The court will usually leave the parties “as they are” at the time of breach. Neither party can recover losses because the court is basically saying, “No contract exists.”

I can make you sign a contract saying you agree to all the bad things that happen to you when you're my butt-slave, but the contract is not enforceable because slavery and prostitution are usually illegal. Same case in many of these terms of service, they are not enforceable. They're just scare tactics.

>proper adjective gets capitalized
>common nouns don't
who could be behind this

Contracts require consideration, giving up rights for nothing isn't a contract.

>say word
>get banned from game
>employer and bank contacted by google AI
>end up homeless


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The word god isn't capitalized if you're talking about the concept of a god or a religion that's polytheistic.
If you're talking about God from the abrahamic faiths, then that's almost always capitalized.

There are many rights you cannot give up, either, and cannot be taken away from you except by due process. That means you fucked up and got convicted of some felony. For example, there used to be internet arguments saying people getting banned for trolling was unconstitutional because no contract can give up your first amendment right to free expression. When you see "non compete" agreements and "non disclosure" agreements, you should read them a bit more carefully and check the differences between them and your run of the mill TOS agreement. The language will be much more specific.

>your location is uploaded to twitter
>all verified checkmarks within ten miles notified.

Would have bought all 3, but now i wont JUST beacause of this.

These things are basically ransoms and you're forced to sign under duress there's no way a judge would actually side with it if anything serious went down.

Whoa what a rebel.

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>not owning them already
Pretty sure people are issued copies of Doom at birth by this point.

You might be shitposting but if you're serious you really dodged a bullet, the port is mind-bogglingly bad.
>not a straight port of the DOOM engine but instead a remake in Unity (despite someone porting Chocolate DOOM to the Switch in less than an hour of work)
>Always Online DRM
>no online play despite the above
>Nazis and swastikas removed from secret maps in DOOM2 like in the 360 port
>all the music was converted from MIDI to .ogg files taking up more than 100MB of space but they somehow fucked up playing the MIDIs while recording so all the music is slowed down and notes hold longer than they should
>load times are longer than the original DOS version
>original credits removed and all references to the original devs struck from the game
>doesn't even come with Final DOOM or NRFTL, despite the latter being made by the people who did this Switch port
And there's probably a ton of shit I missed. It's insane how badly they fucked up a port of the most ported game of all time.

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>a remake in Unity

doom.wad is the birthright of every sentient being on this planet

There's no logical reason for it. Some people have speculated it's because DOOM's code has been open source under GPL for more than 20 years, but unless they directly ported a fanmade source port to the Switch they don't have to adhere to GPL at all, id software owns a commercial license for the DOOM source.
Zenimax has gone after fan projects due to them hosting the fucking shareware version of DOOM, user. They clearly don't think so. (example of shit getting taken down)
At least Freedoom exists, a version of DOOM that removes all copyrighted assets from the game with identical modding capabilities to the official game. Most sane people will still use normal DOOM when playing custom wads and such but it's really nice as an option in case Zenimax ever goes full retard.

Doom just plays nicely on a controller, I actually prefer a PSX pad. Since you don't have to aim vertically, even a non-analog one is fine.

>load times are longer than the original DOS version
Fucking HOW

> when you think the evil corporation has a master plan to enact a dystopia future
> actually they're just retards riding a wave of dumbass consumers onto and over the edge of a cliff the economic system always had


Attached: NewsAnchorRonBurgandyGlassCage.gif (300x264, 2.96M)

Hey guys I heard you like Doom! We've ported it to the Nintendo Switch so now you can enjoy it on the go, be sure to sign up for a Bethesda account in order to play. Also download the Elder Scrolls Blades to get 30% off on your next loot box purchase.

Attached: RobertAltman.jpg (211x237, 8K)

>implying this isn't pete hines fault

>Zenimax has gone after fan projects due to them hosting the fucking shareware version of DOOM, user. They clearly don't think so.

They can suck my nuts, a simple google search will get you full versions of 1, 2 and Final. Of course they pull a Nintendo and shit on fan projects, but they literally cannot stop the distribution of WADs, they're relatively small files that are easily copied and played with a source port so you don't need the entire game anyway. They take down one website distributing the shareware version? Great, there's 10,000 other filehosting sites with the full version. it's only the most beloved FPS of all time.

when zenimax starts going after source ports, then we can worry but i doubt it will happen.

>hosting the fucking shareware version of DOOM
Every single FTP server on the planet has an /idstuff/ folder. It's like an unwritten law or something. They can't take them all down.

how do you find ftp servers?

>> when you think the evil corporation has a master plan to enact a dystopia future
>> actually they're just retards riding a wave of dumbass consumers onto and over the edge of a cliff the economic system always had
>when you realize this is also how the government works and the "deep state" is just collective stupidity misread as malicious intent

Attached: tumblr_n7lm3bBJve1tf7a1xo5_540.gif (501x293, 1.3M)

nice try todd

I wish i was todd, get 60 birrion dorrars for a shitty game i made a rough draft of a premise of while on the toilet while the code monkeys do the actual work and the retards buy it up? Yes please

nmap everything
Tl;dr depends on the State if you're in the US, the Supreme court has refused to rule on the matter, so it's basically a legal grey area.

eulas aren't enforceable they're contracts of adhesion.

>phoneposters are also /pol/ fags
More news at 11: the sky is blue

No, seriously, this shit fascinates me, but i'm too much of a brainlet to figure it out by myself fully

>NEET discordtranny seethes at the sight of someone being not at home and actually working

I'm gonna ... say the N word

Attached: heavy weapon dude.png (320x320, 32K)

it's funny that there is more and more of this shit everywhere parallel to more and more verbal and physical violence in the world. It feels like a movie you've already seen the end

>Pick up unlicensed machinegun that you acquired from the illegal border crossers that never get investigated
>Loudly play E1M1 music you torrented
>Nothing left to lose
>shoot up the Bank
>police try to stop you but police are massively overworked owing to the growing basketball zone
>concerned citizens cannot stop you due to lack of guns
>make it to Google's office
>Shoot that up too until their AI drone finally takes you out

wtf mate, is this shit real?

Here is a list of things I do not use:
Windows 10
Here is a list of things I am probably going to stop using in the near future:
Google / Gmail

Not that I care about privacy or anything, it's more that I'm not interested in all these groups forcing their anti-racist shit.