Shantae Thread

Excited for Shantae 5? Hopes for the game? Own any Shantae merch?

I wish I bought some of Limited Run Game's Shantae stuff but I always miss out. Everything they make sells out so quickly. And I'm not a huge fan of those Shantae figures that were made recently.

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I hope it's better than half genie hero.


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why does anyone like this series? is it just fapbait? why has this held a cult following for so long?

Basically fapbait. The games range from so-so to pretty solid but are held up by the tiddies.

This is ugly art is all over the place. Iggy made this, didn't he?

there's 5 of these fucking things?
I've been under the assumption for years that Shantae was some game that got stuck in Kickstarter hell but never released and people just drew some really good porn
what fucking year is it

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For me, I'm nostalgic for the franchise because I had the first game on my GBC when I was a wee lad. Half-Genie Hero stunk but Pirate's Curse was pretty great

You must have lived under a rock your whole life then because Shantae's first game was on the GameBoy Color. Then a game on DSi. And then the 3DS. Then all modern consoles. And now we're getting the 5th game.

Shantae has SHIT PORN.
Shantae game is SEXY.
Shantae porn is SHIT.
Shantae porn makes Shantae SHITNTAE.
Why would I ever play a SEXY game if the PORN IS SHIT?

what the fuck man where have i been

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I want Shantae to smother her feet in my face while I sleep.

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I didn't really enjoy HGH as much as the others but the original game and Pirate's Curse were amazing
Should I say fuck it and download Risky's Revenge on my 3DS?

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I don't know, user. But by no means was she a Kickstarter disaster. Only had Kickstarter set up for Half-Genie Hero, which released on all consoles and was the first major art style jump from pixel to 2D on 3D. And the Kickstarter was funded quite quickly and the game got plenty of DLC.

I'd do it. HGH really wasn't special whatsoever and felt very hashed together but I guess that is what Kickstarter can do to you when you're building a game around what everyone is trying to throw at you

i think somewhere in my tism brain I got shantae mixed up with Mighty Number 9

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half genie hero was alright

Probably. Nobody liked Mighty Number 9

>people just drew some really good porn

That midriff makes me want to massage her ovaries


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can someone post the version without the cuck shit plz

Fuck you for uploading these edits, you may as well post watermarked porn for all the difference it makes.

I feel like Shantae 5 will be to HGH as Pirate's Curse was to Risky's Revenge; a new game that reuses a lot of the same assets, but is considerably better than its predecessor in many ways.

I hope that if they include a lot of alternate costumes, that they let you wear them in the main story mode, rather than simply relegate them to a copy and paste, bare bones arcade mode for each costume like in HGH.

Lucky for you I save every little piece of Shantae art my dirty little virgin ass comes across

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shante fap thread... my favorite

Is Risky being crushed by her own giant tits here?
