>game has a deep character creator
>you can create an AI partner
Games like these? Outside Dragon's Dogma of course.
>game has a deep character creator
>you can create an AI partner
Games like these? Outside Dragon's Dogma of course.
Other urls found in this thread:
>japanese shadman
I thought that was raita?
Getting real tired of this title being handed out like candy.
Raita is only comparable in terms of "Bad art", but Asanagi is comparable in terms of edgy fetishes, though Shindol is also comparable.
>Panda is dead
Fuck. What other sites do you use, bros?
So "japanese shadman" is just whoever is vaguely similar for whatever reason. Ok.
more like shadman is western asanagi
Raita is a gentleman and a scholar.
Skyrim with mods? Maybe FO4 with mods two?
Sort of, but honestly Asanagi and Shad would probably get along very well in a conversation of fetishes.
I love that they put some lolis as their goodbye picture.
fuck off, you shitter
Asanagi was the original and remains the only real "Japanese Shadman"
Asanagi is called it because of his ridiculous fetishes and often ridiculous art (insane proportions, same face). Also because he is literally a meme artist. Just like Shad.
holy shit I want this but can't have it because it would be creepy.
>reddit response
Freedom Wars
>that underboob
At least Asanagi's short stack women with mega milkers are more fapable than anything Shad draws.
>meme artist
Fuck off. You don't see asanagi drawing shit with fidget spinners or farting fortnite characters or nazis or whatever. You are simply a brainlet that sees edgy and immediately jumps on an old bandwagon without even knowing what it was about.
>sameface, samebody, same exact doujins with the same plot, loved by normalfags, and worst of all
>"Maledom" (Compensating much? kek)
Asanagi is also ugly as fuck and is just a spiteful incel.
Raitas art isnt bad, just his anatomy. Making characters 7 heads tall with triple D tits and a torso that would crack like a 31 year old boomer.
Most people who draw use muh artstyle as an excuse for shitty work but Raita doesnt have bad fundamentals.
Barely played it but liked it, now it's Dead.
but user think about taking the leftmost figurine and stick your cockhead right underneath that crop top. Give those melons a little smooch.
are those real figures? wonfes is tomorrow
Ever since shad took on his simplistic cartoony design that he likes to use for comics, I kind of like his women, tbqh. I just hate his old hyper-detailed freckled asshole garbage.
okay, buddy
go read your femdom and cuck shit
samefag here, holy shit they're real myfigurecollection.net
Both "femdom" and "maledom" are trash.
>saucenao, iqdb, googs, yan don't work
One of the few things he's done right. Insta-nut every time.
Phantasy Star Online 2
Raita is a god, specially when it comes to drawing sex positions. I've said it time and time again and still not a single retard has ever brought up a good argument against him other than muh proportions (even when his chars are deliberately meant to look like sex goddesses in an otherwise mundane world).
Yea Forums sense for eroticism is that of a hot dildo half melted on the pavement.
Asanagi is a pornographer at heart who happens to make art. Raita is an artist at heart who happens to make pornography.
I'm only glad robutts is dead and buried like the trash he is.
I've heard rumors that he makes his women that small not because he has a fetish for standing pazuri, but because it symbolizes the frailty of women compared to his often giant, muscled men.
how new
>Tfw one of my fans for my hotglue channel notified me of this figure
>Are you going to hotglue?
>Sorry not enough money to buy
>Don't worry man I'll buy it and lend you it for hotglue video?
>Yeah sure just make sure to send it back when you're done shooting! (Get it?) Anyways I'll let you know when I get it so we can arrange it.
Godamn I love my fans sometimes.
t. jealous shadman
Are you the black guy with the tiny dick? I've seen those, they are cool.
>Got injured in motorcycle accident
>Lost his arm and leg
Holy shit why didn't anyone tell me this happened? I'm not a fan of his art but I hope he's ok
well yeah one of his doujins the explanation for a girl being fed and kept in order to make her have the biggest tits/ass possible for her frame and tiny muscles is so she doesn't have the strength to resist ever
Nah. I'm the guy who takes tons of pills. Did Sakura once.
Save the money you're using on figurines to buy an actual sex doll with huge tiddies
Someone please tell me if there's more pics. I need them.
>That one doujin where the warrior woman is defeated because the enemy commander simply hid in the blind spot created by her giant tits.
there's not need to reply if you don't know.
Oh he used his hands to draw his trash? I'm shocked. Thought he held the pencil in his mouth, like a chimp.
Was it his drawing arm?
How the fuck is literally anyone but Rebis Japanese Shadman? You're all retarded.
This, good sex dolls with anime tits are like $1400, but they last for years with the right care
Yep. Lost thumb on other hand too.
Where are you releasing the hot glue figures?
No sex doll on the market has a good anime artstyle though. They are all shitty looking "realistic" dolls.
I know a game exactly like that, but I'm not telling you fags.
Anyone who draws this trash is Japanese shadman.
Not him and I haven't seen your vids, but I assume by pills you mean supplements. I have some myself when I feel like shooting big loads but I don't know when I should take them or how many per day. I take 1000mg of omega 3, 50mg zinc, l agrinine 1000mg, and pygeum bark extract 25mg.
>rebis, metal owl
Who else?
Uh, what? Source?
When did this happen? His last twitter post was on the 25th.
Have you seen his art? Only a retarded cripple could draw like that.
Wait what is going on with Robutts? I love his art, and I would honestly be sad if he couldn't draw any more
>not attractive
Dunno, man, I'm kinda getting a chubby as we speak.
The best selection i've found so far is fansdolls
don't put those two in the same category please
I don't sell them?
Yeah pills supplements.
I have a big routine for thick loads. No fap is one. Edging for a while is another.
Whoops looks like you posted the tag version. That's okay, here's the good one.
i need a source on the lower left
be a bro
>Raita is a god
Just looked. They are pretty bad, dog. Why can't real doll makes just make something like OP's pic?
Japan made me virgin. Just look at the thickness
kunaboto, metal owl, seinsen, donaught, nate de cock
Any other supplements I should take/increase the dosage?
That's metal owl
imagine being this low test
>this cropped image, all by itself, was top rated on danbooru a couple days back
More like top raitaed ha ha ha ha ha
>thick pubes
Fuck you pal, CSR was a godsend
Fertility disgusts weak men with retardedly particular taste.
They probably can, but with that much customization it'd probably cost over $6000
One of my favorite parts about Kenshi is how I can fully customize however many party members as I want. I'll often come up with an idea for a new start just because I have an idea for a new character I want to create, and a few party member ideas I have. I'll then grind them through the early phases of the game, and then do the whole thing over again on a new save.
I've got just shy of 400 hours in that game, and I don't think I've ever gotten past the mid game, and it has nothing to do with being stuck.
god muy fucking dick
Woman here. You guys say you hate far women then you jack off to this shit. I just don't get you men anymore.
Not him, but add lecithin to that
>that feel when the full image is too big for Yea Forums's ancient file limits
Baito desu.
why are armpit fetishists allowed
Perfectly shaped and distributed mass > your saggy, foul smelling jelly rolls.
Is this the DCO thread?
Most fat women don't have fat in the right places and ususally have ugly faces. 2D women solve every problem; find me a woman that looks like pic related and she's a keeper.
Way to project. There's a diff between s alight paunch and having your own orbit, hamplanet.
Now go bathe.
I came into this thread actually hoping for recommendations. I was a fool.
Absolute disgusting
fuck off, you shitter
I gave a recommendation thinking people actually wanted them like the fool I am. I even tried to bait people into checking it out by posting loli shek.
Kenshi looks like an N64 game though
i will fuck you to the point of brain death
Shit that's the last one I forgot to mention. The supplement is1200mg, thanks though user I appreciate it.
You can't even stand up from your chair you fatass 200 kg basement dweller
Reminder Raita is an official artist of the upcoming Olympics.
I'd hotglue the fuck out of these sluts
Oh yeah, it's an ugly janky piece of shit, but I absolutely love it.
i dont care lmfao
youre a fucking loser cuckistani faggot
Look at this and tell me it ain't hot as fuck.
Based. Also Asanagifags are cucks
do you feel like it actually makes a difference?
>3d models
Fucking stop doing this shit. Hentai will never ever look good in 3d. Seriously stop masturbating to your uncanny valley porn and get some standards.
You may not like it, but this is the truth
To be honest I'm not sure. I probably haven't kept up to a routine long with that I saw a difference.
muh dick
That seems to be a bloated image, here's the original from his twitter which is pretty much identical in quality.
But yes, usually if you can't find an image using any of those methods, it's because it was on Twitter, or Tumblr, or another site that doesn't make it easy for sites to monitor.
not him, but here's a NSFW link to a session solely on lecithin+l-arginine
(edged for about an hour, hadn't fapped in a week, plus lots of water is important)
Yeah, I saw yours at least. Sadly, I already know of Kenshi. It's fun though.
i wish l-arginine didn't taste like complete shit
Interesting. How many days of buildup with the supplements did it take to get that load?
Big if true.
Doesn't even load, user.
only newfaglets and ironic memers keep spouting this gay meme to all japanese artists they see
Asanagi isn't a bad artist and not as edgy as Shadman or ShindoL.
The mind-reading gimmick of this series still makes me laugh.
Like I think the only reason it's there at this point is so that the girls can "mind read" the individual sperm cells going their way.
People call him Japanese Shadman but I can actually get off to some of Shadman's pics, Assanagi is just fucking ass
Except for that Alf comic.
Maybe one day we'll find the cure for shit taste. Hang in there, user.
t. Shadman
Stop fucking perpetuating this meme already you god damn hack.
Everyone knows this ">LOLOL LE EPIC JAPANESE SHADMAN XDDDD" was started by Shadman himself to make it seem like he's actually a good artist.
it's just a pill, you can get that stuff $5 for 100 at Walmart
I've been taking them for a long time, it's probably something where you'd want a few weeks to see results
>Asanagi is comparable in terms of edgy fetishes
he's pretty tame. Look up hana hook or shindol
Holy fuck, the video games I would play on that gut
I honestly don't like this 3D artist. I hate the way they texture and they are a tryhard in sucking up to popular artists.
I'm very happy not being attracted to any of Asanagi's garbage generic fuckedup doujins and shitart. Shadman too. Now I get the comparison.
I love my gf's soft belly but we're going to start going to the gym for long-term health benefits. I'm going to miss that flab. Never fails to make me horny as fuck.
>Asanagi is edgy
In what fucking world is he edgy? Maybe if you count that one Taimanin Anthology? If anything, it's actually surprising how he hasn't made a single NTR story in his entire life.
channel name?
>muh poor women
its just retards whiteknighting for drawings
Who is that artist kind of like Asanagi who draws girls getting mating pressed into oblivion, then eventually they turn on the guy and screw him to death from exhaustion?
Asking for a friend.
You do realize that they all fuck black men
>You do realize that they all fuck black men
I cant read. But asanagi is still pretty tame in the grand scheme of things
kipteitei's patreon
RADIOHEAD is japanese Shadman and even that artist is better than Shads.
thom yorke draws hentai?
you have evidence to back up that bold claim?
why cant tits actually be this size
feels bad man
I mean they can... but real tits of that size look fucking disgusting and saggy.
>Average American/Swedish poster
More like your average spic
more like raitabortion fuck off with that shit
Already said American
>you can create an AI partner
>it's fucking cool at first
>you suddenly learn that it's shallow as fuck and very limited
>can't have more than one of your own
>can't romance him and forced to romance a random shitter you interacted with one time
Dragon dogma let me down really hard, i was suddenly in love with the fucking male innkeeper lmao.
Go back to fapping to Loomis, retard.
Are you brain damaged or do you not know what a spic is?
I don't know about that, user, I'm black, but they don't fuck me. Maybe it has something to do with them being two dimensional drawings.
america is 56% mexicans
I said American, go guzzle some grease burger
Top kek
>He thinks that there are "white" americans
Why do her tits look so weird
Please don't associate me with them. That's fucking disgusting.
>all these eternally asshurt faggots
My sides
A spic is a Spanish speaking specifically from Central/South America, but I guess someone as brain dead as you wouldn’t know that
>paying for sexual services from a tranny
I dunno man sounds pretty gay
That's raita for you. Amazing artist, truly amazing. HOWEVER, when let lose his works err on the fetishistic side of things.
Since he has become a big name artist, he is getting a lot of freedom lately.
where this pic come frome? asanagi art its one of the best btw
Came to post this
tippest toppest zozzle
>You do realize that they all fuck black men
im shaming my ex for being 120 lbs and making her go down to 100
Rebis draws muscle, not fat. Or that's what I'd like to say, but he doesn't draw anything since switching to Patreon.
Part-time job?
why do I get the feeling that this thread is either gonna die or get deleted just as the glorious fat-posting starts?
I thought it was the happu that drew the one meme one where the schoolgirl turns brown
>people hating on RAITA of all things
I want offsite people to leave
oh my gah
>motorcycle accident
ahahahahaha they never learn
>tfw user will never hotglue your waifu and make you lick her clean
extreme perkiness
You can't just say this and not provide a source
>Draw smut
>God takes away your limbs
Matthew 5:30
Wojak posters can't call anyone else brainlets.
but that looks nothing like shadman's art
he doesnt draw fat girls
>A spic is a Spanish speaking specifically from Central/South America
Yeah, thats where most of the american population comes from.
Most of that fat sits on muscle. Most women, even not fat, never work out, so the best build they can possibly have is skinnyfat. They walk on two tubs of lards, sport a fupa, two sausage arms and if they were lucky, a nice pair of breasts.
>You can't just say this and not provide a source
Not worth it when sadpanda is kill.
holy shit rai posts here
i hate insects too, but i fap to this shit
so dont think too highly of yourself
>human with bug parts
>implying that's exotic at all
Wow, sick work in progress.
Oh right, I forgot I can just go out and meet a girl with centipede arms
and fat women are supposed to be exotic?
more than 50% of women are overweight
>see sexy anime picture
>get hard
>remember the ones we lost
>get sad instead
someone made a full backup of the entire site
Are you tying to bring my hopes up just to crush them?
I think it's better without the third post.
middle left has a dick, right?
I hope all of them have a dick
and I think it's better when ants stop posting
I think it's better in a readable resolution.
>no longer creative
joke's on you, I jack off while editing doujins to have my fetishes in them and then send them to other folks who like those fetishes
Image for antgirls?
I assume it's fake
Fuck you guys are entitled, it's not like you don't know what's there anymore.
well, it's kinda hard to see so we may never know what's there
Now this is the stuff
You have the curse of homosexuality my friend
i don't have the source but last i checked they were in the process of an upload, no idea if it'll get a rehost
>getting this mad at a harmless jab
Must take effort to be this retarded.
because it always happens when I post OC. and then you have the audacity to complain about wojacks and pepes. Well no shit if you chase everyone away.
cropping a Yea Forums screenshot doesnt count as oc
that is NOT fucking OC so you can actually fuck off now