Why did you stop playing WoW?
Why did you stop playing WoW?
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It’s still the same grind fest as it’s always been and always will be. Nothing outside mounts stay from patch to patch or between expansions.
Never started
You posted it.
Draenei are a reason to start playing, not stopping playing
Why don't mods/jannies just fucking delete these trashy spam threads?
FFXIV is just better. Best MMO in the market
My mom thought I was addicted to it and grounded me from it.
I installed a trial version without her knowing, played for a few hours leveling some newguy and then sat there. I asked myself if I was having fun and I said no and uninstalled.
because of retard cringe faggots like you blindly paying Blizzard money killing the game
How is she able to swim without her tail being raised up as a flag on top of her giant buoy of a rear end?
Tried it. Got bored.
Tried it again, got bored.
Tried it again, got bored.
Tried it a fourth and final time, got bored.
Most classes had me bored by level 10-15, only Druid and Warlock lasted longer. Still got bored by level 30.
because they are wildly inconsistent
>posting draenei when panda girls are vastly superior
user what the frick?
Warcraft ended at 3 for me. Was sad they never made 4 but instead this wowshit.
3 was my first RTS. I never really got the opportunity to play one before that, and I only got into 3 because a friend in high-school lent me his copy.
Because it has a tax to play it. XIV can get away with having a tax because it plays like a current gen MMO. WoW on the other hand looks and plays like a dungeon crawler on a handheld. And don't give me any of that "lol just waste your life grinding for gold to play for free™" bullshit.
Burning Crusade
Because my level 30 human paladin got bugged and I lost everything I couldn’t even interact with anyone
LOL keep telling yourself that.
stop lying
NuBlizzard's obssession with removing stuff from the game is why we can't have nice things
I had something happen with a character where I "died" while already being a ghost and then when I ressed at the spirit healer I was "alive" but still stuck in the ghost world. I was only level 10 though so I just deleted the character and started over.
I’m dead serious
I unironically quit
I sent a ticket in back in 2007 and they couldn’t do anything about it
I couldn’t log out of my character besides attempting to alt f4
My character got lost
I was on azeroth
Boring to play day in and day out. Best time to play WoW is right before an expansion launches. You get to play all the patch content (and easy gearing) added over the course of the expansion and then you can play the new expansion when it comes out. Level to new cap, grind out some gear, maybe play a new class if one is added or an old one has cool changes and then drop it for another couple of years until the next one is getting ready to launch. That's been my pattern since Cataclysm and it hasn't failed me.
i fucking love that thickness, but its totally unrealistic. feels fucking bad man
this, they should have big fat jiggly tummies to make it more realistic
WoW = better universe and waifus
FFXIV = better game
No canon futa race.
id be very okay with chubby tummies, its just chubby faces and butterfaces i dont want
I never started.
I ranaround for a bit in the leaked beta world, and played the first five-six Tauren levels on a friend's subscription.
The game was (and still is) by far the best art directed MMORPG there is, but coming off of Ultima Online, almost everything about the game design rubbed me the wrong way.
Friends stopped playing and couldn't find a guild because it was either:
a) "sup we're all parents here so we raid 1 hour a month with everyone stopping every 5 minutes because of a screaming baby or real life shit"
b) "you need 5 million gear level to join us. Oh you can't get past 400 without raiding? Too bad, pick yourself up by your bootstraps bro"
The face, and maybe limbs are definitely the make or break. As long as she doesn’t reach multiple rolls tier of fat, I don’t care how big she is if she has a regular looking face
based 2D
I didn't like the overworld changes in Cata and I thought the new skill tree looked weird
I played since late vanilla but really only did end game content during WotLK. Cataclysm happened and I realized that I no longer cared to put much time or effort into the game anymore. I came back for MoP and realized that the game I loved was gone and had become a daily grind simulator where nothing truly felt like an achievement anymore. I quit around the throne of thunder patch and have not played retail since.
Played on private servers since Nost and had more fun than I ever did on retail. Looking forward to Classic.
games that let you level solo are no fun
I could never beat off to my WoW characters. But thanks to FFXIV mods I don't even go to porn sites anymore. Now I have a personal catgirl stripper in thigh high fuck me boots and nipple piercings.
>chubby faces and butterfaces i dont want
>I don’t care how big she is if she has a regular looking face
Yea Forums seems to be the only place where I can find fellow god-tier patricians such as yourselves, bless your souls
Imagine having as shit a taste as this, jesus seek help.
I had the itch to play again
but then I put some cream on it
and now it's gone
Quit in BFA cause its big dog doodoo peepee
I got bored of it back in Wrath of the Lich King. There was no other reason. I left before it went to shit and not because of anything Blizzard did.
its fuckin bad game bro
>get into raiding in wod
>be bottom of dps despite doing rotation right because subpar gear and no good legendaries
>no better items from dungeons
>guild won't take me raiding
>no chance to improve
That's what you get for not playing the best expansion after WotLK just because lol pandas
Aw yeah, that's what I'm talking about
That artist draws multicolored horses
But are they, at the very least, anthro
raiding based gear progression endgames have always been casual as fuck. At least in EQ it was kind of ok because you had to camp the spawn, but not everyone did, and so you could be a casual little shit there too.
Straight grind progression is the only fair endgame. Everyone can do it, time = progress, no exclusion you can log on and start doing it any time regardless of whether you have your little nepotism discord clique, no casuals who only play a few hours a day ever getting anywhere near the top. Only for the hardest of the hard core.
>doesnt appreciate a chubby face
Fat girls feel incomplete without it.
I am not well versed in twitter-fu, you got a sauce for that?
Because of BFA.
WoW has been dead since Cata. If you unironically play WoW post-cata you instantly out yourself as having brain damage.
There's just too much shit, and 90% of that shit is locked behind time gates. Then when you get the best shit you just keep doing the same shit.
World PvP is neutered, chat is just literal spam, 99% of the content is irrelevant, classes are homogenized into dps meters. arenas take 30 minutes a game, BGs don't have rewards, transmogging fucked the look and feel of the world where it's basically a bunch of assholes in clown costumes. The list goes on. The only people that play this game in its current state are fags and normies.
I was gonna post something but then i realized this is just another waifufag bait thread.
Die in a fire, virgin faggot.
>World PvP is neutered
War Mode actually fixed that.
>BGs don't have rewards
Also fixed
Because the game I loved died after Burning Crusade. Wrathbabies will tell you how WotLK was the best expansion but it was the expansion that introduced all the bad things that would eventually ruin the game either right away or in later expansions as they were expanded upon.
Quit back in Wrath shortly after ToGC. League came out shortly after and was the new hotness for a couple years and just lost interest. People say WoWs quality is what killed it, probably some truth but LoL really is what hit it hard.
Looking forward to Classic to come back for a bit hopefully hit 60 and fuck around.
Yeah, he got some nice shit
My sincerest thanks, tonight is gon b gud
>le laughing captain reddit.jpg
how to spot a nufag
Because they removed the first M and RPG of the genre.
>get aotc KJ, nothing to raid for anymore
>new zone releases, it's shit
>new mechanic for upgrading leggos releases, it's shit
>go on vacation for 3 weeks, come back home, don't want to play WoW anymore
they killed body mods
>huge belly in a skintight suit
Hoo boy
I started in pandaria and thought the game was pure shit of just pressing one key over and over while auto queing for dungeons. I had no idea what my skills did. Dropped it because it was horrible.
Tried nost eventually, loved it, stopped playing when they announced servers were going down.
>level 30
>lost everything
you had nothing
getting to 30 didnt even take that long dont know why you didnt just start over
Can you post examples of the ff14 mods? Like an imgur album or something?
Gameplay is complete shit
They had a somewhat decent idea of what they were doing at the end of Legion and BFA destroyed it all
I'm unsubbed but I'm not giving up on the game, maybe they'll wake up for 9.0
>maybe they'll wake up for 9.0
they won't
Got tired of the grind. It was always repetitive and boring, but I wasn't willing to forgive that anymore.
Because they removed all the thing that made it a great game. I might try Classic because all my norme friends are hype about it.
game's been on a downward spiral since Cata
MoP looked like it was headed in the right direction, then WoD happened
by the time Legion came around it was full online single player game you pay a subscription for, but at least it was fun
then BfA happened and removed the fun part
I have zero faith in 9.0 being any better
class design
nothing is fun
everything is the same
filler skill that does no damage, big skill that does damage, more damage button, less damage button, sometimes something starts glowing and you press that
mashing nothing but shadowbolt in classic is more fun
blizzard as a whole is kind of fucked now it doesn't really seem like anyone likes any of their games or any of their decisions
are there people who aren't playing classic on principle? i would think quite a few people would still be pretty pissed that blizzard told them to fuck off when they were asking for it, only to bring it out when they found themselves in a tough spot
>tfw Shia's completely off the WoW train
it hurts bros. drgraevling, too.
The sentiment is more like "we really just want Blizz to pull its head out of its ass" instead of outright spite. Classic launching kinda reinforces the idea that Blizz knows they've lost the plot and want to get it back, and a lot of players are willing to forgive in exchange for Classic.
>by the time Legion came around it was full online single player game you pay a subscription for
That's exactly what the market wants, just look at XIV, MMOs will never be good again, just give up.
>and a lot of players are willing to forgive in exchange for Classic.
The first step on the road to disappointment
Gonna be sad getting no new Monara stuff, but his art is so good I can fap to anything he does.
Yiff in hell you piece of shit
>Classic launching kinda reinforces the idea that Blizz knows they've lost the plot and want to get it back
You say that, but I see it as more of a cash grab because they're in a tight spot and people want old game back. If they really wanted the plot back, they'd change the current games
When my shitcoin makes me an incredibly wealthy individual I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.
>Professions being made worthless
>Things such as gems being dumbed down
>30 dollar mount skins
>Didn't like the changes cataclysm made to the base world
>Class rotations have been tailor picked by the devs and you're not allowed to come up with your own rotation
But what infuriates me the most is just how pants-on-head retarded the storytelling is. This lantern jawed cunt hasn't written a good story in her entire life, yet there's a 0% chance of her ever being fired or removed.
>If they really wanted the plot back, they'd change the current games
They said they're going to make bigger structural changes, and they already did make changes to the systems everyone was dissatisfied with in BOFA. Problem is that people want the changes done already but a project as gigantic as WoW takes time to change course.
Now that I think about it, how would professions become something of worth outside of being a stepping stone to higher tier raiding gear
Because playing in game was a waste of time when I can just ERP my Pandaren Monk on discord
I came late into the game, just before BFA happened.
I'm pretty sure I missed most of the end-game content for each expansion because it would keep throwing me into the next expansion without letting me do the end game dungeons.
Was real fucking annoying seeing all the dungeons I was unable to do because I'd be locked out the moment I went one level over the expansions limit.
It wasn't fun anymore
I liked how they did it in WOTLK, where doing professions gave you unique benefits like extra stamina for mining and being able to insert additional sockets in your gear if you went blacksmithing. Not that I'm saying WOTLK wasn't shit, but they did some things right.
because I don't enjoy being milked like a cash cow
yeah but how do you level upo
Mostly based on how many loads I carry. Back to town, obviously.
A slightly rounded off face can look cute but not when it gets into overlapping double chin territory.
They made a mistake that they've never should've made with the introduction of the allied ""races"".
I hate them.
I hate them all so much.
Fucking traitors, turncoats, ingrates.
Yeah, laugh at me for caring about the story, who cares about that eh?
The legion is defeated, the war is over. Period.
BfA is just horrible fan fiction of what happened afterwards, or a nightmare if you will.
there's a lot of ways to "level up" in erp user
Wont be paying 13 eur/month x 6 months for a 8 bosses raid, shitty balance and no new dungeons.
I didn't enjoy Cata, simple as that.
>Classic launching kinda reinforces the idea that Blizz knows they've lost the plot and want to get it back
It's more like, "we have reached the conclusion that there is a market for this, what with the abundance of popular Vanilla private servers out there."
I'm sure they know modern WoW is a mess, but that's not something you can just fix overnight or possibly ever again really - the game is long past its prime and big sweeping changes might actually alienate their current audience with no real guarantee it'll bring back old players.
>this guy got his big titty artwork onto the actual wow fanart section
who f-list here?
link your elf sluts
its barely the game it once was. its been dumbed down to a completely different game then it once was.
I'm sad his old site is down, with all the art on there. Especially the WoW section. So much stuff I remember from there that I can't find anymore.
You’re it
Are you going to play classic then?
>link f-list profile on Yea Forums once
>get messaged by bara furfags and blacked shit
never again
>like how they did it in wotlk
How they did it in wotlk was shitty though. You didn't go a profession to make shit, you went profession for a flat stat bonus. Boring as shit.
BC had professions right. Strong as fuck gear that is BIS through at least a full tier, recipes that drop from raids that are strong though out the xpac.
BFA combat was unbearably slow and they fucking murdered every bit of complexity that was MoK survival hunter. As shit as the legendarys were too get they at least spiced up gameplay and some classes had options between AoE ones for M+ and ST. Azerite was beyond bull shit at the start and with the removal of loot council everything was just a crap shoot. I quit only about a month into BFA and haven't looked back since. Also eat shit and die bepples you fucking faggot BM hunter. Ranged surv was utter garbage. Nothing can compare to legion survival hunter especially the nighthold tier, 19 I think it was.
well did you make a gay male profile or something?
Because it didn't live up to a true MMO (precu/nge)
I was "forced" to try it in 2005. Didn't like it and never played it again.
absolutely based
Nope. It's a pink set to female preference and mostly dominant that focuses almost purely on macro/micro play.
Some people just see big tits on a profile and go full unga without actually reading it.
should still totally link it, but like...how micro we talking?
I played WoW for the leveling adventure and meeting new people, not for the raids. But Blizzard turned that on its head and made it 90% about raiding. I'm not sure why I would care about doing some shitty bosses to get gear that's going to be replaced in a few months time. I'd rather play PoE for PvE.
I'd rather not. And anywhere from around doll size to literally microscopic depending on the scenario.
Raids drop unique materials you need to craft high level armors and weapons.
But I don't think this system would work in current WoW, the experience is way too streamlined. Like, the whole game can be experiences through menus and queues, and then all of a sudden you have to look for people who can craft your gear? That would be a pain in the ass.
It would be a fantastic system for a slower game though, like Classic for example. But they went for the "no changes" meme, so...
Professions have always been worthless by the way, since you can do dungeons and get very similar gear for 1/10 of the effort.
Didn't many of them shy away from doing WoW porn after Rexx got DMCA'd by Blizzard?
Certainly possible.
I like fur
I like chubby
But jesus christ they dropped the ball on the pandaren in wow
at last, someone who knows my pain
You gay.
I want to mating press every race on Azeroth, Draenor, and a few from the Twisting Nether
imagine playing an mmo in [CURRENT_YEAR]
>you will never cumstain an ethereal's wrappings
I took a 3 month break after playing up to this expansion practically by myself for 5 years. Like some other guy said I just realized I didn't give a shit about the grind I was doing. And that's some concerning shit! I am a god tier ultra level neet with unparalleled grinding time capabilities. Fuckin wow let me down for the first time in awhile.
I quit towards the end of Wrath.
At the time I thought it was because my guild I'd been in since Vanilla exploded, but looking back it was because the community was dying.
Dungeon finder was in full swing and there was less incentive to be in a guild for the casual player.
Most casual guilds on my server were small or had a skeleton crew 24/7. The raiding ones wanted all wanted me to write a resume and have a two month trial period before I could get any drops.
Maybe my server was just all sorts of retarded, but that was its attitude at the time, on both my Horde characters and my Alliance ones. I wasn't in the mood to babysit people that couldn't understand not standing in the fire, nor was I ready to become an indentured servant to some elitists that weren't nearly as good as they thought.
Cool. Female (female) Draenei. I like it.
>tfw no slutty X'sara mommy gf
Hold me bros
Cause it boring, all you do is grinding the same shit over and over, there's nothing new.
Class plays like shit, pvp plays like shit, raid are boring and braindead causal keeps dieing to the same easy mechanic over and over
Anyone else get a 3 day time email? I'm being tempted by evil and corporate ads.
I personally like how mine turned out.
just search on f-list my dude
Too thin.
Should just claim it today, ends the 28th
Leveling stop being the game and was turned into a tutorial
not him but there are only like 3 xsara profiles on F-list
WoTLK, I had nobody to play with when my friend got a girlfriend
Free month ran out and I'm not paying for that shit lol
Because the wow "balancing" team has a hateboner for dks while constantly sucking mage cock.
just find someone you like with a hub type profile who'll play whatever you want should you have good chemistry.
It's sad when literally every thread about wow is about how awful the game is. Maybe you guys should move on to a better game :^)
Sure, pic unrelated right? :^)
No because Classic is a low-effort "PLEASE COME BACK" from a desperate company with no long-term plan. The same company that ruined the same fucking game and is unable to and/or refuses to properly fix it.
True. I play mine with a softer stomach. Though it was a nice tummy picture.
I don't want to play the discount copy. I want to play WoW, and it saddens me that I cannot get the enjoyement out of it that I wish I would.
A while ago. But I don't count slutting around Goldshire as playing.
>playing the shitty red panda variant
Unbased and cringepilled.
You can't bring that up without dropping some way to contact you
Oh no, I play black. Their tails are far superior. I just liked the image.
>I want to play WoW
Well tough shit. wows fucking dead and it's rotting corpse is being drained of it's last remaining juices while it's ghost is currently being summoned to further milk whatever "life" is left in the franchise.
Games for this feel?
it got boring
i started playing again recently though while it was on sale so i could do m+ with my friend though. some of the dungeons are cool but mostly it kinda sucks. the most frustrating thing is knowing that they're going to throw the azerite system out next expack entirely instead of fixing the problems with it and actually making it good
tried but stopped when i saw that every piece of equipment for any given level was a literal exact clone of one another.
>oh, a chestpiece with +2 str +2 vit? this quest also gives you a chestpiece with +2 str +2 vit! and what's this dungeon loot drop? a chestpiece with +2 str +2 vit!
literally worse than modern wow's retarded itemization
if I were to become the ceo of blizzard I would do the following on the first day
>fire the whole game design and story department
>fire every nigger, woman, tranny and diversity hire
>fire every one with a basedboy look
>fire every single person with pink or green hair
>fire every dem voter
wow fixed
my friends stopped playing all around the same time, my interest in the game dropped to zero after that
WOTLK. That expansion was the beginning of the end for my interest in WoW. I think it and Mists are both good expansions, but they introduced a lot of things that led to the devolution of WoW and the social aspect of it (which was the best part).
My guild was stuck on fel reaver in TK and i had to do my HSC so i quit. Then i came back in WoD and played through everything but then i got ditched by my guild in Mythic Blackrock Foundry so i decided to move onto something else.
Because whai I imagine of the world became better than the game itself, so instead of being limited by the framework of the game I just got together with some RP partners and played out the stories we wanted instead of the shit Blizzard was serving.
The idea of pandas being a playable race, on top of the Chinese theme which I despise.
When I was young and the game was fresh it felt like an actual world and the other players felt more like real people.
Now it feels much less like a world and much more 'gamey' like everything is bogged down by abstract systems that remove the sense of an actual living world from the game and the people I see in game may as well be bots at this point for how little they matter.
Not sure if the game changed that much or if I just got bored of the formula and grew too old, maybe a bit of both.
>the most frustrating thing is knowing that they're going to throw the azerite system out next expack entirely instead of fixing the problems with it and actually making it good
everything about the AP system is retarded and it NEEDS to be completely thrown out. It's a shitty solution to both bloating their MAUs with an endless grind (that only discourages people from seriously playing the game because you're expected to no-life grind it while everyone else just waits for artifact knowledge to kick in) and a system that passively nerfs the content over time. It is just as retarded as casinoforging.
I don't play Dogshit! Stop asking usless Crap.
>It's a shitty solution to both bloating their MAUs with an endless grind (that only discourages people from seriously playing the game because you're expected to no-life grind it while everyone else just waits for artifact knowledge to kick in) and a system that passively nerfs the content over time.
throwing out azerite isn't gonna do anything about those two problems because those two problem's are blizzard's modus operandi now, you know this full well
they will throw it out, and then replace it with something else that has exactly those problems again, just like they did with artifacts
Pandas don't have horsedicks.
Because it was consuming my life and ruining my relationship with my woman. It almost led to me throwing away an 8 year relationship because I was just constantly erping or rping for like 12 hours at a time. During my teenage years it was fine, but I can't do that anymore. So all those memories and all the story lines, I cherish them in the back of my mind along with all the friends I made and lost along the way, but now I just got other shit to do.
Are we doing this?
around the end of mists. I just stopped caring, it wasn't fun for me anymore, I was logging on to do the motions every week, and towards the end of mists my mythic run sales were starting to dry up, and I wasn't making money, so I really had no reason to continue playing when everything else was making me not enjoy it.
Because I realized I was better off actually enjoying myself playing other games than running on a treadmill for MOUNTSPETSCHEEVOS.
I never started
I stopped when I realized the group I'd been progressing through mythic Antorus with had no hope of seeing Argus, let alone beating him on that difficulty, and it all suddenly seemed very pointless. Every time I've tried getting back into raiding semi-hardcore, I've found it's a struggle for small guilds to maintain enough players for mythic.
Basically. You either join some guild that wants you to play 8 hours a day and has fucking interviews and wants a cv, or it's some ragtag bunch of shitters who are just doing it "for funnnnn mannnnn" and don't take it seriously.
Not big enough
Artifact power.
Wild Guns.
Only if it has a musky futa cock with a foreskin full of smegma
yes please
>night elf futa druids accumulating smegma over hundreds of years while in the emerald dream
Though, after the death of Ysera, and the emerald nightmare being dealt with, does the emerald dream matter?
Doing what?
love that comic, think it's elf trails or something
need way more armpit loving in this world.
I realized I was doing things on my own 90% of the time and would rather play either singleplayer games or pure PvP games that require no subscription
it lost its soul
Night Elf society is very tolerant now so female druids are okay.
I like to think female nelf druids get all kinds of sexual harassment, like being made wear stuff like this because it's traditional druid outfit.
Kaldorei society is not only extremely conservative but also extremely matriarchal
Stuff kind of this.
>extremely matriarchal
Now, I'm not a big lore man, but what?
Night Elf society is run by females because all of the males are usually asleep inside the Emerald Dream. At least that’s how it used to be in WCIII.
See: Sisterhood of Elune.
It's society is ruled by females and they have most of the power in it
Because it's a fucking a waste of time. Endless grind. Have to be around toxic, shitty people. Have to plan your week for fucking raiding. Have to join guilds, some have those so called "loyalty" guilds that work like communist society. You have """"prove""""" yourself. If you don't do as they say, you'll be punished. That includes always being on time everytime.
Lots of elitists thinking they are always correct and will start to shit talk if you even talk when they are. Lots of stoners and degenerates.
Just all around a bad experience.
the only reason to play wow is to get pussy
WoW pandas don't look like this. They are fat. No small waist, but a bulging belly.
seems like you are the problem here, not the game, buddy
Seems like you are retarded, "mate"
guild broke up because some pussy who got ganked too much one day and made a bunch of people migrate to a pve server.
>game is called MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER online role playing game
>literally the game's concept revolves around people coming together and play together
go dilate, trainee
Got bored of it after playing a few months with a friend. One of those things were the porn is better then the game.
I agree you're part of the problem but not the whole. It seems people are either filthy casuals or elitist jerks, despite WoW being inherently easy.
Let's say ret paladin wasn't an ideal dps for an example. A person could still play it because it's fun. Could still maximise usefulness with a key repentence here and there during mythic +'s. Still do well maximising its dps while not fucking over mechanics the best he can. And so on. All without tryharding. All without worshipping the latest theorycrafting that top mythic raiders do despite being extreme scenarios.
Basically the middle-ground peeps. But no, I meet way too many faggots who refused to acknowledge they're shit players that need to work on fundamentals before they come close to using theorycrafters. Then there's the elitists who may have the skills, but turn the game into such a job including needing the applications and shit like real life stuff. There is no middle ground anymore. The middle-class dream is dead.
According to the concept art
Based and pandapilled.
Pandaren women were LITERALLY made for human men
2? There are more than one raid. Also those raids are often planned on shitty times. They might take several HOURS to complete. EVERY WEEK. If you don't show, they will punish you. It's like work. It's not FUN in the least, it's a chore. Have fun being a SLAVE, faggot.
Classic wow is being put out to lure in the boomers so that when 9.0 ends up being a "return to form" expac where they ditch all the AP shit and revert back to focusing on class identity over spec identity, the boomers will play it since they are already paying for a sub.
9.0 will come out just as the numbers for classic begin to drop off, effectively locking in a lot of those players to retail with the mindset of "oh well the sub is worth it because I can play retail now and come back to classic when I want"
This is what I have foresaw.
>the males speak telepathically though female UNDER THEIR CARE
Doesn't sound matriarchal to me
>this is what I foresaw
Okay, Medivh.
furry faggots out
blizzard threads
>why did you wahhh
It was never matriarchal. Tyrande was always Malfurion's bitch. And Cenarius was the big boss.
It's just that WoW lore is stupid and turned the Night Elves into a matriarchal society full of hippy faggots and sluts loving human/orc cocks.
Cenarius should've asked for female "sacrifices" desu
I also want to impregnate them
I have raided a LOT. I'm not some "casual" I thought it was fun at first because everyone told me it was. Then I realized after a few years, this is fucking garbage, I hate these people.
Because they keep giving us shit that no one asked for.
I want muh high elves, muh naga, and muh demons.
i never played WoW because i'm not a faggot
fat elf booty
Alright then dwarf women then
>still no naga
Where are my playable San'layn Blizzard? WHERE? I've been waiting for them since Wrath.
>goddess (who is actually real in this universe) is a female
>dragon aspect that is the most closely linked to them is a female
>old leader who ruled for 10,000 years is a female
>old leader of one of the most advanced and powerful city in the empire was female
>current leader is a female
>wardens are all female
>guards are all female
>there was literally a point in time when nearly all the males went nighty-nighty into the emerald dream and left the females to run everything on their own
However, druid males have it easy since their entire race is obsessed with nature and the males are more closely linked to it from what we can tell. All they do is sleep, and the females run everything for them and let them use them as cocksleeves when they wake up just because they can make trees walk around.
Let's do it
>Raids drop unique materials for crafting
They used to do that and then they took it away.
>Professions have always been worthless
Enchanting, Engineering, Alchemy, Inscription (when it wasn't fucking stupid), and Jewelcrafting were not useless. Some of the BIS gear also came from professions back in Classic/TBC. Your post just reeks of someone who started playing during Cataclysm.
the last thing this game need is more elves
She's too fat
Druids experience life in easy mode right?
>NatTheLich started doing a class/race themed set riding the BfA wagon
>The expac was so shit it put them off of drawing WoW
Its really quite something looking at this hack's tweets in chronological order, she goes from barely tweeting to practically getting paid for it, complete with quirky tumblr-drawn avatar.
NatTheLich is bland as fuck anyway. Stop overhyping generic bullshit.
It was written by a feminist
The Alliance war campaign basically rules them out of ever joining the Horde, so no more fag elves for you.
>There are more than one raid
And only one is ever relevant you retard.
>Also those raids are often planned on shitty times
It's literally evenings during weekdays, and it's not like there's guilds for people working night shifts etc.
>They might take several HOURS to complete. EVERY WEEK.
>If you don't show, they will punish you
You do realise if you join a sports club and not participate regularly (i.e., an amateur soccer team), they will kick you out too?
>Have fun being a SLAVE, faggot.
enjoying things and achieving things with others is now called being a slave? lmao i think you need to dilate some more
The real reason the blood elves joined the HORDE
panda is dead and reverse search gives nothing
>anyone you know who ERPs is some exhibitionist hellbent on doing it in-game
I never started because I saw it for what it was.
Good choice
While you are correct, there's literally hundreds of guilds advertising on the forums at any moment, just join one whos description fits your needs. It's not that hard
Nobody needed fucking Void Elves for example, if you're complaining about elves so much. And San'layn are their own thing, no matter the lifestate they were in before being resurrected and turned.
Nearly every game and setting that respects itself has some variation of a vampire creature for you to control. Why the fuck hasn't Blizzard made them playable and more interactive in the world until now? Reminder that after 2008 came the vampire craze and twilight of the early 10's. And they STILL didn't jump on that wagon. Do they have some pathological fear or hate for vampires in general?
if you were around to play between vanilla and wotlk and you didn't, you missed out on literally the absolute peak of MMO gaming, a golden age we'll NEVER have again
sorry but you missed out
t. Rexxcuck that doesn't actually see any blood elves jump him because 50% are into futashit and the other 50% are e-girls looking for a belf male husband
I played Vanilla to Cataclysm. I felt the raid mechanics were good in say the tbc-cata era. Came back for late MoP and then WoD. Hated instantly how gearing for then heroic was 4 different tiers. Timeless Isle/LFR Siege/Normal/Flex. Got burned out and said fuck it cause I didn't care to learn the new mechanic each next level, while Im looking at the same shit again and again. Felt like a job more than fun like it used to be.
>projecting your remorse for wasting time onto me by saying I missed out on playing a mediocre MMO
don't do that
>another inherently evil race that has to be given an excuse for why it's tolerated as an ally by the "good guys"
Possibly. That's still gonna be a lot that blizz has to reconcile though, meaning their newer dumber players who actually call this current loot system and azershite system good, over gear that means something and a talent system.
niggers like you is why WoW became so shit. you complained and complained about how the game is not fun for you, blizzard being the absolute retards they are listened to you, and turned the game shit for the other 95% of the playerbase who enjoy the MMO aspect of the game. i bet you still use cheats in singleplayer games, too
Futa is nice and all, but being a tauren's cocksleeve is fine too.
You're the faggot we have to thank for LFR being introduced nigger. And to answer your bitching, obviously you're not meant to raid then.
>>Nobody needed fucking Void Elves for example, if you're complaining about elves so much.
God is that fucking true. Void Elves drove me to quit the game for good, and to know there's an entire fucking community of people screeching for the blood elf model to be reskinned a third time for High Elves was enough to drive me out of the game. Fucking elves are like magnets for retards.
Flex was before normal
>Play Draenei
>Everyone and their dead mother automatically assumes you've got a six foot horse cock
meme masters fuck off
>Fucking elves are like magnets for retards.
I never understood why it's like this
I have played Undead since day 1 and some of the worst people I ever spoke to in this game were elves
I ERP as a Male Draenei
I get a lot of attention because there's so little of them around
>another inherently evil race
Another what? They were following the commands of the LK. Once he fell, they were free to pursue their own interests. San'layn have a dubious morality on their own, but who says they are black and white evil?
Regardless, if the next big expansion has to do again with the LK, as it's being rumored, then I could see them being utilized again.
You know, I could dig making Void Elves be the "Dark Elves" of WoW. But they haven't made them so and Blood Elves' can behave very easily like jackasses. So Void Elves were a waist of time. Fuck the Void.
BFA storyline has the San'layn join the horde, but only the alliance quests even mention it. There's a big stupid chain about how one of their assassins died to some new blood prince, and so they tunnel vision killing him, losing more assassins and getting more angry along the way. They eventually kill him on a boat, but not before he has a monologue about how evil he is and kills some horde sailors just because there were no puppies to kick at sea
>Something happens in the expansion
>It's completely forgotten and retconned in the next expansions
This is why nobody cares about the story in this game
>I sent a ticket in back in 2007 and they couldn’t do anything about it
So you read about someone on the internet mentioning this bug, but you don't have to lie about them not being able to solve it.
>and kills some horde sailors just because there were no puppies to kick at sea
lol based
Titanforging and personalized loot is garbage.
>I could dig making Void Elves be the "Dark Elves" of WoW
enjoy your grandma elves
>legion questline has us see how the ethereal are evolving, using the void
>lol nope, more elves.
>their racial skills even mention ethereals
>we gave up the chance at playable void mummies for purple blood elves
And exhentai is gone with all of them being in one place.
They got rid of Dark Apotheosis and Symbiosis and I saw the writing on the wall.
>(Ex-)hordenignogs still angry about the peak aryan fantasy that is elves a decade and a half later
Face it, faggots. Elves are what brings in the money.
My ERP partner got bored of it so now we watch anime and play other stuff together.
>Only having one erp partner
It takes place at the same time as the finale to the 8.0 Horde war campaign.
The Horde has a quest where they go to the open seas with a small fleet and recovers Derek Proudmoore's body. When we go back from the underwater we see that our fleet was attacked by the Alliance, but they mostly focused on another ship.
I'm pretty sure that was an attack that killed this San'layn guy.
streamlined game, if they bring it back to bc levels of content i would probably play again
>Nothing outside mounts stay from patch to patch or between expansions.
This is the most stupid thing about WoW, especially now when they introduced seasons. I can reluctantly accept that expansion is a gear reset, but now every fucking patch is total gear reset. Seasons in WoW is worst thing possible and I'm not surprised at all that wow is now under 1 million subs and nobody wants to play this shit. It's not Diablo or LoL where seasons make sense because you play matches or you quickly level up new characters. In MMO people want persistence and progress that feels real. Fuck Blizzard and fuck ION.
content isn't the problem, progression and mechanics are. Games like legion and bfa have 1000x the content of bc.
Blizzard has this fucking Crusade againts every Previous expansion that their feature and gimmicks must be killed off. Honestly this is probably the worst thing about WoW. Instead of building on top of years upon years of content and features and mechanics they reset the game every 2 years and throw everything that was previously away, making it unrelevant, obsolete, unrewarding and discouraged. Whoever thought that was good design should be shot.
It's getting even worse in BfA because every patch pretty much makes everything from previous path obsolete. Have you seen anyone doing Uldir lately? Even raid finder Uldir is empty, nobody goes there. At least in Legion people constantly farmed old raids to get legendaries.
>Instead of building on top of years upon years of content and features and mechanics they reset the game every 2 years and throw everything that was previously away, making it unrelevant, obsolete, unrewarding and discouraged
Serious question: Why do they do this?
This is an MMO, not some yearly COD release
I stopped playing on mine when I stopped playing WoW, kinda sad.
They want boomers who quit the game 2 expansions ago to not feel too intimidated picking the game back up for nostalgia's sake.
Because everytime Blizzard encounters a problem which needs to be fixed, they introduce a bigger problem as a salve, and the effect continues and snowballs.
>raid catch up mechanics
>introduce tokens
>introduce warforging and trinkets that are required for dps
>introduce titanforging
>now everyone has a 1000 pieces of gear, and 99% of them are meaningless
yeah I'm not a degenerate furry, sorry
what a fucking normalfag lmao
normalfags dont play Male Draenei, user
The genre is flawed.
>like chub
>everyone insists on turning people into disgusting blobs and posting it under chub tags
Fatfags get the rope
You're flawed.
You can beg all you want its not gonna change the fact: its a shit game with shit players. When you are able to outdo moba and battle royale fags in terms of stupidity we have nothing to talk about.
Is that a mod?
And drones will defend it to their grave
Reminder there's no greater experience in WoW than ERPing with a fat-cocked Draenei shemale, and ruining her donut asshole while she's shitting out a snake of shit the width of her leg.
i fell for the survival meme in legion and got kicked from everything
i would include mechanics and progression apart of the content.
Why would you ruin a perfectly good post like that?
I want to eat this bitches fat ass
>normalfags don't play the blue human with a Schwarzenegger body
A team-based battle royale in WoW would be cash as fuck and you can't convince me otherwise.
No, it isn't. It's for neckbeards. The end.
They added battlegrounds over a decade ago.
Why couldn't trannies and trap just be contained on ERP servers and never ever leave that place? Like a quarantine for virus
Isn't that exactly why RP servers exist?
Donut assholes are the worst porn meme to ever happen
No, user, this is what tauren have looked like since vanilla
My best friend keeps trying to quit but then goes insane with all the free time he has of doing nothing and goes back. How do i help him
Sure, but they are seeping out everywhere these couple years. They should stay in one place. Everyone would be happy.
>look up artist
>the op's image is the only good one, everything else is fat trash
Every time.
god I wish fempandas looked like this
Teach him to dig holes. That's what I did.
You're a big elf.
>people posting links from this thread in the f-list general wow channel
considering where the industry is at now your mom may have been on to something. Shit is the closest thing there is to digital heroin
The gainer is nothing without the gains
Like just go outside and dig a hole in the forest? What do we do with the holes user, Bury ourselves? Or is the friends we made along the way digging the hole the reward
I learned to play an instrument and started going to the gym when I quit wow
Buy him a Perfect Grade gunpla kit. He'll be busy for the next year.
With a crane and steel wire used to hold bridges?
I meant multiple 5 man parties scouring and fighting over an entire zone for riches. It would be a lot more interesting than just having H vs A.
>janitors allow degenerate softcore porn only hopeless manchildren can appreciate on a SFW board
You just dig the holes to see what kind of dirt is in the ground or to see how far you need to dig to find water and so on. Trust me it's fun.
Yes, and if it snaps the impact of the blubber will rupture their internal organs anyway
When they started to heavily rely on outsourced lore to write the story driven narrative in cata. The changes to the major lore characters based on what makes a good story to sell a book set the game on a downward trajectory that i came back to in rare occasions and left just as quickly..
>that guy's hourglass elf/draenei mods
You wouldnt make it to the end of the day as CEO
Where do people get these WoW model mods at?
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
God she's so perfect
There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a Panda
you are fired
Wakfu pandas are better.
This. Even you have enjoyed Warcraft as a kid you'd have to be completely retarded to fall for this skinner box scam.
>The game was (and still is) by far the best art directed MMORPG there is
A hundred times this.
I'm a huge sucker for Warcraft's aesthetic but even I can admit that a lot of armor sets look like COMPLETE FUCKING SHIT.
Which is totally retarded, because if they didn't reset everything every expansion those people could just pick up the game again and continue where they left off. Like in every other fucking game in existence.
Draenei dongs are retractable
I want a Lightforged wife.
Horsecocks get edited away automatically on blue boards.
>Lightforged Draenei converts you through the power of her cock
dicks on chicks is the worst
Never started. Draenei girls are great though.
I want my dick in a Draenei chick.
>all draenei/night elf Goldshire retards talking about ERP
Guys, ever tried f-list?
Size difference docking is the best fetish.
link or screenshot?
they'll never stop, don't bother
they're too far gone
I got bored around the Dragon Soul patch. I returned this year due to nostalgia and the game was unrecognizable. I played for about a week and have no desire to touch it again. FFXIV is better anyway
Literally everything is better than it
god damn it, am I a furry now?
Because a superior version of the game is coming out soon.
Bought BFA with in game gold. Still feel ripped off. Leveling was ok. By about level 115 I was getting weaker each time I leveled.
I actually don't mind world quests and class hall garbage, but what really got me was the intentional altering of WQ gear rewards to be for offspec. As an assassination rogue I didn't get two rare quality daggers from WQs ever.
Then the Ion talk about 'once in a grand scheme' came out and I decided to save my gold in case it ever gets good in the future
My account got hacked during Wrath and Blizzard told me "should have bought an authenticator, goy" instead of helping me. Remember this was before account restoration was an automatic process and the only way to get an authentication was to pay money for it.
please post user
assuming its not 3m wide hips shit
grind like a chinese f2p
god i can't wait to pay full price for the same game i played 15 years ago hoping the same company that ruined it won't ruin it like they did with the real thing
i just hope asmongold invites me to his layer
>Zones scaling to level, then scaling to ILVL
>No tier sets, some fuck ugly gear spread between 4 classes instead
>Forced personal loot
>Multiple layers of rng
>The same world quest style zones
>Kill weapons for a watered down, confusing necklace
>Professions became a joke, random stats and you can't even sell what you make
>mfw when you know you addicted but don't want to stop
got out using botting so i could convince myself i was still making progress so it was okay to go outside.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
>I want a Lightforged husband
same here
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light
To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright
Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Hindmost devils, early to rise
Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Heaven's banquet leavened with lies
Sating honor, envy, and pride
One brings shadow, one brings light
Run from the light
Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
what is this schizophrenia
Riding home
Dying hope
Hold onto hope... Ohhh...
Riding home
Home, riding home
Hope, finding hope... Ohhh...
Convince me to reinstall BFA and use my free 3 day thing before it runs out.
What is there even to do anymore?
started playing shortly after launch till about a year after BC hit and just got burned out. by that point most of my irl friends had left and the game just didn't have the same appeal to me as it once did. sometimes i think about going back but i tend to just replay warcraft 2 & 3 while listening to WoW music and deal with it. the game seems like it's been reworked so many times that the devs have no idea what to really do with it anymore.
oh it's just fftrannies spending their GCDs shilling for the game, gotcha
I just want to talk about ost mate. Wondering does wow have any good ost.
nah it is
Because my bf did.
got to level 17 rogue in vanilla when it came out and realized it was a boring cartoony themepark so I went back to SWG
Because it went from an adventure into shit. I'm glad I quit during BC, it downgraded the game in every conceivable way.
WoW ost is nothing but generic hollywood fantasy music since they only hire soulless hollywood composers that are in it for the sweet Activision money rather than the passion.
That’s disappointing.
WoW has some very good tracks, but nothing with vocals I think. Thank god.
They tend towards ambient-atmospheric, like
For everything after say Wrath I'd probably agree with in that they really didn't do much interesting again. My favorite tracks are from the first expansion, and they're only in the game because blizzard wanted to take extra time to ruin Diablo 3 before release, so used the music from that in Outlands instead.
>nothing with vocals
other than ominous latin chanting you mean
>They made a mistake that they've never should've made with the introduction of the allied ""races"".
>Everyone wants sub-races on the character selection for more choices
>Get bullshit Allied Races instead
How do they fuck up such a simple concept.
Why is FF14 ost so damn good?
I have mixed feelings about this.
they still won't let me be an alliance goblin either
make a thread of your own faggots
This does really piss me off. Everyone wanted more options for the races we have, not just more races. Or if they wanted more races they wanted something different, not literally the same fucking character model with a different skin color.
>Alliance get blood elves like they always wanted
>Horde don't get draenei
>Not even eredar when it's right after legion and they're basically without a home now
This is bullshit
I know we got nelfs but nelfs suck
Seeing as how gay WoW is getting they'll probably remove the faction barrier in 9.0.
>Tfw the pre-alpha didn't have PvP
>Tfw you could play with mercenaries from every race
>Tfw you had to learn their language to speak to them
its cringey anime shit only teenagers would think is good.
I'm all for factions, just let me play as the dude I want on the side I want
>on Yea Forums
>doesn’t like anime shit
it's not as versatile as FF14's OST but it's pretty good in its own regard
This is why I stopped my sub, actually.
I realized WoW erp was low quality garbage and moved on.
>not using Flist/darknest to find people to RP with, then RPing in game
>actually RPing with randoms in goldshire
the absolute state
looks like this guy
Cya wow nerds. Hope ya game becomes less shit.
I came to the conclusion that any game that needed more buttons than you could bind to a controller wasn't really a game. I'm still a PC gamer and don't own a console. But I realized WoW was never "fun". It was just a never ending trail of treats that entice you to go just a little further with each one until 10 years have passed and you realize you haven't spoken to your sister in 3 years.
>Veins on top of armor
what the fuck
each 25USD!
The reason being all the rule 34/SFM futa porn of Draenei's is them with horse dicks.
>reads like a forum post
sasuga FFXIV fag
Fuck off
I’m telling the truth asshole
Omg hai ___^ I’m user-san and I absolutely luuuv @_____@ anime
Sure you do.
Level 30 was halfway through the game at the time retard
God you people are fucking stupid
Trying to hard
Kill yourself
When will they let us fight this fucker? We most likely will not win but the fight will be fun.
This thread makes me regret having a panda monk in wow.
Its a shame because I really enjoy their aesthetic and I feel like monk is weird on every other race
Level 30 took 2 days to reach. You would only be leaving the second noob area by then. It takes less time to get from 1 to 30 than from 30 to 40.
Because Blizz completely destroyed the Alliance. Blatant Horde favoritism on both lore and gameplay, good raiding snowballed into Horde only, Horde has better designed everything these days, it's like you're forced to play Horde.
Lying is a sin, user. You should repent.
>Level 30 was halfway through the game
you have literally never played WoW
red pandas are shit, black pandas are proper tier
>level 30 took 2 days to reach in TBC
>end of the second area
I always leveled slow but bullshit on the second one, you were 12 at the end of the first area and 20 at the end of the second, the next two going 25ish and then 30 with some intermingling
Casualization of quests and raids. Content has become automated by clan halls, etc
Also, the story that's there is shit
When I realised I was only playing for the player generated content on RP server, I wasn't playing for any of blizzards shit anymore.
>Level 30 was halfway through the game at the time retard
Maybe in number. In terms of time, you had like at least 5/6th of the game left.
>player generated content
This the new buzzword for "having pretend lesbian sex with another grown-ass man"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You have to be high IQ to appreciate some of the campaigns that RP players are able to create.
Blood elf female was a mistake
>blood elves never added as playable
>alliance got high elves instead
>horde got ogres
I like how the only reason more than 2 races on the Horde have visible names is because no other Horde race is remotely as popular as Blood Elves the same way Humans and Night Elves are similarly populated.
>preferring anthro over feral
except its not full price just the price of sub fee
not my fault they're the only good horde paladin race, they have great attacking animations and AT was the best racial in the game until recently
I want to marry and impregnate a Human
male blood elves have the best casting animation in the game tbqhwyf
>No blood elf gf
Most of my real life friends quit near the end of Burning Crusade and it was never the same without them so I quit soon after.
I wanna make half-elves with one after the factions dissolve and they can date Humans again.
>Yellow eyes
she's an archdruid, of course
Sunwell is purified and full of Light now since end of TBC
God I wish human females were real.
I'm hoping she is a master of tucking. A woman without a dick is a travesty.
yeah, user...if only they were real...
I sign up beat what ever the current raid is then unsub until the next one. I have no interest in grinding for higher gear score when I have already seen all the content. Numbers on a spreadsheet mean nothing to me>.
Do you guys really have to repost this reddit-tier joke every thread
>panda is dead
Is this true? When? Why? How?
>cat posting
Cat memes are older than the internet itself you cocksucking fuckwad.
>not cat posting
>disliking cat posting
she will fill you with the light....of her shining cum.
Nigga if you really think cat posting is reddit you’re a goddamn newfag.
This is now a cat thread
did someone say, catposting?
My cat caught the anime
Feels good being right
I had a lot of fun in Legion completing all 31 mage towers. I was never interested in BFA at all. I played it for a couple weeks at launch, but just never got into it. I didn't even do all the dungeons.
I think he died
Too much focus on late game
removal of talents per level, and easy difficulty outside of raids just make wow a snooze-fest until you spent 60 hours grinding a character to max level
day 554
still no pandaren gf
>Hey everyone! We're a family friendly guild looking to do mythic progression! We also do pvp, dungeon content, and even roleplaying events!
>We're just like any other guild advertisement and think not bothering to make ours unique among others is the right way to go!
Happy Caturday Yea Forums!
I quit during early Mists. The daily quests burnt me out and I was wondering why I was still playing. My guild was dead, and I had no interest in pursuing higher raiding or anything, especially with my shitty computer. I was playing simply to slowly raises reputations until I could buy a mount that everyone else in the nearby vicinity had. When I realized the empty pointlessness of that it was easy to just Let Go.
>my name is cat incognito
This is your healer for tonight.
You were so close.
>see draenei
>get boner
Is this normal?
>Why did you stop playing WoW?
I wanted my life back
>wow thread
>ffxiv fags actively trying to recruit
>mmorpg thread, specific or general
>ffxiv fags actively trying to recruit
>Final Fantasy 11 gets mentioned or is emphasized.
>ffxiv fags foam at the mouth and actively denouncing its existence.
They're pretty obnoxious about looking for erp fodder with their futa cat and dragongirls, but what about FFXI turns them into Khorne Beserkers specifically?
Post your hottest draenei pic
FFXI is a real MMO and XIVtards hate it. But they also never shut up about how they wish XIV was more like XI and etc.
Draenei have big futa cocks and their favorite past time is to feminize other races
>what about FFXI turns them into Khorne Beserkers
their OUR classicfags. delusional, uppity old men who exaggerate the glory of their precious dated game and ignore all it's flaws while shitting on xiv mercilessly. fuck em.
many of the ones I have are too lewd for Yea Forums
Is Lee dead?
cropped garbage