heh.... *sip*
they dont make epic vidya humor like they used to...
heh.... *sip*
they dont make epic vidya humor like they used to...
true kino
Um excuse me we still do
wheres the wojack?
Dead and gone.
Honestly, this shit is 100x better than whatever wojack shit is being posted on this board nowdays.
Why is the Mexican guy so anime?
Heh, I miss the simplicity of 2005.
That's the self-insert of the retard that draws these
>mfw someone says Volvic poops are better than Robotnik poops
They took this from us
I'm gonna make them give back our past
Someone post the one where the mom asks the guy to sing a song from his youth and he sings Let the bodies hit the floor. I know one of you turd burglars has it.
*sing a song to their baby I mean.
Based is the new win
mexicans love dragon ball more than they love life itself
>all the deleted boards
they were too good for this world
The thing that really sticks out about these old threads is that no one is trying to act cool and ironic.
I miss these days.
w-we used to have a dedicated loli torrent board?
everyone was just having a good time
now look at us
drives me to drink
>that guy that fell for the bait
i doubt he thought he would be laughed at 13 years after making that post
>there are 12 year olds on Yea Forums right now who are younger than this post
I dont like your girlfriend! Lolz
This isn't right
>that guy saying he lost his job
Hay gaiz wuts goin on here?
All those moments will be lost in time.
Like tears in the rain.
jesus christ I came to this website too late
So harmless, so innocent.
Why do we have to be such assholes these days?
>We can never go back
ps3 has no games
>Not .gif
Epic Fail.
because half the fags here are edgy 17 year old contrarians who live in rich white subs trying to let off teen angst
Thank god for muscle memory that I already know what's about to happen in that gif
Good think I was wearing a Kevlar diaper to hold all these BRICKS I JUST SHAT
maybe when we're old there'll be a fake Yea Forums for alzheimer's patients staffed with people pretending it's the early 2000's forever
>be me
>be playing Half-Life
>dad is watching
>Just use the crowbar
>But why?
>What, you can't? Loser
Gaming with my dad's commentary was great.
I was 8 years old when that was posted
>Kevlar diaper
lol wut
Nah, that was 7 years ago. Now that half is edgy 20+somethings that had never even heard about Yea Forums before the Trump administration.
The site got popular as "place were you can say edgy things to be cool" and stayed that way
at least it used to be funny. now its just
>TFW no waifu
>le soul!
>sjws ruin vidya!
ps3 sux
What is it about these drawings that make them so cringy and dated, while Wojak and Pepe are still funny?
good thing I'm not a fucking pussy and don't have cowardly reactions to jumpscares.
In my heart I believe this all happened.
Thanks for this, I've been looking for this screencap for ages.
That's being generous
rage comics were appropriated by reddit, most of cringy part of rages came from them
vros.... I just wanna be a teen in 2006 all over again
They've both been run into the fucking ground
dumb hamsterposter
I wish my dad cared about me more haha
>duur b8
Shut up faggot
I ain't clicking that shit faggot
The thing is, that was not all this place had. Edgy was just a small part of the fun, but as news sites started reporting about Yea Forums being this horrible site where everyone is a child rapists who posts hate agenda all day long, idiots thought they would be cool by coming to this epic hacker site and shitposting edgy shit all day long.
>Succesfull troll is succesfull
>All your base are belong to us
>Trolling is a art
its literally 3 frames of a shitty "creepy pasta".
It doesn't start right off so you can click it just a little and still pass the bravery test
lol I didn't even read past the first panel before it popped up.
>no one will ever say this to me
Computers were slower before Current Year
was it you?
Where are these neo doge memes coming from?
Because it's that obscenely optimistic bublegum and scateboards humor that was going trough the chemo after the 90's. It's a sickly disgusting mess of overexpressive faces that even the most autistic of chestslappers could understand.
It's not even the jokes that are bad, it's just "Hey here's relatively common thing, isn't it just like that haha!?" for teens.
Hey guys, I heard you are tired of Wojak...
except it made a comeback on Yea Forums at its creation
the last few years have been very stagnant
Why would someone do this?
No fuck off you will never be a meme
All [[[s4s]]] memes are forced memes
>not calling moot any sort of fag at any given time
Milhouse is not a meme. Milhouse has never been a meme. Milhouse never will be a meme.
not gonna lie... this one's pretty cringe. i have a hard time believing anyone in that thread is over 18.
>DVD Rewinder
Fuck, I want one.
>jojo meme in 2008
>but the anime didnt even air till 2013
how this user time machine
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
This is stunningly applicable to 2019 E3 considering Sony didn't even bother to show up due to nogaems
Milhouse not being a meme is the bigger meme.
But Sneed is a meme. :^)
>wojack and pepe are still funny
i have some bad news user
It's kind of cold out here...
>still using DVDs
Get a BD rewinder, gramps
>secondary simpsons character
>not very popular, but very recognizable
>even appears at the intro
>can't be a meme
kid, let me teach you how it's done
I'm not sure but they're basically the only good meme right now
>Wojak and Pepe are still funny?
No, not again
I ain't clickin' that shit, nigga
Twitter and meme sites since a picture of an older doge was released a while back showing him much older and it spurred people into recognizing mortality.
The only modern Yea Forums memes that are enjoyable are boomer memes and that one crying cat
You know it to be true
for teh lolz
I really do enjoy those water comics
and crying cat was on tumblr and twitter long before it was on Yea Forums
the crying cat is a shitty twitter meme, go back nigger
You should be enjoying Pokemon creatures!
their hair is just like that unfortunately
>intimately familiar with twitter enough to know that the cat comes from there
i'd say it's you that needs to go back you semen lobster
>that autistic faggot who got so mad at pepe and wojak that he started spamming his edits of the rage faces killing them both
i feel cringe and at the same time laugh of because how pathetic people on this place can be
shoopposter was more based imo
Authentic interpretations of ironic memes are the only thing keeping the internet going at this point. The meme engine is just teens on tiktok unironically reviving 2008 emo and doge posters now.
I can identify shitter from the constant screenshots of it niggers like you post
now go dilate with a rusty railspike
based and upvotepilled
If anyone acted like this nowadays they would get a thousand replies calling them underage and to gtfo
I hope you added in meme center for the extra cancer, and didn't just download it from there.
Please say sike. Please say you’re pretending to be retarded just to get (you)’s.
Likely the faggot in that picture ran off and told everyone what hostile bastards we were, and then all the shitty people thought this was a great place to come over and be shitty in.
ah, now it's suitable for the modern audiences
Neither of those are Yea Forums memes, but they are the best memes we have to date.
water is the best meme around right now
we used to send horsecocks to moot via email all the time
i bet it was the same faggot
Can I get a quick rundown on the water meme?
>Yea Forums without post replies
I don't know how I managed to stand it back in the day, I used to think putting noko in the options was the tits
Breddy good
>have water
>drink water
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the only boards I regularly come across where half the users are jaded twats. Is this what anime porn does to people? Everyone else is having fun and enjoying themselves on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /fit/, etc. Even wojakposters and consolewarnogs on this board are enjoying themselves more than you cynical crybabies
>recognize gif
I've been on here too long
Already fell for that one yesterday, jackass. Its not gonna happen again.
>rothschilds bow to water
>drank by aliens
>rumored to possess hydrating abilities
>controls Yea Forums with high pressure
>owns pools and rivers all over the world
>directly hydrated the ancient royal bloodline
>will be drank in the first cities on Mars
I always used to confuse Jojo with bobobo
I blame them for having the same name
Because normies rejected them.
H-How can one be this retarded
Remember the big SOPA scare? It wasn't THAT old but still. I'm 100% sure newfags weren't around for this comic.
The people who made the basis for the original WRRYYYY flash also made the godliest semi-spyware waifus
This is the third time I've seen this comic in the last two days.
>Those same 12 year olds know him as Christine only
Damn, son.
Oh well now I just feel retarded.
>Resurgence of Simpsons jokes being re-used or re-purposed to become memes
>No Milhouse gag is used
Better times.
It's fine, user.
That's because they probably were. Now everyone is adults or pretending to be
What was hentai like back in 2005? Didn't discover it until like 2013
>The only Yea Forums memes that are enjoyable are the ones not even made by Yea Forums
Yeah that seems about right.
Cringe. Oldfags really are the cancer they pretend to hate.
Fucking kek. I've always had that same thought too.
pretty funny
There was an entire suite of them, they're more or less how Russian kids fapped under the guise that they were a Bonzi Buddy thing, and my Czech cousin is how I found out about them, but even if I didn't, there were probably 200 banner ads telling you to buy Tahni, the one people probably recognize
Go watch Cool Devices my friend.
stolen straight from something awful, classic Yea Forums
I sure do hate this fucking meme since it's inception. I hate dogs and dog " people ". I hate how people pronounce doge when it was obvious the guy who coined it meant doggy. DIE REDDIT.
I watched Cool Devices when I was 12
This is some effort mang
You can thank pedophiles for killing those boards. Half the threads were just pedoes swapping cp sites and imagesets at its worst.
>implying anyone in the Simpson's writing team was anywhere but Facebook in 2010
>implying anyone on their writing team is currently under 50 years old
c-can’t wait for Web 2.0...
Good thing THAT stopped, and Yea Forums and /g/ aren't hotbeds of pedos sharing .xyz sites
Was it really?
Nah, it was just moot being a faggot
Watched a minute or two and looked at pics. Nothing out of the ordinary, just seems like really low quality porn from the 90's with infinite loops of 3 positions for 10 minutes. People still liked shit like that in 2005?
>all that reddit spacing
All the pedoes left for 8ch anyway. Saw a thread on /ss/ where they traded hidden cp boards on the site.
Nigga you do not understand. Cool Devices has a rich atmosphere and aesthetic, it's loaded with variety too. Watching the whole series is a genuinely unique erotic experience
I still like it today.
I feel like an old fag seeing these plebbit may mays
Easily the biggest upside of Yea Forums being popularized.
Even though I'm happy to know I'll never have to see that horrific gif of that guy shitting on a crying infant again, I can't help but feel like the fear of seeing something truly horrible on Yea Forums was part of what made it feel like the wild west of the Internet. I never want to go back, but I'll kinda miss how exciting it was to be here back when I was an edgy 16 year old.
>really low quality porn from the 90's with infinite loops of 3 positions for 10 minutes
Sad how we still have that.
Reddit spacing is the worst fucking meme insult.
>Oh golly I sure enjoy reading walls of text with no spacing
We have been posting like this since the site was fucking made.
Who the fuck came up with reddit spacing?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure /l/ was deleted due to the sink stuff IIRC.
Do you happen to have that old gif of the stick figures, one's filling his gas tank when the other bursts out of his car's trunk and does edgy junk?
I feel like it's one of those things that you see as an early teen that gets you hooked onto a lifelong fetish for cartoons. Happened to me but the source was from watching ecchi shows as a horny 15 year old in like 2011-12
OH NO NO NO NO that’s gonna be a yikes from me bluepilled onions tranny cuck. Oof, living rent free. Cringe. Have sex and dilate zoomer. Cope, seething boomer. Sneed. Umad? Kys
no we haven't and that isn't how paragraphs work.
there was legit CP posted on Yea Forumsack in the day. good times.
Reddit came up with reddit spacing
I wouldn't know, i didn't fap until I was 18, didn't see cool devices until I was 22, and still never fapped to it. I just like the feel of the show.
>didn't fap until I was 18
Nani the fuck senapi?
Fuck that site
Well, today I learned.
People forget that Yea Forums was to SA what Reddit is to Yea Forums.
> "i didn't fap until I was 18"
> "didn't see cool devices until I was 22, and still never fapped to it. I just like the feel of the show."
Currently 22 and i can safely say i have never watched/read something pornographic in nature for the story besides maybe a doujin or two for the relevancy factor
They put ungodly effort into Office assistants that you wanted to fuck
Truly fucking embarrassing.
Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and beautiful; that is the fate I'm searching for.
It's called a joke.
I remember sink threads. I thought people were just posting cool sinks. Little did I know.
Don't double quote me your double nigger
I like lewd things, not just for the fap. Lewd entertainment is still entertainment.
or they just type like that because people have been typing like that for fucking decades now you goddamn niggerfaggot
When I post on Reddit, I usually go out of my way to make double linebreaks just like I've always done here. It's just easier to look at when you write longform.
Also all you have to do on Reddit is use two spaces at the end. No amount of linebreaks in a comment adds any in the finished post. That's still subhuman-quality formatting, don't get me wrong, but that pic is incorrect. At least I'm fairly certain it is.
Giselle is probably why I have a hueland gf
I've tried before, don't bother. Nobody here who still uses the word bait remembers the difference anymore and just gets pissy when you call them out.
Go back
Don't you reddit space me goddamnit. Lewd entertainment is for jerking off. Anything else is just awkward and gives you that disgusted feeling you get after jerking off to something you know is weird.
my dad let me play Blood 2 the chosen when i was like 4 and than got pissed when i sucked ass at the game. The only reason i remember this is because the fucker recorded it.
But I was here first.
because you're a faggot zoomer that's terribly self conscious and sensitive and so anything and everything makes you cringe
>wojaks and pepe funny
the fucking irony
>Blood 2
Your dad was probably in the closet if your first 3D Lithtech game wasn't Shogo
It still baffles me that there are cognisant people living right now that have never seen a world without the Internet or sophisticated mobile devices.
>sees old boards
barely affected
>sees lame old joke
slightly affected
>sees nice, happy answers of similarly lame jokes
hardly affected
>sees old OS and website layout
slightly nostalgic at most
>sees five digit post numbers
it all hits me at goddamn once
>no one could ever manually space their text for readability's sake it has to be because they browse reddit
fucking retarded bullshit
Because back in the day the bump limit was 300 and it took each thread ten hours to hit it instead of five minutes.
Holy shit I think I remember seeing the original of this one way back.
I need more
also are these spyware waifus available somewhere to play with on a virtual machine disconnected from the internet?
gamerdrink threads and that one pokemon go comic
A cheeki of some kind ripped them
You underages don't realize it's us being underage back then and being retarded, when you are the retards right now acting completely embarrassing