Do you have any under the radar gaming apparel or fashion accessories?
Subtle gaming apparel
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hehehhaha it looks like butt, but it not butt!
post butt
dat ass tho
Nice piece of ass
I dont see any ass you fags
this but unironically
that's a fine looking 3ds case
Why do artists have ruin everything with steam, it always looks so fucking stupid
What are you guys talking about? I'm thinking obscure t-shirts, etc.
Does anybody else see a female ass & thighs in the picture?
Hottest bag I've seen
damn, look at those mcnuggies
Even if I didn't know what that was from, it still appears fetishistic. I would assume the worst from it and you.
I get a lot of compliments on this shirt
whoa bro ur right...
I respectfully disagree
I can't see it anymore.
>dat ass
>multiple children with exposed navels, drooling, blushing
>"heheh none of the stupid normies will even recognize what this is"
>how to spot a pedo 101
same wtf
Every fucking time.
Street Fighter always gets a positive response from people. I always get a compliment whenever I wear this one.
This isnt under the radar at all.
Maybe with other poses.
>he can't make girls steam
I bet you think eating pussy is beta.
I bet you think you're so smart, when actually everyone instinctively recognizes there's something wrong.
it kinda is tho
im so glad you said this im drunk and horny and i looked at that and saw an ass immediately.
I thought there was an ass in that strap at first.
wtf are u all me?
Jesus fucking
OMG did anyone see a guitar?
you're a fag and i would absolutely PWN your ass at any street fighter game
you're the fag then fag
basically this, what a pathetic loser, but then again pedos love to expose themselves, otherwise how are they going to lure their victims in?
Why do pedophiles need to signal to everyone that they're a pedophile? No wonder they keep getting caught. That's like a killer wearing the nametag of someone he murdered.
They want to find others like them.
Simplify designs. Make it just silhouettes with different color patterns for each girl.
Holy shit it took me a good ten seconds to figure that it was a dude.
The first time I saw this it took me about a minute to figure out what was going on, now I can only see the real pic
how new r u
>tucking your tee in
it helps that the baby looks scared
my sports bag
Good thread.
I don’t even know what I’m looking at
You don't keep your handheld in a convenient carrying case?
Saw a dude walking around uni with that. He looked like what you'd expect
I was still jealous. I wish i bought the CE when i had the chance.
I love this
NGL looks like the pedo art in the podesta mansion
user, how the fuck do you know that
this one's weird for me
it only ever works once and only for a split second
You've seen it too many times.
It means they are breathing heavily. And they are breathing heavily because they are extremely horny for (you)r cock
Your brain is smart and fixes it once it understands what’s happening, ruining the illusion forever. This one freaked me the hell out at first but now I can’t even force myself to see the mutant.
>under the radar
I don’t get it.
I still cant unsee this
I'm pretty sure this is actually some kind of abomination.
I can't tell what this is supposed to be.
What is that exactly supposed to be, because there's light coming out from what shouldn't be?
Pyramid head maybe
I can only see a mutant dog
foot in the thumbnail looks like a PENIS
>share this with my brother
>he gets upset
>tell him to look more closely
>learn later he got our mother involved
>they kick me out for "forcing my weird gay shit" on people
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
Tilt your head left
Still creepy as fuck though
Ohhhh, I thought it was just a floating detached penis.
*Take off glasses
Don't do this, it creates mustard gas.
>this is legal in Germany
absolutely based
optical illusion threads are the best
What the fuck?
Holy shit it's been centuries since I saw this one
>carrying a bag
What are you guys, women?
I don't get it :(
Turn your monitor 90 degrees
I'm sad that I can only see the lamp at this point.
I knew earth wasn't flat.
I still don't know what's fucking supposed to be
Oh wow, that's legit funny
how did you get manlytears' vacation photos?????
be nice
Based Retard
Pedo retard unironically thinks he’s being slick flaunting around little girls with highly suggestive poses and expressions and that nobody can pick up on what that’s supposed to convey
>he doesn't live in berghain
Never gonna make it.
yo wtf
Somebody post the other one.
excuse me?
>let me just... dig my hand in there right quick
Photoshop you dumbfucks.
oh good I'm not the only one.
holy shit
why are those legs so shiny?
I legit thought it was Angels ass wtf
I am going to FUCK that lamp
that's a wet cock
It's paint that's been streaked and dabbed on
Maximum cringe
Reminds me of that extremely tall and lanky white guy playing basketball webm. Some Slenderman tier shit
Are you literally me?
>tfw no bubble butt Criollo waifu
I knew it was an illusion because I know her cock is way smaller than that.
based boomer
Brings back memories
No. Just no.
Why would someone dab on an inanimate material? What did it do to them?
im going to fucking cum hot jizz out of my dick on that plant's roots, hopefully somehow inseminating it and furthering my bloodline in a new race of plant-human hybrids
holy shit how fucking new are you?
I like how this one got me again
after the original failed to get me anymore
This one has gotten me so many times it's embarrassing. Then when I realize what it is I can't see it as shiny anymore.
Dumb fucking imbecile.
finally, wanted to post it but couldn't find it
What is it then? I only see a pair of legs
Oh fuck I forgot to save this before sad panda died
white paint
Pedos legit have no reasonable place in society.
that girl likes what she sees
Oh shit
>An ancient venom awakens
>venom emerges from tennis ball
no fucking way
I don't know what to name the folder for these
I'd post one but it's gotten me banned twice because mods thought it was cheese pizza from the thumbnail.
it's just not the same without the LiveLeak watermark
heh, nice
why does this look like black men touching dicks
Maybe I'm desensitized or whatever but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see here
Two naked black men
I can't see it normally lel
Oh fuck you
it's a wall dummy
It helps if you look out the corner of your eye
Oh my god.
I did.
>Ouch... damn that thing is sharp.. wait
5head getting highlighted by the projection there is pretty unfortunate too.
fuckin hell you got me good
what the fuck is that red floppy toe
Stop. I gonna get put on a list.
>heal rod
i would genuinely jizz on this plant every day and regret it every time
This thumbnail gives me anxiety.
Would you regret it more or less when it becomes a cute dryad girl?
wtf this one looks like a cat
how to get centaur gf
>Fuck you spider-man
Because you're gay or a potato nigger
what's the problem?
it's just a white and gold dress
it's probably deteriorated black and blue/light blue but with shitty lighting
Before anyone asks, Napalm_Express is the artist on Twitter. And yes, he draws porn.
This dress proved that half of people simply have broken senses of perception. Their brains are literally incapable of seeing truth. This dumb dress made me lose faith in humanity. Because I always assumed we were working with relatively similar faculties up to this point. But no. like 50% of people just have broken brains, and there's nothing you can do about that.
use your finger to cover the black and blue part and your brain will stop auto adjusting
It's both gold and blue.
what color is it actually though.
>he needs lotion
haha a jew stole your foreskin
Oh shit what the fuck.
You can clearly fucking see that the place where picture was taken is light, with additional over-exposure to the camera. Yes, in dark enviroment white and gold dress would also look like that, but does that room fucking look dark to you?
As verified by the retailer, it is in fact black and blue.
pixel zoom in prove there's no black and dark blue in that picture. Picture originated in a marketing website btw, it's not even an accident, the start of the meme and the people who arged the other side where all paid. You sided solely to be on the contrarian side
>It's all furfaggotry
I got permabanned from Yea Forums for posting an image like this, had my appeals denied twice (can only appeal once per month), and even had my gmail account permanently deleted. Fuck gookmoot, fuck jannies, and FUCK google.
it's fucking shoddy camera lighting from the phone, the dress has always been black and blue.
user, dont.
I fucking hate that dress.
I'm partially color blind and literally every I knew hounded me asking was colors I thought it was
colours don't exist
they exist user
the names we give them however
the real color of the dress is irrelevant to the color of the photo.
There is blue in the image. The black in the image however, is technically a dark brown. That's because black is a neutral. When you take a color that is neutral(equal parts of all color), and then bathe it in yellow light, then the neutral will skew into yellow.
I still don't understand how it could be seen as anything other than black and blue
Not all of it, that's just what he gets commissioned to do a lot. Furries and their money, you know how it is.
That's the point he's making. He's saying the shitty phone lighting is what tricks people to see it as white and yellow.
What video games deal with optical illusions like thread related?
All I remember is 999 and the Funyarinpa episode. In any case, it feels like these kinds of images are good for horror-themed games
Except it's still black and blue every time it passes through the middle.
The black seeming kinda yellowish I can understand, but how could anyone see the blue as white?
black and blue chad reporting in
Crappy screen on what ever they're looking at it on?
Guess how I know you didn’t read a single bit of information on the phenomena. Fucking retard.
People who see white and gold need to go to a fucking doctor
I can't help it, it's my brain. Your brain connects dots where it wants to.
Oh no
It's retarded
It's black and blue, but retards see it as something else due to underdeveloped brains
There is nothing else
it's ok user
we know you've got that negro genes in you
I have pic related. Is it subtle enough? Will I come across as an autist
You Yea Forumsbois are hilarious.
Never change.
More like MILKY
i though he was dropping the dog off an airplane
It's pretty recognizable but subtle, if someone saw it close I imagine most people will be able to tell what that is. Won't help any with your autism though.
What does this prove exactly? The photo is bathed in yellow light like the left, so therefore, the perception should be a blue and yellow dress. The fact that you need to bathe the dress color in blue in order to create the opposite effect, goes to show how broken your eyes have to be, in order to see it that way.
No shit because you are adding blue to the gold one and gold to the blue one.
This doesn't prove anything
I can never post these tricky images without getting banned but I absolutely love them. Thank you for a great thread, anons
>bathed in yellow light
>dress is in shadows
Just great, this thread has gone full facebook, thanks faggots.
but it's red and green
Sword duel
checkmate, athiest.
Nice try donald, you can steal 2 billion from the troops, but you can't say a lake is a wall.
actual retardation.
I unironically wish you weren't alive
I bet you're very popular with girls
Wat...? What are you talking about? Yellow light bleeds all throughout the image. The fact that the black part is skewed yellow itself proves as much.
True. Black and bluefags truly are subhumans with rigid, reptile-like brains incapable of abstracting information in an efficient manner and limited to a sad perception of reality as seen through a peephole devoid of any context or additional information.
Black and bluefag genocide when?
>they aren't even well drawn
I definitely think it’s green
user, even if he wasn't alive you can't take his place
keep your jealousy in check, ok?
yes it is, go take a photo of something black with a yellow light around and the black will look dark yellow, have you never been inside an underground parking lot?
>didn't kow what it was
>googled it
I feel like I've seen something I shouldn't have
I think my brain is completely broken. Both sides look gold and white
now post the video
see this? This is a black object on a white wall but the yellow light makes the walls yellow and the black tinted a different colour and the phone can also mismatch colours, you retards got it?
I just remembered this thread was supposed to be about subtle vidya merch. But instead I've been getting mindbroken by all these illusion images. got no illusions to contribute so I'm sharing this 2hu shirt I wish existed
Would wear. Anyone who recognises it would out themselves, if prompted I could feign ignorance.
But that's just black?
This thread fucked me up
That's still black. I'd believe the wall was yellow or orange, though.
I won this bag years ago, along with a CD of the Mirror's Edge OST.
I think in concept it's really cool, but I never had a use for it and in person it just doesn't look that good. Still neat to own it though.
no duh, but the white and gold autists would probably see it as dark blue.
Why would someone upload this? Even if it is actually innocent.
That's a cool bag but I've never liked blue/white as a color scheme.
upload what
you don't know where the image came from
user, you need to get your negro brain in check
no u
Those who lack critical ability are tricked by their own mind and can't fathom the black and blue color beneath the "golden" lighting. It's a sort of lack of confidence where your mind tries to do it for you.
Well, it still clearly is showing a lamp, but it also shows what everyone is seeing anyway.
>Actual retards with literally broken brains pretending really hard that they aren't
>all these seething posts directly attacking the post
>when it's obviously not his picture
moralfags are newfags confirmed
Fuck this shit
Yes but not because of the bag
literally rotate your head 90 degrees to the left
I see green and purple
how would u feign ignorance
like, where the fuck do you accidentally buy something like that
>it's just a portal reference bro
>the cake is a lie :)
White Gold here, I see black in this one
I like it.
It just looks cool. It's mechanically pleasing.
meant to be for
I don't get it
I lost my brain cells
How are you seeing white instead of blue? What's wrong with you?
Yea Forums(the internet, really) has conditioned your mind to see and expect the most degenerate scenario behind everything. That looks like a fairly old family photo, that was found on an old digital camera by someone who most likely knows both of the subjects, and they thought "Hey, that's unintentionally funny" and uploaded it to the internet so they could share it on facebook with the people it was originally taken of.
OR, some nefarious pedophile is out there, browsing garage sales for old, unused cameras with the hopes of finding images that kind of look like child porn if you squint a little, so that he could jack off to the vague illusion of a baby blowjob for the last fifteen years, and share it with all his pedophile friends on the deep web, because that's easier than just obtaining actual child porn, and the picture eventually made its way to the infamous hacker known as Yea Forums.
Ignorance is bliss.
>Gmail account banned
why do you have to lie?
The machine holds a loli in bonds, and impales her with a sharp object. Very gory.
>who the fuck said that
Nothing like verifying your retardation
cute anime girl
She also gets skinned alive
I hate this earth
Ah, I remember when /g/ was a different place altogether...
Yeah? I never watched more than a few seconds. That's real neato.