Meanwhile at Eulmore...
FFXIV Shadowbringers
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Tanks are the reason you can purely heal oGCD on big pulls, not healers.
Unless you're WHM, yeah. WHM can heal a GNB in 400 gear through the level 75 dungeon big pulling with no CDs without using more than maybe 2-3 regens
Whats the current best SS numbers for blm? Trying to meld my 440 and 450 gear
m8 you gotta wait til we die completely to remake these
Stop failing at Titania mechanics you fucks
Is this what we are resorting too now? Just bold faced lies?
If you want to shitpost like this correctly swap GNB for PLD as a bad PLD is the worst dungeon tank in the game by far.
>Only Lalafells may enter this area
>No mallet item to make ourselves mini sized
Anons, my hands are about to fall off after playing SMN. What do I do?
>try out DNC expecting to hate it
>kinda like it
Blm here
I feel the same
Level RDM or BLM.
It's a pretty fun job. Simple doesn't mean bad, if you like it, go with it.
How the fuck do I level all these jobs 71-80 without wanting to kill myself.
You do realize a WHM to do that has to spam cure II and benefic II has the exact same potency as cure II right?
enjoy the tranny job
Bring me that white haired elf girl. The one the Warrior of Light treasures so I may fill her with my light.
Commit suicide in smaller doses to build up resistance to full suicide
I used GNB because i haven't had to heal a PLD in 400 gear with no cooldowns through big pulls in Ravel, I have healed a GNB through them. Although it was technically not "no cooldowns" since they did use heart of stone 1 time.
That's a pretty obvious shitpost lad.
Bros, I used to be a SMN main back in HW and did pretty well. I quit and started to play and I want to main RDM but I'm too much of a brainlet, do I just kill myself at this point?
No they don't, they can just use lily heals. Which are the same potency as Cure II/Benefic II and are a DPS gain.
Guys help me, I'm so close to just paying the $20 to get another lvl 70 job to then level to 80. POTD over and over is too much
>Have cleared Titania dozens of times
>Trying to get my last weapon, only need three more totems
>Everything's going smooth, practicing my rotation on GNB, doing pretty well
>Get the mechanics out of order, immediately move Titania back to the center after phase 2 brambles, forgetting she casts divination rune before icicles.
The worst was I knew my mistake a second after I did it, but by that time I was standing in the center of the arena and had no time to leap back to Titania and turn her. The entire raid ate that divination rune and I wanted to go dig a hole and bury myself since I hadn't had troubles since my first attempt two weeks back. It was with a public group too, not even with my FC who would've just shrugged it off.
How the fuck did you play SMN in HW, but now you are too much of a brainlet to RDM
And AST can use cards which are also a dps gain. Your point being?
ok thanks
You wait until the ShB version of PotD/HoH comes out.
You'll still want to kill yourself, but at least it will be faster.
GW2 is better cucks
>almost all 440-450 Caster gear doesn't give a fuck about SS
Blm is my main and I'm suffering
Cards don't heal you fucking retard.
>want to main RDM but I'm too much of a brainlet, do I just kill myself
how tf are you too brainlet to play the 2nd most simple job in the game
>and AST can use cards
I told you about PoTD, bro. Run roulette.
And are severely limited, if you're out then you have to wait however long for another lily and the tank could be dead by then.
I have no fucking clue. I leveled DNC to 80 and with ilvl 432 was struggling to hit 7.5k sustain DPS in titania. Tried MNK but was too brainlet. Tried RDM and was too brainlet. I'm on the verge of switching back to SMN since if it's similar to HW I won't have a hard time playing it
And you can stack 3 of them which is more than enough for any big pull in the game on top of the 1-3 you get during the pull
Unless of course you're creating some nightmare scenario in which the tank is undergeared, doesn't use cooldowns, does big pulls, AND the DPS aren't AOEing. In which case yes WHM may have to use a cure II or three throughout the dungeon, and a couple regens.
I want to use my main (blm) for eden savage
Should I try something else?
I never said they did, but being ogcds you can boost other people dps while healing.
>b-but cards are bad guys
Why IS Alisaie so fucking thirsty for WoL dickings?
>you can boost other people dps while healing.
No, you can boost other people DPS. Not while healing. Cards don't heal. If you're wasting GCDs on healing then yes, yo ucan. But WHM doesn't need to do that.
>6.4k rDPS
>when WHM has 7k+ in every fight
You're her hero after what happened in Binding Coil of Bahamut, which the story considers you to have done
Cards are bad though
Even with optimal use of cards and divination AST does about 1.5k less rDPS than WHM does
I never ran Coils, what happens?
The only DPS I have at cap is DRG, what are the chances it gets nerfed into oblivion next patch?
I finally ditched spell speed and just went full crit. It makes it a little tougher at times, but I love seeing huge critical hits, nothing like dropping an 85k xenoglossy on something and watching the tank panic since one attack didn't firmly seat him at the top of the aggro list. If they're back to back crits, sometimes it even takes a tank TWO GCDs to pull the thing off of me.
Cry more lanklet
Just like DNC doesn't do the same dps as MCH and RDM doesn't do the same dps as BLM.
Dila.. right they removed it from AST.
where can i get those shades?
>Just like DNC doesn't do the same dps as MCH and RDM doesn't do the same dps as BLM.
You're right, they don't, but I didn't mention anything about DPS in my post.
Go solo most of it unsynced A fair number of 1.X plot-threads related to Dalamud are wrapped up, some localization mishaps related to Nael van Darnus because of Japanese ambiguity and lack of communication between the east and west branches of Squeenix for localization culminating in Koji Fox being attached to the lore-team by the hip, Louisoix spontaneously became Phoenix from the combined hopes of Eorzea and defeated Bahamut but was immediately tempered by him and used as a guardian while Bahamut healed; defeating Phoenix freed him for long enough to pass on and the Leveilleur twins got closure on the issue
Honestly I think they might do something like make Dragon Sight only usable on the DRG to nerf its party-support and call it a day. They talked about jobs behaving more as they do in older titles in the build-up to the expac's release and DRG's never been a support DPS in any game but XIV and only for Stormblood.
It's not even close to how it was then. Also I literally don't understand how you can brainlet fucking RDM. Maybe consider being a gatherer only.
>optimal use of diviniation
shit doesnt line up with anything
Now apply the same train of thought to healers.
WHM current identity is to be the BLM of healers, not AST.
>only 1k rDPS from cards
>Now apply the same train of thought to healers.
What train of thought? the one where you are a retard who didn't read my post properly?
Koji has been on the lore team since 1.0 and he's always worked in the Japanese office. They just never decided on Nael's actual gender until Second Coil was coming out so he scrambled to come up with a reason to justify his using male pronouns in 1.0.
Everyone knows that, it doesn't make it any less fucking retarded to do that instead of just admitting you fucked up.
>Yoshi says healer DPS shouldn't decide their viability.
>People assume encounters will require more healing and thus healers will DPS less.
>None of this happens and the current healer meta is determined by healer DPS
What a fucking joke.
>Yoshi says DPS shouldn't determine viability over healing
>gives one healer the best DPS and the best healing
What did Yoshi mean by this?
>best healing
That's SCH.
And yet in rDPS, BLM is less than 1k higher than RDM.
WHM's GCD heals have the same effective potency as Ruin II
He didn't fuck up you moron. The gender was never fucking decided. It was kept ambiguous but English doens't have gender neutral terms.
God I wish Ranaa would bend me over and fuck me with her big black futa cock, anyone else know that feel?
I like the slapdash excuse for why Nael was a woman better than I do Nael just being a woman, honestly. Insane sister assuming his identity and killing their father/some close servants to keep the house's honor.
I see what you are trying to say but the argument is different.
RDM has an arguable utility for progression/utility (Verraise/Embolden) over BLM. Given the assumption everything is being healed fine then you turn to what healers do besides healing. AST cards don't currently equate to the personal DPS of a WHM. Just like you'd drop a RDM for a BLM if you no longer cared about the RDM's potential utility.
Of course this is 1% minmax autism, but still.
His job is to keep it ambiguous in English then. And if he fucks up, then just retcon it.
>sitting in uldah with my viera
>bara cat opens trade
>cat puts coerthan carrots in trade window and accepts
wow is this what racism feels like. im kinda shocked 2bh
On a 30s timer which everyone seems to ignore when discussing lilies.
Yoshi just doesn't know what to do. He wants to stop people from following a meta determined by DPS, yet it's impossible to change players' mindsets on the issue since their goals differ from his own. No matter what, people are going to seek the easiest, most efficient way to clear an encounter, and you can't prevent that in any way other than a complete homogenization of roles.
After a certain point, you just need to say fuck it and decide each job being a viable way to clear content (For instance, any combination of healers can clear savage, be it WHM-SCH, WHM-WHM, or AST-AST) is good enough, and just do slight tweaks from there to ensure they're mostly in line in usefulness. Top tier players will always pick meta jobs, even if they're only 3-5% better than others, because that's what they play the game for, no reason to stop them.
Full-body naizuri or bust you smug little shit. Or just have a go at the full Titania I guess.
Because you never need them more than once every 30s except in cases where you'll have them stocked anyway. There's a reason why literally no speedkills bring AST and some bring double WHM
>BLM is less than 1k higher than RDM.
You mean 2.2k.
>The ceiling is being held up by a bloody Gosetsu
>WoL can say "this isn't over" and try to use healing magic
That's neat, that's the second time the fact that your playing a healer was brought up in stormblood, I hope they'll do it more often
Maybe, you know, it's because fights don't need healing at all right now since they're all normal modes and early exes?
Awkward language and retcons are shit writing. Gender ambiguity can not be done naturally in English you fucking ape.
How can we stop the gold saucer from appropriating our rich culture viera-sis?
What should happen is just Green DPS.
Everyone is super happy with Tanks right now and you know what they fucking are? Blue DPS.
People enjoy playing DPS jobs.
The main reason healers feel like shit is because when you aren't healing you have basically 1 button to hit. That is your optimization, "How much more can I hit Malefic/Broil/Glare". It's not engaging.
If they ever make an encounter X healer cannot actually heal through then that's a problem, but that just won't happen at this point.
And RDM makes up for that gap (which is smaller than the gap between healers in terms of %) by bringing raise and not being as bad as SMN
What does AST bring to make up for bringing less healing and less raid DPS and being less optimal for prog than WHM?
you get a few tidbits in stormblood if you play samurai and a few in heavensward if you play dragoon. estinien gets really confused when theres 2 azure dragoons
>first day of the game
>femroe whm runs up while i'm bumbling around gridania, roe lnc
>trades me a hq chub and 555 gil
>cures me and runs off
Yes I'm sure that will totally change in Savage user. Keep telling yourself that just like you did before ShB released.
The best GGD heals in the business.
I cant wait to be utterly disappointed by AST changes in savage
>less healing
But AST doesn't bring less healing. Why do you keep parroting this when AST and WHM healing toolkits are extremely similar?
>Yes I'm sure that will totally change in Savage user.
A healer is almost never going to be mashing every heal in their arsenal beyond panicky wall-to-wall pulls but healing does become more important in Savage, get out of the fucking bathroom stall you cocksucker.
If fights need more healing then WHM pulls even further ahead of AST because its healing tools are better. That would benefit SCH more though.
And you need to heal more on ShB. Topping someone off takes 2x the healing it did in SB outright due to hp values being bigger.
Do you even play healer?
>But AST doesn't bring less healing. Why do you keep parroting this when AST and WHM healing toolkits are extremely similar?
AST has GCD heals with the same potency as Ruin II and no cast time every 30 seconds?
What's going to be important in savage is going to be healing while on the move, which SCH and WHM shit all over AST in
>And you need to heal more on ShB
This, AST's kit is the most reliant on GCD healing and more healing will only continue to hurt their mana economy and damage opportunities whilst WHM gives zero shits about both.
"lol" sure changes the game's numerical values to make your argument right
healing is about 30% weaker in shadowbringers, retard.
It doesn't need to when WHM can literally DPS throughout an entire leveling dungeon which has never been possible at any other point in the game other than maybe early 2.0 before Holy and Flare were nerfed
Essential dignity just dossnt cut it anymore with how much more potency you now need to top off a tank.
Oh yeah, if you're AST you need to heal more obviously. Not if you're Yoshi's special healer boys (SCH or WHM) though.
Limsa AFK shitters please start playing the game before you act like there's more healing in ShB.
Afflatus Solace and Rapture are not immediate DPS options, stop pretending those aren't healing just because they lead into Afflatus Misery
holy asswrangled
They are healing. They're healing with an effective potency of about 200.
>b-but it's not immediate
that doesn't matter, in fact, that's superior because that means you have an opportunity to save it for a burst window like trick or technical finish. Learn how to play the game, retards.
It's up to you but most agree on 2100-2200. Use lemonade if you need a boost.
Summer event from last year
Um sweatie, they obviously should have been referred to as 'they' or 'xir'
Guys grandpa Emet is mad I can't hold in all this light. What do I do?
Yea, let's ignore the fact ED is stronger and on a shorter cd than tetra. Let's ignore earthly star is the 2nd strongest aoe heal in the game at 720 potency/min only rivaled by indom at 800/min.
Let's ignore AST buffs party members. Let's also ignore that AST base toolkit heals the exact same shit as WHM base toolkit.
All because WHM drops 1 900 potency nuke every 90s.
kill that nigga
I wish FF14 had proper anime titties.
mod it.
mods you dumb niggy
I agree. Just go all the way with what they're doing with tanks, it's clear that's what direction we're headed in. And it'd be simple to do as well, the only thing that holds them back is the majority of the playerbase are not good at adapting to changes in methodology of jobs and expect MMOs to follow the trinity as close as possible. Make all jobs capable of bringing "DPS" job numbers to a fight.
Tanks are mostly fine, expand their rotations some for the slower ones, their "job" is to hit cooldowns when a tankbuster approaches and position the boss when needed.
Healers need to have their GCD heals removed/costs greatly increased and focus entirely on oGCD healing. It's clear this is how the playerbase generally thinks you should play healers anyway, might as well make it official so we don't have anyone spamming Cure I during fights and make them manage their heals as a resource. Make playing the DPS side of your healer reward you by giving you additional tools to keep people alive, though this might create a negative feedback loop where doing poorly requires you to heal more, which takes time away from your DPS, which means you have less tools to heal with, but that's just part of the process.
Make Ranged DPS focus on interrupting mechanics and give them partywide support abilities like Shield Samba and other damage reduction tools. They've got a similar job to tanks, except the tankbusters they mitigate are high incoming raidwide damage. Healers need them to do their job or they'll run out of healing resources in this new meta.
Melee DPS focuses on debuffing the boss so the rest of the raid can do max damage. They now provide super trick attacks and debuffs, some that build over the fight, and some that apply all at once.
The only thing I wouldn't know what to do with is casters, their role in other MMOs has historically been controllers providing CC to groups of enemies, but that's not always useful in modern raids.
I'm surprised the Honeybee isn't as packed as I thought it would be
>Yea, let's ignore the fact ED is stronger and on a shorter cd than tetra
Why wouldn't we? ED is only meaningfully stronger than tetra when healing Superbolide, Holmgang, or LD and a good WHM is going to have Benediction up for any of those being used if the SCH doesn't have Recitation to heal it for them.
>Let's ignore earthly star is the 2nd strongest aoe heal in the game at 720 potency/min only rivaled by indom at 800/min.
Yeah, we will ignore that skill that will not be used optimally until you have the fight on farm, causing prog to take longer. Let's also ignore that WHM gets 2 free instant medica GCDs per minute that are also worth about 200 potency in damage, and which combine with Plenary to increase the healing potency without sacrificing DPS for an entire GCD.
>Let's ignore AST buffs party members.
We will because AST's buffs are worth significantly less than WHM's personal DPS.
>Let's also ignore that AST base toolkit heals the exact same shit as WHM base toolkit.
AST has free instant cast damaging GCD heals every 30 seconds?
..Will that stop me from turning in to a sin eater? How does that work?
seriously? I currently have 2400
Gonna invest on those direct hits
>continuing to ignore the fact that actual fight data proves that you're objectively incorrect about everything
That’s p funny.
Letting nibbas buy/sell shit between worlds was a mistake.
prove me wrong
{Don't worry about it.}
>AST has free instant cast damaging GCD heals every 30 seconds?
WHM has free party buff ogcds every 30 seconds?
you cant sell shit between worlds only buy
>it's a "Yea Forums single joblet healers try to talk about balance" episode
This is worse than novice network. Please change the channel.
>join Innocence party
>at least one person dead every single time tethers happen, sometimes both
>even after explaining in exacting detail what to do
I cannot fathom how absolutely brainless you have to be to be unable to execute such an incredibly simple mechanic, Jesus Christ. And yes I have multiple clears I was just trying to help people out, but I can see what a waste of time that shit is apparently.
No it doesn't, but it has more than 1k higher raid DPS without them.
God...I want to hug the Weeping Warbler as I cum inside her and hear her raspy moans and gentle breath on my neck.
It hasn't evened out the economy of each world as much as I hoped it would since Squeenix hasn't implemented any DC-wide marketboard or a price-compare feature (and enjoys banning any player-made method of doing so like market-board bots and companion app API leeches) but I still like being able to hop around worlds and get a good deal. You can't sell things on different worlds, by the way.
How do people like this exist?
>Make playing the DPS side of your healer reward you by giving you additional tools to keep people alive, though this might create a negative feedback loop where doing poorly requires you to heal more, which takes time away from your DPS, which means you have less tools to heal with
This is exactly what happens. Groups that do not play optimally will get punished all the more harshly and drag the game down in general. Play perfect or die has never been the game's motto. Do not turn FFXIV in to something it's not and something people do not play it for.
>but that's just part of the process.
No, faggot.
No it's more like some broken, delusional AST retard still thinks his job isn't trash. That or it's some even more retarded WHM main who's afraid that if people think AST is as bad as it is then his job will get nerfed
Is there any job that could possibly match the DPS of Samurai? Let alone surpass its parse. And I'm not talking about a Samurai with both Shifu (Mind of the Samurai) and Jinpu (Rush of Battle), boosting attack damage and speed by 12%. I'm not talking about Samurai with Hissatsu (Hidden Technique): Kaiten (Turn the Heavens) boosted Midare Setsugekka (Chaos Slash— Snow, Moon, Flowers) either, and this skill is only usable by one who has mastered the peerless concentration of the warrior's state of mind, doing a total of 1080 potency. Hell, I'm not even talking about a combo using Hissatsu: Kaiten boosted Higanbana (Mourning Flowers), placing a DoT of 3510 potency, using Meikyo Shisui (Standing Water, Perfect Mirror Reflection) to instantly deliver a Kaiten boosted Midare Setsugekka and finishing with Hissatsu: Guren (Crimson Lotus), dealing a total of nearly 5400 potency in the space of a couple of seconds.
No, I'm talking about Samurai possessing the secret technique Hissatsu: Senei (Thousand Blades), a more powerful version of Hissatsu: Guren that does 1250 potency to a single foe, and who has mastered Tsubame-gaeshi, the technique of the REGEND Sasaki Koijiro, enabling him to perform Kaeshi (Reversal) forms of his most powerful abilities, which allows him to unleash his ultimate combo of Kaiten: Higanbana, followed by Hissatsu: Senei in the space between his next move Kaiten: Midare Setsugekka, and finally Tsubame-Gaeshi unleashes Kaeshi: Midare Setsugekka dealing 1200 immediately. Samurai has just done 7040 POTENCY in the LITERAL BLINK of an EYE.
people who play ninja? Yeah, they are the worst
And that my friend, is the current WHM identity. AST has their cards, WHM has their dps.
Is that hard to understand?
>party buff
one person, retard.
I haven't even bothered to attempt innocence or titania extreme.
I have no real reason to. I don't have an FC or static thats pushing savages so I really don't need the gear; even if I did feel like minmaxing, I play a fucking NIN so no matter what I do, every other class is gonna out-dps me anyway.
>Is there any job that could possibly match the DPS of Samurai?
BLM and MNK for starters
mnk and blm destroy sam
can't you just trade with a buddy/conspirator there and have him sell it? Assuming you knew someone on that server
Astro is cucked. Can’t wait for 5.05.
She'll make a good batch of meol.
Yes it is, because WHM has 1k higher raid DPS, meaning they are better at increasing party DPS and better at healing, making them broken. So AST's identity is to be WHM, but its heals are both worse and require more work to use properly, and it does no damage, but provides tiny buffs that don't make up for the lower damage.
Party buff = buffing someone on your party
>what's divination
>AST's identity is to be a bad WHM
Thank you for finally admitting it
>what's divination
it's bad, that's what
You do worse DPS than a tank if you spent most of the time dead on the floor.
WHM's identity has been being the strongest healer since 1.0. Kill yourself newfag.
Now you know how WHMs felt at the end of HW and throughout SB. Enjoy.
Not really since WHM was still useful for literally everything except speedkills that nobody who played WHM was good enough at the game to do anyway
On paper you can but it's a big pain in the ass to do it that way, and if you're trying to shift around large amounts of gil you'll have to do it with Allagan pieces sooner or later.
Remove Trick Attack.
Buff NIN dps by 35%.
>WHM's identity has been being the strongest healer since 1.0.
its a fuckin JOKE
Ohh, you're the cuck who thinks Blizzard balancing is good and thinks that WHM was bad in SB even though it was perfectly fine
>you can't use mounts at Eulmore
Anyone else hate this? Whats the point of getting cool mounts if there's not a place full of people who can see them.
They won't do gameplay changes and only potency stuff. A strong class that plays like shit isn't fun and will not translate to better performances later in the patch cycle.
Begone Ascians.
>Remember t hat time in HW and SB when the healers were balanced and WHM trannies screeched about AST being better for speedrun farm
Oh yeah I remember the crying from WHM trannies.
Remove Trick, boost DPS by 10%, introduce the fourth mudra as an actual castable mudra instead of being referred to with Bushin/Hellfrog Medium
So that niggerfaggots like you can't whip out their obnoxious, totally superfluous gigantic fuck-off pathetic attention seeking mount and block the god damn vendors with it, that's why.
>SAM is cucked because Ascians invaded SE to lower SAM DPS before Shadowbringers launched
it all makes sense now
Thank god.
I don't immerse myself in speedrun meta-whoring so I never saw hide nor hair of WHM screeching outside of... well, speedrun meta-whoring Yea Forums.
Oh yes, WHM was still playable.
It was just worse than SCH and AST on every single possible way.
>SB WHM was fine
>weaker than SCH and AST on both healing and dps
>b-but it can clear content so it's f-fine
Go fuck yourself mate. By that logic AST is fine and doesn't need buffs because it's clearing content just fine.
>there are people that still think WHM and DRG aren't getting nerfed in 5.05
So it's only worth doing expert roulette once the new tomestones come out? Think I've gotten most of the accessories these dungeons give, haven't gotten any of the rare minions though
This pasta is alright.
>Oh yes, WHM was still playable.
It was more than playable, it was good enough to get world firsts. It was just not optimal for speedkills, which is something that is literally impossible to avoid.
>fourth mudra
Only if they make Mudras truly instant with zero animation delays. It's already impossible to do a Suiton or Doton or Hoton without clipping your weaponskills, and if you have over a certain amount of ping, you can't even get 2 Mudra abilities out without clipping. All because of the stupid fucking animation lock.
>WHM trannies
That's fancy coming from a estrologian.
Can you say that's not how other jobs play, though? If a BLM fucks up and drops Enochain early, he winds up doing shit DPS with no way to recover until the cooldown's up. A DRG who drops blood of the dragon requires another buildup, further nerfing his DPS and making him a poor contributor. It's not easy to fuck up these mechanics so quick in succession, but if you do, you can expect to start failing DPS checks.
The only difference to this is that most of the easier content doesn't have DPS checks anyway, so doing less DPS just makes the fight drag on longer. This in turns is what gives DPS jobs their reputation as braindead troglodytes, because the game never punishes them for their failure like it does a healer outside of Extreme or Savage.
The only people I could see complaining with this sort of change would be the type of mouthbreathers who run through dungeons and trials and do nothing but idle and cast a heal every 15 seconds or so. We get it, you picked a healer because you want to spam heals, but the genre has evolved (or rather gone back to its roots) and this is no longer acceptable anymore. You now have to manage your healing as a resource, it's not just health bar whack-a-mole anymore.
I don't think DRG will really get hit that hard since they've already killed the BRD synergy and its biggest support is a flat crit-up which all jobs benefit from. Maybe Dragon Sight gets nerfed and they leave its DPS ability alone.
>>weaker than SCH and AST on both healing and dps
in farm
>b-but it can clear content so it's f-fine
If it is intentionally brought to world first prog for reasons other than "it's fun" then yes, it's fine. Certainly better than shadowbringers where it's strictly better than AST in literally every regard and there is absolutely no reason to paly AST in anything ever
crafting mats will probably be available for goetia, so stock up
DRK because its story is a billion times better and greatswords are cooler than axes
You can trade tomestones for Ronkan gear already, it's worth it to keep grinding if you want to glamour-dresser your artifacts.
AST is playable because either the other SCH or WHM carry them or the entire group carries them.
>b-b-b-but muh solo ex primal kills
Ignoring the fact that primals are piss easy, read the last part of what I said, faggot.
DRK is WAR 2.0
No reason to take RDM over a SMN, smn has higher personal dps, aetherpact and doesn't have the terrible mp problems RDM has.
>literal girl job whm calling anyone else trannies
Trick being gone removes a lot of the SHOVE EVERYTHING INTO BURST WINDOW mentality, I wouldn't care if GCDs clipped for mudra by that point
0 - 4 I level DRK
5 - 9 I level GNB
Well Khloe ever get changes to her overall system?
What jobs have the best/worst particle effects and animations?
Not really talking about how they feel to play but more like which jobs look sick and which ones look weak?
I main MNK and haven't really played any other jobs. MNK looks pretty weak imo, the only cool looking moves being Elixir field and Tornado kick.
P-Post the rest...
NIN dps revolves around two things:
B. Line up TA and Bunshin
Basically just fucking remove TA and give NIN proper DPS for the love of fucking CHRIST.
RDM and SAM are just the right kind of flashy, RDM has more particle-effect shit going on at a given moment because its whole thing is being a flair mage and SAM has lots of effects related to how fast it's swinging its sword or how magic-infused its current sword swing is
Yes, I'll change her reproductive system.
That wasn't the point of breaking down the comparison he was trying to make you double retard.
Expect glare getting a 20 potency nerf. Tanks are just as angry as AST/SCHs.
Astro has the best, worst effects SMN
I can only speak for melee dps since its all I play
>which jobs look cool from best to worst
>If it is intentionally brought to world first prog for reasons other than "it's fun" then yes, it's fine.
Wrong, this is a screenshot from week 1 of alphascape.
AST had already starting replacing WHM as "prog" healer in sigma and did it on alpha. The "WHM is the prog healer" excuse died a long time ago my dude.
The vuln-up stack and Weakness one for GNB still gives me a chuckle.
>It's currently more optimal for a PLD to Clemency themselves in their Requiescat window if there's a WHM in the party
>WHM think this is fine
Are there more?
>it's a "MSQ sends you to Limsa" episode
AST replaced WHM as prog healer because Earthly Star was made more valuable by O12S
That was AST specialty until it was removed in 5.0
It's from @FrogOperator on Twitter. They haven't posted the full image yet but I assume they will soon.
>the MSQ involves a cutscene with tataru
>Alphascape savage
No! You will not NTR my wife!
I don't care if its 'more optimal'.
I still refuse to do it.
DRK animations are a far cry from what they once was and should be. Their AoE and Single Hit rotation doesn't even seem to flow properly to the next.
AST / MCH are stylish but I think AST wins just out of the amount of particles they get.
>prog healing
Level GNB anyway.
>SB never touch clemency
>ShB I can clemency myself now knowing it's not a dps loss
the fucks she doing to thancred?
Yes user, you prog heal through savage. What's your point exactly?
Probably that Alphascape was a literal joke
in Ultimate there was fucking nobody playing AST. Know why? Because WHM was better in content with real healing checks
what are you even on about? pld can easily heal themselves, and have the best cooldowns in the game
Savage healing is a joke. Most of the best group's don't bring WHM in savage but do for ultimate because savage is exactly that, a joke. Just because you can't clear it, doesn't mean it's difficult, sweetie.
You're a triple retard if you think RDM should be mentioned at all, it's dead in its current state. And people who talk about BLM in the first two weeks of savage are even more retarded than you.
>try out DNC expecting to have fun
>kinda hate it
It is just so boring...
real healing checks and dungeons were the only thing WHM were good for
which is still more than what AST is good for right now unless you really really really care about having gold logs
Current/Upcoming iLevels of gear.
>AF4/Expert Roulette - 430
>Goetia - 440
>Eden/5.05 Crafted - 450(Crafted can be Pentamelded)
>Phantasmagoria/Upgraded Crafted - 460
>Eden Savage/Augmented Phantasmagoria - 470(Augmented available in 5.1 via YoRHa)
Choose your path to better gear. Tomestone stuff will take time, crafted will be faster but super expensive, and Savage for those who no life the game.
>real healing checks
Which don't really exist after gordias other than ultimates.
It's nigh impossible to drop enochian or BOTD now. They went to great lengths to ensure both. I wonder why? Maybe being so severely punished for one mistake isn't fucking fun and they realized that?
Further, the group isn't punished with death because a DPS fucks up their rotation. Yet you want WHM to start the trend of designing in this direction. Fuck off.
Right, so like I said, the healers were objectively more balanced in Stormblood than in Shadowbringers.
>the only middle ground is SMN
SMN is shit but has a bone thrown at them for not being BLM and RDM. I wish MCH had that luxury.
Nah WHM was taken over AST for Deltascape and Sigmascape prog because Neo and God Kefka had some decent healing checks
You don't even understand the context of the post you originally replied too.
>They still think you need to no life just to do Savage
I guess this is why clear rates are so low
>Literally one single skill uses Sword Oath
They don't know what they want Paladin to do, do they
it was pretty bad at first but it becomes somewhat funner for me as i was doing endgame content
Nobody can beat the GCD spamming neutral sect AST. You take that back!
Most of their cooldowns are kind of shit in big pulls and Shelltron is probably the weakest of all the short cooldown mitigation options within that same context.
Not saying Paladins can't do big pulls, but the difference between a DRK and a PLD is pretty huge if you assume the same skill level.
Again this is DUNGEON PULLS not raids or bosses.
Only on week 1. Which was exactly WHM's identiy. Being a good healer. There is no reason to bring a WHM when the content doesn't justify it. This doesn't mean AST needs to be neutred because WHM trannies screech that AST is better for gold parse farming.
The average player is so retarded that they go and post on Yea Forums about how WHM isn't overpowered. You really expect people with that poor of a grasp of this game to be able to clear even easy mode savage fights?
I have no interest in savage/extreme content because mouth breathers in party finder aren't worth the time or effort to try and placate. It's just good to let people know there are multiple paths to raise your iLevel.
People still brought WHM for weekly clears, AST was brought for log runs.
Will the upgraded crafted be available on the release of savage though? I'm all set to fully craft multiple sets of gear since my FC are bloodsucking leeches who I still have no idea why I put up with, literally wasting tens of million of gil worth of gear on despite them pulling only green parses anyway.
In terms of dungeons, that sounds right. Every PLD I've ever played with has gotten shit on by trash mobs compared to DRK or WAR. GNB seems to be somewhere in the middle depending on how competent they are.
Smn can only quick raise one person. RDM has no mana problems unless you are raising 3+ people.
You know, I know DRK lost some cool shit, but dungeons feel the best with them as tank. Plus the new skills remind me of Cecil.
uh maybe, but I just ran akademyia blind doing big pulls on PLD and was good that whole time. Didn't need more than 3-4 heals a fight in 418 gear.
Gas all parsetrannies.
The new skill is literally Cecil's Dark
how do I get more feathers? Seems like I'm not getting enough of them
>AST had already starting replacing WHM as "prog" healer in sigma and did it on alpha.
Brother, this happened in Creator. You are 2 years late
DRK feels so fucking good to heal with how stupid TBN is right now. I barely have to pay any attention to their HP. I really hope some people bring DRK for Savage prog.
>This doesn't mean AST needs to be neutred because WHM trannies screech that AST is better for gold parse farming.
Literally nobody said that. Stop playing the victim jesus christ.
I think I dodged a bullet, I think my healer was looking for a fight.
I big pulled right away and he healed like absolute dogshit, just barely keeping me alive. I think he wanted me to say something so we could fight but I didn't, I just started slow pulling instead, his healing stayed shit, no holy casts of course. When we got to the second boss he just alt-F4'd in frustration and I never saw him again.
Genuinely get the feeling that he wanted to blow up on someone but I wouldn't give him the chance.
>spend forever getting to 80
>dread having to do Titania EX groups a month after everyone has done them
>find a clear group
>clear it on my very first attempt
Well okay I guess it all worked out
Holy shit the point of the post was to bring up you can't compare DPS to each other and say it has relevant context to comparing Healers to each other.
Why is everyone a fucking retard. This has nothing to do with RDM vs BLM vs SMN in regards to DPS.
t. never has been to the official forums that the devs actually use for feedback to adjust the jobs
See Other than that you're right though.
shame raiding with them is fucking boring as SHIT holy fuck
i feel like i'm going to fall asleep tanking ex trials
so you got carried by more experienced players.. you're proud of this why?
I quoted the wrong post, chill out.
OT as GNB if you want to tank and have fun.
I think upgraded crafted won't be an option until 5.1. I never really paid attention to crafted gear over the years as it was always too rich for my blood especially with the crazy crafters that try to sell pre-pentamelded gear on the market board.
You shouldn't read the OF, it's bad for you.
Also devs don't read the english forum.
>I couldn't hack it in Kefka on AST so I had to cop out with White Mage
Okay cutie pie
tataru as a trust that fucks every mechanic up when
what is wrong with some people.
>get to final shb boss
>healer says uh I don't remember this
dumb mother fucker this content is less than a month old either you are a legitimate retard or you better remember straight away.
>proceeds to die several times
>can't heal for shit
what a waste of space. I know I'm late but c'mon.
I want to fuck Tataru until she aheagos!
Yeah, it's not a hard fight. The only people who have trouble with EX fights are bad.
What classes did you run with?
enjoy your GUBs and WARs
>What are enrage timers
If anything, a DPS failing to do their job is far more insidious than a healer failing. It's not readily apparent to the group unless they die, and the wipe doesn't occur until the end of the encounter after you've wasted quite a bit of time to die at 3% HP left on a boss. For that reason though, I could see why you'd think such a thing doesn't exist, because in normal play, these players can't easily be pined down for their failing and most groups will shrug their shoulders and tell everyone to DPS harder next time, even though you've had a SAM sitting dead in a corner for three quarters of the fight and putting out less DPS than anyone else. With four DPS jobs, it's easier to spread the blame than it is with two healers or two tanks.
Besides, DPS could use some more pass or fail mechanics to bring them in line with healers and tanks. If healing is a healer's responsibility, and tanking is a tank's responsibility, why is DPS suppose to be everyone's responsibility? No, these "DPS jobs" should have mechanics of their own that requires them to execute correctly or drag down the group. No job should get a free pass to be a retard while others carry them on their backs.
does anybody play on ifritt? just started this game, around level 47 on my bard
me PLD
Healer whm
a nin I think
can't be fucked / did their job
>gear that took me weeks to get can now be purchased in a minute with poetics I already had sitting around on hand
why is this considered okay?
I'm ok with that. FUCK healing PLD right now. Either most of them or bad, or they just take like 2x as much damage as the other tanks. Their DPS is good though.
>have to lead her into mechanics to tank them like the solo instance in the Four Lords storyline
DRK is pretty good right now, it's only slightly behind GNB in DPS and it's a better main tank
Because it's obsolete.
Because it's a casual MMORPG
What the fuck was up with that scene in Costa Del Sol where she looks back and gives an unsettling smirk?
Still wonder about it to this day
Vertical progression.
>Titania "farm" parties right now
>hitting enrage because both tanks are doing more DPS than the actual DPS
>fags messing up lightning tethers, STILL
>speaking of lightning tethers, melee DPS/tanks still think they need to run to the other side of the arena instead of just staying in max melee range
>healers just let the tanks get auto'd to death during the add phase
>during brambles, everyone thinks it's opposite day and decide to just pair up with their bramble partners
In two days I have acquired three, THREE fucking totems. Every goddamn party I join, we are hitting enrage or wiping during the add phase. I literally don't understand what the fuck is wrong with people. I just look around and suddenly the entire party is dead.
I'm so mad. I should have just autism grinded the last of my weapons out weeks ago instead of taking a break.
>Besides, DPS could use some more pass or fail mechanics to bring them in line with healers and tanks. If healing is a healer's responsibility, and tanking is a tank's responsibility, why is DPS suppose to be everyone's responsibility? No, these "DPS jobs" should have mechanics of their own that requires them to execute correctly or drag down the group. No job should get a free pass to be a retard while others carry them on their backs.
DPSing and avoiding mechanics is already that to a T.
Because it's now welfare-gear for everyone, you can easily acquire anything else you've missed, and if you already have it all then your jobs are all set for 5 to 7 levels into the next expac.
>implying tataru can compete with this
It's not a joke! I want to pump Tataru with so much semen that she would look swollen!
>That interview from a few weeks before release where the dumbass asked Yoshi about healer balance and what he would do to fix WHM and Yoshi was just laughing through the question and replied "Just wait until the game is out bitch"
He knew
This reminds me. Back when Varis when getting the spotlight at the end of SB, everytime a cutscene would start with him in the castle I would just imagine the dr weird music from aqua teen in the background.
>Varis: "Gentlemen, I have grandfather!"
>nameless soldier: "well ahh...why?"
>Varis" Because shut up steve!"
>There are people who don't pop sprint the minute the brambles go off
which is why fuck dps they deserve their cuckshed long ass cues. 90% of those dumb faggots literally can't play the game because they actually only get tested like 1/10 times throughout the content.
If I fuck up (tank) we wipe
If the healer fucks up we wipe
If you dps fuck up its usually fine you could basically be afk and the only consequence would be that its a bit slower
Then the enrage timer shows up and it's plain as day you can't play the god damn game.
Thought you mighta been the pally bro I ran with, was a MCH with SAM friend and WHM friend, merely curious
He asked that WHM seemed weak after the changes and that if he was going to add raid buffs.
so dancer has the best AF gear right?
Do you realize how forgiving any DPS check in this game is? You have to be a complete bottom feeder to create a problem.
>tfw solo healed Titty EX on day 4
>got all my totems in 2 hours
hearing about all the shit healers you guys have to deal with is pretty amusing desu
this is the future you chose
Paladin always, get fucked dumb slut
I want to push Tataru to the ground and fill her up from on top of her!
I'd cut melee dps some slack but range physical have the least responsibility of any role and should be held accountable.
maybe, what server?
I guess I should get around to doing that, at some point.
>parsefag's only advice to 'fix' WHM is to add more homogeneity and give them rdps
I'm glad they stuck course with current WHM.
I don't think the crafted combat gear is capable of being penta-melded though, IIRC. I have sold two best in slot penta-melded crafted crafter gear this expansion though, both going for well over ten million gil each.
If this round's crafted gear is like SB's 320 set, it looks like it'll be easier to craft than the 380 stuff at the end of the expansion due to the lack of Alchemics needed. I've already farmed tons of mats to make things with, I've got several hundred aethersand, around 300 of each of the timed nodes behind lore books, hopefully everything I need to just macro craft several sets for myself and the market board. I do have a feeling with more people playing this game, however, the proportionally higher amount of crafters are going to cut into profits much harder this expansion, resulting in far cheaper crafted gear than what we've seen previously. It always seemed to be that way on big servers at least, the more players you have, the more people who can craft gear, and although logically the demand should increase at the same pace, everyone wants to sell their shit over everyone else, creating a faster drop in prices.
>Play ARR
>Start in Uldah
>Its literally empty with only like 7 players hanging around
>I don't see other players in droves until I unlock the airship and get to Limsa Lominsa or however you spell it.
Did I pick the wrong class/starting area? I also like the Lalafell queen.
I really want to fuck a fairy.
>can barely tell DNC AF from thav slutglam
Aether, Midgard
PLD, SMN (not counting the shoes), SCH, DRK, MNK, MCH, and SAM won the AFbowl
>Play Healer
>I waited to get ShB and waited to hit 80 because friends
>They don't really care about getting Ex clears and what not
>Now I'm left with all the people who haven't cleared yet
>I've had a total of 12 wipes at
and they aren't. it's bs. Then you hit titania (normal) timer 5 times in a row. only to do it at 78 the sixth time
If you think that's bad i sat through the original wolves den and gained 300 xp per game for 35 ranks to get the cool animal armor and then they decided to remove rank locks and now everyone and their dog can get them for no effort
yea i'm still pretty mad
So do I have to use party finder to practice for Titania EX? The raid finder timer is literally half an hour.
He was also a mouthbreather, don't forget that important facet of it
You've reached the part where all of the starting storylines come together and has no effect on the rest of the story. No point in restarting now.
>I'd cut melee dps some slack
>You can have my stacks when I'm dead
Monk's is decent but the 70 one was definitely better
Pretty funny. Would have accepted 2bhonest.
The issue is that now every parse cuck wants WHM pdps.
Yeah nobody uses duty-finder for EX and Savage outside of JP, you'll have to join a pre-made party.
Shadowbringers just released, everyone is hanging around at the Crystarium. There's very few reasons to visit one of the starting cities now that there are three expansion hub cities. Limsa stands out of the three due to having the marketboards closest to the main aetheryte, so that's where you'll see people. But yeah it doesn't matter.
>You have to be a complete bottom feeder to create a problem
Yes, and? It happens all the time. I legitimately cannot remember the last time I had an EX or Savage pug group that didn't have at least one grey or low green DPS in it.
Think about how clueless you are right now.
Now imagine that everyone else using matchmaking is equally as clueless.
Good luck clearing if you ever get it.
nah sorry friend, Primal Siren an hour or so back. Was a good party though. I ran it blind just about perfectly. One death beacause I fell off the stage on the 4-headed thing. Whm revive, I pop clemency and we're right as rain. hardly missed a beat. big pulls getting munched Felt good.
man wtf why cant I beat Crown of the immaculate. 4 grps couldnt beat it, this is stupid. no one ever does what they're suppose to and its always low dps and it reaches 100 and 1 shots everyone.
Mate i can assure you 85% of the western playerbase doesn't even know that tab exists
>Dong is a downgrade
>No wings
>Now main color is puke green
>Tiny book that barely glows when BLM gets an elaborate staff with moving parts
Whoever designed SMN AF4 should be fired.
now that was a mechanic
crown is garbage content wtf
But that's the fucking trouble. We have DPS being shitheads because they're allowed to be. These players play tank and break a mechanic, the entire group sees and they catch shit. They see a healer let someone die, that healer gets thrown under the bus. But when it comes to DPS checks, and suddenly the DPS fails at the ONE FUCKING THING they're brought to do? The entire group gets the blame, no matter what role they play. It's fucking madness, and the only way to avoid it is to avoid public groups.
Why is it acceptable to call out a tank failing to tank a boss, but not acceptable to call out a DPS who does even less damage than the tanks and healers?
>no teleport to waking sand
What kind of NIGGER design this ahit ????
Yeah there was a time that people got pretty tweaked about people being hurt/killed in cutscenes and they were playing healer so in Stormblood onwards you will occasionally chip in during a cutscene if it calls for a healer.
>FC friend says he's putting up a carry party
>Think he's joking
>Couple newbies join for a clear
>Clean one shot and two more clears after
Just get lucky my dude.
should I watch a video for this? I'm competent.
Cleared Innocence EX today. I messed up some mechanics, but doing it I learned quickly and killed it on our third try!
The default Gunbreaker armor looks pretty stylish on male Au Ra
Does Shadowbringer give you more /fa/ leather gear for GNB? I'm at Stormblood right now and the MSQ sets keep giving me cuck plate armor so I'm just glamouring until I find a decent set.
>>Now main color is puke green
>Actually saw an EX group where the healers were blamed when the group hit the enrage
>The healers were both around 3k, which is kind of meh but acceptable
>There was a 4k SAM
I want to rip off Alisaie's clothes and hold her down whilst ejaculating twenty times in her delicious pussy!
parse should literally be built into the game and every clear screen should show it.
problem solved do your fucking jobs dps shitters
>Limsa stands out of the three due to having the marketboards closest to the main aetheryte, so that's where you'll see people. But yeah it doesn't matter.
I see. Feels kind of sad that the starting cities are just abandoned though. How much longer do I have to go before I can fight Gaius and finish ARR though? Out of everything so far he's only the thing that really caught my attention/hype and Thancred being a pretty cool guy so far.
Limsa>Arcanist Guild>Ferry
There is nothing in normal mode that requires a video.
If you can't work out the entire fight from a single pull you have learning issues.
If you remember what the game taught you previously and pay attention to what the game teaches you during the fight you will have no problems.
God fucking dammit i want these so badly and the fact that i might have to wait another year for them to go on mogstation fucking sucks
I know. Its for practice, getting used to the trial. I had no expectations of clearing it first go.
shut up and pray return to the waking sands u fat cunt
Teleport to Limsa, aethernet over to Arcanist's guild, take the ferry to Vesper Bay. It's faster.
Blame potatokikes.
The only thing that might not be super apparent is fists = stand in front, go kart = stand to the side
Mix and match AF parts for best SMN look and get your ass a Dreadwyrm Grimoire, you will never use another book
Can you instantly relocate between city states when a plot opens up and you own one or only in the housing area of the city state you have your current house?
Like when Ishgard housing should become available do other people have an advantage or is it a leveled playing field?
You're asking for something to happen based on a false premise. That's what. By your own admittance, healers fucking up is already more of a responsibility than anything DPS do, and you're trying to use DPS having responsibility to increase the burden on healers.
but that would make people feel bad
thanks bros.
this is relative to the mob right? should be fine honestly.
Did you miss all the practice parties in party finder?
You can relocate wherever
I went from Goblet to Shirogane when it was added
that doesn't serve any purpose but assuage parser autism and you already have a low-grade version of what you're asking for with the individual party-aggro meters courtesy of tanking changes
The last veteran reward is Squalls outfit but you have to wait a full year for it.
Turning him from dad to daddy.
I dont see any practice parties, and I’ve never set up my own before. How should I set one up so that I dont end up like these unfortunate anons?
nah it's ok bro i watched mrhappys video i can just join a clear party now :^)
Their 30 min cues should stay though and they should all be gimped while healers and tanks reach parity. just to grind it in their face for like one update. like 5.2 should be upside down with dps queers taking it in every hole.
Nah, might just be your server. I'm on ultros and I see a shit ton of people (mostly sprouts) in Ul'dah, but compared to like Limsa or the ShB towns it's a lot less.
All jobs should parse like DPS and DPS have additional mechanics to worry about. That way it's absolutely clear that the BRD we took along is incapable of doing their job and should be removed, and on parses, everyone could be expected to be within 20% of the top DPS's damage.
Just make SSS more interactive or a gate. They should at least fucking tell people how to brambles properly cause by God people don't know old ass mechanics
>Join a clear party
>"One or more of your members is new, a bon-"
>Leave "clear" party
>solo'd coil over the past couple days
>seeing all that shit for the first time
that was fucking awesome, makes alexander and omega look like small time shit
Last veteran reward is Squall's outfit but the Outsider gear they give you at 60 is supposed to be a pretty close approximation of it. You can get a nice Laguna glamour going with purple pants and the Bluesteel fending set at lv. 74 (or was it 76?) dyed silver. Hunt around on the market-board for trenchcoats, Uraeus Coat is used a lot for Dante glamours and there're some other options. Once it's dyeable we'll probably see a lot of Nero glamours with the default Bodyguard's artifact trenchcoat.
what other mechanics? Press the buttons when they light up? gimme a fucking break I've got dps rotations as a fucking PLD, and I have to hold hate, and I off heal, and I position the mobs, and I dodge aoes, and and and
The healer situation is so bad bros. I levelled up my tank exclusively in dungeons, I saw 1 AST, 2 SCH and about 50 WHMs.
They are going to fix it right?
I just beat the msq and got the minimum iLvl tonight. I’ve never done an EX trial because I just started about two months ago, and assumed most players who’d ever bother to play the older trials are already done with them.
Is this nigga retarded?
Enforce the minimum item-level and you ought to weed out a lot of shitters and dopes. Otherwise you can't really do anything but kick undesirables if they just refuse to learn.
I took out a stopwatch and timed it, it's only a few seconds faster and requires more input than aiming a chocobo and setting autorun. The bigger thing I was surprised about was the fact that we're only suppose to return to the waking sands six times in ARR, so it's not that big of deal that people make it to be.
I have a dalamud red dye stashed away for one purpose.
me an you. I'm just gonna watch a video and pray.
>460k+ exp per collectable turn in at the 60-70 range if you get 500 collectable rating
>very easy to get 500 collectable rating
>it's not that big of deal that people make it to be.
Unbelievable, people exaggerate problems on the internet?
WHM will be nerfed, but probably too hard
AST will be buffed, but probably not enough
SCH will be buffed, and nobody will be really sure why when all it needed was an AF dump
Exactly, DPS just have to worry about their rotation and MAYBE dodge a mechanic or two when needed. The margins of error for them are enormous compared to other roles, make the fucking role difficult to play.
Do the new housing areas usually have some kind of cooldown when the patch is applied and the housing area is open?
Or is it literally like some Black Friday rush?
the fact that you have to come back to that exact same spot, through however many loading screens just to talk to minfillia when just a moment ago she was just talking to us via linkpearl, is exactly why the meme sticks to people's minds
I gotta read, this game is so full of shit now.
Can you teleport straight to an apartment? Like in one loading screen? Also can you put vendors/menders/summoning bell in one? I'd try it myself but I don't want to blow 500k on nothing
While this would fix people being leeches in the short term, in the long term it would be completely destructive towards the community. A community that has been corrupted is incredibly hard to fix, and most times it's simply unsalvagable. You know how people get autistic about 0.000005% differences between classes? The only thing keeping that from taking over every facet of the game is the fact talking about it in an aggressive/insulting fashion is a bannable offense. Imagine if people dropped out of leveling content the instant they saw you show up to the dungeon as the wrong class. Imagine if the only difference in clear time between two groups was a matter of seconds, but people screech and point at the parse and now playing the class that got the lowest number on the slower group is forbidden among the player base.
I assure you this level of autism is entirely achievable. Having to put up with leeches occasionally is a small price to pay.
Collectibles also give you yellow scrips so you can get teh books
>Because WHM is better in literally two pieces of content that .001% of the playerbase does
>first day of Shadowbringers
>rando male elf runs up to my freshly fantasia'd Bun
>trades me a Coerthan Carrot
>/pets me and runs off
Are these sorts of things actually more common than I realized? Hadn't see anyone else actually victim of a gag trade like that. Fucking laughed fairly hard at that one.
Yes, I think so but can't recall if you have to physically enter the apartment or not and you're teleported just outside, vendor/mender/summoning bell/market board is just outside.
By that logic WHM has always been greatly levelers and dungeon goers so that means it doesn't matter if people don't take them to savage right?
Yes I've bought teh folklore books, that's how I'm getting these items actually.
WHM has always seemed to be the most popular healer though due to peoples' perception of it. Almost everyone I know who decided to heal cut their teeth on WHM first, seeing it as the quintessential healer archtype, with every other healer being a derivative of it that specializes in something else in addition to healing. It's especially popular among women and weaker players for the straightforward nature of the job, and for that reason will always command a large following. This expansion ramping up their capabilities to 11 didn't help matters beyond further skewing the balance of players playing the three healers.
What's likely to happen is that WHM will remain like it is, SE will attempt to buff the other two healers to make them comparable, and fall short by a wide margin. Die hards and hipsters will continue to play SCH and AST anyway, the majority of players will stick with WHM.
It literally isn't and if I see one more of you retards parrot this I'm going to skin you alive. There isn't a SINGLE speed kill that has a PLD use Clemency over a WHM healing; even the top speedkill with TWO FUCKING WHMs doesn't do that.
is that why bone of them can meet the enrage expectations? Because it's "hard?" In my experience any idiot can meet those expectations if they had two god damn brain cells. Everyone used to complain about how braindead this game was with its 2.5 Second meme now these drooling monkeys can't hit some buttons on 2.5 and like 4 off 2.5? It's a joke. Then they're also constantly being killed by aoe while me and the healer dance around the whole fucking stage?
Meanwhile: You have no real way of punishing shitty dps players exept for the rare enrage timer which fucks the whole party.
And dps get to brag online with their parse numbers
What do tanks get? Slightly faster queues? so I can get in and wipe 5 times because a dps monkey can't hit their their rotations? FUCK DPS AND FUCK NIGGERS
If WHM is better in the literal hardest content in the game, then yes, it's better balanced than it is currently
I don't recognise that Viera hairstyle.
I've legit done that about 20 times to a bunch of different bunnies. I just found it funny.
>MSQ roulette, shitposting, coffee
It doesn't mean people wouldn't rather have an AST than a WHM.
I mean when you hit 71 and start doing shadowbringers. You'll have scrips for the shadowbringers books too. Although leves will get more effcient if you don't have someone to make you gear.
Ah I see.
it would only be available on the finish screen. They're already autistic about those numbers.
does this recruit a friend shit matter?
>WHM being only worth a shit in Ultimates is better balanced than WHM being good everywhere
Once you have all the books, just do collectibles until you can buy about 15ish of the revised survival manuals and then do leves, you level insanely fast through leves with the manuals.
Back in Heavensward, I wore a bright yellow armor for giggles, and a roe ran after me, trying to trade me the other Power Rangers colors. Made my week.
I like that there's multiple ways to level crafters with each having their advantages. Levequests remain the fastest overall, but collectables prepare you for the future by capping out your yellow scrips and letting you buy master crafter tomes, while grind crafting with company manuals, food, buffs, and HQing everything is slowest, but generates an absolute fuckton of gil. I gained half a level today just crafting level 74 boots fifteen times, instead of turning them in for levequests, I just sold them for 200k a pop and got 3 million gil for it.
Why are BLMs so allergic to using AoE spells in leveling dungeons?
One healer being good in everything except speedkills is more balanced than one healer being garbage everywhere.
fire 4 has the bigger number
dps are idiots read the thread
don't pull like a bitch, bitch. pull it all.
please respond
Wall to wall pulls in Switch and the BLM doesn't cast a single AoE spell outside of Foul
It gives you feathers that you can trade for rare dyes if you want them. They're not tradeable though.
not especially. you can get a couple mounts from it but nothing super important
>SHB cg trailer
>Thancred as GNB does a bunch of actual ingame GNB moves
>DRK wol does Power Slash, complete with the sound effect
>Power Slash gets removed from the game before release
>get fucked dumb slut
are you offering to do the fucking? Because I might say yes
>One healer being good in everything except speedkills
But WHM wasn't good in everything except speedkills, it was objectively worse in everything above dungeons and below Ultimate; and even then it's lead in Ultimate is quite small to the point where AST has a comparable number of parses.
And people would screenshot it and start slinging around accusations and assigning blame. Adding in a way to see DPS in any form is a pandora's box. It forever taints the community. It's a direct acknowledgement that highest DPS matters more than not dying to mechanics. People will absolutely get autistic over it in degrees you cannot image. Next thing you know the "WOW CLONE LOL" Memes are not what the game really is.
That's what it does to a community. Just silently parse and black list people who are too stupid to breathe or are blatantly being leeches. Both of which you can see on ACT. You can already do that and it's not bannable so long as you don't verbally assault the person.
This face is pure art.
WHM is the real MC of shadowbringers. It's just not marketable compared to edgyboi.
>drk expansion
>drk a shit
Not really but it and moving from a congested server to a preferred one are the only ways to get gold chocobo feathers which you can trade for a two-seat mount. Only other way to get a two-seat mount takes literal years (mentor roulette) or is cash-shop I think.
>But WHM wasn't good in everything except speedkills
It was though? It had more world first clears than AST did.
>it was objectively worse in everything above dungeons and below Ultimate
Nope, wrong. It was slightly suboptimal in parse runs or easy content.
i updated the grid (poorly)
is this about right?
okay I'm just not going to bother to enter one then
a shit might be going too far. They are quite useful and powerful. Just got a bit of a fun nerf. But I am still thankful Dark Arts spam is gone.
Ultimately, leeches can be solved by simply forming a static, or at least having an active FC of pretty good people willing to do content with you. I don't think you can ever solve the nature of the community nitpicking over the value each job brings, because the nature of the game is to continually increase difficulty to engage the playerbase, who will eventually turn to parsing out the value of each job to see how they can improve beyond simply playing better. Once you devolve into that, the only way to stop it is to dial back the difficulty of content.
Instead, I think the answer is to simply embrace the fact that specific content is easier to do on some jobs over others, so long as every job within a role can clear it. Instead of trying to fight this, make it so players can quickly and easily level alternate jobs, or are even expected much like FFXI to have at least two jobs at max level. The game already makes changing jobs very easy out of combat, and even changing gear within a role is usually just a matter of finding a weapon mostly as good as your other job. Players wouldn't hem and haw at WHM being 6% better for Eden turn 1 content and AST being 9% better at turn 2 if all they had to do was click a button to play the other job.
>TBN Warrior
Not sure what went wrong then. Also, as an aside, how do you handle the second pull in there? Do you take the 2 bear with everything else or take them out separate before going forward? Feels a bit much to take the bears into aoe
>DRK Expansion
>No one even gives a fuck you are a DRK
>No one cares you know how to manufacture darkness from light as part of how your class functions
>punishing rotation
It's easy as fuck now.
if your OVERALL damage is higher than you can die to mechanics. If you're a healer whining that you want to be dpsing and don't want to rez then go play a dps.
These are simple concepts.
>Tank does the job: Readily apparent
>healer does the job: Readily apparent
>dps has any transparency
>it'll be the end times!
end yourself retard.
Well someone is bound to disagree with you because the raw numbers are okay and MUH TBN and MUH ULTIMATE CLEAR
Completely ignoring that none of that shit matters if the gameplay is like a fucking sleeping pill in a video game ALLEGEDLY about having fun
you get free shit like free teleports, just do it
enter this code MVQYBH9U PLEASE
do they actually know who you are
will I be giving some dude from Yea Forums my character name from this
easy =/= not punishing
fuck up drill/anchor cd or clip during hypercharge and you lose a shitton
>drk are a useless ghost for their own expansion
God damn literally the most cucked group of individuals I've ever seen.
nope, you and I both just receive ingame mail with the rewards in it.
Yes, they will know the character that uses it. it shows up in your info
Allow 3 commendations to be traded for 1 of a higher tier.
TBN is good but severely overrated in terms of how strong it is
It's marginally better than heart of stone for mitigation with the bonus effect of making you lose damage if it doesn't pop for some reason.
How about me instead
>WHM wasn't worse but it was worse at everything except ultimate which 4.5 didn't have.
You do realize you proved his point right?
Also people prefer WHM+SCH on world firsts since that combo is the safest healer combo of them all. Which wasn't even the case on alphascape since world first was AST+SCH.
Head too big
>Dark Kniggers
event items usually go up for sale on mogstation a year after the event so you shouldn't have to wait much longer.
DRK isn't useless at all.
Are we going back to eorzea for the summer event? I really don't want to go back. I always logout at the Crystarium inn, even though I have a large mansion. I don't want to go back.
>Ultimately, leeches can be solved by simply forming a static, or at least having an active FC of pretty good people willing to do content with you.
And this is the only justification that should be needed when explaining why adding parsing to the game is totally unnecessary. You can already exclude people you do not like from your clique for any reason you want. Even if you are reduced to braving randoms in party finder, you can take note of who is actively sabotaging things and simply avoid them. Nothing is stopping you from doing this.
Adding the numbers up and front is just enabling emotional righteousness. It feels good to trash some retard verbally and slap them in the face with the proof of their retardation. That it feels good does not mean it is good. No one wants this to turn in to the WoW community. Except maybe refugees from WoW who don't understand why they had to flee their sinking ship in the first place.
>end yourself retard.
You first.
can you farm dungeons solo to get mounts n stuff?
not risking it then
sorry user
Of course because fresh newbies have to be able to access it too. That's why fucking Ishgard never even has Valentione or Starlight decorations despite those holidays originating there.
That's what the unsync feature is for.
Sorry, friend. I know the first is based but they have to make events accessible to level 15 players.
Some yes. It's often more efficient to take a whole group in to do it, so you'll see farm parties for old content at level 80.
>hyur women keep dying
I don't think a single female of any race but Hyur has died
>>WHM wasn't worse but it was worse at everything except ultimate which 4.5 didn't have.
I didn't say that though, I said it was slightly suboptimal in easy content where it doesn't matter anyway
>Also people prefer WHM+SCH on world firsts since that combo is the safest healer combo of them all
Yes, because in Stormblood, healers were balanced. WHM had safer healing than AST and better results when learning the fight. AST had better results when played optimally.
Shrek skrillex
can you someone increase the max amount of allgaic stones you can carry
I would end you first it would be my god damn pleasure.
Machinist, red mage, or dragoon- which one will be the most fun to play? Someone choose my class for me
You ok user? But to answer your question, no you can only carry 2,000 tomestones of any type at maximum. You'll have to spend some to keep earning them.
I honestly stopped tanking in endgame content. The skill floor for tanks and healers is higher than DPS, sure, but it becomes so infuriatingly difficult to find good DPS in raids where they're actually expected to do something that it's better I play BLM or MCH and at least ensure that we're clearing enrage. As a tank, you dance with the boss, and even if you do everything right, after a certain point, the rewards for playing better diminish to very little. Meanwhile, DPS jobs reward good performance by really making you stand out compared to other players, if only because the other people you're comparing yourself to aren't capable of tying their shoes much less doing damage while dodging AoE.
Isn't Koji the faggot that fucked up the sch and blm spells and abilities names?
Go be a retard somewhere else if you can't understand how basic human interaction works.
just woke up honestly, tomestones yeah that's the term, didn't know how to translate that
He was told to make the BLM spell names """"accessible"""" to the western WoW audience. Sacred Soil is a shit translation though. Should have been swapped with Asylum in HW.
If that was you on Greg doing it, you legit made me do a spit take of my soda when you did it. If that wasn't you, still keep doing what you're doing. Legit hilarious either way.
"Slight suboptimal" also means they're a worse option. It's literal semantics.
>Yes, because in Stormblood, healers were balanced.
They weren't.
AST healed enough for the amount of damage that raids puked, the amount WHM of healing was always considered unecessary. Plus AST could put out the same pdps as WHM while carrying raid buffs.
No matter how you try to sugarcoat it, SB healers were not balanced.
>that fucked up the sch and blm spells and abilities names?
BLM and other tiered spells are JP's fault, not Koji's. 1.X's original localization had Cure/Cura/Curaga but JP decided that would confuse sirry gaijin and changed it to Cure/Cure II/Cure III.
Sacred Soil was a fuck-up though yeah. I think wires got crossed between Asylum and Sacred Soil like the other guy mentioned and they just never changed them.
(((Chaos Thrust)))
I legitimately had no idea who you were talking about since she's so irrelevant not even Urianger mentions her anymore
Machinst is very busy but not in a bad or confusing way like SMN can get. DRG is very strong right now and I hear it's rotation is very nice to perform, but you still need to put up with all the shit melee dps put up with. RDM is easy, letting you keep your mind on the encounter rather than your rotation, but does not have great dps.
What kind of shit do you tend to like?
whats wrong with chaos thrust
StB WHM was at least the strongest in dungeons. Nobody really cared about dungeons that much, but it was something.
Can't really say the same for ShB AST right now, though I'm sure 5.05 will help. It's just not better than WHM or SCH in any metric.
Bump, choose my class fuckers
Viera are the best thing to happen to this fucking game, thank the gods and yoshi p
He mentions her in Shadowbringers when Ryne asks how he knows so much about how aether functions.
>SAMchads simply have all their jap names as skills.
Heh. Nothin' personnel.
It is literally impossible for their not to always be
>1 "worse option" for healers
>2 "worse options" for tanks
>6 "worse options" for DPS
but unlike DPS and tanks in their current state, where most aren't worse enough to make a difference, AST is just straight up fucking garbage compared to WHM. Literally no other DPS or tank is so good that bringing 2 of them can get better results than bringing one of the suboptimal DPS/tank jobs instead. Also, when talking about balance,
>this job is slightly suboptimal in one environment it's not designed for, but good and even optimal in others that it is designed for
is objectively more balanced than
>this job is outright useless when weighed against the other options and there is no reason to play it over the other jobs for any resonably conceivable reason, ever, in anything
Fuck you guys, I prefer the numbered tier spells over the silly later translations of -a, -aga, and -ja. Fits in more with the classic FFs instead of the post 8 ones, and XIV is ultimately fanservice for nostalgia fags anyway.
should i stay with my character who looks like squall in his mid 320s or change to a viera larp
I actually like more varied rotations, and option selects depending on scenarios. All three of these classes look fun as hell, and I know I want to choose one, but I’m not sure which
>everyone else is held accountable
>dps aren't
how is this hard idiot? Yes people will fight, they always fight you soft faggot. Go be a pussy somewhere else like reddit.
Strongest in dungeons, wow, like anyone gives a shit about the healer they get when they get inside inside a dungeon.
Mainly when you didn't even need healers for dungeons in SB
I think they should have done what XI did and use numbers to denote strength and -ra/-ga to denote AoE.
>WHM being bad compared to AST in parse runs when played in a group full of orange/gold parsers is comparable to AST being absolute garbage compared to WHM in literally everything regardless of the other players
Imagine being this fucking supid.
MCH is fun to play, I just don't like it right now because my ping is high enough that I can't fit in five heat blasts while playing the job properly. Weaving in Gauss and Ricochet causes clipping and ultimately pushes that last HB off the edge of overheat for me.
And then they created an entire dungeon just so they could explain Koji's and their fucked up naming.
Think how pathetic that is?
just b urself user
Dragoon is not a variable rotation, it is a specific series of actions and use of buff windows. But it is enjoyable.
a fat retared?
Bored at work, champ?
That's not a bad solution either. Even though I like the numbered spells, it does feel a little weird with Fire 2 suddenly being a weaker AoE and Fire 3 going back to a strong single target spell. Having the suffix denote its targeting and the number denote its power seems like a very elegant solution.
>this wasn't a bara thread
get fucked erp faggot
if you've grown attached to your character, you may regret the change. just make sure you know what you truly want before you do it.
>you know what you truly want before you do it.
oh boy
gf, kids, a house?
I didn't say anything about parse runs.
A WHM doing 3k dps in a pug run was still worse than a AST doing 3k dps in a pug run because of cards.
>but whm should do more dps then
They topped off at 4.2k raid dps at 100th percentile compared to 5.7k of AST.
It was borderline impossible to do 5k dps as WHM while healing while AST could keep up through both higher mobility and raidwide buffs.
>Gubal HM was made just to put that book in
Here's your (You)
This thread brought to you by FUCK DPS SHITTERS AUGH
DPS can be held accountable. You just want a running record of every mistake to be something you're allowed to trash someone with on the spot rather than simply avoiding the retards like you should. You don't understand why what you're asking for is different. Tanks and Healers do not have an action by action recounting of everything they did posted on screen for people to criticize. You want that added for DPS because you are emotionally stunted and can't stand not being able to shout it at someone's face rather than simply ditching them and finding someone else.
ACT itself is not bannable. You are allowed to parse. You are allowed to talk about parsing in game. What more do you want? The right to verbally assault someone over it?
>I didn't say anything about parse runs.
But you did, because those were the only things where WHM was noticably worst than AST
>muh DPS
still ignoring the fact that WHM is still better than AST in Stormblood in any content that wasn't a parse run?
>but alphascape
World first prog on alphascape was a parse run because the content was that fucking easy.
What's the problem? Do you think I'm lying?
how? The one out of 100 rage mechanics you constantly fail? Cope harder dpslet idiot.
Are viera whores?
Gubal was solely made to create in universe pornography of the deities to serve as an explanation for the explicit designs of Garuda and Shiva in Eden.
without a doubt
What the literal fuck are you trying to say? I don't speak autist.
based and not a question they're tsundere whores
Literal autism.
So you do have problem with me stating the truth. I don't know why you would have a problem with that.
That book was in the RDM solo instance
->desperate for the last word
suck my dick faggot
>still ignoring the fact that WHM is still better than AST in Stormblood in any content that wasn't a parse run?
Like what? POTD?
No matter what, extra dps will always impact the clear times and as long healing is done nobody cares how much you healed for.
Yes that solo instance took place in Gubal.
>Like what? POTD?
Ultimates, Deltascape, Sigmascape, Dungeons
cry more samefag
Are you ever going to address the fact that you're LITERALLY arguing that a healer not being good in parse runs is equivalent to a healer not being good ever in anything?
Relevant post
kys fag
why cant i see master recipe 5 and 6 tomes in the scrip vendor? do i have to unlock something first?
goodnight dps soft faggots
Remember to wake up and DO YOUR JOB
I think they stonewall it behind level 70. Or you just need to use the vendor at Rhalgr's instead.
Who hurt this healtranny?
well, we cleared, so I did my job.
I am going to screenshot your posts as a living example of why parsefags are not okay. It will make conversations like this much easier in the future.
Thank you.
How alive are NA servers during the night like this?
My job is to have healers seething.
List the content that needed WHM extra heal power.
Other than ucoil since uwu was solo healed by AST.
that's tank CHAD to you coward dps queer
Estrologians can't dilate so they're panicking for buffs before their hole closes.
I love all Au Ras!
anyway to skip cutscenes in dungeons ive already done? it seems like people are already way ahead of me when ive finished watching the cutscene
>take monster cock in the dilate-hole all day
oh nononono
>healers and tanks do all the work
>dps line up for 30 minutes to get scraps
suck shit dps retards
It's probably mostly a community issue for holding tanks and healers to higher standards than DPS. With ACT, you can literally get a printout of someone's rotation and inspect it, but because of the opportunities for failure at literally every GCD, errors are acceptable, and even overall poor performance is simply acknowledged. Only tanks and healers really have something that full stop causes a break in the fight and are essentially called out by the game itself for it, with the only caveat being that this is more rare than the opportunities for failure the DPS have.
I would like to see it so that all jobs have mechanics that must be dealt with in a pass-fail manner for not only savage content (Since those mechanics already exist there), but also for normal content as well, and I'd like to see the damage output across jobs normalized so that no single job is saddled with providing DPS as their "only" function. Doing that will increase the skill floor of DPS players to match the other two roles and give everyone a sliding scale of effectiveness on encounters to compare themselves with. Tanks and healers can't settle for mediocrity and simply holding aggro and keeping health bars topped off, DPS aren't primarily in a dungeon to simply compete for numbers.
Somewhere in your options
There's a option in the settings to auto skip already seen cutscenes
Auto-skipping cutscenes you've seen is in the options yes
there is an option to auto skip cs you've already watched. It's in the character settings.