Is it officially over for competitive Melee?

Is it officially over for competitive Melee?

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>yfw Axe is top 5 in the world rn

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It has a decent amount of time left in it, as some of the higher-ups quitting/retiring has opened up room for some newcomers to actually shake up the stale old competitive meta. At the same time, the hardware is dying off and Ultimate seems to be pulling enough ground as a competitive game to provide an alternative that is more expansive, has official support, and has a far larger community.

I don't think it will die and it will probably stay higher-level than the other old Smash titles, but I think unless the next iteration of the game is terrible it is going to slide down several pegs.


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>"Melee is just Fox and Falco!"
>"Hungrybox just wins every tournament!"

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>Pikachu/Captain Falcon grand finals
is this what 2019 looks like

your post would better if you didn't use a fucking wojak edit
Wheres the effort? wheres the fun?

It's called a meme. Welcome to like 2006 you retard.

tfw main Yoshi but will never be Asian enough to play him optimally

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Wizzrobes Captain Falcon is actually focused and calm instead of going for hype shit for no reason.
Its scary

>when wizzy is just dashdancing in front of you waiting to get a grab and techchase you to death

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Is aMSa the only person who really has Yoshi optimized? I don't even know if I've seen anyone else in a top 64 playing Yoshi.


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There are others, but he's basically Mastered Yoshi.

This is an unpopular opinion but I think Yoshi is a bigger ledgestalling faggot than Jiggs

What is this


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got any more?

There's a Dutch Yoshi called Avalancer who took a game off Armada, and Vectorman is good.

When it comes to optimal Yoshi though, only aMSa has the reflexes to make use of all Yoshi's defensive options that are essential to playing at the level he's at. His movement and consistency also are just on another level compared to the other Yoshis who just aren't even close to him. It's sort of similar to the Hbox effect where there's one top Puff and the next closest is like not even top 50, but aMSa is the only Yoshi in the top 100. You could gitgud with Yoshi but the amount of techskill grinding and devotion you'd need, especially for the many matchups that suck shit for the character, you'd have to really love playing Yoshi.

That said, it's easy to love playing Yoshi, cause Yoshi movement is funas fuck zip-zopping around the platforms and his combo game and character specific tech are fucking goofy and fun.


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Only a guy who mains literally the most feminine non-Peach character in the game could get this autistically hype

Why doesn't Mango ever win anymore?

He just did recently tho

wasn't that his only major win for like the past two years

where you been nigga

He was busy taking a shower

yeah almost. his last major win before goml 2019 was SSC 2017, about 1 year and 9 months


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Yikes! Post this in two years when Ultimate is forgotten just like Brawl and 4. Melee will still be played, the only people that care about it being at Evo are retards like Hbox that just wanted money. Go shit yourself and diddle kids in another thread

>when the referenced game is samurai shodown
wew reading comprehension lad

Yeah I'm sure you're a Samurai Shodown player and not a seething Ultimatebab

>will autists stop playing a solved game years after solving it because of a new game

>>solved game
>the meta is currently shifting as I type this
How stupid can you even be?

wew trying to deflect and make everything all about ultimate lad
wew sounds just like a woman lad

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Ultimate players are homosexual pedohile racist trannies

Melee players are BLACK and LATINO BVLLS

Don't forget this racist ultincel zoomers

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Is Melee the ultimate pleb filter? It's insane how angry Yea Forums gets over it just because they'll never scratch the surface of the skillcap. 99% of the people that post in these threads have never touched the game or attempted to git gud. They seethe because they're threatened by their inability to play a game well


to his credit, there are also a ton of fgceethers from reddit on Yea Forums that have it out for melee as well. it's entirely possible he's one of them and not an ultisharter.

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they look like they play falco

Yeah but the chance of him ACTUALLY being a samsho fag is like 1/1000000000000, and even if he falls within that chance then we both know he won't be one by next year so there isn't even a point in trying to put down his meme game.

Falco is beta as fuck unless at the highest level of play, there's a reason every single low level player mains him. He's easy as fuck until high level and everyone can play him. SHFF lasers and jumping out of shine isn't hard at all

lmao ok insecure melee sticcboi

Doesn't Falco have the best combo game in all of Melee or something

>neckbeards have lowered themselves to using skinny as an insult
Shower, then cope, then dilate, then have sex, then put on a diaper before your set and try not to touch any kids on the way to it

CvS, TmnT fighters, and GGxrd are still being played at side evo tourneys. If the FGC can somehow keep those alive I have no doubt Melee will last a few more years

Only until you reach the level where players start using SDI and slide off DI

embarrassing post. me and the other falcochads will be over here dairing nerds off the blastzone while you can seethe in the floaty funhouse.

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So 99% of the playerbase? There's a reason everyone plays him, kek. Stay bad

man, all this deflections because you're angry at ultimate for being in and not melee, like a schizo who thinks every conspiracy revolves around ultimate trying to shut down melee, or something is trying to shut down melee
sounds like you need to see a therapist, or to be locked up for your schizophrenia

I play both, trying too hard with the schizoposting. Let the smashchads talk in peace.

did a falco player fuck your gf or something? absolutely abhorrent and cringe posts you got right here

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Why does melee live so rent free in the minds of people?

Nah, guarantee I have a better Falco than you as well. It's just hilarious that low level Falco mains think they're any good at the game when they're just abusing lasers and dair. Super easy character to play, fun though for sure

Doesn't it literally have two majors next month?

both what

Well going to bed now, hope you can make people cringe less with your character choice. Have a good night


I think it may be possible that Melee fans are people who like the game Super Smash Bros. Melee and talk about it because that's something they like. Just a hunch, though

imagine letting one combo bird live rent free in your head like this. yikes!!

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Good reading comprehension.

I'm just saying that it's possible that the answer to the question of "Why does melee live so rent free in the minds of people?" could be "People who like a video game also like talking about it".

Rent free.

>he says as he makes his 10th post in a thread about a game he doesn't play

Now, it's gotta be said that almost all fgcucks smell like ass. But for smash shitters to LITERALLY shit themselves makes them even worse.

>solved game
>fox only final destination hardly ever happens at the top level
>marth, falcon, and pikachu are stronger competitors than foxes
>the top guy for a few years was a jigglypuff player

jigglypuff is cancer

yup. suck it meleefags

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