It's not fair bros... Nintendo chads just got Fire Emblem Three Houses which turned to be amazing and they are also getting Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, Link's Awakening AND the definitive version of DQXI while we are getting only Death Stranding WHICH IS ONLY A TIMED EXCLUSIVE.
it's not fair bros... how do they keep winning...
It's not fair bros...
>not being an idort
sasuga wojakposter
Perpetual nincel seething
honestly how poor do you have to be to not have a switch and a ps4.
I mean, look. I have Mario Maker, Smash, Fire Emblem, Astral Chain preloaded, I have about 40 games on the Switch in total. I'm getting Luigi's Mansion and Pokemon eventually. And even I can tell you, with absolute and unwavering certainty, that the PlayStation 4 is doing just fucking fantastic. More than fantastic, it will probably still be the best selling console of the year. And Death Stranding is all but guaranteed to be 2019's Game of the Year, and FFVII Remake will be RPG of the year because Cyberpunk will be 2020's overall Game of the Year.
>Fire Emblem Three Houses which turned to be amazing
[Citation Needed]
>Snoys already seething
>poorfag that only owns one console
Also to add to my post, I severely doubt Death Stranding is just a timed exclusive, more likely it's a SONY exclusive meaning the PS5 version will eventually be released. I mean, seriously think this through. Sony literally took Kojima under their wing and gave him his own studio. Kojima Productions is essentially a subsidiary of Sony itself. It's using the Decima Engine, and engine which has only been used by Guerilla Games (a Sony subsidiary) for Killzone and Horizon (Sony exclusives).
I would say there's roughly a 0.01% chance that Death Stranding will ever come to any platform that isn't owned by Sony on this basis.
mfw i have both a switch and pc
Pcfag here. I see no reason in getting a PS4 other than for trying out RDR2 because r* are utter complete faggots for not even mentioning a PC version.
I literally have Three Houses and a spare switch voucher just waiting to be used on luigi's mansion or pokemon. Why would I be seething? oh wait I forgot this is Yea Forums and you're an underaged consolewar kiddy who has no thoughts of your own outside of this board and no money of your own to spend outside of what mom and pop decide to give you. maybe when you actually get a job you can afford more than one platform.
i have over 60 games installed on my ps4 pro and have absolutely no interest whatsoever in ever playing red dead 2. spiderman, bloodborne and god of war more than justify owning the console, plus it's the most comfy 3rd party machine for 4k gaming. i have a pc with a 1070 gtx but never use it for anything besides playing fps and rts games. pc gaming is honestly pretty dead, no one I know actually plays games on pc. Every single person I know either has a Switch, or a PS4, or both. I don't even know anyone with an Xbox anymore.
> MFW you won't need a switch soon because emulation is improving by the day and will soon be comfy to play almost any Switch title on higher resolution and custom controls.
>4k gaming
>checkerboard 4k at sub 30fps
LOL nice try snoyfag. There's no reason to own anything other than PC/switch.
I’m tired of theses threads. Just enjoy your games and shut up
Is this all Yea Forums is capable of?
Quality over quantity, faggot
>definitive version of DQXI
Yeah no PS4 to Switch port is ever going to be the definitive anything unless you like blurry graphics and framerate drop
If you think DQ11 won't just get a patch for every other version to get the new content, you're silly.
>muh graphics