Now: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
After: Noobow
Later: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (offline)

Attached: 1536760637526.jpg (637x744, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread: free gummi bears&qid=1564204906&s=gateway&sr=8-3


post the asses and tits again for video games

Zelda OoT get's a crowd at the same time
While poor Wally and based Spyro get this...

Attached: me and all my friends.png (882x388, 619K)

Get up and stretch your muscles anons!

Attached: 4e073d9004aee35c3447103c872d0900.jpg (1012x1600, 773K)

She's an adult, dipshit.

2 questions guys, since I haven't seen anyone bring it up in this thread.
Quick rundown on the nuggets???
And why was Re4 so controversial?

I'll be posting more butts dont worry, I wanted an OP image that wasnt just fat imp ass though.

Attached: 1525842392551.png (1002x961, 388K)

Damn the guy in the middle is getting fucked over pretty hard.

Arulu is a Harvin cake

Attached: 1559507748176.jpg (4096x4096, 2.1M)

This image reminds me, have you watched Big-O, robot poster? It has a cute robot maid that you might enjoy, and a cool episode with a robot detective.

Attached: 1520139270567.jpg (1376x1700, 287K)

kill yourself

so all of items dont get shared with everyone?

Yeah, but this run doesn't even have a cleaning lady. Small time compared to Wally.

Attached: Janitor temporarily joins the party.webm (1342x866, 2.24M)

this layout is a clusterfuck

can't they remove the malmo shit for a run

Oh my god that girl with the crown is so cute

Attached: 72245121_p0_master1200.jpg (1076x1200, 1015K)

She had to get back to Dracula's Castle so it makes sense she couldnt stay long.

Attached: 1534199087616.jpg (700x947, 210K)

she'll come back tonight, right?

Attached: 1564122630025.jpg (2048x1536, 349K)

She's probably still getting pounded by Wally.

Oh she'll be coming tonight.

Based Wally

I hope that Wally is okay.

No, but I'm certainly going to now. There's many robot things that I haven't gotten around to looking up, a lot of things to do on the new backlog.

Attached: 1562281077202.png (386x521, 204K)

Anyone have any idea why nuggets keep getting brought up and why it makes people so hostile?

Is this a trick to get me to post more Charlotta?

Attached: DHv3t_XUMAEOg_P.jpg (1500x1357, 437K)

Attached: point and laugh at him.webm (1920x964, 2.2M)

I'll untie her and let her leave my hotel room if you guys give me some (you)'s

If Wally keeps stimulating her prostate.


Not a trick user, you can post whatever you want. I just like me some shortstacks and she's got a cute design.

He had a really well received run so he's probably okay. And yeah Big-O is weird but if you like robots I bet you'll enjoy it. It has a very Batman: The Animated Series feel. But with a cute robot maid instead of Robin.

Attached: 1521270599735.gif (600x400, 406K)

Attached: chestrub.webm (585x375, 1.13M)

There's a qt in the front row right now I believe. Can we get some boots on the ground to confirm??

>That OoT manga where Volvagia was Link's childhood pet corrupted by Ganondorf
That was a weird read

Attached: 1534913574597.jpg (1013x1265, 220K)

I need to play OoT one day. I started it on my 3DS but didnt get that far before I dropped it

>So afarid of dying that he keeps the shield up
This early part is great, having runners inadvertently hurt each other.

I hope so. And that sounds pretty awesome to me, I think I'll open a tab it and save it for later.

Attached: 1544355672537.jpg (847x1048, 359K)

But seriously did they ever explain why they all keep freezing randomly? I don't understand, they aren't getting hit by enemies.

Its a great game and not too long user, you really should.

Ballin, hope you enjoy dude.

Attached: 1531419764471.png (2125x3507, 1.9M)

shes taken and not that cute

Attached: 1564122729459.jpg (2048x1536, 248K)

What a fucking heartlet in the middle

Why is Jon Carnage speedrunning?

Attached: Jon bloody.jpg (731x415, 117K)

Little healthbars can be really cute!

Attached: 1534124000760.png (1000x998, 317K)

In OoT, there's a trap chest that will spew out a bunch of ice breath like one of those ice fiends in the frozen cavern, and in the randomizer, you can either get an item, a 5 rupee, or it's a frozen trap. So each time they get an item, there's a chance some one will get frozen.

Attached: 1553753806888.jpg (1360x2727, 309K)

It's surprising how erotic they could make Hilda with just one spoken word.

she's an average cute girl

Jesus Christ that really means there's snow telling what you'll get!

Attached: 1543761397550.jpg (1280x1807, 221K)

i ate too many gummy bears and now my stomach hurts. how do i resolve this.

not that cute!? fuck im such an ugly short faggot i couldnt even imagine talking to her. Fucking kill me user.

Attached: 1544401283911.jpg (3432x2870, 1.29M)

keep eating until it stops

Attached: 1515305431022.jpg (1000x1399, 308K)

God damn it.

You're really cute.

Well first stop eating gummy bears.

Attached: 1546818034966.jpg (1109x1280, 457K)

do i jerk off or do i sleep


You're really cute robot poster!

I hope there are more robots in BOTW2, the setting is good for it.

Attached: 1536771093708.jpg (1280x1024, 94K)

Pray for salvation. free gummi bears&qid=1564204906&s=gateway&sr=8-3

i did. because i ate them all :(

By it I assume you mean his heart

Attached: 1551317543549.jpg (1280x1807, 389K)

So what is this? GDQ but without the cringe?

Sleep and you might have a dream of some girl giving you mouth hugs on your pp.
That's happened a lot to me lately since I stopped diddling my nono.

Well if you're here, some cringe is to be expected

Attached: 1534125901727.jpg (664x900, 216K)

gdq cringe but with funny accents

why bully

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 3K)

It's GDQ if not everyone worth watching has been banned.

What the fuck

Ah, I see. Thanks, anons

sorry guys I need to sleep cant go on

decided on jerking off instead thanks

No, you are.

Oh yeah, there were robots in the new one huh. I don't even know the story for Breath of the Wild, I've seen a lot of gameplay but I hardly know a thing of the setting. Not really sure if I'd want to spoil it.

Some water might help, don't eat so much sugar at once.


Attached: 1540519650526.png (540x675, 146K)

The duality of man

Oh sorry, I didnt mean to spoil it, they just put those Guardian enemies in all the trailers and ads for it. I'll refrain from saying anything else.

Attached: 1544264646193.gif (1200x1000, 869K)

That said I'm gonna keep looking

Nah, I don't care. By the time I would get around playing it myself I would probably forgotten it all, it'll still be fun finding out about them in the game.

Attached: 1559809014519.png (855x810, 191K)

The >diives meme is just a weak attempt to do another shadman meme. Sorry user, I aint buying what you're selling.

Attached: 1531419486539.gif (700x300, 625K)

this guy traces all his shit

i wanna pound her boipussy amigo


That's ok, it was just my master plan to get a (You) and another picture of Zelda butt

>screen order is REVERSED from how they're sitting
God fucking damnit I've been rused!

Clever girl...

Attached: 1546820903769.jpg (647x1000, 124K)

I need sleep, tell me if any of the rest of tonights runs are good

I guarantee Pokemon Yellow will be fun but no way in fuck will I be awake for it, I have to drive 7 hours tomorrow.

And soon after that...its all over. We're in final day territory.

Attached: 1534124977488.jpg (1333x1822, 303K)

I've spent the past 2~ hours trying to figure out which order the screens are relative to the streamers and I was still wrong... Thefuck


Can't believe it's ending tomorrow, I was really excited for it to finally come along, now it's ending soon.

Okay user.

Attached: 1563286212562.jpg (750x901, 94K)

>Fuzzy got the game over
Poor little healthlet.

You got it champ

Thankfully there were actually a lot of runs I missed that I was looking forward to so I have a lot of VODs to tide me over until GDQx. But yeah its always sad the day after a marathon.

Attached: 1546340383650.jpg (1300x1050, 303K)

To me personally, it makes me less interested in looking at his stuff.

Someone play the reverse song of time please...
v A > v A > :(

Is the music randomized, too?

Ganondorf's music is so fucking cool in OoT.


Also I'm running low on Zelda butts so I may move on to just qts from the series overall. Hopefully the anons who were here for BRAAAAAAP's filename can forgive me.


Attached: 1541633646966.jpg (800x1000, 482K)

I'll have to go over the ones I missed too. I hope the next event isn't too far off..


Attached: 1555420965774.png (1108x1920, 771K)

I always felt really bad for poor Jabu Jabu. He must have been throwing up blood for weeks after what you did inside him.

September is just over the horizon user! Plus I'll spend a fair bit of that watching some of Calebhart's goofy shit like his MMX marathon runs, that guy is always entertaining.

Attached: 1529884923929.jpg (1181x1748, 322K)

>Fuzzy dying again
too cute to survive in this harsh cruel world

Attached: 1542133484516.png (613x1200, 497K)

This is a total fucking mess at the moment and I couldnt be happier

At least they're smart enough to do save states, unlike in the crystal run.

He's probably lobotomized after all that so he'll be fine. It still seems so far away though, but I hope it doesn't fell like too long.

Heartlet forever bullied whoa lewd

Attached: 1550982119316.gif (778x422, 255K)

I dont think I've seen Fuzzy with full health in over an hour..

Attached: 1536760284692.png (700x733, 628K)

>full health
Learn your place heartlet.

Attached: 1553679859315.jpg (700x650, 113K)

Heartlets are for protecting! Nayru clearly loves her little heartlets and that is an example we should all strive to follow.

Attached: 1534129573923.jpg (744x1053, 84K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: Untitled.png (184x152, 20K)

The shota fears the thirsty princess

Attached: 1521515545873.jpg (946x900, 488K)

Princesses are truly terrifying.

Attached: 1540188295990.jpg (1025x1805, 152K)

>you will never be a shota married off to a cute robot princess as a way to forge an alliance between mankind and machines


Attached: 1552606005640.jpg (1280x1829, 664K)

And of course there is a part 2, but its pretty lewd.

Attached: 1552606068350.jpg (1280x1829, 482K)

You better post it I swear on me mum.

B-but user I did post it, that was part 2.

But here you go,something a bit lewder for you.

Attached: 1552602216308.jpg (600x800, 75K)

Ah yiss. That's the spice.

Good taste. But then, who can resist the allure of snuggling a cute little imp?

Also goddamn they're approaching the three hour mark, this run is actually getting somewhere.

Attached: 1552601886769.jpg (800x600, 86K)

>tfw there will never be an anime of TP where Link and Midna are out in the wild together trying to save the world in a mixture of dark fantasy adventure and slice of life

>Fuzzy walking right past the hearts
>"im going to die in this room"

At least we have Hyrule Warriors I guess, but that fatassed imp is never coming back sadly.

Attached: 1551377833158.jpg (473x773, 156K)

i just want to kill myself. it's almost like the primal urge in my brain i can't get out. every day i go to work and hope "please if there is a god, someone t-bone me and take me" since i'm too much of a pussy to do it myself. i've kinda always hated myself honestly. when i was a little kid i was pretty sad that i had to be "this person". i don't think i'm some disgusting tranny that says "oh if i cut my penis off and take hormone blockers that will fix all my problems" it doesn't matter what you do to me i'll always be disgusting and unattractive and no one will love me. i went from 330 pounds to 190 and women still won't touch me. whats the point. i just want to die.



How was Witcher I fell asleep

Attached: Untitled.png (1650x1019, 1.5M)

This shit is still on?

user what does that have to do with fat imp ass

Attached: 1530620831249.png (644x907, 298K)

FUCK races and FUCK esa's race overlays

Really really good

This is the final day

Attached: 1543033298659.jpg (800x800, 392K)

Attached: 1560557471674.png (640x464, 334K)

Don't holy men in his land fuck kids?

Just go to Balamb Garden user.
It's okay

Attached: +_830011c555c63982b20f3eedd273e0c6.jpg (1000x563, 92K)

>i'm in go mode
Good then beat the game and mercy kill the other two. FUUUUUUUCK.

Attached: 1557690018595.png (880x480, 415K)

>losing weight as a man
Fucking retard
If you are a man you need to build muscle
You should have stayed 330 pounds by exchanging those 140 pounds of fat for 140 pounds of muscle

Nobody wants a skinnyfat guy any more than an obese one

>Euros waking up and wanting this good run to end
What is your major malfunction?

Attached: 1547069881499.png (800x800, 540K)

This isn't a race, user.

Attached: 58315354_p1.jpg (714x1000, 424K)

Why do reddit atheists push this lie? If we take only the medieval catholic church, it's still responsible for more scientific progress than Islam in it's entirety. Hell even Oxford was in the game, how are these devs so fucking stupid?

>co-op orcarina of tim

Attached: 1456212548800.png (346x360, 52K)

wont it just eventually turn into a race?

Yes, it's a modded version of the game where the item locations are randomized and players can collect items for eachother.

Once everyone is in go mode, until then, everyone completes whatever they got to do.

No. She cried and left for good when some guy didn't sit next to her

Attached: ESA sadfu.webm (546x474, 2.11M)


You don't need capslock, but yes.

Attached: Uma underskirt - satuyo satuyo.jpg (848x1200, 114K)

Yeah, they picked the top 3 filenames.

>more posters coming in to bump the thread
I can finally sleep. If I dont see anyone tomorrow its been a great ESA; hope I see a lot of you for GDQx!

Attached: 1551844208521.jpg (540x751, 119K)

She actually left to go play Jubeat, but then she came back for a bit.

How doesn't the game crash? Mario 64 could barely handle two players on one map

DUDE what the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU


They aren,t in the same map, the items are transfered between them by a script. Script is based on a seed and knows that when player A find item X it must send it to player B. It's also made so if you open a chest, then quit without saving and try opening it again it doesn,t duplicate whatever is in. The coder for this randomiser are pretty good.

>MOMMY for Tifa
>BRAAAAAP for Link
Top tier ESA

Thanks for cheering me up m8.
Here, have a PunchiPasta

Attached: image.jpg (593x762, 159K)

Maral will never post wholesome, encouraging and loving tweets at you Yea Forums

The players are each in their own instance of the game, only items are shared.

There is a simultaneous link in the same map mod i saw some months ago, but it's ridiculously unstable and buggy (and hilarious)

Did anyone question brap by the way? Cause I am pretty sure most of them have no clue

The question was not what but why.

user Yea Forums is not the secret club you think it is

Attached: 1564199436697.webm (1920x936, 2.79M)

Sounds fun

Lol that donation

>boomer donation
oh my god

Lmao there was a Boomer USA donation during the FF7 run too, I think.

Yea I remember that one, good shit.

The street cleanign truck just passed in front of my appartment, and i was sure it was a lawenmover

This was perfect timer *sips*

uh oh

Attached: 7a213735585f372804a94d16a56d480c.jpg (417x315, 22K)

I clipped that glorious Boomer donation

Of course you did.

Damn right.

>say gypped
>nobody cares
>say jewed
>life ruined
Question mark


Racing Games
Card Games

Zelda: OoT
Super Mario 64

Super Metroid
Banjo Kazooie

There were boomer donations during
>Bionic Commando
Don't ask me why I know this

Kek, that was actually funnier than I was expecting.

This reminds me way too much of this.

Attached: 1519447105791.webm (564x606, 861K)

Even after seeing it a hundred times, SM64 will always be impressive to watch.

Did he fart?

You made those donations didn't you

Attached: 786.jpg (640x480, 33K)

You just know he never had sex with a girl in his life
So easy to tell lol

We haven't either

There was also a boomer donation made during Typing of the Dead. But that NUGGET susan was on the couch, so it got rejected.

Also don't ask me how I know that.

Probably because you worked in a nugget reference that wasnt nearly as subtle as you thought it was.

Night Zeldaposter.

Attached: 1548338855187.png (540x810, 142K)

Why is Twinrova's fused form so fucking hot

Nothing makes me angrier than seeing these fat disgusting slobs, never having a haircut, fat stinking disgusting man children. This is why the white race is fucked. Their women deserve to be taken by the blacks and arabs.

No. I didn't mention nuggets at all



Now that the dust has settled, which were the best runs of the event?


>zoomer usa

I was confused for a while that I had some lewd webm going in the background.

Attached: Liru question heart.gif (400x300, 2.06M)

lmao I wish I capped that

Rate this run!

Attached: 73056854_p0.jpg (1032x1457, 988K)


Fucking finally.

Attached: a bad ''speedrun'' ends.gif (500x320, 988K)

Was Swat 4 any good?

That final battle against Ganon was fucking badass, Link fucking shanked him right in the forehead!
Was so satisfying saving the princess and defeating the megajew as a kid. Only thing that would have made it better was if link got laid after all his troubles.


Best Boat / 10

>BRAAAAAAAP was the only one to finish


This thread seems to be going to shit in a hurry though

Not really, bunch of loading and technical issues.

well shit

last of us


Link plunged deep and hard into Ruto's fish pussy on his way to Termina but the scene was cut due to time and budget limitations.

>Zoomer USA

7/10 was okay,

Attached: 1549913601011.png (500x600, 259K)


Surely you saw the hand drawn adventure of link and his quest to impregnate every wmen in hyrule?

dmc4 and ffx2


Attached: monkas.png (1200x675, 211K)

True Crime

7/10 - comfy run but somewhat hard to follow. It complemented morning coffee quite nicely.

Attached: 74096401_p0.jpg (1000x1245, 194K)

hard to follow but otherwise okay


10/10 Braaaaaaap


It's 4 am and i,m hungry

Hot Dogs with chilly
Lotsa spaghetti

Are you talking about the one on newgrounds like 12 years ago?

Are there anymore meme donations that can be done or is this pretty much it for ESA?

i dunno, a friend printed it on school computer and it got passed around. It was much earlier than 12 years ago, from memory

Is it possible to go back and cap it?

guys i just dropped my phone in the toilet, what do

The vod should be out soon

get used to shitty reception

lick it clean

what the fuck am i watching right now

Attached: 1564127660088.png (562x527, 244K)

>this fucking game

Attached: 1292489377697.jpg (600x400, 42K)

Didn't watch FF. Did the Mommy name produce any gold?

R3ddit the game

Attached: Tifa tard.png (612x270, 193K)

Shoudl I go to bed or keep watching ESA

Ah yes, 1997 was a different time.

Very comfy / 10

Attached: 1544937415679.jpg (1234x1234, 167K)

>Those climbing animations

Attached: 1446795555227.png (504x414, 66K)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (2900x2550, 616K)

>games aren't allowed to be cute

Things you hate in speed running

"Up next we have the hardest level of the game"

>legal is really easy


I kind of love this game

Attached: 1380700677647.jpg (400x600, 53K)


Attached: 1529791283764.jpg (248x274, 37K)

I really hate phoneposters


My face = :D
My soul = pic related

Attached: image.jpg (2592x1936, 1.15M)

It's a pretty cute game!

Attached: 1557636047888.png (297x604, 175K)

Attached: 20190727_090223.jpg (3264x2448, 1.74M)

You already posted this one robot-user, get some new material off the booru.

Serious business Noobo

Attached: Uma thinking.png (768x576, 878K)

ugly face

>watch this
>get a random boner

Attached: 1545612524771.png (900x442, 568K)

sloooooooooooooooow platforming

yeah youre really proving my point that phoneposters suck, uggo

I see someone having a autistic meltdown in dance form. What am I really supposed to see?

When I was a kid, I dreamed of a Gerudo woman claiming me as her own. Pics like this bring back these memories, and for that I thank you.


someone track this nibbas ip
We found us a samsqwanch


Attached: 200 (5).gif (256x200, 478K)


Attached: SHERRY YAMERO.jpg (1280x720, 523K)

The runner's accent is like the most neutral English I have ever heard. I would have no idea where he's from.

Literally had sex last night

Attached: 20190727_091228.jpg (4032x1960, 2.02M)

It's ok, user, cuteness can be attractive.

Damn Noobow thicc

Attached: 1552188638212.png (205x280, 55K)

With your hand, obvously. Fuck off uggo

Dude, you too?!!
I always thought they were sexy as fuck.
Especially the one you free from the prison before the shadow temple.

>Helping the sun cool down
This game is too damn cute.


Attached: 1564198360368.png (960x697, 615K)

naked shotas onscreen

>We're gonna save Christmas
Holy shit

Attached: Guh-huh.jpg (125x117, 3K)

>Naked angel boys with a little dong sprites.

Attached: Uma scoop - tanshio.jpg (684x800, 211K)

Ah the cute game with the naked angels giving roman salutes

this is why ESA > GDQ in a nutshell

What exercise so I have to do to make my ass look like a pink pacman?

Lads, I have come to the conclusion that I am a disappointment. What do?

Here's your Smash newcomer.

Attached: main.png (240x240, 4K)

>room is so cold my nose is getting red and dripping
I turned my place into a NEET igloo


Attached: 20190727_091553.jpg (4032x1960, 2.44M)

>fixing global warming
>saving christmas
Noobow is a bro

Attached: __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_the_only_shoe__e1c8174ef8338a0f047ccb397212657a.jpg (2026x2865, 570K)

Yup. I even had trouble escaping the prison because the idea of getting caught again was too appealing.

Good lord the cringe...
Cute game tho tbqh

This is straddling the line of cute and lame

>Noobow has a harem of shota angels

Damn this uggo is getting mad

Attached: 1538868107313.gif (600x570, 119K)

>chat doesn't even do a full reverse "wee"

Attached: 1558160791280.png (1310x1170, 636K)


Attached: 1544323441282.png (1101x444, 556K)

Nabooru was gonna /ss/ him after he helped her. It's basically canon.

Just B urself ;^)

how was dork souls? what does 100% even mean in that game? worth to watch the vod?


Attached: 20190727_092212.jpg (135x176, 14K)

Indeed, and if a remake ever happens that would basically need to happen for real.
It was always a bonus point that Navi would have to watch, too.

Wow you're really ugly


Rate this run!

Attached: __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kyou_nekoneko__4a75b0c9b6d7d2c7189cff78b497bc3d.png (700x988, 432K)


Weeee/Wooo - Cute

Attached: 60865606_p0.jpg (720x1280, 878K)

Not bad really. Pretty lighthearted.

Adorable and apparently a PB

Weeee/10 Was a cute, comfy game. I think PB too so that's cool.

Attached: 1553315322738.png (450x362, 54K)

very cute but the game was very slow

Attached: 1519773653572.png (426x364, 9K)

Attached: 20190727_092801.jpg (4032x1960, 2.28M)

Does Ricky have a Post-Punk band?

More cuteness with Captain Toad coming up


Attached: YAMEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.png (760x661, 641K)

dumb uggo


Attached: 1409953485613.png (299x350, 201K)

Game looks cute, but I'm dozing off. Gunna got to bed so I don't miss most of the runs tomorrow.

Attached: 1546983510193.jpg (1671x1265, 687K)

stream 2 going live


user I..

>caring about some kingdom hearts game, ever

Attached: 1560012539996.png (295x300, 99K)

>chain of memories at that
no thanks

Attached: 1496269934353.jpg (304x396, 31K)

chain of memories is based and redpilled

Should I wake up for shantae? Looks comfy.


>giving a shit about toad
Fuck that

>5 hours and 20 minutes of super mario autism too end the entire event

Attached: 1557553809548.png (800x700, 43K)

You guys are missing some ILLNASTYSICK Wubs on stream 2

Shantae games and Wayforward most games overall for that matter are boring.

at least it's not fucking mario galaxy

>boss got fatter by eating the turnips

stream 2 schedule for the last day looks shit.

same with stream 1

here we go guis.

Wait scratch that... It's a fucking card game.... What the fuck..

Attached: yugi.jpg (400x300, 37K)

>I'm mostly picking up CP
what the fuck


When you're rushing through the game you need as much CP as you can. Since you can't grind for better cards, might as well get that deck as large as possible

>Dutch guy collecting CP

Too soon

grow up

>Pokemom Yellow any% glitchless
nice. got about 40 minutes to do some cleaning before we chill for the rest of the day

Attached: 1542745605723.webm (500x566, 81K)

>guys start chuckling when beep block skyway comes on
>one does the beep beep clack
>other squeezes out a "please no"
lol these niggas.

Why was Re;CoM so shit guys?

You're a little antsy user, got something to hide?

>captain toad treasure tracker

Attached: confused tester.png (422x417, 215K)

This dude seems pretty cool, but I do wonder what has to happen in someone's life to make them want to speedrun a kingdom hearts gameboy game.

pretty sure the image in question makes the point that "holy men can be scholars"

the guy in that webm is a legit tranny now

what is this


Are they running on emu or do they legitimately have a GBA player set up through a gamecube or something?

Missed a lot of ESA, why were Dark Souls, DOOM and TASbot so bad??

The DOOM runner set his fucking estimate like a minute below his PB and then fucked up hardcore and went about a half hour over estimate. It was ridiculous. Dark Souls wasn't that bad, TASbot was just lame.

TASbot took forever to set-up for really short runs of games nobody really cared about, along with some failed experiment at the very end.

Didn't watch all of Dark Souls, but what I watched was just a boring collectathon while oneshotting everything with magic

tasbot sucks

DOOM went over half hour overestimate after failing a lot. Dark souls wasn't that bad (at least until 2 hours and half were i went to sleep), guess people don't like long runs.
TAS was shit but showcase was at least somewhat decent, very long setup times tho


>two long boring runs

oh boy

user... You didn't ask about the main event... Re4 and why it was so controversial.

>Pokemon or KH
Guess I'll go play some vidya or something instead.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-27 Twitch(4).png (673x476, 548K)

Hahahaha that fucking """prize"""

toad's fucking tracker is finally over

Looks like a kid drew it

Zeroo did his best okay, do not bully

souls run was good

Was it somehow better than the dmc4 run? I've never been so entertained in my life by a speedrun but seeing that ruskie pause the game to continue ranting and letting a cutscenes play out during a speedrun was fucking epic

Based Josh

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-27 Twitch(5).png (1580x926, 535K)

Drawn by actual Alzheimer's patients. Neat idea.



Attached: OMP OMP OMP.gif (408x342, 2.68M)

What decides which Eeveelution the rival goes for?

I think losing or winning that first fight. That's what it sounded like they were saying.

is the contrast supposed to be like that

Attached: burmy wolengel.png (285x437, 91K)

I miss Chrism and Pac's Crystal run.
Would've watched their Johto/Kanto% rather than this.

Attached: My butt's done for!.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Dawn of the final day.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-22 18-15-02-59.webm (1469x734, 2.95M)

Nah, as much as I joke about re4 and keep asking about it to trigger ppl cause it was epic.
The DMC4 run was my favorite out of the whole marathon.
That dude was my fav runner so far, even went back and watched his hitman run cause I missed it.
Him lightning dabbing, and tossing the controller then going on that 15 minute rant about how he hates speedrunning and just wishes he had his friend back instead of wasting his life playing the same game over and over and over was epic, a single Slavic tear rolled down my eye while listening and I found myself squatting.
Gonna have to rewatch that one someday. It was truly history in the making.

this is going to be the truly tragic censorship.

>Only browse these threads during marathons
>Back to regular old shitty Yea Forums after this
Please no.


Pac and Chrism are definitely top tier pretty much no matter what, but honestly this is a bit better than I was expecting.

*5 cent speaker static noises*

Some higher quality animations here than in Sw/Sh.

Attached: 1330329846.dreikaze_mech_pose_fix.jpg (1000x1100, 486K)

That was definitely one of the more memorable runs I've watched in a while. I was pretty engaged in what he was saying the whole time. Him throwing the controller for the joke was wonderful.

Attached: ESA no controller run.webm (530x398, 514K)

The first fight, and the optional fight on route 22 (the route before Victory Road)
If you win both fights, Rival gets Jolteon
If you Win first fight and skip the Route 22 fight, Rival gets Flareon
If you lose first fight and/or the Route 22 fight, Rival gets Vaporeon.

Shantae and PUSS! on stream 2 in a couple hours. Hopefully the relevant image posters aren't sleeping.

Week went by so fast

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-27 ESA Marathon.png (1071x713, 71K)

Cool, Is badge boost only in Pkmn Yellow?

>Guy mentions Dunkey on stream 2 because KH
>"Keep saying it" reply

>normal run
>normal run
>relay race

This is going to get real old.

Attached: 1384899545805.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)


might as well end it already

Attached: 1562079672395.jpg (325x325, 6K)

Thanks for the explanation

Fuck I hate Dutch accents

I hate the Dutch and Dutch ISP's..


Attached: #####################################jjjjjj.jpg (479x417, 15K)

The donation readers voice makes my skin crawl....

Her DMing in D&D was awful.

You better get used to her because she is now in a lead position in ESA. I just wish she didn't shill so damn much. I understand its her job, but there's a thing call moderation.

Good lord that image is like a self portrait of me growing up..
Stunningly accurate.

It's still bad but a marked improvement over the rest of the board still
I hope we can have RTAInJapan threads this December, maybe my Japanese will be good enough

it's me right now

Jessie looks pretty good in her sprite art.

Attached: Jessie Alola.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Great, this is just gonna be Donations: The Run. Nah, I'm out.

She always looks good.

Attached: D1sgZQTUkAAHgYf.jpg orig.jpg (1531x2020, 339K)

I love how no one responds to the

What the fuck is it with those donations containing ''Hype!'' now?

Attached: Liru eh swimsuit.jpg (687x1008, 123K)


Attached: 1459086932820.jpg (281x260, 32K)

money laundering time.
Yea Forums just doesn't think its money laundering because its a smaller amount.

There was no D&D this ESA. I was referring to a previous ESA.

pokemon runs bring out the bugmen

>GDQ meme donations getting through
Announcer is clueless

Attached: 72627580_p0.png (712x1000, 879K)

I'm gonna laugh so hard if they do a GDQ-style donation avalanche at the end of this marathon

she's too busy shilling to care.

The viewerships are starting to converge which is exactly what they've been hoping for.


Attached: 1546864558277.gif (320x213, 1.5M)

he's back bros...

Reminder they banned Based Ben for making fun of the faggy "HOOIIIPPEE" thing.

> pokemon runs bring out the bugmen
can someone explain what does bugmen mean?

people who look like this

Attached: bulborb soy.png (425x435, 226K)

The Chain of Memories run is better, which is a sentence I never thought I'd say. Stream 2 just keeps winning.

That's not him. And you should know that hoganposter is the same pure autist who lost his mind at "3D whore" posting at previous ESA events.

whats the difference between this and basedboys?

A drone. Oldfag term. What people called "NPCs" before NPCs started being used.

bugmen refers to chinks you fools, not basedboys

kek'd irl

where's werster

Attached: ntMw8NwvUW.png (872x486, 651K)

You do know words can have multiple meanings, right?


He needs to be summoned with a 1000 dollaridoo dare.

australia mate

No one uses the word in the way you're insisting. You made a simple mistake.

They used to.

I wonder if she sounds less annoying then speaking swedish

Attached: Tänker.png (365x358, 16K)

>like 10 people in the crowd
wow so hype they're really kicking cancer's butt

I've never once seen it used that way on Yea Forums. I'm not saying you're wrong that they used to, but I am saying that the way people have used the phrase on Yea Forums for the past several years is clearly not referring to bean suckers.

This, what the fuck.

If only they had 11 people there so cancer would be over.

Attached: 1381798446956.png (500x600, 260K)

10 people to watch a swamp-german run the worst pokemon game is a stellar turn out.

>noon of the last day
>two boomer games being run on the gameboy
What went so right?


Attached: Trump Laugh.gif (480x270, 2.64M)

let the poor announcer woman rest

Small vulnerable JR. TRAINER's in dark unlit caves..

Attached: Asagi smug.png (276x330, 108K)

yes, and let my ears rest as well

And there are people who defend map card grinding. Fuck this game and fuck its even worse remake.

On steam 1 from 14:33 to the end of the event there's going to be a whole 10 minutes of non-races. Looking forward to it?

Attached: 1380907168.skia_delphox.png (200x813, 306K)

what's the announcer's name? Haven't been interested it in her all this time but the hoarse voice is hot, is she hot?

WTF is bonus stream up to?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-27 Twitch.jpg (1580x926, 388K)

Cheese is doing 120 star 2nd last run of the event..

Attached: 1562459996235.png (1840x1312, 1.8M)

She's slightly obese and ugly. Not kidding, now focus on the runs.

oh shit, money puzzle exchanger, 10/10 game

She's a qt

Attached: 1547278197089.png (430x650, 339K)

No. Looks like the typical Tumblr chick.

She's really not.
>annoying voice
>blue hair


Attached: 1553236612348.png (557x586, 321K)

thirstier than a man in the Saraha after donating blood

Oh yeah, guess it won't be all bad.


Attached: D9x00nlUYAEcAqk.jpg orig.jpg (789x1024, 132K)

achieve standards

Alzheimer is a whole different game from Cancer

unironically looks like "she" does

>Not watching the third stream

nice try kid

all'shimer is fuckin lame i want to get hype about cancer dude

eh I probably would

Attached: 1458140136727.png (292x289, 22K)

Why are Jessie's breasts so big that you can see them so well from her side profile in black top?

It's called good design.

Attached: 16634063.png (1600x1600, 1.52M)

the FUCK does yeet mean?

when you throw something

W-why does Sabrina have a whip?

Attached: Bond wipe.gif (413x233, 2.62M)

She is a very serious trainer.

If you played kh3 an example is yeetus vanitas in the monsters inc world

Jews have turned you all into sissys.

I'm not a sissy bitch ass

im not a sissy, im a freak degenerate

Attached: 1555438213886.png (1200x1200, 752K)

oh hohoho~

Attached: 1544367578020.jpg (303x303, 30K)

You waste your life and vidya and masturbate to traps. Bulk up little man.

go to bed justin

deal with it

Fuck that noise. I did it on my own time.

I only jack off to male bodybuilders and big-breasted anime women

Any good runs left?

It's hardly degenerate to have cute images of cute pokemon.

>implying justin would cheat on his wife Reshiram

Attached: 5616832.jpg (400x455, 49K)

mario 64

justin cheats with like 80 different pokemon, he's NOT trusthworthy

Attached: 1563462714187.png (1200x1200, 490K)

justin is unfaithful
cute fug

Attached: justinrpg giratina.png (438x617, 286K)

That fucking come back.

I've seen it a million times already

>the female giratina is a good guy
which is it justin

Attached: 1557723478413.png (2150x3035, 3.49M)

justin got his in the end
based xerneas

Oh yeah, he's scum then.

He isn't dead apparently.

Attached: 49046184_p0.jpg (842x1066, 430K)

>All these OH HOHOHOs

honestly pokemon isnt a fun speedrun, they just RNG manip which takes all the fun out of runs like this

Attached: 1560649835704.png (780x1080, 385K)

>Punchy goes to bed instead of playing tournaments

I might unironically go to ESA next year and school people at this game

>susan goes away
Praise be.

Attached: 1379228876211.jpg (768x960, 103K)

Shantae coming up on Stream 2 shortly.

He smelled nuggets in the hotel and had to run back to his room for safety.

im certain by now ladaur would have learned how to speak english but i guess not

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Attached: oh oh ohh.png (717x435, 592K)

One more Polska runner to go (in an hour and a half on stream 2)

The randomizer runs can be fun to watch though.

thanks for the warning

It's nice to see some Polska autists in here, same with Ukrainians (or at least I thought I've seen at least on Ukrainian.)

How long until? I can't read the schedule I am half asleep

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Shantae time

Attached: 967dbef43648379f486f15650f5322e2a6748c5f_hq.jpg (564x556, 32K)

So there were only like three total Jessie appearances in Yellow?

Attached: Jessie.png (601x850, 223K)


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I think they skipped one in the casino hideout.


Time for some delicious Shantae's for it's her delicious bellydancing run.

Attached: Shantae - inti creates.jpg (2480x3508, 344K)

wtf, were all the Dutchfags segregated to the back of the marathon because they killed sadpanda?

Attached: waifu.png (400x400, 205K)

>tfw internet is fucking shit and it keeps skipping around

Attached: 1558762314047.jpg (800x900, 424K)

too soon man

>Only used sadpanda because the theme was dark
>Now stuck with the ugly bright one

I've seen people saying that there wasn't even a new law, the guy who ran it just wanted out of running a money losing website.

Attached: D6fdbTlW0AAWWqB.jpg orig.jpg (2000x2000, 213K)

Its really fucking jarring going back to E just because of that.

BTFO by sandslash

Attached: 1564161254366.png (1280x1500, 1.46M)

I wish he at fucking least just let somebody else take over or something.

This. I just can't get used to e

Why wouldn't he just try to sell or pass on ownership then? He'd be free and it wouldn't have fucked everyone over.

He could've gotten sub 2 hour run without that death, damn.

Rate that Pokemon Yellow run.
Was decent.

Attached: Uma - nosyuku ninja.png (1000x750, 401K)

I watched it/10
So probably at least 8

If you know how you could always try using stylus or something to darken the colours.

Rate run!

Attached: nu-male Pokemon.webm (726x418, 871K)

from what I saw decent I guess
ive just seen gen 1 runs too much, therees not much interesting in them

Attached: 1482604494736.png (866x1200, 870K)

Maybe he wanted to fuck everyone over or just doesn't care, it's not like many people would pay to take over a website that operates at a loss.

Attached: 06eaef0b3e966578dbc8496767162bd8.png (2080x2530, 1.96M)

wouldn't be surprised
the d*tch are evil afterall

Attached: 1556995867303.png (1341x1821, 692K)

What the fuck is this sperg freaking out about?

I can't help but think of how fucking hilarious it'd be if he accidentally closed out of the game while flailing around like that.

God I want to be carried by Shantae and have the enemies capture us..

Decent background noise/10

Attached: 75242643_p1.jpg (1000x1451, 579K)

Pretty sure it's a recreation of a pokemon meme where a kid yells for his mother when he finds a shiny pokemon.

shiny ponyta

Then just give it away. Or at least give people ample time to download everything first. Considering he didn't even do that you theory of him just wanting to fuck everyone over sounds more accurate.


there it is

Would you have her carry you like a bride so you can get a good look at her cleavage or would you prefer to be carried on her back so you can accidentally let your hands grab her boobs?

Decent pace and only one death, was fine.

>fotm bitch
2019, I am forgotten

Definitely latter one, can also get a awkward boner against her back as the enemies close in and the defeat seems inevitable.
Not forgetting her hips/waist to rub ''accidentally''.

good riddance
imagine getting btfo by a makoto clone

>there will never be a sequel to TP
>its plot and characterisation of Link will never mirror MM's for true kino (Link depressed and looking for a way to get Midna back)