>Wear Armor
>Enemies can hurt you
Wear Armor
Other urls found in this thread:
>niggers in europe
>Wear armor
>Enemies can't hurt you now
>They follow you to the ends of the earth
>light,medium,heavy armor have only 5% difference
>heavy class has less heal than light class
get a fucking crossbow, nerd
to be fair its slightly angled and doesn't have any force holding it in place.
but god damn imagine fighting something in full plate.
so did knights just not bother with eachother?
Was being a knight, like just a video game as they killed peasants?
there are still weak points. stab him in the armpit or eyeslit and he's fucked.
swinging your sword like a retard probably wouldn't reap many benefits against anyone, really
This is why knights did not use slashing attack but thrusting attack to piere armor. The sword he was using has blunt edges and was used only for thrusting.
>Wear boat armour
>Enemy does it too
>Can't hurt each other
Armored v armored combat was taught as an entirely separate fighting style back then. There was a much greater emphasis on grapples and throws and shit, with the idea being to bring your opponent down and strike at the weak points of his armor while he was vulnerable.
Also yes, knight v peasant was a cat v mouse tier mismatch.
>Armor is a huge advantage, historically it could resist so much and withstand a variety of blows from different weapons
>You can get staggered and fucking stunlocked by sticks, punches and daggers in the fucking Souls games
They never figured out Poise or how to make armor not shit. That's why Sekiro and Bloodborne are better, they just did away with the shitty stunlocks for the most part.
just use a blunt weapon
>not even a fucking visible dent
knights would be fighting with lances, hammers and maces, maybe with a sword for backup
In the odd situation 2 knights lose all their weapons can they even damage eachother in any way?
It's also the wrong type of arrowhead and not as heavy a shaft as it should have been
Ideally you want a needle bodkin like pic related and as thick and heavy a shaft as your bow can throw at that range, but even that's just giving you a better chance and not a guarantee. Armor is pretty broken.
But that said, no matter who you are a guy with a hammerhead and a spike on the end of a 10' stick can fuck your day up hard. If you get knocked down and grappled even a dirty peasant with a rusty knife can stir your brains through your eye socket through your visor.
>Was being a knight, like just a video game as they killed peasants?
Basically. You would have to stab at joints as you desperately try to avoid getting cut up by his sword or having your teeth go everywhere from his gauntleted fists, and if you try to grab him he would wrestlemania your ass while basically using the sword as a third arm.
to add
wouldn't it be better to just go for their weapons?
there were lots of unarmed combat techniques that knights and men at arms would learn, lots of grappling. most knights wouldn't do this to the death, probably until the other surrenders for ransom
I find it interesting how historians seem to act like swords were never used, yet all the fighting styles seem to surround them
Imagine being a peasant back then lol
Contrarians and snow flakes
imagine fighting so your lords could basically p2w
God damn. Imagine actually being a knight and having to fucking fight for your life against another nigga in a suit of steel who's equally determined to kill. It seems way scarier than the idea of shooting dudes from behind cover.
So i imagine if a knighy died to a lucky peasant they became a laughing stock? The ultimate JUST.
Battles =/= Duels. Trial by combat was still a thing back then.
hand to hand combat is always going to be way more intimate and scary than longer range stuff
Man that form looks really cool. Why is it that archery in video games all use the same boring pose? Like none of them even bother to shift their wait or plant their feet on the ground.It's just the same boring standing upward or crouching while your arms just pull the string with no effort.
just hope you end up on top once you two fall or bring a mace or warhammer and split his fuckin head open
Why are modern war games all about individual guys with guns when most causalities are caused by artillery?
Well the sword was a your personal sidearm as well as a status symbol, but was always second to your main fighting weapon like a polearm. But noblemen and those of status used swords in dueling, not as much on the battlefield.
o hai knightfaggots
Kill him? what are you dumb? You take his ass hostage and ransom them back. we are noblemen after all.
*couched lances u*
I don't think it's as good as you think it is. You gotta telegraph a massive blow. There's no in between.
Because there's no technique in real life for lances and spears. You can't swing them around like in muh anime. You're either mounted on a horse, holding a defensive position, or charging. These sword techniques were used in duels entertainment or to the death. You don't ever want to be caught swordfighting on the battlefield because the buddy of the dude you're fighting is gonna spear you and there's jack shit you're gonna be able to do about it
What historians are trying to say is that swords were back up weapons in the battlefield just like pistols in modern warfare.
But in civilian life they are the most used weapon since they are the easiest to carry, the same happens with pistols nowadays (there are peoeple who open carry their AR-15s, but they are the exception)
There also are a bunch of books and videos on unarmed fighting, and fewer on gun combat in groups.
Do we not use guns to fight wars now?
Can you block hammers and pokeaxes with a standard shield?
Would a knight with a shield be invincible?
that's why they used pollaxes.
>Do we not use guns to fight wars now?
kinda. most infantry is for occupation.
depends on the men, depends on the shield.
Did they actually fight in full plate armors in battles? It seems heavy, awkard and expensive
Okay user
>Knight with a halberd is advancing on you
>In a panic you try to grab the sharp blade as he quickly jabs it back and forth
>Grabbing it wrong means severed hands and being skewered by it
>Missing your grab means being skewered by it
>Getting too close means getting punched by a metal boxing glove and then skewered by it
Sure, just go for their weapons.
its light, its manuverable, and they're rich and its fucking worth it.
Not all of them. Full plate was only ever used by nobles. The rest, called men at arms were using munitions grade plate armor which was made of poor quality iron.
>Its a "historian said this is the way it was so it must be true!!!" episode
Fuck anyone that mentions historians, if you wore metal gauntlets you could pummel someone who was wearing a helmet by going ape on their face
>Wore sallet
>Dad punched me in the face to see if it would hurt me
>Broke my nose and he broke two knuckles
yes, you were basically a walking tank if you could afford it, also a lot of knights did stuff on horseback (which were also armored) so they didn't have to run everywhere with it on
yes but would it be better?
Like what if you had a spear and try to wack it out of his hand?
Why the hell don't our leaders wear combat suits and fight and shit?
If some fucking goon grabs your spear you stab his ass with your sword. greeks figured that shit out millennia before night came along.
Were metal shields too much of a hassle?
God I love the resurgence of memes.
They figured out that you can have people that matter less do it for you
you're actually right, I'm amazed peasents didn't use nets.
Didn't french knights get rekt by archers in Azincourt?
*blocks your path*
>In 1419
You wouldnt seriously use one would you? They are a brainlet weapon for a reason
>"B-but they are easy to use"
>"F-fuck you s-s-spears can penetrate armour easily
Spearlets btfo'd
Higher ranking soldiers don’t usually fight these days. If they do, they’re in a vehicle and it’s not the one in front.
>i'm amazed peasants didn't ______
Because after such shitfests like Agincourt where you can potentially lose half the nobility in a single battle, armies figured it was better to have the commoners fight it out while the leaders plan shit in safety.
I mean yeah a leader fighting on the front sounds cool and all, but if he gets killed, imagine how that will fuck with the chain of command.
don't forget the food they ate was amazing.
>Stabs your comment from all the way down here
>Were metal shields too much of a hassle?
I can think of the Hellene aspis, which has a thin veneer of bronze over the front surface. Only small shields like bucklers were made of metal in the medieval period, until the Renaissance when somewhat larger shields of steel were used. It's heavy to make a shield of metal. Wood is just lighter and easier to move around.
Most shields has a metal boss in the center to protect the hand though. In the high middle ages and afterwards, shields no longer had bosses of metal. Probably because armour for the arms became much more common.
Do you want somebody dinging up your metal shield you bought off amazon?
C'not er'ferd no net now sir. th'at be at l'st a half seas'ins errn'gs.
>Didn't french knights get rekt by archers in Azincourt?
It was more the mud, disorganized deployment and the English men-at-arms.
>Killed peasants
Thou art a knave to suggest such villainy. These men belong only to king and providence.
So did you even fight in the melee of battle?
If you focus on one dude some other dude is gonna gank you.
Was it just pray for luck and to not be on the front line?
good luck
>If you focus on one dude some other dude is gonna gank you.
Your guys to the left and right would be supposed to protect your sides, and you protect theirs.
Full metal shields were probably expensive and very heavy. Metal was a scarce commodity in ye olde knigger times, better spent making several spearheads or reinforced wooden shields over a heavy as fuck metal slab that would likely be lost on the next battlefield.
they actually did end up developing crossbow and even Muskete proof armor. That's where the phrase "Bulletproof" comes from
What the fuck
Knight vs Knight they aimed at the joints and openings of the armor
Nice anti air
I’m guessing it’s one of those things that WERE used in history but we don’t hear about it because it’s not romantic enough to write about, or they werent used very often because they weren’t as effective as you think they’d be.
>thinking ever that a spear could hurt a knight
>it took 11 wounds with halberds to kill Richard III and he only died because he had to remove his helmet
>laughs in pike and shot
Taking a lance to the face that deletes your skull generally changes the equation a bit.
Vry intrsting.
But theres one thing I've wondered about shield combat, if you had a sufficiently large shield couldn't you just run the other guy over? push his weapon aside and shove him like some sumo.
didnt lot of peasents know how to use slings with deadly accuracy too
There's a reason we have all those weird drawings of knights holding their swords backwards. It's more effective to hit a guy with the hilt until he's unconscious than try and stab him through plate armor.
You have to if you're a farmer herding animals
most melee engagements in battles wouldn't last long, 2 sides would engage then 1 would either withdraw or rout
If you were significantly stronger than him, sure.
Given you are also carrying a heavy shield I have doubts.
because during almost all of human history the army with the better leadership, not the better fighters always one. The Romans were never stronger, tougher or bigger then any of their opponents, they just used better Strategie. During pre automatic weapon warfare the majority of casualties happened when one side tried to escape nor during headon fighting.
So if our greatest generals fought at the Frontlinie they would be to busy giving orders and making the best strategic orders
fighting against armored opponents was different than swings (unless you had maces and morning stars and hammers). Was more focused on struggling and immobilizing, if wielding sword you eider used the pommel and guards as hammer or held the tip of your sword to aim at visors and joints
>rushes with horses
>kills all those that flee
>god created man
>man made everybody eqval
>and he only died because he had to remove his helmet
Medieval battles took place in space?
Well people don't really throw nets outside fishing, and a net heavy enough to trap a man is going to be dropped on him. unless you want to go all planet of the apes and have a tandem of horses with a net between them.
To be fair if you work a day you could easilly get more than that.
If living expenses weren't so high, it wouldn't seem so bad.
>outmaneuvers you
Even if you don't get pierced, the kinetic energy will still hurt you.
>Unironic brainlet weapons
If Ned Kelly in his full plate can shrug off revolver rounds, what good would a shitty musket do
Pollaxe > everything else
you don't drop a net on someone to trap them, you do that so their weapons get tangled.
What you get in a dueling scenario is two knights wrestling each other until someone gets a dagger in their eye.
The dagger is a knight's most potent tool against plate armor to finish a fight.
>destroys your entire formation
What the fuck? Hell no man, modern warfare is much more terrifying. Hand to hand combat is at least more intimate and it takes nerve to actually behead or impale a person. No doubt they felt the weight of every life they took in their hands.
Today you'll be lucky to stick your head over a roof and not get your shit clapped by a stray bullet Joe Shmoe from 50 yards without him even knowing it. I can't say this without sounding like a dumbshit but firearms are the most soulless weapons of all time. You spend years in survival and weapon training just to get nuked by a child with a rocket launcher.
A musket would unironically penetrate armor, since the ball was almost the size of a fist
>thick and heavy a shaft
>Yea Forums
>no post about Mountain Blade
you literally take 0 damage in high tier armor. that's why M&B is the best game of all time
It's the fastest and most humane way to die if shot placement is on par.
Getting cut to shit and getting maimed for the rest of your life is a living hell.
>middle ages were dark ages okay slave
Looks like someone took advice from """"historians"""
Meet me at mine nerd ill show prove to you that a halberd wont do jack shit to full plate
Finally a reason to post this. This one has been aging in the vault boys.
>Today you'll be lucky to stick your head over a roof and not get your shit clapped by a stray bullet Joe Shmoe from 50 yards without him even knowing it.
just dont do that then bro
Yeah armored vs armored was a unintuitive then as it seems now when you think about it. The tactic then, as you would plan out now, is to just get your opponent on the ground and overwhelm him with numbers and daggers. If you didn't have numbers, just fucking avoid him and cut down more unarmored jerkoffs.
Am I wrong in the conclusion that a peasant with experience in war would annhialate a knight withot armor in a swordfight? Im not saying knights weren't skilled, but they were practically invulnerable and used as hostages for bargaining, whereas everyone else fought with and for their life.
and if you wanted too actually trap them in a net it works best being raised upwards on pulley not dropped from above.
If it was light enough to easily throw it wouldn't work and if it was heavy enough to work it would be a bitch to throw. You toss a fishing net at a knight, you got a slight confused knight with a fishing net harmlessly caught on his halberd while you're standing there lacking even your dick in your hand.
Not as great as you think.
yeah but we still have all sorts of fun things like liquid fire and landmines
Knights were almost all royalty with extensive combat training and most likely an interest in dueling, so probably not
I mean yeah but its still a glorified whack-a-mole for keeps. Surviving is more luck than skill, although I won't pretend that skill won't help.
I mean you can't just stay under cover the entire time.
>imagine not bringing a fucking shield
this is why women don't belong in the battle field. its unrealistic.
problem with pikes is that it's too easy to get flanked while in a tight formation
Imagine some jester runs in with a fishing net, tosses it on a knight, and then drags him away screaming.
Knights would have also been trained since childhood in martial arts... Peasants, were mostly conscripts with little training. If you are considering someone like a mercenary who has been fighting for years you would likely be correct, but in many cases they were armored like knights just without holding the status of nobility.
That's what your cavalry is for
Pikes are for the center
The Flemish militia beat the ever loving shit out of the French Knights in Courtrai and proved that heavy cavalry can be repelled by an organized and well-trained infantry.
Best weapon coming through.
It's a skin for the evening star in Mordhau btw
Peasants fought with polearms and other kinds of sticks not swords.
Knights have a lot more time to train, a lot more reason to train, and combat experience doesn't help you much in a swordfight since a 1 on 1 swordfight isn't going to typically happen on the battlefield
minor kek
>Modern soldier
>oh no I might die instantly and painlessly without even hearing the shot that killed me, and if I don't I have modern medicine backing me up and a really good chance of survival
>also I'm generally not sent on suicide missions and can call in air strikes if I need to crack a fortification
>medieval soldier
>"Hey we need to break that pike formation, I know his pointy stick is 8' longer than yours but we still need you to march yourself directly into his face and hopefully tie him up long enough for one of the guys behind you to get a good poke in"
>"Hey, you didn't die! Good job on beating the literal 95% fatality rate for that job. Ooh, you got a small hole in your thigh though, and then rolled around in the pigshit mud battlefied for a few hours. We're going to have to amputate. Sorry, no painkillers but we have a nice leather strip so you don't bite your tongue off"
French knights got killed by the region of Belgium, not peasants.
They probably died of arthritis and their armor rusting to shit before the peasants did any damage to them.
they all thought their armour could protect them
and the english longbow came into play
we went to war just for yew trees so we could make more and stop others having them
a fucking big and long bow topped centuries of smithing expertise overnight
Lets not forget the anyone wealthy enough to afford actual plate armor were too protected to actually see combat. The Dukes son or nobles head of house was not going to get into a fight with the rabble. They stayed back and let the peasants decide the day.
But if it had to come down to it , most of the thread already posted the armor vs. armor arguments.
>he thinks getting shot is painless
>he thinks a bullet to the skull kills instantly
Oh boy are you in for a surprise.
At least you see the face of your opponent and see the blow as it comes. Modern battle is just walking around and then having your genitals blown off by a land mine or getting mortared as you sleep and having the roof collapse on top of you.
>Penetrates armour
>Can just pull it out and shrug it off
Return to Feudalism and medieval armour when
If that's true then why is the English stuck on 1.2 islands.
>facebook normalfags digging a dead cancerous tumblr meme from the grave is good
>modern soldier
>gets blown up by an IED
>gets shot by a sand sniper
>gets blown up by his own drone
>gets strangled by his subbordinate
>Wear Armor
>Gets hurt by a frog
Imagine being a peasant and this 8 foot(canon) man blocks your path.
How would seeing the face of your killer make any difference who's going to kill you?
We even have proper conventions on how to fight and what to use.
Lowkey drop some harvesting knowledge and be on my way to the market.
Most Knights started training at the age of nine (or earlier) and trained extensively in running, jumping, climbing and battle tactics. Most peasents would often start between the ages 16-20 and would receive minimal training at best. Exceptions always exist and the will to survive is a powerful thing, but over all the knight would have better odds at winning.
>>Unironic brainlet weapons
>If Ned Kelly in his full plate can shrug off revolver rounds, what good would a shitty musket do
>A musket would unironically penetrate armor, since the ball was almost the size of a fist
In the 16th century and early 17th century, a musket was 6 feet long and had a 12 gauge bore. They basically fired spherical equivalent of a 1 ounce slug. Breastplates were made thicker, up to 2.5mm thick and would be expected to stop a musketball at 50 paces/yards away or further.
Ned Kelly died in 1880. The first adopted military rifle to use smokeless powder was the Lebel rifle, by the French army in 1886. Ned Kelly lived in the tail end of the black powder period of firearms. The same propellant used by muskets for hundreds of years. Australian police firearms weren't necessarily any more potent than a musket from 200 years earlier, just more convenient and much more reliable ignition.
Imagine being some recurve fag that hunts deer, and then some noble hands you and your bros some long bows.
Imagine knocking knights off horses and just sniping nobles like they're fucking wild hogs.
Imagine your Lord turning around and waving at you while you just killed the last blood relative with a sharp stick.
>fist symbol
medieval imperial fist it is.
There are many, MANY more malicious hazards in modern warfare. I'm not saying medieval battle was clean cut and always honorable, but there was more skill and training involved. Now if an officer getting a full 8 hours of rest in a cozy bed and waking up to a full plate of breakfast and an hour of coffee and reading tells you to march your ass over an obvious IED just to see what happens and you disobey, it's fucking treason. Don't pretend anything about modern war is more respectable than melee.
>mental gymnastics just to try and justify power in a stick being good
Go home fagola, go play with your dick & stick and come back to the big boys when you drop that pussy shit
>parks his horse
>I heard you think my fleur is ghey
>like I wouldn't find out
oh so thats where the goedendag went
You're the reason why Englishmen would get their fingers cut off when captured.
>a fucking big and long bow topped centuries of smithing expertise overnight
The adoption of the Welsh longbow, its usage among English yeomanry and the willingness of lords to muster them was a development that took centuries to come about in itself.
With a unix timestamp filename that big? Lurk more retard
reminder that Lindybeige claims:
>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>British naval guns on Malta could launch projectiles into space
>brodie helmets were superior
>English accents are superior
>English is the best language
>Normans weren't French
>imperial system is better
>dunkirk was a british victory
>british officers don't duck
>the bren gun was like a full auto sniper rifle
>boer concentration camps were refugee camps
>the French are German
he doesn't even notice I'm here since he can't see shit in his helmet
This thread is interesting.
>Hand to hand combat is at least more intimate and it takes nerve to actually behead or impale a person. No doubt they felt the weight of every life they took in their hands.
Climate change actually isn't real though.
>>no one used horses
Yeah and the one that killed them would probably be hanged
>throwing knives
Throwing knives are a dumb meme
They've just been a dumb meme for a really really long time
but almost everyone in europe was german
It's a shitposty strawman based purely on reading the titles to his videos.
>assassins creed made people spit in the face of the last Templar
Because when you see your opponents it signals that you are about to be in a fight, and gives you an obvious "battle" and "outside of battle" dichotomy. It was possible to be good with a sword and feel like a legitimate badass who was in control of your own destiny. Modern battles are totally impersonal with people getting blown to shit by artillary and airstrikes without warning. A situation where someone could die at literally any second is a constant stressor, and staying in that level of stress for weeks or months is an unnatural state for a human to be in.
>Imagine being some recurve fag that hunts deer, and then some noble hands you and your bros some long bows.
They were freemen who were required by law to practice archery every Sunday after church.
>Imagine knocking knights off horses and just sniping nobles like they're fucking wild hogs.
They fired mass volleys at large formations of oncoming enemy. So many arrows that some of them found weak spots in visors and elbow joints.
t. bismarg
It's a combination of things he said, exaggerations of things he said, and things he never said. It's hard to tell which are which because he is not a reliable source of info and mainly draws his information from his time playing D&D, LARPing, watching television, and making assumptions.
Wouldn't doing that without any hand protection cut the shit out of your hands or were they not sharp enough?
The English did win the 100s year war. English is one of the most information-dense languages, it's quite good. The Norman's weren't French they were Norse.
Some swords had blunt edges and were only used for stabbing, but even with a sharp edge, it's the friction that cuts. You can hold a modern knife like that without issue.
>good with a sword.
Son, you're going to be fighting more with a spear and rations more than you would a sword in a lifetime during those days.
You know the more I read these indie albums threads the more I am reminded of how bitchmade actual knights were. I won’t call them weak but god damn Europe did a good job of glorifying them upon modern fiction.
They rarely fought, just trained all day while the peasants took the front line, if they happened to fight they were nearly invulnerable and taken as prisoners of war then used as bargaining chips to be escorted back home and still be revered for even fighting in the first place while a peasants that fought tooth and nail war in and war out gots no love.
Fuck knights honestly.
typically no. If you get a strong grip on the blade your hand will be fine as long as the blade doesn't slide around. Theres a few people on youtube demonstrating haft swording with bare hands and they dont get a single scratch. It is better in gauntlets though.
I think its implied they had gloves on.
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
His point was that in perfectly socially mobile society, mobility stops at some point because of heredity.
I agree
*medieval not indie albums what the fuck
A single heavy cavalry charge can end a battle in hours rather than slog around in mud and death for weeks.
A sword is not a razor blade, you're not gonna nick yourself by touching it, especially if you grip it correctly
Keep in mind that full plate armor like portrayed in this thread wasn't common. Even very wealthy nobility couldn't usually afford it; if a family had such armor, it was usually an heirloom. So there were plenty of knights that wore lighter (and cheaper) protection.
Does anyone else love that 17th century aesthetic?
You missed the entire point of his post dumbass
>The English did win the 100s year war.
It wasn't even a war of nations. It wasn't even between the French and the English.
The Anglo-Norman Plantagenet king of England was also the Duke of Aquitaine, holding the territory of Guyenne in France as a vassal of the King of France. The Plantagenets made a claim for the French throne but ultimately lost it, and also all the territory and titles they had in France.
Sounds like resources peasants should have had access to instead of reserved for “”royalty”” then. It’s kind of fucked op you send this peasant group of people out to lay their lives down and thin out the numbers then have the “”real players”” get off their asses and ride a horse with a spear through a horde of niggas for a couple minutes and steal all the glory. That’s just not right.
That's true, but if you had armor a cuirass was usually the first bit to be worn, and having (effectively) your entire torso be immune to swords and arrows is a massive advantage.
>but even with a sharp edge, it's the friction that cuts
are you one of those literal fucking retards that uses blunt knives in the kitchen?
Most swords were actually fairly blunt because if you hit a finely sharpened sword against armour, it would cause the blade to chip and slowly break apart. Plus blunt objects against opponents in armour caused a lot more pain and injuries overall.
Flails can get around shields
Axes can break shields
Hammers can break your arm through the shield
>Source: My ass
What am I looking at here?
>It’s kind of fucked op you send this peasant group of people out to lay their lives down and thin out the numbers then have the “”real players”” get off their asses and ride a horse with a spear through a horde of niggas for a couple minutes and steal all the glory. That’s just not right.
That's not really what would happen. It would depend on the time and place and the circumstances. For example, at the Battle of Crécy was sent in their mercenary crossbowmen first and then spent the rest of the battle charging with their heavy cavalry. The French used knights very often. The Scots used more peasant levies but then developed pike tactics since they barely had any knights. The English in the late middle ages used a mix of yeoman archers and dismounted men-at-arms.
Jesus Christ guys, the 15th century wasn't like Skyrim. Do you think an army had dudes walking in formation with warhammers and greataxes? Most soldiers had axes, because those were found everywhere. If you came from a wealthier family, you might have a spear. Swords were actually pretty damn rare, and most other weapons were seen as exotic at best and largely useless at worst.
Ever seen those giant horsechopping swords? Those really existed... and museums worldwide have recovered maybe twenty.
> this peasant group of people out to lay their lives down and thin out the numbers then have the “”real players”” get off their asses and ride a horse with a spear through a horde of niggas for a couple minutes and steal all the glory. That’s just not right.
Sounds like kill farming by tankfags and flyingfaggots from any of the battlefield games desu.
I wouldn't say "immune". Sure, you're wearing a cuirass but it'll still hurt like hell if somebody slams you in the chest with a hefty sword
all he said was that horses are pussies and would run away from pointy objects like spears. no facts, just """logic"""
No, you're right. My bad. After clearing out the local bandit camp, you could totally haul fifteen thousand pounds of iron armor, weapons, magical staffs, and soul gems back to the local hottie blacksmith and exchange it for gold pieces that mysteriously have zero weight.
Only in pirates games.
In reality the battles with heavy plate were most likely some sort of autistic wrestling. remember most medieval history is written by jewish monks
i'll just make sure someone else is in front of me and then kick your shit in while you have to deal with reloading
Someone sat on him.
>throws pot of greek fire in the middle of the formation
nothing personnel
You'd better hope that guy in front of you is wearing something thick, because a crossbow bolt can absolutely go through him and still hit you.
don't worry
i'm behind twenty knights
wasn't there a battle in the american civil war where 2 iron sides fought each other and ran out of ammo cause they could not damage one another, and the battle only ended as they lost each other in the fog and gun powder smoke so they just left in the end?
>posting unironic anticapitalist propaganda
What if you roll snake eyes on fate and that bolt ricochets between all twenty knight's breastplates and hits you in the rear?
>Still no source
Truth of the matter is that in the later medieval periods, plate armour was a common sight in battles, even if it wasn't full plate.
Unfortunately, you took too much (((Historian))) semen and cant differentiate fiction from reality
By "immune" I meant more like "not instantly rupturing 3 internal organs and dying of internal bleeding". Bruises are a much more preferable outcome.
i guess i'd be an eternally, anally-devastated furry with a wooden tail then until i bleed out and die
fate would be more likely just have a group of knights ragdoll onto and crush me
>ahistorically-low draw weight
>untempered iron field points
You realize these manuals are for dueling, right moron ? It's easier to carry a sword with you than a massive poleaxe just like it's easier to EDC a Glock rather than an AR15 unless you're a Texas neckbeard
>Also yes, knight v peasant was a cat v mouse tier mismatch.
>Jesus Christ guys, the 15th century wasn't like Skyrim.
Where, though? Location matters a lot.
>Do you think an army had dudes walking in formation with warhammers and greataxes? Most soldiers had axes, because those were found everywhere. If you came from a wealthier family, you might have a spear. Swords were actually pretty damn rare, and most other weapons were seen as exotic at best and largely useless at worst.
In France in the 15th century they adopted a system based on the Burgundian one. The basis of the the army was a four man team called a "lance." Made up of a fully armoured man-at-arms with a lance, a lighter lancer and preferably two mounted crossbowmen. The 15th century was dominated by professional soldiers with good gear. Swords became much more common then.
>this weapon can be used in the /Mordhau/ grip
*ruins warfare forever*
nothing personnel kid
My life is anticapitalist propoganda.
Use the other side idiot.
They were still kind of a pain in the ass to load. Had to use a crank and everything.
Swordfags BTFO
Mace/Lance Bros won once again
what's wrong with being a farmer
The sword was almost universally a sidearm in pretty much every culture that had a heavily armored knightly class. Thrusting weapons like spears and lances and halberds were the weapon of choice. A western knight would rarely, if ever, fight on foot; he'd be on a destrier and armed with a lance whilst charging over and over and over again during a battle to try and break the enemy line. The whole point of being a knight was that you could afford to provide your own equipment so they'd go in to battle with a bunch of squires and half a dozen extra horses so they could just keep charging until they won.
That's specifically a flanged mace. Show something like a shishpar. Those things were four pounds of murder.
The knight on the left looks like he's doing that DMC5 meme
yeah, all crossbows had their quirks, if you could load the string by hand it was pretty weak, if you had to use a lever it was dangerous as if the lever slipped whilst loading you would probably get pretty badly hurt, like using a bow without a vambrace, and if it had to use a crank, you better have a squire reloading your shots or else you will be firing less than twice per minute
>you'll never be a malta knight
>you'll never repel one of the biggest ottoman invasions by just sitting in your fortress
>you'll never witness the massacre of Gran Soccorso when the italian reinforcements arrive
Literally the battle in the picture, Hampton Roads.
Hey kid
though it kinda reminds me of the ww2 PIAT, look it up it operates almost like a modern interpretation of a crossbow, except you had to lie down to reload it
The post is anticapitalist as fuck and made by a known anticapitalist. Stop reposting it.
or a good stab with a sword, or a good poke with a halberd, or a lance to the face
They can't be that hungry if there's that many stray dogs around.
They tried to make the pope outlaw crossbows for that very reason, user. Rubes with an afternoon of training were murdering nobles who studied the blade since childhood, left and right.
>armour thread
>not one single zoomer saying that plate slows you down and makes you sluggish
Actually impressive
>Normans weren't French
but that's true
the Normandy got it's name because the norsemen landed there
Education is the key
>Did you know that Knights needed cranes to be lifted onto their horse
The difference being that the PIAT used the energy of firing to cock the weapon automatically so you only ever had to do it once in combat.
Run away. Nigga aint gonna catch me in that.
How do you aim that shit? The projectile travels in an arc you'd probably have to math that shit up, which is beyond the abilities of most amerigolems.
>wear armor
>get kicked off a fucking bridge
That's as retarded as saying that the Irish are Norse because Norsemen founded Dublin. Guillame le Bâtard, the first and only relevant Norman, was 98.5% French by blood.
>robotic coffeeshop next to homeless
ah yes, it's not the other way around, obviously
By getting as close to the target as physically possible. Robert Cain blew up so many tanks at such close range that he ruptured both of his ear drums and ended up just stuffing shredded bandages in to his ears before continuing to blow up more tanks.
> The Churchill
> anything else instead pure garbage
that is a good bait m8
>tells you to march your ass over an obvious IED just to see what happens and you disobey, it's fucking treason
Wing it, I suppose. Like playing with grenade launchers in shooters.
For Honor was such a shitshow
Good luck, I'm behind 6000 skeletons
Swordfighting is more exciting.
i fucking love the goedendag
>1250 to 1400
>lived in france
>exclusively spoke french
>had french parents
>french parents had french grandparents
>french grandparents had french great grandparents
>french great grandparents had french great great grandparents
>this continues for several centuries of people having kids in their teens and then dying before they hit fifty
100% pure blooded viking berserkers.
the video is cool and all, buit he's just a pretentious faglord
Sorry wageslave, feudalism > capitalism.
oh shit i'm a retard
i thought he meant "normans" like "norsemen"
Most people ive met who are super into historical long swording seem to be like that. I guess its the autism
sounds pretty based if im honest
Wasn't there a scene in FFXII where one of the judges just puts a sword through one of the spaces in the armor to kill the female judge? Or did i just dream that up? OR was that a scene from FMA with Alphonse and Pride?
A katana would be superior in the hands of a master ninja attacker (from great fuedal Japanese culture)
You get put in charge of making a medieval-themed RPG. How do you go balancing different weapon and armor types?
I really doubt that bow is 220+ lbs
>>berserkers weren't real
were they tho?
there's not a lot of information and the few pieces we have got written a few centuries later IIRC
but fuck those legends are cool. Motherfuckers eating red coals like menthos
>220+ lbs
warbows ranged from 120-190 or so pound draw weight, maybe 200 happened but to casually say '220+' like that would be standard is a bit silly.
Peasants may have been able to scrap really well, but knights were trained from very young ages in various martial arts, and they got damn good at it because it's what they did to prove themselves both in battle and tournaments. I don't figure many cases would involve a peasant beating a knight, though I'm sure it could happen given the proper kind of peasant with the proper kind of gear.
I'd rather get shot in the face then having to watch an ocean of armored dudes charge in my direction yelling at the top of their lungs.
PvP or PvE?
I'd give every piece of armor an Def stat which basically just is a modifier for different types of damage, a Weight stat for movement speed and more importantly for stamina and a Sound stat for stealth archers.
Mordhau with a few tweaks to be honest, it's not a bad system
hire a bunch of physicists to accurately model everything then make it just turn based with dice rolls
>hitting a vulnerable spot or joint pretty much renders knight immobile, rippint tendons and tearing muscle
Don't shoot the plate directly, you retard.
The same way they were balanced in real life, by heavily restricting character classes. A team of 32 people would be:
>2x Knight (Mounted w/ Lance, Longsword, Plate)
>2x Dismounted Knight (Bec de Corbin, Longsword, Plate)
>4x Serjeant (Halberd, Arming Sword, Mail)
>6x Man At Arms (Hand Axe, Mace, Gambeson)
>8x Yeoman (Longbow, Dagger, Jerkin)
>10x Militia (Bill, Dagger, Jerkin)
Knights are kings of the battlefield, Serjeants are defensive, Men At Arms are offensive powerhouses, Yeomen/Militia are bodies designed to pile on to objectives whilst still being armed with a weapon that can counter heavy armor when used skillfully.
It was a lot of knocking your opponent down/out and armpit stabbing
A peasant with a sledgehammer could still injure/kill you with one bonk to the head
Retard, of course it broke your nose when it swiveled - the blow would have been supported by your shoulders and not your damn face if you were wearing the whole suit
Good stuff, user.
But I was wearing the whole suit nerd, the impact of fist pushed down pretty fucking hard onto my snozz
>wear armor
>enemy can't damage armor
>enemy can still damage you
my fist wont be able to cut your shirt but my punches will still hurt bro
This sounds familiar.
Why would they use a modern construction implement over a historical implement like a maul, warhammer, or a rondel dagger designed for this precise purpose? Musta been weird having all those time traveling peasants showing up at the home depot.
Then the suit wasn't fitted. We are talking about full plate, yes?
I will make witch units on flying broomsticks and fire bomb everything. Aviation>else
No it wasnt, and at the time I was wearing a gorget, sallet, breastplate (without a backplate), mail shirt, gambeson & 3 lame spaulders
russians are so autistic i love them
just stab that baka gaijin in the heart through the armpit like every samurai is trained to do
But what we think of as white people originated as germanic tribes.
Chainmail and thick skin exist for that.
gaunt ladies are a true patricians taste
>centuries of people having kids in their teens and then dying before they hit fifty
Nice meme.
>the romans won several battles against hellenic phalanxes by simply luring them on terrain that wasnt perfectly flat
>if they could not lure them they would just fucking push them, blocking most pykes with the scutums while the few of thems that slipped between the cracks would massacre the greeklets with their gladius
rome was the chad of the ancient world, glad im american and descend from them.
Witches are the best.
based, and I daresay, rothpilled.
>look, if I use a weapon incorrectly it doesn't work very well!
What's next, using a blunt weapon as a stabbing weapon?
I know this is a meme but holy fuck does being a peasant sound pretty nice.
>you and your bros tackle some nerd and open his visor
>stab him in the face mulitple times
>he keeps struggling and you cant penetrate his face much
>after the 8 stab he slows down, making it easier for you
>mfw will never kill kniggers with daggers
Fucking nerf the daggers...
Well since "white people" is a completely arbitrary concept I guess anything goes.
Knights were often nobles sent to the safest front line assaults where they had strategic and number advantage. They did not duel each other on the battlefield as a knight from the otherside would not be sent to such a disadvantaged fight in the first place. Knights only fought other fully armored men in duels outside the battlefield where pokes to the joints or crannies is still effective, or blunt damage.
The only time in history knights actually fought equal enemies in bloody battle was the crusade vs Islam. Imagine a company of pic related. They're not going to shit themselves just because you have full plate on.
Hip quivers > back quivers
depended on where you lived
in medieval italy your average paesant had feudal nobles, republican burgeoise and the church fighting for his attention so they had a pretty good time compared to french serfs and the like
>Stab a knight in the left elbow
>he just stabs you in the face
>mounted crossbowmen
Was this ever a thing? I didn't know. I thought reloading a crossbow on horseback would be too awkward.
>being literally in constant demand
>get to do fuck all during winter
>have average but fertile peasant wife
>dnd ruleset
>stack AC like a madman
>stand still as enemies are unable to physically touch you
this was fun in nwn
usually if a knight was in stabbing distance it meant he was dehorsed and pinned down to the ground, in other words: fucked
Another way of dealing with them was to knock them down with sheer concussion and then keep hitting him heavy pointy pole arms as he lays on the ground trying to not bleed his brains out.
Way better than your English.
You are supposed to wrestle him into submission first.
War is hell.
crossbows are just as shit vs plate as bows
Nice thread jocks!
>people acting as if an ordinary medieval crossbow had any chance against full plate
You'd need a proper siege crossbow to have any chance of penetrating it, something more suited to a defender's role. And even then you'd have to be right in front of the guy and hope he's not covering himself with a heater shield.
Yknow? Those thick fucking shields designed for knights in plate for protection against the sort of weapons that might pose a danger to them despite their armour?
>throws flaming tar on you
Think of them as early pattern dragoons. The horse was for battlefield mobility and carrying provisions, they'd dismount to actually fight.
>usually if a knight was in stabbing distance it meant he was dehorsed and pinned down to the ground, in other words: fucked
Medieval knights hopped up and down off their horses in combat all the time. It's one of the reasons heater shields were preferred to kite shields: it was easier to mount while holding one.
>the romans won several battles against hellenic phalanxes by simply luring them on terrain that wasnt perfectly flat
They knew to do that because it's exactly why they lost against the Samnites in that exact fashion back when they just used the phalanx themselves.
lye and hot sand actually, much more gruesome
Facesitting gone wrong.
>heavy armoured character
>buffed up HP pool, higher that anyone else
>nimble, dexterous character
>HP is a bit lower, but has 50-60% damage reduction
just roll around until you get a chance to backstab
Elbow is pretty well protected here, the crux of the arm isn't though and is actually quite a vulnerable and vital a location, you hit that artery and they're dead in less than five minutes.
It also divests the wielder of their lance. It's why swords and hammers were the preferred weapon on horseback after an initial charge. Because if you're using something similar to a spear, the momentum of your horse will leave it impaled in the first guy you strike.
>Not following the protip
>big heavy sledgehammer
Assuming they don't just slice open your belly while you're reaching back for a swing. People totally underestimate how quick swords can actually be wielded.
To sum it up, a knight will fuck you up 1v1 or maybe 1v2 but even if you're a peasant if you gang up on one it's gg for the knight.
>nimble, dexterous character
>HP is a bit lower, but has 50-60% damage reduction
Which games does it? It's usually high evasion or armor class.
roman soldiers were disciplined as fuck and won lots of battles by never backing off and breaking the enemy
That's why you'd have a squire to reload on lances if there's more armored fucks in the opposing army.
Is there more awesome looking weapon than a swordstaff?
I honestly dont remember. It was a high armour class, yes, but he was making a strong expression of a dex character
You cant be jobless in America.
Have you even been ejected from a hose and fallen ass over tea kettle to the rocky ground below? Even in armor it's quite unpleasant and disorientating an experience, now imagine immediately after that transpired you have a half dozen peasants with sharp pointy implements crawling over you trying to find any openings they can while you're still trying to make sense of what the fuck just happened.
>edieval knights hopped up and down off their horses in combat all the time
yes, but usually being stabbed meant that some guy had them pinned down or had a bunch of dudes ganging up on them
Peasants didn't go to battlefields you noobs. Men at arms did and they were all professional soldiers.
The types of fights a peasant would get in would be bar fights and football hooliganism.
It's not a case of being ejected, it's a case of knights often deliberately dismounting in combat.
spoiler everyone was a peasant
>those shoulderpads
what the fuck
Knight riding a horse was literary a fucking tank, you had no chance.
Conscription was a thing in emergencies. Also in many regions the milita defending a city consisted of every single man living there, which meant that there'd be laws for everyone to maintain weapons.
I heard every bong at least knew archery because they had lessons for it every sunday after church
Wars aren't fought with hand guns, hunting rifles, and shotguns, yet they're the most used weapons in day to day life. That's what swords are, not to mention back then they had duels for honor and shit, and even trials by combat, where the Sword was your weapon of choice. So you end up using swords more than your actual primary weapon, because you're not living on a battlefield.
How efficient was The Chair
>plants spear bottom in ground and points forward
Oh you misunderstand what he said, he said dehorsed or really it should have unhorsed, that means he was removed from his horse and didn't dismount purposefully.
Being unhorsed is not a pleasant experience or something you can readily come back from without a moment to get your wits together you'd likely have the wind knocked out of you at the very least and maybe a couple broken bones and shock might have set in as well. Not fun.
I was mostly pointing out that a knight being in stabbing distance did not necessarily mean he had been unhorsed. That's all.
>sends armored dudes with swords and axes to the flanks of your formation to distract you
>wheels around behind you
>charges your rear while you're occupied
Horrifyingly efficent if you follow up an attack with a Power Bomb.
underage b&
He did qualify it already he started by saying "usually".
Berserkers were real and still exist.
Only if you apply the cathocluch right after.
all that metal just makes them weak to magic
Very powerful weapon for the devout. Skillful wielders of the chair would regular perform feats such as BAH GAWD HE DAMN NEAR BROKE HIM IN HALF.
>Charging horse into lancer formations
Literally running into a meat grinder. That's how Longshanks for his shit handed to him by the Scots
You're saying berserkers were weaponized retards?
>not the catholock
They were the weaponized autism of the medieval era.
>heavy implications its going to stop a 900kg belgian draft horse + the dude on top
Jokes on you I'm a fighter/mage
18/100 big dick pussyslayer from level 1-8
18 int galaxy brain demi-god from 9-∞
That's why you use a warhammer nigga.
>learn even the most basic casual stuff about medieval arms and armours.
>go back to watch some old movie I like with knights and shit in it
>people just slashing at full plate and slicing it open like tin foil everywhere
Jesus Christ i think i´ve been deceived all my life about medieval times.
Wtf is Boyar?
You just learn to go fuck it and enjoy it for what it's worth at some point.
>be knight
>five peasants advancing on me
>they start throwing rocks
>fuck I cant even hear anymore
>they overwhelm me and push me into the mud
>hold me down and clog my helmet and joints
>die in shit
Was it kino
>man of olde
>lives in a two room hovel with his wife and 10 children
>field is a short walk away from home
>spends half of the year doing nothing but relaxing
>works the hours he wants
>can absolutely skin any brigand who tries to fuck with him and milord won't mess with him
>will grab his sharpened stick and follow milord into battle to defend his lands against invaders
>knows that eternal salvation awaits him
>thus of nouwe
>lives in a one room bugman box
>about 50 days off a year max
>gets fined if he defends himself against someone who tries to mug him
>gets jailed for even thinking that foreigners settling in his land are invaders
>knows that nothing awaits him after life except feeding worms (until his ACTUAL GRAVE RENT stops getting paid, at which point they just unearth him and throw him in a landfill somewhere)
Did jews make us think that we used to have it bad?