The hell happened?
Wasn't this a surefire WoWkiller at one point?
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retard devs, same as every other failed mmo
Shitty character design
they made that one chick have smaller tits and I stopped caring
>subscription fee
the game was fucked before it even came out apparently that being said i enjoyed it for what it was
Apparently the attunement system was a hot mess on launch, and in a game that sold itself on hardcore endgame content, that's an issue.
They made the mistake of making it an MMO instead of a single player RPG.
The market is more than overcrowded. When will the developers learn that you can buy several games a month but not play all them at the same time
I hope NCSoft is not stupid enough to let this IP rot. They still can make singleplayer games/mobile games or manga that are set in this universe
Very simple :
They add too many servers at launch and one month later everybody leave the game
Attunement system was shit
PVP was DOA and people abuse the arena system for free stuff
Shit optimisation
The "hardcore" community don't give a fuck about a empty theme park game
>monthly sub
>2 factions
Yes, I'm sure this is exactly what everyone wants
the atunement was a mess parts of it just plain out would work right like a boss you needed to fight for one of the early parts would often reset mid fight multiple times,and the other parts required a more than competent group to finish like getting gold on all the hard mode dungeons where a single mistake would make you waste 30 minutes
People blame attunement but the core gameplay was the problem. Looking at the floor all the time is not fucking fun. Neither is spamming the same 5-6 skills. If playing it was fun, attunements would not be an issue.
Didn't it also have massive performance issues at launch
yes and still did pretty much the entire life of the game.if the devs fixed something they broke 5 other things in the process
People thought they wanted it, but they didn't.
They kept pandering to people who didn't actually play the game and upsetting those that did causing them to leave.
Didn't the attunement process also potentially glitch out irrecoverably, forcing to make a new char while the devs merely shrugged at it?
When the most unique thing you have to your game is double jump and a colored light show on the fucking ground 24/7, you have a problem. Plenty of other MMOs that came out as the "WoWKiller" had their own respectable niches but Wildstar was just a bunch of borrowed ideas smashed together right down to its art style ripping off a much better PS2 game series.
maybe i can't remember that far back when i used to play
The servers got DDoSd for a month and a half straight making the game unplayable for the west coast. This fell down the memory hole for some reason.
Coincidentally the attacks stopped once everyone went back to WoW.
It tried to copy vanilla WoW, but it didn't understand the "world" part of World of Warcraft. It didn't feel like a real place, it just felt like you were being put on a conveyor belt through a series of XP and loot dispensaries.
For example, take attunements. Obviously, you gotta have attunements; I mean, glory-days WoW had 'em, so Wildstar has to have 'em too. But each of WoW's attunements tied into the story and lore of the raid and the game as a whole. Sure, the upshot of that tying-in was that you had to do a series of challenges that required a semi-decent group, but each one felt like you were actually *doing* something in the world, whether it was attuning your soul to a volcano so you could teleport inside or crafting a special dragonscale cloak that stopped a boss's fire breath from pulping you. But Wildstar only saw the gameplay side of things - "you want in the raid? That means attunement, and attunement means challenges, so I dunno, why not go speedrun all the dungeons and kill some world bosses or whatever, seeya". Even though Wildstar's basic gameplay was good, that alone isn't enough to establish an MMO world people care about.
Everything I didn't like about Wildstar ties back somehow into the world just not feeling real. Dungeons were all a race against an arbitrary timer rather than a cooperative fight against evil bosses. Zones were poorly connected and relied on instant one-click teleportation. Questing was both excessively linear while also not having very strong stories for 90% of the quests. Over-reliance on UI elements over in-universe challenges, explanations, etc. in general. And all that compounded by the excessively tongue-in-cheek look-at-how-ironic-and-self-aware-we're-being tone that can work in some games, but with all of those other issues just made the world feel even MORE fake and unreal and incoherent.
Guild Wars 2 is next, mark my words.
>Lots of key employees fired this year by NCSoft for trying to develop 2 mobile games behind their playerbase's backs
>Originally though GW2 wasn't going to make it after living world season 4 and made the final content drop's story end in a way that concluded the entire GW2 story as a whole
>WvW in shambles, no strive for a community presence in PvP after firing the guy who put together events for PvP, PvE content is still stuck in 2015 and getting easier and shorter
>Company is seen as an SJW cuck company by many, hated by the SJW crowd after firing a narrative story writer that tried to play the gender card against the fans of the game, and is losing Youtube content creators left and right
>Beaten by literal who gaming streams on Twitch
>Endgame consists of running boring raids with no soul, fractals gated behind meaningless currency gates that will net serious groups 20-30 minutes of gameplay for all dailies and then no reason to run them again until the next day, and abandoned dungeons full of glitches
>Said dungeons have old code that the developers are too scared to touch
>Balance is dog shit
>MMO with an actual ending gameplay wise and as it currently stands, living world season 5 is just there because that's their job, no soul or care
People are waking up and joining FFXIV en masse. Wait a while and you will see GW2 pulling WS numbers. It's already pulling in less revenue when compared to NCSoft's older MMOs and GW2 is 7 fucking years old. GW2 is the unemployed 40 year old loser of the MMO industry.
I just hated the art style. I was sold on Wildstar on the premise of a "hardcore PvE MMO" and the goofy, cartoonish, Banjo-Kazooie-ass graphics didn't mesh with that vision at all. I also remember the character building system to be extremely confusing and unintuitive, and an in-game shop detracting even further from immersion.
Also this.
Really? Much of XIV is running out of ground aoes. A lot of it's structure is borrowed from wow too yet it's doing fine
Utter developer incompetence. Anyone who thought this game ever had the potential to do anything but flop and crumble was taken in by shallow marketing and fooled by the initial trailer with their shitty redhead waifu.
It was literally aimed at the Vanilla WoW crowd.
sad thing is the leveling experience is quite fun
It was like wow + borderlands
Just because they aimed at the vanilla wow fans doesn't mean they hit their mark.
Protip: Attunements weren't the thing people liked about vanilla wow. In fact they were probably one of the few agreed upon low points.
as a fan of Guild Wars 1 I tried to give Guild Wars 2 a try. The events (which is just killing enemies) bored me really quickly
why did NCSoft try to push for a subscription fee?
For some reason, NCSoft always fails with their Science Fiction games: Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, Master x Master and now Wild Star
but everyone was supportive before it came out, they wanted the "hardcore mmo experience" to come back
obviously people forget how soul sucking months of grinding just to get to play can be
i tried to play Wild Star but i decided to continue Star Wars TOR instead even though Wild Star has some unique gameplay mechanics over Star Wars TOR but Star Wars TOR has a better story
the housing feature was good though
The housing was the best feature of W*.
IDK but I do remember glitching out the attunement boss to spam insta-kill everyone in the area attack pretty much the majority of my time in the game. Attunement was the last of the games problems though.
housing feature was a virtual dollhouse but oh wait we added buffs and portals to make them slightly game related
only erpers gave a shit about housing
>Playing a virtual dressup game and not wanting a virtual dollhouse to go with your virtual doll
They way overdid it. Like by a ludicrous exponential factor. Even the longest attunements in wow took maybe a few hours if you knew what you had to do, and depending on if you could get the parties for the dungeons together.
Story of my fucking life.
What's a better housing feature, then? Of course ERPers cared the most about it, why else would housing be important in an MMO? It's meant to be a virtual dollhouse for your shit.
>The market is more than overcrowded.
You need to keep in mind how game development works. Something that seemed like a good idea 4+ years ago when the project go started could be entirely obsolete by the time it comes out. Everyone saw WoW was shitting money and wanted in on that. Some, like NCsoft in this case, just shit out MMO after MMO to keep a steady income.
all of these
isn't it still going?
did they shutdown the servers like pic/related?
Kinda true. I remember WS was forgotten in literally under a week.
I just want a good game that's like wow and has world pvp
Is that too much to fucking ask.
I think the real problem is this release window is getting shorter and shorter each year because fads come and go so fast and EVERYONE jumps to a saturated market to get their cut. MOBAs were that for a while, then Battle Royale. I wonder what's next.
I don't think so because GW2 exists just fine as people's side MMORPG.
just play classic retard
absolutely agree. It'sa general a problem of the gaming industry that they try to clone successful games ( Milierty shooters, Hero shooter, Battle Royal( but with MMOs the risk is far higher because you have cost all the time for servers and service
no the MMO is offline
More than being too long, it just felt too arbitrary. You didn't feel like you were actually doing anything except hitting up waypoints and going down a series of checklists. The challenges were basically equivalent in gameplay terms, but there was nothing behind them. Spotting the distinction is the sort of thing you could use in place of the turtle question to identify a replicant.
Legacy TSW basically is a single-player RPG these days anyway, and I hear the stupid fucking reboot is swiftly headed down that path as well.
I've been playing a new character through and it's basically just as playable as it's always been minus the dungeons being undoable. Just noticed this cute Walking Dead reference in Kaidan for the first time.
if Cyberpunk 2077 is a success everyone will jump on that bandwagon (at least setting. They will not bother to create a great singleplayer experience)
The anthro furry characters completely put me off this game, because I knew exactly the type of community it would attract.
The theme of the game in general was also too clean and "safe" for me, needed some grit/edge especially if they claim that they were after the Vanilla audience, demo would have been 25-40 at the time this game released, doubt people that age would play a game that looks like a Pixar children's cartoon.
There was also all that degenerate piss fetish nonsense that was spammed on Yea Forums at the time, it was a clear sign of a shit game when the only thing people talk about is unrelated hyper sexualised stuff, see Overwatch for a more modern example of this.
I hope it becomes just a side MMO for everyone playing. Side MMOs get dropped user.
Reminds me of Aion, conceptualized it sounded great and almost impossible to believe such thing could happen, in reality eh, but despite its shortcomings i think it was okay and i still consumed one and a half year on it before it went f2p.
>Is that too much to fucking ask.
Apparently yes because nobody has managed to do it successfully since wow. People always used to cite things as being "wow killers" but not a single one of them came close, and they all died to their own incompetence.
Now WoW is just dying on its own, and people STILL can't fill the gap.
XIV is as close as it gets but there's basically no pvp and it's more or less modern era WoW except without the horrendously fucked story.
Aion got incredibly bad rep at first because it launched in a grind-tastic taste and that's how many remember it. What they tend to forget is NCsoft really lessened the grind overall half a year later for the western version.
What's an atunment?
No, they killed all my hype with their refusal to accept that people weren't going to quit just because of overcrowding in the first few days.
Actually let me amend that
World pvp and good battlegrounds modes, a robust mmo should have both.
Every dipshit developer say their MMO was the WoW killer.
Mostly this.
FFXIV is thriving because of the based Aryan character designs.
>The anthro furry characters completely put me off this game, because I knew exactly the type of community it would attract.
Furry anthro shit of all degrees will attract retards who identify as a blue fox tranny irl, look at FFXIV. Doesn't mean your game should lack races that aren't just humans with ears glued on.
Yeah, and it was still atrocious to grind, but my personal distaste for the early version was the imbalance.
t. angry asmodian with lesser gear
I unironically liked this and really enjoyed playing it. The main problems were a) the levelling was pretty linear so it was basically the same experience each time and b) the end game was pretty lackluster, it was super difficult and there was no lead in, you couldn't fuck up in an encounter or that was it. It also had a shit ton of bots in pvp and not alot of other stuff to do in the end game. The visuals were absolutely top tier though, it had a great world.
>want to play wow
>doesnt play wow
why are wowfags so stupid
FFXIV suffers from sameface cat girl syndrome. The only race that doesn't look like a copy paste is the Hrothgar and they are copy paste garbage by themselves with less meaningful customization who are genderlocked as males.
Autochess except they are essy to make
The whole concept of being a wowkiller is so stupid though.
The reason WoW was successful was due to several factors but good game play was never one of them. A lot of things changed since then and you couldn't recreate a similar situation.
Simply making another bland low quality mmo that appeals to the lowest common denominator just isn't going to cut it. Rather than fight over that same audience developers should have focused on being the antithesis of WoW and appeal to the niches that were displaced.
All these complicated answers. No, the problem was you started out in these beautiful areas and were promised a home you could customize, then you finally get to the main city and it's in ruins, and your home is a weird lonely rectangle in space. Unforgivably depressing and boring.
>the premise of a "hardcore PvE MMO" and the goofy, cartoonish, Banjo-Kazooie-ass graphics
Oxymoron. A classic hardcore MMO has graphics as good as they can get for the time to the exclusion of the mass market.
great job aiming at 2k people and 800k nostalgia babbies
The people championing it. Dear god, I have never met such a defensive, loud, obnoxious, autistic, rabid, delusional and cunty horde of cock sucking fanboys than Shitstar. I'm so glad it died, shame they held it on life support for so long.
not even a wowfag but
>want to play wow
>dont want to support/deal with blizzard retardation
seems like a valid statement WoW was never good
What the fuck was "attunement"?
From what I remember reading, the whole "hardcore classic WoW audience" thing was a whim one of the studio heads forced on the game less than a year before launch.
Also, the team for the 40v40 PvP Warplots were complete flakes that fucked around watching Youtube so the whole feature was thrown together by art department people learning to code.
Personally, I think the biggest problem the game had was how disconnected the zones were. You weren't exploring a world. You were taking a taxi from one theme park to another.
No. Battlegrounds are pure shit. If you want an arena go play TF2 or Overwatch. Players shouldn't ever be separated from the actual game world.
It had a neat concept, at least. I wish there were more sci-fi MMOs (besides spaceship autism simulator) before the genre up and died.
To tell you the truth I just wish there were more fucking sci-fi RPGs in general.
Too bad the new TSW gameplay is freaking trash.
Oh, and apparently they cut entire finished zones/dungeons because the director decided they didn't match with the game's new story direction.
This will never not make me laugh.
The races were pretty shit tbqph
>evil human
>cat girl
>rock man
>devil guy
>mutant chipmunk
>zombie cyborg thing
The zombie cyborg things were infinitely cooler than every other race in the game, as edgy as they sound.
kinda wish the game didnt end up so shitty.
i liked the player housing stuff (because of ERP stuff i did with people)
didnt really like the art style at first but it eventually grew on me. seeing tiny waist with big titty and ass on a non-anime character was nice.
the first trailer was great. I would watch a tv series of this:
Anything sounds like garbage when you boil it down like that. What's your ideal MMO racial lineup.
Human only.
whatever get my peepee big
lol, you think youre gonna get an answer from that user?
he knows that his ideas are no better and will just be as goofy.
Retarded designers, retarded devs, retarded PR
It was a stupid salad through and through
Wildstar had all the right elements to be a big hit. Its execution was just off by enough that it died on the operating table, so to speak. Its a good cautionary tale that for an MMO to succeed it needs a staggering amount of polish and refinement to compete.
>the world just not feeling real
It was this shit. "Aren't sleazy salesmen hilarious? But we're not really sleazy salesmen, we're just kidding." Never mind the joke was already wearing thin when we encountered it in Fallout.
"WoW but Sci-Fi" appeals to me a lot but they botched the fuck out of it. I wish someone could have made a reasonably successful MMORPG with that premise alone. There's SWTOR but something about that game doesn't sit right with me even though it's apparently not that bad nowadays.
Is this game still going on?
Even with their cancerous SJW story I honestly can't imagine them failing at all with their current setup. From a monetary perspective they just release another gambling skin package for their mounts and boom, people can't help themselves but throw money at them. All the bitching and moning is completely forgotten as soon as they see the shiny.
Don't get me wrong, their writing reeks of creative bancrupcy. But they can generate even more money from more a larger base when they cicle that shortly after a new expansion pack, which they are always working on.
I would come back to that game every now and then, but the grind is just putting me off from it. The constant cicle of something that is released and put behind a time gated grind or whatever is just too retarded.
Wasn't it F2P near the end?
OP's character designs don't look too bad besides the obvious anime pandering catgirl.
>The hell happened?
Shitty engine, which lead to shitty performance for 99% of players.
it was too little too late to save it. shoulda just started with the free model and a subscription premium one with bonuses and shit.
Pre-reqs for raiding.
God I loved this fucking game. I stopped playing because lmao AEGIS grind, and when SWL started with the promise of no AEGIS I was hooked. And then it turned out that they savagely curtailed how much shit you could do in a single day instead opting for a daily incentive system. Fuck that shit. Still, it was nice to play through some of Tokyo without AEGIS bogging it down.
Dev incompetence beyond belief and pandering to a non-existent audience. No casual endgame at launch. Instanced content was too hard for your average wow player, which is a shame because the dungeons and raids were incredible.
>first time in Skullcano
>fucking Octun
>gets reduced to my Medic-ass self and our Gunslinger running in circles while I try to stay in range, end up nearly killing him but dying just before the end
>mfw first time with the beams at the end and two dudes just got incinerated
good times. Shoddy optimization and netcode made for frustrating moments in many a boss, though.
Wildstar was Reddit: The Game. Filled with wacky random xD ‘humor’ and shitty uninspired dodging ‘mechanics’.
It’s dead. Good riddance, I can’t wait for the day WoW dies too.
Shit game all round
It looks like Fortnite bro
yeah, it got pretty bad in pvp since it was just a mess of highlighted areas and your trying to step on the right ones while mashing your skills as well.
Incredible shit technical performance at launch. Seriously, that was the main problem.
>Anime cargirl
>Stone Orc
>American Hillbilly
>Zombie gnome
>Human but with a weird head model
>Horned Orc
>Arrogant Londoner
>Le "wacky cute animal actually savage lmao"
Its pretty bad
I feel like i'm the only one who actually liked the game.
The housing system was 10/10, and you could make really good jumping puzzles. There was so much variety, with the entire game built around you finding housing items while killing monsters, doing dungeons, or questing.
The combat looked shit visually, but it was actually pretty fun. You had to manually aim shots, and dodge enemy attacks, or you would take massive damage. One of the most entertaining combat systems in any MMO, if you could get over the ''red circles''.
I think the game died because people didn't give it a chance, and most people left the game due to the attunement. Many people also complained about the ''cartoony graphics'', despite the fact that the game aimed for a more hardcore playerbase.
it was a goof f2p game
shame it died
If the actual content of the game wasn't mishandled massively and the game didn't run like absolute dogshit for most people it would have probably turned out okay.
The dungeons part was the fucking worst, it was pretty much impossible to find a group for it since doing it was a pain in the ass and there were nearly zero incentives to repeat it. Basically once someone went through the attunement process once, they'd never touch that shit with a ten feet pole ever again.
Some of the zones were pretty cool though, especially the moon.
What about areas designed around wide scale pvp but that are still connected to the main world.
This is a key factor that a lot of people miss. Being able to run well on most systems is a huge factor in the success of games like WoW or FFXIV.
>rock man
Those rock people were legit though. For all its problems, Wildstar knew how to stylize its races. I would play a rock or mechanized character all fucking day.
The biggest loss now that Wildstar is gone is that there's no longer an MMORPG where you can play as a robot person outside of PSO2.
So just like WoW
>The market is more than overcrowded.
I hate this meme so much. I wonder what kind of low-IQ subhuman you have to think to fall for this shit. Yes, the market is "overcrowded" if all you're capable of is copying another game, which is why every MMO after WoW failed. When you create something original you create a new market opening.
Meanwhile WoW gives its loyal playerbase gelatinous shemales.
I know nobody's going to bother to read this, but in my opinion Guild Wars 2 failed in such fundamental ways that the people responsible for designing it shouldn't even have jobs. For example, one of the most important things in WoW was how each zone had a hub that came with its own characters, dangers, etc. Everyone remembers being ganked at the Nesingwary camp in STV, everyone remembers the first time a Booty Bay/Gadgetzan guard FUCKED THEM UP. It gave the zone a real identity and a way to regroup with others and see new players, especially from the enemy faction. Playing in Hillsbrad and seeing Southshore/Tarren Mill from afar and wondering what it would be like to play the other faction was full of mystique. It was just clearly a location IN the world.
What did they do in Guild Wars 2? Basically make a bunch of huge zones with no central hubs and with quests that require interaction with NPCs because you're already doing them just from being nearby. The times when you have a town is very rare, you're usually just going from one quest to another and that's that. Same goes for capitals. Even though they're huge, there's no reason to go through them and I bet most people are just annoyed by the size and convoluted design.
Also, they need to stop with Soule. He's not putting his heart into the OSTs for Guild Wars at all, Guild Wars 2 literally sounded like it had just one track on repeat. It was fucking terrible.
If you count muds I remember hellmoo had them back in the day, you had to message admins to be one since it was a new feature but that is probably not a requirement anymore
Not sure if infernomoo or the recent (and still pretty much dead) pissdrinker forks have them
>The hell happened?
They removed Air Dash.
>40 man raids when the only reason this "worked" in vanilla was 20 good players could carry 20 mouthbreathers
>extremely autistic attunement chains
>awful artstyle
>marketed as hardcore which literally never works because casuals always make the bulk of every single game
>fucked up servers that left people with nobody to play with not once, not twice, but THREE FUCKING TIMES
I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.
DDO has Warforged
Never recovered from boobgate.
My playstyle / rotation as a level 5 Warrior was exactly the same at max level. Absolutely nothing changed. It was incredibly boring.
I miss her
>and has world pvp
>Is that too much to fucking ask
Yes, because actual world PvP is pretty much always 10 max-level dudes spawn camping some questing kid.
The only people who think this would be good are extrem-hardcore PvPer, and the MMO such people create tend to be actually extrem-hardcore shit with perma-death and stuff, not WoW-like.
Dev who want to play it safe and classic quickly rule out world PvP.
Name a mmo with better races then?
Many people forget the actual core reason this game failed.
All player skills are manually targeted, even heals and buffs while the ai hitscans you. Making the whole thing a cluster fuck of red/green squares
In WoW to unlock some dungeon/raids/whatever you had get attuned.
99% of the time it mean doing a questline that justify how the fuck you and your group can even reach the interior of the evil fortress / secret lab / enemy back line / etc.
Also grinding your reputation with group X or Y because they are the one leading the assault / having the resources necessary to launch the attack.
Also beating boss Z because it's the lieutenant of the big baddy who know the access code.
Also gathering magic bullshit A and magic bullshit B to craft the seal of C that will prevent the big baddy from one-shotting you with it's famous "absolute cosmic power".
Overall, stuff that made sense and was kinda enjoyable to do the first time (it did sucked if you had a lot of alts, or if you needed attunement on early-expansion content).
It was a matter of a few hours and generally there was nothing that couldn't be done by a random group of "averagely retarded" players.
>we want the hard core audience
>level up in wildstar
This shit got old after lv2.
Can't agree with this.
The cyborg character I made looked fucking badass and the other races didn't look that bad either.
Hope they'll relaunch it someday with a different team behind it.
Manually aimed skills including buffs and heals was one of WS's best features and greatly improved the PvP. AI does have moderate hitscan to enforce tanking and RPG elements but the bulk of the damage is avoidable. Telegraphs were the best method of conveying information in group PvP out of any large scale MMO game so far, letting you see at a glance what the entire opposing group is doing and whose direction they're doing it in. Tab target games make all of that information impossible to track on a large scale and are played in the UI.
Its still depressing how little porn we got of the robo-girl.
I enjoyed the movement. MMO movement is typically the most uninspired low effort pointer movement. Wildstar movement was excellent.
i miss my hoverboards
They listened to the vocal minority who think MMOs are about hardcore raiding and hardcore raiding only
a) ugly
b) boring and extremely derivative
c) launch was unbelievably bad even by MMO standards, most people couldn't even get the game to launch
Despite all of its issues the main problem was that the game didn’t work during its launch and F2P launch. Their servers were DDoS’ed to death so people would give up trying to play it. It didn’t help that it started as a subscription-based game, which is an unpopular and arguably outdated model for MMOs these days.
I really, REALLY miss the golden age of the MMO genre. Back when we had a bunch of games to look forward to and play.
It's sad how all of the online game activity now adays is on lootbox battleground and MOBA cancer.
they're nips you retarded /pol/fag
areas too small. horrible and unneeded "story mode". pvp was fun but you got the best gear in 2 weeks and there wasn't any drive to go further. craft was kinda funny BUT required way too much tries to level up to decent stuff.
No real sensation of "settling up" the new world everything was packed with buildings and tech and people too
If it's anything ugly isn't part of it.
Try harder.
t. Unemployed wildstar developer
>most people left the game due attunement
Delusional. Most people left the game because it ran like shit and looked unappealing.
Private server when?
Until it's playable in any functional way? probably a few years.
Any kind of private server really. I really enjoyed Wildstar and playing it in a fresh server would be fun.
That's what I mean. There is a emulator project that has been started but it will be years before it's playable, and that's assuming they can keep the interest alive.
They've made a mistake of catering to "muh hardcore" raiding scene.
Turns out 100 easily bored mouthbreathers can't sustain a whole mmo and casuals had nothing to do in game. They tried making it into ERP sim, but it was too late at that point.
Because the game was pure, distilled cancer. The overly, exaggerated cartoony art style, the shity performance of server and game, the bugs, the BROOOOOOOOOO ULTRA BADASS SUPER MEGA HYPE COOL DUDE WOOOOOOOOOO bullshit cancer, the boring and slow and sluggish level grind, the arrogant devs, the cock sucking fanboys, it was a perfect storm of cancer. I'm glad it is dead.
My friend ended up working on this after he graduated from full sail. He then used that cred to get on wow dev team. Pretty funny actually
No wonder WoW has turned to shit.
Now that it's no longer live I regret I never got around to try it out.
Issues in probable order:
>Launch with sub model at a time when no MMO could sustain a sub model other than WoW
>Visual design polarising for people who casually glance at the game. On quick inspection may look like a kids game or casual MMO
>Poor launch as a result of sub model meant player numbers didn't reach critical mass to sustain themselves, game was then left for too long with sparse servers before attempting to go F2P
>Significantly more difficult content even while levelling turned away the base level of spergs
>End game and group content targeted directly at very organised full autist raiding guilds who also have a static 40 man premade group at a time when no game that guilds could migrate from supported 40 man groups
>Long time before group or endgame content suitable for regular joes became available
>Telegraphs polarising for people who didn't understand their purpose, potential players see only telegraphs when viewing gameplay footage
>Meme hatred of game from people looking for anything they can shit on due to MMO autist wars and people salty because they couldn't afford a sub
Everyone in this thread has their own reasons for why Wildstar failed, but all of them were actually true.
For Science was the most retarded largest group of retards outside of ReaetEra
It's funny, if they had hold a bit more instead of closing the game could be growing right now.
Just look at eso and ff14, games that were barely holding themselves are now competing, if not bigger, than WoW due to the absolute shit state the genre is in.
Rip Mechari.
Only got like what, 3 animations of her? Shame.
Speaking off, anyone have this old gif/webm of Mechari chick walking around naked with a camera focused on her butt?
Botched launch.
Botch re-launch.
Botched re-re-relaunch.