More hours of Game play than The New Colossus

>More hours of Game play than The New Colossus.
>Cut scenes are skippable and short being 30 minutes total of cut scenes in a 10-11 hour campaign.
>Micro-transactions do not interfere with gameplay and are strictly only used for purchasing new cosmetics which is optional.
>More customization options available for weapons mixing and matching for different play styles.
>Level design rewards exploration.
>Leveling up is a cakewalk.
>Loads of side missions to complete and interesting areas to explore.
>Great soundtrack.
>80's cyber-punk synthwave aesthetic

Why does it receive more hate than The New Colossus?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because people on the internet who don't have sex with women are upset over having to play as a girl in a video game.


Because people on the internet who don't have sex with women are upset over having to play as a girl in a video game.

Not too bad for half a AAA price or lower on keysites.

The game is shit and Bethesda will shut down Machine Games and Arkane when it flops.

Because people on the internet who don't have sex with women are upset over having to play as a girl in a video game

>propaganda made by kikes

>killing nazis
>for the gorillionth time
>while helping commies
Stunning and brave

Because New Colossus was a shit game and people are worried it's in a tailspin.

There's two gripes.
1) REEEEEE I'm a nazi/white supremacist so reminding people that we killed nazis in ww2 is SJW TRASH JEW PROPAGANDA
2) Why does a franchise that has basically always use regular FPS mechanics putting RPG elements into a short game like this?
Only one of these gripes is legitimate.

>why do people think this new immersive sim lite in a franchise that is known to as FPS isn't good
Indeed why. Imagine if id software all of a sudden decided to turn doom into a horror game, how would everyone react? Oh wait

Are the girls cute?

They've got like 2 other games in development with Arkane, so no.

>implying that microtransactions should be acceptable ever
How did you become like this?

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dark haired girl is a qt

The last one looked cringe enough with the "white ass nazi pigs" dialog and this is by the same people

That'd all be great if not for the shitty, tacked-on RPG mechanics that shape and ruin the entire experience.

$0.02 deposited, etc

agree. It's beating a dead horse. Why not create a series that is set in an entirely different universe with nations, factions, technology etc?

I never played the other games but bbn bought this.
Gameplay is okay. But so far the dialogue has been cringey as hell. It feels very much like weird guy writing female dialogue.

Fuck off Todd

also this. Fuck microtransaction in full-priced games. Everyone who accepts this shit makes games worse in the long run

The New Order and The Old Blood had excellent storytelling and cutscenes. TNC wasn't as good but it had some excellent writing in amongst a kinda inferior overall narrative.

I don't want nu-Wolfenstein with *less* story. Especially not if you replace that story with Ubisoft levelled enemy mechanics,

Been playing it since about 5 this afternoon and can’t stop. It’s really solid. Haven’t put any money other than the 30 for buying it and still can easily get the items for microtransactions (which you actually can only use for the character skins.)

Easy purchase. Even playing it solo is fun. Only issue so far is that the AI fucked up once or twice and those areas with overpowered enemies are awful.

I'll deposit my dick into your ass, you punk ass bitch

/thread. I just bought New Order to prep for this.

Good thing this isn't full priced.

even if it's not full-priced its not acceptable

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>this isn't accepable in a full priced game
>It ain't full priced
>still bad lol
What a fucking retard you are.


>pirate switch port
>all that vaseline

reddit tier humor

only marvel made the quips work like that and people are already tired of their shit

I dont understand, why do they do these $30 spinoffs that are better than the main game? Do they not trust the masses to enjoy a good shootemup without a movie attatched to it?? Why do they let this one be more of a game? Similarly the Old Blood was a fantastic fast paced shooter, while the new order was a well paced adventure across the world and more like a movie.

Kill all de white peepole

Make dem pay

I dunno if it'd feel like a nu-Wolfenstein game without BJ monologuing to himself with a weird amount of eloquence. The writing in these games has been consistently great.

I agree. BJs Shakespearean monologues in his Texan drawl are my favorite parts

>Micro-transactions do not interfere with gameplay

There shouldn't be micro transactions at all, furthermore i seem to remember a time when cosmetic options were a earned reward for gameplay or finding secrets. I love that Bethesda made this game with all the baggage attached (Forced feminism,Micro transactions,obnoxious writing) its the equivalent of a tranny parade, onlookers are disgusted by what they see.

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Nobody cares about or is going to buy your Wokebait shit version of a once great franchise. Fuck off and go back to Sweden.

why are people in here getting their panties in a bunch about wolf being about killing nazis in an over the top borderline cartoonish way? Series been like that since day 1.

Do you get to see the girls' feet?


Yeah at this point it's so fucking overdone that just the idea of it is worn out.
What we need are more games where you indiscriminately slaughter communists

why not make a game in the wolfenstein universe but with the japanese empire.. I mean if "the nazis won ww2" then what are the nips doing?

They were betrayed by the evil Nazis because the Nazis are the most evil

Literally nobody is doing this

because Mutts

That would be pretty cool

Bcuz nazis bad kikes good

Because the way it’s being handled is pure cringe. It’s onvious that the writers understanding of the nazis is skin deep at best. Like those furries who dress up as SS.

You know exactly why.

How much are you people being paid to shill this hard? Or is this a personal crusade to ram this garbage down Yea Forums‘s metaphorical throat? Honestly curious.

>buy our game, emasculated bigot, social justice guilt always works on me so why not you

Bear children

>tfw multiple threads but nowhere to actually talk about it

She looks like a dude with mantits

But that would be cool and different, and it would also go against 70 years of propaganda

This is Yea Forums user. We don’t actually talk about games, just complain about them. Lurk moar.

>in an over the top cartoonish way
The problem is moreso how strongly it clashed with TNO which rode a fine line between weighted character stories inherent to having to fight an insubordinate amount of Nazis to restore what was lost, and the violent gratuitousness inherent to one man killing an army of Nazis by himself. Then TNC decided WE TARANTINO NAO and this one looks do the same but even dumber and with less charismatic leads

Childbirth? In 2019? What are you religious?


The thread this afternoon was such a shitshow half of it is replies to crossed out numbers.

literally how fucking new do you have to be that repeatedly making threads while ironically defending it against the hivemind's tastes is the basic template for nearly every game here

So it’s a personal crusade? Got it.

but the MUA3 threads were comfy before they died

I'll personally crusade into your bung

Bow chikka wawow

you're the cringe anonymous
just because your brown arse spends 8 hours a day slobbering over pictures of nazis doesn't mean anybody else is interested in them
To everyone else, it's just some abstract enemy

How long does it take to beat this game, as someone who isn't shit at shooters? I was gonna buy it for my friend and I assuming we can squeeze out more than 5 hours on a single playthrough

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I have just one question: any hot nazi girl penetration this time?

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Took me 11 hours to beat, but I played singleplayer.
It should take a lot less time with a competent partner, considering the single-player ai partner fucked me up most of the time

Thanks for the input, might buy it tomorrow then.

The best part about trannies invading Yea Forums is you can only tell me to have sex but I have sex regularly so it means nothing to me. Meanwhile I can say shit like "you are not a woman" and "you will never be a woman" and it will always be true and will cause you to suicide.

There's jagers or something that are basically elite guard, down to the skintight reflexive latex suits, but nobody on here is really playing the game, so no screenshots.

Attached: Elite Guard Collage.jpg (5120x3840, 2.65M)

>and it will always be true and will cause you to suicide.
That sounds rather contradictive. If you do tell them to dilate, which, as you say should prompt them to kill themselves, then gauging by the amount of times it has been said on Yea Forums for the past couple of months then nearly all registered transsexuals in the USA should have already killed themselves, or, if they were any wiser, they'd stop coming here out of fear of their mental safety and being told to dilate.
Yet, people keep saying it, even though its efficacy at this point is rather questionable.

Do you have an explanation for this?

It is a quite simple: any space with actual discussion needs to exclude trannies and leftists, who only care about policing the actions of others.

>who only care about policing the actions of others.
But by repeatedly posting 'dilate', you are doing the same by policing trannies and leftists

Unless it's free in no right world should you have to pay to unlock stuff in a game you bought.

Its better than TNC. More visually interesting environments and I can actually get into gunfights without one mook knocking down full health and armor in 2 fucking seconds.

Oh, I prefer playing female characters. I'd just rather shoot commies.

No one here is mad youre killing Nazis, they're mad you're killing Nazis for commies and racial commies at that.

Western "female" characters are pretty much trannies by default though.

Yeah but he said that's to get them out. You know cause they shit up the place. It's blatantly obvious that there must be trannys and lefties and /pol/fags for that matter who don't shit up the place. But by announcing themselves they need to be extinguished.

This. If you can't even see the girls' feet then the game is not even worth a cent.

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Arkane is somehow failing up. Aside from Dishonored 1 all of their games underperform, yet they somehow have multiple studios working on shit now.
And I say that as someone who really enjoyed Prey and Mooncrash.

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What led on this post?

They're not as hot.

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It has full body awareness. Bare feet not sure.

Because not even Bubsy spouts as many annoying one-liners and stupid shit as these two do.

>Nobody asks for another fucking Wolfenstein game
>Make one anyway
>Act surprised when nobody likes it

That looks like straight out of a PS2 game. Or even worse, like the NPCs in Goldeneye, that just had a single texture for a face.

Bad lighting.

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>A woman laying on the ground with her chest torn apart, organs and ribcage showing
>This is fine
>A woman in a revealing outfit

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There's a point where you're pushing your beliefs so fervently that it doesn't matter what it is you're just fucking crazy regardless of what it is. There's nothing wrong with having beliefs and opinions but when the only options are two extremes it's no wonder people say both sides are fucking stupid.

Nice Postal 2 mod, now please stop joking around and show us the real screenshot.

You could burn them to a crisp in RtCW, complete with them flailing around screaming.

In Wolf 09, you could gib/lop of body parts. If you hit their necks with a bayonet, you'd even them twitching on the ground as blood squirts from the neck.

Wolf has never been particularly shy about violence just because you're a girl.

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I know right. Hurting evil girls is my fetish.

Attached: Sniper Girl Penetrated.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>Game lacks good player options with only ugly ass women as a choice
>Game lacks fag options that they like
I don't even fucking care if it's the same person or not I'm just sick of it all.

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I think none of their game have had significant budgets, aside from Dishonored 1 and 2. Prey, for instance, had a tiny scope for an AAA game. So their flops were relatively inexpensive.

Man now that they've added women I can't wait until they add Nazi kids you can kill

Bro. Elite guard have been an enemy in Wolfenstein for a while . They were actually one of the better enemy types too, and people complained when they were removed in TNO/TNC.

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this bot sucks
t. Kenneth from Zimbabwe

dumb newfag

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This, but unironically

Why does a game have to be politically correct anyway? It's fiction. Can we not explore fiction unless it agrees with what the consensus is? Can we not explore ideas and characters that are distasteful or go against the grain? Let's say for example that an evil person of African origin obtained powerful technology, and used it to enslave the world with his fellow Africans. And then we could imagine that the resistance in this scenario would want to kill all the africans, and hate them. "Hey sis I fucking love killing niggers!" they would say to each other, as they romped thorugh the corpses of many evil African soldiers

Noooooooo my narrative

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>We will never go back to the simple days

Feels bad, man.

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didnt tnc start off with that wheelchair scene? it generated a lot of hype, it feels like the marketing team wasnt even trying this time around

Because zoomer brain absorb all that false imagery like a wet sponge, the later accept as reality.

Christ, you people are really fucked up in the head

>it's no wonder people say both sides are fucking stupid.
Yeah these people have no critical thinking skills so of course they think Nazis are just as bad as Marxists.I'm sorry but leftist ideology is a complete rejection of natural law and reality. No matter what argument you bring to bare Nazis aren't the ones telling people they should cut their weenier's off and parade around as women. "both sides are stupid" is laziest cop-out argument for dumb people.

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>didnt tnc start off with that wheelchair scene?
I found it ridiculous how many fucking articles that one spawned just for having a wheelchair section when it didn't last any longer than 10 minutes and was never done again
Not to mention FFVII did wheelchairs before too

>Nazis aren't the ones telling people they should cut their weenier's off and parade around as women
Instead they believe Jews are in the wrong for simply existing, and will deem a man immediately guilty if they find him to be Jewish without even so much as a fair trial or pretending to have a fair trial like Soviets at least did, which stands against the Enlightenment ideals of which Western civilization consisted of for the past three centuries and is nothing but pure barbarism and rejection of humanity.
WW2 wasn't a war about good vs. evil, it's about civilization vs. barbarism, and even the Soviets acknowledged the need to pretend to be civilised.

Grooming people into being transsexual isn't even part of any ideology anywhere, instead being the work of a handful of renegade schizophrenics of Discord instead of government-funded operatives. Marxism is a socio-economic theory, it's not some all-encompassing boogeyman for all the evils in the world, saying that shit only makes you look retarded.

You say that, and then you read the Turner Diaries.

Nazis themselves said that they were a rejection of the Enlightenment because it was making western culture weak. Empathy, compassion, humanism, and feckless intellectualism were bringing about the decline of the great western empires in their eyes (definitely wasn't WWI, nope).

lady killer crazy

>Playing with a stranger
>Start one of the raids
>It lasts almost a hour
>We finally get to the boss
>After that we have to kill more enemies
>We die
>"Well fuck let's do it ag-"
>Have to start from the very beginning
Man go fuck yourself that's just cheap that's juST FUCKING CHEAP.

Jew are liars and thieves by their own admission, their religious legal books "Talmud" instructs them to do so.

>what a jew steals from a goy he may keep [Sanhedrin 57a]
>'Even The Best of the Goyim Should be Killed' [Soferim 15]

>Grooming people into being transsexual isn't even part of any ideology anywhere.
[el chombo chacarron 10 hours]

Yes, so clearly, the best way to solve this is to kill anyone who has at least one jewish great-grandfather since culture and religion arises from genetics.

>Game is fun but has serious flaws
>bullet sponge enemies
>Only 4 hubs
>Enemies respawn each time you enter a hub (See flaw Nº1)
>Bugs with the bot sometimes walking, not following you and not reviving you
>Repetitive after a while
>...and yet you people complain because it has female protagonists and you kill nazis (In a Wolfenstein game)
Be honest with me, we're all anonymous so be honest:
Did any of you actually played the game or are you just taking this chance to talk about your disdain towards females and/or politics?

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>Turner Diaries.

Read that to see what all the fuss was about. Reads like some edgy 14 year old's fanfiction:

>The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its legend in large, block letters: 'I defiled my race.' Above the placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young woman, h, her eyes carved out, her agape mouth revealing a sheared tongue, intestines spilling out out onto the streets below from a jagged cut across her stomach. Below her and to the right of her hanging intestines were the contents of her womb: the corpse of the mixed race fetal abomination. Finally I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing into the branches above... There are many thousands of hanging corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, with Asians, or with other non-White males.

I guess that's why /pol/ seems to love it so much.

If they were actually playing this, you'd see more screencaps instead of just memes.


I didn't play it but I watched others to play it because the moment I buy and play devs already won my money and support. But the fucking rpg elements, ability trees, levels, one city as a map, story being just reach X levels go to Y place it all sucks.

> At least one jewish great-grandfather
I thought you weren't considered kosher unless your mother was jewish or is it religious. Who can tell with these fuckers they are simultaneously (x) then are jewish when it suits them.

>that fucking disgusting AO
raytracing killing this cancer when

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If you think I'm gonna play any of that drivel at all you're sorely mistaken, is all.
I'm content with not knowing what I'm missing, which seems to be a nice theme in the last 3 years worth of games

Because the characters are rejects from ghostbusters 2016 and the game has a clear political agenda beyond HITLER bad lmao. It's not just stormniggers who hate the game, it's normal people. It represents everything wrong with the game industry:
>micro transactions in a fucking single player game (even if they are cosmetic, if you are not a zoomer you remember a time when you could unlock shit or put in cheat codes to get it whenever you wanted)
>you have to use the shitty bethesda launcher to play a game you bought for steam
>woke pandering for trannies who don't even play video games.

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>80's cyber-punk synthwave aesthetic
pls kill yourself tranny

Yea Forums's hate boner towards Wolfenstein only makes me buy every game they release. I love it

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but killing nazis is fun, plus it's the entire plot of these Wolfenstein games. Why would you change the formula ? It would be too inconsistent and out of place.

>suddenly you kill aliens from outer space

wwooooowww so original

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oh you mean the simple days when they made wolfenstein games about killing nazis but nobody was fucking complaining like a little bitch ? yeah...

Play Wolfenstein 2009

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>Hah, I'll give these jews my hard earned money! That'll show Yea Forums!

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that fact that this political piece of garbage involves synthwave is a stain on the genre

i unironically love giving money to the jews - they deserve it. They've been through a lot as a people and i wanna help them out. If i get a great game out of it, that's a win-win.

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>western female characters

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>Nobody posted in my shitty bait thread for 5 minutes so I samefagged an even more baity """reply"""
The disgusting thing is Yea Forums fell for your second post

no one is complaining about the killing of nazis though you disingenuous faggot it's all about the spirit behind killing nazis and how all of the pandering lines up with values from people that call anyone that disagrees with them a nazi

Good for you, user! Just don't think that upsets anyone here. Your money, your choice. And our choice to laugh at you, and pity you for being so unexperienced in the field of videogames to think this one is even remotely good.

because back then the enemy being nazis had no "deeper" meaning.

OP you can stop bumping now.

The simple days when it was just an FPS about killing Nazis and the story took a backseat, plus no garbage RPG mechanics.

This is a current-gen game? That's embarrassing.

>the spirit behind killing nazis and how all of the pandering lines up with values from people that call anyone that disagrees with them a nazi
ok this is retarded. Good bye

user is not complaining about violence, user is making a comparison to point out that extreme violence agaisnt women is fine but somehow make women sexy and attractive cis not by SJW libercucks' twisted standards in gaming industry, which is showed in Youngblood, too.

Like the differences between these designs
flatchest, full cloth and unattractive
sexy and attractive

It plays more like "The Division" or "Destiny" rather than a Wolfenstein, with more strategic enemies with health bars that drop stuff rather than a swarm of enemies that rely on your good aim. It's more of a co-op RPG shooter than a traditional one, granted this is not a main series game, it's a spin-off, but that's not what Wolfenstein games are, and as such, fans will be more hostile. It's trying to attract the wrong crowd. It's not a bad game, but it's painfully, PAINFULLY average. Like Far Cry New Dawn (although my problem with that game was crap villains with no character and a generic story with forced RPG elements to boot.)

Learn to punctuate, faggot.

Who same posts, twice? Also, nice stereotyping, making yourself look bad.

>no argument
ok then, this is the truth you flaming faggot the people making these games are the same people that go:
the political axioms have shifted and all of this shit has taken on a completely different subtext from before which is clearly provable when you consider all of the pandering and the antifa marketing, it just isn't a fun game now that it doesn't feature nazis as villains for fun but features them laden with modern political subtext which is just the airing of some little faggot's personal political grievances

And then he did it again right here.

... Equal Rights, Equal Fights maybe?
... I don't fucking know even. It's doubled edged bullshit that doesn't make sense. A good example, GEARS 5 has switches to turn off gore and "mature content"... in an M rated game. At least you can turn on profanity in chat and have it fully uncensored. But it's turned on automatically. Turn that shit off if you are a real man that can take the shittalking.

Yeah, just keep downplaying and ignoring every bullshit implications about modern politics they keep shoveling into these games, I'm sure most people can be as dense as you and keep buying them blindly.

We are just in another social cycle, like the 1960's. Give it some time, it will fizzle out soon.

yeah it's the new moral panic it's just unbelievable no matter how far we seem to progress we still can't stop ourselves from having these waves of extremism in our value system

Because this time the people your helping are Communist.

By 2030 things will be like the 80's and 90's again. By 2050 we will have to deal with this shit again. Poetic bullshit.

>Equal Rights, Equal Fights maybe?
No, it's about the fucking shitty design of female character's appearances of this game, I already said it clearly, that's what this comparison about. How dense and slow can you be...


Cunt... You clearly did not understand that I was calling out on the bullshit, a sarcastic comment. You're the dense and slow one here pal.

I would probably really enjoy it with my bro.
But there's just something disgusting about the SJW side of the developers. The "punch a nazi" ads when people were actually committing vigilante violence on the streets, the strange alt-history that tries it's best to empower women and minorities to kill people who actually were brainwashed at youth... There's something wrong tonally and it's disgusting. A decent human being would never choose to turn a shooter into a political statement especially when the times depicted were far more important and horrible than they can even imagine in their privileged lives.

One of the good guys in the last game was a commie... hm.

Attached: 1538027891985.jpg (613x767, 101K)

Hold on? Yea Forums censors s... m... h?...

hope you enjoy the great writing

Attached: WYB_00137849.jpg (1812x1080, 683K)

The professional critic and journalists tell me it's bad

blaskowitz is literally a big white man who kills nazis and is the good guy. They are still working on his game, stop being retarded. This daughters game is just a side-game
just because they introduce modern politics into these games doesn't mean i have to care about them. I play the game, i could give a fuck about whether its politics are like the ones irl. But maybe it helps because i am not an american obsessed with this shit.
>inb4 not giving a fuck means you are dumb
ok, so be it

it makes me laugh so yeah. What's the matter - you never enjoyed a bad movie ?

Why though? People buy games because they enjoy them? There are going to be people shitposting about it, regardless of quality. I love these new Wolfenstein games, but I will admit that this one is just... average at best.

Nobody actually plays games, they just want to yell at each other about some dumb shit.

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>Blazko finds out about alternate dimensions
So is the Wolfenstein world the DOOM continuity or is the Wolfenstein world going to become Hell dimension or something?

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>>Micro-transactions do not interfere with gameplay and are strictly only used for purchasing new cosmetics which is optional.
Serious question do the cosmetics make the girls cute?

>Why does it receive more hate than The New Colossus?
Because you can't fix trash with more trash.

>do weapon skins and powersuit helmets make girls cute?
Are you retarded, user?

>blaskowitz is literally a big white man
they literally did nothing but spend all of tnc emasculating him what the fuck are you talking about, they also claimed all of white america did nothing to resist hitler which was a clear allusion to trump

You're telling me there's no cute dresses? Or twintail hairstyles? Fuck this kike shit desu

>when you've been around long enough to see bots post as roasties

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It's not the political strawman you're looking for as much as the fact that they took the campy but kinda cool style of TNO and OB and cranked it up to much into cringe territory. Being cartoonishly over the top is one thing but this is just pure cheese.

Yeah but now you have every game they release.

lol dude, stop going to fuckign pol...

He is not wrong and I despise /pol/

>no arguments
>screeches about /pool?
fuck off your sniveling partisan you're the one that belongs on /pol/

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>woke game in a ruined franchise developed by cuck devs that run on orange man with microtansactions +tax +tip
Oh yeah, im going to go out and buy my copy real soon. Real soon.....

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I got it with my rtx 2060, should I play it?

>levelling NPCS
>can only use certain guns on certain characters

Into the trash it goes.


>had some excellent writing
It was all shit, sometimes literally. It feels off from the start. In TNO and TOB, for example, you feel the respect BJ had for his old man. TNC starts out with a hamfisted cutscene where his father is depicted as a typical racist redneck wifebeater. And he later makes BJ kill his own dog (or kills the dog himself).
They fucked up. The only time he feels like the man BJ would really respect was that scene with monsters - which was actually a story BJ remembered in TOB.


Attached: wolfyoungbloodwriting.png (866x1643, 1.62M)

It's pretty common to have feelings of fear towards abusers which can manifest as respect, especially with father figures.


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Literally this. Retarded incels.


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>I'll take what is the Berlin Wall for 500

Because when you lose my faith in your brand I'm not buying your newest shiny product without a trust worthy friend's glowing recommendation

-Wolfenstein games all the way up to and including TNO / Old Blood
>Kill a bunch of Nazis and liberate Europe from wacky magic science
-Colossus and this
>Kill a bunch of Nazis who are intentionally given real life parallels to American politicians and political events that the developers disagree with while the protagonist assists communists, an ideology equally hated by Americans even before the cold war

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t. incel

t. Tranny

seething sjw swede

What the shit? Those models looks like something from early PS3.

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yes sjw losers who pay for wolftard are incels like yourself

But user, 2009 was 10 years ago.

RTCW is 1000 times better and that game is old as hell.

you are subhuman and have no rights faggot your parents need to abort you late with a shotgun to the stomach


people shilling non-Wolfenstein should be shot.. this but unironically. I'm not even joking, I'd kill you myself if I could.

well, user, i was going to buy the game (tm) but if youre going to call me an incel and tell me i should have sex...
if youre going to treat me like that...
then i wont buy your game
have a good day sir.

Anyone that calls themselves Jewish ethnically at any point for convenience or otherwise essentially follows all the doctrine of the talmud, regardless of faith in God. It's fucking amazing how Jews have been painted as one of the most tolerant ethnic and religious groups when their their entire religion is centered around ethnic supremacy

maybe mr marketer, if you made the girls have actual girl faces and not look like weird dykes, like in dragon age 3....but everything you sick people touch turns into a travesty.

you replace the main hero with 2 girls..and you dont even make them look like fucking girls.

what is wrong with you people? are you mentally ill? and youre going to tell me to have sex if i dont buy your video game?

says how shit your games are if i dont even pirate your games nowadays.

look, if i wanted to watch cuckold BBC porn i would ok?
but if youre going to switch the guy with 2 dykes that i cant even fap to, and put refugee propaganda....dont expect me to buy it while calling me an incel.

ok Chads how much sex do I need to perform weekly to be able to enjoy this game?

listen marketers, let me put some ground rules for you, so you can better understand what games we buy.
- no niggers, not even 1
- no refugee propaganda
- no faggots
- pretty women ONLY
- no dlc or loot boxes
- actual good fucking game
- if your team makes even 1 WOKE comment on twitter its all over

got it retards?

how blind are you

>Why does it receive more hate than The New Colossus?
Because the gameplay is worse by miles, it's even cringier somehow when the previous game was impressively cringey already. Look bethesda fags, I get you're paid to run damage control, but fuck off already, even the devs of this were worried it was gonna flop and relied purely on idiotic political marketing, which very obviously failed as anyone with a brain knew it would.

Your models are ugly as sin, you've fucked the gameplay with retard scaling, you've got mtx which no matter how much you whine they don't affect the game are a cancer just by merit of existing, your ai is trash which is worse than usual in a game where you're forced to use an ai partner if you don't want to play with other people. Wolfenstein is fucking dead, you've consistently released worse titles each time and constantly pump games out non stop

Make the MC Chinese and you have a perfect in with the Chinese market too.

insulting me and telling me to have sex will not magically turn the money in my hand into a copy of your game. ok?

you failed. you made a game full of propaganda against your core audience. and you insult us.
let the feminist dykes who have jobs buy your game ok? im sure they will buy it.

now i will spend my money on food and on my girlfriend. ok with you?

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Got this game along the vidya card but I have zero intention installing or playing Bethesda garbage

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Because the writing is a downgrade and the character's snarky remarks are fucking dumb. I like the idea of BJ having two tomboy daughters (as I said in another thread) and them being the protagonist, but their "humour" is the kind of humour that makes my brain lose brain cells. Nu-Wolfenstein's biggest problem honestly has been the shoehorned humour and how it frankly makes no one fucking laugh, the only good "jokes" were in TNO. TNC's humour was awful and so is Youngblood's.

On the other hand the gameplay is better than TNC, I'll give you that. But they shoehorned RPG mechanics that make no sense in a franchise that is supposed to be about classic FPS gameplay, especially when Machinegames has said ever since TNO has been released that they want to focus on classic FPS gameplay with no bullshit.

I am also mad nu-Wolfenstein still hasn't chosen Prague as a setting, we could've had Prazky Perak, the Golem, and the Knights of Blanik. But then again I should be thankful because they'll probably depict Prague wrong just like Deus Ex Mankind Divided did and will give everyone Russian accents.

Also killing off Hitler off-screen was a fucking mistake and made me lose all hope for the franchise.
>No Mechahitler boss fight
Fuck you Machinegames. Fuck you.

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